How to refresh tulle with ammonia. No yellowness on the windows! Topical tips on how to whiten tulle at home. Tulle bleaching methods

Walls, partitions 11.08.2020
Walls, partitions

Every housewife at least once in her life noticed that her favorite tulle in the bedroom, nursery or kitchen has become gray or has acquired an unpleasant yellowish color. And one simple question appeared in my head: how to quickly whiten your favorite curtains? In this article, we will talk about how you can do this easily and cost-effectively.

There are two ways to whiten tulle at home:

  1. With the help of household chemicals;
  2. With the help of folk recipes.

First, let's talk about household chemicals. On the shelves of stores, a lot of space is occupied by a large number of various bottles and vials, which are able to return the tulle to its former whiteness. The most common of these are whiteness and stain remover.

Whitening with whiteness

The standard way to update curtains to bring them back to a radiant white hue is to use white.

When using, do not forget the basic rules:

  1. Read the labels on the product carefully. Not all fabrics can be bleached.
  2. Do not regularly use bleach, as it negatively affects the structure of the fabric.
  3. Having used bleach once, the likelihood that you will have to do it again and again increases. Since even simple pollution will not be removed without bleach.

Applying white is easy. Pour warm water into a container (bucket or basin). Dissolve the required amount of bleaching agent (the exact number of caps is indicated in the instructions for use). Place the tulle in a basin or bucket so that the prepared mixture covers the tulle completely, and soak for an hour. Rinse the curtains well afterwards. But in addition to whiteness, bleach also gives a persistent smell of chlorine. Fabric softener, which can be added to the water when rinsing, will help eliminate it.

Wonderful stain remover

The stain remover differs from bleaching in two significant pluses:

  • First, the place of application. The stain remover is used in areas where there is pollution;
  • secondly, a pleasant aroma. Thanks to this, extra rinsing is not required to eliminate unpleasant odors.

The method of use is similar to the method of using bleach:

  1. In a container with warm water dissolve the stain remover, in the amount specified in the instructions. If the stains are present directly on the product, then it is worth treating them.
  2. Soak the tulle for an hour. If the stains are strong, then you can leave it to soak for 3-5 hours.
  3. Remove the product, rinse thoroughly, squeeze without twisting and send to dry.

This is how you can easily and simply whiten tulle curtains with the help of household chemicals.

The main thing to remember when working with bleach or stain remover is to perform all manipulations with gloves so that aggressive substances do not damage the delicate skin of the hands.

Folk ways

Now let's talk about folk recipes, which will give tulle products a dazzling white color. Assistants in this matter are in the kitchen. These include:

  • salt;
  • starch;
  • green;
  • blue;
  • ammonia and hydrogen peroxide;
  • laundry soap;
  • manganese;
  • soda;
  • a bucket for digestion;
  • lemon acid.

Let's talk about each tool in more detail.


  1. Take 3-5 tablespoons of ordinary coarse table salt and 100 grams of washing powder, which is available at home.
  2. Dissolve the mixture in 5 liters of water.
  3. Soak the product in the prepared solution for at least 3-4 hours, for best results.
  4. If the dirt is strong, it is better to wash the curtains in a washing machine. If the pollution is small, it will be enough just to rinse the cloth.

Salt solution is used simply for rinsing to bleach and starch the product a little.. With this solution, you can bleach the fabric in the children's room, since salt is not an allergen and is absolutely safe. As you can see, bleaching tulle at home is quite simple.


An inexpensive and high-quality assistant in the fight against yellowness is starch, which is found in any kitchen. You need to do the following:

  1. Dissolve a couple of tablespoons of starch in hot water.
  2. After washing, soak the product for a couple of minutes in the solution prepared in advance.
  3. Then rinse well and send the fabric to dry.

This method is similar to starching a product. After such a procedure, the curtains retain their shape well and are covered with a so-called protective layer. Dirt settles on starch particles. This allows the tulle to remain clean for a long time. With the next wash, the dirt is easily washed off.


Ordinary solution of brilliant green can have effective help in a difficult struggle for the original freshness of tulle. To do this, you need Zelenka, a glass and a basin.

  1. Dissolve 10-15 drops of brilliant green solution in a glass of warm water.
  2. Let stand for 5-10 minutes. If there is no sediment, and the brilliant green is completely dissolved, you need to pour the mixture into a bucket with 7-10 liters of warm water. If, however, a precipitate is observed, it is necessary to mix thoroughly again.
  3. After washing, lower the tulle into a container with the resulting product for 5 minutes, while constantly turning the tulle over.
  4. Slightly wring out and send the product to dry.

When preparing the solution, you should pay attention to the fact that the brilliant green should dissolve completely. Otherwise, instead of whiteness, you can get light green stains, which will be difficult to get rid of in the future.


A long-known bleaching agent is blue. Nice and efficient way. But now it is very rare to find blue on shop windows.

The whitening algorithm is as follows:

  1. When washing the product by hand, half the measuring cup must be diluted in water. The liquid temperature is not more than 30°C.
  2. Immerse the product in the prepared mixture.
  3. Rinse the fabric in clean water.

When machine washing, blue (1 measuring cup) is added to the rinse aid compartment. But it is better to rinse the product by hand. And make sure that the blue is completely dissolved in water.. Otherwise, there is a possibility that new stubborn stains will appear on the product. In this case, there is nothing to save the tulle.

ammonia and hydrogen peroxide

These two assistants will cope with yellowness without any problems, but only on cotton curtains. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Mix 2 tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide and 1 tablespoon of ammonia.
  2. Pour the mixture into a container with water (water temperature approx. 60°C).
  3. Place the tissue in the solution for 20-25 minutes.
  4. Rinse the tulle well in clean water 2 times.
  5. Hang to dry, no need to wring.

Laundry soap

Action algorithm:

  1. Grate soap on a coarse grater.
  2. Dip the soap chips into a bowl of water and bring to a boil. Remove from fire immediately.
  3. Add cool water to the prepared soap solution. You will get a warm mixture.
  4. Soak the product in this mixture. Leave to soak for 5-7 hours.
  5. Then wash and rinse the tulle.

Potassium permanganate

Another effective tool in the fight for the whiteness of tulle is manganese. True, getting potassium permanganate has recently become more difficult. What do we have to do:

  1. Dilute manganese in half a glass and pour into a bowl of warm water. Mix well.
  2. Soap tulle with laundry soap.
  3. Dip the product in a container with a solution of manganese for half an hour.
  4. Then everything is as always: wash, rinse, dry, and then enjoy the whiteness of the curtains.


Whitening tulle curtains with ordinary baking soda is quick and easy. The recipe for use is simple:

  1. 1 tablespoon of soda mixed with 50 gr. washing powder. Dilute the resulting mixture in 4-5 liters of water.
  2. Soak the curtains in the solution for 20 minutes before washing.
  3. Wash and rinse the item.


An old way of bleaching things that our grandmothers used.

Boiling should be used if the curtains are made of natural fabric: linen or cotton.

For this method, you will need an enameled container, or a stainless steel container. This is a prerequisite. Otherwise, the curtains may acquire an ugly shade of rust. To boil fabric:

  1. Grate laundry soap, add washing powder to it.
  2. Dissolve the resulting mixture in a bucket of cool water and mix well.
  3. Dip the tulle into a bucket or pan so that the resulting mixture completely covers the fabric.
  4. Put the container with the soaked curtains on the fire, bring to a boil.
  5. Reduce heat and simmer for an hour, stirring constantly with a long wooden stick.
  6. Take out the curtains, rinse and send them to dry.

There is nothing complicated. A little time, and the tulle will shine with dazzling whiteness.

Lemon acid

Citric acid will also help renew soiled and discolored fabric over time. For this you need:

  1. Lather the tulle with laundry soap and soak for half an hour in hot water. If there are traces of burning on the product (for example, tulle from the kitchen), you can add 2 tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide.
  2. After that, rinse the product in warm water, adding a bag of citric acid there.

The tulle will again acquire a bright white shade and pristine freshness.

A little about fabrics

How to bleach old tulle depends on the fabric from which it is sewn. Common fabrics for sewing curtains are kapron and organza.

Organza is a shiny and very thin fabric, while being rigid in its structure. Requires delicate handling. Such a fabric is afraid of household chemicals. But it can be bleached with folk remedies: saline, blue, ammonia and peroxide.

Kapron is a soft synthetic material. Folk methods will also help whiten nylon tulle. Kapron will shine white after saline solution, brilliant green solution and manganese solution. The main thing is to perform all manipulations in cool water.

  1. Shake well before soaking the tulle.
  2. It is always worth soaking the product before washing.
  3. Do not use hot water(except where indicated). It is better to wash the curtains at a temperature of 30 ° C, while turning off the rinse cycle. If the machine does not provide for such an opportunity, then set the minimum speed for spinning.
  4. Before soaking the product, you need to carefully and compactly fold it. Make sure that there are no creases on the curtains, as they are very difficult to iron. If you need to wash the product in the washing machine, it is better to use a special bag for washing delicate items.
  5. If you add 1 tablespoon of table vinegar during washing, the curtains will play with beautiful highlights in the sunlight.
  6. needs to be done very carefully. You must first wring out (the main thing is without twisting), let the water drain. You can immediately hang on the eaves. Under the weight of its weight, the tulle will straighten faster.
  7. If it is not possible to wash the tulle by hand, then when machine washing it is worth using the program: "Delicate wash" or "Manual mode".

Here are some simple ways to give your favorite product a new life.

Decorating windows with snow-white tulle gives the home freshness, elegance and airiness. But like all white fabrics, tulle accumulates dust and loses its brilliance over time. The sun's rays negatively affect the structure of the material, and street dust pollution, soot and fumes turn light, delicate, blinding white tulle into a dull gray fabric, similar to used gauze. The most radical housewives are beginning to think about changing the curtains. But you should not resort to such hasty decisions, since today we will tell you how to whiten tulle from dullness at home so that it shines again, while spending a minimum of financial resources.

How to wash tulle from dullness at home?

How to beat off the old veil from soot and other contaminants? Normal washing with white powder can, of course, remove the yellow tint from the fabric. But frequent washing will quickly spoil the product, and instead of the expected white radiant color, the result is gray and smoky. The problem can be dealt with only by proven and professional bleaches or folk remedies.

In the article we tried to collect all effective ways bleaching curtains, let's start with chemical bleaches.

Household chemicals for bleaching

The modern chemical industry produces a great variety of bleaches, not only with a stain-removing effect, but also with a bleaching effect.

Important! The disadvantage of household chemicals is one-time efficiency. Even after repeated washing, bleach does not give the desired result. In addition, when using chemicals, one should strictly adhere to safety regulations - use personal protective equipment and strictly follow the recommended dosage.


To bleach nylon tulle at home in a washing machine:

  • It should be diluted or added to the machine compartment according to the instructions.
  • Chemical bleach can also be used after washing by soaking the curtains in the product for 20-30 minutes. After soaking, the fabric must be rinsed thoroughly.

Important! Do not try to mix two incompatible types of bleach, as the products will neutralize each other's work in 99% of cases. In addition, as a result of such an experiment, toxic fumes can be released, which are very harmful to your health.

Effective bleaches

As a bleaching agent, you can use:

  • "Bingo tulle" is an oxygen-based bleaching agent.
  • "Frau Schmidt" - flawless whiteness in tablets. One tablet is enough to wash curtains.
  • “Pilotex tulle” is an oxygenated stain remover for bleaching delicate fabrics and tulle.
  • “Dr. Beckmann" - for really white curtains. Special products provide quick relief to yellowed and grayed fabrics, returning the original whiteness and freshness.
  • "Vanish Oxi Action" - stain remover. For machine washing, ½ cap is sufficient.
  • "Cashmere" - washing powder for curtains. It is intended for a machine wash at a temperature of 30-50 degrees.
  • "Whiteness" is a reactive Soviet bleach. If you need to quickly whiten tulle from dullness at home, buy a chlorine-based product. The only drawback is that the drug is very aggressive, after repeated use, the curtain will begin to tear and deteriorate. Therefore, for permanent use, such a composition is not recommended - it is better to alternate with safer means.
  1. To get rid of the pungent smell of chlorine, and at the same time make the curtains soft, add fabric softener at the end of the wash.
  2. When washing curtains in the machine, select the following modes: , Gentle or Hand wash. The water temperature should not exceed 30 degrees, and the spin speed should not exceed 400 rpm.

Important! An increase in water temperature will lead to the opposite effect - the tulle will turn yellow, and a high spin speed will spoil the structure of the fabric.

How to bleach tulle with folk remedies?

The choice of method for bleaching curtains depends on the type of fabric from which they are sewn. The most common materials for tulle:

  1. Organza is a beautiful, but very capricious fabric. It does not tolerate contact with hot water and chemical bleaches. From folk remedies for whitening, organza tulles are suitable:
    1. Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia for soaking.
    2. Salt solution with brilliant green for rinsing.
    3. Blue solution for rinsing.
  2. Kapron is a fairly gentle synthetic material. It needs careful washing and delicate bleaching. Kapron is not afraid of washing and soaking in saline, rinsing with brilliant green. Perfectly whitens the nylon product with potassium permanganate.

Important! You may also find the following information useful when you are done with recovery procedures:

How to use home bleach, we will tell further.

Method number 1. Salt and water

This is one of the cheapest ways to tidy curtains. A pack of salt can be found in every home, and you can use the product both before washing and after it.

To whiten tulle with salt at home, proceed as follows:

  1. Dissolve with water 3-5 tbsp. tablespoons coarse salt (not iodized).
  2. Add half a glass.
  3. Mix thoroughly.
  4. Immerse the tulle in the resulting solution for at least 3-4 hours (or overnight).
  5. For heavy soiling, wash the curtains in the car, and for light ones, rinse.

Important! Salt can also be used after washing as follows: add 1-2 tbsp to a bowl of warm water. tablespoons of salt and leave the tulle for 15 minutes. Then carefully wring out and hang up. Salt will give a slight sheen effect, and washed curtains will look starched.

Advantages of the method:

  • Low cost. High-quality whitening will cost a few rubles.
  • Availability. Salt is always present in every kitchen.
  • Hypoallergenic. Salt can even be used for curtains from the children's room, as it is not an allergen.
  • Ease of use.

Important! Minus - the whitening process will take several hours.

Method number 2. Zelenka

Do not be surprised, because with brilliant green you can not only process your knees and turn children into “grasshoppers” during chickenpox, but also whiten tulle from dullness at home. You can use this universal remedy even for very yellowed curtains.

Apply Brilliant Green Solution after normal washing as follows:

  1. Stir 200 ml of water and 10 drops of brilliant green.
  2. To enhance the effect, add 2 tbsp. heaping tablespoons of salt.
  3. After a few minutes, look at the solution to see if a precipitate has formed. If not, then pour the solution into a basin for rinsing. If there is a precipitate, then mix the ingredients until completely dissolved or strain the solution.

Washing tulle with salt and brilliant green is as follows:

  1. Pour 7-10 liters of warm water into the basin.
  2. Pour in the finished concentrate.
  3. Place the tulle in the basin and leave for 3-5 minutes, turning it over occasionally.
  4. Take out the tulle, without squeezing, hang it to drain the water.
  5. Dry the curtain straightened.

Advantages of the method:

  • Availability. Zelenka is in every home.
  • Cheapness. The solution is very cheap compared to household chemicals.
  • Whitening takes a minimum of time.

Important! Minus - there is a possibility that the material will not acquire a snow-white hue, but light green streaks if you do not stir the brilliant green well enough.

Method number 3. Blue

You can wash tulle from yellowness at home with a small amount of blue.

Manual whitening

If you wash the tulle by hand, then proceed as follows:

  1. In a bowl of warm water (7-10 liters), add one capful of blue.
  2. Stir the solution thoroughly so that there are no lumps.
  3. Immerse the pre-washed tulle in the solution, rinse for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Rinse the product with clean water.

When washing in the machine:

  1. Add a capful of product to the rinse aid compartment.
  2. Do not mix with powder.

Advantages of the method:

  • Efficiency. The tulle becomes really snow-white.
  • The whitening process does not take long.

Important! Cons of this method of whitening tulle from dullness:

  • Finding blue in stores is almost impossible.
  • The likelihood of stubborn stains. If you do not stir the product thoroughly enough, stains may remain on the fabric. It is for this reason that it is better to rinse a product with bluing by hand, since some models of washing machines do not dissolve bleaching agents thoroughly enough (lumps of blue may get into the drum).

Method number 4. Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

If you found vials with products in your first aid kit, then you don’t need to buy bleach anymore, since you can cook it yourself.


You can bleach tulle with hydrogen peroxide and ammonia as follows:

  1. Pour water with a temperature above 50 degrees (80-90) into a basin.
  2. Pour in 2 tbsp. spoons of hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ammonia.
  4. Stir the solution thoroughly with a spoon.
  5. Dip the curtain in the solution for 20 minutes. Turn the product over periodically.
  6. Rinse the tulle thoroughly with running water.
  7. Without wringing, hang the tulle to dry.

Important! The disadvantage of the method is that it can only be used for cotton fabrics of sufficient density.

  • If you are washing the product in an automatic machine, then add 20 ml of hydrogen peroxide solution to the detergent drawer. Set the "Delicate wash" mode.
  • You can leave the curtain overnight in a solution of water and a vial of ammonia. Rinse thoroughly in the morning and hang to dry.

Method number 5. Starch:

  1. First of all, clean the tulle from dust and wash it by hand or in the machine.
  2. To prepare the solution, mix 200-300 grams of starch with 10 liters of warm water.
  3. Dip the curtains into the solution.
  4. Leave the product for 5 hours.
  5. Hang the tulle without wringing.

Advantages of the method:

  • The minimum cost of bleaching.
  • Starch gives the tulle a relief shape.

Important! Minus - the whitening process will take several hours.

Method number 6. Potassium permanganate

Brown manganese can also make tulle white. For this you will need:

  • 100 g of laundry soap, grated.
  • 1 glass of warm water.
  • Potassium permanganate on the tip of a knife.


Use the ingredients as follows:

  1. Dilute manganese with a glass of water to an intense pink color.
  2. Add the solution to a bowl of water. The solution should be pale pink in color.
  3. Pour in a bar of laundry soap.
  4. Stir the ingredients thoroughly until a pinkish soapy suds forms.
  5. Place the tulle for 30 minutes.
  6. Wash curtains by hand or machine if necessary.
  7. Rinse and hang the product.

Advantages of the method:

  • An excellent result is stored for a long time.
  • Minimum bleaching time.

Important! Minus - it is quite difficult to find potassium permanganate.

Method number 7. Soda

Soda, like salt, is always in the kitchen. You can use baking soda as an additional agent for soaking the product before machine washing.


You can do this in the following way:

  1. To 4-5 liters of water, add 50 g of washing powder and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of soda.
  2. Stir the ingredients thoroughly until completely dissolved.
  3. Soak the tulle for 20 minutes.
  4. Put the curtain in the machine and wash on a normal cycle.
  5. Rinse the item.
  6. Dry the tulle straightened.


  • Availability.
  • Cheapness.
  • Ease of use.
  • Fast and long-term action.

Method number 8. Digestion

This method is also called passive washing, since digestion allows you to evenly remove all dirt and pigments.


For this method you need:

  • Large galvanized pot.
  • Stirring device.
  • Washing powder or laundry soap.

If you got everything you need, then proceed as follows:

  1. Dissolve detergent with water.
  2. Place the tulle in the container so that it is completely immersed in water.
  3. Put the brew on the fire.
  4. Boil the curtains for about an hour, stirring constantly.
  5. Remove the container from the fire.
  6. Rinse the tulle first with warm water and then cool.

What to do with strongly yellowed tulle?

Heavily faded curtains are difficult to put in order in one of the following ways. In this case, an integrated approach is needed:

  1. First of all, wash the product in the machine with the addition of powder.
  2. Then boil the curtains in a strong solution of laundry soap for an hour.
  3. After - soak the tulle in a solution of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.
  4. Rinse in saline solution.
  5. Fix the effect by rinsing in a starch solution. For how to prepare this in a suitable concentration, see detailed information in publication.

To make whitening tulle from dullness and yellowness the most effective, use the following recommendations:

  • Be sure to shake out the tulle before soaking.
  • For soaking and washing, use only warm water (up to 35 degrees) so that the yellowness does not eat in forever.
  • Apply bleaching measures immediately at the first sign of discoloration.
  • To make the curtains shine in the sun, add a little table vinegar to the washing water (1 dessert spoon of vinegar per 1 liter of water).
  • Soak very dirty curtains overnight in water with powder or laundry soap added.
  • Be sure to wash the tulle before bleaching.
  • When hand washing, do not rub the material, but lightly squeeze.
  • After washing, do not twist the tulle by hand and do not use the “Spin” function when machine washing. Hang curtains when damp so that the folds straighten out under their own weight.
  • We hope that our tips and tricks helped you whiten the tulle and it decorates the window with its elegant whiteness and airiness. All of the above methods have passed the main test - the test of time. Therefore, feel free to follow our recommendations in the future, so as not to harm the delicate, delicate and such a thin material.

Tulle is constantly exposed to direct sunlight, particles of dust and dirt settle on it. Since intensive washing at high temperatures is contraindicated for delicate fabrics, it turns yellow or gray over time. Cigarette smoke, if the room is smoked, and oven fumes in the kitchen also contribute to the discoloration of the curtains. Bleach tulle should be done with great care. Thin and delicate fabric can deteriorate with intense exposure or the wrong product.

How to use chemical bleaches

Vanish can be used for whitening. It is distinguished by its ability to effectively remove stains and difficult dirt without damaging the structure of the fabric. Vanish is added along with the powder to the powder receiver of the washing machine. Set the delicate wash mode, turn on the extra rinse and start the process.

You can also use plain White. In this case, you should carefully read the recommendations on the label. The composition of whiteness includes chlorine, which, with frequent use, damages the fibers of the fabric.

To return the curtain to a snow-white color with the help of chlorine, you can use an automatic machine or use a hand wash. Before starting the procedure, be sure to read the instructions. It indicates the recommended dosage of the drug for a certain amount of water.

When washing in a machine, whiteness is added to the powder receptacle and the delicate mode is started.

For manual soaking, dilute the amount of bleach indicated in the instructions in warm water and dip the curtains into the solution for 20 minutes. Then the tissue is taken out and transferred to a basin with clean water. Rinse several times to get rid of the chlorine smell.

If the label indicates that the material is not intended for bleaching with aggressive preparations, it is recommended to refrain from using chlorine bleaches.

Folk ways

You can whiten tulle from yellowness at home with the help of improvised means available to any housewife. It will take a little more time and effort, but the result is worth it.


The drug is used to give the curtains a snow-white color. To do this, 4-5 tablets are crushed into powder and dissolved in 7 liters of water. Tulle is soaked in the resulting composition for 2-3 hours. You can leave the curtains to bleach all night. Next, the fabric is taken out and washed in the usual way.

This method allows you to return the brightness and color curtains. At the same time, aspirin delicately affects the tissue without destroying the fibers.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

If, during a normal wash, add 1 tablespoon of peroxide to the powder, the curtains will always remain snow-white. This liquid protects the fabric well from the appearance of yellowness and gray.

For manual bleaching, a mixture of ammonia and peroxide is used. For 1 part of peroxide use 2 parts of ammonia. The resulting composition is diluted in warm water. In 1 liter of liquid add 1 tablespoon of the solution.

Soak the tulle for 20-30 minutes. It is not necessary to withstand longer, as the composition can damage the fabric. This method allows you to bleach tulle at home quickly.

All manipulations with the solution are carried out with protective gloves.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap is used to remove all old dirt from the fabric and give it a snow-white appearance. The tulle is dipped in warm water and lathered. You can leave the material to soak directly in the basin. For greater efficiency, the tulle is placed in a large plastic bag and tied.

After 1-2 hours, the curtains are removed, washed and rinsed thoroughly.


The usual pharmacy brilliant green will help whiten the tulle from dullness at home. The solution prepared in advance is added to the water for the last rinse. To prepare it, 10 drops of brilliant green are poured into 1 glass of warm water. Stir and let stand well. The solution is diluted in water without affecting the sediment.


Also added before the last rinse. As a result, the water turns a delicate blue color. Tulle is placed in it for 10-15 minutes, rinsed and dried.

Potassium permanganate

It is used very carefully, thoroughly stirred so that strongly colored areas do not appear on the fabric. It is better to dissolve manganese in a glass, and then strain the resulting liquid through several layers of gauze.

Water for soaking should acquire a gentle pink color. The washed curtain is immersed in the composition and rinsed thoroughly.


For every liter of water you will need 4-5 tablespoons of salt. Dirty tulle is soaked in the resulting solution for at least 3 hours. Better to leave it all night. After soaking, the curtains are machine washed and rinsed.

This method will not only give whiteness to the curtains, but also protect against yellowing in the future.

Lemon acid

Add to powder during washing. Soak the tulle in an acidic soapy solution for 1-2 hours, then wash thoroughly. The material is then rinsed and dried.


In addition to whiteness, this method will give the curtains a clear and beautiful shape, protect them from dust and dirt settling on the material. In warm water, you need to dissolve a small amount of starch (1 teaspoon for each liter). Put the washed curtains in the composition for 3-5 minutes. Then rinse and dry.

Whitening in the washing machine

The tulle is placed in a laundry bag and placed in the drum of the machine. Add 2-3 drops of ammonia to the powder. Set the delicate mode with a temperature of 30 degrees and turn off the spin. They start the program, wait for the end of the process, hang it out to drain water and dry.


This method should be used if all else fails. Exposure to high temperatures can be detrimental to thin delicate material.

In a large container, boil water with the addition of powder and a suitable bleach. A curtain is placed there and boiled over low heat for an hour.

After the procedure is completed, the tissue is removed with tongs and sent to the washing machine.

How to bleach old curtains

You can use boiling to return the curtains to their original appearance. If this method is not available for some reason, soda is used. It is added to the powder during machine washing. Several procedures - and the curtains will again acquire their snow-white color.

For organza curtains, bleaching with starch is considered the most effective. This method will not only restore their whiteness, but also get rid of all the folds and creases.

For nylon and synthetic curtains, the salt method is more suitable.

The veil is bleached with hydrogen peroxide.

Cotton and linen curtains can be bleached different ways. The method with aspirin, salt and citric acid works well on these materials.

Methods with blue and green can be applied to any type of fabric. A small amount of dye will optically make the material white.


  1. All manipulations with various compositions are carried out only in protective rubber gloves. During boiling, be sure to use special tongs to avoid burns.
  2. Using several methods at the same time, you can permanently ruin the fabric or get an unexpected chemical reaction the consequences of which are difficult to predict.
  3. Synthetic fabrics are not subjected to boiling, as from high temperature they lose their shape.
  4. Frequent use of chlorine bleach has the exact opposite effect. The tulle acquires a yellowish tint that is resistant to bleaching.
  5. Hot water during regular washing makes the curtains gray after 2-3 times. To bleach such things is already impossible.

The tulle on the windows makes the interior of the room more light, airy and cozy. But how difficult it is sometimes to return the curtains to their original whiteness, especially when they were hung in the kitchen! If even warm water can cope with ordinary dust, then yellow coating, dullness or spots of fat will have to work hard. Therefore, we will consider several proven ways to wash roofing paper so that it is white, and at the same time not damage the thin fabric.

In order for air draperies to last a long time and at the same time not lose their external gloss, you should wash them at least once every 3 months - it is much easier to wash off the dust in time than to fight for the return of the original whiteness for a long time. But if the tulle hangs in the kitchen, and even on a window overlooking a busy highway, standard cleaning methods with warm water and powder may not save you from the appearance of a gray coating or unaesthetic yellow stains. You will have to use bleach and other special products active action.

White tulle before and after washing

How to wash tulle - general rules:

  1. Before soaking, shake the curtains well on the street or from the balcony so as not to dilute dust accumulations in the water.
  2. Do not use chlorine bleaches. Yes, they will help achieve perfect whiteness, but they quickly wear out thin fabrics.
  3. After washing, let the water drain without twisting. If you want to speed up the process, you can squeeze the fabric a little with light movements.
  4. The ideal temperature for airy fabrics is 30-40 degrees. If this threshold is exceeded, the tulle can “sit down”, and in cool water it cannot be washed off.
  5. In order for the curtains to remain white, it is important not only to know how to properly wash the tulle, but also to take into account the peculiarities of its drying. White fabrics turn yellow quickly when exposed to high temperatures, so using an iron to smooth out wrinkles is not recommended. It is better to hang a still damp drapery directly on the eaves - so it dries quickly and levels out under its own weight.

And now let's take a closer look at how and how to wash tulle so that it becomes snow-white.

What are the best tools to use

To safely and efficiently clean expensive curtains, you can use special products for tulle and curtains, which are sold in household chemical stores. Not only are they excellent at various types dirt, but also gently bleach and starch the curtains a little.

Means for washing tulle

But you can get by with traditional detergent compositions:

  • Powders for hand or automatic washing - suitable for ordinary nylon nets, cotton or inexpensive organza. You can choose a composition with bleaching additives.
  • Powders and gels for washing children's clothes - have a whitening effect, cope well with stains of various origins, and are hypoallergenic.
  • Shampoos for delicate fabrics - work great in warm water, rinse out easily, gently clean thin curtains made of voile, silk and other easily deformable fabrics.

Important! To choose the right powder and bleach, consider the manufacturer's recommendations for fabric care. The label usually indicates at what temperature to wash the tulle and the possibility of bleaching with chemicals. For whimsical products made of silk or organza, this is 30-40 degrees, but for cotton fabrics or polyester, the temperature can be increased to 50-60 ° C.

What do labels mean

Hand wash and natural bleaching

Many housewives prefer to take care of delicate fabrics only by hand - this way problem areas are clearly visible, and the risk of damaging the curtains is minimal. In this case, in addition to the usual washing process using powders, various natural bleaches are often involved. Therefore, we will consider in detail the most popular ways to wash tulle with your hands so that it is white and clean, but without spending money on expensive chemicals.

On a note! When hand washing, it is difficult for many without a thermometer to get the necessary 30-40 degrees recommended for thin fabrics. To do this, you can use a simple hint - try the water in the basin with your elbow: if the temperature feels comfortable, you can start washing; if you feel cold or hot, adjust. A “test” with a palm or fingers does not have such accuracy - the skin at the elbow is more sensitive (it is not for nothing that experienced parents check the water before bathing their babies).

With salt

Washing tulle with salt perfectly cleans white fabric from stubborn dirt. This method is also good for dealing with yellowness or an unpleasant gray color of the fabric.
How to wash tulle with salt:

  • Water is poured into a bucket or basin at a temperature of about 40 degrees.
  • Then salt and washing powder are poured (1 tablespoon of salt is required for 1 liter of water, and the dose of powder is the same as in normal washing).
  • The granules are well stirred so that there are no grains of detergent in the liquid.
  • After that, the curtains are lowered into the solution and squeezed several times.

If the fabric is not heavily soiled, after an hour and a half, the tulle can be washed in the usual way and rinsed.

If the curtains are old or yellowed, you need to act a little differently: first, the tulle is washed with ordinary powder, then it is soaked overnight in saline, which is prepared at the rate of 1-2 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water, and in the morning it is again treated with powder and thoroughly rinsed out.

Important! Salt should be only rock, not fine "extra" and without iodized additives.

With soda

Soda is another whitening assistant that can be easily found in the kitchen of any housewife. It well returns the whiteness of grayed tissue and removes fatty deposits. One of the most simple recipes how to wash curtains from yellowness, such as:

  • Mix 100 g of powder with 2 tbsp. spoons of soda.
  • Pour this mixture into a bucket of warm water and stir.
  • Soak the tulle in the solution for 20 minutes.
  • Machine wash or hand wash and rinse well.

Note! Washing and bleaching tulle with soda is effective only when pre-soaked, unlike saline.

Bleach tulle with soaking

Non-standard bleach - Zelenka

To restore the dazzling whiteness of the fabric, a mixture of brilliant green and salt will help. How to wash tulle so that it is white and not repainted in an emerald tone? The secret is in the correct preparation of the solution:

  • In 0.5 liters of warm water stir a couple of tablespoons of salt.
  • After dissolving the granules, add 15 drops of brilliant green.
  • The solution is stirred and left for 3-4 minutes - a precipitate should fall out.
  • Now the most crucial stage: you need to carefully strain the liquid so as not to miss the sediment, otherwise green spots on the fabric cannot be avoided.
  • The liquid is added to the water for the last rinse of curtains already washed with powder for 3-4 minutes.
  • The fabric must be periodically turned over and squeezed a little so that it is evenly saturated with liquid.
  • After that, the curtains are taken out, squeezed out without twisting and hung out to dry.

On a note! You can also improve the color with hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, blue. But the advantages of the above methods are obvious - the ingredients for them can be found in every home, without running around pharmacies or shops.

How to wash tulle in a typewriter

From the hostesses who used the old activator-type machines, we got the stereotype that tulle can only be washed by hand. But it's not. Yes, the “ancient” devices really often and hopelessly spoiled thin fabrics, but modern machines work much more accurately, which eliminates the risk of damage. The main thing is to set the mode and temperature correctly.

Machine wash thin fabrics

What settings to use

The easiest way is for those housewives whose typewriters have a special mode - “delicate” or “silk”. Here, the optimal temperature has already been programmed and the features of processing thin fabrics have been taken into account. But in what mode to wash tulle in a typewriter, where there are only standard settings? It's simple - select the "hand wash" program and set the temperature to 30 degrees.

On a note! You can also use the "wool" mode - it does not deform fabrics and erases with maximum accuracy.

Universal tips on how to wash tulle in a washing machine:

  1. Carefully fold the curtains before placing them in the drum to avoid wrinkling during the spin cycle.
  2. Organza, voile, silk and other delicate fabrics are recommended to be additionally closed in a mesh laundry bag.
  3. It is better to replace the powder with gel or shampoo, but do not overdo it with the amount - for thin mesh fabrics it needs very little (about half of the usual load), and without that foaming will be at its best.
  4. When the tulle wash is completed, turn on an additional rinse to ensure that detergent residue is removed from the fabric.

Advice! Do not use the automatic spin mode - it is better to remove the tulle and let the water drain by gravity. In extreme cases, turn on the program at the minimum speed.

Additives for perfect whiteness

In the washing machine, you can also use some "folk" products that are used for manual bleaching, for example, the same saline solution. But in order to wash a very dirty tulle, you can also pick up gentle preparations from the rich arsenal of the chemical industry.

For example:

  • Optical brighteners - contain special particles that settle on the fibers. They are intended only for white fabrics and will visually lighten even gray or yellowed curtains.
  • Oxygen bleaches - have an excellent whitening effect, but do not destroy the structure of the fabric, are suitable for products with a color pattern, are used for low-temperature washing in a typewriter.

bleaching machine

The easiest way to wash curtains in the washing machine is to add one type of bleach to the powder. But if we are talking about old curtains that have turned gray or yellowed from kitchen fumes - use the additional “soak” mode or the “prewash” function.

Video: how to whiten tulle at home

We hope our tips will help you properly wash the tulle so that it becomes snow-white. If you can’t do it yourself, ask a cleaning professional for help. They have special preparations for pollution of any complexity.

An important element of decor modern home- tulle and curtains. Caring for fabrics made from natural and synthetic, white and colored fibers requires housewives to know the intricacies of caring for keeping products clean. How can I wash and bleach them at home? How to deal with pollution with traditional and folk methods, to defeat dullness and yellowness, stains, to make tulle products shine and sparkle again, to please the owners?

Keeping your home clean is part of your health care.

A special element of home interior decor is tulle. White and colored, translucent, airy, smooth and patterned. The name tulle was given in honor of one yo many French cities. Over time, many new materials and design solutions have appeared, but housewives prefer tulle. This fabric guarantees a free exchange of energy between the interior of the house and the external environment. The perfection of style, creative design is emphasized by curtains, drapes and curtains. Our home is a living organism. Therefore, cleanliness is important for maintaining a healthy atmosphere, mood and well-being. Keeping your home clean is part of taking care of your health. A tidy house is a hearth of comfort and warmth.

Over time, snow-white products become gray, dull and dusty, acquire a yellowish tint, and fade. Dust settles on textile fabrics, stains appear. Regular care will remove unwanted dust, and washing will help remove dirt, restore an attractive appearance to the canvases, restore freshness, and preserve the magnificence of products. It is not difficult to do this, observing the subtleties of caring for the cleanliness of the decoration of the house, you show sincere concern for the health of the inhabitants.

Cleaning techniques for curtains and tulle

Airing- a simple and affordable method for cleaning and cleaning textiles. A window or door ajar for a while will saturate the atmosphere of the house with energy, the fragrance of purity. Tyazh yo light curtains are good to shake out on the street.

Vacuuming suitable for curtains made of dense material. Use a special nozzle for this, so as not to spoil the fabric. yo with a stiff brush. If the nozzle is not included in the vacuum cleaner kit, wrap it with a thin cloth yo weave and secure with an elastic band. Remember, you also need to clean the side of the curtains from the side of the window. Frequency - twice a month.

But over time, you can return a fresh look and whiteness to curtains and tulle products only by washing. It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question about the frequency of washing: in the kitchen and in houses located on streets with busy traffic, it is necessary to wash often, where there is less dust - 2-3 times a year.

How to wash tulle by hand: general rules

If you do not use washing powder, I recommend using home gel - non-toxic, safe for health, which is important. Pour 2 liters of water into the pan, put on fire. Fall asleep in boiling water 10 tbsp. l. grated laundry soap. Stir until dissolved. Throw in a container of 5 tbsp. l. soda ash. Stir the mixture again until it thickens. Turn off the fire. Cool down the mixture. It remains to aromatize with perfumes that you do not use, or essential oils. You will need one vial (5 ml). For 2 kg of washing you need 2 tbsp. l. gel.

Use the tips for hand washing:

  • First, do not forget to shake off the tulle or curtains to remove dust on the surface of the products.
  • When washing artificial materials, observe the temperature regime.
  • Soak the tulle in non-hot water, after dissolving soap or soda there.
  • Effectively softens water, removes dirt and yellow salt (do not take purified iodized salt). Soak the linens in the salt solution for two hours, or preferably overnight (8 tablespoons of salt per 10 liters of water). Salt easily removes impurities. Rinse the products and wash with detergents - a solution of washing powder or gel, rinse again.
  • Do not give up modern bleaching products. Bleaches effectively refresh and clean, restore white color. Take note: Oxygen bleaches are safer. Soak the cloth in the solution and then follow the instructions.
  • Sparkling whiteness will return a light solution of blue or green in water.
  • Adding vinegar to the rinse water will make the tulle look sparkle.
  • To prevent the fabric from becoming electrified and become softer, add conditioner.
  • Do not twist and rub the fabric intensively.
  • Straighten the fabrics and dry.

Machine wash features

Household appliances of our time facilitate the work of a housewife. Cleaning, brightening, removing stains instead of a person are performed by machines. When choosing this method of maintaining cleanliness, use the following recommendations:

  • Take care of the delicate washing mode. A neatly folded cloth is placed in a laundry bag or a white cotton pillowcase. Such packaging will prevent fraying of the edges and tearing of thin elements;
  • It is preferable to use a liquid detergent or concentrated special detergents for washing curtains, tulles;
  • It is forbidden to use substances containing chlorine;
  • Oxygen-containing bleach is a universal preparation that preserves fabric. We buy, read the manual and boldly use it;
  • You can put 2 tablespoons of salt into the compartment along with the washing powder. This will help lighten the fabric at the washing stage;
  • Bleaching of tulle is also possible with the help of 10 tablets of hydrogen peroxide (we fall asleep with the powder in the compartment of the washing machine and set the gentle washing mode);
  • For pressing choose minimal amount revolutions.

If you have any doubts about the safety of washing, it is better to entrust the cleaning to professionals.

How to whiten at home

Fight dullness with bleach

In washing powders presented on the household chemicals market, there is a bleach - chlorine-containing or oxygen-containing. Sometimes optical brighteners are added to the powder - special fluorescent particles that settle on the fabric and enhance the effect of whiteness. Oxygen-containing bleach - gentle for fabrics and for people, does not provoke allergies and others side effects. If an optical brightener is indicated in the composition of the powder, then only light fabrics can be washed with this agent.

But sometimes the pollution is so strong that a special bleach is needed. Make a choice based on a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of species.

Pros: whitening even in cold water, easy dosing, disinfection.

Cons: it is used only for linen and cotton fabrics, a sharp unpleasant odor, constant use causes changes in the structure of the material, fabrics quickly lose their original appearance.

Oxygen bleaches.

Pros: range (liquid, powder, concentrated), used for white and multi-colored fabrics (viscose, nylon, silk and others); disinfected and used in a washing machine together with synthetic detergents.

Cons: shelf life, cause allergies and dissolve in hot water.

Removing stains

Stain remover b is intended for local use. Apply on small areas and do not exceed the recommended soak time. Stain removers are divided into household and chemical industry products (liquid, powder, stain remover sticks, sprays, special anti-stain soaps). The main rule is to deal with the stain immediately. Otherwise, contamination will penetrate into the structure of the fabric.

When choosing chemicals, you should carefully read the instructions: for what types of fabrics the stain remover is suitable, what it removes. Modern oxygen-containing stain removers remove food stains, ballpoint pens, juices, greens, iodine. But again - read the instructions! When in doubt, test in a hidden area.

home remedies stain removal.

FatSprinkle with talc or chalk, leave until morning, then shake off
JuiceWash without detergent in cool water. If it doesn’t come off, put a sponge moistened with vinegar on the dirt and leave for a quarter of an hour and wash it. Neutralize the smell with baking soda
DyeSoak a wand wrapped in cotton wool in nail polish remover (without acetone) and wipe the stain with it
Hair dyeMix hydrogen peroxide with the same amount of ammonia. Blot the stain with a rag. Attention! Not suitable for dyed multi-colored fabrics!
PVA glue (polyvinyl acetate emulsion)Wash in warm water or remove with a cotton pad soaked in vinegar or vodka
Stationery glueWash in warm water with detergent and soda
Glue "Moment"Moisten cotton wool in solvent or refined gasoline, wipe
OilMix 4 parts of vinegar with 1 part of salt, apply, wait 10-15 minutes, wash with detergent

We fight for whiteness with folk methods

If for some reason you are not satisfied with washing powders (take care of environmental friendliness or you are allergic), I recommend resorting to proven folk remedies. They are harmless, inexpensive and successfully used in everyday life.


A picture has been preserved in the memory of a considerable number of people: mother is standing at the stove and boiling laundry in a huge tank in order to achieve impeccable whiteness and cleanliness. Digestion and in our time productively removes pollution. It is applied to tulle textile products, curtains made of natural materials: cotton, linen. Enameled or galvanized dishes are suitable for this, without damage, completely clean. To achieve maximum results and greater efficiency, add detergent auxiliaries. For example - grate laundry soap, wait for complete dissolution by stirring and add soda. If the degree of soiling of the laundry is small, then it is enough to take half a glass for every 2 liters of water baking soda and a glass of soap. For old stains, the concentration should be increased.


A brilliant result in the renewal of washed things is provided to you when using a solution of brilliant green. 10 drops are enough for a full basin of water to return the original freshness and whiteness to curtains with yellowness. Keep them for about 3 minutes, constantly turning over. Wring without twisting, hang to dry.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia solution

To 10 liters of hot, about 60 degrees, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ammonia and 2 tbsp. spoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Stir thoroughly. Dip the curtains and hold for about half an hour. Then rinse, wring out lightly, spread out to dry.

Potassium permanganate

Pour a few crystals of potassium permanganate into hot water to achieve a rich pink hue. Tip: wait until the component is completely dispersed. Soap the tulle in clean water and place in a container with potassium permanganate for a period of 30 minutes to 3 hours. It remains to rinse.

laundry soda

At home, as an auxiliary substance, it is useful to resort to this affordable and easy way. The tulle curtain should be pre-soaked. It will take 100 grams of powdered detergent and 2 tablespoons of soda for 8-10 liters of water. Wait for the components to dissolve, immerse the tulle curtains in the mixture for 20 minutes. Wash and dry normally.


Among the used and available bleaching methods is blue. After hand washing, load the washed tulle into blue water. Do not forget: the complete dissolution of blue will help to avoid stains and uneven staining of the fabric. One cap per ten liters of water and - goodbye dullness.

Laundry soap

After rubbing, boil laundry soap with water. Add cold water. Curtain with yellow spots keep in the solution for at least 5 hours. Hand wash and rinse thoroughly several times.


It will give some rigidity, shape to white and colored curtains, starch curtains. First, it is stirred in cold water and added to a basin with warm water (5 teaspoons per 5 liters of water). The concentration can vary depending on how much tissue elasticity you want to achieve. After the end of the main wash, it is necessary to rinse the fabric and process with starch. It is not recommended to use such processing for dark fabrics and fully synthetic ones (nylon, polyester).


To soak white tulle, take 5-8 aspirin tablets and dissolve in 7 liters of water. Load the item there. More convenient - at night. Wash in the morning.

Heat treatment and washing features of certain types of fabrics


Thin and delicate fabric, perfectly transmits sunlight into the house, creates a uniquely amazing play with sun glare. What do owners of tulle and curtains made of airy textiles need to know? First, from hot wet steam, the fabric becomes wavy; secondly, it does not tolerate contact with hot water; thirdly, the use of industrial bleach is not desirable; fourthly, excellent cleaning results can be achieved with affordable, proven methods. Organza bleaching will be provided by primary soaking in salt water, ammonia, adding hydrogen peroxide (two tablespoons of peroxide, one tablespoon of ammonia, five liters of water), starching.


Ultra-strong, wear-resistant artificial material. Looks decorative, does not give in to pollution for a long time. Does not require ironing. Clean the capron in non-hot water. It easily tolerates delicate washing. Of the above bleaching agents, green, blue or potassium permanganate, a solution with salt and a starch solution are recommended during washing and rinsing.


Curtains made of chiffon fabric look sophisticated and noble. They should be washed by hand, observing the temperature and choosing the right detergent. When resorting to bleaching, use the recipe: dilute 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and 1 tablespoon of ammonia in 10 liters of warm water. Place the cleaned item in the mixture for 20-30 minutes. Rinse out.


For the production of veils, wool, cotton, silk or polyester yarn is used. It looks elegant and sophisticated in the interior, but fades over time. The industry offers white, dyed and printed fabric. Sometimes embroidery adorns the front side. A pattern is created by printing or chemical etching. Then two types of fibers are combined in matter. Veils require hand or gentle machine wash at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees. The use of chlorine-based bleaches is not recommended. Iron at a moderate temperature using a fabric pad. Avoid dry cleaning. Help bring back whiteness water solution peroxide and ammonia.


Products presented on the consumer market are made from synthetic or natural components. The structure of the fabric is dense, rigid. It has a characteristic iridescent sheen. The fabric treated in a special way acquires the properties of a chameleon, changes its shade depending on the angle of view. For taffeta products, hand washing is practiced at 30 degrees with a mild detergent. Beware: twisting leads to deformation of the fabric, the folds cannot be smoothed out even with ironing.


The production of cotton products is based on environmentally friendly raw materials. The undoubted advantage and advantage of cotton is the ability to "breathe", pass air, hypoallergenicity. Not picky in washing, especially 100% natural yarns without synthetics. Permissible temperature - up to 60 degrees, the use of oxygen bleaches and some chlorine bleaches for white fabrics is allowed. High spin speeds are normal. Drying in the car is used only for those things where there is a manufacturer's recommendation. It will allow you to return the dazzling snow-whiteness to grayed, yellowish tulle soaking before the main wash in salt water (2 tablespoons of salt per 2 liters of water). The maximum allowable exposure temperature is 40-45 degrees.


Man made fiber, 100% man-made, synthetic yarns, soft, easy to drape. Elementarily erased. It is easy to care for him, but be sure to consider some subtleties.

  1. Decorate rooms where direct Sun rays, under the influence of which the nylon fades.
  2. Consider previous recommendations for washing synthetics (especially temperature).
  3. Refrain from using products containing chlorine, bleaching agents.
  4. Wash white items separately from colored ones.
  5. Add bluing when rinsing and this will improve the shade of light fabrics, refresh them.
  6. Do not leave after cleaning in the car: after completing the process, take it out.
  7. Avoid using automatic drying.
  8. Do not dry near heating appliances.


Silk curtains and drapes look great and will adorn any interior. For their durability and safety, hand wash with liquid detergent or dishwashing balm at a temperature of about 30 degrees. Do not resort to spinning in a centrifuge. Avoid drying in direct sunlight and near batteries. It is recommended to dry in the shade.


Linen curtains are made from natural natural materials, environmentally safe, hypoallergenic, practical and elegant, giving comfort. Given the special advantages of textiles, they enjoy well-deserved recognition among designers and customers. Easy care, durable, soft. If you do not wash them at high temperatures, they will keep the comfort of your home for a long time, because they are considered one of the most unpretentious. Do not overdry, iron the curtains with a slightly damp hot iron.

How to restore whiteness to old tulle

It is difficult, but possible, to return the original whiteness to the old tulle. We need radical, comprehensive measures that can revive tulle that has lost its attractive appearance and beauty, “bring it back to life”.

  • Soak in saline beforehand.
  • Wash with special detergents for washing curtains.
  • Use oxygenated bleach with synthetic detergents added.
  • Boil tulle from natural fibers- boil for 40 minutes - 1 hour in a strong soapy solution.
  • Soak in hydrogen peroxide solution, rinse with clean water.
  • Rinse in a simple saline solution.
  • Fix the effect by rinsing in lukewarm water with the addition of 200 grams of starch.

Among inexperienced housewives, the erroneous opinion is widespread that it is necessary to bleach the contaminated tulle as soon as it is removed from the window. If this is done, the dust will firmly and firmly fix itself in the depths of the fabric structure, painting it in an unsightly, unpleasant gray color. Washing dirty tulle directly at high temperatures will also lead to "welding" of dust particles to the fibers.

Methods for cleaning tulle from soot and soot after a fire

Not completely burnt materials form persistent pollution - soot. Dirty curtains can be cleaned with laundry soap. Washing dish balm, applied to stains, will increase the effect, oily traces will disappear. Then soak in a solution of soda ash for 8-10 hours and wash. The result is guaranteed!

What to do if the tulle fabric has shrunk after washing

Things made from natural materials are most prone to shrinkage. As a rule, this is a consequence of high temperature or the wrong choice of cleaning agents. Linen and cotton, as representatives of natural fabrics, are at risk. Shrinkage and shrinkage occurs due to improper temperature regime or the wrong choice of detergent. Therefore, carefully study the instructions beforehand, consider the restrictions on use. If the trouble still happened, ordinary hydrogen peroxide will help correct the situation: dilute 20-30 ml of the drug in 10 liters of cold water. Thoroughly rinse the shrunken thing in the solution, while actively straightening the deformed places. And also an effective technique will be rinsing with air conditioning.

We take the same proportions: 9% vinegar, water, fabric softener. We mix everything concentratedly and pour it into a spray bottle. The desired moment is a thing that should be ironed, sprayed with the resulting composition. And, oh miracle! She starts to straighten up.

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