Who is omitted in terms of concepts. "Roosters", "offended" and "downcast". Homosexuals in prisons. Roosters in jail - who are they

Drainage 28.10.2020

And it happens quite simply: an old-timer offers to a beginner: let's, they say, let's play checkers. For interest? No, just like that. And the camera is on the alert. This "for no reason" means a bet on surrendering oneself to homosexuals, this is all, except for a beginner, they know, he will know when it will be too late. And he can't refuse in any way. For the leverage of coercion is beatings, which are here, as it were, lawful according to the prison tradition. Collective, long-term, ruthless. During the breaks, they will persuade that, they say, it's okay, only once and then the beatings will stop. If you don't want to, let's put it in your mouth. The latter, oddly enough, seduces many, already dull with pain and humiliation, desperate, looking for any way out.

But no, the beatings will not stop. He is already different now, he is a rooster (this is the name in the zone of buggers), and his fate is nightmarish - hopeless until the end of his term. He is now separated from everyone by this new quality, anyone beats him, anyone humiliates him, you can force him to do anything. And he will give up himself soon - completely and so will go to the zone. In the camp, the roosters perform the most difficult work, and they are also raised before everyone else, so that they shook and clean the yard, clearing it of debris or snow, washed all the nooks and crannies in the barracks. And they eat separately from everyone, and their dishes are separate, and they sleep together separately. To whom it is boring - they beat them or mock them, make them have fun for the sake of fighting with each other, most of them completely lose their human appearance. Their intimidation, despondency and downturn are evidence of how ruthless the oppressed person is, who himself has lost much of what is human in himself.

I'll put you at the first table (where the roosters sit right at the entrance) - the most common threat in the camp. Transformation into a rooster is the worst punishment. This is often done in isolation wards, if a well-known informer (or a strong suspect in this) or a rat-rat gets there - caught stealing from his own people, this is done with a person, settling scores with him. This is a very terrible revenge. For there is no way back here, a return to its former quality. To omit, that is, to turn into a homosexual - you can, forget it and erase it - no one will allow. The first is the unfortunate man himself, who knows what will happen to him for hiding somewhere in the new zone of his former belonging to the despicable caste. It is good if from the inevitable reprisals he remains crippled, but most likely they will finish him off to the end. For even those who communicated with him, not yet knowing that he is a rooster, can now, on occasion, be punished by sitting at the first table. No, no one runs the risk of hiding it.

Only again about the secret properties of a person - this, perhaps, shocked me the most in the camp when I found out. The fact is that almost all cocks after some (different for each, but relatively short) time begin to experience sexual pleasure themselves. Moreover, they are just like a man who uses them as a woman, they sail, as they say in the zone. And having begun to experience pleasure, sometimes they themselves already ask the prisoners for it - mostly thieves, the personification of the man, the owners of the zone. And in the wild they have many - a wife and children - who would they prefer to remain when they return? Do not know. As well as I will never understand this incredible adaptability of the crown of creation.

Often here he comes up to me, dragging his right leg noticeably, comes up, not afraid of me alone in the zone, the rooster Lucy (all female names, the former are completely forgotten, they themselves call their female name if they are asked what their name is). He shoots at me for a smoke. He is a little over eighteen years old, and huge blue eyes, and a tortured, wary face. He left prison only as a pig - he was lucky, he was taken from the cell to the stage. And in Stolypin - an absurd accident: he had bacon with him, and someone asked him for a piece. He mechanically held it out, forgetting to warn that he was a pig. Or maybe hoping to hide it. They beat him there with their boots, damaging his spine. Obviously, his nerves are pinched, so he is dragging his leg now. He became a pederast there, in the carriage. I feel sorry for him to the point of pain, but there is nothing to help.

And about a week ago, a bald, nondescript peasant, rather an old man, met me near the medical unit and remained standing when I, moving over, called him to sit on the bench. He was waiting for a doctor, obviously, and I was a friend from the same detachment as the old man. Refused - that means a rooster, knowing that he should not sit with the rest. A friend came up and confirmed. And why so frail and old? Knocked? No, said the buddy, even worse. He sits for the fact that, having lured with sweets and gingerbread, he picked out the hymen of two girls-sisters of three and six years old with his finger. The mother accidentally discovered this by skin irritation, bathing them, and then going to the doctor. Their father tried to kill him, but they took him away. They tried, and here he is. The rest of the punishment was taken over by the zone. Agree that this is fair? - Asked a friend knowing my undisguised compassion for the roosters. Quite rightly, I replied, I would have taken part myself. I will keep in mind, the friend laughed happily.

Where homosexuals sleep, there are never shmons. Because even the cops have a habit of touching their things. For a very funny reason, by the way: to take care of your future. Who knows their fate there: suddenly they will be fired from the internal troops or not even fired - all of a sudden you will sit down for something? To a safe, however, place - to a special camp where guardians of justice who have transgressed the law are kept. There they have their roosters. And its own information is adjusted. What if they find out that you were once rummaging through the property of a bugger somewhere? You will certainly become a rooster. This was told to me by a young detachment lieutenant, and such a spanky courtyard boy appeared in him, that it was pleasant and strange to suddenly see in him a safe man, and not a guardian draped in his uniform.

In our prison world there are several castes, that is, groups of prisoners of different "dignity". There are four main castes, and there can be much more intermediate castes in each zone (by the way, among the convicts, this is exactly what they say: in the prison, in the zone).

The first, highest caste is thieves; the second, the most numerous, are men; the third, more or less large (depending on the zone) - goats; the fourth, the lowest - roosters, rejected. I don't know if the outcast can be considered a separate caste, but this is already an academic question. And we will consider that there are four castes. Let's start at the top.


They don't call themselves that. They replace the word “thug” with “lads”, “prisoners”, “tramps”, “tramps”, “crooks”, “traveling”, and half a century ago they called themselves “Zhigans”, “people” .. These are professional criminals. Prisons and camps for them are mandatory stages in their professional career. Our underworld is a special world, it is very difficult for an outsider to get there, almost impossible. To commit a crime, the most professional one - to rob a bank, for example - does not mean to be accepted into this world. Any, even casual attitude to the structures of power, its political institutions (for example, membership in a party or in the Komsomol) forever closes a person's path to the "thieves' world," no matter how professional a criminal he later becomes. In addition to a “blank questionnaire,” a criminal candidate must adhere to the “correct concepts”; over time, these concepts also change (we will talk about this later). The elite of the underworld are thieves in law. This is not necessarily the name for those who make their living by stealing. Rather, they are informal leaders, a kind of “initiate”, recognized by well-known authorities and who received their recommendation, elected as “active members” at a gathering (on a “gangway”) of all thieves in a given prison, camp or region. According to various estimates, now there are only a few hundred thieves in law on the territory of the former Soviet Union. They are grouped into several groups.

If there is no real thief in the zone, the thieves' world tries to send there an "overseer", that is, its representative, who will make sure that the convicts comply with the thieves' law and thieves' orders. Thieves' orders are usually a new rule created as a result of some kind of dispute between convicts, or as a response to a new MIA action. The unwritten prison law continues to be constantly drawn up from the orders. The will of the beholder for other convicts is the same law as the will of a thief. The watchman or the thief is surrounded by a group of helpers. This is the highest caste in the camp - the thieves. Of course, in some camp there may not be a real thief or a watcher. But in every camp there are people who consider themselves professionals, the prison is their home, and all its other inhabitants are aliens.

In the caste of thieves there is a chief - "godfather", "authority". Under the plowman, there is something like a presidential team, several thieves, each of whom does his own thing: one looks after the peasants, the other - for the "common fund" (this is the name of the general prisoner's treasury), the third - for something else. They can also be called "authorities". The godfather and his entourage have a guard - "athletes", "fighters", "gladiators".

Not every prisoner can become a thug. First of all, he must be pure in a free life. Previously, for example, the path to the higher caste was closed for those who served in the army, who at least once went to work in the zone. Now these requirements have been canceled in some places. And in some zones, thieves can go to work - in that case, however, if this is not a job as a foreman, a contractor, etc., that is, if it does not give him at least some official authority over the rest. Those who worked in the service sector at large, that is, were a waiter, a taxi driver, cannot become thieves either. So did the former bosses. There are many other requirements for applicants for the status of a thug. Each zone may have its own, special requirements.

Thieves are real power in some zones, the power that fights against the official power, that is, with the administration of the zone. In addition to power, thieves have privileges - the right not to work, the right to keep for themselves from the common fund whatever they deem necessary. The thieves also have responsibilities. The right godfather is obliged to ensure that the zone is “warmed up”, that is, it receives food, tea, tobacco, vodka, and clothes through illegal routes. He is also obliged to resolve disputes arising between other prisoners, and generally not to allow any skirmishes between them, to ensure that no one is unjustly punished, offended, deprived. All this does not mean, of course, that for the godfather the correct order in the zone is more important than personal benefits. Often, his concern for the lads is just an excuse to crush her and row everything under him. But there are also enough zones where the godfather does not get out of the punishment cell (punishment cell) and spends the entire term on bread and water in order for the lads to live peacefully and not from hand to mouth, there are also enough.

Those who adhere to the correct concepts of the prison law in the zone or in the prison, are called by the administration a denial, denial. This includes not only thieves, but everyone who actively resists the administration. It happens that a person simply fell out of favor with the detachment officer (chief of the detachment), abandoned the left-handed work that he was forced to do. In general, the case also means a lot here.

Especially for the denial was invented and article 1883 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR - "Malignant disobedience to the legal requirements of the administration of the correctional institution." This is Andropov's article, introduced in 1983. According to it, a person could endlessly be added to a period from one to five years. Many were promoted. Now there is no such article in the criminal law. Article 321 CC Russian Federation is called “Disorganization of the normal operation of institutions that provide isolation from society,” but it refers to violence or the threat of violence against prison staff or other prisoners.

There are also zones where thieves work in concert with the administration, more precisely, with the operative unit. Sometimes special "pads" are made - the newly arrived authoritative thug of operas is talked into cooperation and begins to help him in everything, the former thieves are discredited or removed from the zone, and the new "overseer" is assisted (of course, behind the scenes). He becomes the main one, he rolls everything: vodka, marijuana, tea, smoke. And for this he brings the order to the zone, which the administration needs.

It is this type of thieves that is most common in the zones now. The underworld has changed no less than the big world. Once it was impossible for thieves to have documents, sign papers, get married, or go to work in the camp. Today, the underworld is actively involved in business and politics. How can you do without paperwork in business? What kind of politician is this without a family, that is, without hostages? Tumbleweed, no one will believe him ... Starting from about the 70s, the honorary title of thief in law for the underworld began to be bought and, more importantly, sold. There was even a name for such newly minted thieves in law - “oranges”. These people, in general, are no longer as ideological as the former thieves. They used to die, went to the fires, but refused to kiss the bitch a knife (there was such a way of pounding during bitch war). Honor and respect are also of great value. Well, then concrete things began to be respected - money, the ability to make money. Morals in the underworld have changed - they have also changed in prison.


This is the next caste. It consists of random people, in general, in the zone. One was imprisoned by his wife for drinking, the other stole some trifle, he was in prison for a fight, but they sewed this case - he got caught on the arm. After all, in our country, in general, from fifty to ninety percent of convicts are people who in some western country would simply be fined, and that's the end of it. There, after all, prisons only bring losses, but here they have brought profit for many years, that's the whole point. This is only if you count the legal profit. And how the camp administration made money in the zones, its bosses, the mafia, and the same free-spirits who go to work in the camps, and those who live near the camps - it is better not to tell.

Today the camps in Russia also bring mainly losses, unemployment there is cleaner than outside. Slave labor could replace free labor only when relatively simple things were done in freedom, which did not require initiative, creative imagination. Those times have passed - only those who react instantly survive on the market. But our criminal justice system continues to live by the inertia of the Gulag times. And many people are still imprisoned in vain, to the detriment of both them and society, and the victims, to whom they cannot even compensate for the damage - unemployment. It is these people who form the male caste.

The peasants do not claim any power in the zone, they do not serve anyone, they do not cooperate with the administration. They cannot interfere in the affairs of thieves. The men do not have the right to vote in their "showdown". But, of course, there are respected people among them, to whom the thieves listen, not to mention the rest of the men. In a word, men are prisoners who are going to return to normal life after serving their sentence.


These are open employees of the camp administration. Those who agreed to accept any position - the manager of the club, the librarian, the commandant of the zone. Those who put on "jambs" - an armband. Those who joined the SPP - the "crime prevention section", that is, the internal police of the camp. They are also called "bitches". "Lost" - who agreed to work for the cops. The administration calls the goats an "asset", "individuals who have firmly embarked on the path of correction." Of course, the convicts treat them badly. Traitors are treated badly everywhere, and if we take into account that in each zone between the administration and the prisoners, the war is going on - sometimes "cold", then real - such an attitude will become understandable.

They get into the goats in different ways: someone of their own free will, someone will be forced, someone will be intimidated. In some zones, the arriving stage is generally given quilted jackets with bandages already sewn on. If you put it on, you will miss it. If you don't wear it, you rip off the bandage - they will put you in a punishment cell, and upon leaving you will receive the same quilted jacket, the same offer and the same punishment cell for refusal. And so many months in a row. Some survive - through hunger, through tuberculosis. Well, if you can't stand it, you will become a goat. You will do the same as all the goats - you will be on duty at the checkpoint between the "lokalki" - fences within the zone, or between the "zhilukha" and "promka" - the residential and industrial parts of the zone. You will be "godfather", the chief of the operative unit, the same convicts as yourself, to hand over. And even if you do not sign up for the SPP, but, for example, work in the library, you are still a goat, and the lads will not accept you. In the zone, in general, there is no movement upward, from a lower caste to a higher one.

You can greet the goats, communicate with them, touch them, but they are not allowed into the common fund. In the camps, by the way, there is such a legend: there is a secret order, according to which, in the event of a war, all the goats must be shot as potential traitors. But this, of course, is only a legend. Although during the war, German punitive detachments were not composed of army soldiers and not even always of SS men, but primarily of policemen. The Germans were not so crazy as to corrupt their army with such deeds.


The last caste is ROCKS, they are also "offended", "omitted", "peeders" and so on. This is a caste of outcasts, untouchables, outcasts, among them are passive homosexuals. At the same level in the zone there is an intermediate caste - "pigs", "devils". The only difference is that they are not used as passive homosexuals - they are simply untouchable.

Homosexuality in prisons has always existed, it was, as a rule, a voluntary matter. But from some time - according to some information, from the reform of the "corrective-labor" system of 1961 - the custom began to spread in the zones: punishment in the form of violent conversion of the guilty person to a homosexual. Some GULAG veterans believe that this custom was invented by the opera - it became their weapon in the fight against denials. There is a similar custom among some backward tribes in Africa - there, boys who could not stand the test of initiation into men are given female names, dressed in women's clothes and resettled to the back of the camp. That is, they make them seem to be non-men. A similar thing is found in some species of monkeys - the leader of the pack, as a sign of victory over the guilty male, rapes him.

In correct terms, there is a law: "h ... m is not punished." That is, the prison law expressly prohibits punishing anyone in this way. If a person is found guilty - and guilty only because of his prison life, and not according to his freedom - he can be fined - a pack of "Belomor", a million rubles, etc. You can, if they decide so during the disassembly, you can beat him, break his bones, and finally kill him. But you can't omit it.

I have already said that the omitted appeared in the prison community after the 1961 reform. Before this reform, there was one type of camps for all convicts. The reform divided the camps into regimes: general, reinforced, strict, special. As a result, the first-movers, who began to be imprisoned in general-regime camps, were separated from repeat offenders. They ended up in other regimes - so as not to "exert a bad influence" on the first movers. Thus, the first-movers were separated from the experience of forced living together, developed by many generations, which repeat offenders, among other things, possessed. This experience allowed (we are talking about the second half of the fifties), at the very least, but to live in peace. In addition, people of all ages were in the former camps. And the struggle for supremacy there was to some extent mitigated by the existence a large number elderly and old people. They, of course, could not be afraid and not respected, but still there are things that people do not do or try not to do in the presence of their elders - this is in every person. Now imagine: hordes of young men (and first-movers, as a rule, people of the same age, 20-22 years old), whom nature itself has doomed to constant competition and finding out who is more important, stronger, smarter. Naturally, there will be constant bickering between them, since they cannot at least temporarily disperse, rest, communicate with those with whom it makes no sense to compete - with the elderly, women, children. On a youngster, by the way, things are even worse precisely because there are no elders there. Even the prison administration understands this and put the youngsters "batyu" - an adult prisoner into the cells. And these "baty" happens to rob youngsters, which is why the position of "baty" is considered to be a kosyachny one.

Most of all people are lowered in zones for youngsters, that is, where they do not know the prison law, albeit terrible and cruel, but the only one under which people can remain human and just survive. After a youngster, prisons give most of all those who are left out. For the same reason that they arrange a residence permit, they believe that it should be so. In the camps, they are lowered much less often than in prisons. The tougher the regime, the less frequent. In general, the harder the regime in the camp, the easier it is for those who are in it.

They say it's better to die than to become a "rooster". They are treated very cruelly: they are forced to live in trees, to eat mice, to shove light bulbs in their asses - who knows what. But this, again, depends on the regime. They do the wildest things with them in general mode, not to mention the youngster. It's easier for them on strict. There, every convict knows his place. Usually on a strict regime, and indeed in any correct zone, a rooster is just a rejected person. He has everything separate, and he dares not touch anyone. But if he was offended, he was treated unfairly, he can complain to the authorities, and he will be protected, because experienced people understand: one who is mucked by his own will go to seek protection from strangers. That is, he will start working for the administration, knocking.

The roosters have separate places, the dishes are separate, the work is separate - the parade ground for revenge, to wash the toilets. You can't take anything from them. And to give, to throw, so as not to accidentally touch, you can. There are exceptions, though. When they are "consumed", it is not considered a desecrating contact. In a punishment cell, sometimes only through a rooster something can be passed - if between the punishment cell and the residential area there is a "ban", a forbidden lane. It is possible to be on it only to the one who evens it, that is, to the roosters - this is their job. It is through them that the heating is transmitted. It is believed that in such a situation, neither the things that have passed through the hands of the rooster, nor the one who received them, are not "greased", that is, they are not defiled.

In the prison regime, in a colony of a special and strict regime, there are, as a rule, few roosters - from one to five percent. In the enhanced and general regime, their share can reach 10-12%, and in a youngster - up to 20. The softer the regime, the more there are. In some zones there are whole barracks - "monkey houses", "offenders". And in normal zones, they just sleep at the entrance to the barracks and do not go further. Roosters usually have their own "godfather" - the head cock. This is an influential figure. After all, he can order some rooster to kiss, say, someone in front of everyone. A rooster, of course, can be killed for this, but the one he kisses automatically becomes a rooster himself. The chief petukh is at the same time an intermediary between the untouchable caste and the entire camp community. All claims are omitted, all their proposals are communicated to the authoritative (gangway) through this leader. Through him, this group of outcast and formally withdrawn from normal life people are ruled by the authoritative. The main cock is optional, sometimes there are two leaders (“folder” and “mother”) or even more. It should be noted that the leaders of the roosters are people who are very informed about the inner life of the zone. They are aware of many intrigues, they can know who the real “overseer” is (the prisoner who appears to be the “overseer” is often a figurehead, and the real leader of the zone is not exposed), and much more.

They become roosters for life. If a rooster comes to a zone where no one knows him - when he will be transferred there, or from the outside, if he is planted a second time - he is obliged to inform the lads about his status. It is useless to hide it, sooner or later the rooster's past becomes known, and then the revealed roosters are punished, beaten, and often killed. After all, it is believed that such a rooster "boiled" all those who considered him an equal.

Since the beginning of the 90s, since the time when prison manners began to spread rapidly in the wild, the demoted began to come from there, with a ready-made status.

By the way, there are not so many among the neglected passive homosexuals and "prostitutes", contrary to popular belief. Basically, as I said, they fall for the gross violations of the prison law, for example, for snitching, for rats (stealing from their own people), for lawlessness, non-payment of card debt. Those who lowered themselves or were the plowman of the cell in which someone was lowered without guilt are also very likely candidates for roosters. However, they can drop it for anything. For beautiful eyes, they can lower it. It is difficult to rape an adult man - he will resist. Therefore, there are a number of substitute rituals. For example, they touch the lips of a sleeping person h ... m. Or moisten a towel with sperm and run it over the face. Sometimes the first movers are deceived: let me fuck you - you will get a pack of cigarettes. There are smokers who can live without water and bread, but not without smoking. So they are sold for smoke, or even just gobies from the ground picked up - they cooked themselves.

They can promise both support and protection for "services" - whatever. This is called "talk on x ... y". Such a deception is considered a major jamb: these deceivers themselves are then lowered on a par with rapists and derbaners. They can - and this is also the largest jamb - set up an inexperienced novice convict who has attracted the attention of someone. Let's say that all the chairs in the hairdresser's will be occupied except for one, which is greasy. A man, not feeling trouble, enters the hairdresser and sits down on the only free chair. "Countryman, where have you sat down?"

Card debtors often fall into the neglected. A person who has not paid off a debt (and even in the form of a smoke) in the zone may simply be killed - this is not a will, for debts there are seriously recovered. And so, in order to avoid punishment, a person voluntarily becomes a rooster. He takes his mattress at night and moves to the cock's cabin. Now, like any rooster, you can't take anything from him.

- If the name of the convict Petukhov, for example, does this affect his position in the zone?

The surname itself has no effect. Now, if a person does not like something others, it will ruin his life.

- I heard that unclean people or those suffering from skin diseases usually fall into the lowered ones.

Lies. Or a typical example and "Fan Fanych's research". Prison law seen through a peephole.

Skin diseases cannot be the cause of "sinking" in any way. Of course, the leper himself will sleep separately and drink from his mug, so as not to infect the lads. But there will be no rejection from the lads - he is its full member.

As for the unscrupulous, this is already a consequence, not a cause. It is very difficult for a rooster to maintain personal hygiene; he cannot use a common washbasin. And he does the dirtiest work. Uncleanliness is also a violation of the prison law. But just for this, a person is unlikely to be omitted. After all, this happens all the time - where there is an unclean body, there are unclean thoughts and deeds, or simply disrespect for others. Well, where there is dirt, there are skin diseases - this is natural.

To finish with the castes, there are a few more groups that need to be mentioned. In addition to "pigs" and "devils", there are also "six" in the zones - servants. Too weak or helpful people fall into sixes. Both in prisons and in camps, excessive servility is not in honor. If you are asked to do something, say, wash someone else's socks, and you agree - to be a six for you. Even if you do it for a fee. It is customary in the prison to serve oneself independently. The one who cannot bear the difficulties, who begins to do and fulfill everything for a piece of bread, does not deserve respect. But, you yourself understand, this does not mean that you should not fulfill any requests at all. It all depends on the situation in which the request is being fulfilled, and on who and how does it. Sometimes even a person who serves a mug of water becomes a six.

Other passive homosexuals differ from cocks - personal lovers of thieves, all these Jackdaws, Svetki, Masha. They are not beaten, they are not kept in a black body, on the contrary, they are smeared from work - so that they are soft. But they are not allowed to do too much either. It is better not to get involved with these personalities.

"Shnyri" keep apart in the zones - orderlies in detachments, cleaners in headquarters, canteens, medical units, etc. This is also a low-respected audience, something like the goats of the last analysis.

They say that prisoners and camps do not particularly favor those who sat down for rape. What other articles, besides 131 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (rape), are considered shameful? If I sat down on any of the "dirty" articles, is there any point in hiding it?

In fact, they are already accustomed to "rape" in the zone. There are more scary articles. For example, for avoiding the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. Even for homosexuality, for lecherous acts against minors.

As for rape, the attitude towards those who sat down under this article is not always the same. It happens, after all, that there was no rape - they just wanted to jail the person and put him in jail, albeit under the article for rape (in the old Criminal Code it was the famous 117th, "youth" article). This is a fairly common case.

Earlier, articles for vagrancy, for hooliganism, for living without a registration were considered not prestigious. In general, the one who does his “work” without corpses, without violence, and so on, enjoys respect in the underworld.

I don’t know if I should hide my article. Usually such things become known over time.

The main feature of this caste is passive homosexuality: voluntary or compulsory.

But not every cock regularly practices homosexual relationships.

Roosters in jail - who are they?

Omitted within prison life are an untouchable caste. How do those who have been deprived live in prisons?

They live separately from full-fledged members of the prison community: under the bed ("under the bunk"), near the toilet.

In large camps, separate barracks are allocated for them, which are called cockpits.

The omitted enjoy separate subjects everyday life.

Holes are made in their dishes so that no one accidentally confuses the "sealed" plates and spoons with normal ones.

Life is very difficult for those who have been left in prison. Roosters do the dirtiest jobs.

There are several theories about the origin of this caste.

According to the most widespread version, those left behind were separated into a separate prison stratum after the 1961 reform.

She divided the camps according to the severity of the regime of detention: hardened convicts, recidivists began to live separately from the first movers (you can find out what types of prisons exist in Russia today and what regimes there are).

First-movers are, as a rule, young people striving for competition in all spheres of life, they did not know the prison foundations and, in the absence of supervision of more experienced prisoners, their life over time became more and more wild.

This led to the fact that the punishment of rape, which was a last resort before the reform, applied in isolated cases, has become widespread everywhere (read about the types of violence in prisons).

Any prisoner can become omitted.

These include:

  1. People who practiced homosexual relationships in the wild.
  2. Prisoners who ended up in the ILC for the rape of underage children.
  3. People whose relatives work in law enforcement.

Reference: in addition to roosters, there is a caste of devils in the prison community. The status of the untouchables is related to the lowered devils, but they are not used for sexual pleasures.

Automatic descent is less and less practiced in prisons. The attitude towards people who have sat down under the "cock" articles will not be good, but they will not show sexual violence against them either.

Why is it called a rooster in prisons? There is no exact answer to this question. Probably, this name comes from the verb "cock", which denoted the process of rape.

What do they become for?

Contrary to the stereotype, the share of voluntary homosexuals among the offended is low.

Most prisoners become roosters for non-sexual offenses.

Below is what they put in prisons for. Usually these are various serious violations of the rules of prison life:

  1. Failure to pay card debt. Unpaid debts in prison have to be paid in blood, and the only alternative to save life is the provision of sex services.
  2. Skin-to-skin contact with another cock outside of sexual intercourse. After such incidents, this rooster is very severely punished (up to murder), but the person with whom he contacted never ceases to be omitted.

    The offended, driven to despair, often use this for revenge. Sometimes body contact is not necessary - it is enough to spend the night in a cockpit.

  3. Weakness of character, inability to stand up for oneself. For some things (for example, for sending to ...) it is necessary to ask an answer. If the offended side does not do this, then it can lose all its authority and go into the category of offended.
  4. Squealing.
  5. Theft of property from other prisoners.
  6. Putting another person down for no good reason.
  7. Cute appearance, high-pitched voice, cutesy - these factors increase the likelihood of getting a residence permit in the cock's corner.

Lowering can also be carried out by order of the prison administration to remove unwanted prisoners from prison life.

The most popular way is to lock the convict overnight in a cockpit.

But the attitude towards such omitted in the prison community is more loyal.

In the 2000s and subsequent years, there is a refusal to descend by means of rape. This is due to the increased control over the internal regulations of correctional institutions; more attention has been paid to the protection of prisoners' rights.

Briefly about how not to become a rooster in prison:

  1. Watch your words. Do not disclose unnecessary details of sexual and personal life, do not offend anyone without reason.
  2. Have pride. Be able to stand up for yourself and ask for a response from the offender.
  3. Minimize contact with roosters. This includes refraining from participating in beatings and rapes.
    Even in prison one has to remain human, and humanity is valued there.
  4. Do not steal from your own people, do not knock, do not cooperate with the administration.


Now you know how gay people live in prisons. Such a phenomenon as the presence of a caste of the abandoned in prison is a wild phenomenon, a relic of the country's difficult past. But, despite the fact that over time, the internal orders of correctional institutions soften, this stratum still exists, and this sad fact has to be put up with.

"Dropped", "full of holes", "punched out", "set aside", "roosters" and so on. They are given female names. Prisoners with "low social status", as they say in official documents, have many names. There are also many ways to get into the "offended". And there is not a single opportunity to rise from this suit (caste of prisoners) back.

"Roosters" are not born, they become

Probably about 80% of conversations, jokes, jokes, threats and insults in the zone are related to the topic of "omitted". To be honest, convicts love this kind of conversation. They help prisoners feel that things are not so bad for them, because there are those who are much, much worse. And over whom even the very last "horse" (the servant of the convicts) has power. In general, the worst thing that can happen to a prisoner is the transition to the category of "roosters", and this can happen relatively easily.

From an incorrectly spoken word or an insult that has not been answered, to certain actions, any negligence can negatively affect social status.

I had a friend who, without thinking, said in public that he was petting with his girlfriend. In fact, there is nothing incomprehensible in this word, but there is Golden Rule: express yourself in simple words so that the last fool can understand, since any misunderstood term can be used against the speaker. And if this term is somehow connected with sex and the speaker is "sharpening his teeth", then such a statement can be a direct road to the "harem" (to "roosters", in other words).

An acquaintance had something like this: he blurted out without thinking, then quarreled with the people to whom he blurted out, and those, remembering petting, tried to prove that the friend had a direct road to the "down". And this despite the fact that the guy immediately explained that there was nothing wrong with this word and that it was just a term. He was lucky: then serious people stood up for him, since he would not have solved this problem on his own, since he had just arrived at the camp. After this story, an acquaintance was warned that in the zone in no case should one talk about his personal life.

There are a lot of intimate life prohibitions in the prison world. In fact, the only sure way not to get into the "joint" is to engage exclusively in classic sex, never touching anything else. It is better not to engage in oral sex at all, since it only allows you to hire a prostitute or find a girl with whom you will never kiss. Naturally, with this approach, unfamiliar terms from sexology are automatically classified as "dumb" (in this case, shameful, "cocky").

This does not mean that no one on the outside was engaged in all sorts of "bad" things - they simply keep silent about this.

You can also visit the "harem" for not responding to some insults. For example, if they sent three letters and the person did not say anything, it means that there is a road for him.

But a convict can become a "rooster" for seemingly ordinary, everyday actions. It is impossible to contact the "detached" ones. Everything that the "lowered one" touches is immediately "stuffed" (that is, it becomes the category of things for "roosters"). This rule does not apply only to "prohibitions" (things prohibited in the zone), which are sometimes hidden from the "seized". They told how some of them carried mobile phones from the living area to the work area in their underpants. And the convicts were not at all embarrassed by this. Still "lowered" ones can be beaten (with sticks or legs) and used for the second purpose.

I was told that in some areas, especially for "roosters", so that they would not take the handles, nails were driven in the doors. They have their own tables, bunks, toilets, taps, everything of their own that "muzhiks" cannot touch. Therefore, if a convict takes food, cigarettes from the "lowered" one, drinks tea with him or sits down to eat at his table, then he himself will fall into the lower Zon caste. Of course, if this is not done "out of ignorance" (when a person does not know that there is a "rooster" in front of him, or that the thing is "farmed").

This is not California

The two main responsibilities of the "offended" are: sexually satisfying the prisoners and doing all the dirty work in the zone. They can be beaten for educational purposes and so, for the soul. I was told of cases when the "lowered" were woken up with a foot in the face so that they would go to clean the toilet.

The administration has an ambiguous view of the "cock" question. For a long time, the police officers who have been working in the MLS are imbued with "concepts" to the marrow of their bones and, accordingly, treat the "lowered" ones a little differently from other convicts. On the other hand, on duty, the guards are obliged to prevent any manifestation of physical or psychological violence among the prisoners, so they try in every possible way to keep track of the "roosters" not being severely beaten and humiliated. And lately they have been especially successful: they have almost completely stopped beating the "seated".

In the area where I was sitting, even at the beginning of my term, the "offended" was obliged to press against the wall when the "man" walked along the corridor.

If there is no place to put the "lowered" one, then he can sleep right under the bunk. At the stages, in the transit cells, all the "roosters" sit down either to the door or to the toilet. In general, in order to survive in the zone, being a "rooster", you need to have a certain type of personality, since not everyone will be able to endure the constant humiliation, beatings, harassment and complete destruction of human dignity to which the "offended" are subjected.

True, the "omitted" are distinguished by no less cruelty. Old-timers told me that supposedly in one of the colonies they decided to conduct an experiment, and the "roosters" from all over the zone were settled in one detachment so that no one would touch them, and they could live peacefully for themselves. So, no sooner had the militiamen done this than the "offended" ones created in the detachment exactly the same hierarchy as in the entire zone: there appeared their own "thieves", "men" and "lowered" ones. But, unlike the rest of the zone, in this detachment the hierarchy was maintained, allegedly thanks to inhuman cruelty (in principle, this is understandable). The experiment had to be terminated.

I don’t know how in other camps, but in our zone it was always possible to distinguish the "roosters" outwardly. Not only in their clothes, they had some kind of special imprint on their faces. It was clear that these people were not in the "harem" in vain.

However, despite all the beatings and humiliations, the "omitted" have some rights and social guarantees.

First, all "roosters" are divided into workers and non-workers. Workers provide sexual services, non-workers do not. And no one has the right to force a "lowered" person to do "this" against his will - this is lawlessness. Most often, intimate services are provided by mutual desire.

Secondly, you have to pay for sex. If the prisoner does not pay the "punched" for sex, then he is doing it for love. And who can have love with a "rooster"? That's right, at the same. In general, in terms of payment for cleaning or other services, the "omitted" were not "thrown": they paid in full size and always on time, since they are already offended by life, how much more to scoff! Therefore, very often prisoners with a low social status in material terms were doing much better than prisoners with a higher status.

In general, in relation to the "roosters" the essence of the prisoner is manifested. ZK are divided into two camps, those who use the services of "leaky" ones with pleasure, not seeing any problems in this, and those who avoid such things, considering them active form homosexuality. There are not so many firsts in the zone, especially recently, when the police actively began to eradicate intimate services. I don’t know how in other camps, but in our colony the administration has achieved tremendous success in this matter. Our convicts, before turning to the "cock" with a proposal to have sex, thought three times: do they need it.

Not bad

But here's what's interesting. Despite the poor position of the "offended" in the zone, some prisoners deliberately and absolutely voluntarily went to the "harem". In my memory, several people specially took something from the "offended" or sat down to eat at their table. Someone did it out of protest against something, someone simply could not stand their nerves. But there were convicts who, during their imprisonment, began to understand that they liked sex with men, and in all its manifestations.

It always seemed to me that such a cruel attitude towards "roosters" arose as a means of protection against the possible spread of sodomy. Psychologists have long proved that in closed same-sex groups there is a so-called false homosexuality, Freud called this phenomenon acquired perversion. Being long time among the peasants, willy-nilly, you begin to look closely at some of them as possible objects of desire. No, of course, everyone remains heterosexual, but women are far away and, over time, become a somewhat abstract concept, so many of them shift their attention to “their own”. Someone even hides it from themselves, but there are those who are not at all embarrassed by this state of affairs. There were cases when, before a long meeting with his wife, a convict went to the "cock" in order to "throw off the tension and not hit his face in the mud on the date."

I remember being told about how true love arose between one "man" and a "rooster". They even planned to live together after the release, and the "lowered" one was going to change sex for the sake of his beloved. Most likely, after they were released, these plans were forgotten, since such thoughts disappear as soon as the convict sees real women around him. The zone is gradually forgotten, but the sediment remains, for some for life.

In modern society, it is not customary to divide people into any groups, estates and castes. However, this rule does not apply to places of deprivation of liberty, where for many decades there has been a strict classification of convicts into peculiar groups (or, as they say in the zone, suits).

Prison suits

The suits on the zone are the division of all prisoners into peculiar groups that differ from each other in prison status, rights and concepts.

Absolutely in any prison and colony there is a clear delineation of all prisoners into certain groups or suits: "thieves", "men", "goats" and "roosters". There are also so-called intermediate groups, which vary depending on the specific place of deprivation of liberty. Such "intermediate" castes include "roosters", "lowered", "offended" and others.

The suits on the zone are rather closed groups, and it is almost impossible to move from one caste to another.

Zone "Authorities"

The most significant, important and honorable suit in the zone are “thieves”. This caste is the smallest in number, and you just won't be able to get into it. So who is a thug?

The "thieves" are real, practically unlimited power in the zone. It is the members of this group who establish unwritten rules of conduct in places of deprivation of liberty, monitor order in the prison, resolve conflict situations that arise between prisoners, and punish the “guilty” to the fullest extent of the prison law.

A special group of "thieves" are the so-called thieves in law. These are recognized Moreover, they do not have to trade in thefts. A "thief in law" is a person who has an impeccable criminal reputation, correct concepts and strictly adheres to

If you answer the question about , who is a "thug", then we can say that he behaves "correctly" not only in the zone, but also did not have any "jambs" at large. For example, "thieves" should not serve in the army, in the wild they should not have held leadership positions or work in the service sector (taxi drivers, waiters). In Soviet times, such authorities were forbidden to have a family and be a member of any political party.

The most important

The leader of the "thieves" is the "godfather" - a recognized crime boss. If there is no such thing in the zone, then an “overseer” is appointed - a prisoner who performs the functions of a leader.

"Pakhan" and his entourage (that is, "thieves") have special privileges in the zone. They may not work, and may keep whatever they see fit from the common fund.

V modern world many "thieves" in the zone interact with the administration and establish those procedures that are beneficial to the leadership of the colony. Instead, the "thieves" are provided with comfortable conditions of detention (they secretly receive alcohol, cannabis, telephones and other benefits). Although this does not correspond to the concepts of thieves, market relations now reign in the zone as well.

Who is a "man"?

The "muzhiks" are perhaps the largest and most neutral group of prisoners. This includes prisoners who received a sentence for committing minor crimes. As a rule, these are absolutely random people in prison: having entered the zone once, they try to free themselves as quickly as possible and return to their normal life in freedom.

Among the "men" there are, of course, such prisoners who are respected by the "thieves" and even listen to their opinion.

This group of prisoners is considered neutral and quite large. And if we talk about who a “man” is, this is the prisoner who, at the end of the term, will forget everything as “ horrible dream”And will try not to return to the zone anymore.

"Goats" is ...

If it is an honor to belong to the two above-described suits, then getting into the caste of "goats" means putting yourself against the rest of the prisoners. As a rule, this suit includes those prisoners who are on their own(and in some cases under duress) began to cooperate with the administration of the correctional institution.

So, if a prisoner agreed to take the position of a prison librarian or a caretaker, then he automatically fell into the caste of "goats". Convicts belonging to this suit actively cooperate with the leadership of the prisons, carrying out all their orders. In this regard, the rest of the prisoners treat them as traitors.

This situation deprives the "goats" of the right to participate in prison showdowns, they are not allowed to the "common fund", they do not have the right to vote. Meanwhile, you can greet the representatives of this suit, you can touch them and, if you wish, you can communicate with them.

You will not wish the enemy

The suits on the zone are unchanged. You cannot move from a lower caste to a more authoritative one. So, the "goat" will never become a "man" or "thug". But you can get into the lowest caste.

Such a suit as "rooster" is a real nightmare for a prisoner. It is not easy for the prisoners who fell into this caste to live in the zone, to put it mildly. This group of prisoners is also called “offended”, “lowered”, “untouchable”. This suit includes passive homosexuals and prisoners who are punished by having sex with them. Moreover, the sexual intercourse itself may not take place: the prisoner can simply be held on his lips with his genital organ, and from that moment he will be considered a “rooster”.

Representatives of this suit are outcasts: you cannot touch them, you cannot take anything from them. The "roosters" use separate dishes and have a separate sleeping place (as a rule, at the entrance to the cell). It is not customary to talk to them. "Roosters" are forbidden to approach the rest of the prisoners closer than three steps. They are the ones who do the dirtiest work in the prison - they clean the toilets, wash the parade ground.

However, when the “roosters” are “consumed” (this is what they say in the zone), this is not considered to be any desecrating contact.

There is also an ominous "tradition" - to make holes in plates, spoons and mugs of "roosters". In order for a convict belonging to this caste to eat or drink, it is necessary to plug the holes with your fingers. And this is the most harmless humiliation of those to which the "roosters" are subjected.

The prison laws are very strict and harsh. Therefore, the slightest deviation from the established norms of behavior inevitably leads to punishment. So, having become a "rooster" once, a person is deprived of the right to a human relationship in prison and is humiliated until the end of the term. Not everyone can withstand this, so many prisoners who fall into the caste of "roosters" commit suicide.

Sometimes it happens

The aforementioned suits are available in all zones and prisons. However, some have their own specific, so-called intermediate castes.

There are especially many such castes in the zone where juvenile criminals are kept. On the "youngster", in addition to the already mentioned castes, there are such suits as:

  • “Forshmaks”, which includes prisoners who have committed any minor offense in the zone due to ignorance of the rules and norms of behavior;
  • "Devils" - that is, those prisoners who were caught stealing from their cellmates;
  • "Schnyri" who perform the role of servants;
  • "Laundresses", "butter mongers", "shortages" and others.

Some adult zones have podcasts of sorts. For example, the "rogue", which includes prisoners who make up the "retinue" of the "thieves" (while they themselves are not criminals). Or the "villains" caste, which includes "thieves" prisoners who have committed some disgusting deed.

Live "by concepts"

Whatever suit the prisoner belongs to, he is obliged to observe Zon's concepts. Concepts are the established norms of a prisoner's behavior in places of deprivation of liberty. Strict adherence to these unwritten rules helps to avoid the occurrence of conflict and sometimes life-threatening situations.

Prison laws (or concepts) are very similar to the norms of living in freedom. The paradox is that often prisoners who violated the law in freedom (for example, stole) strictly adhere to the rule “do not steal” in places of detention.

The basic concepts of Zon are reduced to the following: do not "knock" and do not steal from your own (that is, from the same prisoners), do not let "words down the drain" (if you threatened someone, you must punish; otherwise, they will punish for chatter) ...

You cannot interfere in other people's affairs and conversations in the zone, impose your opinion, lie and swear (since the demand for any spoken word in prison is much greater than in freedom).

You should not be greedy in prisons: it is customary to share with inmates. And, of course, you should not put yourself above the rest, because this can lead to dire consequences.

Strange norms

Some areas have very strange laws. This is especially true of colonies where juvenile criminals are kept. For example, you cannot pick up anything from the floor, you cannot smoke a cigarette after prisoners who belong to the lower prison castes.

There are prisons in which they can be detained only for the fact that the prisoner went to the toilet and did not wash his hands or mend his socks.

There are also such colonies in which it is customary to wash in the bath with two washcloths - one up to the waist, the second for everything else. A towel, which is usually called "waffle", is considered a "checkered towel" in the zone. And the prisoner who does not know this rule will be very unhappy.

Zone "red". Zone "black"

Not only the prisoners themselves are divided according to colors, but also the places of their detention. All zones are divided into "black" and "red".

“Reds” are those prisons in which tough “cop” concepts prevail. In such prisons, the interaction of prisoners with the administration of the correctional institution is strongly encouraged. Life here follows the rules of the zone administration.

"Black" prisons (which are the majority in Russia) are those correctional institutions in which everything is built on thieves' suits. Here, the suits in the zone are of great importance. To cooperate with the administration of such a colony is considered "zapadlo".

In the "black" zones, the prisoners who "knock" on the leadership are referred to the caste of "goats" (they are also called "red"). "Red" in the zone will never be able to live peacefully, since he will cause hatred among all other prisoners and will be considered a traitor.


For many decades in places of deprivation of liberty, clear and strict rules and norms of behavior for prisoners have been formed. Violation of the established rules leads prisoners to punishment, which, most often, consists in transferring to the lowest prison caste.

And if for an ordinary law-abiding citizen such a punishment seems childish, for the inhabitants of the zone it is the most severe and severe punishment. After all, the successful and calm serving of the sentence directly depends on what suit the prisoner belongs to.

Although modern society and the worldview brought into prison life there are many innovations, there are things that still remain unchanged - these are prison castes (suits), thieves' laws and concepts.

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