What is kaolin clay. White clay: medicinal properties, harm and use. Treatment of diseases with white clay

Roofing materials 11.08.2020

Good day everyone! I decided to buy cosmetic clay here the other day - soon the bathing season will open for us, we need to replenish stocks. And it is now available in a variety of colors: white, black, blue, and pink. And they, dear ladies, differ not only in color. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages.

So I decided to gradually talk about each species in detail. And I will start, perhaps, with a note about the useful properties of white clay and its use in various industries, and above all, of course, in cosmetologists.

Useful find

White clay is often referred to as kaolin. This word came from the Chinese toponym Gaoling (“high mountains”) - it was in this place that the first deposits of kaolin clays were discovered. Later, its deposits were discovered in other countries, and now kaolin clay is mined in Russia.

Kaolin has a rich mineral composition, which determines its valuable properties. For convenience and clarity, I have compiled a table for you, including the most important elements in the composition of white clay.

Mineral nameBasic properties
SilicaHelps the body absorb other trace elements. Able to regenerate cells.
AluminumIt has astringent and absorbent properties.
SiliconNecessary for the strength of cartilaginous, bone and connective tissues. Intensifies the production of collagen.
ManganeseDisinfects, relieves inflammation, dries the skin, normalizes lipid balance.
ZincIt has disinfecting and drying properties, matting. Is an antioxidant.
CalciumIt is a building material of connective and bone tissues. Needed for regeneration of epithelial cells, growth of nails and hair, bone strength, tooth enamel

Minerals in action

Of course, such properties could not be left without attention. Unique properties kaolin are in demand in a variety of industries:

  • in construction to improve the cementing properties of mortars, in the manufacture of finishing and heat-insulating materials and
  • in the industry in the production of porcelain and ceramics, and even
  • in winemaking, white clay is used to settle the sediment and quickly clarify the wine.

My blog is still thematic, so I’ll tell you more about its benefits.

In medicine

  • for the treatment of joints, arthritis, varicose veins;
  • for the treatment of a number of dermatological diseases, for example, with psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema, burns, diaper rash (ointments and powders are made on the basis of white clay);
  • to cleanse the body, including diseases of the liver, biliary tract, cholecystitis, as well as poisoning;
  • for the stomach with colitis, enteritis and other diseases gastrointestinal tract;
  • traditional healers use kaolin to treat cancer, although official medicine does not use it in oncology, except perhaps for a faster recovery of the body after chemotherapy and radiological treatment;
  • from diarrhea as an astringent, disinfectant and absorbent (in this case, the clay replaces Activated carbon);
  • with obesity to cleanse the body of toxins;
  • for teeth to strengthen enamel (used as therapeutic applications, included in toothpastes).

Attention! Are you wondering how the gastrointestinal tract is treated with clay? They use it inside! Thus, the stomach is treated and the body is cleansed. For this, "clay water" is made. Its recipe is simple: a teaspoon of white clay is diluted in water, and this cocktail is drunk on an empty stomach.

But, as far as I know, not only white clay is used here. Speaking specifically about kaolin, parapsychologist Andrey Duiko offers a rather interesting use of it in the video:

In cosmetology

This area uses kaolin for hair, face, body in order to cleanse, rejuvenate, normalize lipid metabolism:

  • compresses and wraps used for a flat tummy, from cellulite, stretch marks, as well as scars in order to smooth and reduce them;
  • hair masks help fight oily seborrhea;
  • for the face, white clay is used to cleanse the skin and pores, eliminate oily sheen, as well as to increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin, increase its tone, to smooth wrinkles, including mimic ones;
  • at home add to alginate masks instead of diatomite, which is also important.

For cosmetic purposes, you can safely use kaolin at home, the effectiveness of such procedures has been proven by centuries of experience. The main thing is to know to whom they are shown, and to whom they can harm. Be patient - I will tell you about this too.

No wonder it's cosmetic.

Indications for the use of white clay are so diverse that you can write a whole book on this topic. Therefore, I will focus on cosmetic problems that can be solved with its help. It:

  • the presence of "black dots", contaminated pores, acne on the face and body;
  • oily facial skin, greasy shine;
  • increased oiliness of the scalp, hair, dandruff;
  • flabby, aging skin, losing its elasticity, fuzzy facial contour;
  • wrinkles, including mimic;
  • the presence of chronic scars on the body, traces of post-acne;
  • stretch marks and cellulite, loose and sagging skin on the abdomen, including after drastic weight loss.

Each cosmetic problem requires its own approaches and methods of elimination. Today I will try to dedicate you to at least the main ones.

Options to choose from

Here are the most popular ways to use kaolin. The most common use of kaolin in cosmetology is


They are made for both face and hair. For their preparation, clay is most often diluted with water, milk, decoctions or infusions of herbs, less often - cream, sour cream, butter, juice. Often enriched honey, esters, vitamins. Depending on what other products are included in the mask, it can be:

  • cleansing;
  • smoothing;
  • matting;
  • tonic;
  • tightening.

However, most often kaolin masks act in a variety of ways.


If you need a local effect on any area of ​​the skin, use kaolin lotions or compresses. The latter are distinguished by the need to create a "greenhouse effect". The clay composition for them is made warm. Lotions and compresses can help with:

  • dermatological diseases,
  • with burns,
  • hives,
  • acne,
  • and also for better resorption of hematomas.


Mainly used to get rid of cellulite. To do this, clay is diluted with water, substances that improve blood microcirculation (for example, cinnamon, pepper, ginger) are added to it, and the composition is enriched with essential oils and vitamins. After applying the composition to problem areas, they are wrapped in cellophane or cling film, covered with a blanket.


Taking baths with clay helps to improve the condition of the skin, especially if it has acne and inflammation. To do this, fill the bath warm water and dilute clay in it until the water acquires a shade reminiscent of skimmed milk.

Kaolin is also used for internal use, but I dwelled on this above.

Where to buy such a super tool? Personally, I take it in a pharmacy, but it is also sold in stores selling cosmetics. If there are problems with this product in your region, or you do not want to waste time searching, you can also order via the Internet.

Caution - clay

I understand that many people want to experience the beneficial effects of kaolin on themselves, but I must warn you: it is not suitable for everyone, there are contraindications:

  • In rare cases, it can cause allergic reactions.
  • Sensitive skin also requires careful handling, the use of kaolin masks can lead to skin irritation.
  • With caution, kaolin should also be used for those whose skin is very dry, as it has a drying effect.
  • It is not recommended to carry out cosmetic procedures using white clay in the presence of open wounds on the skin, as well as at high temperatures.

White clay has a lot of valuable properties, due to which it is in demand in various fields. It can be used internally and externally in the form of masks, compresses, lotions, wraps, baths. Helps cleanse the skin, dry pimples, smooth wrinkles, improve facial contours.

I will definitely share the recipes for the best white clay masks with you, but there are so many of them that it is worth devoting a separate post to them. Follow the updates on the blog, share the news with your friends. See you soon!

White clay (kaolin) of the highest purity, for external use and ingestion (clay cleaning).

This natural substance has been known since biblical times, when God created the first man from clay and breathed life into him. Maybe it is for this reason that white clay fits so naturally to our body, helps in the treatment of various diseases and is very useful for cosmetic procedures.

basis white clay (kaolin) are natural minerals - aluminosilicates. In addition to them, white clay contains dozens of trace elements and healing salts that have an effect on the skin, hair, teeth and internal organs tonic, cleansing and healing effect.

Our ancestors regularly used white clay not only externally, but also internally. Lotions, compresses, wraps, powders and relaxing white clay baths successfully treat osteochondrosis, polyarthritis and arthritis, mastopathy, varicose veins veins. They are great for relieving muscle pain and can be used to cool bruises and relieve headaches.

substance kaolin, which gave the name to white clay, is able to actively absorb harmful waste products of cells human body. Kaolin absorbs toxins, gases and salts of heavy metals from the gastrointestinal tract and prevents them from entering the circulatory system. Therefore, white clay is one of the the best means to deal with serious intoxications of the body.

Kaolin has bactericidal properties and is no worse than chemical antibiotics destroys pathogenic bacteria. At the same time, it is absolutely inert and safe for the body, which cannot be said about synthesized antibiotic drugs. Every person can be convinced of this property of white clay. Put a spoonful of white clay in milk and it won't turn sour even if it sits in the sun all day!

It is very important that white clay destroys only dangerous microorganisms and does not affect the beneficial intestinal microflora. The therapeutic use of kaolin increases the body's immunity and stimulates cell renewal.

Effective in the treatment of angina clay therapy course. To do this, dissolve 1 teaspoon of white clay in 1 glass of water and gargle with the resulting solution several times a day. The same clay water can be drunk several sips every hour.

The use of white clay is beneficial for women during pregnancy and lactation.

White clay treats disorders of the digestive tract well. After undergoing a course of radiotherapy, you should also drink clay water.

For all the above diseases, in which the internal intake of a solution of white clay is indicated, as well as in cleansing programs, clay is used in the manner described below.

The use of white clay inside

- for adults, the solution should be made from the calculation 1 full teaspoon of clay with a small slide for 100 ml (half a glass) of water.

- for children 1-7 years old, the solution should be made at the rate 1/2 teaspoon per 100 ml (half a cup) of water.

Water should be taken slightly warm or at room temperature. It is best to drink a solution of clay on an empty stomach, i. 1 hour before meals or 1-1.5 hours after meals. You need to take a clay solution 3 times a day last dose at bedtime. Each time, prepare a fresh solution, i.e. in total, you need to drink 3 teaspoons of clay powder (adults) or 1.5 teaspoons of clay (children) during the day. The course of internal intake of white clay is usually 10 days. If necessary, after a 2-week break, the course can be repeated.

Also, a solution of white clay can be taken as needed one-time, for example, in case of poisoning with food, alcohol, drugs. In this case, the dose can be increased by 2 or 3 times from the recommended one.

Therapeutic and cosmetic properties of kaolin

The healing properties of kaolin today are almost rediscovered by cosmetologists. White clay is actively used in the manufacture of elite toothpastes, shampoos and cleansing cosmetic masks. White clay strengthens brittle and weak hair and is used in the fight against baldness. Shampoos containing kaolin are an excellent remedy against dandruff and seborrhea.

On the basis of kaolin, cosmetologists have created effective masks for facial skin and anti-cellulite preparations. White clay saturates our skin with minerals and removes excess fat and dead skin cells from the epidermis. The healing effect of clay extends to the blood vessels skin, which after cosmetic masks again become elastic. In addition, kaolin stimulates the production of collagen, which gives the skin elasticity.

Having a powerful stimulating effect on the biochemical processes of the epidermis, kaolin accelerates the process of cell regeneration. Thanks to this, after cosmetic masks made of white clay, fine wrinkles are smoothed and the skin is rejuvenated. The cleansing and whitening effect of kaolin masks is especially useful for problematic and oily skin. However, such procedures are not recommended if there are noticeable blood vessels or purulent acne on the nose or cheeks.

The use of white clay for masks and body wraps

For normal and combination skin

Mix 1 tablespoon (kaolin) of white clay with a hydrosol suitable for skin type (for example, green tea, hyssop, geraniums, roses, etc.), and 1 teaspoon of honey. Half an hour after application, wash off the mask and apply a nourishing aroma oil to the face. This mask perfectly cleanses the skin of dead cells and improves complexion.

Mix 2 tablespoons of white clay with a suitable hydrolat (tea tree, sage, thyme, rosemary) and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. After 20 minutes after application, the mask should be washed off with warm boiled water.

Drying mask

Mix 1 tablespoon of white clay with 1 tablespoon of milk and 1 tablespoon of talcum powder. Wash off the mask after 20 minutes.

Lifting mask for any skin type

Mix 1 tablespoon of white clay with 1 tablespoon of a floral hydrosol suitable for skin type (for example, for dry skin, take acacia or jasmine hydrosol, for oily skin - sage or rosemary, for combined - calendula or mint). Mix clay and hydrolat until a thick cream, can be enriched with essential oils (ylang-ylang, rosewood, sandalwood, etc.), suitable for skin type. Apply to face, neck and décolleté for 15-20 minutes. Wash away.

Anti-cellulite wraps

Mix the clay with water to the state of thick sour cream in the right volume, add rosemary or citrus essential oils at the rate of 15 drops essential oils per 100 grams of clay mixture. Apply to problem areas, cover with a film, dress and keep for 30 minutes. Wash away. The course is at least 10 procedures every other day.

natural toothpaste

Mix pine hydrolate 20 ml, sage hydrolate 20 ml, vegetable glycerin 10 ml, add the required amount of white clay to get the desired paste consistency. To flavor and enhance the antimicrobial effect, add 4-5 drops of essential oils (of one type or several, for example, peppermint, sage, cedar, tea tree, cajuput) to the finished paste. Store the paste in a tightly closed jar, pick up with a dry brush.

There are no contraindications to the internal use of white clay.

The product is certified. TU 9158-007-0177188917-2015 (

Kaolin is a versatile clay with a number of advantages, unique chemical and physical properties that contribute to its widespread use. Clay powder, white kaolin clay, is good for skin and hair. It can be eaten, used as food additive. It is used in cosmetic products - in soaps, deodorants, volumetric aerosols.

Chemical composition and properties of white kaolin clay

It is a natural clay substance that is mainly found in soils in hot, humid climates. A good example of such a climate is the rainforest. The chemical name is hydrosulphate phyllosilicate (Al2 Si2 O5 (OH) 4. It is also called Chinese clay, china clay, white cosmetic clay, hydrated aluminum silicate. It is inert (does not react with other elements) under a wide change in pH and temperature, but it can transform at extreme temperatures above 500° C. Kaolin clay is practically insoluble in water, but forms a suspension, has a very low cation exchange capacity, which means that it is the least reactive at any given pH value.

Chinese clay is beautiful and light kaolin-shop.ru. It is white in its natural state. However, the color changes in combination with other elements. For example, kaolin clay appears pink-orange when mixed with iron oxide, brown when mixed with sand, and light yellow when combined with feldspar.

Under a microscope, white clay is visible in crystalline forms of various sizes. Kaolinite crystals have a hexagonal shape, located in layered layers. Kaolin clay is a fine soft powder with a silky texture. White clay has a low swelling capacity and does not shrink when dried. What makes kaolin white clay special?

  • It is the softest of all clays.
  • It is made up of a wide range of minerals.

For example, the difference between kaolin and bentonite clay is that
bentonite is heavier, more absorbent than kaolin.
Bentonite clay has a high PH compared to kaolin clay.
In this regard, kaolin can be used for all skin types, but its qualities are especially beneficial for highly sensitive skin. Bentonite is not good for highly sensitive skin. Of all known clays, kaolin (white type) is the softest. This property makes it the most gentle skin care product. It is kaolin clay that is suitable for sensitive skin types. The distinctive components of aluminum oxide and silicon dioxide contribute greatly to the amazing effects on the skin. The skin becomes dry and smooth.

The safety of using kaolin is based not on scientific evidence, but on the rich history of its use. Kaolin has been known for thousands of years as a detoxifier and skin cleanser. Today, kaolin clay is one of the main active ingredients in most beauty products. Generally, the natural absorbing, detoxifying, and exfoliating properties of white clay make it indispensable in hygiene products such as scrubs, facial powders, masks, and body wraps.

For some, swallowing clay is a tradition. Eating white clay is a common habit, especially in pregnant women. The practice of using clay or soil substrates such as chalk by humans and animals is called geophysics. Did you know that even birds eat clay?

Kaolin is a hydrated aluminum silicate of kaolinite (clay), has the form of a white powder with particles in the form of plates.

The name of this substance comes from the name of the area where it was first discovered (in China).

Kaolin plates in natural environment are "books" or "stacks". A particle of this substance is both an oxygen-containing surface and a hydroxyl surface, so it bonds well with neighboring particles. Therefore, the work on splitting layers of kaolin is more difficult than the same work for other flat fillers containing silicates (mica and talc). Kaolin is highly soluble in water, for its anhydrous use, bonding to the matrix is ​​improved by surface treatment.

Since kaolin is a fine dispersion material, it is layered and chemically inert, it is suitable to be a functional paint filler. Kaolin has a slightly acidic or neutral pH of a water dispersion (ten percent) and is supplied with a specified particle size distribution.

Kaolin is used in the industry producing varnishes and paints, as a filler (washed from mineral impurities of mica, chlorite, quartz). This substance with a flat structure is used in coatings more for visual rather than for physical property, amenable to wetting with non-polar organic liquid substances and ordinary water. The processing of kaolin to obtain a filler for paints and varnishes goes through the following stages: crushing, grinding, enrichment, classification.

This filler is a component of many industrial products:

  • putties,
  • pore filler, oil-based and water-based paints,
  • protective layers against corrosion (matte and semi-gloss).

Kaolin is mined at several deposits, namely:

  • in Russian Federation its deposits are the Ural Mountains,
  • it is mined in the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (Kazakhstan, Ukraine),
  • it is mined in the UK,
  • in the Czech Republic
  • United States of America (in the state of Georgia),
  • in China.

Existing grades of kaolin:

There are also grades of kaolin coated with dispersants to improve water dissolution for good bonding with organic matrices.

There are primary and secondary (redeposited) kaolin. Primary kaolin is obtained by weathering granite and shale or clay sediments (quartz). Such kaolins well convey the structure of the rock from which they are made. Secondary kaolin (kaolin clay) is the result of natural enrichment of primary kaolin, it is kaolinite in which a small amount of quartz and other minerals are added. Industrial production mainly uses kaolin concentrates, which are obtained by enrichment of natural, mainly primary kaolins.

Table 1. Grades of kaolin and their properties.

Types of kaolinslaundereddelaminatedCalcineddry-ground
Refractive index 1,56 1,56 1,62 1,56
Specific gravity, g / cm 3 2,58 2,58 2,50-2,68 2,58
Hardness 2 2 3-4 2
Brightness GE 80-92 86-92 84-97 65-75
Average particle size according to sedimentation method, microns 0,2-4,8 0,4-10 0,8-2,9 0,3-4,8
Oil absorption, g / 100 g 30-45 40-45 50-95 30-40
Specific surface, m 2 /g 5-20 6-20 8-16 15-24
pH, 10% dispersion 3,5-8,0 6,0-8,0 5,0-6,0 4,0-6,5
Particle shape records / books records records records / books

Table 2. Comparison of grades of kaolin.

NameJSC "Dniprokaolin" (Ukraine) KVF-90-1Thiele Kaolin Co (USA) KAOCAL RDorfner GmbH (Germany)CJSC "GEOKOM" MIKAO R
DORKAFILL RHDORKAFILL R 60004-98 03-98 02-98
Mass fraction of residue on sieve No. 0045, % 0,01 0,00 0,02 0,00 0,01 0,00 0,00
Median particle diameter (Microsizer-201A), µm
medium (D 50) 1,5 1,6 5,2 2,9 4 3 2
maximum (D 98) 12,1 8 26 18 22 17 10
minimum (D 10) 0,6 0,5 2,0 1,0 1,1 1,0 0,7
Assessment of color preferences
whiteness according to CIELab (ISO 787/1, C/2°), % 95,0 99 97,2 97,4 98,5 98,5 98,5
brightness according to DIN 53163 (R y , C/2°), % 93,9 99 96 96,5 99,3 99,3 99,3
brightness according to ISO 2470 (R 457), % 89,0 97 92 93 96,5 96,5 96,5
whiteness according to ISO 11475 (D 65 /10°), % 92,5 85 86 92 92 92
yellowness according to ASTM D1925-70 (C/2°), % 8,3 3,5 4,3 4,2 3,2 3,2 3,2
Oil absorption according to ISO 787/5, g/100g 45 62 56 61 38 41 52

enriched kaolin

Kaolin is enriched by dry and wet methods. This enrichment process is carried out on industrial enterprises built close to kaolin mining sites. This substance, after its enrichment, contains sulfides, an iron oxidizer and a titanium oxidizer (depending on the kaolin grade) in an amount from zero point three tenths of a percent to one percent. These additives in kaolin reduce its white color and its resistance to fire. Kaolin after enrichment does not contain dissolved in water or weak acid sand or other impurities.

Properties of kaolin

In various areas of industry, kaolin has found its place, since it has beneficial features both chemical and physical: hydrophilicity, dispersion, resistance to fire, the presence of a sufficient amount of aluminum oxide, plasticity, chemical inactivity, good properties dielectric after firing, low density, no difficulty in grinding, no abrasive particles.

The use of raw primary and secondary kaolin is necessary to create fire resistant materials. Kaolin serves as a raw material for the creation of thin ceramic products, for the creation of porcelain and faience items, and also for the creation of white cement. Industrial chemistry uses kaolin to create aluminum sulphate, aluminum oxide, ultramarine pigment, it is used as a carrier and filler for pesticides and fertilizers, and also as a catalyst chemical reactions. Kaolin is used most of all to make paper, and it is used as a filler in manufacturing to make paper products coated. Kaolin is also needed as a filler to produce rubber, plastic, glue, mastic, perfumery products. It is applicable in medicine (well-known white clay). Kaolin is also needed when creating paint and varnish products, since its moisture content is only one percent.

The lacquer and paint industry's product formulas use kaolin as a titanium dioxide carrier in water-thinned architectural paints. Calcined kaolins thus demonstrate their main features: brightness, release of titanium dioxide and hiding power. Also, washed kaolin to a certain extent improves the release of titanium dioxide and can be used to change the level of gloss (gloss is more intense if the particle size is smaller).

The lacquer and paint industry values ​​kaolin primarily for its visual attributes, but also uses it as a functional filler. Kaolins are used to improve fluidity, improve leveling properties, film strength, film smoothness, and weather resistance. Since calcined kaolins are very hard, they increase the wear resistance of coatings.

When optimizing paint formulations to provide better value for money, the selection of kaolin inert filler is essential.

The choice of such a filler depends on the type of coating:

  1. ordinary kaolin

    used for interior and exterior paint (alkyd and latex paint), for primer,
  2. delaminated kaolin

    used for anti-corrosion primer, indoor wall paint, exterior paint, enamel,
  3. calcined kaolin

    used for interior paint (latex and alkyd paint), for interior primer, for exterior acrylic paint.

Table 3. Application of kaolin.

Pigments offer style and development options

BASF introduced three new globally available pigments during the recent American Coatings Show 2016 held in Indianapolis April 12-14. Pigments are designed to offer improved variations with styles and formulas.

  • Interior latex and alkyd paints
  • Exterior latex and alkyd paints
  • Primers

Kaolin was first found in the Chinese province of Jiangxi in an area called Kaolin. Kaolin, white clay is a natural mineral based on aluminosilicates. This mineral has excellent sorbent properties, so it can be used as an antidote. Therefore, white clay kaolin is prescribed for oral administration for intoxication and gastrointestinal diseases.

Composition of kaolin

White clay is a white powder with a yellow or blue tint. Kaolin is a white clay that contains trace elements and mineral salts that are especially useful for our body: magnesium, calcium, copper, nitrogen, zinc, potassium and others, in a form that is very well absorbed by the human body. Silica is the main constituent of white clay.

Kaolin, whose mineral composition has certain similarities with the composition of thermal water, has drying and astringent properties. normalizes pH and has a beneficial effect on the condition of oily and combination skin. provides an increase in elasticity and firmness of the skin, and stimulation of metabolic processes in collagen fibers. Calcium, copper and zinc provide an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect of clay, eliminate the influence of free radicals.

The chemical composition of kaolin

Kaolin - what is it in terms of chemical compounds? In my own way chemical composition white clay consists predominantly of kaolinite. It contains a large amount of silica and other beneficial minerals and compounds. Our ancestors used white clay to heal wounds, since enriched kaolin is enough effective tool with dermatitis, eczema and open wounds.

Useful properties of white clay

Carefully refined kaolin clay is actually pure white in color. The whitening effect of white clay is successfully used in the production of toothpastes and even chewing plates. Kaolin helps to remove tartar, whiten teeth and disinfect the oral cavity. To enhance the whitening effect, you can add a small amount of white clay when brushing your teeth with regular toothpaste.

In addition, kaolin (we already know what kind of natural mineral it is) has an excellent antiseptic and regenerating effect. Clay absorbs excess mud and fat deposits that accumulate on the surface of the skin, saturates it with minerals, helps stimulate synthesis in skin cells.

The use of kaolin in cosmetology

White clay is added to various ointments, pastes and powders. It is effectively used for diaper rash, burns and is suitable for children's cosmetics. Manufacturers of decorative cosmetics use kaolin in the production of talcs, powders, and dry deodorants. In professional procedures, white clay is used for deep cleansing of the skin before a course of algae, mud or this mineral is often replaced by glycolic acid, which can cause allergic reactions.

Cosmetic masks based on white clay

Kaolin is effectively used as one of the components of cosmetic masks that help improve skin color and enrich it with oxygen. To prepare such a mask, you need to dilute the clay powder with water or milk, herbal infusion to the state of thick sour cream. The resulting mixture should be applied to the face for 15-20 minutes. Then wash off the mask with cool water and apply the cream on the skin.

If you regularly use kaolin-based masks, your skin will be supple, soft and supple. The metabolic processes in the skin cells will improve, the pores will decrease, the skin will look younger and fresher.

White clay mask for oily and problematic skin

To prepare this mask, you need to dilute the kaolin. What kind of mixture it will be depends on what you will dilute it with: cold purified water, juice or milk. To narrow enlarged pores, white clay powder must be diluted tomato juice. The resulting mixture should be applied to the face for about 20 minutes. If you have combined type skin, then you will need milk to prepare the mask.

white clay mask for skin whitening

To whiten the skin of the face or get rid of pigmentation, it is necessary to dilute a spoonful of kaolin with fresh cucumber or parsley juice. Please note that the mixture must have a uniform structure. You can also add strawberry or wild strawberry juice, freshly squeezed lemon juice to the mask. The resulting mixture is applied to the face for 10-15 minutes in an even layer, then you need to wash with warm water. The whitening effect of the product is achieved by its regular use.

Mask based on kaolin against acne

To prepare the remedy, you need to mix one large spoonful of white clay with two tablespoons of good vodka. For viscosity, purified water is added to the mixture. After mixing all the components, a little aloe juice is added to the mixture. The mask should be applied to the skin for ten minutes, and then washed with cool water.

Due to the absorbent action, kaolin is often added to the composition of anti-cellulite products, since this mineral is able to remove dead skin cells of the dermis, excess sebum, draw out toxins and toxins and saturate the body. useful minerals. After using such funds, the subcutaneous vessels become more flexible. Also, due to kaolin, collagen is formed in the cells, which is extremely important for maintaining tissue elasticity.

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