French political analyst: Russia is the last country that is still free. Russian journalist from Paris believes that France was mistaken by the enemy public and political activities

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"Now comments come about that a state of emergency, in fact, is not very effective. In addition, Hollande announced that the police and the army are supported, which, must be confessed, exhausted. They have been working a lot for 6 months - constantly and everywhere. After all, the European Championship recently passed. And do not forget that the entire army abroad is fighting in Africa, and in Iraq, and in Syria, "said Dmitry de Kosko, Chairman of the Coordination Council of Russian Compatriots in France, which gave today several interviews russian media.

"The fact is that that Tunisian terrorist who crushed all these people, he is local. He is a tunisian, but he is local. He lived in Nice, he worked in Nice, he even had a family in Nice. So here the problem is much deeper, unfortunately, than just ensuring control abroad. This is a problem that affects general the essence of French society today. "

"You can ask myself a question - how many criminals are among these people? Probably when he was in prison, he was "infected with Islamism", because in prisons, unfortunately, very many young people take Islamism, and then some of them become terrorists. "

"I hope that you will finally do a real enemy, and not fake, not mistaken enemies." According to De Kosko, the French media made Russia the main enemy of France, whereas in fact the society of France is infected with terror from the inside.
Dmitry de Koshko - a professional journalist, 33 years old worked at the Agency "France Press". The biography of his family is very interesting. At the origins of the kind stood Fyodor Cat - "Commandant" of Moscow during the battle of Dmitry Donsky in the Kulikovsky field ...
The representatives of the family who stayed in Russia became cats, and representatives of the branch, to which Dmitry belong to Dmitry, fled from Okrichnina in Lithuania, and became Kosko.

Praded Dmitry - General Arkady Frantsevich Koshko led by the Moscow random police, and then he managed later that he managed to all criminal school Russian Empire. He is considered the founder of domestic forensic, "Russian Sherlock Holmes". In particular, he developed new system identification of personality based on a special classification of anthropometric and finescopic data. Subsequently, it borrowed Scotland Yard. It is thanks to him in 1913 Russia ranked first in the world in the number of crimes disclosed!
By the way, it is said that it was from the filing of a cat on Lartskan jacket, Moscow Skovari began to wear a badge with the inscription "MUS" - the Moscow criminal school, thanks to which in the future the militiamen fastened well famous nickname "garbage".
After the revolution of 1917, his estate was broken by the Bolsheviks. When he learned that he would soon be arrested, was forced to flee. First, in Kiev, then he moved to Crimea, further to Turkey, and in 1923 he received political asylum in France. Worked in a fur shop. The British offered him a leading post in Scotland-Yard, but he refused to change the citizenship - hoped to return to his homeland. Posted by three volumes of memories - "Essays of the Criminal World of Tsarist Russia. Memories of the former chief of the Moscow District Police and Head of the All Criminal Rosas of the Empire, "two paintings were created on them: the Motheric film" Kings of the Russian Sud "with Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and the film" Adjuster "with Alla Demidova, Nina Ruslanovna and Renata Litvinova.

And the Russian public association of veterans of the Operational Services "Honor" in January 2007 has established a public award - the Order of Arkady Frantsevich Kosko. This Order is awarded both veterans of ramp activities, and in force criminal investigation staff.

Gregory Amenuel, whose nationality is German, recently occupies an increasingly visible place in media space. He is a director and a politician who often expresses controversial and ambiguous judgments. At the same time, the maximum activity in public life, he exists in Latvia.

Biography Diregender

Gregory Amnuel is recognized - the nationality has never delivered special problems. He is known to the general public, first of all as director of documentary films. Most of his paintings were removed on religious topics or consider state issues. Also, he belongs to several journalistic articles and books.

Gregory Amenuel, whose nationality, though he was German, is a native Moskvich. He was born in russian capital In 1957. His relatives on the motherboard moved from Latvia to Moscow during the first revolution, open the curtain of the mystery of the history of his family Grigory Amnuel. The nationality of them at that time did not interest little. Therefore, in their home archives in excess, the photos of Kaliningrad, Tallinn and Jurmalas of that period remained in excess. In the pictures you can still see the old German names.

Under the millstone repressions near Amnuel Grigory Markovich did not fall. But over time, the Soviet Union began to experience difficulties because of their origin. For example, his mother was not at one time at due to her German roots.

Personal life of Amenuel

Amnuel Grigory Markovich himself after school entered the Pedagogical Institute in Tobolsk. Higher education He received at the historical faculty.

Details of his childhood and youth is not preserved. He himself reluctantly extends to this period of his life. It is only known that it was in the student years in Tobolsk married Grigory Amenuel. The family, however, did not come out strong. Soon the newlyweds broke up, without having fun.

After some time, the hero of our article concluded the second official marriage. When he was 23 years old, he married a Latvian girl. In 1981, they had a daughter. At that time, Amenuel had already graduated from the Institute in Tobolsk and lived in Tallinn.

Creative career

Director Gregory Amenuel for the first time in the creative environment about himself stated in Moscow theaters. On theatrical stage of the capital, he began to work as a director. He worked in the theater of comedy and drama on the Taganka, in the Satire Theater on

The scene of the theater of tolerance carried out a joint project with the Americans called "Crime in Larami". As a producer performed at many independent film festivals in Europe. For example, he oversaw the festival of Russian cinema and culture, which was held annually in France and Italy.


Director Grigory Amenuel removed several dozen sports and documentaries. The most bright of them became "Redlich - people from the other side." Picture narrates O. tragic fate Russians who survived the emigration of 1917. The film is dedicated to the Russian philosopher Roman Nikolayevich Redlihu. His fate is something similar to the fate of Gregory Amnuel. Biography begins with the fact that both were born in the family of Russified Germans.

Redlich emigrated with relatives to Germany in 1933. He graduated from Berlin University. In 1940, he became a member of the People's Labor Union of Russian Solidarists. They opposed Hitler and Stalin, calling to be only with the Russian people.

Throughout World War II, he promoted the idea of \u200b\u200bthis organization. It was engaged in propaganda in the camps of Soviet prisoners of war, created the cells of the Union in the territories occupied by the Germans. As a result, in 1944, the German political police declared him as a search for antinec activity. By the end of the war he had to be hidden under the pseudonym "Captain Vorobyov".

After the end of the war, actively engaged in science. Developed the direction in Russian philosophy, which called "solidarism". Motherland returned to 1991. Continuing to develop the ideas of the People's Labor Union already in modern Russia. Died in Wiesbaden in 2005. He was 94 years old.

For this film, he received a diploma of the International Film Festival of Human Rights Films "Stalker" Grigory Amenuel. His biography has a lot of kinonagrad.

Recognition of Amenuel

Many Pictures of Amenuel, both documentary and sports, often honored prestigious awards and premiums.

In 1991, for the painting "Awakening, chronicle of turning days", he received a medal from the President of Russia Boris Yeltsin, as a defender free Russia. Gregory Amenuel, whose filmography photography, he has dozens of paintings, received awards and for sports cerebrals.

Sports films

In 1993, Rizhisovsk Pered the Prize of the International Film Festival in Moscow for the tape "Almost American Russian", as well as the prize for the best film about the Feds of Hockey Russia.

For the picture "Fire and Ice" was awarded awards for the festival of sports films in Milan for the best report of the film. In 1995, he noted the Olympic Committee for "Christmas Sleep, or Portrait on Hockey Background" Grigory Amnuel. The director of the director does not end. And he was not limited to work in the cinema.

In that period, he actively made publicist programs and programs on domestic television, including on central channels, as well as in Latvian media. In its analytical projects, he touched upon the topics of Russia with the Baltic countries, raised contradictory and ambiguous historical issues.

Work in the media and creativity

In Russian culture, Amnuel first seriously noticed attention when he became the organizer of the tour in Moscow of the famous Soviet-Latvian violinist, the first performances in the capital of Amenuel organized in the late 80s - early 90s. Relatives of the musician on the motherboard partly had German origin. In this they were similar to the hero of this article.

Also, Amenuel performed by the organizer of the Music Lockoise Music at one time. Brought to Russia with the concerts of the Cologne Philharmonic Chamber Music Concerts.

From the last initiatives. In 2015, he made a proposal to establish a monument to the Director of the Foreign Literature Library Catherine Genieva, a total of more than 40 years worked in this library. In April 2016, the monument appeared in the courtyard of the institution of culture. Amnuel assumed all the financial costs of installing the monument.

I showed myself Amenuel and as a musical producer. He participated in the organization of shooting clips Anatoly Gerasimov, love of Kazarnovskaya and Viktor Popov.

Public and political activities

As a policy, Grigory Amnuel began to manifest itself on the pages of the social and political magazine "Sowing". In it, he repeatedly printed his journalistic opuses. The publication is with a rich history. This is the official magazine of the People's Labor Union, one of whose propagandists was rejected. It is continuously published since 1945.

In recent years, Amenuel is headed by the Discussion Club "International Dialogue". The purpose of this organization is to carry out all kinds of events related to the culture, science and social sphere. The club has a school in which anyone can get acquainted with European countries and independently draw up their opinion on their international cooperation with Russia. At the very least, the club initiators are stated.

Also, Amnuel holds the post of deputy general director of the Russian-American company "ASK", which was established back in 1987 for joint partnerships then still Soviet and American Cinema. Manages the European division of this company.

In recent years, it has been actively invited to participate in various round tables and discussions devoted to the problems of the Baltic countries, the Caucasus, as well as mutual cooperation between Russia and NATO countries.

Why rusophobia becomes more

You are in Russia and, unlike many, try to understand the position of our country. In addition, do not forget about Donbass, carry humanitarian goods - feel the whole pain situation. But why are Western colleagues do the same? What are the reasons for the provincial Russophobia in the West, in your opinion?

You know, I am most interested in this question. With my friends in France, we have been working on the site "Stop Russophobie" for half a year. If you have television viewers who own French, they can see. Our goal is to fight Russophobia, the level of which is only growing.

Why does Russophobia get bigger? Because it contributes to this! Also, as literally fabricated Macron Monsieur, artificially fabricated Russophobia - through manipulations in the media, through the bikes about the "Chechen gays", through exaggeration and inflating individual facts.

Of course, Russia is not the perfect state, but I do not know perfect. No country of the world is perfect, because we are all people. Russia has both shortcomings and benefits. We love her or do not love her - Russia is like there. And yet the West feeds Russophobia. For very simple reasons.

Britain began with gold grip

There is one very important idea that I always try to convey to friends: you can not consider modern history as a result of random circumstances. What happened in Libya, Syria, Chechnya, Georgia, in Ukraine - all this is the continuation of the war that exists over the entire century. If you do not consider this in the historical perspective, it is very difficult to understand what is happening today.

At the British aristocracy, this little group of people, in the XVI century, the desire to conquer the world originated. Then Pirate Francis Dreyk made around the world and returned to the ship loaded with gold and diamonds. He gave half the mining of the English Queen Elizabeth I. Some historical sources argue that half of the worn was 1.5 parts from the entire British budget.

And when, at the court, Elizabeth saw how this man brought so much wealth, the thought occurred to them: if it's so easy to replenish good and disguise the state, then you can conquer the whole world!

A little later, Walter Rali expressed this by the next phrase: "Whoever rules the sea, rules commerce. Whoever rules commerce, owns the wealth of the world. Who owns the riches of the world, rules the world."

Then, three centuries later, this formula was used Halford John McCinder in his concept Roman and Hartland. I think the decision of the British Aristocracy in the XVI century can be considered a point of reference, and this worldview was transmitted from generation to the generation of elites.

If we look at any European wars, from the XVI century to the present, we will see the fall of Spain Philip II, France (the period from Louis XIV to Napoleon Bonaparte). Then the list was replenished with two other powerful powers - Germany and Russia. Moreover, Germany was used as a tool in the fight against Russia, including by financing Hitler ...

Only Russia remained free - on it and beat

Thus, the main Western states are France, Spain, Italy, Austria, Germany - involuntarily fell into this Western bloc.

President of the French Republic, Macron, today receives orders from London City. Like Ms. Merkel. None of the current European leaders is actually independent. Only one free state remained in Eurasia - Russia.

That is why they provoke the actions of terrorists, here's where the war in Chechnya, Georgia, in Ukraine. This is the continuation of the old struggle, which the Anglo-Saxons from the century is leading. That is why you are the last who are still free. Especially important to protect your features, your story, your religion. It's the most important.

Is it possible to hope that our free country will save friendly relations with France?

There is a fear that despite the election of Macron, relations with Russia will continue. I think in this macron still smarter than Holland. In any case, the meeting of Macgron and Putin in Versaille allows you to talk about some success.

And if in London City it will be shown to go on rapprochement with Russia, he will go, for example, to mitigate sanctions. But I think that the problem of Macgron today (like Merkel) - clarify who commands: City or Wall Street? This is a serious question that should be asked to European globalists.

War in the Donbass will stretch to infinity

Since we mentioned Frau Merkel, it is worth remembering about the upcoming meeting in the format of the Norman Four - leaders of Russia, France, Germany and Ukraine. Should I wait for the positive outcome of the negotiations?

Difficult question. In the interests of Anglo-Saxes today - complete the started. That is, take Moscow. Today, Donbass is in the crisis position, and their task is to maintain it as long as possible. Because it weakens Russia.

Obviously, any crisis of Russian borders weakens the country and with the economic, and from a diplomatic point of view. We are with my spouse in the Donbas, and there are no Russian military - only the national militia and volunteers. And this proves that there are real men who crave freedoms for this land, which are struggling for the big Russia - for Novorossia.

But the Anglo-Saxon forces try to tighten this crisis to infinity. And it will not stop until the Ukrainian regime falls apart, and while Mr. Poroshenko does not drive.

It is obvious that the place of the ruler of Ukraine occupied the ward puppet. Therefore, the Battalion "Azov", and the "right sector" (organization prohibited in Russia - approx.), And all these crazy radicals will continue to terrorize the inhabitants of Donbass. I am afraid that this is not stopped under the current circumstances.

I think that the meeting of the Norman Four is marketing. Although I understand that Russia is trying to maintain a dialogue with Germany and France in this kind of discussion.

I think that Russia (more precisely, Vladimir Putin) will continue to maintain diplomatic relations with both countries in order to at least give them a chance to gain independence from Thalalastic power - that is, from London and Washington. For one table, serious politicians sit down and discuss how this crisis can be resolved. Stop the situation in which civilians die daily under bombs - men, women, children ...

But, unfortunately, the policy, conducted by Sarkozy, and Macron, implies the submission of other people's interests. The fate of France and Germany solve NATO and the European Union.

Therefore, I'm not waiting for nothing from the meeting of the Norman Four. I think, unfortunately, the situation in the Donbass will not change from this - until Poroshenko and his Extremist Friends in power.

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