To dream of a cow for a woman. What is a cow dreaming of: interpretation from various dream books. How to see your ambition in a shepherd

Wood boards and products 31.01.2021
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A cow is an extremely useful animal, therefore our subconscious in dreams associates mostly positive events with it. Although when deciding why a cow is dreaming for a woman, one should not forget that even if the main object of night dreams is a positive sign, some actions carried out with this object can transform the interpretation into a negative one.

Many esotericists agree that a horned ungulate promises women to establish relationships with children. If an animal is large, has a healthy appearance - this is a sign of material well-being, thin and unhealthy - to poverty and disease. That is, by the appearance of the ungulates, their behavior, the emotional color of the dream, it is already possible to judge whether this animal has been dreamed of for good or sorrow.

Important! In India and most of the Middle East, the cow is a sacred animal. Therefore, it is possible that dreams involving cattle are inspired by your guardian angels, and not by external circumstances.

What is the dream of milking a cow

Those ladies who, in their night dreams, had a chance to milk a horned animal, need to remember the following points:

  • what build was the creature;
  • the amount of milk received;
  • emotional coloring from the work done;
  • milk quality - fresh or sour, odorless or odorless.

So, if the horned pet was well-fed and contented life, then this is significant prosperity, but if she had a black color, wait for bad news. A thin, frozen animal is seen to be at a loss, although in this case they will be small and will quickly be replenished.

A large amount of milked milk - good luck in business, provided that the dreamer makes the proper amount of effort in their execution. Girls who drank milk and felt the pleasure of its taste can count on receiving an inheritance. Women, whose milk is sour, should prepare for family troubles or the appearance of an envious person.

For business ladies, to milk a full bucket of milk - to success in any endeavors. Similar dreams seen married woman, predict a happy, carefree family life, and unmarried girls - a difficult relationship with her boyfriend. Most likely, your chosen one is only interested in material wealth, he is not able to show simple, dear human feelings.

Dreaming of a cow with a calf

A welcome sign for many women can be a vision of a calf in the night dreams, since this symbol predicts an imminent pregnancy. This interpretation is especially relevant for childless couples who want to have a child and have already lost hope for it. Young girls will also not be left deprived after dreams with a calf. They will meet a young man who will fall in love with them without memory, but will behave somewhat naively.

For married women who do not have problems with pregnancy, the dream in question promises the appearance of an obsessive suitor. Those who live in a city apartment where there is a spare room should expect a relative to appear. Probably, someone close will turn to you with a request to provide a free living space for their offspring for a while. In addition, dreams with calves can be interpreted as a prediction about the unplanned appearance of money in the family budget. It can be a bonus, a debt repayment, a small lottery win.

Attention! To see a dream where a calf is standing with its mother in a barn is definitely money. Probably, a person will unexpectedly receive a bonus at work, find a wallet with a large amount, or win the lottery.

The cow in the Islamic dream book and according to Miller

The Islamic dream book interprets the vision of horned ungulates mainly from the positive side and recommends paying attention to the following features:

  • eating animal meat - to increase finance or power;
  • touching the horns - a bright streak comes in life;
  • to see a feral animal - to new love adventures;
  • well-fed ungulates - to material prosperity, thin - to poverty.

According to Miller, night dreams with these animals are also signs of well-being and prosperity. If you had any strong desires, dreams, then in the near future they will come true. But, do not just wait for the Gods to deign to pay attention to you and give you whatever you want. It will not be possible to do without the application of labor, effort, knowledge, and accumulated life experience.

Sleep with a butting cow

In dreams, you can see how cattle show aggression towards the dreamer or butt an object, another animal, a stranger. So, if ungulates staged butting with each other - this promises professional growth, successful resolution of work issues. As a warning, it is necessary to consider a vision where animals, as a result of blows with horns, injured each other. This indicates that on the way to career growth, you neglect attention to loved ones. This should not be allowed, remember - we live not only for our own pleasure, but also for the welfare of our loved ones.

If the dreamer himself has become the target of aggression, one should expect an intruder to come to the house, who will not be easy to escort. Perhaps someone will come in to borrow money and will take a long time to talk about the purpose of their visit. Those who managed to escape from the butting animal or fight off it will be able to escort the uninvited visitor out without prejudice to themselves.

In addition, when interpreting night dreams with the participation of a butting ungulate, it is necessary to pay attention to its color. Red skin - to a possible fire or unexpectedly flared love feelings, which will bring many problems. Horned with a yellow color - to the growth of prosperity, receiving a bonus and other material benefits.

What is the dream of a cow for a pregnant woman.

For a pregnant woman, night dreams with horned ungulates predict extremely positive events. First of all, this concerns the upcoming birth and subsequent health of the baby. Everything will go great, the child will quickly gain weight, grow, he will be bypassed by the side of the disease. If the pregnant woman still has children, then they will be accompanied by luck, success in everyday affairs.

Esotericists recommend paying attention to whether the pregnant animal touched the horns or not. Those who have touched the horns can count on prosperity in the family, both materially and in the sphere of interpersonal relations. A negative dream refers to the one where you had to touch the horns of the ungulate, and at the same time it was milked by a stranger. Such night dreams lead to unpredictable spending, loss of a permanent source of income.

Advice! Worry less, our subconscious in the form of dreams with cows directly hints at the need to calm down, everything will be fine, the birth will be successful.

In a dream, feed the cow

Our subconscious, through night dreams, in which a person had a chance to feed cattle, broadcasts the onset of a favorable moment for new beginnings. Housewives can take on long-planned renovations or self-education. Business women are encouraged to implement the deferred plans, since right now they will bring the greatest benefit.

If in a dream you fed the cattle with hay, then you need to pay attention to the interpretation of this element. So, if it looks well dried, spreads a healthy smell of the meadow, then this is a sign of stability, a calm and comfortable life. Some dream books associate the vision of hay with fun, pleasant communication with the opposite sex. Thus, both the hay and the livestock feeding on it are auspicious signs, you will find not only success in business, but also a positive attitude for a long time.

Drink milk in a dream

In dream books, the interpretation of visions, where the fair sex had a chance to drink milk, is given mainly positive, with the exception of a few moments. Many esotericists agree that the use of sour dairy product- an unfavorable sign leading to a quarrel or separation from a loved one. The universe, thus, hints that your feelings "sour", stagnated and the continuation of further relationships is inappropriate. On this occasion, do not be upset, submit to the will of fate and move on to the next stage of life, where new impressions and opportunities await you.

If fresh milk means changes in health, those who will recover more, and healthy people, on the contrary, you should protect your body from unnecessary stress, try to consume more in the near future useful products... A number of dream books interpret the steam product as a symbol of gossip and rumors. Drinking hot milk is hard work, but it will bring excellent results that will improve your material well-being. For those who have dreams of drinking milk at night before a long trip, it makes sense to hope for a successful travel outcome.

Our subconscious mind has its own view of things, which is why sometimes it is so difficult to guess what a particular image symbolizes in a dream. A simple example is a cow. What is it? Peaceful Burenka promising wealth and a quiet life? Aggressive creature with horns, a symbol of danger? Anything else? To figure it out, you need to remember the dream in all its details and analyze your attitude towards them.

General interpretation of dreams about a cow according to different dream books

If we recall Russian folklore, the cow appears in it as a wise counselor, helper, nurse ... That is, an exceptionally positive character. However, not all interpreters of dreams are in solidarity with fairy tales. For some, a horned pet is alarming, and sometimes frankly frightening.

  • According to Miller's dream book, the cow, as the main symbol of peasant prosperity, promises material benefits, profit or career takeoff.
  • Dream Interpretation Vanga considers her a symbol of emotional experiences and anxieties.
  • Freud saw in the images of livestock the subconscious readiness of a person to spend a serious amount on something that had been conceived and needed for a long time. And also - a sign of good health.
  • The dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima indicates: a strong and beautiful cow dreams of a rich life and success in business, sick and tired - to problems. If you have dreamed of just such, it's time to gather your strength and put in order everything that you have recently started up.
  • But the dream book of the White Magician, on the contrary, predicts that an unpleasant situation will be resolved by itself without effort on your part. Be patient.
  • Dream Interpretation Hasse is convinced that a cow in any sense means good luck: well-fed - monetary profit, thin - fun.
  • The 21st century dream book is also in solidarity with its predecessor. In his interpretation, Burenka portends good news, stormy parties and meetings with friends.
  • Family dream book verdict: you saw a smooth and well-fed animal - wait for an addition to the family. In a dream, the cow barely kept on skinny legs? Quarrels, enmity and slander are coming to you. Do not react to the ridicule of ill-wishers - the nerves will be more whole.
  • The mooing of a cow promises some frustration, so when you hear it in a dream, wash yourself three times in the morning with running water from the tap and let go of your night vision.

Interpretation depending on gender

Most often, a cow appears in dreams with good news.

  • If a cow dreamed unmarried girl, it's time for her to get ready for marriage. And what family life will result in and what the spouse will be like, they guess by the appearance of the dreamed cattle. The nicer and more peaceful it is, the better.
  • For a married lady, a dream portends unexpected help from an influential person, and a woman with children - health and a streak of good luck for all her offspring.
  • Freud believed that the cow in a woman's dream reflects the abundance of complexes in the hostess. The same animal, dreamed of by a man, reproaches him for a lack of attention to some person. Maybe you are ignoring the person who is drawn to you?

Big or with big horns

  • A large animal with a shiny coat that appeared in a dream is the kindest of signs. Something very good will happen to you soon. And it is possible that a long-conceived desire, which you have almost given up on, will come true.
  • Powerful and beautifully curved horns herald a period of prosperity. It is especially good if you touched them in a dream: in this case, you can consider that you have reached the fabulous cornucopia, from which gifts of fate are about to fall on you.
  • The only case when this rule does not apply is if in a dream you touched the horns of a cow that was milked by another person. Then you will have a major financial gap and, most likely, through your own fault. It can also mean that someone is going to use you for their own purposes.
  • Was the cow without horns at all? The peace of mind of all your family members is at stake. Be careful with new acquaintances and do not trust random people.

If you dreamed of a whole herd

For young people, a herd dreaming at night means a party in a club with a fun get-together

Remember exactly how you saw cows in your dream?

  • Several animals, leisurely moving on the lush green grass, mean peace in the family. If you have a conflict with one of your relatives, it's time to try to extinguish it.
  • Another version of the interpretation believes that a dream predicts a safe completion of affairs for you, but you will have to make a lot of efforts to achieve this.
  • If in a dream you understand that the cows belong to you, expect profit.
  • If you are a shepherd, your career is nearing, and in a leadership position. However, it will not be easy for you to gain the respect of your subordinates, the team will not be easy.

Together with another animal

  • Burenka came to you in a dream not alone, but with calves? Either you are too worried about your children, or you have just made some important decision and doubt if it is correct. Calm down: you did everything right. And if the calf also chews grass, get ready to count the profit.
  • Some dream books invite you to think about your behavior when you see a calf. Are you too dependent on another person? Do you know how to make independent decisions?
  • A bull next to a cow means wealth.
  • In most cases, a horse portends success and a variety of benefits from material to highly spiritual, which increase if the animal dreams together with a cow. One minus, in order to achieve them you will have to "plow like a horse." In general, the interpretation of sleep depends on the form in which both animals appeared in it. Well-groomed and playful - for good, dirty and haggard - for negative events.

Interpretation by color

Red cow - good luck in love

  • Black Burenka dreams of illnesses, envious intrigues and unforeseen large expenses.
  • There are differences of opinion about the white dream book. Some believe that she portends good news and wealth, while others associate this image with tears. What will come true? Depends on your mood, so don't let anxiety confuse you.
  • A black and white cow often dreams of a wage increase.
  • Redhead is a sign of complete prosperity and joyful surprises from fate. For women, she brings success with the opposite sex.
  • If in a dream you met a red cow, it is a reflection of an emotional shake that you recently experienced. Take the weekend to relax and de-stress. But if you yourself repainted the animal, your life is pretty boring. The subconscious mind is tired of hinting and actively demands change!

Local interpretation

  • If you dreamed of an animal wandering in tall grass in a meadow, soon you will be able to solve all the problems and get the best of your ill-wishers.
  • We saw a cow on a farm, in a stall or in a house - finances will flow like a river.
  • Dreamed of a Burenka wandering in clear water? Your efforts will pay off handsomely. In a dirty one - you will be engaged in an empty business that will take a lot of energy.

Actions with an animal

  • Good luck hurries to the one who strokes and hugs a cow in a dream.
  • Who milks her, he is close to the fulfillment of the most cherished desires.
  • Whoever feeds is given a chance to reach great heights in all spheres of life, but always through hard work.
  • He who grazes will soon rule over other people. Perhaps it's time for you to try on your boss's chair?
  • Whoever sells a cow in a dream will in reality lose a large amount or spend it on an unnecessary purchase.

Aggression from Burenka

If Burenka chased you in a dream, look for enemies in reality

  • For whom Burenka chases, the enemies sharpen their teeth on that. Mad cow - you definitely pissed someone to the limit!
  • If in a dream a cow tries to hook you with a horn, you are in danger of failure and parting. Be careful and don't borrow anytime soon. Another interpretation: you too often give vent to your anger, which causes others and your reputation to suffer.
  • But if the animal did catch up and butted you, this signals that you will soon get rich.

Pregnancy or Calving

  • A pregnant animal is interpreted unambiguously as good sign... Either the wallet will become much thicker, or a "offspring" is expected in your family, and the most real one.
  • Roughly the same means a giving birth cow, with one amendment: if in a dream you take birth from Burenka, fuss around her and try to help, soon someone will help you too. Not by deed, so by a reasonable word.
  • If childbirth occurs in the dream of a pregnant woman, the subconscious mind tries to warn: minor complications are possible during her own childbirth. Do not be afraid, just decide in advance on the maternity hospital, find good doctor... and don't worry about anything.

Sick, wounded, dead

  • If a cattle bursting with health symbolizes prosperity, it is not surprising that after a dream of a sick cow, you will find a gap in the family budget. Save money - don't plan big purchases, don't take out a mortgage and carefully control your expenses.
  • A dead (dead) cow is a sign that you do not feel solid ground under your feet and are afraid of the future.
  • ... Or is it a hint of a conflict brewing between you and one of your close relatives. Be more restrained so that it does not have devastating consequences.
  • If you killed a cow, troubles are coming in the service.
  • The severed head of a cow dreams of diseases, but they will not last long. The pig in this regard is a much more negative sign.

Flying and talking

  • Frivolous people dream of a cow flying overhead. Watch your behavior: gossipers do not need much to spread rumors discrediting you.
  • But it could be otherwise. If the flying cows aroused joyful feelings in the soul, this is for the fulfillment of desires.
  • According to Aesop's dream book, a talking cow means that you literally have no one to spill a word with, even if formally there are a lot of people around. Take a trip, sign up for courses of interest, meet on the street eventually. You need communication with like-minded people like air.
  • Surreal night vision, in which a cow in a house apron is setting the table, requires attention to the needs of her soul mate. A loved one suffers without your attention!

Despite the fact that dream books interpret the image of a cow in different ways, in most cases this kind, docile and docile animal portends good changes. Money, addition to the family, fulfillment of desires. Set yourself up for this.

Quick jump to interpretations

Vivid, unusual dreams are better remembered and leave ambiguous impressions. Although the cow is not an exotic animal, visions with her participation can be full of mysteries. It is not for nothing that she appears in folklore works, many signs and beliefs are associated with her. In the culture of many peoples, the cow is a symbol of wealth, fertility and endurance. Therefore, the presence of a cow in dreams is a good omen, especially if a woman dreams of her. You just need to remember the details of the night vision in order to correctly interpret the dream.

A cow in a dream: folk wisdom

Nature has made women responsible for the birth and upbringing of children. Among the people, it is the cow that is considered a symbol of motherhood, fertility, harmony. This is the personification of Mother Earth herself, which feeds all living things. Therefore, you can safely trust the information folk dream book... Night visions involving a cow cannot carry negative emotions; on the contrary, they are considered a good sign. Indeed, in folklore, a cow is a cow, a nurse, a helper, an adviser. Before proceeding with the interpretation of your dreams, the dream book invites you to remember all the details of the dream.

The most common types of dreams:

  • the cow grazes peacefully in the pasture - to wealth and prosperity;
  • the cow drinks water - to the realization of all desires;
  • milking a cow - to a quick profit;
  • selling a cow - to a loss in business;
  • a fat cow - to well-being, a skinny one - to vain efforts.

If you dreamed about a cow of an unusual color, for example red, you should be careful, you are in danger. Otherwise, the interpretation of the colors is as follows:

  • The white cow is an auspicious symbol. It is believed that she is a harbinger of good luck in all matters.
  • The black cow is sadness. You are facing unplanned expenses or poor health.
  • Red cow - success, prosperity. Sleep indicates that you are full of strength and energy, so you can achieve the desired goal.

Women's dream book

The cow is associated with home, comfort, and in the wedding ceremonies of some peoples - with the bride. Therefore, women have a special attitude towards this animal, especially if there is a cow with calves in a dream. This is a good sign that you are on the right track to achieving your goals. For a young woman, this dream has the following meaning: in the near future you will have to know the joys of motherhood. Although there is another interpretation of such a vision - unplanned chores and worries. To dream of a cow calving is a new perspective, your success will surprise and delight loved ones.

If a woman dreams of a dead cow, then she will face financial difficulties. A vision in which a woman butchering the carcass of an animal testifies to the disorder and confusion in the face of existing problems. A dream in which you kill a cow, on the contrary, is a harbinger of good news. You will be able to overcome all your problems. Dreams associated with a sick cow predict tedious worries. You should be afraid of visions in which a cow is chasing you, the intrigues of ill-wishers are possible. Although sleep can have another meaning: receiving an unexpected inheritance.

Hearing a cow mooing in a dream is a harbinger of anxiety. It is believed that a woman will have to shed a lot of tears due to all sorts of problems. If the cow mooes, but at the same time flies, then you can count on improving things, including in terms of health. Especially if you can clearly see that you are petting the animal. If you have a vision of a vigorous cow, do not immediately assume the worst development of events. Usually this is a harbinger of quarrels and attacks of enemies, but if a cow raised a woman on her horns - to honor and respect. True, you have to work hard for your own success.

Male dream book

In general, for a man, dreams associated with a cow predict a prosperous course of life. Even if there is an aggressive cow or bull in the vision, this does not mean that it is worth waiting for an opponent or enemy to appear. Perhaps the dream reflects your intemperance and impatience, you need to reconsider your behavior. In this way, you can avoid conflicts at work and in the family. If in a dream cows butt each other, in the near future you will have good luck in business. It's a good sign to stroke and milk a cow, new lucrative contracts await you. If a man feeds a cow, then he will be able to achieve a high position in society.

Often for a man, a cow is a symbol of a woman who is next to him. If there is a cow in the vision, peacefully chewing hay, it means that you are striving for a calm family life... The talking cow is a symbol of loneliness, you need to find yourself a mate. Seeing yourself as a shepherd means family troubles, you will have to solve the problems of loved ones. A herd of cows promises a man a pleasant pastime, he will have fun in the company of friends. If a man sees that a cow is calving, it means that in the near future he can hope for the appearance of an heir.

For a man, a dead cow - bad sign, this is evidence of financial problems. You may be facing dismissal or you may not be able to repay the debt. If a man killed a cow and prepares a dish from her meat, then things will go well, everything will be fine. It is worth fearing a dream, in which there is an animal with two heads, soon a man will face dishonest, two-faced people. A burenka who enters the garden or stands in the water promises losses. But the dream in which you are riding a cow predicts joyful events. If in a dream the animal obediently follows you - expect a rich inheritance.

Love dream book

For young people who dream of love, seeing a cow in a dream is a good sign. In the near future there is a chance to meet your soul mate. Especially if there is a cow with calves in a dream, it means that a wedding will take place in the near future. Moreover, the appearance of the animal plays an important role. A light, affectionate cow - to a good companion in life. If a girl dreamed of a beautiful cow without horns, she will meet a man with a stubborn character. Perhaps this meeting will bring suffering and problems, you will have to adjust to the interests of the chosen one.

If a girl dreamed of a wild bull, she will have to go through vivid love adventures. Moreover, there will be no end to the boyfriends, but there is a possibility of making dangerous acquaintances. If you dream of a cow walking nearby, then you are neglecting a loved one. Perhaps this is the second half, it is worth reconsidering your views. Another sign of your inattention to what is happening around you is the cows butting the hedge. Higher powers urge you to reflect on your life. If lovers who are in a quarrel milk a cow in a dream, then reconciliation will soon follow.

Family dream book

For family people, dreams related to cows have a special meaning. After all, this animal has long been considered a symbol of wealth in the house. The state of family affairs in reality depends on what image the cow appeared in a dream in. A beautiful, healthy animal portends a prosperous life, and a childless couple - the birth of a child. A dream promises prosperity and wealth in which a man or woman leads a cow on a rope into the house. If the animal climbs the mountainside, then the married couple will not experience hardship and need. A cow with an asterisk in its forehead is for an early guest, it's time to start preparing for his arrival.

If a woman dreamed of a vigorous cow with powerful horns, it means that she has to face a rival. Promises trouble and a dream in which the burenka eats apples. The insatiable homewrecker will try to embroil the spouses. If in a dream you are looking for a lost cow, it's time to think about your relationship with children. Perhaps you have ceased to understand your child, he has his own interests and hobbies. Another warning sign of family trouble is an unusual vision in which a cow treats you to food. Such a dream signals problems in the family, loved ones do not have enough of your attention.

When a sacred animal appears to a person in a dream, this is considered a special sign. A symbol of respect and reverence from the higher powers.

The ancient Slavs, as well as the Hindus, considered the cow a sacred animal. It was the cow that gave birth to the whole world and the supreme gods of the Slavic pantheon. This animal is revered and respected in India to this day. The cow symbolizes fertility, abundance, goodness. Wisdom and calmness emanate from this animal.

So, let's figure out what the cow is dreaming of. As the Slavic dream book correctly notes, a cow that has come to sleep gives the sleeping person a blessing from higher powers. If an animal visited you that night, then you should pay attention to the details in order to correctly understand what the cow dreamed of.

  • The size and age of the animal.
  • Gender and quantity.
  • Colors.
  • Where we met.
  • Animal behavior.
  • Your behavior.

If in a dream a cow is huge, such that because of it you cannot see the sky, then something very serious and fateful will happen to you. If a cow in a dream is of normal size, then this is a sign that nothing bad will happen to you in the near future, everything will be safe and calm in an amicable way.

If you dreamed about a little cow, no bigger than your palm, then this speaks of a little luck that awaits you in the next two or three days. Such a cow, if you look into the Vedic dream book, speaks of the divine principle within you. If you dreamed of a cow with a calf, then pleasant chores around the house await you, and perhaps one of your loved ones will inform you about the replenishment in the family.

To dream of a cow of a respectable age - to a comfortable and happy old age. Everything that you will do today will go to the piggy bank of good deeds, which will come back to you a little later. Why is a middle-aged cow dreaming, and even plump, and with large white horns, Vanga's dream book will answer - such a dream predicts you a happy, prosperous life.

If a woman dreams of a dead cattle, then such a dream portends temporary difficulties that you will have to face. Also, a dead cow, as the noble dream book says, can dream on the eve of major changes in life, such as changing jobs, moving, divorce.

  • If a girl with a horned calf dreamed of a girl, then soon she will meet a worthy young man who will relieve her of the worries associated with work and offer marriage.
  • If a cow with a calf dreamed of a man, then such a vision promises a meeting with a wise, sedate and calm woman, with whom it will be easy to build family happiness.

If a woman dreamed, then soon love adventures await her, but I must say that the newly made boyfriend will be more inclined to active action than beautiful words and romance. A bull in a man's visions says that it is time for him to learn to pull himself together and control all his emotions. Because the "red rag" in his life will appear more and more often.

Why a herd of cows is dreaming is not so difficult to understand: usually the herd speaks of a large number of events that await you. Moreover, events will change at such a speed that you will not always be able to keep up with them. Seeing a herd of cows in a dream also means that next year will be especially successful for you.

If you dream of bulls, this means there will be no end to the suitors. But be careful and choose the one to whom you have a heart, and not the one who first crosses the finish line. If you dream of bulls and cows, of which there are so many that you cannot even count them, then this suggests that soon your most cherished dreams will begin to come true.


Seeing a cow in apples in a dream, for example, a white one with black spots, means that you are a peaceful nature, but something can also make you mad. Therefore, a situation may soon occur that will be completely unexpected for you.

1. If a cow dreams of a redhead, then wealth awaits you. Such visions are dreamed on the eve of a large receipt of money, be it a salary or an inheritance.

2. Why is a black cow dreaming, the Slavic dream book answers: a dark-colored cow usually warns us about a future quarrel with a loved one or about a conflict at work. Another option for what a black cow is dreaming about is offered by Miller's dream book - such a vision speaks of your internal changes. More materialistic plan.

3. White cow, on the contrary, means that you are growing spiritually. But do not forget that you will not be able to feed on the energy of the sun for a long time and you should not lose some practicality.

  • Let's look at the Indian dream book: a white cow is a symbol of benevolent people.
  • If in front of you is not only a white cow, but also a young white heifer, then this suggests that it will help you in your spiritual quests. close person, or soon you will find your spiritual master.

Animal behavior and your actions

If you dream of horned ones who calmly walk next to you, let themselves be stroked, then this is a symbol of future prosperity and prosperity. This means that in order for everything to be comfortable, you practically do not need to do anything.

To graze a cattle with a calf in a dream means prosperity in the field of finance. Soon you will be able to start your own business, which will bring you abundant rewards in the form of serious dividends.

  • If a beast attacks you in a dream, it means that a good life it will not be easy for you. You will have to meet your fears and anxieties and, overcoming them, achieve what you want.
  • The answer to the question of why a cow is dreaming when it attacks is given by the Vedic dream book, considering it a symbol of obstacles on the way.
  • If an animal attacks you along with the bulls, this means that it is worth changing the tactics of your actions and choosing what the samurai offer is to calm down and wait for the body of your enemy to swim by.

If cows in a dream pierce the hedges standing nearby with their horns, then higher powers want to pay attention to your behavior. Apparently, you are once again stepping on the same rake. If you dream of a cow butting, then soon you will be called on the carpet to the authorities. Be calm and confident, and then everything will go well.

You can also find the answer to the question of why a cow is dreaming if she butts, in the Vedic dream book - such a vision means that it is time for you to think not only about what you are doing, but also about how you are doing it. Perhaps your work lacks quality.

To run away from an animal in a vision - says that you are running from problems and do not want to solve what, one might say, already "breathes down your back." Do not accumulate problems, solve them and sleep well. Also, to run away from bulls is to hide from yourself.

Milking a cow in a dream - to the appearance of your wealthy and very conscientious admirer. Soon you will become a part of his big and friendly family. Another option, why dreaming of milking a cow, is given by the Slavic dream book - this is a symbol of material well-being and prosperity.

If you dream of animals that you are leading for sale, it means that you are not always spending your finances wisely. It's time to tackle the family budget. If this activity is beyond your power, then connect your soul mate to this.

You can dream of any animal, but a cow is a symbol of goodness and purity. Understanding what a cow is dreaming of gives you the opportunity to build your future actions rationally. But in any case, remember that you can see anything you want, but any prediction can be changed, because your fate is only in your hands.

Miller's dream book

If you see cows in a dream, calmly standing waiting for milking- this promises you the fulfillment of many of your desires and the fulfillment of hopes.

Dream interpretation of Medea

Cow in male dreams - symbolizes women for whom the dreamer feels neglected.

In women's- reflects the feeling that the dreamer is underestimated.

Large, obese cow- to health and new acquisition.

Skinny cow- your labors will be useless.

Dream interpretation of lovers

If you dream of a cow that should be milked- this promises the fulfillment of your desires and a meeting with your loved one.

Aesop's dream book

Cow- this animal personifies the wet nurse, because in difficult times, many families survived only at the expense of cow's milk. The symbol of the cow is directly associated with home life, with children and the home.

To dream of a large, beautiful cow, but absolutely hornless- a symbol of the fact that a very wayward person will meet on your way, whose unpredictable actions can throw you off balance and disrupt the harmony in the house.

To have a dream in which a cow in an apron treats you to dinner- pay attention to your other half, do not let the household get bored and suffer from idleness.

Hold your cow by the horns so that people who come to you from the street milk it- this dream portends losses, a difficult financial situation in the family or a robbery of a house due to your oversight.

To dream of a cow with an asterisk on its forehead- a symbol of the fact that the one whom you have been waiting for a long time, about whom you have been thinking lately, will come to visit.

The newest dream book by G. Ivanov

Lonely cow- to prosperity in the house, comfort, love, understanding between family members.

Cows graze- fulfillment of the main desire, including those related to your health. Peace; moderation; meditation session.

Children's dream book

Complete dream book of the New Era

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Seeing a cow in a dream standing in its stall- to profit and prosperity. Cows grazing in the meadow- foreshadowing happy life where your dreams and hopes will come true. Chubby, obese cows- to wealth, thin, with protruding bones- to need.

Dark cows- portend well-being through hard work, bright- a free life without worries and hassles.

See cows being milked- to an unexpected event or news; milk a cow- to receive a significant inheritance.

Mooing cow- says that the undertaken case will not be completed soon, but successfully.

Lying cow chewing gum- means that you will receive a completely empty and thoughtless offer.

Slaughtered cow- portends losses and failure in business.

Cooking beef in a dream- in reality you will receive substantial financial assistance.

Drink cow's milk - take a successful trip and enrich your experience.

Graze a herd of cows in a dream- lead a small but close-knit team.

Take care of cows on a livestock farm- you will soon experience unusual circumstances from which you will benefit.

Women's dream book

Cows standing calmly awaiting milking- portend the fulfillment of long-standing desires and the fulfillment of hopes.

General dream book

If you dreamed about a cow- your house is in danger of fire. Remember, sleep is a warning - so be alert to possible ignition sources.

Milk- to bad changes in life.

In your dream, you watched someone milking a cow- soon one of your loved ones will commit an act that will change your life.

You dreamed that you were grazing a cow- you should know, you yourself are the blacksmith of your own happiness.

Slaughter a cow- to luck.

Buying a cow- warns against wasting money.

If you dreamed that you were selling a cow- soon you will be able to get rid of something cumbersome and unnecessary.

Dream interpretation Denise Lynn

All over the world, the cow is considered a peaceful creature. Do you feel peace in your soul, or should you strive for more peace in your life?

The cow also- symbolizes patience and passive endurance. Is there something in your life that you have to put up with or passively endure?

In some cultures, a cow- identified with the earth, the moon and maternal care. The heads of the moon goddesses in various cultures are adorned with cow horns. Hindus believe that the cow and the bull symbolize the universal forces of reproduction.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

To dream of a fat, beefy cow- to good news, skinny- to a lack of a home, a need.

Just to see a cow- means that you have to eat and drink deliciously.

If a cow butts- means, wait for a guest with bad intentions, if cows butt among themselves- luck awaits you.

Milking a cow in a dream- to joy, well-being, pleasant surprise, joy from children, receiving honors, hear a cow moo- to troubles or to new responsibilities and worries.

Black cow- dreaming of illness or danger, to losses, milk her- to tears; see a milking cow- to trouble, but annoying- to a date with friends.

If you see a milkmaid in a dream- it means that you will face the ill will of the woman you sympathize with.

Dream interpretation of the White magician

Seeing a herd of cows in a dream- one of your acquaintances has committed a misdemeanor towards you, which you do not yet suspect. The person in question is very ashamed of what he did, but he cannot yet tell you about it, fearing that you will consider his act a betrayal.

If in a dream you saw one cow- it means that you have some intractable task ahead of you, the solution of which you will devote a lot of time to, but, alas, it will be wasted. Better to wait until the problem resolves itself, without your futile efforts.

Cow chewing grass- symbolizes your passivity in relation to some person who places certain hopes on you. Perhaps you just do not want to impose unnecessary problems on yourself. But still, you must understand that you cannot achieve anything without making any effort for this. Take action!

Grazing cows- a dream means that soon you will have to face people who will envy you. It may well be that this does not touch you. However, the envy of ill-wishers is associated with gossip and rumors, therefore, quarrels and conflict situations are possible.

Milking a cow in a dream- reconciliation with a person dear to you. If you are not vindictive and do not begin to reproach your friend at the first opportunity that there was a quarrel between you, then the world will be lasting, the rust of irritation will not corrode the metal of love.

English dream book

If you dream that a cow is chasing you- it means that you will have an enemy.

A cow gives birth to a calf- everything that I wanted will be fulfilled.

Riding a cow into town- portends a joyful event in the near future.

Vedic dream book by Sri Swami Sivananda

Milking a cow in a dream is a sign of wealth.

If a cow is chasing you in a dream- then this suggests that your enemy will catch you by surprise.

Dream interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Psychoanalytic dream book

Dream interpretation of a gypsy

Cow- a symbol of home and comfort.

Milk a cow- you will have to work hard for most of your life, but for this you will be well rewarded.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

The cow is fat, beefy- good.

Just to see a cow- tasty food and drink.

To be milked- joy / surprise / joy from children.

Hear the moo of a cow- Unfortunately.

Butts- a guest with ill intentions.

Cows butt among themselves- Lucky case.

To see the black cow- a year of losses awaits you.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Cow-from strangers profit, care, you will be a guest / death, tears ("to the roar"), illness, for worse, enemy, bondage, trouble; sell- loss; skinny- experiences; white- for good / death; red- fire; black- illness, death, danger; expelling the black- death; milk- tears, good, joy, gain, surprise, talk about good, profit or acquisition, profitable business; milked- trouble; not milking -

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