Why did Zhanna Friske get cancer? Neurosurgeon: Even the latest treatment methods could not have saved Jeanne. Opinion of Russian experts

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And the sex symbol of the 90s amazed the Russian show business and Zhanna's fans, who until the last minute believed in a successful outcome. Brain cancer of the fourth degree was diagnosed in the artist shortly after the birth of her son Plato in 2013, and charitable organizations, together with Channel One, raised more than 68 million rubles for treatment to send the singer to one of the best cancer centers in the United States. Vladimir, the father of the performer, said in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda that Zhanna went through all the special clinics in Russia, but she did not receive any guarantees that she would not die during surgery. Therefore, for a course of chemotherapy, I had to go to a clinic in New York.

The initial diagnosis of glioblastoma gave doctors hope. This disease is a primary brain tumor and symptoms appear almost immediately: fainting, speech and coordination problems. Timely prescribed treatment can sometimes completely get rid of cancer, but it is still not known for what reasons glioblastoma occurs. There were rumors on the Internet that Friske was provoked by a late pregnancy and a change in hormonal levels, but doctors refute this version - the tumor is not hormone-dependent.

Zhanna Friske was treated at the Sloan-Kettering Memorial Cancer Center, where real luminaries of science lead the reception, and the institution itself was founded 130 years ago and since then the efforts of doctors have been directed to the study of a terrible disease.

The clinic has a research institute, whose developments are applied in practice. The center became the prototype of "House Doctor", where there are more than 10 teams of diverse specialists on a permanent basis. More attention is paid to maintaining strict confidentiality and comprehensive therapy, including maintaining morale in patients with the help of massage, hypnosis and acupuncture. After Zhanna completed the course, Rusfond (curator of cash receipts from charitable events) received an invoice for $ 135 thousand, paid for it and, with the consent of the singer, began to transfer the remaining 30 million rubles for the treatment of seriously ill children on the waiting list.

The actress felt so much better after chemotherapy and a nano-vaccine that she was able to travel to China, where she studied oriental health practices and qigong with her constant companion and former member of the "Brilliant" group Olga Orlova, where the TV star began her career. The singer lost weight and began to dress smartly.

Unfortunately, the improvement was short-lived and the disease relapsed again. Returning to Russia, Zhanna turned to the metropolitan cancer center. Doctors, seeing the state of the artist (by that time she was almost completely blind and was very emaciated), doubted whether it was worth continuing to administer the American vaccine to her. Strong drug could adversely affect the condition of the worn out brain, but the relatives insisted on continuing the treatment. The last three weeks of my life are one of the most beautiful women Russian cinema spent in a coma and died on the night of June 16. Until the last conscious minutes, the star kept in touch with Olga Orlova and Dmitry Nagiyev.

During her lifetime, Zhanna donated 120,000 euros for Natasha Dolmatova from Perm, a girl suffering from a malignant brain tumor (medulloblastoma), so that she could undergo treatment in Germany. From time to time, Friske called the Dolmatovs home to ask how the treatment was going. The girl underwent 11 operations and her condition improved significantly. As her mother told the Life News correspondent, she considered the singer an amazingly kind and sympathetic person with great willpower.

“The last time we spoke with her was in December on the phone. She was cheerful, hoping for the best. - The woman told. "Her son was an incentive for her, she wanted to live for him." Son Platon was born to Friske in 2013 from TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev, with whom the showman did not manage to get married at the registry office. The boy will be raised by his father with the participation of Jeanne's relatives.

That the singer Zhanna Friske died after a long struggle with cancer - glioblastoma. "Lenta.ru" understands what kind of ailment it is, what are its symptoms, how it is treated and whether the doctors had a chance to prevent a tragic outcome.

Glioblastoma is the most aggressive and most common of malignant tumors brain (52 percent of all cases). If left untreated, the patient will live about three months after the first symptoms appear. But even with treatment, the lifespan is not much higher: for half of the patients it is one year, and only five percent manage to live longer than three years.


The causes of glioblastoma are largely unclear. It is known that a tumor affects neuroglia cells, a subtype of nervous tissue, the elements of which nourish and protect neurons. There are ten times more neuroglial cells than neurons. These cells do not proliferate in adulthood, but glial cell precursors are present in the brain. With violations in their development and reproduction, glioblastoma may occur.

It is impossible to predict who will develop the disease and when. This tumor affects men more often than women, especially when it comes to men over 50 years old. The disease is not inherited. Its risk is not increased if a person smokes, eats canned meat, or is exposed to electromagnetic radiation. True, some viruses, for example, cytomegalovirus, human herpesvirus type 6 (HHV-6) and SV40 (polyomavirus, first discovered in monkeys), increase the likelihood of the disease. Ionizing radiation (radiation) also contributes.

There are certain mutations (in the p53, CDK4, Rb genes) associated with the disease, but glioblastoma is almost always accompanied by several mutations in the complex. The types of such mutations are also different: they can be deletions (loss of DNA fragments from chromosomes), amplifications (an increased number of DNA copies compared to the norm), and even point mutations (replacement of one or two nucleotides out of thousands of similar ones in a DNA molecule).

It is reported that Zhanna Friske felt unwell some time after the birth of the child. There is no evidence that pregnancy and childbirth can cause illness. However, they can accelerate the development of any glial brain tumor (not necessarily glioblastoma), especially the second or third degree.

Image: Christaras A. / Wikipedia


On the one hand, the adult brain does not have special opportunities to restore its functions. On the other hand, there are so many cells in it that the brain is able to survive very significant losses without impairing its performance.

This plays a cruel joke with all brain tumor patients, including glioblastoma patients. As a rule, a tumor is detected on tomographic images already when it is irreparably large and contains hundreds of billions of cells. Only then the patient begins to feel unwell: there is nausea, vomiting, convulsions, headache. Obviously, none of these features are unique. Traumatic brain injuries (which, by the way, sometimes cause brain tumors) have the same symptoms.

“The early diagnosis of glioblastoma, unfortunately, is possible only by chance: for example, as a result of MRI. With clinical indicators for diagnosis, the disease is far from being at an early stage, ”said Alexey Remez, General Director of the UNIM medical startup.


Glioblastoma modern medicine is not able to cure completely. All doctors can do is increase the patient's life expectancy after diagnosis by 10-12 times. In absolute numbers, the increase is insignificant: without treatment, the patient dies after three months, and the one who was given surgical removal tumors - lives one to two years, sometimes three.

It is difficult to treat glioblastoma, because drugs that could act on the tumor do not pass well through the blood-brain barrier - the cell layer between the vessels and neurons of the brain, does not allow bacteria, viruses, immune system cells, or drugs to pass through. In addition, the tumor cells themselves are extremely resistant to many chemotherapy drugs.

The main method of treatment is surgical removal of the tumor. The patient's life is extended if at least 98 percent of its volume is cut out. Given the normal size of the tumor, there are still a billion malignant cells left after surgery. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy reduce this number by ten thousand times, but the tumor grows rapidly and returns to its previous size.

Of course, doctors and patients are pinning their hopes on new treatments. For example, in February 2015, Israeli scientists in the scientific journal ACS Nano reported on an experiment to treat glioblastoma in laboratory mice using nanoparticles that deliver small interfering RNAs to the tumor. Such molecules are capable of blocking the production of proteins by malignant cells. One hundred days after the start of the experiment, 60 percent of the individuals from the experimental group remained alive, and in the control group (without therapy at all), no one lasted longer than 40 days.

Of course, the experiment was carried out on mice, not on humans. In addition, the tumor did not disappear from such therapy, which means that there is no need to talk about a complete recovery.

Was there a chance?

“Theoretically, Zhanna Friske's tumor could have been detected earlier. In practice, the timing of diagnosis, like life expectancy, depends on many factors. The localization of glioblastoma plays an important role: depending on which area of ​​the brain the tumor is located, it will make itself felt sooner or later. Accordingly, the lifespan will differ. For example, glioblastoma in the trunk would have been found earlier, but the patient's life expectancy would have been shorter ... Unfortunately, the disease is incurable. Two years (so much Zhanna Friske struggled with the disease) is above average. The patient's life expectancy is influenced by age: with its increase, the life span after the diagnosis is progressively reduced, "said Alexey Kislyakov, a pathomorphologist specializing in central tumors. nervous system, head of the pathomorphological laboratory of the Morozov hospital.

In 2015, Russian show business experienced a terrible event and lost one of the most talented artists of our time. At the age of 40, after a long struggle with terrible disease the famous singer, wife and mother, Zhanna Friske, passed away. Her death has become, perhaps, the most discussed topic in the domestic media. The audience is trying to understand why Zhanna Friske died and how it happened. Every day after the death of the singer, this event was overgrown with new, sometimes even scandalous facts.

For fans, this woman was an object of admiration, and for her family - a loving mother and wife. Of course, after the death of the artist, a number of different questions remained. For example, the audience was interested in how and at what time Zhanna Friske died. The favorite of the public died on the evening of June 15, 2015. At that time she was 40 years old, until her next birthday, the woman did not live only a few weeks. At the time of her death, her father, mother, friend and colleague, as well as her own sister Natalya, were next to the artist. The singer's husband and son were abroad at that moment.

Causes of death

The question of what Zhanna Friske died of is still relevant. In reality, there is nothing criminal in the death of the artist. The singer died due to a brain tumor, which was discovered 2 years before the terrible event. Back in early 2014, in one of his interviews, Zhanna's common-law spouse, Dmitry Shepelev, told the press about the disease diagnosed in his wife after giving birth. Friske learned about her illness in the fall of 2013, after which she immediately began treatment.

After information about an inoperable tumor diagnosed in Zhanna surfaced in the media, Channel One announced a fundraiser for therapy. In just a few days, we managed to collect 68 million rubles. There was even a lot of this money - the singer personally transferred the remaining funds to children suffering from oncology. The collected money allowed Friske to travel to the United States and China for treatment. Upon returning to her homeland, Zhanna left for the Baltic States, where she underwent a rehabilitation course.

After recovering, Friske began to see again, got rid of the extra pounds gained during chemotherapy, and even got out of a wheelchair. The artist said that she was much better, and thanked everyone who helped her. However, soon the Friske family was overtaken by trouble - Jeanne's condition deteriorated sharply, she was almost completely blind.

The singer's father, Vladimir Kopylov, after the death of his daughter, attended several television programs. In one of the issues, he talked about how Zhanna Friske died. In his words, the celebrity passed away very quietly and calmly. Relatives knew about the impending disaster a few days before Jeanne's death - this was warned by doctors from China who came to visit the artist. V the last days the singer suffered because of high temperature and incredible severe pain that were hard to endure. Before her death, Friske stopped recognizing her relatives. Tragic event happened on the night of June 15-16 - Jeanne's breathing stopped.

Information about the death of a celebrity the next morning hit the press. All printed publications published articles on the pages of newspapers and magazines in memory of a wonderful person and an excellent artist. Friends and colleagues on the stage considered it their duty to leave messages on social networks with condolences for Jeanne's family.

Star biography

The future singer was born on July 8, 1974 in the capital of Russia. At school, she was fond of acrobatics, ballet, rhythmic gymnastics and ballroom dancing. After graduating from school, she entered the journalism faculty. True, she never completed her studies.

In 1995, famous producers Shlykov and Grozny organized one of the first domestic women's groups, which was named "Brilliant". At first, Zhanna was the artistic director of the group, and then she became a soloist with Irina Lukyanova and Olga Orlova.


In 2003, the future celebrity got into an extreme reality show called "The Last Hero" and reached the very end. Returning to the capital, Zhanna decided to leave the band and start a solo career. The producer of the group, Andrei Grozny, helped Frisk in this. The star released her first solo album in 2005 - it featured many songs that later became real hits.

In addition to performing on stage and recording songs, Friske starred in various cinematic works. So, the first project with Zhanna's participation was the film "Night Watch". The star's partners on the set were famous actors: Khabensky, Markova, Verzhbitsky. This was followed by several more works: "Day Watch", "New Year's Matchmakers", "Who am I", "What Men Talk About" and "Classmates. Call Luck". The singer's fans and film critics praised her acting skills. In 2006, Friske received a prestigious award in the category "Best Actress" at the Russian MTV festival.

Personal life

A beautiful, sexy, talented artist was credited with many scandalous novels. However, there were not so many really important men in the singer's life. The first boyfriend of Friske, journalists confidently call a businessman from Chelyabinsk Ilya Mitelman. The couple's relationship lasted for several years, and reporters did not stop writing about the upcoming wedding. But, as they say, it did not work out - Zhanna and Ilya parted.

Jeanne's next relationship began in 2005. This time, the popular hockey player Alexander Ovechkin became the chosen one of the beauty. But this novel did not become successful for Friske - the athlete was constantly accused of having love affairs on the side.

Then another athlete appeared in the singer's life - figure skater Vitaly Novikov, with whom Zhanna performed on the Ice Age show. But this romance did not end with a wedding.

But the relationship with the famous artist Dmitry Shepelev fulfilled the cherished dream of Friske: finally, the successful singer gave birth to a child. In 2013, Jeanne became a mother - the couple named their son Plato.

Last year

The singer spent the last months of her life in her country house in the suburbs. At this time, next to Zhanna were her parents, close friends, common-law husband and son, who at that time was just 2 years old. According to sister Friske, her death was a real surprise for the whole family. Until the last moment they believed that she would recover and return to normal life.

On the evening of June 15, when Zhanna Friske died, her parents, sister and girlfriends were next to her. In the morning, all the print media in Moscow expressed their grief over the loss of the singer on the pages of magazines and newspapers. By this time, it was no longer a secret to anyone what Zhanna Friske died of. The funeral of the star took place on June 18 at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery. The ceremony took place in a narrow circle, without the press.

This disease is the most aggressive type of brain tumor that causes frequent headaches. Glioblastoma is also characterized by extensive edema and the presence of foci of necrosis. Surgical operation in combination with a course of chemotherapy allows only to relieve symptoms, it is impossible to completely recover from this ailment. Patients diagnosed with glioblastoma live no more than 3 years. More about the disease

AiF.ru tells how Zhanna Friske fought with glioblastoma.

Disease history

Since mid-2013, Jeanne began to experience frequent headaches. At first, the singer did not pay attention to them and relieved the ailment with the help of pills. But the pains were getting worse every day. In January 2014, Zhanna lost consciousness in broad daylight, after which the performer was taken to the hospital. During the examination, she was diagnosed with:. Moreover, it is inoperable. Among possible reasons doctors called the disease a genetic predisposition.

According to the doctors' forecasts, Jeanne should have died in the first month. After all, the course of treatment was started with a great delay, when the singer's condition was already extremely difficult. According to her father Vladimir Friske, the daughter was hospitalized "almost in a coma."

In 2014, Channel One, together with Rusfond, organized a fundraiser for the singer's treatment. They managed to attract about 68 million rubles - much more than was required. Part of the funds Friske transferred to help children suffering from cancer.

The singer underwent treatment in New York at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, a leading American cancer clinic. In addition to chemotherapy, doctors used an experimental technology - the ICT-107 vaccine, which was specially developed to combat glioblastoma. The vaccine activates the immune system and forces the body to fight cancer at the cellular level. After the course of treatment, Jeanne's condition improved. She managed to start physical exercise... In October 2014, Friske returned to Moscow in a state of stable remission. However, in April 2015, the singer fell into a coma, from which she did not leave until the moment of her death.

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