Tyunyev Twitter. Public and political newspaper President about Zionism. - where the Russian Federation and the gold of the Russian Federation are stored

Gypsum products 16.10.2020
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The lack of intelligible policies and state ideology is due to the fact that, in my opinion, the state of Russia in the existing data is not a state! And part of the system whose core is a certain quasi education USA-Russia. It, as a single formation, which is controlled by a third force. All that we observe, there is a staged performance, including for example, a great attention of the media and TV to the election of the President of the United States and the full silence of their problems for the election of deputies in State Duma Russia and local authorities!

I always say to the interlocutors: "Try to consider the United States and Russia, as a single mechanism and the state, which is actually. Open a lot of mysterious and incomprehensible if you do not look from this point of view. "

But it's time to answer a few questions:

- Why is almost the entire industry from the USA? Local Jewish clans ... and all advanced technologies are given to the Chinese. And we were not given ...

- There are three options for answering this question. First option. Economic benefits from a cheap Asian workforce pushed capitalist on ... and further every nonsense in economic books. The second option is A la Rabbi Finkelstein. In 2006, he stated that the Jews began to destroy the United States. He said, they say, erase from the face of the earth. Yes. So said. On behalf of everyone ...

But there is a third option that, as I think, is more correct. The United States is really part of the system. Only not the Systems "Russia-USA", but just part of the "Russia" system. US in former times were just provincial Russian EmpireAnd the stupidity of the Romanov was withdrawing the printing machine there. They understood that they were created when the very mash from behind the sea financed the revolution in Russia and took the most of their empire from the Romanovs. So now the faithful servants of the Romanovs American Jews really began to twist the United States to postpone the economic center of the world to another place.

I think they drag it to India. As for the election, they are in full swing. It is simply in the process of capturing the power there is nothing interesting for the ordinary ordinary man. All agreements on the topic "Who will win" pass with closed doors, and subsequent voting is just a performance. So it was always. And I still do not understand why the CEC member has not yet been handed over the Honored Artist of Russia. After all, they are so reliably playing democracy on TV!

- Why in the United States over the past 35 years not a single nuclear station is not built, and there is no nuclear weapon? No nuclear shield! And it is not a fairy tale!

- The answer is simple: because in the US there is no such intelligence as in Russia. This country, like a vacuum cleaner, literally pumped. But it was not the way. So, all sorts of rattles. I understand that now someone my smartest presents Nobel laureates. Like, and they? I answer: what are they? And who are they? Here is a bright example - Barack Obama. Also laureate. So what? Yes, he is so antipriment that after the Nobel Prize hung on his tanned breasts, the Nobel Committee was even worse than the gadyushnik from some Negro Ghetto. Do you create nuclear weapons with such obamami?

- Why is a huge amount of US assets belong to China, nor Russia, nor Arabs allowed there? And why are we always on the verge, but do not turn this line?

- The Chinese, according to Israeli scientists, are the knees of Israel. And according to US President Barack Obama, the United States is a Jewish state. So I found a bolt nut. This is on the one hand. And on the other, the US assets are not needed. Anyway, this country was put under looting. Why do we need a sinking "Titanic"?

And the Chinese, by virtue of the specifics of the structure of the eye, simply do not see that this steamer is already sinking. As for the face, then, in my opinion, another procedure. There are non-Russian forces that have seen a multinational artery and suck blood from our country. If these leeches are not deleted, the line will always be felt, and the leeches will not give to die - so as not to deprive himself.

- And you did not become a divine that Ukraine and Central Asia with the Caucasus fell off, so Russia went to the world grain market!? And feeds yourself and others sells! After all, Judo-Bolsheviks kept the Russians injigned and fed to Russian bread for free, and China, and India ...

- Here I am about it and said above. The leeches appeared in the revolution, not only the Holodomor staged, but also introduced a permanent malnutrition until all their remaining knees were fed our bread. I believe that all those acts of the genocide must be investigated. It is impossible all the time criminals to get out of the hands of numerous killings of Russians. Otherwise, we become Americans and climb on the trees.

But I think, why it does not happen: the criminals are scarce. Remember, the fairy tale is "broken not broken luck"? So these foxes are always, something to scoop, and then climb a dying howl - from somewhere with a new homeland with our old good.

- Instead of Americans on the moon "flew" dolls! And all the shooting was made in the studio on the ground. But no answer Question: "Why in the operation of the creation of world lies participated in the leadership of the USSR, the genius of cosmonautics and an advanced detachment soviet science? " Many witnesses and falsifiers are still alive, will the answers wait?

- I think there is no moon. It is not in the sense of the stone celestial body. The moon is a glare. That's all. There is not even a doll to send. Yes, and it is not needed. As for the collusion, in which the USSR and the United States went hand in hand, so higher I said that the United States and Russia is one country. Historically - one. And now the performance is simply played, that, they say, we are against each other. There are no antagonism in truly important projects. The development of the moon in the 60s of the 20th century was not a political, but an economic project.

Coming from each other, Soviet and American leaders were stolen from the budgets of their states of colossal funds. It was the goal of "flights".

- Where are the funds of the Russian Federation and the Gold of the Russian Federation are stored?

- It is necessary to ask Kudrin. He is carried away, let him answer. And if seriously, then I think, somewhere under the cry of crying. Alternative - Cuba. Although, in general, it is the same. I am sure that there is no gold in the US for a long time. His, the nastilities of Columbus, have already managed to take out of the country.

After all, I remind you, they promised to erase the United States from the face of the earth. Why do they risk gold? In general, this is a very bad story, when some Kudrin hidden and folk well, and the punishing ice crew of the proletariat could not find him. And more: gold is especially not needed in the present living. The state operates with other values. In particular, the intelligence of the people is a much more valuable resource. If people know how to create something, then this is a real resource, not gold. By the way, for this reason, education is destroyed in Russia.

On the portal "NEWSLAND.RU" a survey was held on the topic: "Is Russia occupied?" The survey took part 1052 people. The voices of respondents were divided like this:

    Yes, Russia occupied - 91%

    Russia occupied partially - 4%

    Your option is 3%

    I find it difficult to answer - 0%

    No, Russia is not occupied - 2%

    Reducing the population, mainly Russian indigenous.

    An open policy of the state to replace the migrants dieting Russian population (Caucasus, Asia, China, and so on).

    A catastrophic social bundle between very rich (a small group of the population) and very poor (the bulk of the population).

    The transformation of the country into the raw materials appendage of the "civilized world" when the main emphasis is on the export of raw materials with the simultaneous destruction of high-tech industries within the country.

    The political monopoly of one batch with the creation of the visibility of the opposition (the so-called "systemic opposition", which really does not lead to a change in the situation in the country).

    Pressure on all "non-system", which can really change the position in the country.

    Policy aimed at deterioration in the quality of education and medicine.

    The so-called "military reform", which turns the army in inflatable soldiers dressed in a form from Yudashkin.

    Corruption of almost all areas state Device. There is not a single agency, wherever they saw and have no budget money on his pockets.

    Reducing the territory in the please of Norway, China and others, and so on.

And at the end of the post, the author asks readers the question: I want to ask readers of this portal, is the specified situation with a sign that the country is in occupation? This question is represented in the form of a graph.

In the last issue of the newspaper "President" in the article "Survey: Is Russia occupied?"We have published the results of a survey. Recall once again. The survey took part 1052 people; their voices were divided as follows: Yes, Russia occupied - 91%; Russia is occupied partially - 4%; its version is 3%; it makes it difficult to answer - 0%; no , Russia is not occupied - 2%.

That is, 95% of the population believes that Russia is occupied. That is, almost all citizens of Russia know about it, they feel it on themselves, only the authorities and the international community pretext that there is no occupation in Russia. Let's deal with this issue.

The international law considers the occupation of the temporary stay of the troops of one state in the territory of another in the conditions of the war between them. The complexity of the current situation is that on the streets of Russian cities, it seems, there is no army of a foreign state. However, you do not need to rush with conclusions.

As states are different and their army. For example, the United States is a very secular state, so their army is also fairly secular. This means that if the Americans occupied Russia, then American soldiers would have been observed on the streets of Russian cities. So, for example, happens in Afghanistan, which the United States occupied.

But there is another form of state - religious. In such a state, the main military force is not an army, but the "ordinary" people armed with the relevant religious ideology. This ideology itself is a weapon affecting another ethnos, into which this weapon is introduced by carriers of religion.

So happened in Ancient Russia - when baptism. Byzantia, who could not defeat Russia with the help of the army, introduced a religious bomb under the name "Christianity" in the shower of the Russian people, and the son rebelled on his father, her daughter - to her mother, brother on her sister, and sister on his brother. This war turned to Rus civil Waraimed at the destruction of the best part of the Russian people - in full accordance with the book "Esphyr".

Today, one of these states is the Muslim Association. Muslims demonstrated their army when the 90th army was filmed by the prospect of peace in Moscow. Their Muslim army is fully armed and completely unpunished, occupied Russian cities and makes everything on their streets, which considers it necessary and pleasing Allah. We all remember the screaking case of extremism: Recently, Islamic lawyer promised to fill the streets of Russian cities with blood, if the authorities do not install Sharia courts.

And this is one of the main signs of the occupation: "When occupying the power of the occupied state is practically terminated, the administrative management of the territory is carried out by the military command of the occupying troops."

Sharia and other similar courts in the religious types of states are authorities and administrative management bodies. That is, the introduction of Sharia courts is a direct measure of occupying Islamic forces, aimed at the destruction of the current Russian authority and establish a religious interislamine occupation administration in exchange. The Kremlin would have to take care of this if he, of course, was not at the same time with Islamites.

Among the most backward peoples of the Earth, another type of religious state was formed - it is a medieval, or even antediluvian Judaism and the pseudo-state of Israel. We note, it is not considered a religion as the private right of everyone, and the structures are religious and military, - whose activities are hiding behind the private law, and in fact aims to carry out terrorist activities against other states. The conductors of such total terrorism are believers in Judaism - they want it or not, they realize that they are used from the center, or not.

Most of the believers are aware of their involvement in the central doctrine and make everything that the religious center requires. Including occupying policies in relation to the Russian state. Here is a vivid example of the development of such relationships. In the article "" Rabbian courts "appeared in Russia?" Its authors Mikhail Alexandrov and Anton Blagin (rodvzv.com) describe in detail the course of Jewish occupation in Russia, although they set a question mark at the end of the title.

The authors argue that "Rabbian courts" suddenly appeared in dozens of Russian cities - the religious courts of the state of Israel. " The chief rabbiny court is located in the Moscow Synagogue. In total, such courts operate in 60 cities of Russia. The Central Office of the Rabbi Court is located at: 127018, Moscow, 2nd High-tailed feathers. 5a, http://ravvinat.ru/ru/about_us/rabbinical_court/ Rabbinsky court works under the leadership of the "Chief Rabbi of Russia" Burl Lazar, and its composition also includes r. Isroel Barenbaum, r. Schneor-Zalman Kaan, r. Yosef-Izhak Marzel, r. Levi-Itzhak Mondshain.

In his book "Be the Jew" (1990 and three of its reprints in Russia) Rabbi Him Donin explains: "Written torus (the Bible - Avt.) Is the constitution of the Jewish people." There is no other constitution against Israel. Further: " Written torus prescribes fatherland For some crimes. Although the Torah is addressed primarily to the Jewish people, it contains instructions for all mankind. Torah laws cover the whole range of individual and social behavior".

Existence in the legal field Russian Federation "Rabbian ships" is a gross violation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Recall, according to paragraph 1 of Article 1 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, "Russian Federation - Russia is a democratic federal legal state with the republican form of government," there is no place for any "ships" of any religions and any authorities of any states - even those in which instead of the Constitution "Law of Moses."

The presence of such "courts" in Russia violates the constitution. Thus, paragraph 1 of Article 3, the CRF establishes that "the carrier of sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation is its multinational people." Moreover, (paragraph 2 of the same article) says that "the people carry out their power directly, as well as through state authorities and local governments." Article 2 KRF determines clearly: "Man, his rights and freedoms are higher value. Recognition, respect and protection of human rights and freedoms and citizen - the duty of the state."

The same is happening on the part of the third wing of the Abrahamian religion - Christianity. The question is similar: whether the church courts are a violation of the constitution? Recall, paragraph 9 of Chapter 1 of the Charter of the ROC from 2000 forbids "officials and employees of canonical units, as well as clerics and Miryanam" "to contact public authorities and a civil court on issues related to intracerer life, including canonical management, church device , liturgical and pastoral activity. "

It is usually answered wrong: they say, the action of the Charter and the Church Court of the ROCs apply only to the clergy and servants of the Christian Church. However, such advocates forget that "Moiseev Act" - defines the life of not only Jews, but also Christians, as well as Muslims. Actually, therefore all these three sects are called Abrahamic religions.

Evaluating from the position of the law the fact of the existence of the "Rabbian courts", "Sharia courts" and "church courts" in Russia should, first of all, to refer to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, paragraph 4 of article 3 of which clearly determines the limits of violations of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: "No one can Assign power in the Russian Federation. The seizure of power or assigning power is pursued by federal law. "

That is, the activities of the religious armies of other countries should be prosecuted by law. But in the ranks of performers russian law Those who have already penetrated the believers, that is, those that belong to the very armies, which, from the position of the law, must fulfill the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Will they be executed? As you can see, no.

The international law considers the occupation of the temporary stay of the troops of one state in the territory of another in the conditions of the war between them. The complexity of the current situation is that on the streets of Russian cities, it seems, there is no army of a foreign state. But the "Sharia", "Ravnatsky" and "church" courts, in violation of the law, assigned the powers of power structures, act. The army of other states quartered in Russian cities rust in religious figures armed with teeth under the sexes of their robes.

Andrei Tynyev, Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper "President"

First met such a newspaper for the first time and was just dumbfounded by reading there. And the newspaper is not simple, "constantly reflects the position of the highest bodies of legislative, executive and judicial authorities, regional and municipal authorities, representatives of public organizations, religious associations and business on the prospects for the development of our state and society as a whole." Andrei Aleksandrovich Tyunayev, the chief editor of the President "The President" believes that "the president must know the truth." After such a preamble, I will share what I read in the article "Death Sosted Rockefeller, Rothschild, Primakov" for the authorship of Andrei Tyunayev himself.

Several distractions interesting factDecent Book of Guinness Records. To maintain life in the dying body of the main Zionist had to cut the hearts in the six people! At the end of April 2015, the 99-year-old American billionaire David Rockefeller transplanted the heart for the sixth time, reports World News Daily Report. In addition, he twice transplanted the kidneys - in 1988 and 2004. And something else "on the little things" ... You will say that there is such a special, money here, so live yourself in pleasure. Do not tell me, 8 times dying and resurrected after operations, you need a special will to life and courage.

The author writes: "For the first time, death came for Rockefeller in 1976, but then he looked off at her someone else's death, for the first time I tackle my heart of the deceased. But on the seventh, death was still able to defeat almost the immortal Jew." But why emphasize that he is a Jew? Is it possible with such capital to be someone else?

But the new one for me is: "The chief Hitler of the late Rothschild is feeding and the chief Hitler of modernity - President of Ukraine Peter Poroshenko. So, a year ago Poroshenko made the sale of his assets through the Rothschild investment company (ITAR-TASS)." And Poroshenko was severely worried about the fact that he does not fulfill the foreseerant promises and sticks to his assets! Well, I finally performed! Yes, and the matter is not easy. Try, contact the Rothschild himself, if you need to sell the Slavic closet, and even with the bedside table. Ah, then the same, Marya Ivanovna, then the same! Yes, and the very "chocolate king", it was not easy to check this transaction. It cost him that Ukraine today is a concentration camp and the leader in the supply of "donor" authorities. What about without Donbass? Indeed, to maintain the life of one Rothschild, it took 8 people to disassemble for a part!, "Said the author. Link to

Why did the Jews tried to crown Vladimir Putin Pottles with beads

Today in Russia began to return generals from the reserve. World Evil Strikes New large war. And the Jewish Mitsel, which is full of all Moscow, diligently shake around the Kremlin, sniffing, watching and engaged in everything ...

What is the sacral meaning of Putin's coronation?

Recently, the whole world was observed by the play, in which the jester named Khazanov wanted to expose the jerse of Russian President Vladimir Putin. A member of the Presidium of the Russian Jewish Congress did not obtain a planned campaign of the president. Putin himself put the Khazanov itself that neither is a real joke. That is, directly by profession.

The society is hotly discussed in the sidelines of this show, and several versions have already been developed. Two of them we lit in our newspaper. Briefly remind them. In the article "Putin coronated a member of the Presidium of the Russian Jewish Congress Khazanova" Sophia Naiman made focus on the fact that Putin actually made coronation. And in Imperial San, he was not an abona who, but a member of the Presidium of the Russian Jewish Congress. When he pulled out the imperial crown from the bag, the President of Russia regards Hasanov's head independently.

"You just will suit you," the president commented.

The correspondent also noted that the Russian Jewish Congress is the organization of the influence of Israel in Russia. Her members are ambiguous people. Guide - especially. Former presidents - Leonid Nevzlin and Vladimir Gusinsky are international criminals. Nevzlin by the Russian court in absentia was sentenced to life imprisonment, and over it added another 6 years in prison. The decision of the Spanish court in the issuance of Gusinsky to Russia was denied.

From the modern leadership of the rivers, they were remembered by their loud crimes or aggressive anti-Russian activities: Polonsky Roman, Melamed Leonid, Albat Evgenia, Bollyanskaya Natello, Makarevich Andrei, Nikolai, Nikolai, Yasina Irina, and others. In the Donbass, the genocide of the Russian people conducts a parallel structure and European president Jewish Union Igor Kolomoisky.

Therefore, the coronation of Khazanov brought some observers to the idea that Russian President demonstrated his loyalty to criminal Israel, hoping to get an ally in the Syrian region.

All this, of course, could be so. But only the most observant noticed that the coronation took place in a special way.

First of all, we note that Putin did not put on the crown on his head and did not make it to make Khazanov. Why? We will answer this question below. And first pointed the attention on the fact that Putin Hazanov himself hoisted the crown at all, as it should be, but what is called, 5, - that is sideways. In the photo it is clearly visible.

This position of the imperial crown is permissible only if it is located on the head of the jester. Khazanov - jester. Today is a respected profession. And he has the right to wear a crown. But he is obliged to wear shelter. Putin knows that, so he put her jester and put on.

But why Putin still refused the crown?

First, not the crown. Khazanov brought not that crown. What tried to put on the head of the President of the Khazanov, is the imperial crown - a large imperial crown of the Russian Empire. This crown is the main symbol of the imperial power.

The emperor is the power of the conqueror. The emperor is an external, or alien ruler for not relatives, but on the conquered territories. For example, Georg VI (Elizabeth II Father) was the king of his native Great Britain, but at the same time he was the emperor of conquered India. Louis XVI and Louis XVII and all before them were kings of the French. And the Jew (Corsican) Napoleon won France and became Emperor France.

The so-called Romanovs do not have any rights to the Russian throne. Therefore, they are not the kings, but emperors, that is, the invaders.

In 1762, armed seizure of power in Russia with the troops of the Roman Empire took place. From that moment on, Russia has ceased to be independent, but became the imperial territory of Rome - the Second Reich. Therefore, in 1762, imperial regalia was introduced - a large imperial crown. In it was coroned by foreign rulers in Russia until 1917 - when the last emperor of the Russian Empire Nicholas II organized an imaginary shot of himself and his family, he gave Russia to the arms of the Zionists, and he himself began to calmly edit in the UK under the new name Georg V.

Attempt by Khazanova, today's leader of the Jews, in ancient times called Romanes, Romans, Europeans, to hoisting Vladimir Putin's head, it was the imperial crown that had a goal to discover the essence of Putin. If he had accepted the crown, he would admit that he was the emperor, that is, the Miller of the Jews-Romeev, but not at all an independent figure.

For the coronation of Vladimir Putin, it is not necessary for the imperial crown, and the royal is the cap of Monomakh. If the Imperial Crown symbolizes two hemispheres of spherical land, split in half, where the border separates its homeland from the conquered territories, then the tsarist hat shows that the king is the head and center of only its own territories. He is not an invader.

The fact that Putin refused to put on the Imperial Crown was also a symbolic message to monarchum and the Presidents of the world, which Vladimir Vladimirovich does not conduct a grip policy.

Crown, imperial and royal, is a symbol of periphery, fence, borders. Therefore, the teeth on the crown resemble the teeth of a fortress wall or tower. And the periphery is a lot of mercenaries, performers, non-independent officials, Sixok. Kings are rulers of Jewish (European) territories. The emperors will repeat - the rulers of the colonies.

The royal hat is an autocracy symbol, that is, the carrier of the royal cap itself is the holder of power. There is no one high by ran over him. The royal hat symbolizes the center of the world, and therefore the concept of the "royal crown" does not exist.

The last Russian king, married to the kingdom of Monomakh, was Ivan V. and few people know that the self-serurator Peter I was not Vieden to the kingdom at all. He nailed to Ivan V as a "brother", but no one had nobody put on his head on his head.

With the impostor of Peter I, replaced in Europe, or rather, the head of the administration of European occupation troops in Russia, and there was a couple of self-pricing emperors, and Russia did not become Russia, but the Russian Empire.

The structure and structure of the royal caps such that they repeat the structure of the paradise with its seven gardens, or the structure of Atlantis with its seven shafts or fortress walls. The royal hat is the symbolic mountain of the world, at the top of which is the throne of the king.

For this difference, the symbols of the imperial crown and the royal cap can, by the way, to understand in the drawings, which depict medieval battles between Russian troops and Mongol Tatars.

Fig. 2. The heroic defense of Kozelsk. 1238. The chronicle miniature.

For example, there is a thumbnail depicting Kozelsk. Recall, in March 1238, the Troops of Batiya began the siege of Kozelsk. Residents of the city were shot down heroically, but Baty took the city and ordered to kill all the inhabitants, including young children. The thumbnail is depicted in the imperial crown. On the thumbnail with the image of the battle of reboot and Timur Mirza, the Mongol-Tatar leader is shown in the imperial crown.

Fig. 3. Monk Monk Switch with Temir Murz. Chronicle miniature

Recall that in 2002, the group of Russian Jews had already made an attempt to crown the President of Russia at the 50th anniversary of Vladimir Putin. Then they tried to marvel him to the kingdom of the monoma hat. In 2002 began new era - Era Aquarius. Vladimir Putin's arrival was regarded and filed by the global government as the phenomenon of the new Messiah. Which, of course, became the world king and had the full right to the monomacha's cap, the name of which is translated and the only magician. But in 2002 there were other applicants. I described the whole war for the world throne in detail in my book "Battle for the world throne (Gospel from Yaril)." She was published a year ago.

Vladimir Putin's main competitor was Prince George, Lestow of Elizabeth II. But after she was made to understand that they had evidence that she was not a genetic heiress of the British throne, Elizabeth II took off the candidacy of Prince George from the election race.

Today, Vladimir Putin lacks the royal saber for the real coronation of Vladimir Putin. She was on the storage of the recently gone juna. A few days before her death, I managed to meet the queen. There was a conversation about this relic, as well as about the upcoming coronation of the new king.

Since the world government carries out its work on the scenario set forth in the Jewish Bible, the present coronation, or wedding for the kingdom, depending on the winning party, will take place only after the war in Syria.

The place of the last battle is Armageddon. Pathological Christianity imposes on the world to this slaughter, in the frenzy is about the insane "end of the world". In this battle, according to the Bible, the "kings of the whole land inhabited" will take part (Rev. 16: 14-16), which are now going to Syria.

Khazanov appeared in the office of the President of Russia is no coincidence. It is the Jews that Armageddon is, allegedly, the name "Mount Megiddo" area in the north of Israel. But, according to the Hadiths of the Prophet Magomed, the Armageddon battle will occur in the Al-Gut area, near Damascus.

In fact, Armageddon is "Mountain (Cap) Monomakh," and the battle for Armageddon is the battle for the presidency of the Earth. What now, in the era of globalization, and happens. It is like the last step in the battle for the royal or imperial power, the leaders of the countries - the presidents, the premieres, the kings and the kings - are spinning today's slaughter in Syria. They are not interested in nor Syria, no militants or oil, nor anything else. They need biblical law to uniavenously recreate on the global throne.

The king is the one who saves their people. The emperor is the one who sheds the blood rivers of other people's peoples. He will not leave until the biblical role is fulfilled. And people will die while life on earth will lead the Bible. The biblical genocide occurs in the Donbas, which is the ancient Armageddon.

No wonder in the American film "Ilay's book" it was said that a world war was held, which supporters of the Bible were burned. After the war, the surviving people gathered all the Bibles and burned - to prevent a new war.

Today in Russia began to return generals from the reserve ...

Andrei Tyunyev, chief editor of the newspaper "President"

Andrei Tyunyev is a famous domestic writer and poet, journalist. IN this moment He is the editor-in-chief of the socio-political publication called "President". He also owns a personally founded non-profit organization "Organization", which is the Academy of Fundamental Sciences. Many modern scientists criticize his activities, calling unscientific. In particular, Tyuniyev considers a real "vellesch book" recognized by the scientific community of falsification.

Biography writer

Andrei Tyuniev was born in Tula in 1966. He is a graduate of the Department of Rocket Engines of the Local Polytechnic Institute.

In 1993 he moved to Moscow. Since then, lives constantly in the capital. He is a valid member Russian Academy Natural sciences.

Actively participated in premiums organized by the Russian Culture Foundation. In particular, it was repeatedly becoming a laureate in the nomination the most popular series of books for preschool children. In his asset a lot of awards. In particular, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov's medal. It is part of the Union of Journalists, as well as the Union of Writers of Russia. In collaboration with Sergey Mikhalkov and Vladimir Stepanov released in 2004 "the world's largest book for kids in the world."

Andrei Tyunayev, whose biography has many unusual regalia, is a member of the Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society. This is a well-known international humanitarian scientific organization, which was founded in Russia at the end of the XIX century - in 1882. Among its main goals is all the promotion of Orthodox pilgrimage on the Holy Land in Jerusalem, Orientalism, the establishment of humanitarian and scientific relations with the peoples living in the Middle East.

Start of creative activity

Andrei Tyunayev countdowns from 1982, when he wrote his first cycle of songs for the school ensemble. It was immediately and poems, and music. A little later, I published a separate poem dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, which called the "Spring of the 45th".

Since then and so far is regularly published in the means mass mediaintended for children and adults. In particular, this is a "children's newspaper", a magazine called "Good night, kids." In total, he wrote about fifty books addressed to children of preschool age.

Its works are regularly included in the "Fairs Family" list, "Fair Stars" at the annual international book exhibitions, which are held in the Russian capital.

Tyunyev Andrei Aleksandrovich is a noticeable media personality. He constantly takes part in the telecoms on federal channels. Also participates in a talk show on popular radio stations, such as "Echo of Moscow", "Radio Russia", "Mayak", "says Moscow".


Tyunayev Andrei Aleksandrovich is one of the founders of the organisms, which he considers a new fundamental science. The theoretical justification is devoted to his two works - "Organization - a new fundamental science. The beginning" and "organisms are the fundamental basis of all sciences. Tom first."

Andrei Tyunayev argues that the Organization is a science forming the worldview inherent in people of the XXI century. The basis of the universe, he lays information, and not material particles, as they did before. Basic for this science is an approach, in which tasks are effectively solved in any industries - from technical to humanitarian. He calls this approach to organisms.

Publications in the media

The hero of our article does not hide his anti-Semitic worldview. This is dedicated to most of its publications in the newspaper "Pensioner and Society", as well as on the Dazzle Internet site, which is essentially an extended version of this publication. For them, he periodically writes anti-Semitic materials in which the names of the Jews specifically highlights blue.

At the same time, in addition to awards for children's literature, there are His awards and for more serious works. Andrei Tyunayev, whose books "Russian China," Moscow - Dokhoshi Dogs "were very popular at one time, received the National Prize" Silver Feather Rusi ". Also became the winner of the Chekhov Prize.

Newspaper "President"

Still, one of the main bids, which is proud of Andrei Tyunyev - the President "President". This is a socio-political publication, which has been published since 1993. Tyunayev throughout this time is its editor-in-chief.

The publication determines his mission how providing the President of Russia to the truthful information of any level that the media can achieve. Here, according to Tyuniyev, people working who are able to objectively to inform that at the moment take place in the country, as society applies to this.

"Battle for World Throne"

One of the most popular is the book of Andrei Tyunayev "Battle for the world throne".

The author claims that everyone who reads it will be able to forever change their attitude towards the usual all symbols of life. Moreover, before you start reading this novel, you need to decide for yourself, whether you are ready for him, warns Tynyaev. The reality surrounding you will be the other after reading this book.

Tyunayev is convinced that this book is intended primarily for monarchs, presidents and kings. However, like his newspaper "President". They should learn a lot of new and interesting in it.

In 2015, in the publishing house "White Alvy" Tyunayev released another book called "Tales from the library of Ivan Grozny." He argued that he managed to find the mysterious library hidden by the Grand King. In his book, he published 35 fairy tales from this sacred foundation, which is still waiting for his reader.

Criticism of Tyunayev

The largest spring associations of Russia were criticized by the Hero of the Hero of our article. All its theories, which he bases on the soil of folklores and mythology, called the harmful and carriage of the "Slavic faith".

The philosopher Valery Lebedev noted that all the scientific construction of Tyuniyev is akin to the real, unprepared racism.

Associate Professor of RGGU, Historian Evgeny Beehov in his review on the film Satirik Mikhail Zadornov "Rurik. Lost", who in recent years I was close to Sovchenmaya-Slavyanny, compares his work with the works of Tyuniyev. The latter published a large book dedicated to the origin of a person who has nothing to do with scientific surchates. Similarly, Tynyaev, together with Zadornov, are convinced of the greatness of Slavs, replacing scientific concepts We speculate and assumptions.

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