When is St. George's day of the year. What is St. George's Day in history? International Day Against Corruption

Leaks 24.11.2020

In the article we will talk about what St. George's Day is, what is the history of this holiday, and also about whom it is celebrated in. St. George, which in Russia was called St. George's Day, many of us associate with the history of serfdom. Indeed, this holiday was special for the peasants. None of them had a question: "What is St. George's Day?" Its significance to them was enormous. Intrigued? Read this article and you will find out what St. George's Day is in the history of our country.

When St. George's Day was celebrated, how it was associated with serfdom

This holiday according to the old style was celebrated on November 26, and in the new style - on December 9. In the period from the 16th to the 17th century, it fell on December 6.

Briefly answer the question of what St. George's Day is for Russian peasants as follows. Firstly, it was on this day that the landowners settled with them. The calculation was based on the results harvested, then, when the financial year ended in the village. It was from Yegoriev's day, as Yuryev's day was called, that the word "cheat" came from, which meant dishonest settlements. Secondly, it was then that the departure from the landowner was allowed. The peasants in the 15th century knew very well what St. George's Day was, because on this holiday they could freely leave their land and go to another landowner. For this, however, it was required to pay the debts to the former landowner, as well as the duty for the use of land and courtyard (elderly). Those who lived for 4 years or more with the landowner paid in case of transition "all elderly". Others, who were in his subordination for less than four years, gave only a part, depending on how long they lived with him. Let's talk about what St. George's Day is in the history of Russia in subsequent years.

Code of Laws of Ivan III and Ivan the Terrible

After the Russian lands were united under the rule of the Moscow prince, a single order was established throughout the state. In 1497, the Code of Law was adopted (under Ivan III). In accordance with it, the right of peasants to leave the landlords within a year was limited. Now they could leave them only after the end of the field work, that is, a week before St. George's Day and another 7 days after. In the 1550 Code of Law, published under Ivan the Terrible (his portrait is presented above), the right to "exit" has been preserved. That is what the right of St. George's Day is - the ability to leave the landowner.

Protected years regime

The word "commandment" in translation means "prohibition". on the initiative of B. Godunov, he forbade the peasants to pass from one owner to another on St. George's Day. But not always, but only in certain years, when the scribe books were created, in which the inventory of the land fund and the population was presented. This prohibition came as a surprise to The following proverb appeared: "Here's to you, grandmother, and St. George's Day!"

"Lesson summers"

However, the peasants could still hide from the landlords. Back in 1597, a decree was issued on the lecture years. It was the first time that the period for the search for fugitive peasants was indicated. He was 5 years old. This time was called "preschool years". If during it the landowner did not find the peasant, did not apply with a petition about his search, the right to him was lost for him. The fugitive peasant was legally assigned to a new owner. "Lesson summers" extended not only to the burdensome peasants, who were tied to the ground for 5 years, but also to their wives and children, who had not previously been covered by the "reserved summers". Moreover, any transition of a peasant was considered an escape. The one who committed it was subject to return along with the property and family.

Boris Godunov subsequently canceled this period, then introduced it again. After a while, it was canceled, and the inhabitants of our country forgot about what St. George's Day in history is. Today, not everyone can tell about this holiday. However, in the culture of our country, its echoes have survived to this day.

So, we answered the question: "What is St. George's Day?" The definition of this holiday, as you learned, is associated with the name of St. George. But we have not yet told about this saint himself. We invite you to get to know him better.

Brief biography of George

This saint was born in the city of Beirut (Belit) in the 3rd century AD. NS. His parents were rich people. Despite the fact that Christians were persecuted at that time, they raised their son in the traditions of the faith. George was a handsome, strong and brave youth. Like many of his peers, he decided to enter military service with Diocletian, the emperor who lived from 284 to 305 AD. NS. He soon earned the favor and respect of the ruler of the Roman Empire. Diocletian, however, persecuted Christians. Once George could not stand it and denounced the emperor of injustice and cruelty. He said that he is one of his favorites, and meanwhile George is a Christian, like those whom Diocletian persecutes. Of course, this act meant death for the brave young man. The emperor, making sure that he would not renounce Christ, ordered that George's head be cut off. This happened in Nicomedia in 303.

Memorial day George

The very day of memory of George-Yuri is a purely Russian holiday. He is not in other Orthodox Churches. The memory of the warrior George, who suffered for the faith, who lived under the emperor Diocletian, is celebrated in a new style on May 6. Among many Orthodox peoples, for example, among the South Slavs, George is the patron saint of farmers. Everyone knows the murder of the serpent he committed, depicted on the Moscow coat of arms.

The miracle of the serpent

Each of you has probably seen the image of St. George sitting on a white horse and hitting a serpent wriggling on the ground with a spear. It illustrates an event that took place after the death of St. George. According to legend, not far from the place where this saint was born, in the city of Beirut, a serpent lived in a lake. He often devoured the local population. In order to satisfy his hunger, the inhabitants began to regularly bring him to eat a girl or boy, who were chosen by lot. The lot once fell on the daughter of the man who ruled the area. The girl was taken to the lake and tied here. She awaited the appearance of the monster in horror. When the serpent began to approach her, a young man on a white horse suddenly appeared. He pierced the monster with a spear and thus saved the girl. Of course, this young man was George, the holy great martyr. With this miraculous phenomenon, he put an end to the extermination of girls and boys within Beirut. George converted the population of this country, whose inhabitants were formerly pagans, to Christ.

Symbols in the miracle of the serpent

This story is called the miracle of George about the serpent. It resembles folk tales different countries about heroes and heroes who defeated the monster. However, the victory of the saint, with all the resemblance to them, was more spiritual than physical. It is no coincidence that the image of a hero striking a snake is often explained allegorically. The princess saved by him personifies the Church, and the serpent symbolizes paganism. The fact that George is depicted on a horse is also not accidental. This symbolizes the victory over the "ancient serpent", that is, the devil. The victory over the dragon, as well as the fact that George was a warrior by profession, became the reason for honoring him as the patron saint of the army.

Raising the ox

But, besides killing the serpent, he was revered for another deed. George once met a poor peasant on his way. This man's only ox fell. George asked God to revive the ox with his prayer. The peasants interpreted the victory over the serpent as an opportunity to pray to this saint with a request for protection from the bites of poisonous snakes attacking livestock, as well as from predatory animals in general.

Memory of the saint

Since the 10th century, the names "Yuri" and "George" have become common in Russia. Yaroslav the Wise, the son of Vladimir, who baptized Russia, was named George in baptism. In honor of his patron, Yaroslav built the St. George Church in Kiev, the Yuryev Monastery in Veliky Novgorod, and also founded the Baltic city of Yuryev. The church located in Kiev (pictured above) was destroyed and rebuilt several times during the Middle Ages. It was finally destroyed only in 1934. Today, only the name of a lane in Kiev, located not far from the Golden Gate (Georgievsky Lane), reminds of this church. Today the city of Yuryev belongs to Estonia. It was renamed Tartu. And located in (pictured below) is still valid today. It is one of the main attractions of this city. Thanks to him, many of our compatriots remember what St. George's Day is.

The history definition given by the teacher, or is it just your interest in the traditions of our country that prompted you to get acquainted with this holiday? Hope you found anyway necessary information... You can talk for a long time about what St. George's Day in Russia is, but we tried to select only the most important information.


YURIEV DAY(autumn), November 26, old style, a church holiday dedicated to St. George (Egoriy, Yuri) the Victorious. According to tradition, on St. George's Day, the peasants were transferred from a feudal lord to a feudal lord (see EXIT OF THE PEASANT), tk. by this time, the annual cycle of agricultural work was completed and the peasants' monetary and in-kind obligations were settled in favor of their owners and state taxes. The right of transfer of peasants was temporarily canceled with the introduction protected years, prohibited by law in the 90s. 16th century (The ban is confirmed by the Cathedral Code of 1649).

A source: Encyclopedia "Fatherland"

holiday in honor of the "consecration of the church of St. the great martyr George in Kiev, before the gates of St. Sophia. "
This holiday is known in the Russian people under the name of the autumn, in contrast to the spring, St. George's Day and dates back to the XII century. He installed led. book Yaroslav, who was the first to command throughout Russia “to celebrate the feast of St. George of the month of November 26th ". In ancient Russian life, St. George's Day was a very important urgent day in economic life, since on this day Russian peasants enjoyed the right to move from one landowner to another. The Code of Law says about these transitions that they must be made a week before St. George's Day and a week after St. George's Day in the fall. In one letter we also read: "... and the peasants should refuse from town to volost and from volost to town for one term a year: a week before St. George's day in autumn and a week after St. George's day in autumn." In Stoglava, by decree of the tsar and the metropolitan, it is ordered "to refuse (release) service people at monasteries, houses of monasteries, bishops and bishops for a period according to Yuryev's autumn day in the old days."
Tsar Boris Godunov, and after him Tsar Vasily Ivanovich Shuisky, decisively forbade the free transitions of the peasants, and at the same time the previous meaning of St. George's day of autumn ceased. Now several proverbs have survived about him, in which our ancestors, apparently, expressed strong regret for the lost day of freedom. "Here's to you, grandmother, St. George's Day," - probably said the Russian man when he first and unexpectedly learned the prohibition of passage. Or: "A woman was dressing up on St. George's Day for a walk from the boyar's yard"; "A man made up on Yuryev's Day to dress up about boyar good: the man is not a cuff, he knows when Yuryev's Day lives", and so on. From the ancient St. George's Day it remained until the 19th century. pious custom, according to which on the day of commemoration of St. George, November 26, Russian peasants, when leaving somewhere on the road, served prayers for the well-being of the road ahead. I.P. Kalinsky

A source: Encyclopedia "Russian Civilization"

See what "YURYEV'S DAY" is in other dictionaries:

    St. George's Day, St. George's Day, pl. no, husband. (source). The right of the transfer of serfs from one landowner to another, carried out in the fall, on the day of commemoration of St. George Yuri, November 26, old style. "Here's to you, grandmother, and St. George's Day!" (talk., ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    St. George's Day- Day of memory of St. George the Victorious, the holy great martyr of the Christian faith. This day is celebrated twice: May 6, the day of his death, and November 9, the day of the miracle. George the Victorious Born into a Christian family, in his youth he became famous for his ... ... Fundamentals of Spiritual Culture (Teacher's Encyclopedic Dictionary)

    Political science. Dictionary.

    - (spring and autumn) the name of the church holidays dedicated to the Christian Saint George (Egoriy, Yuri) the Victorious. Celebrated on April 23 st. Art. (death) and November 26 st. Art. (the miracle of St. George about the snake and the maiden is a well-known hagiographic, ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    English. Saint George s day; German Pfingsten. November 26 of the old style (St. George's Day) in Russia (XVI century) is the time of the transition of peasants from one feudal lord to another. Canceled by the Decree on reserved years in 1580-1590. Antinazi. Encyclopedia ... ... Encyclopedia of Sociology

    November 26 (old style) church holiday in honor of St. George, with whom in Russia in the XVI XVI centuries. connected the possibility of the transition of the serf peasant from one feudal lord to another. On a national scale, the prohibition of the transfer of peasants ... ... Legal Dictionary

    St. George's Day- established in the Russian state of the XV XVI centuries. the period within which the transfer of peasants from one landowner to another was allowed. This deadline was timed to coincide with the complete end of all field work (November 26, old style). Establishing Yu.d. ... ... Encyclopedia of Law

    This term has other meanings, see St. George's Day (film). Saint George with his life. Rostov icon of the 16th century Yuryev's Day (Yegoriev's Day) Slavic folk holiday dedicated to church days memory of st. George the Victorious. ... ... Wikipedia

    - (autumn), November 26, old style, church holiday dedicated to St. George (Egoriy, Yuri) the Victorious. In Russia, according to tradition, on St. George's Day, the peasants were transferred from a feudal lord to a feudal lord (see Peasant exit), since by this time ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (November 26) the deadline specified by law when a peasant who settled on the land of the master and entered into an orderly one with the owner had the right to leave the owner, having previously fulfilled all his obligations in relation to him. It… … Encyclopedic Dictionary of F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Yegoryev's day is a holiday, overgrown with many superstitions, and will also take on traditions. The Slavs have two such days a year. Find out below how many times a year, when and how St. George's Day is celebrated.

What date to celebrate and how many times a year

There are several Egoriev Day holidays. Orthodox Christians have four such days a year, and they are all dedicated to memory great martyr George the Victorious... People have long called him Egoriy or Yuri.

Lubok "Egoriy Veshniy". 19th century

Egoriy Veshniy is celebrated on May 6. This is the day of remembrance of the saint in Orthodoxy, the date of his death according to the biography. It has many popular names - St. George's Day, a horse holiday, the day of the Opening of the Earth. Sometimes one more was used - Yegoriy Golodny, since by the beginning of May all supplies usually came to an end.

December 9 - Egoriy Osenny. The holiday was established in the 11th century and is timed to the consecration of the St. George Church in Kiev. It was subsequently destroyed in the 30s of the last century. Saint Egory was considered the heavenly patron of Prince Yaroslav Vladimirovich, who at the time of construction was the prince of Kiev... He also set the date for the veneration of the saint on December 9.

S. Ivanov. "St. George's Day". 1908

April 23 - the day of veneration of St. George in Catholicism. In the Georgian Orthodox tradition, he is one of the most revered saints as the patron saint of Georgia. The day dedicated to George is celebrated here on November 23 and May 6.

In Orthodoxy, there are only two days dedicated to the saint. These are May 6 and December 9. Many traditions have been associated with these dates for several centuries. They are also the main calendar milestones in the life of the peasants. Agricultural work begins on Yegoriy Veshny, and ends by Autumn.

Egoriy Veshny - essence and traditions

On spring St. George's day "The saint opens the earth", "brings the spring"- this is what the people say to this day. On May 6, in the old days, the opening of a new agricultural season was celebrated. During pagan times, a holiday dedicated to Dazhdbog was celebrated at this time.

Egoryevskaya dew has received a lot of attention since antiquity. To swim in it is to gain health, longevity and beauty. With the keys taken from God, the saint opened the earth, releasing a healing liquid from it. True, it retained its magical properties only until dawn. Such dew was used to wipe off livestock in order to avoid diseases and the evil eye. However, with the help of Yuryevskaya dew in the old days, witches spoiled cattle. Therefore, in some regions it was considered harmful to animals.

It was believed that such dew enhances healing properties herbs. Therefore, it was not complete without collecting medicinal plants... At this time, they collect chaga, Irish moss, fir and pine needles, oak bark, angelica roots, hawthorn flowers, birch buds and leaves, as well as dandelions and lilies of the valley.

The consecration of wells and springs is another custom in early May. After the prayer service, everyone considered it his duty to collect water in reserve, attributing to it the properties of Yegoryevsk dew.

The almost forgotten tradition of Yegoriy Veshny is to go to the homes of couples who have married this year and sing great songs in their honor. As on Christmastide, it was customary to treat for this. This tradition is called Vyunishnik, or calling out the young. She was practiced not only on St. George's Day, but also on some other holidays.

Saint George was considered the patron saint of brides, and on his holiday the girls prayed for marriage. It was customary to wear the most beautiful and brightest outfits, a large number of jewelry - so that the grooms would notice.

Otherwise, like most Slavic holidays, St. George's Day was accompanied by songs and round dances near large bonfires. Equestrian competitions were an important part of the folk festivities on May 6 in most regions of Russia. Swearing and quarrels were under strict prohibition... In the old days, it was believed that violators would be killed by lightning on Ilyin's day, August 2.

Feasts and ritual meals in the fields and gardens were not complete. A special place on the table was occupied by jelly. His absence was considered a great sin. The South Slavs are obligatory dish - lamb roasted on a spit. The remains of food were buried in the same place to increase the yield of the land.

Customs and rituals

V Day of Land Launching for the first time in the year, cattle were driven out to pasture with a specific ritual. The animals were decorated. For example, it was customary to decorate sheep with wreaths of fresh flowers. A separate wreath was hung on a container for the first milking. The horses were fed cross-shaped pastries.

The southern Slavs sacrificed lambs on St. George's Day to protect animals from disease, damage and the evil eye, predators and evil spirits. His blood was collected without spilling it on the ground. She was supposed to lubricate the forehead and lips of the children, as well as the first beards of the boys. The purpose of this action was to protect against evil spirits and disease.

On May 6, shepherds are also honored. In the old days, they were visited in the field and treated to eggs, fabrics and money. One of the traditions, perhaps, did not please the shepherds too much - they were doused cold water so as not to fall asleep while working. It was considered a great sin if the shepherd did not attend the church service on the holiday dedicated to his patron.

In addition, the shepherd was obliged to bring milk to the devil if the field was near his possessions. With the owner of the forest, he also had to conclude or update an agreement on the protection of livestock from wild animals. For this, the shepherd uttered a special conspiracy, and then threw an open castle into the forest. Goblin closed it with a key, and the lock was kept in a special place that only the shepherd knew about.

In Ukraine and Belarus, at the Discovery of the Earth, it was customary to inspect the crops, invite a priest to consecrate the fields. There was a sign - if you look at the garden and garden on Yegoriy, the year will be fertile. For the same purposes, the owners tumbled through the beds and fields. Branches consecrated on Palm Sunday were stuck into the ground on Yuri for protection and harvest. They also buried crosses and candles consecrated in the temple. Sometimes the pasturing of livestock was combined with a survey of the fields - the animals were led through the crops. In the old days, it was believed that such a walk would increase milk yield and increase the yield.

Rituals and conspiracies against Yegor Veshny were for the most part aimed at the welfare of cattle, their fertility, protection from witches and evil spirits. On this day, there was a ban on spinning and knitting from wool. Even picking up threads is a bad omen, to the death of livestock from wolf teeth. However, if you are not engaged in cattle breeding, this prohibition does not apply to you.

Weather and horticultural signs for May 6

If it is warm on Egoriev's day in May, it means that the summer will not be cold either. A lot of mosquitoes - soon warming. Heavy rain on May 6 portends a lot of grass in summer. The rain suggests that there will be a lot of bread, but buckwheat will not be born. Warm night from 6 to 7 May warns about this. A lot of dew can be taken as advice to sow millet - a lot of it will grow this year. Snow, hail and frost - for a good buckwheat harvest.

A clear morning suggests that early crops will be the most successful. If it was cloudy in the morning, but by the evening the weather improved, late will be fruitful. The south wind - for a good harvest, the north one portends not a very good year for gardeners. The large size of the leaves on the birches also speaks of a good harvest.

In order to find out how cucumbers will freak, you need to hang a damp towel on Yegor Veshny on the street. If it dries up in the evening, wait for a large amount of these vegetables in the beds. If not, you should not count on their harvest.

Egoriy Osenny - traditions and superstitions

Autumn Egoriev day, or Yuri Kholodny celebrated on December 9th. It was on this date, in the minds of our distant ancestors, that the saint sets free the wolves. It was often called the day of the wolf wedding. From this point on, predators will more often attack livestock and people. Therefore, without a prayer to George the Victorious for protection from wild animals, they could not do.

In the minds of Russians who lived several centuries ago, St. George rides a horse in the spring and a wolf in the winter. In order to appease him and the forest predators, ritual cookies were baked in the form of horses, cows and other animals. Treats were buried in the field. Another way to protect pets is to give them water from an ice hole, into which a few burning coals were thrown from a stove.

From December 9, the bears stopped annoying the villagers and went to bed until spring. It gets colder, the rivers freeze - "Yuri builds bridges." In the old days, on this day, it was supposed to insulate windows, doors and the entrance to the cellar.

The winter day in memory of St. George the Victorious was also a celebration of strength and courage. There was a tradition - to soar weak and frail guys in the bathhouse and whip them with oak brooms. Oak has always served as a symbol of strength, good health, male energy. It is believed that after such procedures, you can gain strength. After the bath, the men smeared the body with wolf fat in order to adopt the courage of the beast of prey.

For serfs, St. George's Day had a special meaning. This was the only day of the year when they could change owners. Perhaps the following superstition comes from here - on the winter St. George's day all debts should be distributed. However, they always tried to do this before the offensive. New Years holidays, so as not to live in debt for another year. Preparation for them begins with Yegor.

Since those times, a sign has been preserved - the master will be kind to the workers hired on December 9. Therefore, it was believed that this day is best suited for job search, interviews, as well as the first working day. Since many peasant families at this time went to look for better life St. George's holiday is considered one of the best days to move. But before going on a long journey, in the old days they ordered a prayer service in the church - so that there would be no worse life in the new place than in the old one.

Wing phrases like "Here's to you, grandmother, and St. George's Day" or "The woman was dressing up on St. George's Day for a walk from the master's yard, but she could not find a road" were also formed during the time of serfdom. In the 17th century, a royal decree forbade the peasants to move from one owner to another. Most of the proverbs about this day have taken on a tinge of disappointment.

Even if the weather was not very favorable, medicinal plants were collected on December 9. These include pine needles, alder and mistletoe. It was believed that plants on this day have stronger healing properties.

Weather signs for December 9

One of the traditions of Yegor Osenny - listen to water in wells... The noise predicted the weather for the winter. Calm water - for warmth, noisy - for severe cold. How much snow falls on December 9, so much grass will grow in spring.

Severe frost on Yuri - to a harsh winter. The same was predicted by the wolf howl heard in locality and also the wind from the north. Frost on December 9 portends a good harvest in next year, especially oats.

A blizzard on December 9 portends a good swarm of bees. Crimson dawn - to a strong wind, blizzard. The wind is towards the blizzard. The thaw predicted a rich winter with warm days. This also promises the appearance of rooks.

In general, Yegoryev, or St. George's Day, celebrated twice a year, served not only as the day of remembrance of the saint, but also as a calendar boundary, the border between the warm and cold seasons. On Veshniy Yegory, the patron saint opened the land, and the people, in turn, began the agricultural season. Winter Yegory, on the other hand, released hungry wolves and severe frosts. Many superstitions are associated with these days, mostly of an agricultural nature.

International Day Against Corruption and other events.

On December 9, 2017, the folk holiday Egoriy Autumn or Yuryev's Day is celebrated. The church on this day remembers the anniversary of the consecration of the Cathedral of the Great Martyr George the Victorious in Kiev, the site became known. Among the people, this saint is considered the lord of wolves and the patron saint of farmers. The holiday is called "autumn", because earlier, with the old calendar, it fell on November.

According to tradition, on this day, if a long journey awaited a person ahead, it was necessary to serve a prayer service for the successful completion of the journey. It was considered important to return all debts to Yegor Osenny, otherwise you will owe your whole life.

In the days of serfdom in Russia, during the week before the holiday and for another week after, the peasants were allowed to move from one landowner to another. Then this liberty was canceled by Boris Godunov at the end of the 16th century, after which the proverb “Here's your grandmother, and St. George's Day” appeared, expressing regret about the loss of freedom of choice.

According to signs, if a wolf howls near a dwelling, there will be severe frosts.

If no splash or rustle comes from the well, then the whole winter will be quiet, and if the water in the well ripples, wait for blizzards and blizzards.

Heroes of the Fatherland Day in Russia is a memorable date that is celebrated in our country annually on December 9th. It is established by the Federal Law Russian Federation No. 22-ФЗ dated February 28, 2007 "On Amendments to Article 1-1 Federal law"On the days of military glory and memorable dates in Russia."

I must say that this holiday dates back to the 18th century. This December date is timed to an outstanding event during the reign of Empress Catherine II - in 1769 she established the Order of St. George the Victorious. In those years, this order was awarded to soldiers who showed valor, courage and courage in battle.

The Order of St. George had 4 degrees of distinction, of which the first was the highest. It is known that 4 people became knights of all four degrees, including the great Russian commanders M.I. Kutuzov and M.B. Barclay de Tolly. Catherine II also honored herself with this award in honor of the establishment of the order.

Until 1917, on the feast day of St. George (November 26, old style), the feast of the Knights of St. George was celebrated in Russia. After the October Revolution of 1917, the holiday, like the order, was abolished.

The status of the highest military award was returned to the order in 2000 in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1463 of August 8, 2000 "On the approval of the statute of the Order of St. George, the provisions on the insignia - St. George's Cross".

In 2007, Russian parliamentarians put forward the idea of ​​reviving this holiday (which was then established). The authors of the bill explained that the revival of the tradition of celebrating the Day of Heroes is not only a tribute to the memory of heroic ancestors, but also a celebration of the living Heroes. Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation, Knights of the Order of St. George and the Order of Glory. They also expressed the hope that the new memorable date will contribute to "the formation in society of the ideals of selfless and selfless service to the Fatherland."

And today, on the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland - December 9 - in Russia they honor the Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and holders of the Order of St. George and the Order of Glory.

In honor of this date, in Moscow, in the St. George Hall of the Kremlin, a reception is being held with the participation of Heroes of the Fatherland, to which members of the Russian government, members of the Federation Council and the State Duma, regional authorities, as well as representatives of confessions, public associations, cultural workers, scientists and art. And in Russian cities, festive concerts, meetings with veterans and other festive events are timed to this day.

International Day Against Corruption is celebrated on 9 December. It was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly Resolution No. A / RES / 58/4 of November 21, 2003. It was first celebrated in 2004. In 2017, the date is celebrated for the 14th time. Russia joins the international celebration.

Day of departmental protection of railway transport in Russia is celebrated annually on December 9. This event begins on December 9, 1921. The date has a symbolic meaning. It is connected with the issuance of the decree "On the protection of warehouses, warehouses and storerooms, as well as structures on the railway and waterways", issued by the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of Labor and Defense. The tradition of honoring employees of the departmental security of railway transport has been preserved in the Russian Federation.

Afanasy, Vasily, George, Daniel, Ivan, Ilya, Innokenty, Mikhail, Nazar, Nikolay, Peter, Tikhon, Julian, Yakov.

  • 1884 - Levant Richardson of Chicago patented an improved version of roller skates.
  • 1968 - Inventor Douglas Engelbart introduced the world's first computer mouse.
  • 1989 - the publication of the Kommersant newspaper was resumed.
  • 2003 - International Anti-Corruption Day was celebrated for the first time.
  • John Milton 1608 - english poet and a thinker.
  • Claude Louis Berthollet 1748 - French chemist.
  • Peter Kropotkin 1842 - Russian anarchist, historian and geographer.
  • Hannes Colehmayen 1889 - Finnish track and field athlete, multiple Olympic champion.
  • Alexander Ivanov 1936 - Soviet poet, parodist and publicist.
  • Mikhail Piotrovsky 1944 - Soviet and Russian scientist, orientalist.
  • John Malkovich 1953 is an American actor and producer.

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On the day of memory of St. George the Victorious, St. George's Day falls. In Russia, it signified certain economic and financial relationships. Thanks to the economic reforms of Boris Godunov, the phrase "Yuryev's Day" has received a negative connotation.

St. George's Day: the origins

One of the earliest Christian saints, George, won many hearts with his deeds and strength in the faith and contributed to the conversion of a large number of people to Christianity. In Russia, Saint George is also known as Yuri or Yegoriy.

Days of the Great Martyr Yuri in church calendar celebrated twice: in spring and autumn. Spring celebrations fall on the Gregorian calendar adopted by the Orthodox for May 6. Catholics celebrate St. George's Day on April 23.

What is the date of St. George's Day in 2018

According to the Julian calendar, the autumn meeting of St. George's Day falls on November 26, and for the Orthodox - on December 9. This is the celebration of the Consecration of the Church of the Great Martyr George. The church was built in Kiev by Tsar Yaroslav the Wise, and on November 26 (according to the old style), 1051, the temple was consecrated, and Yaroslav issued a decree to celebrate this day throughout Russia. On December 9, the birthday people Georgy, Yegor and Yuri accept congratulations.

Thus, in 2018, St. George's Day falls on May 6 and December 9. These dates are fixed and always fall on the same days.

In the old days in Russia, the days of the great martyr Yegor were of economic importance. On the spring Egor (Egoriy Osenny), for the first time, they drove cattle to pastures, the villagers went out to the fields, and the priest read prayers for the future harvest and fertility.

On autumn Yegor, the financial year and all work related to the harvest ended. All monetary payments were tied to this day, the peasants paid the landlord a fee for using the land. It is with this date that the expression "cheat" is associated, that is, to cheat in the calculations.

Until the 15th century, serfdom in Russia was not absolute. The peasant, having paid off the landowner, could at any time go to another landowner. This forced the landowners to "lure" the peasants with material assistance, lower taxes, and payment of lifting taxes.

Absolute serfdom came to Russia in the 15th century with the judicial codes of Tsar Ivan III. From now on, the peasants had the right to leave the landowner only in the weeks tied to St. George's Day: a week before and a week after the autumn Yegor. Ivan the Terrible consolidated these provisions in the Code of Laws of 1550. From now on, the peasants in Russia lost the right to freely leave the landowner, and St. George's Day became associated with serfdom and received a negative connotation.

George became one of the earliest Christian saints who won the hearts of believers in all countries and inspired many artists to create vivid and expressive canvases. The whole life of Saint George was extraordinary. The Life tells that the great martyr was born in the 3rd century in Palestine, in the city of Lida. His family was very rich and professed Christianity.

The saint was distinguished by strength, courage and intelligence. He became a thousand-man and a favorite of the emperor Diocletian. When the persecution of Christians began, he openly sided with them and distributed his property to the poor. He was arrested and tortured for belonging to Christianity. The tortures of the great martyr George lasted 7 days, but every day all the wounds were miraculously healed.

They broke the saint's bones, threw them into quicklime, tortured with a red-hot iron, gave him poisonous broths - nothing could harm him. He also held on during the torture with unprecedented courage and did not renounce his faith in Jesus. He dreamed of the Savior with a golden crown on his head, who promised him heaven.

The servant recorded the dream of the martyr, as well as his order to take his body to Palestine. The saint's dying wish was to visit the temple of Apollo. In the temple, George made the sign of the cross over the statue of Apollo, forcing the demon in the statue to declare himself an idol. After that, all the idols in the temple were destroyed.

Empress Alexandra on her knees asked the martyr to forgive the sins of her husband - the miracles she saw forced her to convert to Christianity. Diocletian ordered to execute both: George and Empress Alexandra. The Great Martyr accepted death with a clear smile. The posthumous miracles of St. George are also known: the resurrection of a person, the resurrection of a bull, a battle with a dragon.

The relics of Yuri are kept in the city of Lod in Palestine (this is the hometown of the martyr - Lydda). Above the tomb of Yuri was built the Temple of St. George - the temple of the Jerusalem Orthodox Church. The saint's sword is kept in Rome.

The life of Saint George struck the hearts of believers all over the world. There was also a place for him in Russia. In Russia, Yuri exists, as it were, in two forms. In the first hypostasis, Yuri is the patron saint of livestock, their protector from diseases, death and wolves. This hypostasis of Yegory was worshiped by the peasants, linking the days of his memory with the time of the first walking cattle and making monetary payments.

Yegor also patronizes the farmers, since the name of the martyr means "farmer". On the day of St. George, the fields are consecrated. The second hypostasis of the saint is a warrior, brave and devoted. In this hypostasis, the saint patronizes soldiers, courageous and honest defenders of the Motherland.

Yuri is also considered the patron saint of travelers. Some gypsy tribes consider Saint George as their patron. On the day of St. Yegory, birthday people are congratulated, as well as all friends. In congratulations on St. George's Day, they wish well-being to the soldiers, as well as success in peasant labor, offspring and health to livestock.

The nightingale sings for the spring Yegor and the cuckoo cuckoo for the first time. An important sign on St. George's Day was considered to be the crowing of the cuckoo. Cuddling in a bare forest on the spring Yegor portends a difficult year for both livestock and humans. Hearing a cuckoo with money in your pocket means having money all year round.

The girls asked the cuckoo how long they would stay with their father. Silence in response meant marriage that same year. Each cuckoo meant a year spent in the father's house, waiting for the wedding. On Yegorov's day, the dew was revered as healing. In the early morning it was necessary to go out to the meadow and wash with dew, lie in the dew-covered grass.

Empress Catherine the Great established the Order of St. George the Victorious on November 26, 1769. The order had 4 degrees and could be awarded to officers and lower ranks for their courage, wisdom and courage in the defense of the Fatherland. The order was entitled to an annual pension. The order could be recalled for defamatory actions of the recipient.

In 2000, the Order of St. George was restored by the Decree of the President in the Russian Federation. Simultaneously with the order, Catherine established the St. George ribbon. According to the description: silk ribbon with two yellow and three black stripes. The ribbon was worn in a buttonhole, around the neck or in a sling. It also came with a life pension.

In 2005, the campaign "St. George's Ribbon" began in Russia - as a token of memory of the feat of the veterans of the Great Patriotic War... The motto of the action is "I remember, I am proud." St. George's Day is the day of memory of St. George the Victorious, known for his courage and unbreakable faith.

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