All about Koal. Brief information about the coal. What do Koala eat? Eucalyptus ration

Equipment and tools 14.07.2020
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A message about the coal will tell you about this cute animal. Also, the coal report will help prepare for the lesson, and deepen their knowledge in the field of biology.

Message about Koale

Koala is a herbivorous short animal that moves and lives on branches of trees. She lives on the Australian continent. Sometimes the animal is called the "silent bear", despite the fact that Koala has nothing to do with him. It is the only animal belonging to the coal family. To date, there are about 100,000 individuals, but their number is constantly decreasing.

Description of Koala

Coals of small size. The average length of their body is 70-73 cm, and the weight of an adult individual fluctuates within 6-15 kg. It all depends on the number of food used. Animal muzzle has a flattened shape. It was located small eyes and black, big nose. The body is almost completely covered with fur. It can be a different shade - ash, gray, gray. Paws are equipped with sharp curls that the animal clings for the trees. After all, they spend most of life exactly there.

Above we mentioned that Koala is the only view of the animal, which is included in the Koalov family. Previously, there were several more species in it, but the rest of the representatives were extinct. Interestingly, the extinct species of Koal in weight could reach more halflike! For the first time this animal found in the late XVIII - early XIX centuries.

The average life expectancy of Koala is 14 years old. Rarely encounter individuals who lived up to 20 years.

Where do Koala live?

The main tassel is the eucalyptus forests. Koala in the morning sleep, comfortably settled on the trees. And at night, the animals climb on the trees, looking for me to feed.

During the time of wakefulness, the Koala can sit in real position for a very long time. These plush bears can be motionless to sit more than 15 hours a day. Animals on the ground almost do not move. The only exception to the rules is the transition from one tree to another. And only in the case when it does not work on the branch. By the way, at first glance, animals may seem clumsy, but they jump well and deftly. Plus, Koala are wonderful swimmers.

What do the koala feed?

Food coal associated with their lifestyle. They eat only fresh eucalyptus escapes and leaves. There are little protein in their composition, and this does not allow animals to lead an active lifestyle. It is noteworthy that the leaves of the eucalyptus contain poisons that are fatal for other animals. But Koal has a fairly developed sense of smell. This property allows them to choose less poisonous leaves into food.

Coal reproduction

Corals breed twice a year. In one period of pregnancy, the female produces 1-2 young. Pregnancy lasts a month. Baby weigh about 5 grams. About six months they are in the mother's bag, which is placed on the back. Young are strongly tied to their mom and when they feel lonely, they make a sound like crying a child.

  • The animals practically do not drink water. The desired moisture for the body they get from the leaves of the eucalyptus. Only in the case of drought Kalay still drink water.
  • When the organism of animals lacks minerals, they eat land.
  • They have weak eyesight.
  • There are fingerprints, very similar to man's fingerprints.
  • The animal wool does not let water. She also protects the coal of ultraviolet, so it can be in the sun for a long time.

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04/26/2016 at 13:13 MSK 8 104

Koala Animal or as he was used to calling a sumpaught bear, the only representative of his kind. Comparison with he received due to similarity with plush creation.

A striking appearance brings it near and straight to a soft toy. The animal's body is not large, in weight reaches 12 - 13 kg, with 71 cm growth.


The Koala flashes are flashed, the ears are impressive, covered with dense fur. Bracking lack of vegetation can black smooth elongated nose.

Packs at bamboo small in diameter, round shape. The color is dark - brown. The coat color can be ash and even reddish, but she herself is short. On the trouser faster lighter.

Another distinctive feature of the animal koala is a tail, barely noticeable on the body. Claws are sharp on the front paws - curved, large and index spreads, which facilitates the task to look good on the trees, and they are missing on the fingers of the rear legs. Great float. They may even come to a gallop to the desired object, if unable to dope.

Wednesday and habitat

Koala is constantly on the trunk of a tree. A significant part of the time they sleep or just chew the leaves. Bamboo Bear can be found directly in tropical forests. They populate the continent of Australia, mainly its southern and eastern area. They relate to endemics. That is, you will not see them anywhere else.

Australian Bear Koala appeared more than 15 million years ago, but the craft extermination at the beginning of the last century lowered the population, now in the west of the country they will not meet them

Many islands inhabit artificially transported from Victoria. Koala Animal dwells near the coast, it dispels the popular myth that they do not use water.


As mentioned above, Koala lives on eucalyptus plantings, the bark and greens are in food containing poisoning substances (phenoterols, sinyl acid).

Endowed with a special smell, mammals find young shoots, where the level of toxicity is reduced. The microflora in the stomach of the animal koala copes even with cellulose, the liver absorbs and processes poisonous waste.

It certainly does not exclude the opportunity to choose, but still the risks are minimal. Getting up to 90% of moisture from the leaves, the animals still descend to drink. Sometimes the Koala can enjoy the earth to fill the deficit of important components.


Leads the animal solitary lifestyle and males are born less. During the marital games from October to February, they are knocked in groups. On one male 3-4 female. Choose the strongest and smell. Fertilization happens every few years.

Sheets offspring month and in litter one, less often a couple of young. Up to six months newborn koala feeds breast milk And goes in a bag of mom, which opens in the opposite direction. After 7 months, the Eucalyptus Cashier is added to the diet, which falls into the toddler's body through the excrement of the mother. By the year, the crumb is becoming independent.


Peace-loving animals are not. Meat in animal koala is saturated with poisons, so predators are in no hurry to taste it. Is that Dingo's dogs.

Previously, people hunted, a lot of skins were minted to the east. Because of his gullibility were a good target. A settled image, only 6 hours of wakefulness make them terribly phlegmatic. Natural cataclysms are drought, fire, contribute to extinction.

Life expectancy

Koala is a silent animal living on average 13 years old, meet and old-timers - 20 years. They are susceptible to eye diseases, respiratory system, urinary, which reduces their term.

Red Book

Koala Animal listed in the Red Book. In order to occur in natural conditions, reserves were created even on the territory of California (San Diego).

  1. Fingerprints are similar to human, it is impossible to distinguish even under a microscope.
  2. When they are in the depressed state, they say sounds similar to the crying baby.
  3. Sumupian bear digested in fires, not running away, they are only tighter to hold onto the woody trunk.
  4. Brain Beast is total 0.2% From mass.
  5. But they can tame and attach to man.
  6. Have an unusual structure of genital organs, two pairs of female and male individuals.

Many tourists are interested in the question where Koala lives. An unusual animal holds an unusual animal on the trees, only occasionally going down to Earth.

When climbing, the animal claws are closed into a durable castle, which allows him to keep him on any trunk. There are exactly the same claws and the young people who move, clinging to the mother's wool.

Where does the koala live? This funny animal lives in the thick forests of the wildlife of Australia. Although Koala is considered to be a silent bear, they look like their closest relatives of Vombates. Koala fur is softer and thicker than the relative. Ears and limbs are also much larger. On the limbs there are claws that allow the animal to easily move around the trees.

What feeds the Bear Koala

The question "what the koala feeds" is not a secret for people for a long time. Koala is a herbivore animal, the main diet of which is the leaves and young eucalyptus shoots. All their lives they spend on crowns of trees. Here they eat, sleep and breed. Only occasionally you can see the animal that went down to the ground.

At night, the animal moves in search of fresh leaves and steam shoots. Then conveniently arranged on the branch fork and sits there until the shoots will end. Leaves and shoots not all eucalyptus are suitable for nutrition. Koala eats leaves that contain little protein in its composition, but at the same time poisonous for other animals. For this reason, Koal has no food competitors. Mostly in food animals are suitable trees of coastal zones.

The name "Koala" itself translated from the language of Aboriginal means "non-drinking". For a long time Scientists, finding out what the koala feeds, thought that he did not drink water. But this myth refute the modern connoisseurs of science. Occasionally, the animal still drinks water.

It is worth noting that the slow little animal shows an unusual day, fleeing the escape from the predator. At the same time, he deftly jumps from a tree on a tree. Another amazing ability of Koala is the ability to swim.

What does Koala look like and his cub

To the question of how Koala looks like, all in one voice declare that he looks like a teddy bear. And the definition of Koala in the category of sampling bears is not quite true.

Externally, Koala and his young look like toy bears. Large expressive eyes, huge ears and soft wool - everything reminds the toy. Wool color is predominantly gray with a light belly. The only similar line of Koala and the Bear is a very small tail.

How doesn't just look like a koala, but also her house? The animal is inextricably linked with its habitat. All the necessary nutritional elements of the Koala gets from eucalyptus leaves. Occasionally for the replenishment of trace elements, they eating land. Single predators who hunt them are wild dogs and Dingo. But the Koala in case of danger, he has time to get high on the tree. Reducing the population can occur only because of the illness of the animal.

How much and where sleeps koala

Koala is a slow animal. He sleeps most of the day, conveniently setting around for a bitch. So how much is the koala sleeping? According to some data, the animal can sleep for more than 16 hours. He sleeps mainly during the day. At night, descends to the ground to find another tree or climb higher. Sometimes you can meet a coal that sleeps hanging on one paw.

Low-calorie food that feeds the animal is sufficiently nutritious with its lifestyle. This makes it similar to the sloth. Only they can sleep as much as Koala sleeps. The metabolism takes place very slowly, he is enough of one kilogram of the leaves per day. The amazing feature of the animal is that they are silent and phlegmatic. In rare cases of injury or loneliness, they can "cry". At the same time, the sound is similar to crying baby.

Despite the diet, the animals are susceptible to colds that serve as the main cause of death. It is difficult to treat them for two reasons:

  • an animal is closed high on the tree and clingfully cling, it is impossible to remove it from there;
  • they are very poorly transferring anesthesia.

But volunteers are doing everything possible so that the koalas do not disappear from the face of the earth. After all, these little animals like everyone without exception.

34-24 million years ago, when, judging by the fossil remains, there were no less than 18 types of samp bearings. Among them were such a giant as Queensland Koala Koalemus.who weighed half a throw. Modern Koala Phascolarctos cinereus.Allegedly appeared 15 million years ago.

Koala remained unnoticed by James Cook's expedition, in 1770 discovered east Coast Australia. The first mention of it is found in the report of John Price, the servants of the governor of the new South Wales John Hunter, about the journey to the blue mountains in 1798. Price writes that an animal called in the Blue Mountains kullavayn, outwardly similar to the sloth. For the science of Koala was opened in 1802 by the Fleet officer Barral, who discovered the remains of Koala in the aborigaons and sent the wicked limbs of the beast to the governor of the new South Wales King. In June 1803, the live koala was caught south of Sydney, and on August 21, the Sydney Gazette newspaper placed him detailed description . However, the scientific name of Koala did not receive until 1816, when the French zoologist Blenville gave him a generic name Phascolarctos. - From Greek. phaskolos. "Leather bag" and arktos. "bear". Species title cinereus. (ash) the beast received for the color of the fur.

In about half a century, Koal was found only within the new South Wales. In 1855, Naturalist William Bryndovsky met him in Victoria, and in 1923 O. Thomas - in the southeastern part of Queensland. Koala inhabited South Australia, but was completely exterminated here at the beginning of the 20th century. In Western Australia, the Koala was not preserved, although Quaternary residues indicate that he was found here.


Koala is a small beast of dense physique: the length of its body is 60-82 cm; Weight from 5 to 16 kg. The tail is very short, outside is impaired. The head is big and wide, with a flattened "face". The ears are large, rounded, covered with thick fur. Little eyes. The back of the nose hairless, black. There are brush bags.

Koala thick hair and soft, durable; On the back, the color varies from light gray to dark gray, sometimes reddish or reddish, belly lighter.

Koala limbs are adapted to the lasagna - the large and index fingers of the front and limbs are opposed to the rest, which allows the beast to bite the branches of the trees. Claws are strong and sharp, capable of withstanding the weight of the animal. There is no claw on the thumb on the hind limbs. Koalas are one of the few non-primates having a papillar pattern on the pads of the fingers. Koala fingerprints are indistinguishable from fingerprints of a person even under an electronic microscope.

The brood bag in females is well developed, opens from behind; Inside there are two nipples.

Koalas are usually silent and given a voice only during the reproduction period or in case of danger. A causing Creek of the male is described as "something average between snatching a thick drunk, creaking the door on rusty hinges and grumble with something dissatisfied pig." Scared or wounded Koala shouts and "crying" as a child.

Dimensions and painting of this animal varies depending on the place of residence. So, Koalas of the state of Victoria is larger and harder, they have a more thick and dense dark gray fur, often with a brownish tint on his back. In tropical and subtropical Queensland, Koala is much smaller and lighter, they have less frequently and shorter.

The appearance of the koala little resembles a bear (hence his name is a sore bear); A rudimentary tail, the location of the brood bag and the tooth formula bring it closer to the wombates with whom he apparently had a common ancestor.


Koala is found in the east of Australia - from Adelaide in the south to the Cape York Peninsula in the north. Koalas of South Australia were already exterminated at historical time - in the 20s of the 20th century, but this state was again populated with individuals from Victoria.

Lifestyle and food

Koala with cubs

Koala eats leaves eucalyptus

The rate of metabolism in the Koala body is almost two times less than that of most mammals (with the exception of wombats and sloths), it helps him compensate for the low nutability of the diet. On the day of the coal, it takes from 0.5 to 1.1 kg of leaves, which it thoroughly crushes and chews, accumulating the resulting mass in the grinding bags. As in all mammals that feed on fibrous vegetable foods, the coal in the digestive tract is a rich microflora, including bacteria that translated cellulose to absorbable compounds. The blind intestine, where there is a digestion process, is extremely developed, reaching for a length of 2.4 m. Poisonous substances falling into blood, neutralize in the liver.

Social structure and reproduction

Cub koala

Caal females lead a single lifestyle and adhere to their sites, which are extremely rarely leaving. In fertile areas, sections of individual individuals often overlap each other. The males are not territorial, but even less sociable - at a meeting, especially during the reproduction period, they often attack each other, causing injury.

Only during the period of reproduction, which continues from October to February, the Koala are collected by groups consisting of an adult male and several females. At this time, males often rub on the trees, leaving odorless labels, and make loud call screams, sometimes hearing for a kilometer. Since males are born less than females, around males Koal in the marriage season are collected by hams of 2-5 females. Pairing takes place on the tree (not necessarily eucalyptus).

Pregnancy lasts 30-35 days. In the litter, only one cub, which at birth has a length of only 15-18 mm and a mass of about 5.5 g; Occasionally twins. The cub remains in the bag for 6 months, feeding with milk, and then for another six months "travels" on the back or on the stomach of the mother, clinging to her fur. In a 30-week age, he begins to eat semi-liquid mothers excrement consisting of peculiar casheling from the semi-earned eucalyptus leaves - in this way the microorganisms needed for the digestive process fall into the digestive tract of young coal. This Kashitz mother highlights about a month. At the age of the cubs become independent - young females aged 12-18 months are sent to search for sites, but males often remain with mothers up to 2-3 years.

Coals are multiplied once every 1-2 years. Sexual maturity in females occurs in 2-3 years, in males - in 3-4 years. On average, Kala lives 12-13 years old, although there are cases when they lived up to 20 years of age.

Population status and protection

Before the appearance of Europeans, the main cause of coal mortality was epizootia, droughts and fires. In the XIX -XX centuries, Koala became the object of fishery because of his thick fur. Only in 1924, 2 million skins were exported from the eastern states. A sharp reduction in the number of this beast forced the Government of Australia first to limit, and in 1927 and prohibit the hunt for the Koal, but only by -1954 their population began to recover little. Although the coal is assigned status lower Risk. (Low risk), fires still threaten fires, cutting down eucalyptus forests, as well as ticks delivered to Australia from Japan and Indonesia. Australia has created Koala Parks Lone Pine Koala near Sydney and Coon Koala Park near Perth.



Jumping koala with tree on a tree

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Watch what is "Bear's Bears" in other dictionaries:

    bugged bears - Koalos Statusas T Sritis Zoologija | Vardynas Taksono Rangas Gentis Apibrėžtis Gentyje 1 Rūšis. Paplitimo Arealas - R. Australija. Atitikmenys: lot. Phascolarctos angl. koala bears; koalas; Native Bears Vok. Beutelbären; Koalas Rus. Koala; ... ... Žinduolių Pavadinimų žodynas.

Koala animal

Koala - This is a pretty cute fluffy animal that lives in the Australian continent. The second name of this type of animals is " summer Bear" Although, in fact, these animals have no relation to bear. The view of the coal, rather, is more suitable for wombam.

The name of this type of animals comes from the expression of Australian aborigines, which can be literally translated as "not drinking". The name it happened not by chance.

Koala really do not use water, but they take moisture needed for their own body from the leaves of eucalyptus trees, which are their main diet. The thing is that koalas live on eucalyptus trees and rarely descend from them to Earth. These small animals are one of the most lazy on the planet, so getting to the source of water for them is a big problem.

About a hundred years ago, the Koal family suffered a significant damage, while in those days on the verge of full extinction. And the people who needed the dear and mild fur of these animals were to blame. Today Koal protects especially, their extermination for fur is completely eliminated. In addition, the coal is bred in reserves and zoos, restoring the number of families.

Nevertheless, see the coal in the wild - great luck. Since the animals are under special care, they are trying to keep in special reserves or nurseries, taking care of their health and reproduction. In the wild, the coal can be observed on the island of Kangaroo in the southern part of the Australian continent.

Koala Mishka

Koala body size Usually small - from sixty to eighty centimeters, and they weigh on average from six to 15 kilograms. Koalas are almost devoid of tail, he is very small, and it is almost not visible behind the lush fur of the animal.

The animal is distinguished by funny rounded ears, which are completely closed with fur shell. The fur Koala is soft and pretty thick, has good strength. In color, animals can be different, but mostly their fur is painted in shades of gray. More opportunities are animals with red or red-red wool.

Koalas are quite quiet animals, so their voices can only be heard in certain periods. Such two or a period of reproduction, or the approach of the enemy. If the coal is frightening or hurting, then it will resemble it stretching a babbit.

Koala life

Koalas lead a leisurely and measured lifestyleAlmost never leaving their main asylum - eucalyptus. Koalas sleep almost all day (from 18 to 22 hours). Koala activity occurs at night, and long long. Basically, it is associated with the need to find a meal.

In periods of wakefulness, Koala almost do not move, but simply sit on the branches of the tree, keeping his barrel with the help of the forelimbs. If necessary, the koala can show enviable lightness and grace, deftly jumping from one tree (where the feed ended) to another. In addition, these animals are capable of swimming well.

Photo Koala

The lazy way of life of Koala is not accidental. Their diet includes only leaves and shoots of eucalyptus trees, in which proteins are almost no contained. Moreover, the eucalyptus leaves for most animals are fatally dangerous due to the large number of phenolic compounds.

Choosing a tree, koala feel in which one is less poison, and feed on it. In the world there are about eight hundred eucalyptus species, but koala choose only 120 of them for their power. With a serious lack of vitamins and minerals, Koala descend to Earth and eat it to restore the balance of trace elements in their body.

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