Dream interpretation to drive on a bad road. Why the road is dreaming - the meaning of a dream. Dream interpretation of Nina Grishina

For earthworks 05.07.2020
For earthwork

If you dreamed about a road, the dream book promises a happy family life, career growth, the implementation of your plans, an important proposal. Why else is she dreaming? This symbol in a dream warns of conflicts, the wrong path, problems and difficulties in business.

Meaning according to the dream books of Enigma and Miller

Did you see the road in a dream? Dream Interpretation Enigma states: it personifies your life path. Remember what it was: flat or not, wide or narrow.

The night road in a dream warns: you will have to make a difficult choice. But if the lanterns were shining, a bright streak would begin soon.

Did your friends accompany you? Miller promises: happy ahead family life with a faithful companion. And if flowers and trees grew along the road - according to Miller, luck lies ahead.

Freud's interpreter believes that the road symbolizes the fear of death and other phobias of the sleeper, from which one should get rid of.

Interpretation of Vanga and the Muslim dream book

According to Vanga, a winter snow-covered road in a dream, where there is no one, is evidence of imaginary loneliness. You think that no one can understand you, but try to understand someone yourself.

Why is the curve dreaming? Vanga points out: the sleeping person is subject to bad thoughts, commits unseemly acts. We need to reconsider our values.

The Muslim dream book believes: a winding, muddy road with puddles personifies a sinful, unworthy life. Did you walk along it, overcoming obstacles and stones? The Islamic dream interpreter suggests that in order to achieve what you have planned, you will have to overcome many problems.

If she turned out to be beautiful, wide, straight, the Muslim dream book indicates: a person has the right foundations of life, he is guided by good and truth.

What was the road in a dream:

  • country side - family strife;
  • uneven - difficulties will begin;
  • winding - spend a lot of time getting things done;
  • asphalt - you are on the right track;
  • automotive - career growth;
  • straight line - the correct and clear rhythm of life.

A broken dirt road warns of strong life shocks that will soon begin.

Why is the mountain serpentine dreaming? Fate will constantly alternate moments of calm with trials and difficulties. But if you have reached your destination, then you will manage it in reality.

Wide or narrow

Is the road wide and level? The dream interpretation says: you have chosen the right path. It will lead to family harmony and a stable financial situation.

A narrow road in a dream portends difficulties in achieving a goal. You will have to think carefully about the steps and constantly overcome obstacles.

When planning to implement a new project, carefully plan your actions, calculate the results of one or another step. This will allow you to be ready for anything. Any scenario will not take you by surprise.

Dusty, sandy

Dusty warns of insidious people who can slander at any moment. Also, dust on the road indicates: you will soon fall under a bad influence.

Why else dream of the dusty road on which you tread? The dream book warns: ill-wishers are plotting intrigues, but they will not harm you.

The sand symbolizes temporary difficulties. But if in a dream they sprinkled sand on an icy track - in real life you will reconcile loved ones.

I had a chance to cross the road

Did you cross the road in your night dream? Ahead significant changes in life, revision of views. For grown-up children, the vision symbolizes a way out of the influence of parents, the acquisition of freedom.

But if you did it in the wrong place, you will take great risks trying to prevent an influential person with a high position. Such actions are fraught with trouble.

In a dream, did you translate your grandmother across the road? According to the dream book, it is necessary to provide support to someone. You will do it with joy and get a lot of pleasant emotions.

Lost and moved off her

Why dream of leaving her? For some trouble, lose your purpose. But if you moved out without an accident, restore your positions soon. If the car, having fallen into a ditch, turns over - the problems will turn out to be very serious.

Go astray - you will realize that you were guided by erroneous views or information and chose the wrong direction. Reconsider your priorities.

Driving off the track lost sight of it - your beliefs are wrong, you are guided by what can harm you.

Had a dream about building, repairing a highway?

Had a dream about building a highway? The dream book promises: an important offer will arrive, career growth is possible. You will be able to implement your projects.

Did you see in a dream that a road was being built nearby? To achieve something, you need to show determination and determination. Only persistent work will allow you to realize your plans.

Why dream of repairing it? Serious life changes are coming, a reassessment of beliefs and values. Perhaps also reconsider your own goals.

Why dream of cleaning it?

In a dream, did you sweep the road? You often do not respect the boundaries of someone else's personal space, intervene with advice. Stop doing this.

To wash it with a hose means, according to the dream book: you will make many attempts to change your life, one of which will be crowned with success.

The roadside is overgrown with dense grass, and you mowed it? The plot promises an even course of affairs and successful progress. You will get out of any difficulties.

Did you clear a snow-covered track in a dream? Changes and problem solving are ahead. In addition, you will help your friends understand how to get rid of what is in the way.

What else did they do on the road:

  • stood in a traffic jam - an easy matter will suddenly stall;
  • fled - pay special attention to the little things in business;
  • driving - you will easily achieve your goals;
  • lying - laziness will prevail over you;
  • saw off someone - a forced parting.

Did you walk along it far ahead and return again, without a goal? The dream interpretation explains: unplanned things are coming, which will bring troubles, losses. However, they cannot be avoided.

Please be patient, because we don't always do what we want. Sometimes you have to do something you don't want to do. However, dedication and desire to achieve results will help to cope with worries and return to more enjoyable business.


Why dream of paving the road? Thanks to hard work and strong character, you will achieve great heights.

Did you manage to lay it in a dream on sandy soil? In spite of obstacles and hindrances, do a big, important thing.

Finding the right road means: you will soon make your choice, find the path that will lead to your intended goal.

Showed, blocked

Did you show someone how to get on the track? The dream interpretation tells: someone will need your participation or help in a difficult matter. Show understanding.

Had a dream to block it? Try to impose your beliefs on someone. You shouldn't do this, as nothing good will come of it. Try to show your friends that you are right.

We drove for a long time

Why dream of a long way home? Difficulties will arise that cannot be overcome quickly.

But a long ride on a flat road up in a dream promises a long period of prosperity and success.

Driving up a mountain in a night dream? The dream interpretation indicates: without much effort, you will achieve a high position in society.

Driving down the road - you will have to fight for your success, solve problems and overcome difficulties.

What vehicles were seen on the road:

  • bus - support of colleagues at work;
  • a passenger car - vain chores;
  • truck - vital cargo bothers you;
  • furu - you need to do something important;
  • a motorcycle is an extraordinary incident.

Did you see a tractor in a large traffic flow in a dream? There is a big problem to be solved without delay. Ask a friend or acquaintance for help.

Why is the road roller dreaming? The dream book talks about the upcoming positive life changes, which are gradually but inevitably approaching.

Interpreting the plot of multiple roads

Dreamed of two roads? The interpretation of the vision is as follows: you will soon have to make important life choices. Listen to your intuition.

The fork in the road indicates serious difficulties that arise every time a decision is made. Concentrate on your strategic goal - this will allow you to understand how to proceed.

Stopped at a crossroads in a dream? Such a plot indicates: indecision in important issues and matters can lead to adverse consequences.

Where did you go in a dream

Why dream of a trip through a dense forest? She promises excellent profits from her endeavors and even a financial breakthrough. If the road is smooth and the forest is illuminated by the rays of the sun, you have reliable support.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What does the Road dream about and what does it mean:

Road - Seeing a straight road going into the distance in a dream - to the upcoming long and long path to achieving success. The highway you dreamed about is a harbinger of a serious and responsible meeting, on which your future will depend. A lot of dirt on the road - to business failures. To see a dusty road in a dream means that you have to experience a feeling of your uselessness in society, a lack of like-minded people, but your opinion will be wrong. A dream in which you see a road covered with asphalt means that you will encounter obstacles in solving issues that seemed to you quite simple or insignificant.

Walking in a dream along a straight and good road is a harbinger of joy, prosperity and success, along a bumpy road - to losses, along a curve - to sadness, along the highway - to a pleasant trip or business trip, along the pavement - to difficulties and conflicts at work, on cobblestones pavement means that you will have to solve your problems on your own, you should not rely on someone. Walking along the road for a long time, and then finding out that you are going in the opposite direction means that failures await you, a turn of things for the worse.

A smooth bend in the road seen in a dream is a sign that you will be able to adapt to changed circumstances, a sharp bend or turn in the road is an omen of events that will dramatically change your life.

Unexpectedly for yourself, being on the track in a dream means that with your perseverance and decisiveness you will be able to convince others of the correctness of your views and suggestions.

Walking in a dream through the back streets, a roundabout road means that on the way to achieving your goal you will encounter big obstacles and problems.

Walking or driving off-road in a dream means that in reality you have to be disappointed in a person whom you considered a very reliable friend or authoritative adviser.

Stopping at a fork in the road is a sign that you have to solve a number of serious and difficult problems on which your future life depends, to stand at a crossroads - to be able to this moment make the right decision.

Miller's dream book

Why is the Road in a dream dreaming?

Traveling in a dream along a rocky unfamiliar road promises new things and activities that will bring you much more than trouble or loss of time.

If you are accompanied by friends on a walk along this road, you will be lucky in creating an ideal family hearth, where the children will be happy, and the husband and wife are devoted to each other. Getting off the road in a dream is a sign that you will make a mistake in solving some business issue and incur financial losses as a result.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why dreamed of driving along the Road

The path and the road are signs that indicate the border of one's own and another's, life and death, travel from one life stage of fate to another. The road is perceived as a symbol, where a person opens up his opportunities, luck and a predetermined line of life. The road has its own energy. It is considered an unsafe place, especially when you need to take intersections seriously when you need to choose the direction of travel so as not to make a mistake and not return back to the old road. This portends something unkind to travelers.

Several other characteristics of the path are similar in different cultures. It is always a path to the other world, the unknown, a movement towards death and rebirth at the end. The sight of the road means a lot: a straight path promises good luck, a curved path means troubles, failures, difficulties. However, any road changes travelers. They gain experience, knowledge, benefits, find what they have lost.

The road is a symbolic representation of life. The dreaming road embodies the path to death and rebirth, transformations, changes in personality, and its spiritual growth. It leads to a new world, which can only be entered by those who are not afraid of obstacles and have not turned back. It is important to choose the direction at the starting point: so the path to the south will lead to one goal, the path to the east - to another.

The image of the road in the human mind has a bright negative connotation. The road is sacred, subordinated to dark forces, dangerous for unprotected people. However, there is no need to fear the road. She often acts as a pointer on the path of personality development.

Psychological interpreter of Furtsev

According to the dream book Roads

  • This is the personification of certain fears: death, choice of a partner, professional direction.
  • An intersection or fork in the road shows the dreamer the need to choose a pair. They can indicate dramatic changes in all areas of life.
  • Walking the uncharted rocky road - you will achieve success through painstaking work, through overcoming obstacles.
  • Flowers are dreaming at the side of the road - to good luck that will come unexpectedly.
  • Walking the road with friends? You will create a family where everyone will be happy and devoted to each other.
  • You see in a dream that you are looking for and not find the right direction in a dream - to financial damage in business.

Romantic dream book

Why is the Road dreaming

  • If the road is smooth, flat - you are promised happiness in love.
  • A bumpy path foreshadows difficult relationships, quarrels for couples.
  • In a dream, climbing a winding road means that you need to relieve intimate tension.
  • Dreamed of a green road along which the dreamer walks slowly? Personal life will be happy as long as the walk through the sensations of a sleeping person lasted.
  • A narrow road with many turns - the dreamer can act frivolously in love.
  • Traveling by rail along the dream book, to a new acquaintance, a pleasant date.
  • Being on the road with your loved one on any transport is a sign that nothing can separate you.

Idiomatic dream book

The road to what dreams

“Roads that we choose”, “at the crossroads”, “light path”, “dark (demonic) path”. “Our path in darkness” is a wrong direction in life; "Pole road" - where the majority goes; “To take (something) on ​​the road” - thrifty, specific interpretation depending on the subject. "Middle of the road", "middle way" - moderation; “The edge (of the road) - to go to extremes. "End of the road" - the end of a period or a dead end. "To embark on the warpath" - to conflict. "Go out on the high road" - robbery, robbery; “To cross, cross someone's road” - to interfere; "Get off the rails", "get off the track". See Add. Way.

Children's dream book

Symbol meaning:

The road to what in a dream - The road means the path to the goal. If it is straight, even and clean, then achieving the goal will be very simple and quick. If the road is winding, narrow and muddy, then on the way to the implementation of your plans you will meet all sorts of difficulties, obstacles, obstacles. If the road goes uphill, it means that your affairs will improve, you will be more and more lucky, and Vital energy yours will grow. If the road goes downhill, it means that luck will be less and less, and your strength will fade day by day.

Big dream book by Natalia Stepanova

Why is the Road dreaming?

  • If you dream of a straight wide road - in real life you are on the right, albeit not entirely easy, path. After a while, you will have a stable job, a stable financial position and a beloved family.
  • Paving a road in a dream is evidence that, thanks to your firm character and hard work, you will achieve great heights in this life. But, having achieved a high position, do not turn away from your neighbors, remember your Hard times.
  • Walking a curved road is a clear indication that your thoughts and actions leave much to be desired. You are moving in the wrong direction in life.
  • A lonely road is a sign that in real life you are lonely and very worried. It seems to you that no one understands and loves you, but this is far from the case.
  • Traveling in a dream along a rocky unfamiliar road means new things, activities that will bring you much more than trouble or loss of time.
  • The road, on the sides of which trees and flowers grow, portends unexpected luck.
  • If your friends accompany you on a walk along this road, you will be lucky in creating an ideal family hearth, where both parents and children will be happy and devoted to each other.
  • Getting off the road in a dream is a sign that you will make a mistake in solving some business issue and incur financial losses as a result.

Aesop's dream book

Allegories about Roads

  • Seeing in a dream - The road symbolizes the unknown, obstacle, expectation.
  • Seeing the road in a dream, do not rush to get ready for the journey. In many tales and legends, the road is considered a symbol of the beginning of the unknown. A magic stove, an apple tree and a hut can be found on fabulous roads. In epics, the Russian hero stands at the crossroads of life's roads. Everyone knows that "All roads lead to Rome."
  • If in a dream you see yourself on a deserted road, then you have a difficult life choice.
  • To see a long road means suspense and surprise.
  • A dream in which you are walking along the road not alone, but with some kind of companion, predicts the appearance in your life of a person who will share your life's hardships with you and walk this path next to you.
  • Seeing in a dream how you climb a narrow mountain path is a symbol of an unexpected obstacle in your business.
  • Walking in a dream along a flat and smooth path is happiness and well-being.
  • If you saw how it was coming to you on the road close person or a friend - then you will receive unexpected news from loved ones.
  • A dream in which you are lost and cannot find your way means that in reality you cannot determine your path in life. Popular wisdom says: "God gave the way, and the devil gave the hook."
  • Seeing yourself walking down a muddy, bumpy road means that in order to get what you want out of life.
  • You will have to overcome many difficulties and problems.
  • If in a dream you are building a new road, it means that in reality they will make you a very important and promising offer.

Intimate dream book

If you had a dream about the Roadbed

Road - The dream road you are walking on symbolizes your path in life. If the road is uneven, with bumps and bumps, it means that there are enough problems in your personal life. You constantly overcome obstacles and barriers encountered on your way, which are laid in yourself rather than in the events of an external plan. If the road is smooth, even, and even uphill, you are lucky - everything will work out and you will soon find what you have dreamed of for so long.

Collection of interpretations of Zhou-Gong

The road through Chinese ancient books:

The road to what you dream about - You see four free carriageways. - Glory and benefit. You find wealth on the road. - To success, achievement of the goal. There are dirt, thorns, thorns on the road. - The matter will not end with success. You drive along a high road and fall into a hole. - Foreshadows the loss of wealth.

Old French dream book

The road to what is dreaming, interpretation:

  • The road to what in a dream - If in a dream you are walking along a good and easy road, then very soon good luck will smile at you, your desires will come true.
  • If the road is difficult, then you will have to overcome many obstacles on the way to your goal.
  • A beautiful shady road promises a long and serene life.
  • If in a dream a winding and narrow road opens in front of you, failures await you.
  • Riding on the railroad in a dream means that soon you will succeed in business.
  • An unexpected stop or tremors, shaking on the road - promise failure, a destroyed union.
  • If an accident happened to you on the road, it means that many obstacles to your desires and plans await you, but you will be able to overcome them.
  • To see in a dream that someone set out on a railway journey with a bride is a very auspicious sign, foreshadowing happiness and success in all matters.

Dream interpretation of Wangi

Why is the Road dreaming about according to the seer?

The road - to see a crooked road in a dream is a clear indication that your thoughts and actions make you wish for the best. You are moving in the wrong direction in life. If you don’t come to your senses, then two ways await you: to the cemetery or to the prison. If you dreamed of a straight wide road, then in real life you are on the right, albeit not entirely easy, path. After a while, you will have a stable job, a stable financial position and a beloved family. Walking along a deserted road in a dream is a sign that in real life you are lonely and very worried. It seems to you that no one understands and loves you, but this is far from the case. Find comfort by turning to God and your life will be better. Paving a road in a dream is evidence that, thanks to your firm character and hard work, you will achieve great heights in this life, becoming a truly great person. But, having achieved a high position, do not turn away from your neighbors, remembering your hard times. If in a dream you are walking on a dusty road, this means that there are many deceitful people around you, evil people seeking to harm you by any means, discrediting in the eyes of your loved ones good name... To dream of a narrow path is a prophecy that you will have to go through a difficult path to fame, a stable life and material status. But in the end, things will work out. Walking in a dream along a cobblestone road is a sign that you are walking a slow but sure path towards your goal.

Dream interpretation of Nostradamus

Why is the Road dreaming

Walking along a deserted road in a dream is a sign that in real life you are carefully hiding something. And in vain. Only the interference in your affairs of any person will help you. Paving a road in a dream means that in the future you will make a great discovery, which will earn the respect of a large number of people. If you dreamed that you had many assistants, then such a dream suggests that unknown, very rich lands will be discovered in a not so distant time. To dream of three parallel roads at the same time is a sign that you are in danger of a car accident that will happen through your fault. In this dream, the number 3 can be interpreted different ways: 1) it means the number of people injured in the accident; 2) three cars will collide in an accident; and 3) an accident will occur at an intersection. Seeing a crooked road in a dream is a sign that your future life will be unstable. Perhaps such a dream means that an incompetent person is in power in the state in which you live. This ruler is gradually ruining the state, because he knows absolutely nothing about economics and politics. Walking along a dusty road in a dream is evidence that in the future you will fall under the influence of bad people who will try to convince you to join their sect. If you dreamed that a large number of people were walking along a dusty road, then such a dream means that in the future a large and very influential sect will appear in the world, the purpose of which will be to lure as many people as possible into it. Seeing a narrow path in a dream is a good omen. You are walking on the right road, although different from the roads of other people. Such a dream indicates that you are a bright, original person who will achieve great success in your life. Walking along a cobblestone road in a dream is a sign that in the future you will do something bad, because of which you will regret your whole life. Most likely, you will even be sure that for this sin after death you will go to hell.

Old Russian dream book

I dreamed of walking along the Road

The path is straight and comfortable - There is a sign of joy, prosperity and success; on a slippery and difficult road portends loss, displeasure and grief; to walk a narrow and narrow road means sorrow and fear; but, having passed whatever it may be, to finally come out to a level and clean place is a very auspicious dream, which signifies all the good that can only be expected in this life.

Road Pole - A Change for the Better in Everything

Road - Seeing in a dream means a new concern.

Country road - On a country road to go - up - happiness, down - failure.

Dream interpretation of Nina Grishina

Interpreting the Road

  • To fix the road in a dream is a praise.
  • On a great straight road to walk - community support (good career opportunities).
  • If the road goes down and up - difficulties in life caused by reasons independent of you.
  • Dreaming of a road that winds and winds - a detour will bring success faster (a kind of sadness).
  • The roadpost is a sign of decisive changes (a warning about the possibility of going the wrong way).
  • If the road is barely noticeable - to become a pioneer in something and experience, this is very difficult.
  • The overgrown road is your unpopularity.
  • A very dusty road - you feel lost in the crowd, you suffer from the inability to stand out.
  • Walking on a very bad bridge road - there will be difficulties and conflicts in public life.
  • To walk a winding path - you need to rely entirely on your own strength: there will be no help.
  • Walking along a cobblestone road is a torny path (an opportunity to rely on someone's experience and help in life).
  • All sorts of obstacles on the road - regular characters fear of life.

Dream interpretation of miss Hasse

Dream interpretation:

Road - Life without worries; straight line - slow execution of plans; bad-uneven - obstacles; paved - good luck will come later; very difficult - you have the only opportunity to achieve the goal; the diverging road is a difficult choice between good and evil.

Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit

Interpretation according to the saint:

Wide, even - fame, success, life without worries - narrow, dirty - poverty, hard life - straight - slow execution of plans - bad, uneven - obstacles in life.

Islamic dream book

Roads what do they mean for the dreamer

Road - to see a straight road means the faith of Islam, and a rough path means disbelief.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why is the Road dreaming?

Without a goal - an annoying business, an experience; to stand at a crossroads - you will not be able to make an important decision; to walk a wide road - joy and satisfaction, a narrow road - troubles, hassle. Walking the road is sadness. The road is crooked, in potholes - losses; tobogganing - in vain; wet - tearful.

Esoteric dream book

The secret of sleep:

The road is wide - you are going in the wrong place. Bumpy - it will be a pleasant trip. Narrow, winding - there will be a surprise along the way. Fading into the distance, into the fog - the future is not defined. You have to be careful! The moment of choice is approaching. Crossroads, fork - do not change the decision that has already been made. You will be provoked and persuaded, but do not give in.

Dream interpretation of Azar

What did the Roads of Spiritual Sources dream about?

Wide is fame, narrow is poverty.

Semyonova's lunar dream book

What is night vision about?

The road (to go) is to be in the works.

Road: walking along it is sadness, hard work; curve - loss; iron is a hurry.

Small Velesov dream book

What is the dream of the road to?

Why is the Road dreaming - Guests will be, the journey // someone will die, go to the soldiers, to the long journey; infinite - experiences, empty deeds; going a wide road - haste in business, joy; narrow - a difficult matter, work, poverty, troubles, hassle; going along the road - work, money you will find or you will lose what you had, sadness; difficult - loss; direct - success, good; crooked, in potholes - a fight, a loss; stony - work, torment; the sled road is empty; wet road - tears; asking for directions is bad advice.

Symbolic dream book

The road - how to solve the vision?

Road - See Way.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

The road to what dreams - Walking along the road - sadness, hard work; curve, in bumps - losses; Railway- successful cases; new - a change in business, a crisis.

Interpreter of dreams of Maria Fedorovskaya

The meaning of the dream about the Path

Seeing the Road in a dream - To the wedding.

The newest and most full dream book 1918 g.

Why is the Road dreaming?

To go is labor; asking about her is bad advice; uneven - losses from the enterprise; getting lost or getting lost on the road - domestic scrapes.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

Dreaming of the Road, what does it mean?

The road symbolizes your life path at this stage. Straight wide road - good opportunities, success. A narrow, curved, uneven road - difficulties, obstacles in life. Crossroads - big changes.

Dream interpretation of tarot

Interpreting Roads

Means - New plans.

Explanatory dream book

What to expect if you've seen the Road

Why see the Way to go - Labor; asking about her is bad advice; uneven road - losses from businesses; getting lost or getting lost on the road - domestic scrapes; the railroad is a hurry.

Home dream book

The road to what dreams

Road - Ukhaby - annoyance; minor obstacles or troubles.

Personal dreams and their interpretation

  • I once heard about this dangerous road. Today I am driving along it alone.
  • Bo Juyi (772-846)
  • The primary elements are earth, wood.
  • Elements - wind, humidity.
  • Emotions - anxiety, composure, fear, calmness, anger.
  • Organs - spleen, kidneys, liver.
  • Planets - Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter.
  • Explanation and interpretation
  • The understanding of the road is twofold - it is both action and mental state, it is both static space (the yin symbol is peace), indifferent to everything that happens, and the path is the movement of a person who actively overcomes this space (the yang energy symbol is movement), that is, defining the emotions, desires and passions that overwhelm him. The attitude of a person to the path he follows will determine the assessment of all events taking place during this time. The path is a symbol of time: slowing it down (if the path is a symbol of violence against oneself, becoming painful and infinitely long, bringing fatigue and disappointment) or acceleration (if the path, despite the abundance of events and trials, creates conditions for a more complete and versatile understanding past and present). The path is a way of combining your past discoveries and the opportunity to test them now, a chance to reconsider your own established opinion about events, people and emotions that own you. Everything indicates that the path or the road is a very important symbol for sleep. The road is yin, the opportunities offered by life, walking along the road is yang-action (an internal choice of one of the external opportunities). Seeing the road in a dream, walking along it, knowing exactly where and why, is an attempt to reconsider your attitude to the current situation, an intuitive understanding that, despite possible difficulties, the intended goal is really achievable.
  • Wandering in a dream without a road, being afraid, going to no one knows where and feeling fear of the road - a symbol of constant mistakes, denial of fitness for the business you are doing; to wander - a symbol of the daily accumulation of negative emotions, inconsistency own desires and opportunities, the forbiddenness of affairs and failure. To go, not knowing where and why, but with a clear desire to achieve something - the search for a goal and necessary information... Half of the road to success has been passed. It remains to endure to the end: the goal is finally clarified in the process of movement. Seeing a long, beckoning road going into the distance is the anticipation of a long, fruitful and interesting life. In the philosophy of the East there is a concept of Tao - a symbol life path... A person, a flower, a stone, a nation, a country, a planet - all have their own Tao. Tao is the correct flow of life between the Earth and Heaven, which means health, happiness, fullness of creative powers, longevity, and so on. Each has only his own personal Tao (which is good for one, it may be bad for another); The Tao of a stone is to lie, keeping the memory of the past, the Tao of man is to continuously move forward spiritually. The road for all people in the world has always been a symbol of life and movement, therefore it plays a great role in dreams.

You can see the road in a dream: flat, smooth, with holes, winding, busy, deserted, wide, narrow, etc. All these details are important for deciphering sleep. Dream Interpretations give essential These details are interpreted differently by the dream about the road based on these data. So, you dreamed of a road, this dream cannot be ignored, he will be able to prompt or indicate how to proceed further and what your mistakes are. Remember all the details of the dream, carefully read all the interpretations and choose the one that best suits your dream.

The road is a very important symbol in dreams. The road in a dream is interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, this is the Yin symbol - peace, mental state, static space, indifference to everything that happens. On the other hand, it is a symbol of Yang energy - movement, overcoming the path of life, emotions, desires, passion. The road is a symbol of time, a combination of past discoveries, opportunities and their testing, a chance to reconsider your opinion about people, events, emotions.

Varieties of roads

  • What is the dream of the road for - a symbol of the path of life, prospects, plans and the correct choice of direction to achieve them.
  • Why dream of a flat road - the problems will be minimal, the decisions are correct.
  • Why dream of a wide road - matters will be decided gently, without delays and nerves.
  • What is the dream of a straight road - a straight life path.
  • Why dream about an uneven road - obstacles and monetary losses will be encountered on the way.
  • Why is the new road dreaming - a new position in life, new perspectives.
  • Why dream of a new asphalt road - happiness, a solution to all problems, a good outcome of any business you start.
  • Why dream about a highway - if there were not many cars - a small risk, bustle, minor insignificant problems, troubles, achieving your goal.
  • Why dream of a dusty road - gossip, scrapes will not cause you much harm. (cm. )
  • Why dream that the road has failed - if you yourself are in this pit - a difficult situation.
  • What is the dream of the snowy road - repentance for sins and, as a result, plunge into depression.
  • Why dream of a long road - problems will be solved, but for a very long time.
  • Why dream of a beautiful road - if trees and flowers grow on the side of the road - an unexpected luck.
  • Why is the narrow road dreaming - difficulties, obstacles.
  • Why dream of a dirty road - gossip, injustice in relation to the dreamer.
  • Why is the night road dreaming - unknown.
  • What is the dream of a long road for - a long solution to problems.
  • Why dream of an empty road - in life you are alone, they do not understand you, worries about this.
  • Why dream of a country road - happiness, tranquility.
  • Why dream of a road in an open field - the period in life will be fateful.
  • Why does a flooded road dream - many tears.
  • Why is the blurred road dreaming - blurry landmarks, ambiguity.
  • Why is the dug road dreaming about - difficulties, obstacles.
  • Why dream of a dark road - unknown.
  • Why is the white road dreaming - happiness, the solution to all problems.
  • Why dream slippy road- a slippery slope, risky.
  • Why dream of a bad road - difficulties.
  • Why dream of a broken road - the more pits and bumps there were, the stronger the difficulties will be.
  • Why dream of a dangerous road - risk, fear.
  • Why dream of a forest road - loneliness, withdrawal.
  • Why the unfamiliar road is dreaming - the unknown.
  • Why dream of a winding road - hidden obstacles, failure, rely only on your own strength, do not rely on anyone, then everything will be in order.
  • Why dream about a dirt road - solving problems will be easy.
  • Why is the wet road dreaming - tears.
  • What is the dream of the road to the cemetery - malaise, a slight illness.

Walk along the road

Drive on the road

Driving along the road seen in a dream is a symbol of our life path, movement towards our goals. The interpretation of such dreams is based on what the trip was like, what accompanied it, which road you were driving on and what. If the road is uphill, then everything is good, if down, everything is bad. Let's consider each dream separately.


Travel fees

Miller's dream book Road

  • Dream interpretation: the side of the road is all in flowers and trees in a dream - unexpected luck.
  • Dream Interpretation: walking along the road with a friend (friend) in a dream is an ideal family hearth, happy children, devoted spouses.
  • Dream Interpretation: to go astray in a dream - make a mistake when solving a business issue, as a result - financial losses.
  • Dream Interpretation: stony unfamiliar road in a dream - new things will be accompanied by troubles and a big waste of time, but it will all pay off handsomely.
  • In a dream, a railway, Miller's dream book explains as follows - a symbol of abundance, longevity.
  • Crossing the railway in a dream is great news, grueling work will end up with good pay. If you gave way to a passing train - the turn of life in better side, an unusual surprise.
  • Seeing a railway in a dream and driving along it - when faced with troubles, quickly resolve them.
  • Dream interpretation: railway, train set off in a dream - missed the opportunity to change life for the better.
  • Why dream of an accident on the road with victims - misfortune, sad news, disappointment in love, lack of sexual pleasures. (Cm. )
  • Why dream of "seeing an accident on the road" is a reason to think seriously about your behavior, immediately decide something and improve relations. Try to take control of the bad situation in order to control the actions of other people. (Cm. )

Dream interpretation of Medea

  • Seeing the road in a dream is a symbol of the path of life.
  • I dreamed of a straight road - the dream book talks about opportunities, success in business.
  • A narrow, curved, uneven road in a dream - difficulties, obstacles in life.
  • Seeing a crossroads in a dream is a big change.

Freud's Dream Interpretation Road

  • What does the road mean in a dream - symbolizes fear of death, phobias and other fears.
  • Why dream of a fork in the road - there will be difficulties when choosing a sexual partner, as well as when changing him.
  • What is the dream of the intersection of 4 roads - sudden changes in sex life.
  • Dream "accident on the road" - you can overtake an all-consuming insane passion for a rather extraordinary personality. If love is short, it will be unforgettable. You will never forget the minutes of happiness with this person. (Cm. )
  • In a dream, the cat crossed the road - you need to beware of meeting with ill-wishers. (Cm. )

Dream interpretation of Wangi

Dream interpretation of lovers

  • I dreamed of "walking along the road with friends" - a strong friendly family.
  • Why dream of a road in an unknown direction - to meet people who will bring only bad things into your life.
  • Interpretation of dreams "railway flooded with water" - separation from a loved one, after meeting a surge of love and marriage with him.
  • Dream interpretation: what a girl dreams of a railway - a trip to friends will turn into a romantic adventure.

Dream interpretation of Shereminskaya

In a dream, to see a hole in the road - to the appearance in the life of a bad society. (Cm. )

Aesop's dream book

Dream interpretation: interpretation of dreams "road" - unknown, obstacles, expectation. If in a dream the road is in a dream, then do not rush to get ready in real life. In many legends and fairy tales, the road is a symbol of the unknown, with magical characters, with secrets. In Russian fairy tales, this is an oven with pies, an apple tree, and a milk river with jelly banks. In epics, heroes are constantly at a crossroads, they have a choice, and quite difficult, which road to choose.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope Winter

Jewish dream book

A wide road in a dream is good prospects. A narrow road in a dream is poverty. Seeing a railway in a dream is a journey.

Spring dream book

Dream Interpretation: a pit on the road in a dream - such a dream usually dreams of death. (Cm. )

Summer dream book

To dream of a hole in the road - a dream portends the emergence of some dirty and unpleasant story about you. (Cm. )

I dreamed about "a dead grandmother, they were walking along the road" - the dead always visit us alive, we can communicate with them, they give us advice, ask meaningful questions and always warn us. (Cm. )

Dream interpretation for bitches

  • Roads again in a dream - if you often dream about roads, then you have excellent prospects, do not miss the chance to change your life for the better.
  • In a dream, walking with friends on the road means a happy marriage, healthy children, a loving spouse.
  • Sleep: going uphill along the road - interesting job offers, profit.
  • Why dream of a road in the field - luck and success will be unexpected.

New family dream book

  • In a dream he was walking along an unfamiliar road - new things are difficult.
  • Why dream of a road with a friend - family happiness.
  • Losing the road to sleep - make a mistake at work and incur financial losses.
  • If you have a dream "railway, trains", pay attention to personal affairs: enemies begin to seize the initiative.
  • A dream about a railway (for a girl) is a pleasant trip.
  • Interpretation of dreams "railway, go on rails" - you will achieve happiness.

Modern combined dream book

  • Seeing a dirty road in a dream - deceitful people, deceit, gossip.
  • Sleep: winding road - new beginnings will not bring anything good.
  • Sleep: a hole in the road - obstacles in business.
  • Sleep: Crossroads are difficult choices.
  • Walking along the road with a man in a dream is happiness in the family, obedient children, faithful spouses.
  • Looking for the way home in a dream and not finding it - go astray - make a mistake, monetary losses.
  • Standing on the road in a dream means getting stuck in business, an unexpected respite.
  • Why dream of lying on the road - to live in pleasure.
  • Sleep: snowy road - you will admit your mistake, you will regret and fall into depression.
  • Seeing a railway and a train in a dream is anxiety about loved ones and relatives, if the train was rushing - a quarrel with loved ones.
  • Packing a suitcase for the trip in a dream is your baggage of knowledge - how big the suitcase was, the more knowledge you have.
  • In a dream, lying on the road is a pleasant measured life.
  • Sleep: we were driving on a flat road and arrived at the cemetery - in the race for money you will get sick, see a doctor.
  • Seeing dirt on the road in a dream is slanderers, deceitful people.
  • To dream about getting ready for the road - get ready for difficult matters.
  • Sleep: cable car - precarious position at work, fear of losing it.
  • Sleep: sweeping the road - trying to put things in order in business.
  • The end of the road in a dream is the end of the road, a period of stagnation, a dead end.
  • In a dream, to see an accident on the road, but you were only a witness to it - troubles only touch you, you will worry, but you will not suffer much, either physically or mentally. (Cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: railway, rails in a dream - enemies are trying to take power into their own hands, control you, immediately pay attention to your personal affairs.
  • Dream Interpretation: railway, walking on rails in a dream - thanks to your skillful actions, you will achieve happiness.
  • Dream Interpretation: crossing the railway in a dream is the beginning of difficult work, one might say exhausting.

Dream interpretation of Felomen

Why dream of "crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing" - if he was dangerous, not equipped with a traffic light, then take a closer look at the chosen one, perhaps he is unfaithful to you. Reconsider goals in life or set yourself more feasible ones, since those that are currently unattainable for you. (Cm. )

Eastern female dream book

  • What does it mean "to walk along the road in a dream"? It means your life path, what was the road in a dream, this is the path of life at this point in time.
  • In a dream, going up the road is an upsurge in business.
  • Crossing the road in a dream is a risk.
  • Sleep: she moved my grandmother across the road - you cannot avoid difficulties, but with good advice you will overcome these difficulties. (Cm. )
  • To wash the road in a dream is purity of thoughts, an honest event.
  • Walking along the road in a dream - lack of firmness of character prevents you from achieving more.
  • In a dream, paving the way for yourself - hard work and firm character will do their job.
  • In a dream, walking along a deserted road is loneliness, although there are many people around.
  • To dream of "walking along a dirty road" is a deceitful, insidious people who will want to discredit you in the eyes of your relatives.

Dream interpretation of Nostradamus

The newest dream book by G. Ivanov

  • Why dream of building a road - well-being.
  • I dreamed of "walking on the road" - career growth.
  • Dream "to drive along the road" - take a rest away from your home, you need it.
  • The road is dreaming - a disease of the legs, digestive and respiratory organs.
  • Why dream of an accident on the road - receiving unpleasant news. (Cm. )
  • Railway in a dream - a long journey, a business trip.
  • Railway signs in a dream are obstacles because you do not have enough education for this job.
  • What is the dream of a traffic jam on the road - disappointment.

Children's dream book

  • The road is the path that you will take to get your way. If it was straight and wide, then everything will be fine and smooth, if the road is narrow and winding, then there will be obstacles and difficulties.
  • Why dream of standing in the middle of the road - not knowing what to do next. Ask adults for help.
  • I dreamed of a road up the hill - things will be successful, you will be lucky and everything will end well.
  • Why dream of "removing dirt from the road" - doing the right thing.
  • Why dream of "bypassing a hole on the road" - the obstacles that you will overcome.
  • I dream that I am cycling down a smooth road - everything in your life is not so good, it is restless.

Dream interpretation Hasse

  • I dreamed of a bad road - obstacles on the path of life.
  • I dreamed of a road with a turn - an unexpected turn of events.
  • I dreamed about the construction of a road - new plans.
  • I dreamed of corpses on the road - all the people who hinder you in achieving your goal will be eliminated by themselves, they will step aside.
  • Dream interpretation: lying on the road is a life full of measured pleasures.
  • I dreamed of a cable car - a precarious position, fear of losing my job.
  • I dreamed about a snowy road - you will begin to regret the mistake you made and bring yourself to depression.
  • I dreamed of a road in the snow - the more snow there was, the more you will become depressed because of the act you committed. (cm. )
  • I dreamed about an asphalt road - the path will be easy, there will be minor obstacles.
  • I dreamed of a slippery road - they want to lead you astray.
  • I dreamed of a long journey - a long solution to the current problem.
  • I dreamed of getting ready for the road - move forward, you have avoided changes enough. Get rid of unnecessary people and work.
  • I dreamed of a dark road - the loss of landmarks in life.
  • "Lying in the middle of the road" why dream? To a pleasant life.
  • I dreamed of a green road - a happy marriage.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

  • The dream "to walk barefoot on the road" symbolizes the ease in the implementation of the plan.
  • In a dream, walking along the road is not easy work.
  • In a dream, finding out the way from passers-by is bad advice.
  • Sleep: walking along a wide road - happiness, money.
  • Dream interpretation: going on a dirty road - lies, slander, slander.
  • I dreamed of "walking along the road with a man by the hand" - you will walk with him through life, he will share all the hardships.
  • Sleep: walking on the railroad is a time of exhausting work, great profit and happiness at the end of the work.
  • Sleep: walking on the way home is a return to past mistakes.
  • In a dream, walking along the road under the scorching sun is a period of active hard work.
  • In a dream, walking along the road and the same car meets all the way - life does not teach you anything, you make the same mistakes.
  • In a dream, walking along a snowy road - the more snow, the more lies and slander.
  • Walking along the side of the road in a dream is a pleasant monotonous life.
  • Dream interpretation: walking along a field road together is an unexpected luck, happy life together.
  • Dream interpretation: walking on the road with your beloved - your beloved will share all the difficulties and will not leave you in difficult times.
  • In a dream, walking along an abandoned road - get proof that you were deliberately slandered.
  • Dream interpretation: walking along a country road along the side of the road is growing flowers - an unexpected success.
  • Walking the road in a dream with friends - creation happy family, love will be mutual, children and parents are mutually happy.
  • Why dream of fog on the road - make a mistake in a very important issue, it will cost you dearly.
  • Finding a horseshoe on the road in a dream - sudden money, unexpected wealth.
  • Dream Interpretation: the road to travel by bus is to wish success to be quick, but in the end it will turn out to be long, i.e. you will reach it, but slowly.
  • Dream interpretation: what is the dream of the road by car - the desire for quick success.
  • Riding the railroad in a dream is a hurry.
  • In a dream, riding a train by rail means being at the head of the business, controlling everything.
  • Sleep "driving on a snowy road" - do not pay attention to slander and lies, they will not touch you.
  • The dream "to ride a bike on the road" is a slow solution to the problem.
  • Interpreting dreams for free "driving along the road in a dream" is a matter that needs quick resolution. The more calmly and wiser you solve it, the faster it will be fulfilled.
  • I dreamed of a new road - the successful completion of the case.
  • Lying on the side of the road in a dream - you will soon lead a pleasant life.
  • Dream interpretation: seeing the railway is a profitable journey at the expense of another person.
  • Dream Interpretation: going by rail - you will find out the reason for your mistakes and if you don’t even make them, happy times will come.
  • Dream Interpretation: railway rails what you dream about - if you walked on them - the revitalization of your activities, success and high income.
  • Why dream of a car accident on the road - you witnessed an accident in a dream, which means in real life you will meet with an ambitious narrow-minded person with an unpleasant conversation with him.
  • Dream Interpretation: to get into an accident on the road - a vehicle ran into you, but did not injure you, which means that troubles will bypass you. (Cm. )

General dream book

  • Dream interpretation: dreamed of a road - a symbol of the path of life.
  • Why dream of the road ahead of you - a serious loss, losses.
  • I dreamed of a railway - you will understand and realize the reason for the failures, eliminate it and everything will work out.
  • If you dreamed of crossing the road - you are dealing with risk.
  • I dreamed of driving along the road - quick resolution of cases.
  • I dreamed of the road to heaven - happiness.
  • I dreamed of a road in the forest - you are alone in life.
  • I dreamed of running along the road - the desire to quickly solve the problem will not be crowned with success, you will solve it, but for a long time.
  • I dreamed about the way home - to start all over again, repeating past mistakes.
  • I dreamed of a long road - long-term resolution of cases, but successful and monetary.
  • I dreamed of an accident on the road - a good business start. (Cm. )
  • I dreamed that I was going on the road - stop marking time, the period of action.
  • I dreamed of driving along the road in a car - quickly resolving cases.
  • I dreamed that I was driving on a dirt road to a cemetery - the disease would not be serious.
  • A dream about a country road overgrown with grass - losses, financial losses.
  • In a dream, they saw and walked along an abandoned road - family troubles, scandals.
  • I dreamed about a dirty road - troubles that will eventually bring good money.

Gypsy dream book (Gypsy dream book)

  • If you dreamed about a wide road, it means an easy road in life, you will achieve everything without much difficulty.
  • The dream "road uphill" means an ascent in material position and in the quality of life.
  • Going down the road in a dream is a fall, a deterioration in the quality of life.
  • Why dream of seeing an accident on the road from the side - misfortune in your family or at work. Also, your conscience gnaws at you and a terrible feeling of guilt about an unworthy act. Try to fix something, or at least apologize. (Cm. )

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

  • The meaning of sleep "road" - guests, travel.
  • Collecting a soldier on the road in a dream is a long journey.
  • A long road in a dream - worries, empty affairs, chores.
  • Dream interpretation: walking along the road is a rush in business, joy.
  • Dream interpretation: walking along a narrow road is a difficult matter, confusion, poverty.
  • Walking along a dirty road in a dream - you will find money, you will lose everything you had.
  • Dream interpretation: going the hard way is a loss.
  • Dream interpretation: walking a stony road is hard work, painful.
  • In a dream, the road is in potholes - a fight, a loss.
  • Dream interpretation: walking on a snowy road with a toboggan trail is empty.
  • Dream interpretation: going on a wet road - tears.
  • Dream interpretation: asking for directions is bad advice.
  • The dream "to look for a way to the cemetery" is to get sick.
  • Many cats and kittens dream on the road - you will not get along with someone, right up to a fight, a contract is broken or a bad companion comes across. (Cm. )
  • Dream interpretation: get lost on the road or had a dream to look for a road - domestic quarrels, scrapes.
  • I dreamed of a train, a railway - a hurry business.

Danilova's erotic dream book

  • Dream interpretation: to see the road - symbolizes the path of life.
  • A road with bumps in a dream - there are more than enough problems. You yourself create problems, they are in yourself and are not connected with the external environment.
  • Why dream of a smooth road uphill - good luck, luck, the fulfillment of the dream of big money.

Esoteric dream book

  • The road is wide in a dream - the wrong path.
  • Driving along the road in a dream - quickly solve matters.
  • Crossing the road in a dream is a matter of unjustified risk.
  • Getting ready for the road in a dream are the perspectives that you must take.
  • In a dream, running along the road is a quick solution to the problem.
  • A bumpy road in a dream is a pleasant journey.
  • A narrow winding road in a dream is a surprise on the way.
  • The road receding into the distance, into the fog is an uncertain future. Be attentive.
  • What is the dream of a crossroads - you have already made a decision, you do not need to change it if you are given the right to choose. Even if they provoke and persuade.
  • Pointer of roads in a dream - prospects in a new business. If in a dream they went to the left - money, if to the right - fame, straight ahead - a trip. Whichever path you chose in a dream, do so in real life.

Ukrainian dream book

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

What does it mean if the road is dreaming - life, business, progress. Going is hard work; curve - losses; railway - successful business; new - change, crisis.

Collection of dream books

The road is a reflection of our direction in life, which we have chosen and which we follow until today. The condition of the road is a symbol of the flow, how we move along the road of life, easily or with difficulty, honestly or not.

Islamic dream book road (Muslim dream book road)

The Islamic (Muslim) dream book "wide road" is the faith of Islam. A rough road in a dream is disbelief.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Symbolic dream book

The dream "to cross the road along a pedestrian crossing" is a transitional and even intermediate period in life, the mood fluctuates in one direction or the other, but there is always a choice. (Cm. )

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Dream interpretation of Karatov

Dream Interpretation: crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing - if you crossed the road at a pedestrian crossing in a dream, then from that moment in your life, luck will begin to alternate with failure, and joy with sadness. Do not be discouraged, this period will end for the better for you. (Cm. )

Dream interpretation combined

Chinese dream book

  • In a dream, to see four free roads is profit, glory.
  • In a dream, finding wealth on the road is success, achievement of the goal.
  • Dream "dirt on the road" - there is no success in business.
  • Fall into a hole in the road - loss of wealth. (Cm. )


So, the road in a dream is our life path. All dream books agree that the wider, straighter and smoother the road that you saw in a dream, the better and easier your affairs will be. No wonder there is a proverb: "God gave the way, and the devil gave the hook." However, there is another popular expression: "We choose our own path." So it's up to you whether to listen to sleep and decide on turning points in your life, or leave everything as it is and go further with the flow.

Every day, in one way or another, we find ourselves on the road that leads us to work, home, on business, to relatives and friends. And what does it mean if you dreamed about the road at night? To interpret such a dream, we will turn to the most authoritative dream books of our time for help.

Why is the road dreaming: dream book by Gustav Miller

This dream book claims that in a dream it is very important to pay attention to how the dream road looks like. If you are driving along an unfamiliar and rocky road, then in reality you will find things that will bring trouble or become just a waste of your time. If you see a lot of trees or flowers along the sides of the road, then in real life, unexpected luck may smile at you. If you walk along the road side by side with friends, this is a symbol of great family happiness and well-being. If in a dream you lost your way, then you risk making a serious mistake in business or at work. Such a dream signals the need to be more vigilant and diligent in business.

Why is the road dreaming: Wangi's dream book

If you dream of a crooked road, then this is a vivid evidence of your bad thoughts or actions. Think about it, maybe you are going in the wrong direction, for which you can pay. If in a dream you see a straight and wide road, then in real life you have chosen the right, albeit sometimes difficult, path that will allow you to have strong family, stable work and material well-being. If the dream road is deserted, then most likely in reality you are suffering from loneliness. If you are paving the way, you will achieve great heights in life through perseverance, perseverance and work. If the road on which you walk in a dream is dusty, then in reality you are surrounded by evil and deceitful people who, in every possible way, are trying to harm you and defame your good name. If the road in a dream is narrow, then your path to happiness and prosperity will be difficult, but in the end you will be able to achieve what you want.

Why is the road dreaming: intimate dream book

This dream book claims that the dream road is a reflection of your life path. If the road is not flat, but, on the contrary, entirely consists of bumps and bumps, then your personal life is very confusing and difficult. You have to constantly overcome obstacles and barriers, for the emergence of which, in most cases, you yourself are to blame. If the road is flat and smooth, and ideally uphill, then very soon you will achieve everything you want.

Why is the road dreaming: old French dream book

If in a dream your road is replete with obstacles, and it is difficult for you to walk along it, then in real life the path to achieving the goal will not be easy. If the road is beautiful and shady, then your life will be long and serene. If the road is full of twists and turns, then failures lie in wait. Why is the straight road dreaming? Such a dream is very good sign and portends quick luck and the fulfillment of your desires. Also, the close happiness is symbolized by the railway seen in a dream.

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