How to become a dream for your husband. Be the woman of your dreams! Accepting yourself the way you are

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At a certain period of life, every man has a question: “Is that the same girl next to me?”. But how can we, girls, determine whether we are suitable for our chosen one or not? We will give 10 traits that should be in the chosen one, according to men:

10. She is independent:
No young man wants to have a nurse by his side. You, dear girls, should have your own affairs, interests. Sometimes it’s useful to disappear for a while, then your man will miss you without you and understand that you are the one and only.

8. She is Sexy:
For men, a sexy girl is always compatible with them. For example, he wants you to be a fatal seductress, and you appear in girlish cute pink panties with ruffles - then this is a problem ... The dream girl understands her partner, is ready to play along with him and reveal a spicy secret for him.

7. She is beautiful:
Men will say it's very important. But sincerity and beauty are not always the same thing. Understanding and sensitivity can never be replaced by an elastic curl and long legs. Let's agree, looks do matter.

6. She respects her man:
This point is important. This means that a dream girl will listen to a man, even when she does not agree with what he said. And, of course, she will not humiliate and underestimate his abilities in any field of activity.

5. She lets you be a man:
Sometimes we women want to force men to do what we want: eat fat-free cottage cheese and fruit for breakfast, don't go to poker nights with friends, don't watch football. But let them have a small victory. Better yet, prepare his favorite sandwiches and bring a jar of your favorite drink, then he will appreciate it and understand that you are what he was looking for.

4. She is not grouchy:
There is nothing worse than whining, nagging and grouchiness, men think so. A wise girl does not scream and does not wash if something does not suit her. True, if you live together, the man leaves for the night, does not say anywhere and does not call, naturally, the girl expresses her displeasure. But this situation does not apply here.

3. She gets along with the man's friends and family:
The dream girl will not only help his mom in the kitchen, listen to his dad's stories, chat with his friends, but also enjoy it. She will sincerely try to get to know and love the most important people in her man's life.

2. She loves you:
If a man finds a girl who will love him and not demand anything in return, he will try to keep her near him. After all, such a girl is difficult to find. A luminous look, a light gait, a desire to help, sincere joy at a sudden call - all this will betray a person in love.

1. She does it best man in the world:
The girl doesn't have to say it. Just a man will feel it, being with such a woman. It's called LOVE!

At heart, every man is a hunter. The stronger sex loves to stalk, so let him do it. Let him hunt you. Never give in to him immediately, even if you really like him. First you need to make sure that it belongs only to you. Make it hard for him to catch you. Make time for him one time and pretend to be unavailable the next. Let him know that in your life there is not only him. It will be better this way, because being the only one you think about is not the most pleasant role for a man. Don't cling to him like a vine. Obsession is your enemy.

Become a mystery to him

Don't show all your cards to him. Try to create an aura of mystery around you. Tell us about yourself, but a little. Leave the rest to his imagination. Many women love to fantasize. Men do the same. When there is an understatement, it leaves room for the imagination. He will dream about you, and you will become, if not the girl of his dreams, then the heroine in his fantasies.

Make friends with his friends

Although it may seem ridiculous, many men give women a test of friendship. This means that they want to check how you get on with their friends. This is a childhood and teenage fad, but male friendship is a fact that should be accepted. Even if his friends are obnoxious, you will compare favorably with other girls and women by accepting the challenge. Outsmart him by having a glass of beer with his friends. You will become desirable not only in his, but also in their eyes. And the whole company will understand that you are your boyfriend.

Take an interest in what excites him

Your boyfriend's status implies that you are as interested in sports as he is. If in a conversation with him you subtly mention a couple of facts about football or about who won the World Cup last year, you will grow in his eyes significantly. Perhaps you yourself will like it.

Be a woman

Jeans and a ponytail on the head are, of course, convenient. But small ones look much more feminine. black dress, heels and beautiful curls. Don't forget that men love with their eyes. Become a seductive goddess for a while, which is nice to dream about.

Love is a journey of a lifetime. And the most main secret the girls of his dreams are to be themselves. For some reason, he liked you. Too ardent zeal and a desire to impress will ruin your image, and you yourself will feel embarrassed.

Men like to be confident, but they like confident women even more. And most of all, men love it when a woman feels good and has fun with them. Have fun and you will become the best companion

In women, negative things happen because of internal dissatisfaction with themselves. We want to be more beautiful, smarter, richer, more successful with men, but it doesn’t work out. We admire Hollywood actresses, world-famous models, girlfriends, but for some reason not ourselves.

It is possible to admire yourself, to become your idol! Of course, for this you need to make efforts and go a certain way. But the game is worth the candle. Checked!

Below are tips for self-improvement. I called the set of these steps “The Way to Yourself”.

1. Write down what kind of woman you would like to become

Start with appearance, how much you want to weigh, what kind of hair, teeth, posture. What are you wearing, what makeup are you wearing.

For me, the standard of impeccable style is the current first lady of the United States, Melania Trump. I strongly recommend looking at her images.

Then write down the attitude of people towards you: admire, want to be like, like to be around, proud, admire.

After that, write all the feelings that you are already that same woman: what you feel, how life has changed, who is nearby, what kind of work and salary, where you go, what you dream about.

I wrote down my text in a beautiful notebook, I try to keep it at hand. It helps a lot when strength and inspiration leave me.

"I'm beautiful: I have slim figure, flat toned stomach, slender legs, large elastic chest, thin arms, even face oval, straight back. I am stylishly dressed, I have the opportunity to buy clothes from the world's leading brands, my hair is beautifully styled, I always smile (with beautiful white even teeth). People admire me: the fact that I always do everything, always in a great mood. I am the perfect combination of intelligence and beauty. I am happy because I live in absolute harmony with myself. I enjoy and am proud of the woman I see in the mirror, because it reflects my ideal.

2. Set clear goals

List at least three areas in which you would like to develop.

For example:

  • Professional - I want to become an actress.
  • Appearance - I want to lose 10 kg by August 2019.
  • Intellectual - I want to learn French.

Break each goal down into small steps. Do something from this list every day. In order not to forget anything, start a habit tracker.

For example:

  • I ride in the car and do exercises in speech technique.
  • I do press 30 times in the morning.
  • I learn ten new French words every day.

Write down different options, suddenly a couple of free minutes will suddenly appear, and you can spend them usefully.

3. Invest in yourself!

A big goal requires a big investment: mental, physical, emotional. Read more books. I love books on motivation, psychology and biographies of interesting people.

My list of books that I have read and enjoyed:

  1. Larisa Renard.
  2. Larisa Renard.
  3. Jen Sincero "NIS".
  4. Eric Weiner How I Became the Famous Skinny Rich Happy Me.
  5. Mila Tumanova "A woman begins with the body."
  6. Mikhail Labkovsky I want and I will.
  7. Vadim Zeland "Reality Transurfing" (all parts).
  8. John Gray "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus".
  9. Petr Ploskov "The Power of Instagram".

List of books I want to read next:

  1. Larisa Renard.
  2. Larisa Renard.
  3. Andrey Kurpatov "Happy of his own free will."
  4. Lev Vozhevatov "Male view of relationships."
  5. Bertrand Russell In Search of Happiness.

4. Learn foreign languages

Knowledge of languages ​​expands the range of opportunities and communication. For example, I like to read books in the original and I think that this is the only way to understand the author's thought to the end.

You can learn languages ​​for free, and with an acute shortage of time.

  • Series.
  • YouTube channels in English.
  • Songs in the playlist.
  • Applications.
  • Correspondence in social networks.
  • Dating on Tinder.
  • Etc.

5. Believe in yourself!

Even when everyone laughs, even when it doesn't work out, even when the whole world is against it!

Remember, people are jealous that you can make a name for yourself and they are not. I love Lady Gaga's saying:

“Of course people don't like it when you're not like them. They will ridicule, condemn, humiliate you for a long time, but all this comes from envy. They can't do it like you, they don't have the spirit. It's easier to call someone a psycho than to admit that you are afraid to distinguish yourself from the crowd.

6. Take action, praise yourself for actions and reward!

Little steps like that. You will see, you will be very proud of yourself, realizing that you are moving in the right direction.

"Victory Journal" to help you! Write down every little thing there and reward yourself: for a small step with a small gift, for a big one with a big one.

Pamper yourself, arrange Beauty Days for yourself. Even in Moscow it is not very expensive. For example, I am an active user of the Dry and Go Bar format: you can do styling for 990 rubles in just half an hour.

Going to the spa at least once a month should become a good tradition. Do you think it's expensive? Myth! Google Biglion coupons.

7. End the day with meditation

Have you noticed that there are girls that guys literally line up for? So what is their secret of seduction? Unfortunately, there is no magic drink that will make you incredibly attractive, and there is no special training regimen that guarantees you the love of all the guys. But there are some tricks that will help you become the dream of most guys.


Become more attractive

    Show the beauty of your personality. The positive traits of your character overshadow the negative physical traits and increase the attraction of the opposite sex. For example, a guy who likes skinny girls may suddenly notice a slightly overweight girl if she has a great personality. Try to understand your positive features character and show them to the world!

    • Find the best features of your character and use every opportunity to demonstrate them. For example, if you have the ability to be compassionate, you can sign up to volunteer. If you are very responsible, try being class president.
    • If you think you need to work on something, that's fine! For example, if you are very shy, try to work on yourself and become a little more open person. If you are quick-tempered, learn self-control.
  1. Take care of yourself. You can't really change how you look, but some research has shown that people look a lot more attractive if they take good care of themselves. Take time to take care of yourself. Here are a few basic principles that you should follow to look more attractive:

    • Take a shower every day
    • style your hair
    • brush your teeth
    • Wear only clean clothes
  2. Try to emphasize your best character traits. male preferences in female figure and appearances in general vary a lot, so try not to get hung up on any one photo in a magazine. Instead, try to accept your appearance and figure and try to focus on your strengths.

    Put on something red. Women who dress in red are more attractive to some men. You don't have to wear red all the time so it doesn't become a habit. Just wear a red blouse from time to time, try wearing jewelry or accessories in red tones.

    • If you want, you can add something red to your daily look, such as red lipstick, red earrings or a red scarf.
  3. Wear high heels from time to time. High heels usually make women more desirable and attractive in the eyes of men. High heels are quite uncomfortable, but they can be worn on special occasions, such as dancing or other events. You can try wearing shoes with lower heels.

    Listen to your emotions. No need to be too emotional when you first meet a person. But also don't be too "cold", making the person feel uncomfortable with you. An excess of emotions can also scare away a new acquaintance. Try to be calm and balanced. Thus, you will become more mysterious in the eyes of a guy, which will undoubtedly play into your hands.

    • For example, don't jump or clap your hands if he asks you out on a date. Instead, just smile and say, “Yes, that sounds good. What did you think?
  4. Leave the event early.

So what does it turn out, it is unrealistic to become a dream woman? Not certainly in that way.

The fact is that all this variety of male wishes, what a dream woman should be, often comes down to two simple things:

A man should be comfortable living with a woman under the same roof.

A man should be pleased (not ashamed) to go out with a woman in public.

There is a third point, but more on that later.

A man can say that the woman of his dreams must certainly cook borscht well, but believe me, no borscht will save a relationship if a woman nags a man every night about scattered socks, an improperly hung towel, or a mug that has not been washed after her. Because, despite the delicious borscht, living with such a woman is uncomfortable for a man.

Or here's another example. Let's say a man dreams of a long-legged model, but everyone eventually gets used to the appearance of a partner. In a couple of years, for him, her long legs will become as familiar as brushing his teeth in the morning. And if a woman, apart from long legs, has no other virtues, then life together with her will be more boring than books from the school curriculum.

However, if you think that it is enough just to become what a man needs, you are mistaken. You will adapt to his needs - you will not become a dream woman, but simply comfortable, like a sofa. And do not fall in love with sofas. And here we come to the third point, which is important to observe so that men dream of you:

A man should appreciate a woman, and not take her for granted.

So what do you do to appreciate it?

Be a person

If you, like a trained dog, follow all the commands of a man, then he will never be able to see a person in you, which means he will not appreciate it. For nothing. No one will appreciate and respect a person only for the obedient offering of dinner and washing things. You must have a character that is important to show at the initial stage of dating. A normal man needs a comrade-in-arms, an ally, a partner, but not a servant, even if he earns ten times more than you.

Don't Forget About Life Outside Your Relationship

There is no need to abandon all affairs and plans, as soon as a decent man looms on the horizon. He will not appreciate and respect you if for his sake you abandon your friends, studies, work, relatives and rush to the ends of the world to him, as soon as an SMS from him lights up on the phone screen. A man falls in love with a woman in her absence, and not when she is constantly around.

Be a little unapproachable

Of course, you do not need to mock a man and make him crawl after you on his knees. Tea, not a princess. But let him feel at least a little like a real man, a hunter, a conqueror. Let his interest in you show up, don't jump on his neck on the second day of dating. A little trouble won't hurt him.

Look after yourself

This does not mean at all that you should always be at the parade and fully armed, but self-care should be an integral part of your life. Firstly, it’s better for you, and secondly, the man will see that you love yourself, take care of yourself, don’t spit on your appearance, which means that he will love you. I have said many times that if you do not care about yourself, then why should others appreciate you?

Don't be indifferent to his interests

No one forces you to go to football matches, but you can’t remain indifferent to his life either. If you don’t know what he does for a living, don’t know what he loves and what he can’t stand, if you are unable to support with a word in difficult times, then why does he need you at all?

Don't be a bore

You can be very smart and interesting in communication, but if you are a chronic bore, then no one will want a serious relationship with you. The bores are annoying. And if you also have a lame sense of humor, then that's it - you can put an end to yourself!

Build Your Confidence

Worthy men choose self-confident women, because it is boring to communicate with insecure women, it is impossible to fall in love with them, you can only feel sorry for them. And as a rule, unethical men stick to such women. Do you need unethical men? I doubt.

When a woman is as simple as a felt boot, she does not arouse interest. Well, or arouse interest in someone whose hobbies are limited to football on TV and beer on Fridays. If you have a busy life, work, hobby, then you will attract appropriate men. For those who would like to be a part of this interesting life. Winning a simpleton is a simple matter, but getting an interesting woman is a completely different matter.

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