The new horoscope for February is the most accurate. Monthly Horoscope for February - Pisces

Where to begin? 05.07.2020
Where to begin?

February will prove to be a rather unstable period for the vast majority of astrological symbols. Many will remember chronic sores, the immune system of all the inhabitants of the planet will noticeably weaken. The end of the month is not the right time for financial manipulations and final decisions. What surprises are hidden in the last winter month? Horoscope for February 2019 will help all signs of the zodiac find answers to exciting questions.

General significant moments in the horoscope for February 2019

  • The new moon falls on February 5 (Tuesday). All short-term plans are recommended to be implemented before Wednesday, the probability of success is high. But after the 6th, anxiety and exactingness to oneself and others will increase. Try to direct destructive energy to improve your financial situation and career development.
  • The full moon will occur on February 19, with career and health as priority topics. At this time, it is necessary to maintain the available resources, and astrologers categorically do not advise to inflame for something new and vague.


Starting a relationship in February 2019 is not recommended for Aries. The lack of free time will adversely affect the further development of events. Friendly meetings - the best solution to the problem

According to the horoscope for February 2019, Aries will have a laborious and not the easiest time. Throughout the month, typical representatives of your sign will participate in an open struggle for the best place in the sun. The state of health can let you down at the most inopportune moment: that is why in the first decade it is advisable to take a short break, do not give up on feasible tasks, but do not try to act non-stop.

But in mid-February, you will have to take the bull by the horns - be prepared to make conflicting decisions in the field of career and business. Some careerists may encounter problems at work, for example, disagreements with management are not ruled out. In addition, Aries will begin to make tough, and sometimes completely overestimated requirements. The horoscope for February 2019 advises: try to abstract yourself from a tense situation in order to achieve greater productivity, then events will turn out in the best way.

The second decade is the most traumatic period for the people of your symbol, take care of yourself. And also avoid factors that provoke the development infectious diseases and colds.

At the end of February, representatives of the fire element will ignite with new ideas, creative people visit inspiration. Meanwhile, there may be problems associated with personal transport or force majeure in the life of older relatives. The last days of the month will please you with social events, friendly meetings, the tag for romance will intensify, feelings will again seethe in relationships.


Some Taurus will be passive, the desire to prove themselves, to achieve something will go by the wayside. Try to avoid sudden decisions in February, because a single impulsive trick can nullify your past achievements.

Taurus will have to go through a rather turbulent period. The horoscope for February 2019 is encouraging: typical representatives of your sign will be able to realize their January ideas and reach a new level in the field of professional and creative activity. The results of your initiative and activity will be favorable.

The beginning of February can bring some health problems. Nevertheless, tangible achievements in career and business are not ruled out in the first decade. Many will be able to expand the circle of business contacts, as well as acquire interested partners. In addition, do not forget about loved ones, they need reverent attention and support.

The stars insist: try to refrain from unnecessary spending until February 10, some Taurus will need certain amounts to resolve health problems.

Mid-February is the perfect time to complete long-standing affairs, don't be lazy. These days, interesting acquaintances related to work are possible. Apparently, you will make new friends.

At the end of the month, the people of your symbol will again feel the favor of fortune. This is a great time for new beginnings and networking. However, you cannot do without force majeure in the third decade: be ready to quickly adjust your plans, look for ways out of unforeseen situations.


Gemini, it's time to arrange your personal life, February is an impeccable time. Just advertise it less on social networks and at work. Otherwise, envious people will quickly figure out how to add a fly in the ointment to your barrel of honey. Do not forget the common truth: happiness loves silence

According to the February 2019 horoscope, Gemini is entering a very controversial phase. The month will pass in a stressful rhythm, but right now you are advised to roll up your sleeves and start implementing what you have planned without hesitation.

The first decade was marked by many contradictions and dual situations. Fortunately, the versatile natures of the air element overcome such obstacles with relative ease. At the beginning of the month, typical representatives of the sign will have to do introspection, you need to decide on personal desires and goals. Creative people are not excluded from unexpected hobbies, and careerists will face certain changes in the professional field. There are temporary options associated with personal and career growth, the stars advise you not to get hung up on them.

In the second decade, tangible changes are expected in all areas of life. Gemini will have to rebuild and adapt to those around them and the prevailing circumstances. In mid-February, the free personalities of your symbol will begin to gravitate towards loneliness, however, fortune will arrange a romantic acquaintance for you, the surroundings can turn out to be completely unpredictable.

In the end, the Gemini will deal with the resolution of protracted issues. The risk of overwork increases, which can negatively affect your professional qualities. Many will relieve themselves of additional responsibilities and refuse burdensome tasks, your resources will exhaust themselves. Most likely, a couple of unfinished business will spill over into March.


Colleagues will start looking into your mouth, and the boss will finally understand that his team has a reliable employee in your face. But then it’s up to the Cancers: take the initiative, ask for a business trip or advanced training courses and do not hesitate to touch on the topic of career growth

For Cancers, the last month of winter will be a time of opportunity and active action. The horoscope for February 2019 claims that external circumstances will contribute to the implementation of the plans, however, much depends solely on you.

In the first decade, the representatives of the water symbol will bear the burden of obligations to others. You will have to wait with personal desires, and short-term financial restrictions are also possible. In the field of career and business, you will show ambition, some will even change their behavioral tactics, and on the love front, typical Cancers will become more enterprising and assertive.

Mid-February will allow you to strengthen important business ties, perhaps you will interact with people from the recent past. On the same days, ill-wishers and competitors are activated, but they are unlikely to be able to warp you and deprive you of inner harmony. This is a great moment for reconciliation with enemies, former enemies can be useful in work.

The third decade will bring the long-awaited freedom of intentions and actions. The main thing is to solve all matters independently and measuredly, excluding the intervention of third parties and a fussy approach. The end of the period will give Cancers responsible travel, development creative projects, many will complete training courses.

The end of February is the right time to complete and maintain legal documentation.

a lion

For Lions of creative professions, February is a time of ups and downs. But the desire for beauty will overcome apathy, which will result in the creation of a truly beautiful creation. The main thing - do not forget that the muse will not come to someone who just sits and waits.

The Fiery Leo horoscope for February 2019 promises an energetic and emotionally exhausting period. Already at the beginning of the month, typical representatives of the sign will be at the very epicenter of the attention of others, public figures will have to fuss in order to gain the desired reputation for themselves. At the same time, competition will intensify, claims and slander against you are not ruled out. It is necessary to focus on health - immunity will decrease, the body will need a reverent attitude and good rest.

At the end of the first decade, the creative nature of your symbol will be able to acquire useful connections, some will find reliable like-minded people. But in the business sector, negative trends are emerging: be vigilant, the risks of being deceived are now too high.

In the middle of the month, family Leo will have to give up personal principles and desires for the sake of a life partner. Show tenderness and care towards your soul mate, then troubles will bypass your union. In addition, these days you should not get ahead of events: do not jump to conclusions and do not make promises.

In the second decade, typical Leos may not find themselves in the most advantageous position if they make an ill-considered expensive purchase: keep in mind that close circle will come to your aid, but warm friendly relations on this ground will definitely deteriorate.

The end of the month is ideal for teamwork, it is joint projects that will bring stunning results and big profits. This is a good moment to make adjustments to your lifestyle and part with past grievances.


For those Virgos who have not yet grown up to their own business, the horoscope for February promises an opportunity to increase. Dare: help management complete complex projects, volunteer for important events, agree to work on weekends. But at the same time, do not forget about self-esteem and do not expect immediate results.

According to the Virgo horoscope for February 2019, a rather difficult stage awaits. The first two weeks will turn out to be the most favorable and calm time - mutual understanding and mutual respect will arise on the personal front, the material side of life will please with stability, good news related to the professional sphere is not excluded.

In the first decade, representatives of your symbol will make some interesting acquaintances, especially for people of creative professions. And now is the perfect moment for beautiful and valuable acquisitions. Free Virgos can plunge into fleeting romances that will bring fresh emotions and raise self-esteem.

In the middle of the second decade, a spontaneous time will begin, it will be extremely difficult not to get lost in the turbulent flow of events. Business interaction may stop for reasons beyond your control, it will become more difficult to control current tasks and projects. Moreover, these days even trusted companions can let you down, so try to rely only on yourself.

At the beginning of the third decade, keep your eyes open, any oversight will have too high a price. Your actions and decisions will be actively discussed by others, frequent changes in business allies and unexpected restructuring in the planned are possible. And in last days Fortune will continue to be strict with you: urgent matters are likely, and in large numbers, and a deterioration in well-being. Virgos will be in a stressful state, your communicative talents will come to naught.


Libra, do not waste time and get to work. Speaking about work, the horoscope means not only professional activities, but also everyday issues. You have long wanted to put your home nest in order: make repairs, change furniture, adjust the design

Libra is entering an interesting and productive phase, with the exception of the last decade. According to the horoscope for February 2019, the first half of the month will pass lightly, you will feel the support of fortune and take advantage of the opportunities offered.

The beginning of the period will bring rest and entertainment, representatives of your sign will take care of their appearance and will be in a great mood. This is an ideal time for creative initiatives and justified risk in the field of entrepreneurship.

Negative trends are emerging, which can manifest up to the 11th: some Libras are expected to part with their loved ones, and someone will have to spend money on wellness activities.

Meanwhile, in the middle of the month, the people of your symbol are not going to lose heart. This is the right time to finish what you started, which is especially true for Napoleonic business and career plans. You can make large purchases, if they were planned, and invest money. And family members are encouraged to start improving their homes: either now or never.

At the end of February, business productivity will decline, and well-being may also fail. In addition, you should not start repairs and rearrangements, otherwise everything will drag on for many weeks, or even months. And in recent days, a positive attitude will return again, romantic leisure with a marriage partner or a date will bring zest to your life.


Scorpio, there will be no health problems in February: even in the midst of a flu epidemic, people of your astrological sign will feel great, as if being under a protective cap

A relatively successful time is expected for Scorpions. The main thing is the appropriate attitude and purposefulness. In the first days of the month, people of the water symbol will be drawn to something large-scale and even grandiose. But by the middle of the decade, typical representatives of the sign will prefer family affairs and hobbies to everyday duties.

However, the horoscope for February 2019 predicts business trips for Scorpios, intensive business interaction, and special activity is expected in the commercial and intermediary areas. This is the perfect time to strengthen old ties and establish new useful contacts.

The second decade will bring news from your past. It is possible that friends and acquaintances with whom you have not seen for a very long time will appear on the horizon. Concerning professional activity, then the restoration of former relations will be useful and effective. Many will return to forgotten hobbies and resume their studies.

The last decade is the right time to lay the foundation in work, business and creativity, you will have to work hard for the future. Stars are advised to minimize communication with unfamiliar personalities, friends will also wait.

It is possible that at the end of February something important, once lost, will return to you.


Sagittarius, your intuition is your best guide this month. Listen to your inner voice, and then you will understand what is the best thing to do in a given situation.

The horoscope for February 2019 for Sagittarius claims that a rather measured and emotionally positive stage will begin with representatives of the fire element. Now you have nowhere to rush, but by the end of the month you will have to gather your thoughts and take an active position.

The first third is suitable for spending time with loved ones and family, shopping, meditation and introspection. At this time, friendly meetings will become more frequent, mini-travels and visits to unfamiliar establishments are likely. Creative Sagittarians will be inspired, and careerists will improve their communication skills.

The arrival of visitors from afar will fall in mid-February. It can be business allies, friends or relatives. You will be distracted from the home lifestyle, you will begin to interact with others energetically, and you will spend most of your time on the road.

At the end, serious career changes are expected, failures in business projects are likely: beware of competitors, pay special attention to maintaining securities, do not disclose information to third parties. The last days of the month will be marked by valuable information and new ideas. And in personal life there will be a long-awaited revival.


Capricorns, February should be devoted to work and strengthening business ties. Significant events of the rest of the year will depend on your productivity this month.

According to the horoscope for February 2019, Capricorns will have a dynamic and relatively successful time. Representatives of your sign will be in good physical shape and stable emotional state throughout the month.

The first decade is suitable for routine or most unpleasant activities, you will quickly cope with the tasks. In the business sector, successful transactions and profitable projects are expected. Much will be given to the fair sex more easily than usual. For example, this is the perfect time to get a driver's license. But be prepared for a complete lack of free time.

The middle of the month is favorable for responsible steps in professional field, resolving issues related to lending and contract renewal. Capricorns can count on help from old friends or new acquaintances. The budget will begin to strengthen, but stability is still far away.

The business sector will temporarily fade into the background by the third decade. It is desirable to devote this period to self-education, training and personal development. Typical representatives of the earthly symbol can easily assimilate colossal amounts of unfamiliar information. And traveling to your favorite places will help get rid of stress.

Family Capricorns will find a compromise with a life partner in the last days of February. At the same time, your financial situation will sparkle with more positive colors, but it is recommended to wait with large expenses at least until mid-March.


There is a high probability that typical Aquarius will decide to change jobs, part with a loved one and start everything from scratch. And those who do not risk such global changes will still want something new: they will change their hair color, haircut, clothing style or social circle

A controversial stage awaits the detached Aquarius. In the first decade, people of the air element will be absorbed in dreams and creative pursuits, but everyday duties will hardly interest you.

In mid-February, it is recommended to carefully monitor your well-being. In addition, the performance of work tasks must be approached with increased responsibility and even meticulousness in order to avoid serious mistakes. At the end of the second decade, many will take stock of their own efforts.

And the end of the month is marked by changes in various areas of life. Meanwhile, this is an extremely unstable moment, therefore, from manipulations with in cash wiser to refrain.


Pisces, in February, you should be patient and put off answering any question until March 8, when you will have full information.

For typical Pisces, the last winter month will be the most significant and fruitful period of the year. Already in the first days of February, extraordinary ideas will bubble up in you, energy will be in full swing. At this time, a lot of acquaintances are expected, some of them will have a significant impact on your life. The horoscope for February 2019 promises you pleasant romantic encounters, friendly support and career advancement.

But in the second decade, you will have to worry: there will be stagnation in the field of career and business, and unforeseen expenses associated with the repair of large household appliances or personal vehicles may also appear.

At the end of February, you can part with a tidy sum, this will shake your budget. Do not give in to momentary desires, wait a little with large-scale shopping.

The third decade will bring revisions, checks, rearrangements and relocations. Some people of your symbol will be actively engaged in training or spiritual practices. Many will decide to change the environment or take on the resolution of long-standing issues.

The beginning of February is a rather disharmonious and tense period, and this will be associated both with the negative state of the biosphere from the 3rd to the 11th, and with the transit of the Sun, with its connection with the South lunar node(04.02 at 02:49) and the penultimate cycle of the Moon. These energies will have a negative impact on the health of many people. Also, due to Venus square Jupiter and the Moon square Saturn, the first week and especially Sunday the 4th will be quite negative and stressful. Thus, the beginning of February can be remembered by many people as a kind of turning point both in relationships and in business, and in their own plans.

The second week, from February 5 to February 11, can also be quite busy, as Venus will be in Aquarius until February 11 and this will affect the emotional and sensual sphere of many people, which will be in a very unstable state. At this time, relations between representatives of the opposite sex can escalate to a maximum, which will noticeably manifest itself at the end of the week. In addition, the waning moon will have a weakening and negative effect on the aura of many people, which is fraught with a decrease in immunity and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

At the beginning of the third week of February, from the 12th to the 15th, these negative influences will still be felt, which will end on the new moon on February 16 at 00:06 and will be accompanied by a solar eclipse. In this sense, February 13 and 14, when the Moon will pass through the sign of Aquarius, can be called the days of the Black Moon. However, such a situation will provide an opportunity to get rid of some inhibitory connections, relationships and tune in to renewal in fate. In addition, on February 16 at 00:06, after the eclipse and the new moon, the new eastern year of the Dog will begin.

In the third week of February, on the 18th, Mercury will leave the sign of Aquarius and then, together with Venus (since 11.02 in the sign of Pisces), will be in the same sign. February 18 and the Sun will enter the same sign of Pisces. All this constellation will begin to jointly form a square to Mars in the sign of Sagittarius, which will affect the activity of people and require them to be more careful and organized. This negative aspect can affect the growth of crime, the risk of terrorist attacks, various accidents due to errors and man-made disasters. This is one of the most difficult periods of the whole year, which should be known in advance.

Only after the 20th, the situation will begin to stabilize, and the period from February 20 to 25 will be relatively favorable. Thanks to the increase in vitality and the harmonious state of the biosphere, people will feel more confident, will be able to free themselves from negative conditions and diseases, and will perceive what is happening more optimistically. It is better to plan important matters, meetings and relationships after the 20th, when, together with the growing Moon in the third decade of February, people will have the opportunity to use their abilities and experience more effectively. It is especially worth paying attention to the holiday on February 23 and prepare congratulations for men. At this time, it will be easier to build long-term relationships, establish strategic contacts and implement plans.

In addition, in the period from February 1 to February 17, we will be happy to participate in collective projects, local and long-distance business trips will become more frequent, everything new will be perceived with delight and curiosity, interesting inventions will appear. Although bouts of active or passive laziness are also likely, when we just want to lie on the couch or break off on some kind of trip to change the situation and take a break from work.

And we will also avoid long-term commitments and at the same time we will begin to build long-term plans for ourselves, many of which will turn out to be truly grandiose and affect not only ourselves, but also a fairly large number of people, and mostly friends and colleagues, not relatives. .

After the 17th, conformism will more often manifest itself in us, we will begin to relate to what is happening according to the principle “let everything go the way it goes”, many of our decisions and actions will turn out to be intuitive, without logic, accepted and perfected by inner instinct. This will save us from spontaneous antics and from quarrels with those who could potentially be something dangerous for us.

In addition, we will comprehend some new wisdom for us, interest in religion, philosophy, mysticism will increase, and not as something abstract, but as quite applied knowledge that can be used for work, for self-improvement, for solving urgent problems.

In the first decade of the month, many, unexpectedly even for themselves, will break some old ties in order to immediately start making new friends and business partners. In mid-February, we will give up those desires, the implementation of which may interfere with the implementation of some long-term and important plans for our existence. At the end of the month, thanks to some events and self-improvement, many will become wiser, calmer and more relaxed.

Auspicious days: 1st to 6th, 8th to 15th, 17th to 22nd, 24th to 28th.

Not auspicious days: 7, 16, 23.

I would like to remind you that people born from the 1st to the 18th are considered “pure” signs, and the rest are influenced by the previous or next sign - both in personality characteristics and in astrological predictions. And this must be taken into account.

Aries in February can start several long-term projects, each of which will involve frequent trips, communication with a huge number of people, opening up new horizons and, possibly, reaching the international level. And in doing so, you will most likely stop cooperating with those individuals who are used to acting in the old fashioned way and do not perceive anything ultramodern.

In addition, you will often be overcome by some strange desires, and you will probably rush to realize them, not looking back at the opinions of others and at some household duties, as you consider that you deserve these respite and the opportunity to at least occasionally fall out of reality.

At the beginning of the month, some rather abstract plan will suddenly take shape in a completely viable strategy. In mid-February, knowledge and skills that you have not used for a long time will come in handy. At the end of the month, income from some old business awaits you.

Most favorable days: 4, 11, 18, 19, 20, 27.

2, 3, 10, 16, 17, 23, 24.

Taurus in February may be faced with the need to improve their skills. It is possible that in order to implement some new project, your knowledge and skills will not be enough for you, so you will not only have to study, but also painfully let something into your mind that you don’t really understand yet.

In addition, problems in interpersonal communication are likely, which will entail a change in the suppliers of some goods or services. You may have to seek help from foreign specialists recommended to you by one of your friends or business partners. However, already in the third decade of the month you will understand that it was for the best.

In early February, you should not buy anything expensive - the purchase is unlikely to be successful, and for some reason you will not be able to return it. In the middle of the month, the renewal of some past cooperation is expected. At the end of February, you will learn a lot about yourself, and this will be the next step in the development of your personality.

Most favorable days: 2, 12, 21, 22.

Days to be careful: 13, 20, 27.

Gemini in February will be very difficult in the professional field. It is highly likely that some of your past mistakes will prevent influential people and potential partners from taking you seriously, so the project you were counting on may pass you by. And the efforts applied in the work will not always give adequate and positive results.

But in interpersonal communication and in creative self-realization everything will be just fine. Entertaining acquaintances await you, you will have some new interests, what you create at your leisure will find its admirers. And, by the way, later all this, perhaps, will begin to bring some income.

In the first decade of the month, you will gush with some creative ideas, however, you will not be able to earn money or authority on them yet. In mid-February, a not very successful trip is likely. At the end of the month, you will need the advice of some specialist.

Most favorable days: 18, 24.

Days to be careful: 1, 8, 15, 22.

Cancers in February will have to reap the fruits of their previous activities. There may be a trip from which you will not expect anything positive, but which will suddenly bring you something very good for what you have done in the past - fame, money, or the opportunity to start a new project that you have been discussing with like-minded people for a long time.

In addition, relationships with people with whom you had serious disagreements will be safely restored. You will stop being too sensitive to some of their mistakes and willingly make contact. True, in your actions there will be more calculation than sentiment, nevertheless, you will become quite normal to communicate with these individuals.

At the beginning of the month, some rules or restrictions will unexpectedly benefit you; probably travel. In mid-February, some of your ideas will require new empirical knowledge. At the end of the month, negotiations are expected with a person who you will need for some project.

Most favorable days: 5, 8, 12, 15, 22, 25, 26.

Days to be careful: 3, 13, 17, 27.

Leos in February will successfully engage in individual projects and participate in some kind of collective activity that will bring together several like-minded people. Quite large incomes from people or organizations based in other cities or even countries are not excluded.

In addition, you can safely say goodbye to something that has long ceased to suit you due to the fact that the efforts made do not match the pay or do not give the desired result. True, be prepared for the fact that this will become a reason for conflicts with someone around you because of dissatisfaction with your decision.

An interesting project is expected at the beginning of the month, but it will require psychological stress from you. In mid-February, you will have the opportunity to fulfill some of your long-standing desires. At the end of the month, the start of something is likely that will not only bring good money, but also provide you with new professional experience.

Most favorable days: 1, 11, 27, 28.

Days to be careful: 3, 10, 17, 24.

Virgo in February may be in a difficult position. It is possible that some kind of reorganization will be started at your work, and in order not to fall out of the cage, you will have to urgently comprehend some new wisdom and take on additional obligations, well, or look for another place of activity.

In addition, there is a possibility that you will not be approved for a loan or forced to ahead of time pay off some debts, so turn on the savings mode now and do not plan any expensive purchases for February. And in general, you should be careful with finances; old friends, if anything, of course, will help, but you yourself are unlikely to want to be financially dependent on them.

At the beginning of the month, some of your expectations may not come true. In mid-February, be careful with your wishes - those that come true will not please you very much. At the end of the month, health may require attention.

Most favorable days: 3.

Days to be careful: 8, 16, 22, 23.

Libra in February, most likely, will conduct some interesting negotiations, and with several people at once who do not get along with each other. It is possible that you will try to create a group for the implementation of some large-scale project or just get the most possible benefit from interacting with each of these individuals.

In addition, there is the possibility of a business trip to where you do not really want to. However, the trip will be very successful and will give you an unforgettable experience. And you will also be waiting for an update of your social circle at the expense of members of some community, which you will fall into due to some of your new status.

At the beginning of the month, you will have the freedom of choice in a question in which there was no alternative before. In mid-February, you may return to your old image to charm those who do not perceive any changes that have happened to you very well. At the end of the month, much will depend on the ability to keep silent in time.

Most favorable days: 2, 5, 9, 24.

Days to be careful: 4, 11, 13, 20, 25.

Scorpios in February will have to learn what they have long been interested in. It is possible that you decide to change your place or even the field of activity, doing something that you feel called to, and for this you will need new knowledge, skills and some of your own developments on this issue.

In addition, there is a possibility that you will have to re-establish relationships with people whom you personally cut out of your life some time ago. Most likely, you do not even hesitate to bow to them, as you will understand that without their support you will not be able to realize some ideas that are important to you now.

At the beginning of the month, you can generate an idea that is completely uncharacteristic of you and make it almost impossible to translate it into reality. In mid-February, you will have some fantastic desires. At the end of the month, a long-term project is expected to start in cooperation with people who are eager to learn something from you.

Most favorable days: 6, 8.

Days to be careful: 2, 12, 16, 19, 23, 26.

Streltsov in February is waiting for active self-realization in the professional field, their numerous successes will be well paid for and will bring a strong foundation for the future. In addition, the number of people interested in your services, knowledge or skills will increase significantly, so you can set your own rules and dictate some conditions.

In addition, it is possible to start your own business, to which you will attract both friends and those “comrades in the shop” who are fanatically devoted to the field of activity that interests you. And you, most likely, will finally decide what is important to you, and which aspects of your life are long overdue.

At the beginning of the month, some of your ideas will become the starting point for positive changes in the business sphere. In mid-February, you will have to convince someone of something, using characteristics. At the end of the month, conflicts are likely with those who do not keep up with you, who are not used to acting quickly.

Most favorable days: 8, 9, 10, 15.

Days to be careful: 7, 14.

Everything would be fine, if not the active intervention in our lives of the melancholy Moon and Saturn. The moon will try to unsettle many people, which, combined with an acute solar deficit, can easily cause depression and a depressed mood.

In what and how will another February antagonist, Saturn, manifest itself? He will send earthlings excessive suspiciousness and caution. These qualities will become the very “taboo” that will not allow many to fully use the chance for financial success. Well, it is obvious that excessive caution is far from always appropriate ...

Celestial Elemental Leaders

Representatives of the fire element will be able to win back the chance for major material success in February 2018. Lions, Aries and Sagittarius, using additional support from the daylight, will certainly find the strength in themselves to tirelessly strive forward without fear of financial loss or disappointment.

Representatives of the water element (Cancers, Scorpions and Pisces), as well as air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) will enlist the support of the mysterious Neptune. It will help the representatives of the listed signs to become much wiser (as a result, they will learn not to worry about the fault of this or that failure).

Representatives of the elements of the Earth (Capricorns, Virgo, Taurus) in February 2018 will achieve a colossal result in their work. The industrious Jupiter will help you with this. It is thanks to him that you will significantly increase your professional authority and become one step closer to the top of your career.

You will find out how the last winter month will pass by reading the horoscope for February 2018! The New Year holidays are behind us, monotonous working days are ahead. Nevertheless, in February you will experience a lot of positive emotions and love passions. Changes are expected in the career and business of some signs of the Zodiac. The stars recommend being closer to your family and loved ones, because they will help you in difficult times.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the detailed horoscope for February 2018 so that you are aware of upcoming events. For each representative of the zodiac circle, a separate and detailed forecast has been compiled. Yellow Earth Dog promises to please you and protect you from possible troubles!

Horoscope for February 2018 for each zodiac sign

Aries. The Aries horoscope for February 2018 portends changes in a forced property. The month will be extremely difficult, but also interesting. The stars indicate that some circumstances will be stronger than you. But, in the end, you will be able to overcome all the obstacles in your path and emerge from the struggle as a winner. How exactly, he will tell.

Crayfish. The February 2018 horoscope for the Cancer sign warns that significant changes are beginning in your life. Of course, it may be that you don’t need any changes for nothing, but there’s nothing you can do about it, the stars lined up that way. Cancer does not even have time to thoroughly comprehend everything predicted, calculate their actions, and somehow prepare for the coming changes. Well, it's okay, the flexible and resourceful Cancer will navigate directly in the process itself. Detailed full of surprises!

a lion. In most cases, you are used to achieving your goal at the cost of incredible effort. And this month you should not "go out of your way." This will not lead to anything good, but will only please your enemies once again. The lion should not be nervous and exhausted, he should be majestic and calm. Read in full.

Scorpion. You will become a participant in many negotiations that will take place face to face in a pleasant, friendly atmosphere. You will definitely use your natural charm and win over the negotiators. In case of emergency, you will try to change the minds of your opponents, and it is possible that they will go over to the camp of your allies. Will tell about it.

Sagittarius. Along with a surge of energy, you may experience fussiness and irritability. A sudden desire for risk for no reason can push you to commit rash acts. With this you will have to fight, and this fight will not be easy. Unshakable confidence in your own rightness can lead you to problems in understanding with your surroundings. What will happen next - will tell.

Capricorn. Some Capricorns will have to leave their old friends and give up old habits and attachments. Parting with friends should not be perceived by you as a tragedy. Life flows, everything changes and is renewed. When the time comes, you will make new friends. Reveals the secrets of the stars.

The Year of the Yellow Earth Dog has begun successfully and excitingly for almost all signs of the Zodiac! February is the end of winter, and what will this month be like in terms of love and finances? Whatever events the stars portend, you should be careful in legal matters at work. Motorists are advised not to make long trips, as the likelihood of a car breakdown is high. Health will also require your attention. Plentiful January feasts will nevertheless make themselves felt by exacerbation of liver diseases and excess weight.

On the love front February 2018 is not expected to change much. Strengthen old connections, do not rush to acquire new ones. Disappointed family people should not rush to divorce, try to find new attractive features in your spouse. Pay attention to children - they will help unite your family. For singles, the stars are recommended to temporarily stop trying to meet, February is not the right month for amorous pleasures. Catch up in March!

At work minor changes are expected. Those who did not spend too much money for the New Year and Christmas holidays will not have to worry about the "unexpected" devastation of the budget. Astrologers advise entrepreneurs to be careful in choosing partners. February is the month when all sorts of scammers are activated. Beware of scam! Employees should focus on fulfilling their job responsibilities. Try not to be late for work in February 2018, otherwise you can easily get laid off.

Health Horoscope. In February, the needs of the body will increase. To be in good shape, review the diet, giving preference to low-fat meat and vegetable dishes. Drink plenty of water, herbal infusions, buy vitamins at the pharmacy and take them to make up for the deficiency of useful trace elements and substances. February is a very good month for fitness. Sign up for a gym today - and by spring your figure will regain its smartness!

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