Indicate the age of the pyramids of the pharaohs. Egyptian pyramids. Schematic of the pyramid of Cheops

Finishing 19.03.2021

In Ulyanovsk, a new hypothesis was born about the date of the construction of the Egyptian pyramids. Its author, 1 businessman Sergey Baideryakov, has already sent his developments to Moscow Egyptologists and is now waiting for a response from them. And we decided not to wait for the verdict of pundits and ask the author how, while living on the Volga, he studied the overseas wonder of the world? And how old are the pyramids really?
It turned out that you can study the unsurpassed architectural structures of the Egyptians without leaving your home. You just need to stock up on the necessary books. Based on the information obtained from the books, Sergey Bayderyakov, in fact, put forward his hypothesis.
Science has not yet determined the exact date construction of the Egyptian pyramids, scientists in their definitions differ not even by hundreds, but by thousands of years. According to the traditional version, they have been standing for 4.5 thousand years. This age was shown by the study by the method of radiocarbon decay. There are other methods, such as linking to stars. Astronomers claim that the pyramids copy the arrangement of stars in the constellation of Orion, which was observed 12.5 thousand years ago. Our Ulyanovsk researcher Yevgeny Menshov determined that 12.5 thousand years ago the planets Earth, Mars, Venus in the starry sky were also located exactly as the pyramids are now. In this matter, the soothsayers also had their say: the well-known american psychic Edgar Cayce, who lived near the pyramids and studied them, also gave shelter to the pharaohs for 12.5 thousand years. There is a hypothesis that estimates their age at one hundred thousand years, but it has not been confirmed by anything.
All this information was studied by Sergey Baideryakov. Then I turned my attention to one interesting fact, which is not particularly advertised anywhere: the sphinx, located next to the pyramids, judging by radiocarbon studies, has been “living” for 8.5 thousand years. That is older than the pyramids themselves. Such a discrepancy intrigued the Ulyanovsk entrepreneur: it is known that both the pyramids and the sphinx were built from the same stones, using the same technology. The age of the Sphinx is not advertised because it does not fit into the age of the pyramids, Bayderyakov concluded. So, there is something wrong with this hypothesis.
And then he included in the work all his knowledge of physics, obtained at the Kazan Aviation Institute, information about geopathic zones, which he had been closely involved in in recent years.
- I have long been interested in such a phenomenon as the uneven aging of buildings built at the same time, - says Bayderyakov. There are, for example, "Khrushchev" that grew up in different cities forty years ago. They stand side by side, built according to the same technology, from the same materials, by the same housing cooperatives. But they look different: some are more preserved, others are worn out. This gave me the idea that in some areas time changes faster and houses age faster, and perhaps so do the people living in them. This means that these houses could be in geopathogenic zones.
For your information, a pathogenic zone is a place that negatively affects a person or physical objects. And "geo" means that this impact is caused by geological faults.
There are numerous studies about these unfavorable zones, including the buildings located in them.
If there are destructive, geopathic zones, then there must be others - geomancy, with a rejuvenating effect, Baideryakov decided. This idea inspired him. He connected this version with the pyramids - maybe they are younger than the age when they were erected. Simply put, well preserved. 
- I am satisfied with the age of the pyramids - 12.5 thousand years. It can be assumed that they were built in a positive energy zone, which does not allow them to age. Perhaps this positive energy is formed by the location of the pyramids themselves. Today it is no secret to anyone that the pyramid creates a certain energy. It is no coincidence that in medicinal purposes use small pyramids. In this energy field, the youth of the pyramids may well be maintained. If we take into account that they are of the same proportion, strictly equally oriented in space, then in resonance they can create a single field, respectively, keep the same age. The Sphinx stands separately, but not far away, and falls into this rejuvenating field of action of the pyramids. Accordingly, the sphinx is also rejuvenated, but not as much as the pyramids themselves. I believe that this hypothesis deserves attention, since it explains the discrepancies in the age of the pyramids and the difference in the longevity of the pyramids and the sphinx.
Of course, the hypothesis needs to be tested. To confirm or refute it, you need to conduct an examination of at least "Khrushchev" and understand whether there is a time difference.
The pyramids keep a lot of secrets and scientists are drawn to them like a magnet. Who knows, maybe a new road has been laid in their solution, and this happened in our Ulyanovsk.

It has long been noted that the Egyptian pyramids have a very strange, and sometimes destructive, effect on modern, precise electronic devices. According to some reports, about 85% of devices that have been near the pyramids fail. Old Cairo residents say that during the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, several Israeli planes that were about to fly over the pyramids of Giza, for unknown reasons, fell into the sand. Modern Arabs explain this simply: "the curse of the pharaohs", and scientists try not to pay attention to such coincidences. And only independent researchers who want to answer all questions are inclined to believe that inside the pyramids there is a powerful source of energy or electromagnetic radiation, the nature of which is not yet known to us.

Very interesting results were obtained by studying the pyramids with the help of a thermal imaging system. They clearly show that inside the pyramids there are several very powerful sources of energy. So what is it really? Ancient power plants? Or a perpetual motion machine discovered in those ancient times? As always, scientists attributed the results of this experiment to a malfunction of the device itself, especially since after the expedition it really began to act up and give out incorrect information.

The principles and materials used in the construction of the pyramids seem to be very different from those used by the ancient Romans and Greeks. And here we are talking not about the tens of thousands of slaves described by the ancient Greek historian Herodotus. And it’s unlikely that he could know for sure something about the technologies and intentions of the ancient Egyptians. After all, it was also separated from the time of the construction of the pyramids in Giza by several millennia. It turns out that he simply stated his reasoning about how the pyramids could be built. It should be borne in mind that this opinion was formed in accordance with the ideas of its time.

The famous surveyor and archaeologist Flinders Petrie (1853-1942) explored the pyramids and drew his conclusions about the technology and time of their construction. According to F. Petri, the ancient builders had such tools at their disposal, “to which we are only approaching in our development!”. Flinders carefully examined the sarcophagus located in the pyramid of Cheops and reported that it was cut from a granite block with saws, the dimensions of which were "not less than 2.5 meters in length." It is known that such granite has the highest strength on Earth, so it is assumed that such saws were made of bronze, and their cutting edges are coated with diamond grit.

Even more questions were raised by the examination of the cavity of the sarcophagus: it was much more difficult to process its inner part than just cutting a block out of granite rock. Petrie believes that for such processing, the Egyptians would need to “switch from reciprocating cutting to rotational, i.e. how to roll a saw into a tube; then, having made annular grooves with the resulting cylindrical drill and breaking out the remaining cores, the ancient workers could process a huge amount of material with minimal labor. The diameter of such drills ranged from 5 to 140 millimeters, and the width of the cutting edge was from 0.7 to 5 millimeters.” Of course, both Petrie and other scientists admit that none of the archaeologists and Egyptologists could not find such tools. However, if the Egyptians did not use diamond saws and drills, then it is simply not possible to create such structures! And the deeper and more detailed Petri explored this issue, the more mysterious the stone-cutting technology of the ancient Egyptians became.
Think for yourself, isn't it strange that at the dawn of civilization, more than 4500 years ago, the ancient Egyptians used drilling machines that only appeared in the industrial age, which allowed them to drill into the hardest stones with almost no effort?
From all this it follows that the pyramids were built with the help of technologies that exceeded the level of our technology. In addition, you can see with the naked eye that their proportions are practically ideal. This suggests the conclusion that the ancient Egyptians brilliantly knew mathematics and astronomy. The angle of inclination of the side faces of the pyramid of Cheops - 52 degrees is chosen in such a way that the initial height of the monument is 146.6 meters, the perimeter of its base is 920.80 meters and all this is in the same ratio as the radius of the sphere with its circumference. In addition, the researchers found that the layout of the Cheops pyramid used the golden section rule, which was officially documented by architects only since the Middle Ages: the height of the pyramid is exactly one billion times less than the distance from the Sun to the Earth.

Age of ancient pyramids

The world scientific community is inclined to believe that the real age of the pyramids ranges from 2 to 4 centuries BC. This is the official version, apparently created in order to hide the real age of the oldest structures. Doubt in the plausibility of these figures, forced and research scientists involved in the history of Atlantis. They claim that the mention of the pyramids was back in the days of this sunken civilization, which existed long before the ancient Egyptians.

It is curious that the age of the sphinx is most likely also incorrect. By the nature of its water erosion, it can be said with confidence that its age significantly exceeds the officially announced dates. These values ​​bring it closer to the time of the Great Flood, which was probably the ninth millennium BC. Scientists drew attention to the fact that the nature of erosion is caused by heavy rains that stopped falling in Egypt several thousand years before 2500 BC. e. (It is this date, according to Egyptologists, that is considered the date of the construction of the Sphinx). That is, according to the most conservative estimates, the sphinx belongs to the period between 7000 and 6000 BC!
Currently, there is a feeling that the more people learn about the pyramids and ancient civilizations, the more questions appear that no one can answer unequivocally ...

Age of the Great Pyramid

Egyptologists have no doubt that the pyramids were being built in Egypt when it entered the dynastic period. But for many authors of non-fiction books, this is far from a fact. In the extreme case, they agree that this statement is true for all such structures, except for the pyramid of Cheops. According to some authors, it is a monument left to us as a legacy from an extraterrestrial civilization that visited our planet tens of thousands of years ago. The already mentioned Zakaria Sitchin, one of dozens of defenders of this theory, argues that the Great Pyramid served as a beacon for spacecraft arriving on earth (as well as a "transit prison" for aliens). Others believe that this is a memorial built by the Atlanteans who survived the death of their civilization. According to some researchers, the pyramid of Cheops is a monument left to us as a legacy from some civilization that existed before the Flood. Thus, John Anthony West cites the nearby Sphinx as an example and states that traces of water erosion are “absolutely distinct” on it. According to him, what we now see "clearly" could not have arisen only as a result of downpours that have passed in this area since 2500 BC. Thus, he too puts the date of the construction of the pyramid of Cheops to 10,400 BC, a mythical date that leads so many to accept the interpretation of Seiss. Unfortunately, it is often implied that the prediction itself carries more weight than the rationale for a particular theory, or at least supports it. It is therefore quite logical that serious scientists, including Egyptologists, oppose people who wish to bring conjectures and predictions into scientific debates. Scientific discussions, as you know, do not require allegations and prophecies.

So on the basis of what does science determine the age of the pyramids? In 1984, a large-scale project for determining the dating of the pyramids based on the radiocarbon analysis method began, during which 64 samples were taken from the pyramids for research. organic matter. The results showed that Egyptologists were wrong by about 400 years - the pyramids were older than previously thought. However, measurements of some samples showed that the pyramids are “only” 120 years older, but this is also significant. Mark Lenner, summing up the new discoveries, said: “Now this is really important ... I mean, this discovery caused a very strong sensation. It turns out that the pyramids at Giza are four hundred years older than most scientists thought.” Although Lenner himself is an Egyptologist, it must be admitted that he is distinguished by a much more scientific approach to the problem than many scientists associated with this topic. Perhaps only because he just sincerely wants to understand it. Unfortunately, he is not very well versed in another science - psychology, because he "obviously" does not understand his colleagues: no such "strong hype" has arisen. Most Egyptologists have chosen to simply ignore the results of the research than to challenge them.

Based on a survey of 15 samples, the age of the Cheops pyramid was clarified and it was concluded that it was built no earlier than 2985 BC. - five hundred years earlier than previously thought. However, the specified date is not enough to attribute the construction of the pyramid to the Atlanteans, who supposedly lived more than 10,000 years ago. At this point, most commentators stop, but I would like to take my reasoning one step further, since radiocarbon analysis has posed several new questions for researchers. And one of them - were the pyramids on the Giza plateau built by the very pharaohs who are credited with their construction?

The Pyramid of Khafre was built twenty-five years after the completion of the Great Pyramid in 2960. This gives reason to assume with a high degree of probability that both pyramids were constituent parts a single complex and were built at the behest of the pharaohs, who lived one after the other (or maybe the same one). It would also be logical to expect that the Menkaure pyramid was built over the next twenty to fifty years. However, radiocarbon analysis places the date of its construction at ca. 2572 BC - almost four centuries later than the Cheops pyramid! Moreover, during the analysis of the samples of the Sphinx, it turned out that it was built approximately in 2416 BC, that is, almost five centuries after the Khafre pyramid, and it was assumed that this pyramid and the Sphinx were built together ...

However, the new dating of the time when the construction of the Great Pyramid was completed is 3000 BC. - did not suit both camps: neither Egyptologists, nor supporters of the version about the Atlanteans. And this proves once again that scientific experiments can sometimes be unpopular even among representatives of science. Both sides of the "scientific dispute" tried to ignore the important results of the experiment, because they do not correspond to their ideas. As a result, one can now read articles that include paragraphs like this: “Even if the radiocarbon analysis of fifteen specimens from the Great Pyramid was carried out, as claimed, with the utmost care, we still cannot be sure that, based on its results, to speak accurately about the age of the entire structure. Samples for analysis were taken from the outer lining of the pyramid or from the space between the facing slabs and the blocks of the pyramid, where they could get at a later time during the repair work. As for the temple of the Great Sphinx, the dates of its construction, determined by radiocarbon analysis (2085 and 2746 BC), cannot be considered accurate, since the large limestone blocks that make up the temple were made simultaneously with the Sphinx itself. And the results of the weathering of the rocks of this statue, according to most geologists (but not Egyptologists), leave no doubt that its age is at least seven or nine thousand years” (6) .

In fact, however, there is only one geologist representing this "majority", and his name is Robert Schoch. But these passionate arguments for one point of view become even more scathing when we mention that new studies were carried out in 1995 with different, but similar materials, and they fully confirmed the results of the 1984 analyzes!

In the end, it becomes clear that the status of the Great Pyramid cannot but cause pity. How arrogantly we treat the only wonder of the world that has come down to us! However, the same can be said about the entire legacy of the Era of the Pyramids. Egyptologists have clung to outdated dogmas for too long and with a kind of childish stubbornness and have not come one iota closer to understanding the true nature of these structures. One should only welcome the contribution to the development of the science of ancient Egypt by such researchers as Davidovits, and subject their hypotheses to serious, thoughtful analysis and criticism. Instead, we hear so far from official science only caustic attacks and observe idiotic neglect. The method of radiocarbon analysis should be adopted by scientists and become the main means for determining the true age of various pyramids. It should also be recognized that since no mummy has yet been found in any of the pyramids, it means that there is a possibility that these structures were not built as tombs, even despite the fact that on the walls of some of them there are images with scenes of the pharaoh's journey to sky. I would also like to note that many rather controversial conclusions about the nature of the pyramids are made on the basis of completely ridiculous assumptions, and completely absurd theories often become very popular (for example, the theory that “they were built by the descendants of the Atlanteans in 10400 BC). e.). Nevertheless, it is clear that both sides are doing nothing to truly understand what the pyramids are, not to mention the fact that no one has been able to answer the question of who built them, when and why.

However, recently there has been a hope to find a solution ...

From the book Gods of the New Millennium [with illustrations] author Alford Alan

author Shoh Robert M.

From the book Mystery of the Pyramids. Secret of the Sphinx. author Shoh Robert M.

Corner rosettes of the Great Pyramid Four rosettes are carved into the rock bed of the plateau - one at each corner of the Great Pyramid. They are mentioned in the books of Petrie (1885), Davidson and Aldersmith (1924) and especially Kingsland (1932), where photographs of these rosettes are presented. Alas, these days

From the book Mystery of the Pyramids. Secret of the Sphinx. author Shoh Robert M.

Plinth, platform or base of the Great Pyramid The body of the Great Pyramid, as mentioned above, at least judging by the surviving base of all four sides, rests on a platform (base or plinth, or "pavement", as Cole (1925) calls it), made of

From the book Mystery of the Pyramids. Secret of the Sphinx. author Shoh Robert M.

From the book Mystery of the Pyramids. Secret of the Sphinx. author Shoh Robert M.

Stone blocks in the core of the Great Pyramid B modern form The Great Pyramid consists of 203 rows, or tiers, of stone blocks. The thickness of these tiers varies, but all blocks within the same row have exactly the same thickness. The thickness of the blocks of the lower tier is 58 inches. AT

From the book Mystery of the Pyramids. Secret of the Sphinx. author Shoh Robert M.

From the book Mystery of the Pyramids. Secret of the Sphinx. author Shoh Robert M.

Trial corridors near the Great Pyramid C east side The Great Pyramid, at a distance of approximately 87.5 m from the base (3. Hawass, Petri's Refinement of Data, 1990), a whole group of corridors was found cut into the rock bed of the plateau. These corridors in height, width and orientation

From the book Mystery of the Pyramids. Secret of the Sphinx. author Shoh Robert M.

From the book Mystery of the Pyramids. Secret of the Sphinx. author Shoh Robert M.

Inscriptions on the outer blocks and inside the Great Pyramid Inscriptions on the outer blocksAccording to some reports, the blocks of the outer facing were originally covered with hieroglyphic inscriptions. This may seem strange if we remember that inside the Great Pyramid (beyond

From the book Mystery of the Pyramids. Secret of the Sphinx. author Shoh Robert M.

Notes on the planning and construction of the Great Pyramid Of particular importance is the question of how the ancient Egyptians moved the huge blocks of stone, whether in the construction of pyramids and temples or the erection of obelisks. A fundamentally new perspective on this

From the book Mystery of the Pyramids. Secret of the Sphinx. author Shoh Robert M.

From the book Mystery of the Pyramids. Secret of the Sphinx. author Shoh Robert M.

From the book Mystery of the Pyramids. Secret of the Sphinx. author Shoh Robert M.

Ancient Names of the Great Pyramid Hawass ("Clarification of Petri's Data", 1990) writes that the original name of the Great Pyramid is "Horizon of Khufu" or, according to another version, "Khufu belongs to the sky", and this, according to Hawass, may indicate that Khufu was identified with Ra, the god

From the book Mystery of the Pyramids. Secret of the Sphinx. author Shoh Robert M.

Attribution of the Great Pyramid to Pharaoh Khufu Ancient historians Herodotus (5th century BC) and Diodorus (1st century AD) unanimously attribute the Great Pyramid to the pharaoh, known today under the name of Khufu (Cheops). Grive (1704) attributed the construction of the Great Pyramid to Cheops or Khemmis,

From the book Mystery of the Pyramids. Secret of the Sphinx. author Shoh Robert M.

Dating of the Great Pyramid If the Great Pyramid can be dated back to the reign of Pharaoh Khufu, then the time of its erection naturally coincides with the reign of this monarch. Other

The first wonder of the world of all time, one of the main structures of our planet, a place full of secrets and mysteries, a point of constant pilgrimage for tourists - the Egyptian pyramids and in particular the pyramid of Cheops.

The construction of giant pyramids, of course, was far from an easy task. Huge effort a large number people were attached to deliver stone blocks to the Giza or Saqqara plateau, and later to the Valley of the Kings, which became the new necropolis of the pharaohs.

At the moment, there are about a hundred found pyramids in Egypt, but the finds continue, and their number is constantly increasing. At different times, different pyramids were understood as one of the 7 wonders of the world. Someone meant all the pyramids of Egypt as a whole, someone pyramids near Memphis, someone three large pyramids of Giza, and the critics recognized only the largest pyramid of Cheops.

The afterlife of ancient Egypt

One of the central moments in the life of the ancient Egyptians was religion, which formed the whole culture as a whole. Particular attention was paid afterlife, perceived as a clear continuation of earthly life. That is why the preparation for life after death began long before it, it was set as one of the main life tasks.

According to the ancient Egyptian belief, a person had several souls. The soul of Ka acted as a double of the Egyptian, whom he was to meet in the afterlife. The soul of Ba contacted the person himself, and left his body after death.

The religious life of the Egyptians and the god Anubis

At first, it was believed that only the pharaoh had the right to life after death, but he could bestow this "immortality" on his entourage, who were usually buried next to the tomb of the lord. Ordinary people were not destined to get into the world of the dead, the only exception was slaves and servants, whom the pharaoh “took” with him, and who were depicted on the walls of the great tomb.

But for a comfortable life after the death of the deceased, it was necessary to provide everything necessary: ​​food, household utensils, servants, slaves, and much more needed for the average pharaoh. They also tried to preserve the body of a person so that the soul of Ba could later unite with him again. Therefore, in matters of body preservation, embalming and the creation of complex pyramid tombs were born.

The first pyramid in Egypt. Pyramid of Djoser

Speaking about the construction of the pyramids in Ancient Egypt in general, it is worth mentioning the beginning of their history. The very first pyramid in Egypt was built about five thousand years ago at the initiative of Pharaoh Djoser. It is in these 5 millennia that the age of the pyramids in Egypt is estimated. The erection of the pyramid of Djoser was led by the famous and legendary Imhotep, who was even deified in later centuries.

Pyramid of Djoser

The entire complex of the building under construction occupied an area of ​​545 by 278 meters. Along the perimeter, it was surrounded by a 10-meter wall with 14 gates, only one of which was real. In the center of the complex was the pyramid of Djoser with sides 118 by 140 meters. The height of the pyramid of Djoser is 60 meters. Almost at a depth of 30 meters there was a burial chamber, to which corridors with many branches led. Utensils and sacrifices were kept in the branch rooms. Here, archaeologists found three bas-reliefs of Pharaoh Djoser himself. Near the eastern wall of the Djoser pyramid, 11 small burial chambers intended for the royal family were discovered.

Unlike the famous great pyramids of Giza, the pyramid of Djoser had a stepped shape, as if intended for the ascension of the pharaoh to heaven. Of course, this pyramid is inferior in popularity and size to the pyramid of Cheops, but still the contribution of the very first stone pyramid to the culture of Egypt is difficult to overestimate.

The Pyramid of Cheops. History and brief description

But still, the most famous for the ordinary population of our planet are the three pyramids of Egypt located nearby - Khafre, Mekerin and the largest and highest pyramid in Egypt - Cheops (Khufu)

Pyramids of Giza

The Pyramid of Pharaoh Cheops was built near the city of Giza, currently a suburb of Cairo. When the pyramid of Cheops was built, it is currently impossible to say for sure, and research gives a strong scatter. In Egypt, for example, the date of the beginning of the construction of this pyramid is officially celebrated - August 23, 2480 BC.

Pyramid of Cheops and Sphinx

About 100,000 people were simultaneously involved in the construction of the wonder of the world pyramid of Cheops. During the first ten years of work, a road was built, along which huge stone blocks were delivered to the river and underground structures of the pyramid. Work on the construction of the monument itself continued for about 20 years.

The size of the pyramid of Cheops at Giza is amazing. The height of the pyramid of Cheops initially reached 147 meters. Over time, due to falling asleep with sand and the loss of lining, it decreased to 137 meters. But even this figure allowed her long time remain the tallest human structure in the world. The pyramid has a square base with a side of 147 meters. The construction of this giant is estimated to have required 2,300,000 limestone blocks weighing an average of 2.5 tons.

How were the pyramids built in Egypt?

The technology of building the pyramids is controversial in our time. Versions vary from the invention of concrete in ancient Egypt to the construction of pyramids by aliens. But still it is believed that the pyramids were built by man solely by his strength. So for the extraction of stone blocks, first a shape was outlined in the rock, grooves were hollowed out and a dry tree was inserted into them. Later, the tree was doused with water, it expanded, a crack formed in the rock, and the block was separated. Then it was processed to desired shape tools and sent along the river to the construction site.

To lift the blocks up, the Egyptians used gentle embankments, along which these megaliths were dragged on wooden sledges. But even with such a backward technology by our standards, the quality of work is surprising - the blocks fit snugly against each other with minimal mismatches.

You can talk for a long time about the pyramids shrouded in myths and legends, their labyrinths and traps, mummies and treasures, but let's leave it to the Egyptologists. For us, the pyramid of Cheops is one of the greatest structures of mankind throughout its existence and, of course, the only First Wonder of the World that has survived from the depths of centuries.

Schematic of the pyramid of Cheops

Video about the pyramids of Egypt

Video about the pyramid of Cheops

Pyramid of Pharaoh Khufu (in the Greek version of Cheops), or the Great Pyramid - the greatest of the Egyptian pyramids, the oldest of the seven wonders of the world of antiquity and the only one of them that has come down to our time. Over four thousand years the pyramid was the largest building in the world.

The pyramid of Cheops is located in the far suburbs of Cairo Giza. Nearby are two more pyramids of the pharaohs Khafre and Menkaure (Khafren and Mikerin), according to ancient historians, the sons and successors of Khufu. These are the three largest pyramids in Egypt.

Following the ancient authors, most modern historians consider the pyramids to be the burial structures of the ancient Egyptian monarchs. Some scientists believe that these were astronomical observatories. There is no direct evidence that pharaohs were buried in the pyramids, but other versions of their purpose are less convincing.

When was the pyramid of Cheops built?

Based on the ancient "royal lists", it is established that Cheops ruled around 2585-2566. BC. The construction of the "Sacred Height" lasted 20 years and ended after the death of Khufu, around 2560 BC.

Other versions of construction dates based on astronomical methods give dates from 2720 to 2577. BC. The radiocarbon method shows a spread of 170 years, from 2850 to 2680. BC.

There are also exotic opinions expressed by supporters of theories of visiting the Earth by aliens, the existence of ancient pra-civilizations, or adherents of occult currents. They determine the age of the pyramid of Cheops from 6-7 to tens of thousands of years.

How the pyramid was built

The Pyramid of Cheops is still the largest stone building on the planet. Its height is 137 m, the length of the side of the base is 230.38 m, the angle of inclination of the edge is 51 ° 50", the total volume is about 2.5 million cubic meters. At the time of completion of construction, the height was 9.5 m higher, and the side of the base was 2 m longer, however, over the past centuries, almost the entire lining of the pyramid has been dismantled.Natural factors have also done their job - temperature drops and winds from the desert, carrying clouds of sand.

Ancient Greek historians reported that the labor of millions of slaves was used in the construction. Modern researchers believe that with the proper organization of work and engineering, the Egyptians would have had several tens of thousands of workers for the construction. For the transportation of materials, temporary workers were involved, the number of which, according to Herodotus, reached 100 thousand. Modern scientists fully agree with this, as well as with the reality of a 20-year construction period.

Hemiun, the head of the royal works, supervised the construction of the pyramid. Hemiun's tomb is located next to his creation; a statue of the architect was found in it.

The main material for the construction was gray limestone, which was cut down in the nearest quarries or brought from the other side of the Nile. The pyramid was lined with light sandstone, because of which it literally shone under the sunlight. For interior decoration granite was used, which was delivered a thousand kilometers from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bpresent-day Aswan. The building was crowned with a hewn gilded granite block - a pyramidion.

In total, the construction of the pyramid took about 2.3 million blocks of limestone and 115 thousand facing slabs. The total mass of the building, according to modern estimates, is almost 6 million tons.

The block sizes vary. The largest ones are laid in the base, their height is one and a half meters. The blocks are smaller the higher they are. The height of the block at the top was 55 cm. The length of the facing slabs ranged from 1.5 to 0.75 m.

The work of the pyramid builders was extremely difficult. A lot of time and effort required the extraction of stone, hewing blocks and fitting to the right size. In those days, neither iron nor bronze was known in Egypt. The tools were made of relatively soft copper, so they wore down quickly and were very expensive. Flint tools were widely used - saws, drills, hammers. Many of them were found during excavations.

Delivery of materials was carried out by river, and the stone was brought to the construction site on a wooden sled or rollers. It was hellish work, because the average weight of one block is 2.5 tons, and some of them weighed up to 50 tons.

A variety of devices were used to lift and install monoliths, and inclined embankments were erected to pull up the most massive elements that make up the lower rows. Images of construction work have been found in a number of Egyptian temples and tombs.

Recently, an original theory has emerged regarding the construction methods of the Egyptians. Scientists who studied the microstructure of the blocks in order to establish their origin, found foreign inclusions. According to experts, these are the remains of animal hair and human hair, from which the scientists concluded that limestone was crushed in the places of extraction and delivered in crushed form to construction site. Blocks were made directly at the place of laying from the limestone mass, which thus were a semblance of modern concrete structures, and tool marks on the blocks are actually formwork prints.

Be that as it may, the construction was completed, and the grandiose dimensions of the pyramid fully justify the supporters of the theories of the Atlanteans and aliens who do not believe in the possibility of human genius.

What is inside the pyramid

The entrance to the pyramid was made at a height of almost 16 meters in the form of an arch of granite slabs. It was later sealed with a granite cork and covered with cladding. The current entrance, 10 meters lower, was broken in 831 by order of Caliph Al-Mamun, who hoped to find gold here, but did not find anything of value.

The main premises are the pharaoh's chamber, the queen's chamber, the Great Gallery and the underground chamber. The passage punched by Al-Mamun leads to a 105-meter inclined corridor, ending in a chamber carved into the rock below the base of the pyramid. Its dimensions are 14x8 m., height 3.5 m. Works here were not completed for unknown reasons.

At 18 meters from the entrance, a 40-meter-long ascending corridor separates from the descending corridor, ending in the Great Gallery. The Gallery itself is a high (8.5 m) tunnel 46.6 m long leading to the pharaoh's chamber. The corridor to the queen's chamber branches off from the Gallery at its very beginning. A rectangular ditch 60 cm deep and 1 m wide was pierced in the floor of the Gallery; its purpose is unknown.

The length of the pharaoh's chamber is 10.5 m, width 5.4 m, height 5.84 m. It is lined with black granite slabs. Here is an empty granite sarcophagus. The queen's chamber is more modest - 5.76 x 5.23 x 6.26 m.

Channels 20-25 cm wide lead from the burial chambers to the surface of the pyramid. The channels of the king's chamber go out at one end into the room, at the other - onto the surface of the pyramid. The channels of the queen's chamber begin 13 cm from the wall and do not reach 12 m to the surface, and both ends of the channels are closed with stone doors with handles. It is assumed that the channels were made to ventilate the premises during the work. Another version, connected with the beliefs of the Egyptians, claims that this is the path to the afterlife, which the souls of the deceased had to go through.

No less mysterious is another small room, the Grotto, to which an almost vertical passage leads from the beginning of the Great Gallery. The grotto is located at the junction of the base of the pyramid and the hill on which it stands. The walls of the Grotto are reinforced with rather roughly worked stone. It is assumed that this is part of some structure older than the pyramid.

It is necessary to mention one discovery related to the pyramid. In 1954, at the southern edge, two stone-lined pits were discovered, in which were the pharaoh's boats, made of Lebanese cedar. One of the boats has been restored and is now in a special pavilion next to the pyramid. Its length is 43.5 m, width 5.6 m.

The study of the pyramid of Cheops continues. Research with latest methods, used in the exploration of the earth's interior, show with a high degree of probability the existence of unknown caverns inside the pyramid. So it is quite possible that scientists expect new interesting findings and discoveries.

In the meantime, the Great Pyramid keeps its secrets, proudly rising in the middle of the desert, like millennia ago. After all, according to an ancient Arabic proverb, everything in the world is afraid of time, but time is afraid of the pyramids.

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