Wedding dresses are not wedding, not white. What to wear to a wedding: outfits and uniforms, dresses and hats. Simple and humble

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Hello. Can you please tell me if the wedding dress can be sold? They signed and got married in it. I heard you can't sell veils and shoes. There is a lot of controversy about the dress. Thanks in advance


Valentine, you can do as you wish with the dress, with the veil, and with other items of your wedding wardrobe. Some special church rules not on this score, and everything else is superstition or prejudice.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello! Father, tell me, please, is it permissible for a wedding dress, slightly covering the knees, and with sleeves above the elbow? Is it possible to get married on April 27th?


Nina, such “technical” moments, as well as the date of the wedding, must be discussed with the priest with whom you plan to get married. I think, however, it is unlikely that you will have time to agree on a wedding on April 27th.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello, tell me, my husband and I want to get married in what clothes should we get married? Can I rent a wedding dress? Thank you.


Hello Milana. Can be rented. The dress should be light, strict, without a neckline and with long sleeves. The man, of course, is in a classic suit.

Priest Alexander Beloslyudov

Good day! Please tell me, as far as I know, you can get married twice, and get married three times, but the third time without a wedding, is that so? My friend says that you can get married only once in your life, the second time will definitely be unhappy, God will not give happiness to a woman or a man if, after getting divorced, a person decides to start a family again, she made such a conclusion from her situation with marriage. Can a woman wear white Wedding Dress if she marries or is married for the third time? They say that in no case should you, otherwise you will be unhappy all your life, you can wear a dress of any color except white. And is it true that the groom cannot see the bride in a wedding dress before the wedding, otherwise the groom will be disappointed in the bride and the wedding dress cannot be put on just like that, for example, for a photo or something else? Or is it all fiction and superstition?


“About the white dress” - no comment, everything described is gross superstition. The Church blesses no more than three church marriages (which means weddings), there is no mention of registry offices in the canons at all. Another thing is that many now do not make sense to marry even once. Too frivolous. But if a person repents for the mistakes of his first marriage, becomes a Christian not just in words, his next marriage may well be happy and saving. There are enough examples.

Archpriest Maxim Khyzhiy

Good afternoon! From my parents (unfortunately, they are no longer there), there were wedding candles, rings and my mother's wedding dress. Should these candles be lit, or just kept? Can you wash your wedding dress?


Marina. Wedding candles can be lit and stored - at your discretion. The wedding dress is also washable.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello, father. During the wedding, namely, when we walked around the lectern, I lagged behind my husband and the priest, and they went a little ahead. It's been almost six months, and it's unpleasant for me to remember everything. I don’t believe in omens, and there are no such omens. Every day I worry about my inattention. Are such incidents not uncommon during weddings?


Hello Maria! All this is just, let's say, "technical moments" associated with the splendor of clothing, and not related to the sacrament itself. It happens that witnesses step on the dress, and the veil falls to one side. Don't beat yourself up. Well, if thoughts do not give you rest at all, I advise you to confess.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello, I'm going to go to church for confession. I don't wear skirts, can I come in trousers, but put on a raincoat just below the knees?


Dear Svetlana, imagine that you came to a restaurant and said to the doorman at the entrance: I don’t wear evening suits, can I go into the hall in a padded jacket, overalls and tarpaulin boots? Each place has its own customary dress code. A cheap second-hand skirt costs about a hundred rubles, you can buy it especially for visiting the temple, I hope that you will come there more than once, but will visit the House of God more or less regularly. In addition, the dress and skirt make a woman so beautiful that they should be, at least in small quantities, in the wardrobe of any woman.

Archpriest Andrey Efanov

Hello! My husband and I got married on the day of marriage registration at the registry office, I was in a wedding dress. Can this dress be sold?


Elena, why can't you sell a wedding dress? If things are good and expensive, and you can get some money for them, then, of course, the dress, without any doubt, can be sold. Before you sell a dress, you need to sprinkle it with Holy water, as this must be done when changing the owner and when buying new things. In the prayer book there is a short prayer for the laity, and it is called "On the consecration of every thing", you can sprinkle the dress yourself, and then calmly sell it.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello, father! During her life, she gave her friend her dress, after some time she died suddenly. At the funeral, I saw that they were burying her in this dress! Her mother says that she didn’t know about it, and that it’s okay, because I gave him during my lifetime, and I was very scared! I don’t feel sorry for the dress at all, I’m afraid it doesn’t pose a danger to me? Then her mother gave me her clothes, can I wear them? I didn’t want to take it, again out of fear, but I couldn’t refuse. I know that the deceased friend would share with pleasure, and if she sees us, she does not mind. Can you please tell me what to do? Maybe my fears are just due to the great stress of losing a girlfriend, maybe I should go to church? Thank you in advance.


Yes, Elena, your fears are absolutely unfounded. Please put such superstitions out of your mind: firstly, they have nothing to do with reality, and secondly, they simply darken life.

hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello, father! Please explain what is the reason for the rule that women wear skirts in the temple and what is not supposed to enter the temple in trousers? It is clear that each gender has its own clothes. But even the priests in churches do not go in trousers and jeans. And yet, what is the reason that women should enter with their heads covered, and men vice versa? I really want to know. Thank you.


Lyudmila, at the beginning, let's immediately separate the spiritual vestments worn by priests from the usual secular clothes worn by the laity - the fact that priests do not go to services in suits or shirts with jeans is not an argument here.
And about the need to wear clothes appropriate for the sex, it is said in the Holy Scriptures: "A woman should not wear men's clothes, and a man should not dress in a woman's dress, for everyone who does this is abominable before the Lord your God" (Deut. 22: 5).
Regarding the covered head of a woman during prayer, please read in the First Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians, chapter 11, verses 1 to 19.

hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello. There is one question regarding traditions. Heard from friends that unmarried girls It is customary to bury in a wedding dress. Is there really such a tradition? What is it due to? Is she Orthodox? Thanks in advance for your reply.


Dear Alexei, this tradition, in my opinion, is religiously neutral and simply expresses the grief of loved ones that the deceased did not experience the joys of marriage and motherhood. It is not necessary to introduce it in those areas where there is no such tradition, but it is also not worth fighting it if there is no superstition around this rite.

Archpriest Andrey Efanov

Good afternoon! I have a question: in what clothes do women need to visit the Temple, in skirts or can they wear trousers? I recently began to visit the Temple myself and noticed that almost all women come in skirts, but there are also trousers and even tracksuits! Is there any dress code for visiting the Church, or maybe you can “run in” to the temple in a dressing gown (sorry for the sarcasm, father)?


Irina, in the times of the Old Testament, people were stoned to death for using clothes of the opposite sex. There were no trousers for women. In our godless, it must be said, times, both the clergy and bishops argue as follows: it is better to come to church in trousers than not to come at all because of trousers. But when attempts begin to "legitimize" for women this new type clothes, here the inflection begins. A woman must dress in the clothes of her gender: a dress or a blouse with a skirt and have a headdress. It is pious, feminine, graceful, beautiful and holy. And moreover, it does not cause any temptation - and the temptation in the Church is unacceptable.

hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Good afternoon! Can you tell me, please, is it possible to sell the wedding dress in which you got married?


Although the thought of this may cause superstitious fear, there are no prohibitions on this subject. On the contrary, sometimes pragmatism is the best cure for superstition.

Deacon Elijah Kokin

Hello, father! Please tell me, is it obligatory for a woman to wear a skirt to church? I always thought and believed that God first of all looks at his heart, so that it is open for communication, kind, filled with love, and what a person came in is up to him to decide. Am I thinking right? Thanks for the answer.


Hello Evgeniya! A person who just crosses the threshold of the temple finds himself in a world completely unknown to him, living according to his own rules, not always clear to the “newcomer”. Among the first rules that he gets acquainted with is the requirement for appearance. These requirements in an Orthodox church (the absence of a headdress for men, a skirt and a scarf for women, a modest and neat appearance for everyone) are known to almost everyone these days. To our contemporaries they seem outdated, testifying to a rigid, "illiberal" church thinking. "After all, God looks at the heart, and not at the appearance of a person!" they say. Church arguments seem unconvincing to them.
However, in the spiritual life of a Christian, everything matters: appearance, behavior, and inner disposition. And today, the requirements for appearance not only have not lost their significance, but have also acquired a new sound.
The Holy Scriptures say: "A woman should not wear men's clothes, and a man should not dress in a woman's dress, for everyone who does this is abominable before the Lord your God" (Deut. 22: 5). Such was the teaching of the Fathers of the Church: Tertullian, St. Cyprian of Carthage, St. Ambrose of Milan. Agree, because clothes should correspond to gender, age and place, and most importantly - to Christian self-consciousness.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello Father! Please tell me one question. When I buried my mother, I dressed her up in old and ugly clothes (unfortunately, I did not know about the customs), and now my conscience is tormenting me. I already bought a new beautiful outfit for her, but I don’t know what to do with it. Tell me how to be.


Don’t worry, but it’s better to give a new dress to someone close to your mother or simply to those in need for a mention of her soul.

Deacon Elijah Kokin

I bought a wedding dress, white with red flowers, my husband's shirt is red. I heard that the priest can refuse to marry. Earlier in Russia, after all, young ladies in red dresses got married. Will they marry us now? I really want to get married.


Of course, the priest is unlikely to refuse the wedding because of the color of the dress, this is not specified anywhere. The main thing in the Wedding is not the color of the dress, but the very meaning of this Sacrament, which creates a new Christian family, about it can be found detailed information, including - on our website, following the links http://website/Arhiv/??cid=2&id=264

Deacon Elijah Kokin

Hello, father! One question torments me. My ex-husband and I divorced and got married 2.5 years ago. We lived together for almost 12 years. For almost a year we have been in court because of the division of the joint house. I have experienced a lot during this time. I ask the Lord to enlighten him, to stop ex-husband do me harm. After the wedding, there was a dress and a ring. One day I decided to collect the rings he gave me and take them to church. I asked them to decorate miraculous icon Kazan Mother of God, whom I love very much and feel help from her. And then I accidentally heard that you can’t give your wedding ring to anyone, especially the Mother of God, otherwise I allegedly “married” her. I want a family again, I love one person. What do i do? Did I do something wrong? And what to do with the dress? I tried to sell it, but for six months - not a single person who wanted to buy it ...


Hello, Natalia! I think that if you yourself think well, you will understand that "to marry" with Holy Mother of God you won't be able to. Moreover, simply by giving a ring to decorate Her icon. They donated a ring - and thank God! Do not forget to turn to the Mother of God with a prayer yourself. You are free to do whatever you want with your dress.

Priest Alexander Gumerov

Hello, father, bless. My question is: is it possible to sell the wedding dress in which I got married in the church?


There are no church prescriptions and rules on this subject, and throw away superstitions and forget about them. Another thing is that for most women a wedding dress is a symbol of new life, purity of thoughts and desires, joy and love, which many seek to keep as a memory of a joyful event. I hope this desire of yours is not dictated by something negative in your relationship with your spouse, and you are not going to get a divorce and scatter in different directions? Or do you plan to solve your financial difficulties in this way? In any case, think before you carry out the plan, and I would advise you better save it, remembering one of the happiest days in your life when you look at it.

Priest Alexander Babushkin

Father bless! I have a question. Modern fashion is focused on immoral clothing. In this regard, I have difficulty in acquiring skirts and dresses of a decent length in the market (I live in the countryside). I like Muslim clothes, long dresses, skirts. Can an Orthodox Christian buy and wear Muslim clothes?


The Lord bless you!

I do not quite understand what you mean by the term "Muslim clothes"? After all, not every sewn by the hands of Muslims is ritual, which is directly related to the religiosity of a person. Yes, in general, Tatar, Uzbek clothing is brighter than Russian, but it does not imply unambiguously wearing, for example, a veil. Of course it's impossible Orthodox woman wear clothes that are directly associated with Islam (hijab, etc.). But, I think, most likely, the question is not worth it. You just have to work hard to choose one that suits your taste or, as has been customary for centuries, to sew by yourself, not only for yourself, but for the whole family. After all, the supposedly universal tradition of buying ready-made clothes has existed for no more than 50 years. And in rural life, little has changed over the years. Unless people ... Well, it's time to learn at least to a small extent what our ancestors were fluent in - sewing, knitting, cooking, in general - housekeeping. Very soon, when the neighbors will only eat products with the Doshirak brand and wear tasteless clothes of popular brands, your children will learn from you and rejoice: “Mom can do everything!” God help you.

Archpriest Elijah Shapiro

Good afternoon, I am writing to you for the second time and I really want to get an answer. Please tell me why the church is not open late in the evening, why it is impossible to come to the temple at night and pray, why people are not allowed to go there, it turns out that it is almost impossible to talk with the priest, because he can only do this in the presence of other people ... And more one question - I will soon have a baby, and we plan to have a wedding on April 21, immediately after the end of Lent, without a wedding yet, and my grandmother alone advised me not to play a wedding until the radonitsa, she says you will not live yourself, nor will your children have a life , although they knew all their lives that weddings were played on the red hill ... and how does the church feel about pregnant women wearing a white dress and veil, are there any prohibitions in this area? Thanks in advance for your reply, I really hope you can help me...
2. I'm sorry, but I have one more question - I was baptized under one name, and then for security reasons, apparently, I was baptized a second time, the church said that I had never been baptized, but the name on the passport remained the same, now the question is - will such a sin affect me? I was little when this procedure was performed and didn’t quite understand, and now I don’t even know by what name to put a candle for my health, in the end I put two, for two names, but that’s not right ... what to do?


Hello Inna, sorry for the delay in replying. Churches are usually open from morning to evening service. There is no such practice for the church to be open all day long. Even in the monasteries where the monks live and it seems like they don’t need to go home, the church is closed after the evening service. But this does not mean that God ceases to hear our prayers - you can pray anytime and anywhere. As for the wedding, I think you may well meet halfway, because the white color is not only a symbol of virginity, but also joy. As for the date of the wedding, you are right - they traditionally get married already, starting with St. Thomas Week (or "Red Hill"), but you can also postpone the wedding for one or two weeks. Now about Baptism. Of course, being baptized twice is unacceptable, but let's leave it to the conscience of those who did this to you out of some superstitious considerations. By our actions we do not force God to give us the grace of Baptism a second time. I am sure that what happened will not affect you in any way. So you can read both saints and, accordingly, pray to them and light candles, but you need to use the name that was given to you at Baptism for the first time.

Deacon Elijah Kokin


A modern girl is allowed to appear at a celebration on the occasion of marriage in any color and style. So, short dresses above the knees during the warm season are becoming increasingly popular, and the classic white color is losing ground, giving way to unusual shades of wedding dresses - purple, red and even black. These options will decorate the girl at the ceremony at the registry office, but if the bride wants to marry her betrothed, she will have to follow certain rules. Wedding dresses should emphasize the purity and innocence of the girl.

Wedding dress in the Orthodox Church with a photo

The Orthodox wedding ceremony is an ancient tradition that requires compliance with the rules regarding the dress and image of the bride in general.

  • The dress for the wedding ceremony should not be open. Open shoulders, arms, neckline, cutouts on the legs, and even more so a bare back are not suitable for the temple. Closed wedding dresses with sleeves will look best. However, if a girl buys only one dress for all events of the wedding day, and you don’t want to wear the closed version during the entire celebration, you can cover your open shoulders with a lace bolero, jacket, scarf or long veil, and put gloves on your hands.
  • The length of the wedding dress should be below the knee. If a girl wants to show her beautiful legs, she will have to buy two dresses or purchase a convenient version of a transforming dress with a detachable skirt.

  • The bride can choose any dress material for a traditional wedding - shiny satin, openwork lace, light chiffon, however, an outfit lavishly decorated with beads and rhinestones will not look organic. This does not mean that the dress cannot be decorated at all - other decorative elements will come into play here, for example, embroidery, a little pearls, non-fluffy draperies.
  • A fluffy dress looks beautiful, but during a wedding, a straight or slightly flared model is more appropriate. Rings that add volume to the skirt should be discarded, as this is simply inconvenient.
  • A train is a part of the attire that gives the dress a majestic look, but during the procedure of the sacrament of an Orthodox wedding, it will look out of place. The train is suitable exclusively for the Catholic rite. If you definitely want a dress with a train tail, you can look at those models where the train is fastened.
  • A headdress is an obligatory attribute of a wedding. To cover your head, a long elegant veil, an embroidered or lace scarf will do. A hat is also allowed during the ceremony, but it is inconvenient from the point of view that the crowns that the witnesses or the priest will hold over the heads of the future spouses may touch it.

  • Hairstyle should not be pretentious, too voluminous and complex. Modestly collected hair or a cute malvinka will do.
  • A wedding is an occasion to put on smooth shoes without decorations with an average or low heels, because to stand the whole ceremony on stilettos is a real test for women's legs.
  • Bright shades of makeup look as wild in the church as a miniskirt, so give preference to calm, delicate nude makeup. Emphasis on red or burgundy lipstick is unacceptable, it should be pale pink, flesh-colored or absent altogether. Lipstick can easily replace golden lip gloss.
  • The pectoral cross is an important part of the wedding look, but it is better to hide it under clothes.

Watch a beautiful video illustrating in detail the sacrament of the wedding:

Traditional styles

The traditional style of a wedding dress provides for a straight or A-silhouette, a not too voluminous skirt, a closed back, and shoulders. The model must demonstrate the modesty of the bride, meet church requirements.


Elegant wedding dress with sleeves looks elegant and restrained. Types of sleeves can be of different lengths and shapes - a bell, a tight-fitting lace or satin sleeve, flared models. Please note that with a short sleeve-roof, wearing gloves is mandatory.


Closed dresses are suitable for real prudes who take the wedding ceremony seriously. A model that hides the chest, back, arms and neck is the best fit for a church sacrament.


Lace dresses emphasize the delicate, fragile nature of the bride. A girl who chooses a dress for her wedding, decorated with lace, will not fail, because this material looks elegant, rich and does not require other additional decorations. The outfit can be completely trimmed with openwork fabric or partially decorated with it. For example, the hem, sleeves, and bodice decorated with lace look beautiful.


Simple, minimalist dresses are perfect as wedding dresses. These models can be chosen by girls who do not plan serious financial investments. Minimalism, modesty, simplicity of the outfit without decoration will emphasize the beauty of the face and spirituality of the bride.

For pregnant

Girls who get married during pregnancy need to pay attention to the silhouette. If the bride is in the first months, the tummy can be hidden with the help of an elegant A-line dress. The Greek model with a high waist and a flared skirt is also suitable for the initial weeks of the term, but if the fact of pregnancy becomes clear, it will perfectly decorate rounded shapes.

According to church canons, only an innocent girl can wear white, so pregnant brides need to look at other light colors of wedding dresses.

For full

The dress model for full girls should be chosen carefully, based on the features of the figure. Greek dress - as in the case of pregnancy - will help to hide any figure flaws, and the popular A-line will balance the massive top with the narrow hips of a triangular figure. Those who have a figure hourglass”, you should pay attention to the “fish” style, which is suitable only for proportional forms. A pear-shaped body type will adorn a dress that expands from the waist - it will hide full hips.

For the elderly

For older ladies who decide to get married, dresses are suitable that will hide the flaws in appearance that appear in adulthood. Women who want to hide age-related changes - uneven skin, age spots - should pay attention to closed elegant dresses, light capes. It is better to choose a color not white, against which all imperfections become apparent, but golden, cream, beige.


Modern brides often prefer dark unusual shades, but the wedding procedure allows for exceptionally light delicate colors - creamy, cream, blue, light pink, ivory.


A white outfit is a classic of the sacrament of the church, so the girl who chooses such a vestment will not be mistaken. In addition to the symbolic meaning of white, it is also unusually beautiful in combination with tanned skin: brides who have already managed to go on vacation and get a bronze skin tone will be able to get an additional bonus from choosing such a dress.


A light blue dress for a wedding ceremony will suit a dreamy nature. The choice of this color should be approached with caution by brides with an autumn color type. See photos of blue wedding models below.

Other options

The church allows various options for color schemes of the outfit, but the main thing is that they be of a light shade. The choice of colors of dresses is huge, and this allows each girl to choose the right shade for her skin type.

Where to buy and prices

In order not to miscalculate, it is better to buy a dress in a special salon, where you can find a suitable style, try on different shades. After the purchase, specialized stores offer to sew in an outfit according to the figure for free. Price wedding model depends on many factors: the complexity of the finish, embroidery, the number of draperies, material, cut.

A simple satin dress without a straight cut trim can be bought cheaply, unlike a model decorated with lace and embroidery with draperies. Each girl will find an outfit that she can afford. The cost of a wedding dress starts from 6-8 thousand rubles, but the upper limit can be any, because everything here depends on the wishes of the bride and the state of the wallet of her parents or groom.

Perhaps the wedding is one of the most significant, joyful and beautiful Christian rites, which, with its sublime atmosphere, evokes a feeling of joy and love even for those simply present, not to mention the young who decide to seal their union before God.

The wedding itself is defined as a divine service in the church, during which the Sacrament of Marriage is performed: the Christian marriage is blessed and consecrated. In an Orthodox marriage, each of the spouses must take their place. The husband should be the head of the family, responsible for the direction family life for her well-being and strength. The wife, on the other hand, must build a family life, not allowing the daily bustle to destroy its spiritual foundation. To summarize what has been said, we can say that a woman is the soul of any family, and a man is the body.

The word "marriage" is of Slavic origin, and it means - "to be together." In the old days, a team of horses walking together, in a bundle, was called a marriage couple. According to church canons, spouses, upon entering into a church marriage, are united “into one flesh”, i.e. become one being in their aspirations, determination of values, joy and sorrow.

From the time of Peter I until March 1917.
For absolutely all Orthodox residents of the Russian state, only a marriage concluded in a church by way of a wedding was considered valid. In today's society, church marriage is not obligatory. actually has no legal force, however, a huge number of newlyweds seek to register their union in the church. True, the motivation for all couples is completely different, some pay tribute to fashion, while others follow parental instructions. Still others consider it simply necessary for further family life, according to their inner convictions.

In this article, I would like to give explanations on some issues related to this rite in order to help young people who are just thinking about a family to take the right steps.

When is the best time to get married?

Until quite recently, the majority of people who lived in Soviet society, in principle, did not come to mind to get married, because. religion was at that time in the "underground". But in the early nineties, its revival began, and with it such a ceremony as a wedding. And many couples began to include this ceremony in their wedding celebration in order to somehow diversify and embellish it. However, the understanding of the rite, unfortunately, was among the few, in principle, as it is today. Of course, today's couples are more enlightened in this matter, but the majority still does not understand the sacred meaning of the sacrament. For most, this is just a beautiful “app” for a wedding. Of course, the sacrament of the wedding is a very beautiful and bewitching action, shrouded in a halo of some touching. And, of course, it cannot be compared with registration in the registry office. The very atmosphere in the church, the walls decorated with frescoes, many icons, burning candles everywhere - all this causes a certain reverence and awe in a person. But external paraphernalia should not be taken as a basis. The defining moment should be those two people who consciously wanted to come here and marry.

If your couple wants to get married in a church, try to be more sensible about this issue. Think carefully before taking this step, take your time. At the forefront should not be the beauty of the ceremony, but the obligations that the spouses take on. Civil marriage is officially regulated by the family code, which very clearly spells out all the rights and obligations of the spouses. At the wedding, you make a promise to love each other all your life, to be patient and reasonable, only you make this promise not to someone who can later condemn you for misbehavior, but in fact to yourself. You can always deceive others, but hardly yourself. Take your time with your impulses, the desire to get married should “ripen in your mind”, become a necessity of your life, and not just one of the beautiful moments.

Many couples today combine official registration in the registry office and a wedding in a church on the same day. This, in my opinion, is not quite the right decision in several respects. Marriage is basically holiday of two, calmness and tranquility should be at its core, and not noisy festivities of guests.

Another parameter is that this rite requires some training and you'll have enough trouble already. True, many here object and say, they say, one thing more, one less, what's the difference? But it turns out that if everything is done according to the rules, then there will really be a lot of trouble.

In addition, the question of time arises, I mean that you should very correctly calculate where and how long you will be for the entire wedding day. One familiar couple, due to an unforeseen snowfall, managed to register, but was late for the wedding.

For another couple, on the contrary, everything went well, but there were complaints from the bride that it was hard to put everything together on one day, not only in the wedding schedule, but also in the head. Not to mention physical fatigue , which will arise after such a busy day.

Therefore, it is quite reasonable and convenient to separate these two events by at least different days, and in some cases even years. True, even here there are objections from the young, who say that if the wedding does not take place on the same day, then they will have no time later. In my opinion, this is all nonsense, because if you quite consciously decide to take such a step, then, in principle, no one and nothing can prevent you from taking it.

Another argument that was given to me at one time is that it is too expensive to separate these two holidays. To this I would like to answer the following - as already said - “wedding is a holiday for two” and, in principle, it is not customary to invite a large number of people to it, usually only mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers and siblings and sisters. The wedding itself, together with all its constituent parts, will cost you about three, well, a maximum of four thousand (meaning a donation for the church, a towel, icons, candles). The outfit, with the right, initial choice for registration, may not require the purchase of a new one at all, and if something needs to be purchased, it will only be accessories that will also not require significant financial costs.

A banquet can even be organized at home, because. if you follow the rules and do not invite a large number of people, then it is quite possible for everyone to fit at one table at home. But even if you want to sit in a cafe all in the same narrow family circle, it will also not cost you too much. And in general, you can imagine how wonderful it is when two completely different, but in the spirit of the same holidays remain in your memory, and not one hectic day full of events.

How to dress for a wedding ?

If possible, the length should be "on the floor", the maximum assumption is the length is not above the knee. Some brides consider the option of a dress with a train. Basically, this Catholic tradition. In Russia, dresses with trains were not sewn, but modern clergy are unlikely to show dissatisfaction with this. Most likely, after the wedding, you can hear a lot of complaints from the side of the witness, because at the wedding itself it is quite difficult to hold the crown over your head and move without stepping on the train of the dress at the same time. Moreover, the bride, at whose wedding I was present as a witness, had a dress without a train, but quite voluminous and up to the floor. And while driving, I had to carefully monitor so as not to step on it.

The wedding dress itself can be anything, but preferably closed. The back, neckline and shoulders should not be open. Ideally, this is a dress with long sleeves, a shallow neckline on the chest and a closed back. Although the sleeve may be short, the most important thing is that it covers the shoulders.

Often, young people plan both a civil marriage and a wedding on the same day, and here a rather difficult question arises before the brides. Either be in a closed dress at both events, or purchase two dresses for two events. However, this option can be very costly for many. True, you should not get upset in advance, because. there is always a way out. For example, an open dress can be complemented with accessories, such as long gloves, a stole can be thrown over the shoulders, a lace bolero, which can be removed immediately after the wedding, a beautiful openwork shawl or a special wedding cape. Do not be afraid to cover your arms and shoulders, you are unlikely to lose something in your beauty, rather gain, because. brides in this outfit look quite gentle and touching. In principle, you can do without all kinds of capes, if you have a long and lush veil, it will cover open areas of the body.

The dress in which they get married is not customary to give, sell, like baptismal shirts, all these things, as well as wedding candles and icons, are kept together.

It is well known that a woman must enter the Orthodox Church with her head covered. Therefore, when deciding on a wedding hairstyle and its decoration, this moment should be taken into account. You should check with your priest in advance whether the crowns will be worn on the head or whether they will be held by witnesses, because. from this moment your choice of headdress and hairstyle will depend.

The hairstyle for the wedding should not be high, many curls and other elements of it, which can be crushed with a scarf at the wedding, are excluded. The best option there is and remains a veil, because it allows the bride to make her hair comfortable and look great at the same time. The truth and the veil should not be too small, it should cover the top of the head. Whatever headgear you choose, try to fix it, otherwise it will definitely move during the ceremony, and this will certainly interfere with you, and you will have to correct it every now and then.

Brides are not recommended to wear high-heeled dress shoes for a wedding, and this is not about customs, but about the banal convenience of your feet, because. During the entire ceremony, you will have to stand for quite a while. And it will be quite difficult to stand on them, and after the wedding you will not want anything, except for one thing, to get rid of the “blocks” as soon as possible. Therefore, the choice should be made towards shoes with a solid sole or with a minimum heel.

Cosmetics on the bride should be minimal amount. In addition, makeup should not be too bright, but most of today's brides prefer natural notes even without this clarification. The only point of note is that it is forbidden for women to kiss a crown, a cross, an icon with painted lips, but this can be fixed by simply removing lipstick immediately before entering the church. Therefore, stock up on special tools, both for its removal and for re-application. In general, naturalness should be visible in the whole appearance of the bride.

The groom, on the other hand, should look serious at the wedding, so a formal suit is just right for this occasion. Of course, the preferred colors, as in the case of the bride, are light, but in relation to the grooms there are no strict rules in this regard. Of course, sports-type casual wear, as well as denim, is not a suitable outfit for a wedding. The groom should not wear a headdress.

Invited guests must also comply with a number of requirements. Women are required to wear headdresses, closed-type clothing, it is desirable for women to wear dresses and skirts, but many parishes do not forbid trouser suits. All guests, without exception, must wear their pectoral crosses on this day, including, of course, as you understand, witnesses and young people.

Sincerely, Irina Kravchuk.

Choosing a dress for a wedding is not an easy task. It is important not only to choose a dress that matches the appearance of the bride, but also to remain within the strict framework of church requirements. But Orthodox traditions do not oblige you to choose a necessarily boring and too simple dress, because there are many acceptable variations.

An increasing number of couples choose to get married in a church after registering with the registry office- someone because of a fashion trend, someone - to please their parents, and someone - because of their own deep faith.

It should be understood that the religious sacrament is not just beautiful scenery. This is the creation of strong spiritual bonds between husband and wife, which cannot be broken in principle. Therefore, you can take a serious step only when you are confident in your chosen one., your compatibility and the fact that this is the same person with whom you are ready to spend your whole life, because there is no debunking procedure in church law.

Equally important is the appearance of the bride. Unlike a secular wedding, it requires compliance with certain rules. must be chaste and pure, because on a symbolic level, she plays the role of the Church, which Christ takes as a wife in the form of a groom.


  • artsy, too bright, dark details;
  • excessive luxury;
  • emphasized sexuality - bare arms, knees, deep neckline;
  • uncovered head.

Of course, there can be no talk of any trouser suits, jeans or miniskirts. The bride must be in a dress, and certainly closed and long (below the knee). should also be used with extreme caution. Let's say a light, unobtrusive nude, only slightly hiding imperfections.

Important! The wedding ceremony is spiritual, which means that the purity of thoughts and the beauty of the soul, and not the body, are more important.

In no case should you paint your lips, neither with a light gloss, nor with long-lasting lipstick. During the sacrament, you have to kiss the crucifix and the image, so the remaining trace can be an extremely unpleasant moment that spoils the ceremony. In addition, a strict priest may simply not give you sacred things when he sees bright lips, without understanding how super-resistant cosmetics are.

What should be?

A miniskirt in the walls of the church is definitely inappropriate: the hem should at least cover the knees. Many brides choose a floor-length dress - this is the most chaste and very beautiful option, emphasizing the quivering femininity of the bride and the general sacredness of the moment. This length suits almost everyone, except, perhaps, low full girls. They better look at the skirt shorter - to the middle of the calf.

As for the train, this magnificent element, firstly, is rather inconvenient. Behind you will be standing with crowns that may accidentally step on the delicate fabric. If you really want something beautiful, then choose a model with a removable accessory which fastens on hooks, buttons or strings. Secondly, remember that this train is an attribute of the bride, so if you are getting married in an Orthodox church, then it may seem inappropriate, although the church does not impose a direct ban on trains.

Dress style may vary. Only emphatically revealing outfits will not work - with a deep neckline, open back, shoulders or arms, too tight or shiny.

It is better to choose modest , . It is better to refuse excessively puffy skirts on hoop rings, but petticoats are quite acceptable.

The decor should be modest, but elegant - lace, hand embroidery, beads.

The material of the dress may also vary.. Delicate silk, and shining satin, and royal velvet will do. Lighter, airy options - organza, chiffon, tulle - are also possible, but make sure that the dress is not overly lush. There are many candles in the church, and synthetics catch fire easily.

If the wedding is scheduled for one day with official registration, where you would like to be in a more open dress, then transformer models with a detachable puffy skirt, as well as shawls or capes covering the shoulders, will come to the rescue during the wedding.

The color of the outfit, contrary to popular belief, does not have to be pure white. Moreover, canonically, this option is allowed only to innocent girls, although now this rule is no longer so zealously observed.

If you want to stick to traditions and rules, then pay attention to gentle undertones - ivory, champagne, cream, and other soft variations of white. Any other light shades are also allowed - pink, blue, golden, green, lilac. It is important that the color is not too bright or dark. Dark chocolate or purple will have to be abandoned in any case, otherwise there is complete freedom of choice.

Folk omens

The ancient and sacred rite is surrounded by many superstitions. How you treat them is your choice.

Important! The Orthodox Church considers such beliefs sinful and does not approve, but folk wisdom does not arise from scratch.

In particular, signs say the following about a wedding dress:

  • The dress must be new., and even the bride herself can try it on only once. No long admiring at the mirror or selfie on Instagram!
  • Part of the outfit must be borrowed- a ribbon, a string of pearls, a brooch. In case of trouble in a new family, relatives and friends will definitely help to overcome adversity;
  • Even the best girlfriends or sisters should not be allowed to try on a dress otherwise they will "try on" the happiness of the bride;
  • The longer the hem and veil, the longer family happiness will last;
  • Golden elements on the dress - to good luck and wealth in the family;
  • The stronger the material from which the outfit is sewn, the closer and kinder the relationship between the daughter-in-law and mother-in-law will be;
  • You can not choose separate models consisting of a skirt and a corset otherwise the family boat may split into two halves;
  • The groom should not see the bride in a dress immediately before the ceremony, the more it is forbidden to choose an outfit together;
  • After the wedding, the dress should be carefully stored and not given to anyone. You can not put it on again or sell it - this is your symbol happy life and protection from evil.

Fabric and finish

Almost as much depends on the choice of fabric as on the style.

Silk wedding dresses look great. Natural material, the density of which is ideal for creating draperies, and at the same time breathable, delicate, with a noble delicate sheen, will suit a bride of any complexion and age.

Satin is an extremely common material, very beautiful both in a flowing form and in folds. The downside is a rather bright shine, so it is best for slender brides to choose this option.

Lighter, airy materials like chiffon, tulle or organza require a mandatory dense lining in a wedding dress. However, on the sleeves or neckline, such draperies will look absolutely charming, without violating church rules.

Delicate lace, which has many patterns and shapes, is great for decorating an outfit, as well as for its entire upper part, but with a lining.


Miniskirts, as mentioned above, are under the strictest prohibition, and it is unlikely that the bride herself will want to be unnecessarily naked at such an important, exciting moment of pronouncing an oath of allegiance to a loved one before God.

Otherwise, the church does not regulate the length of the hem. It is possible as a strict midi, the main thing is that the knees do not peek out from under the fabric, and maxi to the floor, as well as all intermediate options.

Remember that it is most convenient when the hem rises 2-3 centimeters above the floor, taking into account your shoes. So you definitely won’t step on and tear the dress.

Colour: white and alternatives

The white color of the wedding dress is traditional, recommended for choice by innocent girls, although this rule is allowed to be forgotten. Snow-white looks great on swarthy or tanned brides, but older ladies with a curvaceous figure should avoid it.

A beautiful blue dress, because the color represents heavenly grace and purity. This outfit will suit blondes, as well as romantic, dreamy girls. Be careful with sky shades if your color type is autumn.

Others are possible color solutions : from various shades of white (cream, beige, champagne, ivory) to various tones of the light spectrum (pink, green, lilac).

Important! Under the ban are dark tones - black, brown, purple, as well as too bright and acid colors.

The red color stands apart - on the one hand, it is too aggressive for a delicate wedding look, and on the other hand, it is extremely popular and historically true, because a wedding sundress several centuries ago was just scarlet. If the choice fell on red, we recommend that you ask the father who will marry you for approval.

Styles - evening and non-wedding with a photo

Closed, chaste models of a simple style are classic, but there are many other options for every taste and figure. Be sure to choose an outfit that fits perfectly on the figure, hides flaws, because modesty does not mean the need to look insufficiently elegant.


The style of a wedding dress with sleeves definitely does not go beyond the church dress code, even if the sleeves are made of weightless chiffon or openwork lace.

Full brides should pay attention to bell sleeves, however, they look fabulous on thin hands. A flashlight or wings will hide only the shoulders, leaving the arms open. In this case, it is better to add elegant gloves to the outfit, but remember that they are worn only on the skin, because, according to tradition, the decoration is not removed. That's why, if you decide to wear gloves, do not forget to take them off in time not to do it in a hurry in front of the altar. The original alternative is the transition of the sleeve to the mitt: part of the bare wrist is closed, but the fingers for the rings are free.

A simple straight sleeve to the wrist also looks very gentle and elegant. It can be from the same material as the entire dress, or from a more delicate and airy one.

If you choose puffy lace cuffs, be careful with lit ones: one of them will be in your hands during the entire sacrament.


Such models hide their chest, shoulders, back and arms from prying eyes, and sometimes even cover their neck with a high collar, and for girls with a long graceful neck, this will become a truly royal option.

Idea! Draperies, embroidery, lace, or just a scarf of a different color will become a wonderful decor for a wedding dress. You can combine different fabrics, then, despite the closeness, the dress will still look more airy and tender.

A closed dress is the most modest style, designed for elegant girls who understand the solemnity of the ceremony, or for older brides. In general, a small neckline is allowed by the church, so you can choose a "boat" or a shallow V-neck. The main thing is that it does not expose the skin too openly, and the dress remains chaste.


Openwork motifs look wonderful both as a decor and as a single canvas.

It is important to remember that if you use other lace accessories, for example, or, you should carefully select the shade. If these are different tones of white, then the darker one inevitably looks untidy.

You should also be careful with the pattern - patterns very different in density will conflict with each other, destroying a holistic image.


A-silhouette, straight cut or any other simple models are quite budgetary, but at the same time they look very organic at the sacrament, demonstrating the modesty of the bride and not diverting attention from her natural beauty with excessive decor.

The absence of unnecessary details allows you to create an elegant one-piece look that will appeal to older brides.

For pregnant

Pregnancy is not a hindrance to a wedding, on the contrary, the clergy believe that it is better for children to be born in a married marriage. But it becomes more difficult to choose the right outfit in position, because you should be comfortable.

Advice! Since white is associated with virginity, it is better for a pregnant bride to look at other shades: from cream to soft pink or blue.

The dress should fit, not press, so it is better to choose a fabric that stretches, especially if you select an outfit at the stage rapid growth tummy. Opt for a loose-fitting style. Perfectly hide the interesting position of the dress in the Empire style, Greek draperies, high waistline.

For full

Nothing will prevent curvy girls from looking perfect at a wedding if you choose a dress that hides flaws and emphasizes dignity.

Pyshechki fit closed A-silhouette dresses, Greek motifs, Empire style. It is better to choose sleeves either with a bell or straight, without excess volume, which visually increases the shoulders.

Be extremely careful with draperies, they make the image heavier. Be no less jealous of shiny fabrics, large or, on the contrary, too small lace pattern - all these decisions make you fat.

For an older woman

Increasingly, couples decide to get married after 20 or more years of marriage, so an older bride needs to approach choosing an outfit differently than a young girl.

Do not choose white. He will emphasize the imperfections of appearance. It is better to stay on cream, golden, other light options.

Elegant closed dresses with a light cape or bolero look good. Choose shoes according to your own convenience: if you can stand in high heels for at least an hour, then do not refuse the elegant option.


Wedding shoes should be not only comfortable, but also practical. You should not choose an excessively high heel, because it will be difficult for the witness to stretch almost the entire time of the ceremony to keep the crown above your head. Choose modest shoes in a neutral color, without frilly details. Classic elegant pumps are perfect.

A veil is a traditional element of an outfit, but optional, because it can be replaced by a hood, a scarf, a raincoat with a hood. If you decide to stay on a veil, then give preference to models that are attached high enough to the top of the head. According to church rules, women should have their heads covered at least to the middle. Of course, the veil cannot be colored, too short, emphatically unusual. Be careful with overly layered, lush models, as there are a lot of lit candles around.

Despite the rule of closed hair, your face must be open, so be careful when you want to throw a part of the multi-layered veil back on your own, without the help of a witness.

A more classic version is a scarf that can cover both hair and be an elegant cloak or bolero that also wraps shoulders, arms, back and neckline. The accessory material is acceptable the most diverse - from lace to weightless tulle. The color is not necessarily white, but certainly light and not too bright.

What to do with the outfit after the wedding in the church?

It is best to keep your outfit as a symbol of a happy marriage - this is another reason why it is better to avoid models that are too curvaceous. It is not recommended to sell or rent such a memorabilia, as well as cut or alter.

Sometimes a wedding dress is worn on a wedding anniversary, it will look especially touching on the 20th anniversary and beyond.

Important! The Orthodox Church itself does not regulate the further fate of the wedding dress in any way, and all of the above are not strict rules, but worldly wisdom.

  • The main thing that your image should talk about is elegance and modesty. so choose a simple style;
  • The dress must cover the knees, chest, shoulders and back. In the case of very short sleeves, gloves or a cape cannot be dispensed with;
  • Don't forget to cover your head. A scarf of a shade different from the color of the dress will add charming accents to the image that do not go beyond the scope of the church dress code;
  • Be sure to choose. Tight fitting within the walls of the temple is, in principle, inappropriate, but you should take into account your parameters and height. Full girls do not need to abuse the decor and shiny fabrics, and it is better for short brides to abandon the hem to the floor;
  • The color of the wedding dress can be white, but it is still better to give preference to cream, cream, ivory and other light shades. Leave acidic and gloomy colors for another occasion;
  • A train at an Orthodox wedding is an extra element. Leave it to the Catholics!
  • The fabric is the most diverse- silk, satin, guipure, organza, velvet, tulle, chiffon.

Useful video

A wedding is a very important and solemn event, so the wedding dress should be appropriate. In the video, the clergyman's opinion about what a wedding dress should be like:


A wedding dress is not only an outfit for big day, but also a symbol of happiness and protection of the newly-made family. Modest, but no less beautiful, it is a guide to a life consecrated by a heavenly marriage. Therefore, it is worth choosing it so that after many years, when looking at photographs or a dress taken out of the box, you will feel tenderness and grace in your soul.

Every year more and more couples in love strengthen their union not only in the registry office, but also in the church, which, in turn, requires. Among them, of course, is the appearance of the bride. From our material you will learn what a dress for a wedding in an Orthodox Church should be like, its features, color and accessories suitable for it.

Which outfit is not allowed

  • Too bright colors - orange, blue, green, red, fuchsia and others, as well as black, which in the walls of the church will look more like mourning;
  • artsy;
  • with a lot of decor;
  • very luxurious and pretentious;
  • with an incredibly long train, because behind you there will be witnesses holding crowns throughout the ceremony, and they may accidentally step on your chic detail;
  • overly sexy - deep cleavage, completely open arms, bare shoulders, back and knees are prohibited.

The length of the hem can be short, but in moderation. Midi options ending at knee level or cocktail options in the calf area are perfect.

Of course, jeans, trousers, tops, T-shirts, and even more completely transparent, shiny and too tight dresses and miniskirts are not allowed for the Sacrament of this rite.

Suitable styles

The style of the product can be almost any, the main thing is that it harmoniously sits on the girl and complies with Orthodox standards.

Laconic straight dresses

The semi-adjacent bottom is perfect for the sacrament of wedding for a newlywed with a proportional figure, of any age and height. The maxi option will hide the flaws, and the shortened “Case” model, ending below the knees or in the calf area, will perfectly visually lengthen you.

It is great to choose an outfit with a lace top, sleeves or collar.

Restrained "A-silhouette"

His skirt gradually expands downward, which means that it will easily hide figure flaws, for example, too voluminous hips.

Of the decorated elements, delicate lace, interesting embroidery and pearls fit perfectly into the style in question.


Advice. A wonderful solution for those who have a wedding and registration on the same day.

A short accessory will not work, as well as a bright color and with a lot of jewelry. And be extremely careful with the multi-layer model, because there will be lighted candles around you.


Instead, it is appropriate to wear a beautiful scarf made of lace, tulle or tulle. By the way, in a modern salon you can find interesting solutions in the form of a bolero or a cloak that will cover not only the head, but also the shoulders, and arms, and the back, and chest. Just what you need for the Sacrament.


If your wedding item is chaste and everything is covered, then a light stole is quite suitable for you, which will cover only your head and hair. The fabric for its tailoring is the same as for capes.


Catchy accents are unacceptable both on the eyes and on the lips. Unobtrusive nude and transparent shine will perfectly fit into the image.

Remember, during the sacred Sacrament, the priest will kiss the crucifix and the icon, and you can accidentally leave traces of cosmetics on these sacred things, which is not very good. And some clergyman, seeing your bright lipstick, will not let you perform an important part of the ceremony at all.


Lots of accessories in this case- it's too much. Firstly, on the neck it will still be difficult to see them under a cape, shawl or closed dress style. And secondly, on the hands of the main decoration on such a day should be a wedding ring.

If you want some jewelry, then it is recommended to limit yourself to a thin pearl thread or a chain with a small pendant and small earrings, it is possible with stones.

According to the canons of the Orthodox Church, when entering a church, you must wear a cross.


Your pair of shoes should be as comfortable as possible, because during the ceremony you will need to stand for a long time, so put the hairpin and high heel immediately aside. Shoes on a low wedge or classic pumps are ideal. In cool weather, it is appropriate to put on ankle boots or ankle boots.

Choose a neutral calm shade, because shoes, like an outfit, should not be pretentious, bright, dark and with catchy decor.

  1. Modest and elegant this is how you should look first of all at the wedding.
  2. The temple needs stay with covered head, a long veil, tippet or hood from a cape will come to the rescue.
  3. Make sure your wedding the product covered from prying eyes shoulders, décolleté, knees and back.
  4. If your wedding in the registry office and the ceremony are scheduled on the same day and you want to wear an open outfit, then be sure throw over the dress a cape made of light material, a lace bolero or a scarf.
  5. Combine very short sleeves gloves that looks sophisticated and harmonious.
  6. Too much long train, attracting attention, looks pretentious and expensive, which unacceptably for church practices. In addition, such a hem is relevant among Catholics, so leave a chic element for celebrating a wedding or unfasten it before entering the temple.

Folk signs about a wedding dress

The Orthodox Church does not approve of superstition and considers it a sin. How you feel about them is a purely personal decision.

  • The outfit must be brand new. And even the girl herself can try it on only once, when buying;
  • some detail to the dress must be borrowed. For example, a satin ribbon, a brooch, pearls or something else at your discretion. This means that if trouble comes, relatives and friends will help you and your husband overcome difficult moments;
  • never and under no circumstances let anyone try on your attire for the Sacrament, otherwise they will “try on” your happiness;
  • the longer the skirt and veil, the longer the happy family life will last;
  • gold details on the wedding item - to a successful and rich life in marriage;
  • the stronger the fabric, the closer and dearer the relationship between the daughter-in-law and her mother-in-law will be;
  • do not choose separate options, for example, where the skirt and corset are sewn separately from each other. Otherwise, your union may split into two halves and discord will occur in the family;
  • the groom should not see his beloved in a wedding dress before the ceremony, and even more so pick it up with the bride;
  • after the ceremony, you need to carefully store the outfit and not let anyone touch it. You can neither wear it yourself again, nor sell it, nor throw it away, because this is your talisman for a prosperous family life and protection from the evil eye.

Even more suitable examples in the photo:

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