Why dream of gold. The magic of numbers. Russian folk dream book

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If you saw gold in a dream, you expect to receive something equally precious and pleasant in reality. But is it? Popular dream books will help to understand this issue.

Interpretation according to the idiomatic dream book

If a person saw gold in a dream, he is overwhelmed with curiosity: what does this mean? The idiomatic dream book gives the following interpretation:

  • Gold may mean that you are paying too much attention to the outer shell. It is quite possible that not the most pleasant content is hidden behind a beautiful wrapper.
  • Precious metal can symbolize the onset of a favorable period in life. Now is a golden time when unlimited opportunities for self-realization open up for you.
  • If you dreamed of gold at the bottom of a reservoir, then soon you will find a source of income that will bring you material well-being.
  • If in a dream you handed over gold to someone, it means that you will have to pay decently for some services. If gold is given to you, it means that someone will thank you well for the service rendered.
  • A dream in which you had a handful of gold does not mean profit at all. This means that you have golden hands and it's time for you to start making money on your talents.
  • If in a dream gold dust is pouring on you, it means that, quite unexpectedly for yourself, you will become a rich person.

Interpretation according to the female dream book

Women attach particular importance to their night visions. That is why, waking up in the morning, they first look into the dream book. The interpretation of dreams in which gold appears may be as follows:

  • If you have a lot of gold rings and bracelets on your hands, this portends success. Whatever you undertake will bring you joy and money income.
  • Finding gold in a dream means getting an answer to your questions. If you have any problem, you will soon find the key to solve it. This will bring you peace of mind and certain benefits.
  • Losing gold is a rather alarming sign. Because of your pride or inattention, you run the risk of missing out on some opportunity in life. This can apply to both work and love.
  • If you see someone giving you gold, this promises you marriage. Your chosen one will be quite wealthy and generous.

Interpretation according to Aesop's dream book

If you saw gold in a dream, you should look for a decoding in Aesop's interpreter. It contains the following values:

  • If you see a person with a lot of gold on it, it means that you have a poor understanding of people. Admiring the appearance and listening to beautiful speeches, you do not notice the real intentions of a person, from which you can suffer greatly.
  • If you had a lot of gold in a dream, this indicates how others treat you. You have an easy-going character and an open soul, for which people love you.
  • Losing a gold jewelry is an unfavorable sign. Perhaps some unpleasant event will happen in your life. Most likely, it will be separation from a loved one or the loss of some valuable thing.
  • If you dreamed of a scattering of gold coins, this means that you will be rewarded for some good deed. But don't expect financial rewards. This can be verbal gratitude, and improving the reputation, and career advancement.
  • Acting as a gold digger means the dreamer's greed and commercialism. You are looking for material gain in everything, because of which relationships with others can deteriorate.
  • Finding gold in a dream means that you have a lot of empty hopes. Don't wait for the right opportunity. Act without delay.

Interpretation according to the modern dream book

If you saw gold in a dream, you should look into modern dream book. It contains the following interpretations:

  • A lot of gold is a favorable sign. It indicates that all your undertakings will be successful.
  • To receive gold as a gift means that soon you will find what you have been looking for for a long time. It could be a cure for a disease good job or happy marriage.
  • If you accidentally found a gold bar or precious jewelry, then in reality you will meet a reliable friend with whom you will experience many pleasant moments and overcome all difficulties.
  • If you saw a golden jewelry in a dream, pay attention to its shape. If this is a cross, then a calm and joyful life awaits you. If this is a chain, beware of being deceived, do not fall into illusions about others. If you dreamed of a golden belt or a crown, this is a great wealth.
  • A dream in which you dreamed of an ornament from which the gilding is erased means that soon the true face of those around you whom you unconditionally trusted will be revealed to you.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

Probably, Miller also saw gold in a dream, since he explained this plot so accurately. The most noteworthy are the following statements:

  • Holding gold in your hands means being a successful person. All the things that you undertake will turn into success and significant profit for you.
  • If a woman received gold as a gift, this means an early marriage. The person will be rich enough, but there are some subtleties. If you were given jewelry in a dream, your spouse will be generous. And if there are several coins, this means that he will be thrifty and petty.
  • Losing a gold product means that in real life you are too careless. Due to your inattention and infantilism, you may miss your chance for happiness.
  • If in a dream you stumbled upon a gold mine, you should expect a difficult and responsible assignment. If you treat it conscientiously, you can earn wealth and respect.
  • Why else do you have such a dream? Hiding gold means that you are encroaching on someone's rights, merit, relationships or property. Be careful, because a bad reputation can go about you, which will ruin your relationship with others.

Interpretation according to the Persian dream book

A lot of interesting information contains a Persian dream book. Gold in it can have the following meaning:

  • This is a good sign for a woman. He promises her love, happiness and fertility. But a man needs to beware of such visions. Perhaps there are many greedy people around him who claim his wealth.
  • If in a dream you melted gold, know that dirty gossip is spreading about you. Be careful in communicating with others, do not talk about yourself too much.
  • Buying gold in a dream is sadness. You are too lonely, troubles haunt you, and therefore it would not hurt you to change the situation and meet new interesting people.
  • If you go home with pockets full of gold, this indicates an imminent enrichment. Your financial problems will be solved.
  • Eating gold, like some kind of treat, is a sign that you are an open and sympathetic person. You always support your friends, and they can abuse your kindness.
  • Giving gold to a jeweler in a dream is an unfavorable sign. Most likely, in real life, you may encounter scammers, because of which your financial situation may worsen. Be extremely attentive to business offers that will come to you in the near future.

Interpretation according to the English dream book

If you are interested in the interpretation of your night visions, take a look at English dream book. Gold, according to him, means the following:

  • It is a symbol of valuable memories that unite you with many people. But these are, rather, disappointments and unfulfilled hopes from which a lesson must be learned.
  • If you see golden dishes, it means that the time of great hopes and opportunities is coming.
  • Gold can be a symbol of your rich inner world. Try not to be scattered on communication with people who cannot appreciate it.
  • If your soulmate in a dream has a lot of gold, this means that your union is in jeopardy. Most likely, money issues will become the cause of quarrels and quarrels.
  • If you dreamed of gold on the eve of a deal, this should alert you. Perhaps someone is trying to deceive you.
  • Golden rings portend the wedding of friends. And if stones were present on the ring, then you decide to tie the knot.

Interpretation according to the family dream book

Family people will certainly be interested in why they saw gold in a dream. What does it mean? The following options are possible:

  • If you hold gold in your hands, it means that in this moment you are happy in family life and successful in business. Appreciate it and try not to squander your success.
  • To receive gold as a gift means to find family happiness with a fairly rich person. However, he will be quite greedy, and therefore you will not be able to fully enjoy his condition.
  • If you found gold, it means that soon the path to solving all your problems will open for you. This applies not only to material well-being, but also to relationships with family members.
  • To lose gold in a dream is to miss some opportunity in reality. Perhaps you devote too much time to work and social life, neglecting your family.

Interpretation of the dream book Denise Lynn

Are you wondering what gold might dream of in a dream? What does it mean, Denise Lynn's dream book will tell.

  • Gold is a symbol of vitality and strength of spirit. So you are enough strong man who can succeed on their own.
  • If you often dream of gold, this means that you have a very bright inner world, vulnerable to external circumstances. Try to dive into problems as little as possible.
  • If you drop a gold bar from your hands, it literally means that you risk missing out on a valuable opportunity. Be more mindful of your work and personal relationships.

Interpretation according to Loff's dream book

Interesting information about gold can be gleaned from Loff's dream book. It's about about the following:

  • Gold is considered a universal auspicious symbol. It demonstrates the purity of thoughts and the richness of the spirit.
  • If you buy gold, it means that in real life you like to demonstrate your wealth. However, being carried away by boasting, you risk losing the source of wealth.
  • If you were presented with a golden headdress as a gift, it means that you enjoy undeniable authority among others. In addition to the benefits, this brings you a lot of problems related to responsibility.
  • If, while examining a gold product, you notice its low standard or poor quality, this promises you disappointment in people. Most likely, your friends are pursuing selfish goals by communicating with you.
  • Seeing a lot of gold (a whole mountain) in a dream is a symbol of strong temptation. Try to moderate your ardor. Reason must prevail over emotions.

Interpretation according to the Chinese dream book

The Chinese are a wise people, and therefore their dream book can be trusted. As for gold, we can say the following:

  • If you see a lot of gold precious items, it means that you will become a rich and noble person in the future.
  • Gold dishes portend the imminent birth of an heir.
  • If you had to give gold in a dream, it means that you are too open to others and overly generous.
  • Seeing a hairstyle decorated with gold hairpins and hairpins is a harbinger of a long trip.
  • Gold is a symbol of your past. Even if there were unpleasant moments in it, you should not erase them from memory, because they still have a lot to teach you.
  • If you have a lot of gold jewelry on your hands, this means that someone is claiming your wealth.
  • If you buy gold in a dream, it means that in real life you are too greedy person, prone to pathological accumulation.

Interpretation according to the universal dream book

IN universal dream book you can find the following statements about gold:

  • If you have a lot of gold, this is the personification of the fact that your life has everything you need for happiness. You just have to realize it.
  • If someone takes your gold, it means that someone is claiming yours. workplace or a loved one.
  • If you were given a gold bar and you gave it to someone else, it means that you do not appreciate those who care about you enough.

Interpretation according to the French dream book

What do the French say about gold? The following interpretations are possible:

  • Fancy gold jewelry symbolizes your playful mood, which can push you to an extravagant act.
  • If you are trying to make a gold bar, it means that in real life you are wasting too much time. Focus on your real responsibilities.
  • If you dreamed of fake gold jewelry, very soon the truth will be revealed to you regarding the people around you.

Learn from online dream book what Gold is dreaming of by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpreters.

Gold in a dream: interpretation of 100 dream books

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What does Gold dream about and what does it mean:

Dream of gold - A dream in which you see a lot of gold is usually auspicious. Gold in a dream can promise you wealth, profit, good work. Searching for gold means that you have to meet a reliable friend or meet a person who will be very dear to you. To lose a golden thing or jewelry in a dream - to losses, unrealized opportunities, losses.

To see in a dream a cross made of gold - to joy, a crown - to changes in business, a chain of gold - to deceit or illusions, a belt in gold - to wealth. A dream in which you saw a product with gold or the brilliance of gold may portend a deception in reality. Finding gold in a dream means that you have to learn some secret, but lose peace because of this.

Miller's dream book

Why does Gold dream in a dream?

Gold - If in a dream you hold gold in your hands, you will be extraordinarily successful in all endeavors. If a woman in a dream received gizmos with gold as a gift - coins or jewelry, she will marry a rich, but mercenary man. Finding gold means that your virtues will allow you to easily move on the path to honors and wealth.

Losing gold in a dream means that due to your negligence, you will miss the greatest opportunity in your life in reality. Finding a gold mine in a dream means that you will be entrusted with a difficult but honorable task. If in a dream you intend to work in a gold mine, then it means that you will try to illegally seize the rights of others. Beware also of disagreements in the family.

Esoteric dream book

Gold in a dream:

Gold - Seeing gold jewelry - to poverty, ruin. Give, give - get a gift. Receive, take - an unsuccessful investment, they will not return the debt, you will lose your wallet or deposit. Wear gold jewelry - be careful! The robber has already entered the main road.

Islamic dream book

Why dream of gold

Gold - to see things with gold in a dream means sadness and suffering. If someone sees that he was spilling gold, this is to trouble and death, and if someone sees that he gave the gold to someone for safekeeping, that person will deceive him.

Dream Interpretation of Vladislav Kopalinsky

See Gold:

Dream of gold - Waste of money.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why is Gold dreaming?

Gold is evil, danger. Gold - soon there will be separation from relatives, this is a bad omen. Wedding ring with gold - wedding. To have gold on yourself is a warning, to steal - you will lose respect, to give - you will be at a wedding, to lose - a loss, to have a lot of gold and silver - there are a lot of parasites around you; false - benefit. Goldfish - the expected will not come true.

Modern dream book


Gold - luck, wealth

Lunar dream book

Gold in a dream what does it mean:

Dreams about gold - to have a complaint; golden dishes and drinking from it is a sign of promotion.

Dream Handbook by David Loff

Why dreamed of Gold

Gold is a universal symbol of purity and wealth. Buy jewelry with gold - demonstrate your power and wealth. It is important to determine the source of the gold and to know whether it was a gift, a conquest or a discovery. It is very important to understand how significant a gold item is. What use does gold find in a dream, whose wealth and power does it represent? If you are presented with a golden helmet, as in Don Quixote, this is an example of the archetypal form of the sacred power that you are endowed with to complete a mission or a heroic campaign. Have you found, lost, given or received a gold item as a gift from someone? Did this item bring you joy or sadness?

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why dreamed of stones from Gold

Dream of gold - According to the dream book Throwing golden stones in a dream - to troubles, finding - to joys. If in your dream you receive or collect them - to losses and deceit, to find them - to make a profit. Also in a dream, gold stones may mean that you are prone to extravagant acts in reality.

Idiomatic dream book

Why dream of gold

  • “Not all that glitters is gold” - deception, falsehood.
  • "golden time" - success, a period of success, maturity.
  • "bonanza" - an inexhaustible source of income;
  • “The spool is small and expensive”, “you are my gold (appeal). "golden calf" - passionate enrichment with demonic meaning.
  • “gild the pen” - a reward, a bribe;
  • "golden hands" - about a craftsman-master;
  • "scrofulous" - sick;
  • "golden rain" - very large incomes.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why is Gold dreaming

  • Dreams about gold - If in a dream you see gold in your hands, you will find extraordinary success in all your endeavors.
  • Found gold means that you can easily overcome the path to material well-being and achieve respect from others.
  • If you have lost gold - in reality, due to your negligence, you may miss the greatest opportunity in your life.
  • If a woman in a dream received gold jewelry or coins as a gift, she will marry a wealthy, but mercantile person.

Small Velesov dream book

What is the dream of gold?

Gold - Joy, fun, to wealth, success, there will be earnings, good work // complaints, a waste of time, bad, danger, separation from relatives; fake is a dangerous business; find - profit, benefit; lose - loss, death of a loved one; wear on yourself - a warning; steal - lose respect; to give - to be at a wedding; to have a lot - you have freeloaders.

Universal dream book

Gold means:

Gold - Same as money, but with more emphasis. Desire to be very rich. If this is a specific subject, then look at the subject. Losing a wedding ring means fear of parting.

Aesop's dream book

Allegories about Gold

Dream of gold - The appearance of gold in your dream may be associated with well-known phrases: “Not everything that glitters is gold” (the external impression can be deceptive), “The spool is small, but expensive”, “The word is silver, silence is gold”. There are also quite common words: “Golden hands”, “Golden heart”, “Golden character”, “Golden hair”.

  • If you dreamed that you lost a gold jewelry, then this warns you that an unpleasant event will happen soon, if you lost your wedding ring, then this is especially unpleasant, because it can portend illness or separation from your loved one.
  • In a dream, to see coins made of gold - such a dream indicates that you will be rewarded for the work you have done, only this reward may not necessarily be material.
  • If you dreamed that you were a gold seeker, then this means that you are trying to find a profit in some business, but because of a frank selfish desire, you will lose the respect of others who will stop giving you the help that they previously offered.
  • In a dream, to find a thing with gold - such a dream predicts the appearance of deceptive hopes in you, you hope in vain for a chance, you need to actively act.

Psychoanalytic dream book of Samokhvalov

If you dream about Gold

Gold - Something of the past, significant for the individual; emphasis on value, according to the dream book - predictor.

Old French dream book

Why dream of gold, interpretation:

Gold - to an extravagant act. If in a dream you make gold - in reality this portends wasted time. If you find gold - make a profit. Collecting gold or silver in a dream - portends deceit or loss. If you dream of fake gold - your finding the truth.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about Gold, what does it mean?

Gold in a dream symbolizes not only wealth, but also valuable memories. However, it is more a sign of disappointment than good luck. Gold in the form of dishes, utensils is a sign of lofty hope. Gold money, chains - failure, deceit.

Persian dream book

Gold in the ancient sense

  • Seeing gold in a dream is good. However, if a man has such a dream, then he is destined for sorrows and sorrows.
  • If you dreamed that you were trying to melt gold, then know that people scratch their tongues about you, so be careful!
  • Sell ​​or buy gold, but a dream - to sadness.
  • If in a dream you return to your home with handfuls of gold, this is good. Your fortune will soon increase.
  • There is gold - a sign that you will not leave your girlfriend in trouble, perhaps you will indulge her whims with might and main.
  • To dream that you are meeting with a goldsmith (this can also include communication with a dentist if you intend to put gold crowns on yourself) is a harbinger of the fact that you will soon encounter scammers who, naturally, wish to circle around your finger and stripped to the bone. So be careful and take special care in dealing with strangers.

Simone Kananita dream book

Why does the saint dream of gold:

Dreams about gold are false and delusion; to buy - you are an empty person; a large amount of gold - bad times await you; receive as a gift - beware of fake friends.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Gold from your dream

Gold, gold jewelry - to deceit, trouble, activity of passions and vices. Swallow - success in science and creativity. Gold (sand, ingots) - Spiritual knowledge; creative success. A lot - deceit, disappointment. Find, dig up ingots - acquire secret knowledge, spiritual wisdom. Gold (color) portends deceit, seduction.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

Dream of gold - Most often, gold comes in a dream to people who are on the verge of important changes. In order to understand what to expect from these changes, you should remember which metal object you saw in a dream.

  • A sharp improvement in all endeavors promises a dream in which you found a cross with gold. The loss of the same thing in a dream warns of the opposite. You should not take on new business if this dream was recently.
  • If you dreamed of a golden chain worn around your neck, you are surrounded by unreliable people, and that concept of life that seems to you the only true one threatens to be just an illusion.

Romantic dream book

Why dream of gold

  • Gold - A dream where you lose gold jewelry predicts the loss of the opportunity to improve your position.
  • A girl who lost a gold ring in a dream may have a parting with a dear person ahead of her.
  • Gold or gold jewelry in a jewelry store, a dream portends great opportunities that have opened up.
  • For young girls, the dream of gold promises a desired marriage, and for married ladies, the discovery of a new sensuality in marriage.
  • Relations with an ugly but wealthy girl for the sake of favorable conditions existence awaits a young man who saw a chain of gold in a dream. For a girl, such a dream also portends a marriage of convenience.
  • If the gold jewelry is beautiful, then the dream promises that the future spouse will not only be financially secure, but also spiritually rich. And, having seen the wonderful spiritual qualities, in the future the bride will be able to respond to his feelings.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Dreams of gold - to temptation.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Gold in a dream in any form: in coins, jewelry, in grains - to wastefulness and an unhealthy lifestyle, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Gold - buy yourself a gold ring - for engagement.

Gold is a desirable metal for many people, because it can not only decorate a person, but also bring him material wealth. At the same time, because of him, there were many conflicts and quarrels, so the properties in real life are quite dual. Despite this, dream books usually offer a fairly positive interpretation of the yellow metal in a dream. Basically, seeing gold in a dream means strengthening authority and material wealth. If it was found, then future profit will not require effort, it is rather a gift of fate. But if you suddenly dream of a lot of gold at the same time, then this indicates envy and gossip in the environment.

If you dreamed of gold

Any dream that a person remembers well can be interpreted thanks to dream books. Dreams are the connection of our subconscious with the mind, so they can warn, portend, or simply indicate a problem. In almost all, it indicates that a person will soon get rich.

Very often people see in their dreams episodes associated with jewelry made of precious metals. Basically, they talk about events that predict material wealth. But often such dreams can be associated with emotional experiences and serious changes in life.

Why dream of a golden ring

Many are interested in what, for example, a ring means, but it all depends on the circumstances under which it appeared. If you see an ornament on the finger of a loved one, then this portends a pleasant rest with him. And the precious ring on your own hand, according to the interpretation of the dream book, warns of a quarrel and a showdown in the near future. If a person accidentally finds Golden ring in a dream, then soon a new interesting friend will appear in his life.

To receive a golden ring as a gift means that soon there will be good news from relatives. If it is broken, then this is a warning that the dreamer may soon be betrayed. The decoration worn on the index finger means a long trip in reality. A golden ring with precious stone. This item reports about unexpected guests in a dream if a person sees him rolling on the floor. And the decoration found among the heap of garbage suggests that soon the dreamer will be given a valuable gift.

gold jewelry

The dream book says that if the ring is in your pocket, then soon unexpected romantic emotions will flare up in the soul of the sleeping person. And if this pocket turns out to be full of holes in a dream, these feelings will certainly be mutual. When in a dream a girl sees that there is a broken gold jewelry on her middle finger, this means that her beloved is cheating on her. True, there is one clarification: if there is a stone in it, then the partner planned a betrayal, but did not dare or did not have time to do it yet.

Why dream of a gold chain

In an attempt to understand, many have in mind the decoration they saw in a dream - a chain. When a person manages to find gold in a dream, namely a chain, portends an early solution to all accumulated problems without much effort. And the loss of this decoration means that for some reason friends have lost confidence in you.

A dream in which this item adorns your neck indicates that quite joyful events in life will soon occur. girlfriend says that you will meet old friends.

Other dreams about a gold chain

  • Finding this decoration on the street - there will be a magnificent feast, says the dream book. Finding gold earrings is a joyful event.
  • A cross weighs on a chain of gold - soon the authorities will show favor.
  • A pendant is attached to the decoration - expect an expensive present.
  • Spoiled, torn jewelry - good luck in business related to entrepreneurship,
  • A gold jewelry with a pendant received as a gift is the joy of spending time with loved ones.

Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book gives a detailed explanation of what a gold chain can dream of and what it means. For example, a dream where you step on a piece of jewelry with a pendant warns of impending troubles at work. If you hold a torn chain in your hand, then the family will soon be in trouble. Moreover, according to this dream book, it is known that the thicker the links on the chain, the more positive the interpretation of this dream and the more joy it will bring to life.

As this dream book says, finding a gold chain means the imminent arrival of people dear to you. If a cross hangs on this decoration, then the guests will play a big role in your well-being in the future. When you doubt your friends and dream that an outsider stranger gives this decoration, which means that the suspicions are empty, and no one is going to betray you, especially in a difficult situation. And a gift made by loved ones may warn that your family will soon need support and help.

What does it mean to see a gold bracelet

Gold cut in this way in a dream, which means different dream books? Joyful, cheerful and positive emotions. If an unmarried girl saw such a dream, then she will meet a young man ahead of her, who will decide her fate. To receive this decoration as a gift means that a noisy and crowded holiday will be held in the near future. Finding gold in a dream in the form of a bracelet lying on the floor - soon the dreamer will have a fun vacation. If it is broken, then a pleasant romantic walk is ahead. The length of the bracelet also plays a role, if it is very long, then soon you will be promoted at work, and a short one tells you that there will be a good deal.

If a person manages to find gold in a dream not for the first time, namely a bracelet in the Kingdom of Morpheus, then a white streak begins in his life. A massive gold jewelry may mean that they will soon lead from distant relatives, and a thin thing - to a meeting of an old acquaintance. If the person in whom he cannot cope with the clasp on the bracelet, this indicates that he will soon have to change his place of residence. Darkened gold in a dream may mean that you will be sent on a long business trip.

What does gold mean in a dream?

There is an incommensurable variety of interpretations of what this precious metal can dream of. For example, if during a dream you dreamed, then soon there will be disappointment in friends. If the gold tooth belongs to the sleeping person, a serious scandal with loved ones is coming. Going to the dentist, where they put a gold tooth on you, is a real subconscious warning about the conspiracy of colleagues behind your back, but if the treatment process was painful, then the boss is on your side. But goldfish dream of health problems.

Everything that a person dreams about is a direct signal from the subconscious about problems and experiences. Therefore, dreams should be taken very seriously, but not obsessed with them. If you are lucky to find gold in a dream or receive it as a gift, remember all the details and interpret this sign correctly.

Gold represents the power of the sun, the spirit of life, the inner world. Hindus call it "mineral light". The noble metal was valued extremely dearly at all times, they fought for it, searched for it, and sometimes even killed it. What can the dream in which you find gold mean? Or vice versa, if an expensive piece of jewelry was stolen in a dream or you lost it? What does the dream warn about and how to decipher it correctly?

Miller's dream book. Dream Gold

Why dream of gold? Miller devoted a lot of time and attention to the interpretation of dreams about this metal, because it has a great influence on the lives of both the rich and the poor, regardless of gender and age, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that gold is dreaming.

According to Miller's dream book find him in a dream- auspicious sign lose on the contrary, to bad events.

If gold dreams in the form of jewelry, ingots or coins, then the dream book warns of achieving your goals and the possibility of achieving what you want in the near future. Miller explains such a dream by the fact that this success depends on otherworldly forces that contribute to the fact that in reality any doors open in front of a person.

Loff's dream book. Dreamed of gold

To interpret what gold is dreaming of, Loff took into account all the details of sleep down to the smallest detail: a person’s attitude to an object, mood (sadness or joy), actions, etc.

  • Seeing gold acquired in a dream; here it is important to determine whether it is a gift or a conquest in some way, what was the source. The dream interpretation interprets such a dream as a demonstration of power and wealth. It is important how significant the object is, how it is used and what it represents.
  • If you dreamed that you were given a golden helmet, this means that you are endowed with sacred power to complete a certain mission and will be under the strongest patronage.
  • Seeing gold taken from another person is unfortunately for bad deeds. If it was obtained by hard work, the dream symbolizes diligence, for which it promises a reward.
  • Feelings of joy in a dream at the sight of a precious metal to experience - to great luck, sadness - to trouble.
  • Seeing gold dishes and eating from it - the dream book speaks of wealth and celebrity. The same meaning applies to dreams about bathing in a bath of this metal and reigning on a throne.

You want to drip- the dream book warns that you will encounter arrogance, greed, duplicity of a person from whom you did not expect such behavior at all.

Seeing silver and gold in a dream together and in large numbers - a warning that loved ones dream of taking advantage of your position in society.

Beautiful openwork see- intrigues due to jealousy and envy.

vintage items long to consider and admire them - the dream book warns you about that. That you should not be too confident in yourself, sometimes it is better to ask other people for advice so as not to become a victim of scammers.

Large expensive stones in gold rings to see a man - they promise a win, a big profit; a woman - a favorable marriage.

If you dream dirty, raw metal means that in real life it is possible to come to a good result in any business only thanks to diligence.

In order to interpret a dream about purchased or stolen gold according to Loff's dream book, it is necessary to pay attention to the specific actions associated with the object and its appearance.

  • Jewelry to choose, consider when buying - material goods.
  • Buy wedding rings - for the wedding; cross - for christening or the birth of a child; chain - affection; hairpin - to travel.
  • The dream in which the ring is missing warns of a rival (rival) who hates you and wants to break your life. The cross is lost - protect yourself from witchcraft.

Freud's dream book. Dream Interpretation Gold

Dreamed of objects made of this metal? Do you want to donate them? Freud explains this by the desire to change everything in his life. You are not happy with your relationship with your partner and want to improve it.

Buy for yourself gold jewelry - a warning that you want to buy the love of a person you like; the dream book calls for thinking: do not rush to do this, analyze what kind of relationship this can lead to.

Aesop's dream book. Dream Gold

A dream about this metal can be associated with phrases about it and have a meaning depending on the meaning of these phrases.

If you dream lost decoration- this is a warning about troubles that must be resolved. The loss of a wedding ring - portends an illness or parting with a person dear to you.

Golden coins to see is a reward for a job well done. However, this is not necessary monetary values may be a reward of a different nature.

Being a seeker of precious metal means that you want to benefit from some business, but because of your own self-interest you can lose the respect of others, they will refuse to provide you with the help that they offered before.

Find a golden thing- means that you will have a deceptive hope; you hope in vain and calls for active action in order to get what you want.

Interpretation in the Eastern Women's Dream Book. Dream Gold

This metal symbolizes deceit. The dream interpretation warns you and urges you to pay attention to people from your environment, from whom new offers may come, they have selfish intentions and a desire to cheat you.

Gold rings dream of a wedding, but not necessarily the marriage of a dreamer. If the ring is with stones, then this means marriage; however, rings that are broken, bent, with a fake sheen and falling stones warn that the wedding will not take place unless the condition of the jewelry changes for the better.

Dream Interpretation Hasse. Dream Gold

Dream Interpretation interprets gold as a delusion and falsehood. buy it- your inner emptiness. Dreams about a large amount of it - to poverty, not wealth.

If you dream that you receive golden gifts, then the dream book warns that in real life you should beware of fake gifts.

Seeing gold-plated objects means that you love a fake appearance and do not strive for sincerity and natural beauty, including inner beauty.

Dreams from, A to Z. Dream Interpretation. Gold

Gold in a dream is a sign of falsehood. Holding objects made of this metal in your hands is for good luck and prosperity.

Find a large ingot- achieving the goal, getting what you want, your merits will be appreciated by the people around you, which will allow you to advance in life and get closer to wealth.

Lose gold- the risk of missing a happy opportunity.

Try on a gold chain- means the right use of free time; medallion - for profit; necklace- happiness and love.

If you dream of golden gold pieces of royal coinage, you will be respected and honored. If you receive them for the work done, it portends hopes that have come true. Paying with them is good health and a calm old age in the future. Find a treasure with them - fortunately. If you melt, you will lose the trust of your superiors. Hear how the gold coins fall - to wealth.

To see a golden thread means that you will receive good news. Embroider with golden threads - your work will be appreciated.

Golden spiders in a dream- This Good friends in life that will help you find a prestigious job.

If you dream of a chest of gold - the dream book warns you not to pay any attention to gossip about you and continue to do what you love.

Swallowing gold - to success in creativity or science.

fake gold- to deceit and flattery.

General dream book. Gold

If you dream of this metal in products, scrap or ingots, the dream book warns you that an important secret will soon be revealed.

Golden crown in a dream- to changes in life; golden cross - to great grief in your family.

Giving or receiving a gold ring as a gift is a harbinger of meeting a new friend.

Eating out of golden utensils- Colleagues will surround you with honors.

English dream book. Gold

Seeing gold in a dream is unfortunately and poverty. The dream interpretation encourages merchants, merchants and adventurers to be careful when transporting or changing the place of storage of their capital; you should not play on the stock exchange, the dream book warns that these games are fraught with the most unpredictable consequences.

If you dream that you see how your loved one has pockets full of gold- sleep means discord almost immediately after you get married, the marriage will be dysfunctional.

The dream book interprets dreams about this metal as a warning about illness and bad events in life.

Chinese dream book. Gold

To see golden cups in a dream and dishes - the birth of a child who will grow up as a noble person. The dream of acquiring jewelry with precious stones has the same meaning.

Pans and cauldrons of gold see- much to our happiness.

Hold gold hairpins and hairpins in your hands - for a long trip. If they shine, shine - to the birth of a son.

Modern universal dream book

To interpret a dream about gold, you need to understand the actions, the environment of the sensation, determine how important it is to you.

Cherish it in a dream - a dream tells you how valuable it is to you in reality.

If you dreamed that you took your gold, a dream means that you feel the loss of something significant in your life.

If you gave it away in a dream, while it was a gift, it means that the person who made such a gift respects and appreciates you, or you appreciate the one to whom you gave the gold.

This metal symbolizes the reward. Seeing a dream about him is a sign that your reward is generosity and kindness. The dream interpretation explains such dreams by the fact that gold in a dream personifies the golden heart of a person.

Many are interested in what gold and gold jewelry are dreaming of. Gold metal at all times enjoyed incredible popularity, because it not only adorns the appearance of a person, but is also the embodiment of material well-being. It can both destroy a person and make him happy. Most dream books interpret dreams with this noble metal positively, but there are exceptions. You need to figure out what it means to see gold and gold jewelry in a dream.

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      Bad or good sign?

      It is no secret that dreams are the link between our subconscious and the mind, so they cannot be ignored. Dreams can warn people about something, be harbingers of joyful or sad events, or indicate existing problems. Most dream books say that dreaming gold is lucky sign portends wealth. Dreaming jewelry made of precious metal can be harbingers of:

        • long-awaited joyful news;
        • valuable idea;
        • professional success;
        • fulfillment of a cherished dream, etc.

        Quite often, sleepers see gold jewelry in a dream. Of course, I want to know what such dreams symbolize. Most of all, this question worries girls who, by nature, are very curious creatures. Basically, such dreams speak of good events that predict material wealth, but they can also be caused by emotional experiences and cardinal changes in life. If you find gold jewelry in a dream, a person will soon experience incredible success. Who knows what tomorrow holds for him? Perhaps the dreamer will become a lottery winner, receive a bonus at work, or make a good deal.

        Speaking about what gold jewelry dreams of, it is worth noting that most often such dreams come to people who are looking for easy ways. The golden dream is trying to tell dreamers that fear of difficulties will not help them make important decisions. The dream in which you find precious jewelry is trying to direct a person on the right path if he faces a difficult choice. He speaks of a successful outcome for the sleeper and future success. What does it mean to find gold jewelry is already clear, but what is the dream of losing them? A dream in which a ring, bracelet, earrings or necklace made of gold is stolen encourages the dreamer to be more attentive and vigilant. It signals that a person runs the risk of missing out on a unique chance that may not exist again. Such dreams can affect interpersonal and business relationship as well as child-rearing issues.

        What is the dream of a goldfish - interpretation of a dream

        Interpretation of "golden" dreams with the help of dream books

        What can be said about such dreams? For example, in ancient times, people were convinced that night dreams were news from the spirits of the family, gods or ancestors, with the help of which they communicated with mortals. To decipher these messages, they turned to local sages, shamans and witches. Today, dream books are used for these purposes, allowing you to interpret almost any dream you have.

        Miller's dream book

        Now the dream book of the American psychologist Gustavus Miller is one of the most complete interpreters of dreams. It contains more than 10 thousand descriptions, with which you can understand the most mysterious and mysterious dreams. According to Miller's dream book, to see gold jewelry in a dream - to career growth. Found jewels portend financial stability and wealth to the dreamer, and lost ones - missed chances and opportunities. As his dream book says, gold jewelry can be harbingers of not the most pleasant events. If in a dream a person is dealing with someone else's gold, he should be very careful and not forget to look around. Such a dream may portend the emergence of gossip and intrigue around the dreamer.

        Loff's interpretation

        What is the dream of a golden jewelry according to David Loff's dream book? An American psychologist interprets such dreams as something auspicious, symbolizing wealth and purity. For a correct interpretation of the dream, you need to understand exactly how the jewels got to the dreamer in a dream. Jewelry donated by someone speaks of a positive outcome of any business begun, and their discovery portends good news and changes for the better. Finding gold jewelry in a dream is an auspicious sign that portends a solution to problems that previously seemed insoluble.

        Women's dream book

        As stated in women's dream book if a person dreamed of gold jewelry, he is waiting for:

        • good luck in love and career;
        • financial stability;
        • easy solution to any questions.

        If in a dream the sleeping woman receives earrings as a gift, then she is a mercenary person. Such a dream can be seen by a girl who is going to get married by calculation, but she will not receive anything but misfortune and disappointment. Gold jewelry found in a dream portends a rapid career advancement.

        Why dream of golden jewelry in water, sand and earth?

        Quite often people dream of finding jewelry in sand, earth or water. How can such dreams be interpreted? For example, jewelry found in the sand may indicate an improvement in the dreamer's financial situation. If in a dream a person found jewelry under a thick layer of sand, then he will have to work hard to achieve his goal. The sleeper may be disappointed by the reward received, because he was counting on something more. Be that as it may, you should always try to be content with what you have.

        Looking into the dream book to figure out why the decorations in the water dream, you can find that such a dream portends a successful solution to cases from which the dreamer did not expect a favorable outcome. A person who has seen jewels in troubled waters must reconsider his views and not go over the heads of other people in order to achieve his own selfish goals. When a dreamer raises gold from the bottom of a reservoir, this most likely portends controversial and conflict situations. They may be related to the sharing of material profits and other legal issues.

        Gold jewels found in damp earth portend losses. Such a dream may indicate the imminent loss of what is very dear to a person. When in a dream women and men find golden jewelry with shiny stones, this means that they will have a resounding success. But, as you know, every medal has a flip side, and a win can turn into a loss for the sleeper. A treasure found in the ground with a lot of gold is a good sign - such a dream can signal a sharp improvement in the dreamer's financial situation. When he dreams of a lot of gold jewelry, most likely he wants to get rich. Even if a person is not the owner of these jewelry, but in a dream he has the opportunity to touch them, he must be prepared for the fact that very soon he will be entrusted with a very responsible business.

        Having studied all the interpretations of dreams about gold, we can conclude the following: yellow metal products are often harbingers of good and kind events. However, some dream books interpret such dreams as something bad that entails trouble and danger. It is up to a person to decide which interpretation to accept for himself, and whether it is worth believing in it at all.

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