Little prayers for Christmas. What prayer read for Christmas for marriage. Sermon Metropolitan Sourozh Anthony for Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary

Floors 23.07.2020

In the Christian world, Christmas is one of the brightest and most important holidays. It was on this day that the one who gave his life for all humanity appeared. For two centuries, people have been worshiped by the Savior.

The Catholic Church celebrates Christmas on December 25, and Orthodox celebrate on January 7. In order for the Lord to hear your appeal, it is important to read the right prayers.

In the Christmas holidays as if the magic is in the air, nature is transformed. Good mood People also poured into this great energy space.

Prayers for happiness and well-being in christmas January 7

At Christmas, the skies are open to the requests and prayers of people. Therefore, in order to fully enjoy the festive atmosphere, you need to go to the church for festive worship. Thanks to the Christmas prayers, you can attract happiness, financial welfare and love.

Main prayer for happiness

To ask for the highest strength of happiness, not necessarily contact the church. The priests are allowed by those who do not have to get to the church for good reason, to pray for icons.

"Lord, our Savior. Bless everyone living on earth and give him happiness in life. Remove from troubles and troubles, cover from the envious and indicate the right path leading to prosperity. Be merciful, Lord, let us forgive our pregriction. Amen".

Prayer for well-being on the day of the holiday

Christmas is a magical time, so do not doubt that during reading the prayer you will definitely be heard.

"Virgo Maria, you call you sincere repentance. We save us from the things unrighteous, open the way to happiness and well-being, but do not allow the enemies to overshadow us. Liberate, Mother of the Virgin, from mercenary thoughts and the desire to take revenge on ill-wishers, and indicate them the correction paths. Amen".

Prayer for good luck in christmas

You can handle prayers not only to Jesus Christ, but also to the Most Holy Virgin, who presented the world of the Savior.

"Mother of the Virgin Mother, save and save our lives. We drank our blessing and acceptance of the sincere requests for help. Fences us from the troubles on the way and point the path faithful, luck filled. Accept, Mother, our sincere repentance in the pregarios, and give souls our liberation from heavy shipment. Amen".

Prayer appeal to the highest forces on the holiday

"God is holy and eternal, our sincere prayers and made our requests. You, who saved the souls of sinners, redeemed the sins of anyone living on Earth, do not quit our repentance. Hear our voices and help on the Day of the Great Day to find a way to happiness and well-being. Relief, Lord, from the actions and thoughts of badness, donate the trouble and liberate the hearts and our thoughts from all vicious. Amen".

Prayers before the icon "Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary»You can ask for help in various life situations. And most often:

About mutual love, faithful husband and successful marriage,
- about the conception of the child,
- about the health of relatives and loved ones,
- About wealth and material supply.

Oh, the Most Holy Lady, Christ of the Savior of our Godisbramny Mati, the god with the Holy Prayers asked, dedicated to God and God beloved!

Who can't chew or who does not recycle, your copper christmas.

Christmas Boy is the beginning of the salvation of people, and we, seeding in TMA of sins, zirima, impregnable light dwelling.

This is for the sake of the wist language can not pendant to the property.

Page Bo Seraphim was sublighted by ESI, the prechile.

Obakchi from the unworthy slave your current screeze and not Otrini Molba Our Moluba.

I confess your greatness, you fall in mightiness and quickly in the intercession, and a blessing mother, we suck out:

the mind of your son and our god to give us, a lot of sinful, sincere repentance and pious life, let them deteriorate to all God and our souls are useful.

Warves all the evil, strengthening the divine thank you for the blessing work of our.

You are not a naudient hope of our death, give us a Christian death, a messy procession on the terrible solarms of the air and heritage of eternal and in-noble benefits of the kingdom of heaven,

yes, with all the saints, unfortunately, confess your intercession about us and, well, we are altogether of the truth of God, in the Holy Trinity of Pokhokhamago, Father and Son and Saint Spain.

Prepeditious Delo Marie, Queen Heaven and Earth, your miraculous image fallenly, in the verb:

the proud of graciously on the slaves of yours and your omentive petition was needed by Komemoto.

The whole of the faithful of the Church of the Church of the Church, incorrectly delved to the path of the right to Nastavi, the old age and the weakness of the forces support, young in the faith of Holy Rhost,

the courage to send, sinners to repentant to bring all Christians of Holy Hearing, sick, sorrow, sorrow of quench, traveling letters.

You are a weight, global, Yako westless, siny sin, Yako Obloblami and unworthy of the forgiveness of God, Obachey wake to help us,

yes, none of the sin of pride, temptation and diabolian indispensable to the bottom of God:

To Imama Substitute, the Lord will not give it out.

More than Bo Smell, All Given We Mojakly, the Holy Source, which is true, and superozing the copper christmas.

Roby, Vladychitsa, Frequencies and the troubles of all, piously encouraging the holy name of your and those who have become honest.

You boils our tuna prayers, our tuna is cleansing, you get the same with the packs of screaming: an outbill from us all the enemy and the sacrup, everyone who is attack and disbelief disbelief;

your prayers, feeding the rains of parolesmore and the Earth abundant fruit, put in the hearts our fear of the divine to the fulfillment of the commandments of the Lord,

yes, VSI, and peacefully live in the salvation of our souls, for the benefit of the neighbor and to the glory of the Lord, it is Bo, the Creator, the Speech and the Savior, to our Slava, honor and worship, now and are confused and forever.

Oh, the prediest and predicted devo, Vladychitsa the Virgin Mary, from the promotion on the promise of the birth and cleanliness for the soul and body of your body, the most likely to be the matter of the Son of God, the Lord of our Jesus Christ,

with the Himself now in the skys who stayed and Imashi, he was keen to the Blessed Trinity, from Nayazh, Yako Tsarina, the crown of the eternal reign of Hispanic.

Sumbenously resort to you and ask:

suit out for us from the village of Lord God forgiveness of all the limits of our free and unwitting;

for a terrible Fatherland of our salvation, peace, silence and piety, the nearest, peaceful times and serene, Kramol evils are not involved;

to the abundance of fruits of earthly, air of fooling, the rains of peace and paroles.

And all, Like to live and saving our need, we succeed as our son, Christ of our God.

We are very well enough to decorate our good morals and good deeds, yes, Elico powerfully, imitators will be holy in your life, guess from youth to the Earth decorated with the Lord;

this was the sake of the sake of the sacrifices honest cherub and the sorry Seraphim.

She, Mrs., Budge, Bourge to all the ambulance assistant and led to the salvation of the mentor,

yes, you will follow you and to you presensemi, will be advised by the heiress of the inheritance of the celestial kingdoms, the suffering of the son of your work outcompan, the performers of the Saints of the Commandments are promised.

You boasts, Mrs., one of our hopes and hope, and our whole stomach betraying, more than your petition and interpreting concessions are not taken at the time of the outcome of our life,

and on Terrible court Your son, Christ of our god of our defendance of his standing of his standing, and Tamo is always happy with all of the century by him westing and unfortunately, praise, thank and bless him with the Father and Spirit in the eyelids.

"O, Most Holy and Neckless Mati Delo, Hope Christians and a sinful refuge! Protect everyone in misfortunes to you, hear our wedding, and your ear your ear to moles. Vladychitsa and Mati of our God, do not contempt that requires your help and do not give us sinful, by the teachings and teach us, not retreating from us, your slaves, for Rapting our. Buddes us mother and patroness, give yourself a merciful cover to yours. Bring us, sinful, to a quiet and serene life, yes, we lose our sins. Oh, Mati Marie, our preparing and ambulance, the face of our petition, to protect against enemies of visible and invisible, softening hearts evil peopleArranged on us. Oh, Mati Lord Creator OUR! You are the root of virginity and the unlocking color of purity and chastity, we assume the help of us intimid and beworn carnal passions and wandering hearts. Enlighten our spiritual eyes, yes see the path of the truth of God. The grateful of your son will strengthen our weak will in fulfillment of the commandments, but we will get rid of things from any misfortune and you are justified and justified by your stortive intercession on the scary trial of your son, Jesh we pay glory, honor and clarification are now and are confident, and forever. Amen."

"Oh, the Most Holy Mother of the Mother of God, the Queen of the Sky and the Earth, the Higher Angel and Archangel and All Creatures are honest, clean devo Marie, the world of the Helper, and all people are a statement, and in all kinds of need to get rid of! Watch and now, Mrs., in the slaves of yours, you have a soul and a crushed heart praying, with tears to you falling and paying your prechytoma and a workbook, and help and interpreting your aspecting. Oh, the global and premium Delo the Virgin is clean! Reviews, Mrs., for people of yours: We are the sin of the wrongness of the Imai help, don't you and you have a risk of our god of our god. You are an intercession and our concern. You are offended by the defendant who grieves joy, siere refuge, the widows of the keeper, the devies of glory, crying fun, sick visits, weaken healing, sinful salvation. To, for the sake of God, about the Bogomati, we are resorting to you, and on your prechistan image with banging your own child, the Lord Our Jesus is indirectly, a defeated singing to you and yelling: numbness, Mother of God, and our existence It is possible for your petition, I can be clarified to you now and dream and forever. Amen."

Magic at Christmas is unchanged in all centuries. Our ancestors for successful marriage and good luck in all matters read prayers. To this day, on January 7, many girls are guessing for love and narrowed, even dyspheme and in a joke, spoken words are quite effective. Pray for a happy marriage can not only young girls, but also women who are divorced.

Lonely girls who can not find their narrowed preferably to pronounce prayers to the Most Holy Mother of God, because it was she who gave birth to Jesus. You can also contact Peter and Fevronia, will help in love Matron Matron and Nikolai Wonderworker.

Prayer words are as follows:

With a pretty joy, I appeal to you, Mother of God.

Yes, it will hire your name. Amen.

Words pronounced in such a holiday like Christmas, very much affect fate and will help exactly those who need it. Who sincerely wants from the heart. You need to believe and fate herself will tell you the right way to happiness.
To increase chances of happy family life You can make the next rite for Christmas. To do this, you need a square piece of white fabric 2 white candles and photos where you are with a sweetheart together.

Located in the night alone. On the flap need to draw a cross, separating space for 4 elements: fire, water, earth, air. And in the center put a photo. Initially read "Our Father", then this prayer:
The forces of the Nativity of Christ, help me! Cute (name) to me like! I want him to get himself with me, forever eternal soul and body joined. Amen.

During this ritual, do not forget to imagine a wedding, a happy groom walking around. Read and represent until the candles are ground for themselves. Subsequently, tie neatly and tightly photos and remove away from prying eyes. If the rite is carried out correctly, there will be positive changes soon in the relationship.

In Christmas, Christo asks not only happiness in marriage, but many requests for good luck. Probably, in the thoughts of every mother's dreams about the successful life of their children. In this bright holiday on the night of January 7, you can read the prayer for the well-being of children. If the child is at all baby, then it is necessary to raise it in his arms and looking at the stars to pronounce these words:

Mother of the Virgin, how are you my son
Baby Jesus on this day held on his hands.
In the bedspread soft pelenal,
His hand on happiness and good luck blessed,
Bless and my dieta (name) too.
Handle your holy raise
My child to cross
For good luck and happiness in life bless
To life a long and rich
Cheerful and beautiful.
While people will remember you and the son of your Jesus Christ
Nobody to kill my words.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen

For a better request for good luck, the helpers in prayers will be eastern windows.

Turn off the light in all rooms, only the candle burning on the window should be a light source.

And when the first star turns around in the sky, tell 3 times these words:

The star of Bethlehema shines - joy to people proclaims. Baby Christ is announced, the Great is awakened. That joy will touched me. Good luck to me will turn to me.

Next, you need to blend the candle and say: "Let it be so!". After that you can go to your family for festive table.
In the life of each person comes the moment when he involuntarily addresses requests for good luck in the higher strength. In this situation, a properly uttered prayer will help. And in Christmas, the strength of words increases. This prayer is read in the Morning Christmas, barely opening the eyes worth it to make such words:

Sun, Stars, Moon, Earth, Low Bow! Thanks for your help and care! I ask for a slave of God (your name) look. Good luck and happiness to me send, but the way to specify! Amen!

Words of Christmas prayers need to be pronounced only in a great mood and with a light heart. For higher strength your happiness, health and love is important, and not material values.

This very strong conspiracy spoken in Christmas will bring good luck and success for the whole year. Prayer words:
For good luck whispering at Christmas, let the fortune knock on the window. In games, disputes will help me, I will postpone at work. I have successfully accomplished all the matter, God will forgive, if I sin sick. Amen! Amen! Amen!

In Christmas, you need to believe in miracles and everything will happen exactly as you want. Wish from the soul what you really want and it will definitely happen. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Christmas opens the way to heaven, which makes it possible to treat prayers to the highest forces almost directly. It is believed that all appeals will certainly be heard and requests are fulfilled. Prayers have a huge force in Christmas on marriage, which since ancient times, lonely girls enjoy to meet with their second half. You can contact various saints, most importantly, do it with an open heart and soul.

It is believed that it is this prayer that has a huge force, since Virgo Maria gave birth to the Son of God. Of course, it is not necessary to count on the fact that the long-awaited meeting will occur right the next day, but the highest forces will help ensure that the events will develop as successful as possible. It is best to read a prayer before the icon, pre-putting a closed candle.

Prayer for the Christmas of Christ to marriage sounds like this:

"With an excellent joy, I appeal to you, Mother of God.

You are the one who filled the fruit of the fruit of his womb.

I, the slave of God (his name) I pray you now about help.

Please, we like the love of me mutual and sincere.

I went to me a husband of loving and caring,

so that I could raise children in happiness and joy.

In addition to this prayer, you can seek help from the Blessed Matron of Moscow, Nikolay the Wonderworker, Ksenia St. Petersburg and to Peter and Fevronia Muromsky. These saints were also famous for their power to help lonely find love.

Christmas ritual for marriage

There is a special ritual, which uses a prayer for Christmas to marriage. With its help, lonely girls can greatly increase the chance for a meeting with the second half. They can also use it girls who have a potential groom and want to achieve the most responsible step from him. In this case, in prayer it is necessary to insert the name of a particular person.

After that, you need to look at the flame and mentally represent the wedding and happy life Together with the future spouse. It is important that the picture is as clear as possible, up to sensations. It is necessary to do it until the candles are nervous. Then, in the canvas, tie the photo, the remains of the candles and hide everything away from prying eyes. If everything was done correctly, the first positive changes will be visible very soon.

There are moments in the life of the Orthodox, when prayer is particularly strong, and requests reach heaven faster:

There are special thematic prayers for Christmas Christo:

The texts of these prayers are given in a special collection - a prayer for Orthodox Christians.

Merry Christmas of Jesus is preceded by a multi-day strict christmas post. It lasts 40 days - from November 28 to January 6. The last strictest day of the post is called a Christmas Eve to the name of a dish, which is prepared and served on the table on the night before Christmas.

By tradition, no food until late in the evening, until the first star appears in the sky. Then the whole family sits down at the table and, praying, proceeds to the meal.

Sochily asks the mood of the celebration and helps to tune in to the reverent way before the miracle, which the Bethlehem star rose in the sky.

The recipe for christmas flavors is very simple. But the dish is delicious and nutritious. It is prepared from wheat grains with honey and seeds of other plants - poppy, nuts. Fruit, raisins, candied fruit are added.

Nowadays, wheat is replaced with other croups - rice, oats, barley. Subscribing prayer, food spiritual bodily food, people rushed into temples. Christmas service with a procession begins exactly at midnight.

Christmas Christ is one of the greatest holidays for the entire Orthodox people. With this holiday connected ...

On Christmas night, Orthodox believers rushed to the temples on the all-sleeping vigil, turning into the Divine Liturgy. Special festive prayers are read on January 7 at Christmas to christmas to clarify the coming into the world of the Savior of the human race. Some of the divine chants are performed only in this service, that is, once a year.

Jesus was born, the Lord God is already among us, he came to understand the human sins suffering and death and give hope for Sunday and the eternal life. This is briefly the meaning of festive worship.

If for some reason to visit the temple is not possible, you can pray, while staying at home. For this, first of all, it is necessary to tune in to a special prayer way. Stand over icons, light the wax candle. Such candles for home prayer are sold in church shops.

The Lord responds to any requests that do not have evil intent. But it is not accepted directly to ask God for money or love. Since the plotting, greed, as well as passion and carnal joy in Orthodoxy are considered sinful thoughts.

Therefore, we ask not wealth, but help in affairs and relief from poverty. Not victory over the ill-wishers, but protection from them, not happy love, but a good wife, good husband, peace and happiness in family life.

Help will follow very soon, just need to understand that the Lord sends a person just what is really necessary for him. If it seems that the desire is not fulfilled, you should carefully analyze all the recent events. Perhaps there was some kind of sign, the promise to which you did not follow or did not give values.

Perhaps your request ignored to protect from a big evil. God loves his children, cares about Chad and instructs us on the path of truth.

Every year, the religious Christians around the world celebrate the feast of the Presentation of the Lord, dedicated to the memory of the attachment ...

At Christmas, young girls and lonely women read a prayer for marriage, addressing the Most Holy Virgin. It was the Mother of God that is a patronage of all wives, because she gave birth to a baby Jesus from a deamy conception and embodied all-consuming selfless love as self-sacrifice.

On the message of family happiness pray also:

Even if at hand there is no appropriate prayer or the old Slavonic text it seems completely incomprehensible, you can pray in your own words. It may sound like this:

You should not expect that the narrowed will arrive at the door tomorrow. First of all, prayer will help work on yourself, will indicate the way to which you need to go to the only and loving, ready to become defense and support in trouble and in joy.

It is impossible to pray for the love of a particular person, it looks like an imposition of His Wheel.

From Christmas to baptism (January 19), the shints are coming. The only time in the year, when the church condescendingly refers to fortune tells. What methods not used to know their fate. And the boots for the woven threw, rooster grain poured, asked the name from strangers, lily melted wax into the water, looked in a mirror corridor.

While most of the population expects the onset of the new year, believers are preparing for the Christmas post. What ...

Prayer for the Christmas of Christ for good luck - in different versions is extremely popular in the people. Everyone believes in the Christmas wonders that the Lord is sent to us.

During the days of idolatry in Russia for the sake of Demon, even babies sacrificed. That is, people are ready to achieve good luck at all costs. This is an unacceptable way for Christianity.

In the prayers of this kind, you need to ask the Lord to send us along the way of good and protect from evil. Only as a righteous way, following the spiritual rules, it is possible to achieve this success, and unexpected good luck in a simple philistine value of this word.

The power of christmas prayer is known to the wonders of healing from serious ailments. In the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ, it is possible to pray for the health of children, their own and their relatives.

Names write parsing, pointing them in the parental case (about the health of Ivan, Mary, and so on). Late and you need to specify your name, then relatives, patrons and virtues.

About health put candles with icons and read the prayers of Holy Panteleimonu to the healer and St. Luke War-Yasenetsky, as well as the Matron of Moscow and Nikolai the Wonderworker, known by numerous wonders of the healing of sorry saints and after the death of saints.

Prayer read in Christmas or Christmas Christmas Eve always possesses great power.

Christmas Christ is a bright holiday when the Son of God was born.

Prayers usually people read either on the night before Christmas from 6 to 7 January, or during January 7, when Christmas is celebrated.

Before reading the prayer, it is necessary to clean the thoughts, filled with the joy from the fact that Christ is born, will be filled with gratitude and happiness from Divine patronage.

Before reading the prayer for Christmas on well-being and wealth, you first need to read the prayers of our "Father" before the icon of Jesus Christ.

Icon of Jesus Christ for Christmas

Prayer "Our Father"

Our father, izh, at Heaven! Yes, your name will hurt, and your kingdom will take away, and will be your will, IKo in the sky and on the earth. Bread our urgent grandfather to us; And we leave us our debts, and we leave our debtor to our; And do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from Lucavago.

After reading the prayer of ours, you can read the Christmas prayer for well-being.

Prayer for Christmas on wealth and welfare

Lord Jesus Christ God, the dedicated salvation of our sake for the land in the flesh, appear and from the demonstrative and the prechistant of the Virgin Marya is inerab possible! We thank you, Yako really encouraged us, the feat of the post of one who was honored, to achieve a great holiday of your Christmas and in the joy of spiritual with the angels to chant the lathe, with the shepherds of Slavostoviti, worship with Walking. We thank you, Yako in great mercy of your mercy and immeasurable condescension to our weakness, comforting us now does not sharpen a breathless food, but also a festive meal.

Molim Molim, who rejuvenates your generous hand, fulfilling all the living best of your favor, lettuce all the food, the corresponding time and the rules of church, bless the festive dash, the faithful people of yours prepared, the Napauchi, from Nicho, the chalk of the church of the church, in the mimeoshess Your people, let them eat them with thanksgiving in health, in reinforcement of bodily strength, in merry and joy. Yes, VSI, we will be all satisfied, to be abundant, and we are in the affairs of the right, and from completeness thanks to the heart of Slavita, the fuel and comfortably of us, the population and irreparal of your father and the Most of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Watch the video and find out everything about Christmas: Tips, tips, important rules, signs and a very strong ritual for wealth for Christmas.

We need to know how and what we pray at the Christmas service. The priest Fedor Lyudovsky gives an overview of the most important church prayers of different genres. Transfers to Russian, unless otherwise specified, belonghieromonakh Amvrosia (Timot) .

Old Testament about christmas Christ

Texts from Old Testament Books sound during worship daily. Most often usedPsaltir - A book containing psalms - prayer poetic works that were written by Israelking david And perhaps other authors.

On the eve of the Nativity of Christ, the books of the Savior who lived before the coming are of particular importance. On theevening which is performed on the eve of the holiday, readparema (Fragments of Old Testament Books), containing prophecies of Christ, about his birth from the Virgin. Here and books written, according to church legend, Moses, and the books of other prophets - Micah, Isaiah, Varuha and Daniel.

The first of the poem is the very beginning of the first Bible book -Genesis . Here we are unfolding the story about the creation of the God of the world: " In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. The land was invisible and not arranged, and darkness over the vast, and the Spirit of God rushed over the water " . Then in this fragment still quite a lot about water. The theme of water arises for the reason that the day before big holidays - Easter, the Epiphany, the Nativity of Christ - in the ancient church, during reading the paemia was mastered by mass baptism. That is why this paremia from the Book of Genesis is also read in the Christmas Christmas Eve, and in Epiphany, and in the Great Saturday.

The prophetic words of Isaiah about the Baby Baby are solemnly sound at the Great Village:

Baby was born to us, son, and Dan to us.

<…> And it is called his name: the Great Council angel.

Wonderful adviser.

God is strong, the rulers, the head of the world.

Father of the future century.

Christmas stimites

This is a rather ancient genre of church chants. One stimit is one paragraph, one stanza. At the Christmas service, we hear the sthythi of different authors. One of them is a saintHerman, Patriarch Constantinople . Let us give this the poem from which the Christmas Evening begins:

Come, rejoice about the Lord,

expressive the present sacrament:

separating us with God the wall is destroyed,

flame sword reversed

and cherubs retreat from the Tree of Life

and I communicate to the bliss of paradise,

from which was expelled for healing.

For the unchanged image of the father

and drawing the eternity of his

the appearance of the slave accepts

from the marriage of the mother occasion

no suffering changes.

For he stayed than was - the God of True,

and accepted what was not

man having mastered humanity.

Exclaim to him:

"God born from the Virgin, nice us!"

Another author, whose name would like to be called, is not a patriarch and not even a man. The famous stimit "August is unique on the Earth ...", which comes on the great evening during the entrance, belongs to PeruCassia - poet, gymnograph, composer, nun and the founder of the monastery in Constantinople. Let us give a fully text of this stimit in Russian translation:

When August has become a consecration on earth,

multiplinary has ceased among people;

and with your innovation from the Virgin clean

odolskaya polytheka abolished.

To one worldly kingdom, countries were obeyed,

and in the unified domination of the Divine tribes believed.

Peoples were rewritten by the decree of Caesar,

signed and we, faithful, in the name of the Divine -

You have a critical God of ours.

Your grace is great, Lord, thank you!

As you can see, we are talking about the Roman emperor Augustus Octavian, who at one time put an end to the internecine struggle for power and expanded the boundaries of the empire. Christ was born in Judea just during the rule of August. And with his birth, according to Cassia, the sunset began and all the peoples began to worship in one God.

Christmas troparians

Tropear - or, more specifically, the release tropar is one of the most important chants of any church holiday. The Christmas trail reminds us of the events described in the Gospel of Matthew: about the coming of the Messiah and the wise-star-starts who came from the east to bow down a newborn baby. In Church Slavonic, the tropear sounds as follows:

mostrov's wave light,

in it bo stars serving

star student

You put together, the sun is truth,

and you are kept from the height of the East.

Lord, thank you.

But his Russian translation:

Your christmas, God, God,

illuminated the world with the light of knowledge,

for through it stars employees

star were naughty

You worship, sun truth,

and know you, from the height ascending shining.

Lord, thank you!

We also give the translation performed in the St. Filaret Institute:

Christmas you, Christ, God,

illuminated the world with the light of knowledge,

for then stars employees

star were taught

worship you, sun truth,

and know you, I'll drop over, -

Lord, thank you!

The Troparians of the Nativity of Christ sounds repeatedly during the festive worship: at the evening, the vortices, morning, liturgy, as well as within a few days following the first day of the holiday.

Christmas canons

One of the Christmas services is the uterus - enter two canon. Canon is a gymnographic work formed by eight-nine songs, each of which is usually available in two or three and more poetic stanches. The first stanza in the canon is called IRMOS, others are referred to as the paths. (Do not confuse the canon's trails with the released path, which was mentioned above.)

One of the canons for the holiday of Christmas Christ was written by a gymnographer of Syrian origin named Mansur Ibn Sergun at-Taglybi. He lived in the VIII century and in his youth served at the courtyard of the Damascus Caliph. Christian world he is known asJohn Damaskin.

Another canon (in the order of singing - the first) was written by another and free brother John - SaintCosk, Bishop Mayum .

Canon Maumsky Cosma opens with joyful, smoking words of Irmah:

Christ is born - nice!

Christ from Heaven - Meet!

Christ on Earth - Refect!

Pake the Lord, the whole earth

and with fun weave, people

for he became famous!

However, these words wrote not Cosma himself - he only rephrased and expanded a little that several centuries were previously told by the saintGregory Theologian In one of his sermons.

We also give a fragment of Canon John Damascus. The first trail of the second song of this canon sends us to the Gospel of Luke, where the angels phenomenon are described by the Bethlehem shepherds, who then went to look at the Baby of Christ:

Choir of the Swiffers were amazed

unusually honored

keep what's over the mind:

from the bride Prechistor All-Said Birth

and a regiment of obstello

without the seed of the embodiment of the king of Christ.


After the sixth of the second canon's song in the text of Christmas morning there is a chant, entitled by the word Kondak, and after him - Ikos. About two of these stanches should be said more.

These Kondak and Ikos are not part of the canon. It is all that remained in the current service from a very interesting product of another Syrian author -Roman Sladkopevtsa . Roman was born in the second half of the 5th century, that is, he lived later than Grigory theologians, but noticeably before John and Cosmas, Herman and Cassia. He was the author of the multi-rifle gymnographic works that we have so were called - Kondaki. What we now know this word is only the introductory stanza of Roman's chants. And the fact that now is called Ikos, is the first one of many stanza contained in Kondake.

Singo-Band Condake (i.e. Kondak in the current sense of the word) is, along with the released path, one of the main chants of any holiday. Let us give the church Slavonic text of Kondak and his Russian translation.

Virgo is long waded,

and the land of the vertpet is inaccessible brings.

Angeli with shepherds weakly

volossvi and star travel:

we boring us

Outlook youth, vigorous God.


Virgo to this day is superposed,

and the land cave inexpret brings;

Angels with shepherds weakly,

magitians travel behind the star,

for for us was born

Child young, forever god!

And now for comparison, we will give introductory storm (that is, the current Kondak) and the first two stains of the main part of Kondaka at Christmas in Russian translation of Ieromonach James (Tsvetkova), ineditorial Priest Mikhail Zholtova:

FROMgentle of Virgo gives rise to an extensive any creature, and the Earth brings the verteres to the impregnable; Angels together with shepherds weakly, the magic and the star traveled: for the sake of us was born a young baby, the forever god!

IN ifehey opened [us] Eden - Come, see; We found pleasure in secretive [place] - come, get a paradise [joy] inside the cave: there was a root of unpaid [moisture], which produces forgiveness; There was a storage room insioned, from which David's drink was very hard; There, Virgo, who gave birth to a baby, immediately quenched the thirst for Adam and David. Therefore, come to this [place], where the young baby was born, the foreman!

ABOUTthe Tec Mother in his will was pretended to [her] son, the Savior of the Children was reclining in the manger. Having learned him, gave birth says: "Tell me, child, how did you fit in me and how was it formed in me? I see you, the womb [mine], and I'm terrified - for and feeding milk, and I remained who did not know the marriage. And although I see you, [child], in diapers, [at the same time] contemplate its sealed - for you retained him, seduction to be born [from me, oh], young baby, forever god! "

In total, the main part of Romanov Kondaka contains 24 stanches (Ikos). At the same time, the initial letters of the stuff form an acrostic - a phrase, which means "Hymn of the Humped Roman", in translating from Greek.

It should be noted that now. All Strafs of Kondak ends with the same expression - "Young Baby, Summary GOD" (in Church Slavonic - "Avenue Maja, Polish God"). This is a feature of all ancient multi-robes Kondakov. And not only Kondakov, but also acapers - the genre, whose consideration we are now moving.

Christmas akathists

Kondaki Roman Swekopevtsy was written alone and brightly - but they, unfortunately, came out of church consumption. Cans of Mauman and John Damascus are rich in their content, they send us to the images and plots of the Old and New Testament; But you must admit that all this is very difficult to perceive the insufficiently prepared reader and, moreover, the listener.

Perhaps it is precisely for this reason with each century and decade ancapist is becoming increasingly distributed.

Akathist is also a multi-robbery work as an ancient Kondak and Canon. But the Akathist is usually easier in tongue, it has a clearer and understandable structure. The first Akathist was the Akathist of the Mother of God - appeared no later than the first quarter of the VII century. The name of his author is unknown to us. Later, other akathists began to appear - dozens, hundreds, now thousands. Initially, Akathists (except for the very first) were not intended for singing in the temple. Nevertheless, the Akathist becomes more and more often part of church worship.

On the holiday of the Nativity of Christ there are several acafirs. Three of them, the most famous at present, were written by the Russian bishops of the 20th century: the bishop of Tikhon (Tikhomirov), Archbishop Nikon (Petino) and Metropolitan Nicodemic (Russian). We give at least three stanza (out of 25) of each Akathist. They, in general, are written in church Slavonic language, but this language is quite understandable. As for the Russian translation of acafers, such experiments are unknown to us.

From Akathist Bishop Tikhon:

INozbrana and first century from the father born, saved the world and the king of centuries, I will be born, son, and last to us. This is now the will of the flesh of visible from the Virgin and, the Isko Razeful Sun of Truth, which is in the darkness and sense of the Mortals of the Global Glavica. Purchase, rejoice in the wonderful of God in the flesh, in the Bethlehem for the sake of the sake of the pellets, and with Magi and the shepherds who pays it, Tregesely, reopen: Glory to the Went of God and the world, in man, in person.

BUTngetie arms at the gate of Eden, the Talk of Life Schapadchago Adam Screeless, now from the weight of the Bethlehem, the joy of Veliky Sberburnishness, Ludge, will be all the people: I born saved, the Lord is God, the Lord is Christ, the Lord is, in Yasnah, insensible flesh infant. Purchase, Vermina, Mother Spasov to glorify, Merry Christmas Paki is a woman, and an angels and shepherds, a song worthy in Vertepe from her taking place:

Glory to you, a prettier word, my God, a man, who is,;

thank you, God's great and eternal, my deity is not familiar, the girl is embodied from the side.

Glory to you, the Son of God - the Son of the Virgin, Zrak Slave who has used;

glory to you, the Word of God, invarce, in the yudol of our expulsion to the came.

Glory to you, a narrow word, dragging the world strange from the virgin to the world;

glory to you, the wisdom of God and power, for us for us impoverish.

Glory to you, the bride Prechistaya Holly Christmas, the Eagle of Fame is full of heaven;

glory to you, who attacked the sun of the truth, the whole earth is fulfilled.

Glory to the highest to God and the lands of the world, in man in favor.

INi walked the Creator and the concern of all sorts of a man's gentleman, the easiest of the sleeves to create, with the gracious of him, the hell of heaven, to Earth, reducing heaven, the land of stuff, - the Eagle Father is wading before the century, and the false will update human nature. His inener of Samago and man and God, leaning with all the heavenly and earthly, praising the pre-rules of God condescension, crying to him: Allilia.

From Akathist Metropolitan Nicodemia:

ANDzbravy from all kinds of the preching Angel of the Virgin; And from her born fleet, Christ, God, thank you bring your robin, Vladyko. You, Yako, have the mercy in an ineverance, from all our misfortunes freedom, calling:

Jesus, the Son of God the incarnation of us for the sake of glory to you.

BUTngle Multiple Collected in Bethlehem, Vocomotive Christmas; And seeing his Creator, in Yako, the baby is lying, surprised! And awe is awe, risking and talked by Bogolyakna, rapidly:

Glory to you, the Son of God, before the century from the father born.

Glory to you, with the Father and Spirit, everything is coordinating.

Glory to you, save the deceased.

Glory to you, even to the slave of the Zrack below.

Thank you, to recover lost.

Thank you, the Savior of the dead.

Glory to you, the mediastrine enmity is destroyed.

Welcome to you, paradise, overwhelming the gate, Pakov is open.

Glory to you, the human race is inenernately loved.

I'll have you, on the land of the head of the sky.

Glory to you, the girl's rising, the throne of Cheruvimsky seek.

Jesus, the Son of God, embodied us for the sake of glory to you.

INidentally larger Angeli of your lord, from the cleanness of the Virgin flesh acceptance, terrible! And to each other, the solutions: the Saint Sainchness is incomprehensible to us by our way: Obakhasy to the inequaliated dropping, with the fear of Pewyu: Alilia.

From Akathist Archbishop Nikon:

Ri am learned from the Virgin, the singing of the heavenly friend, and from the treasures of the spiritual me that the chant you will be with you: Jesus Bogomladnche, save us!

ABOUTin the angels, the evangelism of acceptance, in Grad Bethlehem spiritually entered and the baby in Yasnah Uzresh, joyfully, I will be happy to him:

Jesus, Angels Jobs;

Jesus, my heart of recpring.

Jesus, the whole world expectation;

Jesus, heavenly shine.

Jesus Bogomladnche, save us!

J.the shepherd's path to the shepherd, the same with them and we are literated, we sing tested: Allilia!

The Akathist Archbishop Nikon contains Russian phrase acrosth: "I sing christmas in the Spirit".

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