Indoor decorative blooming flowers. Blooming indoor flowers

landscaping 11.06.2019

Translated from Latin decoro (I decorate)- a group of wild and cultivated plants of different families. Ornamental plants include indoor and garden plants, which can be annuals or perennials.

The main function of this group is landscaping and decoration of home, garden, settlements, alleys in cities and parks, decoration of buildings and private houses.

Now more and more gardeners have begun to multiply in addition to fruit plants and decorative. Properly selected varieties and their combination will perfectly decorate your garden. With the help of decorative bushes and flowers, unique landscape designs are created. They differ in their shape, flowering, decorative fruits, leaves and color.

There are a large number of species adapted specifically for your climatic zone with the desired temperature regime.

Ornamental low-growing trees and shrubs are used as compositions. They, in turn, are divided into deciduous ornamental, flowering and evergreen, cereals, bulbous.

Flowering ornamental varieties attract with their unique, but, unfortunately, very short flowering, therefore, when creating landscape design, coniferous evergreen ornamental shrubs and trees are used that remain green throughout the year.

In plantings, sprawling rocks (oak, ash) and umbrella-shaped (silky acacia) are used.

Weeping species will perfectly decorate ponds and ornamental ponds (weeping birch, willow).

Creeping species are used in rock gardens and rocky hills (horizontal cotoneaster, juniper, mountain pine).

Deciduous plants change their color from spring to autumn with a dormant period (wintering).

Streets and parks are decorated with pyramidal and spherical trees (poplar, cypress, privet, laurel, thuja, boxwood, hawthorn).

For landscaping private houses and fences, curly forms are used (ivy, ampelopsis, grapes, etc.).

Coniferous ornamental plants

The superiority of coniferous trees and shrubs in landscape design is that they are evergreen. On cold winter days, when all the bushes are bare, conifers delight the eye against the backdrop of snow and cheer up.

This group is used in different form: round (spherical), conical, columnar, etc. The color of the needles is not always the same. Often we can meet silver or gray spruce. There are also extraordinary needles of variegated color.

Undoubtedly, conifers occupy a leading place in the design, they can be planted as individual trees, or make a hedge, planted in dense rows. Often conifers are used as a frame and various bushes and flowers are already planted around them. Coniferous trees and bushes constantly require pruning and shaping.

From conifers it can be noted:

  • For parks and gardens - spruce, pine, cypress, fir.
  • For small areas - juniper, dwarf, or conical spruce, thuja.
  • Used as a hedge curly species- juniper, cypress, thuja, yew.

ornamental leafy plants

The diversity of this species is simply huge. It is often difficult to choose which varieties of deciduous plants to use.

These include dwarf trees and shrubs. But they are difficult to care for.

For beginner gardeners, it is better to choose deciduous species with easy care.

In each article, we present a brief description of each plant, where the complexity of care is displayed in a separate column.

Shrubs are one of the unpretentious species and easy to care for. It can be noted such as: Barberry Wilson, Barberry Juliana, Boxwood tolerates frost well, can exist in the shade.

Among the trees: willow, variegated maple and holly.

Decorative flowering plants

Flowers are undoubtedly one of the main components of any landscape design or apartment. Among the unpretentious species are flowering shrubs (lilacs), spireas. Bushes look great during flowering. Flowers of various colors completely shower it. Depending on the variety, the flowers are white, yellow, pink, red, of various shapes.

Forsythia blooms in early spring with its golden flowers. Long flowering have decorative Japanese cherries, plums.

In late autumn, when most flowers wither, ornamental cabbage will please your eye. In addition to it, decorative viburnum, asparagus are used.

Classification of ornamental plants

Consider how else ornamental plants are classified.

Perennial - herbaceous plants can survive 2 or more years. For some, the number of growing seasons can be up to 15 years or more.

This group includes shrubs and trees that adorn the parks and squares of large cities, as well as private garden plots.

This group is divided into frost-resistant (which are able to winter in an open area) and plants that need shelter for the winter. After shelter, these varieties must be kept in low temperatures+2°C - +7°C in the form of tubers.

In early spring, perennials regenerate from roots, bulbs, and tubers.

Perennial, they are distinguished by abundant flowering of various colors. The flowers are often double with a pleasant aroma, collected in inflorescences. The leaves are variegated, plain green. Fruits of various shapes and colors.

Creepers - curly, overhanging. They decorate walls, gazebos, fences.

In one place, perennials live well up to 5 years, then they need to be transplanted. How to properly propagate by seeds, dividing the bush, cuttings.

Biennial ornamentally flowering plants - those species that exist for two years, while in the first year a deciduous rosette develops, and in the second a stem, flowers and fruits appear, but after the growing season the plant dies.

Biennial plants include: bluebell, alpine forget-me-not, purple foxglove, mallow, rose.

Biennial also includes some perennial herbaceous flowers cultivated in the second year, among which are carnation, pansy, night violet (for open ground), daisy for growing in pots in winter.

Propagated by biennial seeds or cuttings. Seeds are sown in winter indoors, or in a greenhouse.

Annuals ornamental plants with one growing season.

This species includes some biennial and three-year-old plants that have one flowering period.

These include fuchsia, heliotrope, lobelia, etc.

Annual plants create a beautiful flowering composition (ornamental cabbage, amaranth) and curly bouquets.

Letniki are sown at the end of February, using a greenhouse or a room for the duration of flowering.

The grown sprouts are transplanted into open ground. Annuals include asters, balsam, levkoy, poppy, cornflowers, petunias, allspice, etc.

Cereals are plants of the grass family. In the scenery, they are used to decorate plantings, borders, bouquets of fresh flowers and dried flowers. Tall grasses include pampas grass, wild sugar cane, reed arundo, reddening erianthus.

Undersized include - canary grass, fescue, haretail, high ryegrass, as well as lawns (bluegrass, fescue, ryegrass, bent grass).

Bulbous ornamental plants of the amaryllis and lily family. They are bred for decoration and the creation of bouquets (snowdrops, daffodils, lily, hyacinth, tulips, blueberries). Some of them are used for distillation. In the southern parts, bulbous plants are able to overwinter on open ground, some of them also hibernate, but they must be sprinkled with peat and make shelter from leaves and moss. Corm species (saffron, gladiolus, colchicum) are also classified as bulbous.

Most flower growers prefer decorative flowering houseplants, but there are quite a few fans of plants that do not bloom. Decoratively deciduous houseplants in their beauty are in no way inferior to flowering species. Growing such flowers is considered a lazy business, since they are usually unpretentious in maintenance and care, like decorative flowering plants. But still, the concept of decorative leafy is somewhat arbitrary. There are enough species that bloom flowers, but the leaves are of great value and beauty, which is why they were called so. Novice flower growers often wonder what kind of home decorative leaf houseplants are.

decorative leafy plants

Deciduous plants include annual and perennial ornamental plants.


It is a small shrub. grows naturally in tropical Asia. The genus Ardisia has about 500 species, and almost all of them are represented by trees, shrubs and semi-shrubs.

Ardisia has simple leathery leaves, elliptical in shape. The location on the shoots is consistent. The flowers have a pleasant aroma, they are white, cream or pink. They are collected in inflorescences of types brush, umbrella, panicle or shield.

On the shrub, after flowering, fruits ripen - one-seeded drupes. These small domestic shrubs are valued for their beautiful foliage and colorful berries. This combination looks very impressive in any setting. More often they began to acquire ardisia as a Christmas plant.

The species differ in the color of the fruit. Some are yellow, white, and some are coral shades. For growing at home, the most popular species is Ardisia crenate.


This evergreen woody plant is fragrant from the myrtle family. In apartments, as a rule, The tree has several trunks and grows up to 5 meters in height, and up to 2 meters in diameter. Leaf blades are entire, leathery, lanceolate.

The arrangement on the branches is opposite or in threes. Myrtle blooms with small five-petal flowers with several stamens. The flowers have a spicy fragrance that attracts numerous insects in spring and summer. After the end of flowering, small edible berries form in place of the flowers. Some may be dark blue or black, while others may be white or pink.

In countries with a warm climate, myrtle is planted as green hedges, but the tree is also suitable for growing indoors. It is kept in large pots or tubs. In addition to its decorative appearance, myrtle has a number of useful properties and is used in cooking for seasoning. And buds and flowers can be added to salads.


It is a flower-herbaceous plant that can be grown indoors. Outwardly, neomarika resembles, it has flat xiphoid leathery leaves. They have a dark green color and are collected in the form of a fan. The length of the leaves is about 60-150 cm, and the width is 5-6 cm.

The peduncle is formed on the leaves and 3 to 5 flowers bloom on it. They are similar in shape to iris flowers, quite large - 10 cm in diameter. These flowers only live for a couple of days. Their color is milky with blue veins, the diameter of each is almost 5 centimeters.

After the end of flowering, children form in place of the flowers, the flower stalks bend to the very ground and the children germinate. This herbaceous plant is excellent for growing in hanging pots and has a high decorative quality.


This is another flower-herbaceous plant. It is a bit like tradescantia, such similarities are explained by lanceolate leaves and a creeping stem, but cyanotis differs from it in dense pubescence of leaves and stems. Its main qualities are unpretentiousness and unusual appearance.

The plant blooms with small violet-blue flowers up to 1.5 cm in diameter, collected in dense inflorescences. Each flower has long bright yellow stamens. But when grown in pots, this flower-herbaceous plant blooms very rarely. But still there are rare cases of flowering cyanotis.


This flower can be attributed to those that are grown for the sake of foliage, but arrowroot flowers are not of decorative interest. Often this plant can be found in offices and at home. has bright green leaves with dark green spots arranged in opposite pairs. Arrowroot propagates by dividing the bush, which is produced during transplantation.


This flower-herbaceous plant has a better known name - cardamom. The root system is a rhizome, and the stems reach a height of 2-4 meters. Large leaves up to 60 cm long and 8 cm wide are alternately located on the stems.

The flowers bloom on long peduncles, they are collected in a brush. At home, cardamom can be grown not only to decorate the interior, but also to use its medicinal and food qualities. But when grown in pots, the appearance of flowers is rare. Therefore, the decorative qualities of the leaves are appreciated.

In addition to deciduous plants, grassy herbaceous plants are often grown at home. They perfectly decorate flower beds and create an atmosphere of steppe nature at home.

Cereal plants are very unpretentious in their care, so growing them is not at all difficult. And after they fade, their decorative qualities are used to create dry compositions and bouquets.

There are a huge number of varieties and types of ornamental plants, almost all wild species have long been cultivated and grown at home as potted plants.

Some have not only aesthetic and decorative appeal, but also useful qualities used in home medicine or cooking. This combination makes them even more in demand in home floriculture.

What indoor plants bring family happiness and love? What useful indoor plants and flowers can be kept in the bedroom so as not to harm health?

Plants, like people, are all different. Therefore, they do not always get along with each other. And this is the main problem of flower lovers who seek to organize a mini-greenhouse at home. And as a result, it happens that some flowers in a friendly diverse company feel great, while others die.

To avoid a "conflict of interest", let's figure out which groups all flowers are divided into, and which of them are incompatible according to the conditions of detention.

In classification indoor plants are grouped according to certain characteristics.

Decorative leafy plants

This is the largest group of indoor plants. It combines more than one hundred and fifty types of flowers. Their main feature is beautiful, decorative leaves. They can be of different shades. Green colour, and may have an unusual color. Yes and green leaves also often not monophonic, but with stripes or spots of different shades of white, yellow, purple.

Leaves of decorative deciduous flowers come in a variety of colors: red, purple, yellow. Some may change color depending on the season or light.

decorative leafy- excellent interior decoration. For example, I like these flowers more than others. Among decorative and deciduous, there are specimens that can compete with decorative and flowering ones. After all, the leaves can be very unusual in shape: dissected, lobed, with notches, oval, linear. The jagged or wavy edges of the leaves are also one of the signs of these flowers.

They usually have small flowers that appear 1-2 times a year and are not very decorative.

It is these flowers that easily take root in almost any apartment conditions. They are not as demanding on a certain level of lighting as flowering (decorative flowering). True, some specimens can change the color of the leaves depending on where they are located - in the sun or in the shade. But the flowers of this group are quite demanding on proper watering and air temperature. They can also lose their decorative effect due to a lack of nutrients. In many, the tips of the leaves dry out and darken.

In this group, plants can also be divided into subgroups: trees, false palms, bushy plants, creepers, ampelous, ground cover, flowers with spear-shaped leaves and flowers with grass-like leaves, as well as carnivorous plants.

Among the brightest representatives of ornamental flowering plants: ficus, dieffenbachia, bamboo, fern, arrowroot, palm, philodendron.

Decorative flowering plants

Decorative flowering (or flowering)- These are the favorites of female flower growers. In fact, I think that for every lover of indoor flowers, love for them began precisely with some plant of this group. For example, I fell in love with lights for a long time - balsams (I remember them from my childhood). Someone "got sick" when they first saw a blooming begonia.

This group of plants is the second largest variety of species. You can count about a hundred beautifully flowering indoor flowers. They are all great for growing at home, but most of them require exactly certain conditions.

Them distinguishing feature- bright bloom. Many representatives of this group bloom almost all year round. Some are several months or weeks at certain times of the year. And some plants bloom for several days, but very brightly and decoratively.

Among the flowering plants there are both annuals and perennials. The former give us all their beauty and fade after the flowering period.

If only where such flowers will not grow. And if they do, they will refuse to bloom. Therefore, if you decide to have a representative of flowering plants, you will have to give him the best place in the apartment, or rather, a place that suits him. Otherwise, after the first flowering, such a plant will not differ much from decorative foliage - it simply refuses to bloom.

Home plants are very different. However, flowers are especially popular.

indoor jasmine

Among the flowering representatives of the world of flora, indoor jasmine deserves special attention. These are ornamental flowering plants, when growing which several rules should be observed. They are demanding to care, especially in terms of soil. Jasmine should be planted in soil represented by a combination of:

  • sand;
  • coniferous land;
  • deoxidized peat;
  • leaf sod.

This houseplant needs a dense and neutral soil mixture with a high content of nutrients and humus. An adult plant must be replanted every spring.

Jasmine also loves top dressing. It responds well to additives made during the flowering period. It's great if you can pamper these flowers every 8-10 days.


Other well-known houseplants are the hibiscus, often referred to as the Chinese rose. These are beautiful and bright flowers. They need sunlight. That is why the pots are recommended to be installed on a well-lit area of ​​​​the house. It is also worth considering that hibiscus is actively and rapidly growing. Since such decorative-flowering varieties do not tolerate crowding, it is worth thinking about their placement in advance.
In addition, the individual loves watering. That is why it is necessary to irrigate the greens often and plentifully. The soil must be completely moistened. Chinese rose likes top dressing. However, do not abuse the introduction of nutritional supplements. During the growth period of hibiscus, it is recommended to use potassium-phosphorus compounds.

On a note! Chinese rose does not respond well to the use of nitrogen-containing nutrient mixtures.


Another bright representative of the category of decorative flowering houseplants is Saintpaulia, which is better known as violet. This flower has been very popular for many years. Violet grows very fast and fills with color throughout the year. Another attraction of this species is a wide range of colors. Saintpaulia happens:

  • white;
  • pink;
  • blue;
  • purple;
  • blue.

Their leaves are collected in a rosette. Growing this flower is within the power of even beginner growers. The main thing is to remember the required level of lighting and choose the right location. Violets love sunlight. At the same time, they must be protected from direct ultraviolet rays. These houseplants feel impeccable at air temperatures ranging from 20 to 24 degrees. At the same time, the minimum difference between night and day temperature must be observed without sharp fluctuations. Also, the flower should be protected from drafts.

Saintpaulia needs moderate watering. For irrigation, it is recommended to take only snow, rain or settled water. Do not allow moisture to enter the center of the rosette of leaves.

home hyacinths

The list of decorative flowering indoor plants will not be complete without hyacinths, which can be successfully grown not only in the backyard. Knowing some of the subtleties of care, you can grow wonderful bright and delicate flowers in a flowerpot on the windowsill. This type of greenery requires the creation of conditions that are as close to natural as possible. In winter, hyacinth is recommended to be kept in the soil on the loggia. The plant requires moderate watering. AT summer period it is in dire need of peace and warmth, so that the transition between seasons is smooth and painless.

demanding azalea

A very demanding plant is the azalea. However, subject to all the nuances of caring for her, the flower will delight with luxurious, lush and bright flowering. Direct exposure to ultraviolet light in this situation can be fatal. Azalea requires constant maintenance of the substrate in a wet state. At the same time, dampness is unacceptable here. For irrigation, you need to take soft water. Azalea responds well to liquid obtained from melted snow or from rain.

Note! The key rule for caring for this "beauty" is daily spraying during the flowering period. And, it needs to be done in a small way. Otherwise, the leaves will become stained.


You can not ignore the geranium, which is also called pelargonium. It is in almost every apartment. Often, from a pelargonium in one pot, you can get an original bouquet if several species are planted at the same time.

To grow a beautiful and healthy geranium, you will need to provide it with:

  • temperature regime within 20 degrees of heat;
  • inadmissibility of spraying leaves;
  • optimum soil moisture.

Begonia Bauer

Begonia Bauer is a special guest on the windowsill. This is a lush, but miniature bush, characterized by the presence of leaves with light green, reddish and emerald stains. Bauer's begonia is often referred to as the tiger species. Such indoor plants cannot boast of abundant flowering, which most often occurs in winter.

The beauty of the flower is that it is beautiful and unpretentious. Begonia needs high humidity and warmth within +20 degrees. It is best to install a planter with this green beauty, as well as with a balsam, where the street light will scatter. Tiger begonia loves partial shade, and direct sunlight is fatal for her. An adult plant can be placed on a terrace or on a balcony, in a corner, securely closed from wind and ultraviolet radiation. The flower adjoins wonderfully with lobelia, balsam and nemesia.

Decorative leafy indoor plants (photos and names)

Deciduous houseplants can be just as attractive as their flowering counterparts. There are a huge number of species of such representatives of the world of flora.


One of the brightest and most famous is dieffenbachia. Deciding to grow it at home, you should think twice. She can be dangerous. Dieffenbachia contains poisonous juice in its leaves. The plant can cause:

  • redness on the body;
  • allergic rashes;
  • tearing.

That is why it is optimal to install it in the hall or hallway.

Note! Dieffenbachia cannot be placed in a children's room or living room!

Venus hair

Among decorative leafy hair, it is impossible to ignore venus hair. This is an amazingly beautiful variety of fern, which even without flowering looks spectacular and magnificent. Venus hair is often called adiantum. The plant brings to the interior notes of spring freshness, comfort, lightness.

However, its cultivation involves the creation of the correct lighting regime. Adiantum requires partial shade. Otherwise, its delicate leaves will lose their rich tone and may fall off. It is best to put a hair veneer in the eastern or northern part of the apartment. This decorative leafy species also needs pure oxygen and high humidity. Otherwise, the leaves of the plant will lose their refined shape and begin to die.

On a note! Venus hair reacts negatively to nicotine smoke, drafts and heat.

ficus benjamina

Houseplants are very different. One of the most popular among them over the past few decades is Benjamin's ficus. It has become a kind of hallmark of private houses, summer cottages, city apartments and even offices.

Why is Benjamin's ficus so in demand? Its widespread use is due to its ease of maintenance. The main thing is to avoid aggressive ultraviolet radiation on its leaves.

Mother-in-law language

Among the decorative and deciduous mother-in-law, the tongue occupies a special place. Sansevera, as the plant is correctly called, is very unpretentious. By the way, the flower has a lot of other names:

  • Snake skin;
  • cuckoo tail;
  • the language of the devil;
  • pike tail;
  • leopard lily.

Mother-in-law's tongue is resistant to drafts, not afraid of the sun and shade. Dry air and lack of watering are also not a reason for wilting and death for him. The only thing that this decorative leafy species fears is an excess of moisture in the soil mixture.

Succulent indoor plants (photos and names)

Succulent houseplants are a special world full of non-trivial forms, unexpected shades and contrasts.

Fatty care

Crassula is a popular flower from this category. Most often it is called the "money tree" and is associated with the culture of feng shui. For the fat woman to help in recovery financial well-being, it is believed that it needs to be tied with a thread. However, when growing a money tree, everything is much more prosaic. It does not need to be exposed to direct sun rays. The room where such houseplants stand should be periodically ventilated. Otherwise, the shape of the leaves of the fat woman will change. They will turn red, wither and fall off.


Another popular representative of succulents is sedum, which is also known as stonecrop. This is a fellow money tree. However, it is this variant that has about 6 hundred varieties, most of which grow only in natural conditions.

Echeveria Lau

Echeveria Lau is another type of succulent. Such indoor plants have miniature fleshy leaves. Their shape is rounded with a slight sharpening at one end. Echeveria leaves are covered with a thin shell. It cannot be broken. This bluish-gray wax-type film acts as a battery useful substances and moisture.

Even a light touch on the leaves will break the integrity of this film. This demanding plant can start to get sick after such an intervention in his life. To protect the flower from death, it is recommended to cover it with a glass dome. You can use a simple transparent plastic bag. In such an impromptu greenhouse, echeveria is kept until complete recovery.

Fruit houseplants (names and photos)

Indoor plants can also be fruit. This is a real miracle, grown with your own hands on the windowsill. If everything is done correctly, that miniature shrubs will allow you to taste the fruits. However, these trees are especially valued for the opportunity to make the interior of your home original, exotic, spectacular. At the same time, the principles of growing bushes for the most part are not associated with serious difficulties.
That is why in city apartments, in summer cottages and in private houses, decorative varieties began to be found so often:

  • bananas;
  • pineapples;
  • avocado.

Citrus fruit bushes turned out to be no less attractive. These are not only juicy tangerines and fragrant oranges. Most often, lemons are grown from the stone. Such fruit trees not only look attractive, bringing variety to the garden on the windowsill. They still spread an unusually bright and juicy aroma.

Among other varieties from this category, miniature bushes of tea and coffee tree. The shape of their leaves, combined with fruits and bright colors, will enchant any grower. Like figs, they look unusual and original. By the way, figs are still capable of bringing a harvest.

Pomegranate fruit bushes will effectively complement the indoor garden.

Today, the range of garden plants is growing every year. These shrubs and trees are designed to decorate our land plots. New varieties are constantly appearing, and old, already familiar ones, get new sizes, colors and shapes. It is quite difficult to understand what is a classic and what is just a fashion trend. That is why it is worth talking about the most popular ornamental garden plants. It should be noted that they are also in demand because they are quite easy to care for.

Spireas are fairly hardy plants. They have many varieties. Those that open in spring have white flowers, while those that choose summer have purplish red or pink flowers. In height, plants usually reach from 1 to 2.5 meters, the diameter fluctuates within the same range. It is better to plant spirea either in the sun or in a semi-shaded place. But the soil in the garden is suitable for this any. Those species that bloom in the spring are pruned immediately after the flowering time. Summer species are processed in early spring. The advantages of this plant are obvious - it is very unpretentious, even a novice gardener can handle it. It is also worth noting the relative compactness of the spirea, some of its undersized species (for example, Japanese) barely reach 80 centimeters in height. The disadvantages of spring-blooming species is the need for their timely pruning, otherwise the flowering intensity will be low.

Particular attention should be paid to the variety "Globosum". This variety of maple looks like a massive tree, although its dimensions are rather modest. The spherical crown will look great in small areas and front gardens. The height of the maple reaches 6 meters, and the diameter of the crown can reach 5-6 meters. This tree also loves light, so it doesn't need shade. Yes, and the maple does not put forward special requirements for the soil, any place in the garden will do. Maple pruning is also not particularly needed, occasionally you can cut branches to the width of the crown. Among the advantages of such a plant is its dense crown, which creates a dense shadow. Maple leaves turn bright in autumn. yellow. However, you have to pay for such beauty - in the fall there will be quite a lot of foliage, and due to the lack of pruning, the crown can grow in breadth over the years.

This plant is a symbol of the onset of spring, one of the most beautiful at the same time. The golden yellow flowers of the shrub look beautiful next to the blue and blue primroses. Forsythia can reach a height of up to 3 meters, the same is its diameter. This plant is best planted in a sunny place, there are no special requirements for garden soil. After flowering, forsythia must be pruned. This plant is quite unpretentious, which beginner gardeners will appreciate. In addition, a variety of varieties will allow you to choose the best. For example, low-growing varieties are suitable for small areas. Week End is only 1 meter high. Cut branches are often placed in a vase, the flowers will bloom much later. It will be amazing at home to see a flowering plant on New Year and Christmas. However, after blooming, the shrub quickly loses its decorative look. Yes, and you need to trim the forsythia regularly, otherwise the flowering will begin to lose in intensity.

This shrub looks great, both in a single planting and in a group of fellows, as well as as part of a hedge. Hibiscus in the southern regions can grow even in open ground. The height of the shrub is from 1.5 to 2 meters, its diameter is from 1 to 1.5 meters. It is best to plant hibiscus in a sunny place, while the soil should be fertile and permeable. Pruning of the plant is carried out in February - early March. A garden plant is valued for its variety of varieties and a wide range of flower colors. Hibiscus is afraid of cold weather, which can be attributed to its shortcomings. Even cool summers result in less abundant flowering.

Another name for this plant is Golden Rain. It appeared because when the bushy tree blooms in May-June, its long flower brushes resemble streams of rainwater. Bobovnik will look great, both on its own and next to other crops. In height, a bright plant reaches 7 meters, and its diameter is up to 4 meters. Bobovnik loves the sun, and in terms of soil is unpretentious. Even pruning this garden plant is not required. The advantage of the beaver is its unpretentiousness and easy care. Not only flowers are beautiful, but also leaves. However, the beaver also has its drawbacks - the plant is considered poisonous, harmful substances are especially concentrated in the seeds. So you should be careful if children live near the landing site. The branches of the plant are quite fragile and can break even from the weight of the snow.

This heat-loving plant in our open spaces looks especially exotic and decorative, thanks to its large heart-shaped leaves. And at the beginning of summer, the catalpa blooms, showing numerous bell flowers. The tree reaches a height of 10-15 meters, and its diameter is 6-10 meters. The best place to plant is in a sunny position, sheltered from the wind. There are no special requirements for the soil of the garden, it is even better to refuse pruning. For small plots or front gardens, it is better to choose the Nana variety. The height of the tree will then be no more than 7 meters, and the crown of the plant will be spherical.

Best of all, these unpretentious shrubs will look as part of hedges. It will be especially beautiful if you make them from several decorative flowering shrubs. Weigela looks good in the company of lilac or kolkvitsa. The flowering time of the plant depends on the variety, some bloom in May-June, and others from June to August. The height and diameter of the shrub does not exceed 3 meters. It is best to plant plants in a sunny place or with diffused lighting, while any soil will work in the garden. Weigela should be cut after flowering. The advantages of the plant lie in its unpretentiousness, which is especially convenient for beginner gardeners. The Purpurea variety is popular, which does not reach a height of one and a half meters. But the disadvantages of the plant is that they need to be cut every year. Otherwise, flowering will weaken.

These apple trees delight not so much with their fruits as with their flowers. Almost all of them are similar in appearance not so much to small trees as to shrubs in general. There are many varieties of ornamental apple trees, which differ in the shape of their growth, the color of the flowers. When the time of flowering comes in May, the branches literally drown in a sea of ​​white, pink or red flowers. Such apple trees can reach a height of 2 to 10 meters, and their crown diameter is up to 8 meters. Trees love sunny places They need loose and fertile soil. Apple trees need to lighten the crown and remove the wild. In summer and autumn, it's time to harvest. Beautiful fruits are perfect for making dessert. However, the decorative apple tree was not without its drawbacks. It is often affected by diseases - powdery mildew and scab. That is why even at the time of acquiring a seedling, you should be careful, it is better to do it in a trusted and reliable place.

Usually, a large area is required to grow white locust, but there are also several low varieties of this plant. With the beginning of summer, clusters of flowers will begin to appear in the crown of Robinia. Surprisingly, the white acacia has varieties whose flowers are not only white. So, the variety "Frisia" is decorated with beautiful golden leaves all season. In height, white locust can reach 25 meters, crown diameter - up to 12 meters. The plant loves the sun, it is better to plant it on soil with good water permeability. But it is better to refuse pruning branches. At the same time, dry and even poor soil is suitable for white acacia. Gardeners should pay attention to the Umbraculifera variety, which stands out for its spherical crown. Such a tree does not exceed 6 meters in height. The disadvantage of an ornamental plant is one - it forms a root shoot.

This garden plant has many varieties. In addition to the rhododendron itself, related varieties are also distinguished, for example, smaller azaleas. In height, shrubs can reach from 1 to 5 meters, about the same as their diameter. Rhododendron does not like the sun, so it is better for him to find a place in the shade. The plant prefers acidic soil, fertile and permeable. Trimming the bushes is not necessary, although in extreme cases radical pruning is also allowed. The advantage of this plant is that most species are evergreen. The disadvantages lie in the special requirements for the soil, susceptibility to diseases, as well as the need to constantly water the rhododendron in a dry season.

This group of plants is famous for its diversity. At the same time, many species, such as flowering deren, bloom very intensively. Therefore, experienced gardeners recommend planting turf separately from other plants, or at least placing it in groups where the plants are loosely placed. The height of the shrub is from 2 to 6 meters, about the same diameter. Most varieties of derain love sunny places or with little shade. The soil is best to choose acidic, you also need to constantly moisten it. The plant does not need pruning. The advantages of derain lie in the beautiful color of the leaves, especially in this regard, coase derain stands out. Only now beautifully flowering varieties are easily susceptible to disease and are afraid of bad weather.

Such undersized shrubs bloom in summer. In the southern regions of our country, there are many hybrids, they are quite compact and have a wide variety of colors. In height, as well as the diameter of the plant from 1 to 3 meters. It is better to plant a hydrangea in places with diffused lighting, however, neither the shadow nor the sun will interfere with its growth. The soil is better to choose acidic, keep it constantly slightly moist. Hydrangea is recommended to be cut in spring or autumn. The advantages of the plant include good tolerance even of containers, moreover, thanks to such shrubs, even shaded places in the garden can become more beautiful. But they also require attention. For example, alkaline soil will cause blue flowers to turn pink. And in dry weather, do not forget about watering.

This group of ornamental plants includes primarily dwarf species or medium-sized shrubs. Varieties of juniper are distinguished depending on the form of growth of needles and its color. It can be green, blue, yellow or silver. In height, the shrub can reach 8 meters, and its diameter - up to 5 meters. Juniper does not have special requirements for the soil, but he loves the sun. In places with a shadow, juniper will not grow well. In most cases, pruning is not required. The main advantage of juniper lies in its unpretentiousness. In autumn, blue-black fruits appear on the shrub, resembling berries in appearance.

This garden shrub is one of the most popular. Coloration can vary from purple to pink, light yellow and white. Lilac has a lot of varieties and types. Its shrubs reach a height of 3-6 meters, and their diameter can be up to 5 meters. It is best to plant plants in the sun, but the soil should be fertile and permeable. Lilacs should be cut lightly, it is best to simply remove only wilted inflorescences and wilds. The advantages of a garden plant lie in its unpretentiousness; bouquets fit perfectly into the home interior. In addition, the most compact species do not exceed 1.5 meters in height. But there are some species with small flowers that are more capricious. They do not like the urban environment, so it is better not to plant them here, the lilac will not grow well.

This is a fairly large family, which includes many varieties with different characteristics. For example, in Japan, plums and ornamental cherries are characterized by long and powerful flowering. In April-May, the crown of these beautiful plants is wrapped in real foam from double pink or simple flowers. The trees grow to a height of 2-12 meters, their diameter is 2-10 meters. This species loves rich and fertile soil with good water permeability. But it is better not to prune cherries and plums. The advantages of this ornamental plant are that you can choose their shape for almost any kind of garden. It can be columnar, tiered or weeping. The disadvantages lie in the fact that in slow-growing varieties, the tops of the shoots can die prematurely.

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