If the pancakes stick to the pan what to do. To prevent the pancakes from sticking to the pan and tearing, you need to add a secret ingredient. Pancakes are breaking! What to add

Calculator 05.07.2020

Almost every housewife knows how to bake delicious and beautiful pancakes, but sooner or later each of us is faced with pancake force majeure. And today we will try to give all the answers to the pressing questions of pancake makers: why do pancakes stick to a cast-iron pan, fall apart and break, and what to do in such situations. After completing our course as a young kitchen "fighter", we will surely be able to find and fix that hidden cause of failures and failures in the culinary field.

The history of pancakes has an incredible number of recipes. Someone likes fluffy cakes, while others prefer the finest laces glowing in the sun. Surely every family has its own successful and most tasty option kneading for pancakes, however, as on our website.

But be that as it may, even recipes that have been proven over the years can periodically play a cruel joke with us - when frying, pancakes stick to the pan, and when turned over they break. Familiar situation? Let's reveal the secret of the rebelliousness of these cakes and pans.

There are quite a few reasons for provoking pancake failures. Basically, if the pancakes stick to the pan and break, then the whole problem may be hidden in the following:

  • in improperly selected dishes,
  • the wrong way of baking,
  • or something is missing in the test,
  • or on the contrary, some components are in excess.

As a result, in order to get the most delicious and most beautiful dessert cakes at home, you need to separately and in more detail revise all possible negative factors in pancake cooking and correct them.

Pancakes stick to the pan and tear, what to do


The most important reason for pancake lawlessness, in fact, turns out to be unwanted dishes.

What's the catch here?

The thing is that in the pans made of these materials, during the heating process, the thinnest fatty film, imperceptible to our eyes, is formed, which protects the pancake from sticking.

You have probably noted that a heated iron pot does not even have to be oiled, and pancakes on such dishes come out ruddy and very tasty.

Read more in the article of the same name.


However, in relation to such baked gadgets, sometimes unpleasant situations happen - the pancakes stick, do not turn over and break. The problem lies in the mishandling of the dishes.

If the pan was washed with an iron brush before baking the pancakes, the protective grease layer has also worn off.

You can return this layer as follows. We put a dry frying pan on fire and heat until smoke begins to emanate from its surface.

New dishes

Another common problem for pancake makers is the use of a new, never-used pan for baking pancakes. This cannot be done, since a "virgin" vessel needs to go through a preliminary "run-in" to start smooth operation.

Well, fry at least an omelet on it before that, and only then you can bake pancakes on it, and they will not stick.

Also, in culinary failures when frying pancakes, the dough itself plays a special role, because the quality of the finished product depends on compliance with all recipe standards.

Pancakes are torn, what to add to the pancake dough

So, we chose the right pan, calcined it, prepared pancakes for frying, but the pancakes still stick. In this situation, the culprit may be the wrong recipe, or not adhering to it.

How to dilute the dough into pancakes so that they do not stick, and what should be added if the naughty dough has already been mixed.

Thin pancakes

In an effort to bake delicate, thinnest pancakes, some housewives often knead an excessively liquid dough, hoping "by chance". This is the primary reason for the unsuccessful dessert.

In a hot frying pan, moisture evaporates very rapidly from such a thin layer of dough, which deprives the cake of even the slightest elasticity and elasticity. As a result, the pancake turns out to be fragile, it breaks and strives to stick to the hot surface of the cast iron.

In this case, add a little more flour to the dough and mix everything again until smooth.


Another popular reason the pancake dough sticks to the pan is in haste. Having diluted the dough, we just want to start baking as soon as possible, which is fundamentally wrong.

Pancake mix likes to stand for half an hour, then it becomes more "accommodating". The thing is that during this time the flour releases gluten to the maximum, which will ultimately make the pancake denser and more elastic.


Undoubtedly, there are lean options in the database of pancake recipes, however, it is the lack of eggs in the dough that can negatively affect the quality of the finished desserts.

Eggs are a kind of culinary "cement" - an emulsifier that holds all the binding components of the pancake mix together.

Definitely, 1 egg will not be enough for 1 liter of liquid, but 2-4 eggs will already be very effective.

You can save the recalcitrant dough by adding a couple of eggs to it and beating the composition well until smooth. In addition, it is thanks to the eggs that the pancakes acquire a beautiful ruddy color and are baked faster.

Also, thin pancakes will not tear, if you add more eggs to the dough, then the flour deficiency will be invisible in this light.

The absence of eggs or their small number leads to some more problems in baking, we have proposed a solution to them in the following articles.


If, after adding flour and eggs to the pancake kneading, the pancakes continue to behave not in the best way, then the introduction of 5-7 tbsp. vegetable can save the day.

Such a measure will help soften the dough, create an additional fatty barrier between the pan and the tortilla, and give the finished pancakes a special flavoring effect.

In addition, such pancakes will no longer be dry, and will turn over without any problems.


If your recipe prescribes the use of baking soda, then add this white powder to the composition exactly as shown in the description.

Excess soda can not only spoil the taste of pancakes, give them an unnatural yellow tint, but also destroy the stickiness of the dough. Here, even without sticking, the pancakes will fall apart when turned over.


Who would have thought, but if you introduce too much sugar into the pancake dough, then such cakes will tend to stick and burn - the effect of caramel.

That is why sweets should sweeten the pancakes already in finished form using powder, condensed milk, jam or honey. And in the same batch, granulated sugar should be poured to a minimum.


You can season the dough with cinnamon, vanilla, cardamom and other spices, but be careful, as the excessive use of such flavors will lead to depressing consequences.

The strength of the dough is reduced, the integrity of the cake is compromised. There should be a measure in everything.

It would seem that pancakes are the simplest and most favorite breakfast option for many. However, some cooks are so unfriendly with these cakes that stick to the pan that even such an innocent child's request as to make pancakes for breakfast turns into a nightmare for the hostess.

It seems that I have already gotten used to managing the dough, but how to fry them correctly and how to lubricate the pan so that the pancakes do not stick is also important to be able to.

First heating

The first rule says that the pancakes do not come out "lumpy", pour a couple of tablespoons into the pan vegetable oil and heat the dishes until the first haze, and only then pour in the dough.


These ingredients contain water, which, when heated, begins to boil away, which leads to the dough sticking to the pan and pancakes burning.
You can read how to handle a frying pan in a detailed article on this topic.

  • The best grease for your skillet is a piece of bacon strung on a fork.
  • The bottom of the cast iron should be lubricated only once, before the first pancake, and the rest should be baked in a dry frying pan. However, if necessary, you can slightly lubricate the surface with a latex brush dipped in oil, or a piece of bacon.
  • For thin and medium-sized pancakes, select a medium or slightly higher temperature. For leavened, fluffy, as well as openwork pancakes - medium or slightly less than medium temperature.

Why liver pancakes fall apart

Dessert pancakes are not the only ones that need special attention. The highly popular liver cake snack also requires making liver pancakes as a crust.

This dish is very tasty, but the pancakes themselves can skillfully fray the nerves of the hostesses when frying, because liver pancakes fall apart when turning over almost always, if there is no proven recipe in the arsenal.

Usually, liver cake cakes fall apart if the composition is too liquid.

For 0.5 kg of twisted liver, ½ cup of milk is more than enough.

You can save the situation if you add flour to the dough, which will make it more dense and elastic.

What to do if thin pancakes are needed for an appetizer? You just need to take more fresh chicken eggs for kneading, then at the exit we will get soft and thin cakes. A pound of liver will need at least 3 eggs.

  • Starch will also help add strength to the dough. Only 1 tbsp. this powder can save the dish from complete failure.
  • Another common problem with liver pancakes is, oddly enough, the liver, or rather its excess in the dough. The liver completely deprives the dough of its adhesive ability, which is why you should not neglect the recipes of the recipe.
  • To prevent the liver pancakes from sticking and falling apart, they need to be baked in a hot cast-iron pan greased with fat or oil.

So we looked at all aspects of pancake failures. And also suggested methods of solving them.

To summarize, let us remind you that the pancakes do not stick to the pan, you need:

  1. Stick to the recipe and knead the dough exactly as prescribed in the recipe.
  2. Knead the dough until it has a uniform consistency, even color.
  3. To get rid of the lumps, for which we knead the eggs, flour and a little liquid until a thick, uniform mass, and only then bring the rest of the liquid to the desired consistency.
  4. Heat the pan before baking and grease with vegetable oil or fat.
  5. Bake the pancakes over medium-medium heat.
  6. Turn over a pancake baked on one side by first lifting the edges of the cake in a circle with a knife or spatula.

Following these rules, you will always get perfect pancakes, and the question of why pancakes stick to the pan and tear will never arise on your culinary journey again.

Two video recipes for pancake dough from the chef of our website

Povarenka has many more proven pancake recipes that you can find in the video or on our website.

How to cook a recipe for pancakes that do not stick to the pan - a complete description of the preparation so that the dish turns out to be very tasty and original.

It seems that there is nothing easier than making pancakes. But, every housewife knows that baking thin and translucent pancakes is a whole art. Sometimes, it happens, the dough is made by yourself the best recipe and the pancakes still stick to the pan.

If you know what to add so that the pancakes do not stick, then the popular wisdom that the first pancake always comes out lumpy will no longer be relevant to you. In order to avoid trouble when making pancakes, it is important to know certain secrets.

What to add? Vegetable oil!

The vegetable oil added to the dough will not only help prevent the products from sticking to the pan. The oil will make the pancake taste more intense and will reliably protect it from burning. Add oil to the dough just before the start of cooking, and then mix everything well. If there is a lot of dough, then stir it while frying, because oil accumulates on the surface over time. Knowing about the benefits olive oil... add it to the dough.

How to choose the right pan

If the dough is cooked correctly and the pancakes still stick to the pan, it might just be the wrong pan. To prepare this dish, each housewife must have a separate frying pan on which nothing else can be cooked. The metal from which this frying pan will be made is also important. However, this is not true for cast iron and aluminum pans. The fact is that during the frying process, a solid fatty film forms on these coatings, which protects the pancakes from sticking.

Even if you wash the cast iron or aluminum frying pan after making pancakes, the film will still not be washed off one time. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the next batch of pancakes.

How to reheat a frying pan

It is important not only to know what to add to the pancakes so that they don't stick, but also to cook them in a well-heated skillet. Before preparing the first pancake, the frying pan with oil must be very well heated, until a slight haze appears.

How to make the right dough

What to add to prevent the pancakes from sticking? Vegetable oil, but why can the dough stick even with this ingredient? Perhaps it turned out to be too rare. If the dough for delicious pancakes is too thick, then the pancakes will not stick, but they will look more like buns.

The quality of the pancakes will also be badly affected by the fact that it contains a lot of soda. Soda makes pancakes crumbly, but if you overdo it a little, the products will burst.

How to properly lubricate a frying pan

Another important culinary secret that must be followed to prevent the pancakes from sticking. It is necessary not to pour oil into the pan, but to lubricate it. You can take half a potato and dip it in vegetable oil, then grease the pan. This will help to distribute the oil evenly over the entire surface.

Sometimes lard is used instead of oil. This is an effective and proven method for a long time. Greasing with lard, all other things being equal, will help the pancakes not stick to the surface. The lard will also help you determine if the pan is hot enough to start cooking the pancakes. If the bacon melts on contact with the surface, then the pan is ready and you can start frying the pancakes.

Don't use a new pan!

Even if all the necessary manipulations have been carried out with the new frying pan, including steaming and piercing, it will still not cope with frying pancakes and will not save them from sticking. On the contrary, it is best to use the oldest frying pan for a hassle-free and fast process.

As you can see from these tips, it is equally important what to add to keep the pancakes from sticking, as well as which pan to use. Each housewife has her own secrets of making delicious pancakes. In this article, we've compiled some of the most effective tips to help you avoid sticking. Let your first pancake, as well as all subsequent ones, never turn out lumpy!

Delicious pancakes with milk

I have a dream for a long time - to bake a tall stack of pancakes, luxurious, such as in the most gorgeous photos on the theme of Maslenitsa!

But so far it has been possible to reach the desired height only once. The fact is that when we bake pancakes, no matter how much we put on the dish, for some reason their quantity remains the same! In my opinion, this is the main indicator of delicious baking :) So we love pancakes very much, even more than pancakes.

I tried many recipes for pancakes - and lush, plump on kefir. and openwork yeast. and thin, laced with milk, and even patterned pancakes in the form of pictures! They are all good in their own way, tasty with different fillings and by themselves. And recently I came across a very simple and easy recipe for pancakes with milk. So lucky that I baked a full portion twice a day!

Imagine: the pancakes are thin, perforated, and most importantly - it is a pleasure to remove from the pan! They do not stick to the pan, turn over very easily, there is a minimum of products, compared to other recipes, where you need a lot of eggs, but you get a lot of pancakes. In general, I recommend it.

  • 3 glasses of milk (glass = 250ml);
  • 3 eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar (or 1 if the filling is unsweetened);
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda;
  • a tablespoon of lemon juice;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of sunflower oil.

Pancake dough with milk:

Add salt and sugar to the eggs.

Beat with a mixer for a minute until fluffy.

Gradually, in 3-4 doses, stirring all the time, alternately sift flour into the dough.

Half a glass of flour - mixed - half a glass of milk - mixed - flour again until we add everything. If there are lumps in the dough, don't worry: I just beat the dough with a mixer after I add all the milk and flour, and it becomes fluffy and smooth, without lumps!

Pour a teaspoon into the dough baking soda, squeeze a little lemon juice into it, mix.
As I recently learned, it is better to mix the soda with the last portion of the flour and sift everything together into the dough, mix, and then pour the lemon juice into the dough. Then the soda will not be felt, and the openwork effect will be the same.

Then pour 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil into the dough and mix well or beat a little more. The butter prevents the pancakes from sticking to the pan.

The dough turns out to be liquid, pouring, and if it seems too liquid to you - resist the temptation to add flour there! The dough for thin pancakes should be what you will be convinced of when you start baking.

We grease the frying pan with sunflower oil (just grease it, not pour it, as for pancakes!) Just before the first pancake, then there is no such need - the pancakes themselves are perfectly removed!

Heat the pan well over the fire, then pour the dough with a scoop, and turn the pan with the other hand so that the dough spills over it in an even thin layer. Holes instantly appear on the pancakes! Thin pancakes are baked on a fire above average just instantly: make sure you turn it over in time!

We turn it over like this: we slip a wide spatula with a thin edge under the edge of the pancake (this is important, I have a metal spatula - so it is thin and removes well, but the plastic one, thicker, does not fit). We pry the pancake with a spatula (if necessary, carefully, so as not to burn ourselves, we help with the fingers of our free hand) and again! - turn over to the second side.

A couple of tens of seconds - and the pancake is fried on the second side. Use a spatula to remove the pancakes onto a dish. They will be fatter and tastier if, after removing from the pan, grease each one with butter.

So they baked many, many beautiful, ruddy, thin pancakes!

They are most delicious to eat right away, or you can make a beautiful rose, or rolls with a filling, or patches. or even a pancake cake. Such pancakes can be made chocolate - this is a separate recipe.

Why pancakes stick to the pan and break

Almost every housewife knows how to bake delicious and beautiful pancakes, but sooner or later each of us is faced with pancake force majeure. And today we will try to give all the answers to the pressing questions of pancake makers: why do pancakes stick to a cast-iron pan, fall apart and break, and what to do in such situations. After completing our course as a young kitchen "fighter", we will surely be able to find and fix that hidden cause of failures and failures in the culinary field.

The history of pancakes has an incredible number of recipes. Someone likes fluffy cakes, while others prefer the finest laces glowing in the sun. Surely every family has its own successful and most delicious version of kneading for pancakes, however, as well as on our website.

But be that as it may, even recipes that have been proven over the years can periodically play a cruel joke with us - when frying, pancakes stick to the pan, and when turned over they break. Familiar situation? Let's reveal the secret of the rebelliousness of these cakes and pans.

Why do pancakes stick to the pan

There are quite a few reasons for provoking pancake failures. Basically, if the pancakes stick to the pan and break, then the whole problem may be hidden in the following:

  • in improperly selected dishes,
  • the wrong way of baking,
  • or something is missing in the test,
  • or on the contrary, some components are in excess.

As a result, in order to get the most delicious and most beautiful dessert cakes at home, you need to separately and in more detail revise all possible negative factors in pancake cooking and correct them.

Pancakes stick to the pan and break! What to do?

The most important reason for pancake lawlessness, in fact, turns out to be unwanted dishes.

What's the catch here?

The thing is that in the pans made of these materials, during the heating process, the thinnest fatty film, imperceptible to our eyes, is formed, which protects the pancake from sticking.

You have probably noted that a heated iron pot does not even have to be oiled, and pancakes on such dishes come out ruddy and very tasty.

Read more in the article of the same name.

How to choose a pan for baking pancakes

However, in relation to such baked gadgets, sometimes unpleasant situations happen - the pancakes stick, do not turn over and break. The problem lies in the mishandling of the dishes.

If the pan was washed with an iron brush before baking the pancakes, the protective grease layer has also worn off.

You can return this layer as follows. We put a dry frying pan on fire and heat until smoke begins to emanate from its surface.

Another common problem for pancake makers is the use of a new, never-used pan for baking pancakes. This cannot be done, since a "virgin" vessel needs to go through a preliminary "run-in" to start smooth operation.

Well, fry at least an omelet on it before that, and only then you can bake pancakes on it, and they will not stick.

Also, in culinary failures when frying pancakes, the dough itself plays a special role, because the quality of the finished product depends on compliance with all recipe standards.

Pancakes are breaking! What to add?

So, we chose the right pan, calcined it, prepared pancakes for frying, but the pancakes still stick. In this situation, the culprit may be the wrong recipe, or not adhering to it.

How to dilute the dough into pancakes so that they do not stick, and what should be added if the naughty dough has already been mixed.

In an effort to bake delicate, thinnest pancakes, some housewives often knead an excessively liquid dough, hoping "by chance". This is the primary reason for the unsuccessful dessert.

In a hot frying pan, moisture evaporates very rapidly from such a thin layer of dough, which deprives the cake of even the slightest elasticity and elasticity. As a result, the pancake turns out to be fragile, it breaks and strives to stick to the hot surface of the cast iron.

In this case, add a little more flour to the dough and mix everything again until smooth.

Another popular reason the pancake dough sticks to the pan is in haste. Having diluted the dough, we just want to start baking as soon as possible, which is fundamentally wrong.

Pancake mix likes to stand for half an hour, then it becomes more "accommodating". The thing is that during this time the flour releases gluten to the maximum, which will ultimately make the pancake denser and more elastic.

Undoubtedly, there are lean options in the database of pancake recipes, however, it is the lack of eggs in the dough that can negatively affect the quality of the finished desserts.

Eggs are a kind of culinary "cement" - an emulsifier that holds all the binding components of the pancake mix together.

Definitely, 1 egg will not be enough for 1 liter of liquid, but 2-4 eggs will already be very effective.

You can save the recalcitrant dough by adding a couple of eggs to it and beating the composition well until smooth. In addition, it is thanks to the eggs that the pancakes acquire a beautiful ruddy color and are baked faster.

Also, thin pancakes will not tear, if you add more eggs to the dough, then the flour deficiency will be invisible in this light.

The absence of eggs or their small number leads to some more problems in baking, we have proposed a solution to them in the following articles.

If, after adding flour and eggs to the pancake kneading, the pancakes continue to behave not in the best way, then the introduction of 5-7 tbsp. vegetable can save the day.

Such a measure will help soften the dough, create an additional fatty barrier between the pan and the tortilla, and give the finished pancakes a special flavoring effect.

In addition, such pancakes will no longer be dry, and will turn over without any problems.

If your recipe prescribes the use of baking soda, then add this white powder to the composition exactly as shown in the description.

Excess soda can not only spoil the taste of pancakes, give them an unnatural yellow tint, but also destroy the stickiness of the dough. Here, even without sticking, the pancakes will fall apart when turned over.

Who would have thought, but if you introduce too much sugar into the pancake dough, then such cakes will tend to stick and burn - the effect of caramel.

That is why sweets should sweeten ready-made pancakes with powder, condensed milk, jam or honey. And in the same batch, granulated sugar should be poured to a minimum.

You can season the dough with cinnamon, vanilla, cardamom and other spices, but be careful, as the excessive use of such flavors will lead to depressing consequences.

The strength of the dough is reduced, the integrity of the cake is compromised. There should be a measure in everything.

How to fry pancakes so they don't stick?

It would seem that pancakes are the simplest and most favorite breakfast option for many. However, some cooks are so unfriendly with these cakes that stick to the pan that even such an innocent child's request as to make pancakes for breakfast turns into a nightmare for the hostess.

It seems that I have already gotten used to managing the dough, but how to fry them correctly and how to lubricate the pan so that the pancakes do not stick is also important to be able to.

The first rule says, so that the pancakes do not come out "lumpy", pour a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil into the pan and heat the dishes until the first smoke, and only then pour in the dough.

These ingredients contain water, which, when heated, begins to boil away, which leads to the dough sticking to the pan and pancakes burning.
You can read how to handle a frying pan in a detailed article on this topic.

How to grease a pancake pan

  • The best grease for your skillet is a piece of bacon strung on a fork.
  • The bottom of the cast iron should be lubricated only once, before the first pancake, and the rest should be baked in a dry frying pan. However, if necessary, you can slightly lubricate the surface with a latex brush dipped in oil, or a piece of bacon.
  • For thin and medium-sized pancakes, select a medium or slightly higher temperature. For leavened, fluffy, as well as openwork pancakes - medium or slightly less than medium temperature.
    Read more here ...

What heat to fry pancakes on

Why liver pancakes fall apart

Dessert pancakes are not the only ones that need special attention. The highly popular liver cake snack also requires making liver pancakes as a crust.

This dish is very tasty, but the pancakes themselves can skillfully fray the nerves of the hostesses when frying, because liver pancakes fall apart when turning over almost always, if there is no proven recipe in the arsenal.

Usually, liver cake cakes fall apart if the composition is too liquid.

For 0.5 kg of twisted liver, ½ cup of milk is more than enough.

You can save the situation if you add flour to the dough, which will make it more dense and elastic.

What to do if thin pancakes are needed for an appetizer? You just need to take more fresh chicken eggs for kneading, then at the exit we will get soft and thin cakes. A pound of liver will need at least 3 eggs.

  • Starch will also help add strength to the dough. Only 1 tbsp. this powder can save the dish from complete failure.
  • Another common problem with liver pancakes is, oddly enough, the liver, or rather its excess in the dough. The liver completely deprives the dough of its adhesive ability, which is why you should not neglect the recipes of the recipe.
  • To prevent the liver pancakes from sticking and falling apart, they need to be baked in a hot cast-iron pan greased with fat or oil.

Conclusion: what to do if pancakes stick and break

So we looked at all aspects of pancake failures. And also suggested methods of solving them.

To summarize, let us remind you that the pancakes do not stick to the pan, you need:

  1. Stick to the recipe and knead the dough exactly as prescribed in the recipe.
  2. Knead the dough until it has a uniform consistency, even color.
  3. To get rid of the lumps, for which we knead the eggs, flour and a little liquid until a thick, uniform mass, and only then bring the rest of the liquid to the desired consistency.
  4. Heat the pan before baking and grease with vegetable oil or fat.
  5. Bake the pancakes over medium-medium heat.
  6. Turn over a pancake baked on one side by first lifting the edges of the cake in a circle with a knife or spatula.

Following these rules, you will always get perfect pancakes, and the question of why pancakes stick to the pan and tear will never arise on your culinary journey again.

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Why do pancakes with kefir and milk stick to the pan and tear?

Why do pancakes stick to the pan? All housewives have asked this question at least once in their lives. How annoying it sometimes happens when something doesn't work out the first time, especially if it's a simple and so familiar dish! It would seem that difficult - to make dough and bake? But when not only the first pancake, but also the second and third come out lumpy, you begin to understand that something went wrong.

Why pancakes stick: the main reasons

In the preparation of pancakes, as in any other business, there are subtleties and nuances, and any violation of the rules can lead to a disastrous result.

Here are the most common reasons pancakes tear and stick to the pan:

"Wrong" frying pan

Ideally, it should be an old "iron pot" with a thick bottom or a Teflon pancake maker. Any food will stick to the scratched non-stick coating. The same result will be obtained if it is a new cast iron or aluminum pan. The whole point here is that the oil leaves a film on these metals that cannot be washed off the first time without corrosive substances. From time to time, the oily coating thickens, and the baking process is simplified. Better to have a separate skillet especially for pancakes. But if you cook them once a year for Shrovetide, then, of course, it makes no sense.

You can make almost any skillet suitable for baking pancakes by roasting the salt in it. You need to add the spice with a layer of 5 mm and a tablespoon of soda, mix and put on the included stove. When the mass becomes beige, pour it out and wipe the surface with a dry cloth. Lubricate the bottom and sides with a thin layer of butter or a piece of bacon - and you can start baking.

Not enough oil in the dough

This problem is perhaps the easiest to solve: you just need to add it, mix well and start the oven again. Remember that oil, like all fats, floats to the surface. Therefore, before pouring a new portion of the dough to fry, you need to mix it thoroughly. The pan, even if it has a non-stick coating, must be oiled before baking the first pancakes. Then you can look at the situation: if nothing else sticks, then there is enough fat. If the problem persists, it’s better to bake everything in butter than to discard the dough.

The pan was poorly or unevenly heated

Everything will inevitably stick to the cold bottom. You can check if the dishes are heated well by dripping a little dough. If it fizzes and starts cooking instantly, you can start baking.

Too thin or thick dough

As you know, it should look like liquid sour cream. Everything is simple here: you just need to add flour or milk until the perfect consistency is obtained.

For lean recipes the sticking problem is very urgent. Flour will improve the situation, but such pancakes are unlikely to be thin and delicate. It is better to brew the dough without eggs, that is, add very hot milk or water to the flour. Boiling water will give elasticity and nothing will stick.

An excess of this substance will give the pancakes a loose and unpleasant taste. This problem is perhaps the most difficult to fix. You can make another dough - no baking soda - and pour in the spoiled little by little, making a test pancake each time. The hostess will have to do this until she is satisfied with the result.

Why do pancakes with milk stick to the pan?

Milk is considered classical basis for making pancakes. Nevertheless, there are secrets here:

  • eggs should be at room temperature. Take care of this in advance - take them out of the refrigerator 3-4 hours before cooking;
  • choose only fresh food and quality flour. A dish prepared with expired ingredients will not only stick and tear, but also threaten with poisoning;
  • the flour must be sifted - then unnecessary lumps will not appear in the dough;
  • the milk should be warm.

Milk pancake recipe that never sticks

  • milk - 750 ml;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • soda - on the tip of a knife;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp l .;
  • flour - 400 g;
  • sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. l.
  1. Beat eggs and sugar with a mixer until they turn white, add salt.
  2. Heat milk in the microwave or on the stove, pour into the egg-sugar mixture.
  3. Quench the baking soda with lemon juice and add to the food.
  4. Sift the flour and add it to the mass in several approaches, stirring thoroughly each time until all the lumps are broken.
  5. Leave the mixture to stand for about an hour. During this time, the flour will swell, and you will see the real consistency of the dough. It should be like sour cream. If it turns out thicker, add more warm milk, if it's thin, add flour.
  6. Add oil before frying and stir well.

Why do pancakes on kefir stick to the pan?

It is more difficult to work with kefir as a base: pancakes on it turn out to be loose and easily stick and tear. To avoid this scenario, you can knead the dough in half with milk or water. Such ingredients will give it strength, and kefir will make the taste delicate and light. In this case, both water and milk should be very hot, almost boiling water.

Recipe for lacy "non-sticky" pancakes on kefir

  • kefir - 400 ml;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • flour - 400 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • soda - 1/2 tsp;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. l.
  1. Combine flour, kefir, eggs, salt and sugar in a saucepan and mix with a mixer.
  2. Pour soda into a glass of boiling water, stir quickly and pour into the dough. Mix thoroughly and leave for 10-15 minutes. at room temperature.
  3. Pour in oil and start frying.

There are not so many answers to the question of why pancakes stick to the pan: most likely, it's either the dough or the pan. This dish is simple, but rather capricious, requiring certain skills and dexterity. When preparing for the first time using a new recipe, it is better to carefully measure out all grams and milliliters. And then, having evaluated the result, decide what to add and what to remove. Over time, you will develop your formula for the perfect pancakes, and then you can safely experiment with tastes and textures.

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How to make lean pancakes that won't stick to your skillet

When I was looking for a recipe for lean pancakes, I reviewed a whole bunch of them and the reviews were very different, many people wrote that they did not succeed, and they just threw away the dough for lean pancakes. I was afraid that it would not work out for me either, but still hoped I could bake pancakes without eggs. But there were many and positive feedback that reinforced my desire and confidence that everything will work out.

I am happy to report that everything worked out for me and even the first pancake was not lumpy, and lean pancakes turned over even better than pancakes with milk. I didn’t point out a lot of them, because I was still worried that it might not work. I made 12 lean pancakes from my ingredients. My children did not recognize lean food in the form of pancakes, for them I prepared ordinary thin pancakes in milk.

I added starch to the lean pancake dough on the recommendation of one woman, where I read comments on the recipe for lean pancakes, I don't know if he played a role in removing the pancakes from the pan or something else, but the main thing is that everything worked out and you can safely use my recipe. One remark, I baked pancakes without eggs in a pancake pan, I don’t know how they would behave in a regular pan, I can’t vouch for the result).

So, the ingredients for lean pancakes:

  • Water - 350 ml
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • Salt - 1/3 teaspoon
  • Flour - 14 rounded tablespoons
  • Sunflower or olive vegetable oil - 7 tablespoons
  • Potato starch -1.5 tablespoons

How to make lean pancakes

Here is such an uncomplicated composition, I specially measured the flour with spoons for my amount of water. In general, the consistency of the dough does not differ in any way from ordinary pancakes with milk or kefir, which I cook not during fasting and during fasting, but for children).

To make lean pancakes, follow the recipe. We heat the water to a warm, but not hot state. Sift the flour. I did not photograph all these stages, I think everyone will cope anyway).

Pancake dough without eggs

Pour a little into a bowl with high sides warm water and we begin to mix the flour, I used a hand whisk, it breaks all the lumps well, I make a thick gruel in this way, then I add more water, bringing the volume of water to 350 ml, and the amount of flour to 14 tablespoons. After all the flour has been added, we introduce potato starch, if you don't add it, then I can't say 100% that the pancakes will lag well behind the pan.

I got thin pancakes. For lean pancakes without eggs and milk, I noticed one feature, they brown for a long time, if I kept a regular pancake in milk for so long, it would have burned out long ago.

I did not grease the pancakes on the water, since they already contain a lot of vegetable oil, and how to grease them in the post).

I hope my experience of how to make lean pancakes that will not stick to the pan will be useful to many fasting people. We ate these lean pancakes with jam, you can eat it with honey. I also thought that I could add a little vanilla to the dough, so I will do it another time.

You can also stuff such lean pancakes with, for example, rice or mushrooms. Here's a hearty dish. When my husband and I tried these lean pancakes, both of us thought their taste was very familiar and somewhat reminiscent, but here's what, we could not remember, maybe someone will cook such pancakes without eggs and write in the comments what they remind you of a dish to your taste.

We liked the pancakes, given that they are lean, then it is quite a good substitute for the usual rich pancakes. By the way, anyone who is allergic to eggs - this pancake recipe is just a godsend.

P.S. I made these pancakes without the addition of soda and vinegar, we liked them even more than with soda, so try two options and choose which one you like best.

With respect and love, Elena Kurbatova.

Pancakes with milk fluffy without yeast recipe

Lucky for those who have a good old cast iron pancake pan. They are also called "grandmother's" pancake pan and nothing but pancakes is cooked on it. She has one purpose - to give out pancakes, pancakes and pancakes "on the mountain".

She does it conscientiously, serving more than one generation of the family. It is passed down by inheritance and does not ask questions why pancakes stick to the pan and are torn what to do.

If you want to feed your household pancakes often, visit grandmothers and aunts and try to beg them for a cast-iron pancake pan, if your family does not already have such a pan.

Coax the elderly relatives (it is they who have such pans, but they no longer have the strength to bake pancakes on them) and beg, exchange or buy rare utensils from them. Connect all your charm and try to become the owner of an old cast iron pancake pan.

In which pan is it better to fry pancakes

If you can't get an old cast iron pan for pancakes, you can buy a new cast iron pan and. You need to ensure that the surface of the pan is as smooth as a well-deserved pancake pan.

However, you should know that the old cast-iron frying pan for decades tightly clogged all the irregularities and pores of its surface with a natural non-stick film of boiling fats and oils, and the new one will have to undergo a "run-in" with time and proper initial processing.

Even if you prepare it correctly the first time, it will take time for the pancakes to stop sticking on it, and you forget about the painful question of why pancakes stick to the pan and are torn about what to do with this upsetting fact.

Since not a single frying pan has been able to surpass cast-iron pans in pancake-making, we will now talk about what needs to be done with a pan for pancakes so that the pancakes "jump off" from it, do not stick and break during the baking process.

How to prepare a new cast iron skillet

So, what needs to be done with a new cast-iron pancake pan in order to get a helper in the family - a pancake maker.

You need to buy a cast iron frying pan from a trusted manufacturer. A Chinese frying pan will not work for one single reason - we need high-quality, preferably domestic cast iron, from which our new frying pan is made.

The pancake pan should have low sides. It is more convenient to turn pancakes in such a pan with a spatula, fork or knife. They will not tear or "clump" during the baking process.

  • Our ugly, black or gray purchase must first be washed from the technical oils with which the finished cast-iron dishes are coated at the factory so that it does not rust during storage and transportation to the counter.
  • Then wipe dry and put it on fire. Heat it properly, and pour a little (A little! Just a few tablespoons) of vegetable oil on it.

    If the pan is too hot and you pour oil on it in a trickle, it will immediately boil and begin to spray and “shoot” in all directions. Not only are these splashes of hot oil digging into furniture and walls and are difficult to clean, but there is a risk of severe burns. Be careful and careful!

  • Move away from the pan to a safe distance and brush the entire inner surface of the pan with a silicone brush or other grease so that the hot oil is applied everywhere, including the sides of the pan.
  • The heated oil will firmly clog the pores of the new cast iron skillet for a natural, non-stick finish. The very desired "smoothness", which ensures the "jumping off" of pancakes from the pan during baking. This is the advantage of cast iron cooking utensils, coupled with the uniformity of heating and the excellent heat transfer of cast iron.
  • Turn off the heat and let the skillet cool down. After using paper (you can use paper for printers) or thick napkins, carefully wipe off the oil from the entire surface of the pan.
  • It is advisable to repeat the previous operation several times.

    Do not forget to ventilate the kitchen, open windows or do it in the country. Oil burns out - smokes.

Before frying pancakes, pour salt into the pan in a layer of two or three centimeters and heat it until light brown. Then shake out the salt and wipe the pan well with paper again. You do not need to wash the pan after that. The procedure we have described is called roasting a new cast iron skillet.

We can assume that the new cast-iron skillet is ready for work. How diligently you carry out this first processing of a new pan will determine how quickly and easily you will cope with frying pancakes in the future.
By the way, it takes a long time to describe the process of preparing a new cast-iron frying pan. In fact, for all these dances around the purchase, half an hour is enough.

An old cast iron pan - what to do with it

A frying pan on which pancakes are fried or baked is exactly half of the success and a guarantee that ruddy pancakes will quickly grow in a heap on a plate and homemade pancakes will be able to taste delicious pancakes. But what to do with an old frying pan that you got not in perfect condition? Even if an old pancake pan is covered with rust, it can be reanimated.

For this, it is better to go to the men in the garage or workshop. They know better how to get rid of rust on metal. For instance:

  1. To remove rust with a metal brush-attachment on a drill.
  2. Soak in oil.
  3. Burn over the fire. Blow torch or on the coals of a fire.


Fire firing should only be done by an experienced person. Otherwise, there is a great risk of getting a cracked frying pan, which will only need to be thrown away.

Reanimating an old cast iron pancake maker

Based on the degree of neglect of the frying pan, we decide how to make it a pancake helper. You can use the method of applying your own paste to the surface, which will facilitate its further cleaning.

  • 1/2 cup baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon dishwashing liquid
  • 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide

Stir until it looks like whipped cream (add more peroxide if necessary),
apply on a dirty surface and leave for 10 minutes.

After that, we take a hard sponge, three thoroughly and clean the softened carbon deposits along with rust. It is better to involve a man in this business. Although not too physically hard work, it is more convenient for a man. Yes, and it is more useful for our hands.

The next step is to repeat all the operations for calcining the salt in the pan and rubbing it in with paper. The first pancake can stick, the next ones will easily turn over.

For greasing, we use a piece of unsalted bacon on a fork or gauze oiled with vegetable oil. For ease of use, it is tightly wound on a long stick or fork.

If vegetable oil is added to the pancake dough, then it is not possible to grease it before each portion of the pancake dough. But this needs to be discussed separately.

Pancake dough is the second half of success. In order for a pile of ruddy pancakes to grow quickly and sportively, there are two components: a frying pan and a dough. Well, and also the dexterous hands of a skilled mistress. But this comes with experience.

If the house does not have a good pancake pan, the acquisition of this experience is greatly delayed and overshadowed by spoiled dough and mood. The tried and tested cast iron pancake pan eliminates the very question of why pancakes stick to the pan and break.

For a long time, there has been an expression among the people about the first pancake, which must necessarily turn out to be lumpy. But, the truth of life is such that not only the first, but all subsequent ones can crinkle or, even worse, stick to the pan.

And then a reasonable question arises: why do pancakes stick to the pan and break? And the main thing is how you can fix it.

Why do pancakes stick to the pan? Not everything is as simple as it seems, but that shouldn't stop you. The reasons can be very different.

Why do pancakes stick to the pan

Briefly about the culprits of excessive stickiness:

  • Dishes, or rather a frying pan.
  • Flour of inadequate quality.
  • Errors in ingredient proportions.
  • The products included in the composition were added cold.
  • Not enough salt and oil, too much sugar.

To understand why pancakes stick, let's take a closer look at each point:

  1. So, what can cause pancakes to stick to the pan? First, there may be a problem in the pan itself. The pan should be cast iron with low edges. If you don't have a cast-iron one at hand, you can take an ordinary one, but with a thick bottom. To make it work, first heat the salt in it, and then pour it out, wipe it with a napkin and brush it with vegetable oil.
  2. The most delicious and non-sticky pancakes are made from first or highest grade wheat flour. It is better to buy flour in paper bags rather than cellophane bags. Note that the proper quality flour squeaks and does not stick to your fingers.
  3. Recipe with optimal proportions: Sift 300 grams of wheat flour and pour 1 liter of milk into it. Stir well to remove the lumps. Now add some beaten eggs 2 pieces, 1 tablespoon sugar, 2 tablespoons sunflower oil and 1 teaspoon salt. The consistency of the dough should be similar to sour cream.
  4. All ingredients must first be brought to room temperature. And then knead the dough for pancakes.
  5. Salt also affects frying pancakes, at least 1 teaspoon of salt should be added to the dough.
  6. Pancakes can stick to the pan and tear due to the excess sugar.
  7. Vegetable oil is an equally important ingredient, and among other things, the dough must be allowed to brew for 20 minutes.

How to solve the sticking problem

Still, what if the pancakes stick to the pan? Further actions are directly related to the above points. That is, it is very important to monitor the quality of flour and observe proportions. If you think the pancake dough is too runny and they stick to the pan, add more flour. If, on the contrary, the dough is too thick, then bring it to the desired consistency, gradually pouring in water or milk.

When choosing eggs, choose a medium size, because pancakes break if there is too much protein in the dough. And he, in turn, gives brittleness when frying.

While not enough oil can make the pancakes stick together in the pan, too much oil will deep-fry them. In this case, the dough is no longer torn, but the taste is no longer the same. Therefore, if you have difficulty frying due to the oil, add it to the dough. If it turns out to be an excess, you will have to add flour and milk (water) and knead everything again.

Pancakes often burst if fatty milk or kefir is present in the dough. How to solve the problem? It is very simple to dilute kefir (milk) in a ratio of 2 to 1. That is, pour the required amount of water into the prepared mixture, while monitoring the consistency of the dough.

To pamper your family with delicious pancakes, be sure to follow all the recommendations given. If something does not work out, do not be afraid to experiment, because everything comes with experience.


Sometimes pancakes tear and stick due to the wrong consistency of the dough. It may turn out to be too liquid or, conversely, thick. An easy way to dilute thick dough is to add to it the liquid with which it was kneaded: water, milk, kefir, etc. And if the dough is too thin, then try adding a little flour. All ingredients in the dough should be at room temperature, and in order for its components to mix well, the dough should be allowed to stand for 15-20 minutes.


If pancakes are baked in milk (or kefir) alone, they often burn. In this case, you can add water to the dough. Dilute milk by a third or half with water.


Sometimes the pancakes do not work because of the large amount of sugar. The pancake is already starting to burn from below, but the top does not have time to bake. And when you have to turn over such a pancake, it naturally breaks. So don't try to make the pancakes sweeter, but try to follow the recipe.


To prevent the pancakes from sticking to the pan and tearing, experienced housewives recommend having a separate pan only for pancakes. Cast iron is desirable, but a good non-stick skillet will work as well. You only need to wash such a pan with water, without using dishwashing detergents and, moreover, a dishwasher.


The first pancake is often lumpy because the pan is not hot enough. Therefore, it is necessary to warm it up in advance and strongly, and then add oil and reduce the heat to medium.


The most common reason pancakes stick to the pan and tear is because of the wrong amount of oil. There should not be too much of it, the pancakes can burn from this, but it should not be too small, otherwise the pancakes will tear and stick to the pan.

  • First, add 2-3 tablespoons of butter to the dough.
  • Be sure to grease the pan after the 2nd or 3rd pancake, and if the pan is new, then after each.
  • Remember to grease the sides of the pan, not just the bottom.
  • There are now special brushes or spatulas for lubrication, but our mothers and grandmothers used improvised means. They pinned a half of an onion or potato onto a fork and use them to evenly distribute the oil over the pan.
  • Experienced culinary experts recommend using a piece of bacon instead of vegetable oil.
  • If too much oil has accumulated in the pan, it must be removed. To do this, take a small spatula, wrap it with a napkin and secure with an elastic band.

shoulder blades

There are housewives who turn pancakes over with their hands, saying that this is the only way pancakes do not tear when turning over. The method is really convenient if you are not afraid of getting burned. Using a spatula, you can peel off the edges of the pancake and then quickly turn it over with your hands. And so that it is not too hot, you can work with culinary gloves. If such an extreme option is not for you, use a wide paddle with a long handle.

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