Who is a family man in the zone. Prison life. Sometimes it happens

Calculator 28.10.2020

In modern society, it is not customary to divide people into any groups, estates and castes. However, this rule does not apply to places of deprivation of liberty, where for many decades there has been a strict classification of convicts into peculiar groups (or, as they say in the zone, suits).

Prison suits

The suits in the zone are the division of all prisoners into peculiar groups that differ from each other in prison status, rights and concepts.

Absolutely in any prison and colony there is a clear distinction between all prisoners into certain groups or suits: “thieves”, “muzhiks”, “goats” and “roosters”. There are also so-called intermediate groups, which vary depending on the specific place of deprivation of liberty. Such "intermediate" castes include "roosters", "lowered", "offended" and others.

The suits in the zone are quite closed groups, and it is almost impossible to move from one caste to another.

"Authorities" of the zone

The most significant, important and honorable suit in the zone are "thieves". This caste is the smallest, and it’s not easy to get into it. So, who is this "thug"?

"Thieves" - this is real, almost unlimited power in the zone. It is the members of this group who establish unwritten rules of conduct in places of deprivation of liberty, monitor order in the zone, resolve conflict situations that arise between prisoners, and punish the "guilty" to the fullest extent of the prison law.

A special group of "thieves" are the so-called thieves in law. These are recognized. Moreover, they do not have to trade in thefts. A "thief in law" is a person who has an impeccable criminal reputation, the right concepts and strictly observes

If answering the question about , who is “thieves”, then we can say that he behaves “correctly” not only in the zone, but also did not have any “jambs” at large. For example, "thieves" should not serve in the army, in the wild they should not have held leadership positions or worked in the service sector (taxi drivers, waiters). In Soviet times, such authorities were forbidden to have a family and be a member of any political party.

The main

The leader of the "thieves" is the "godfather" - a recognized criminal authority. If there is no such person in the zone, then a “watcher” is appointed - a prisoner who performs the functions of a leader.

"Godfather" and his entourage (that is, "thieves") have special privileges in the zone. They may not work, leaving for themselves from the “common fund” everything they see fit.

AT modern world many "thieves" in the zone interact with the administration and establish those orders that are beneficial to the leadership of the colony. Instead of “thieves”, comfortable conditions of detention are created (they secretly receive alcohol, marijuana, telephones and other benefits). Although this does not correspond to thieves' concepts, market relations in our time also reign in the zone.

Who is a "man"?

"Guys" - this is perhaps the most numerous and neutral group of prisoners. It includes prisoners who received a term for committing minor crimes. As a rule, these are absolutely random people in prison: having got into the zone once, they try to free themselves as quickly as possible and return to ordinary life at will.

Among the "muzhiks" there are, of course, such prisoners who are respected by the "thieves" and even listen to their opinion.

This group of prisoners is considered neutral and quite numerous. And if we talk about who a “man” is, this is the prisoner who, at the end of his term, will forget everything like “ horrible dream” and will try not to return to the zone anymore.

"Goats" are...

If it is honorable to belong to the two suits described above, then to fall into the caste of "goats" means to put yourself against the rest of the prisoners. As a rule, those prisoners who, according to own will(and in some cases under duress) began to cooperate with the administration of the correctional facility.

So, if a prisoner agreed to take the position of a prison librarian or supply manager, then he automatically fell into the caste of "goats". Convicts belonging to this suit actively cooperate with the prison authorities, fulfilling all their instructions. In this regard, the rest of the prisoners treat them as traitors.

Such a situation deprives the "goats" of the right to participate in prison squabbles, they are not allowed to the "common fund", they do not have the right to vote. Meanwhile, you can greet representatives of this suit, you can touch them and, if you wish, you can communicate with them.

You don't wish on your enemy

The suits on the zone are unchanged. You cannot move from a lower caste to a more authoritative one. So, a "goat" will never become a "man" or "thieves". But you can get into the lowest caste.

A suit like "rooster" is a real nightmare for a prisoner. The prisoners who fell into this caste do not live easily in the zone, to put it mildly. This group of prisoners is also called "offended", "lowered", "untouchable". This suit includes passive homosexuals and prisoners punished by having sexual contact with them. Moreover, there may not be a sexual intercourse itself: a prisoner can simply be swiped across the lips with a genital organ, and from that moment on he will be considered a “rooster”.

Representatives of this suit are outcasts: you can’t touch them, you can’t take anything from them. "Roosters" use separate dishes, have a separate sleeping place (as a rule, at the entrance to the cell). It is not customary to talk to them. "Roosters" are forbidden to approach the rest of the prisoners closer than three steps. It is they who do the dirtiest work in the prison - they clean toilets, wash the parade ground.

However, when "roosters" are "used" (that's what they say in the zone), this is not considered any kind of defiling contact.

There is also an ominous "tradition" - to make holes in plates, spoons and mugs of "roosters". In order for a convict belonging to this caste to eat or drink, it is necessary to plug the holes with your fingers. And this is the most harmless humiliation of those to which "roosters" are subjected.

Prison laws are very strict and cruel. Therefore, the slightest deviation from the established norms of behavior inevitably leads to punishment. So, having become a “rooster” once, a person is deprived of the right to human relations in prison and is subjected to humiliation until the end of his term. Not everyone can withstand this, so many prisoners who fall into the “rooster” caste commit suicide.

Sometimes it happens

The above suits are available in all zones and prisons. However, some have their own specific, so-called intermediate castes.

There are especially many such castes in the zone where juvenile delinquents are kept. On the "youngster", in addition to the already indicated castes, there are such suits as:

  • "forshmaki", which includes prisoners who have committed some minor offense in the zone due to ignorance of the rules and norms of behavior;
  • "devils" - that is, those prisoners who were convicted of stealing from their cellmates;
  • "sneakers" who act as servants;
  • "washerwomen", "butterers", "shortage" and others.

In some adult zones, peculiar podcasts are common. For example, “thieves”, which includes prisoners who make up the “retinue” of “thieves” (while they themselves are not thieves). Or the "scoundrels" caste, which includes "thieves" prisoners who have committed some heinous act.

Live "by definition"

Whatever suit the prisoner belongs to, he is obliged to comply with the Zon's concepts. Concepts are the established norms of behavior of a prisoner in places of deprivation of liberty. Strict observance of these unwritten rules helps to avoid the occurrence of conflict, and sometimes life-threatening situations.

Prison laws (or concepts) are very similar to the norms of life in freedom. The paradox lies in the fact that often prisoners who violated the law in the wild (for example, by stealing) strictly adhere to the rule “do not steal” in places of deprivation of liberty.

The main Zon concepts boil down to the following: do not “knock” and do not steal from your own (that is, from the same prisoners), do not let “words go to the wind” (if you threatened someone, you must punish; otherwise, they will punish you for chatting) .

You can’t interfere in other people’s affairs and conversations in the zone, impose your opinion, lie and swear (since the demand for any spoken word in prison is much greater than in freedom).

You should not be greedy in places of deprivation of liberty: it is customary to share with cellmates. And, of course, you should not put yourself above the rest, because this can lead to dire consequences.

Strange Norms

Some areas have very strange laws. This is especially true of colonies that contain juvenile offenders. For example, you can’t pick up anything from the floor, you can’t finish smoking a cigarette after prisoners who belong to lower prison castes.

There are prisons in which they can only be lowered for the fact that the prisoner went to the toilet and did not wash his hands or mended his socks.

There are also such colonies in which it is customary to wash in the bath with two washcloths - one to the waist, the second - for everything else. A towel, which is commonly called a “waffle”, is considered a “checkered towel” in the zone. And the prisoner who does not know this rule will not be very well.

Red zone. Zone "black"

According to suits, not only the prisoners themselves are divided, but also the places of their detention. All zones are divided into "black" and "red".

"Red" - these are the prisons in which tough "Cop" concepts prevail. In such prisons, the interaction of prisoners with the administration of the correctional institution is strongly encouraged. Life here proceeds according to the rules of the zone management.

"Black" prisons (which are the majority in Russia) are those correctional institutions in which everything is built on thieves' suits. Here, the suits in the zone are of great importance. Collaborating with the administration of such a colony is considered “zapadno”.

In the "black" zones, prisoners who "knock" the leadership are referred to the "goat" caste (they are also called "red"). "Red" in the zone will never be able to live in peace, since he will cause hatred among all other prisoners and will be considered a traitor.


For many decades, clear and strict rules and norms for the behavior of prisoners have been formed in places of deprivation of liberty. Violation of the established rules leads prisoners to punishment, which, most often, consists in transferring to the lowest prison caste.

And if for an ordinary law-abiding citizen such a punishment seems childish, then for the inhabitants of the zone it is the most severe and severe punishment. After all, a safe and calm serving of a term directly depends on what suit the prisoner belongs to.

Despite the fact that modern society and worldview has introduced many innovations into prison life, there are things that still remain unchanged - these are prison castes (suits), thieves' laws and concepts.

“One evening in 2012, I was packing my bags to go on vacation with the whole family, when I suddenly heard a knock on the door. My husband Patrick was not at home - he went to shoot with a bow. When I opened the door, I saw a whole group of policemen.

“Mrs. Jacob, we have a search warrant. This concerns your husband, he has been detained,” one of the officers said.

Terrified, I turned around to see if the children had heard it, but they were absorbed in the television. Then I desperately called the police station and lawyers, but to no avail. I panicked so much that I didn't even ask about the charges.

At that moment, my usual, happy and comfortable life ended. A minute ago, I was going to relax with my family on the central coast of Australia, and now I'm calling lawyers to talk to husbands, whom I will only see in the courtroom or in prison for the next 4 years.

Patrick and I met during the New Year celebration 21 years ago. We got married in 1998, we have a seven-year-old son and a five-year-old daughter. I worked successfully, we moved from Sydney and built a house in the suburbs.

Patrick was a father you could rely on. He played with the children, changed their diapers, fed them, bathed them, read bedtime stories and took them to the park. He was a great earner, loyal, funny and smart. We have been together for 14 years, I knew everything about him.

It must sound naive now, but I never thought that Patrick could get in trouble - he was always so reliable.

That evening, the police were unable to explain to me exactly what he was accused of. He spent the night in prison, and then I saw him in the courtroom after being released on bail.

Patrick was charged with illegal possession of weapons: two crossbows, one unregistered rifle and three metal objects (obviously cold weapons). In addition, he agreed to sell the rifle to an undercover cop and assembled a crossbow for another officer.

I didn't get a chance to talk to him until he was released on bail. During the first conversation, I was angry and worried. He looked very guilty.

He said that he did not know that he was doing something illegal: he did not know that the rifle was unregistered and did not collect a crossbow.

Two years elapsed between his arrest and prison. I went to all court hearings, trying to behave at home, as usual, for the sake of the children. These days are blurred in my memory. At the first hearing, a few months after his arrest, Patrick pleaded guilty to some counts while denying the rest of the charges.

When I heard the verdict, I felt at a dead end: four and a half years in prison. Everything seemed to be happening very quickly. He was taken out of the sala accompanied by two policemen, I could not talk to him, he was taken into custody and I had to wait several days just to call.

I was afraid that he would be beaten in prison - he is not such a tough guy, and some of the people I saw there looked pretty scary.

We never took children to court. When I sat down and explained to them where Dad was now, they seemed to take it quite lightly. My daughter was most worried about whether I would still buy cookies for her. But over time, life without a father became difficult for them.

I was angry at Patrick—very angry. What happened was contrary to all my ideas about him. How could he do such an idiotic thing?

My life has changed. I became a single mother, although in fact I was married. I had to take over Patrick's business and work as a freelancer to keep us going.

A few months after the sentencing, I became very lonely. The kids went to bed early and I was suddenly alone. This was the time when Patrick and I used to talk or watch TV together. I missed him.

He spent two years in prison, being released early in January 2015. We even noted it, but it was hard times. Patrick was in a state of post-traumatic stress disorder.

He was either completely detached from what was happening, or angry. For two years he lived in the midst of cruelty and could not relax even for a minute.

Now we are still together and try to work on our relationship, although it is very difficult. We went to a specialist who worked out a strategy for Patrick to adapt, but still my husband is no longer the same as he was before prison. We both experienced trauma, but both in different ways, so it’s hard for us to understand each other. Even though we try very hard.

The biggest lesson for me is the ability to forgive. If I continued to be angry with him, it would make me unhappy. And I decided to move forward. I learned that we can take more than we think. You never know what else life has in store for you."

In a remand prison, a hut is not only a cage assigned to you with a number on the door, it is the people who live in it. If you sit in a small cell for five, seven people, then, as a rule, they make up one family. In a prison family, just like in a free family, anything can happen - both quarrels and disagreements, but this does not make the common between you disappear. They do not enjoy respect among the prisoners of the hut, where every man is for himself, on his own. In a large cell, for several dozen people, there are several families, in the family everything is equally divided. There is also a common fund, something like a mutual aid fund. It is difficult with smoking, tea - they create a common (general) stock of tea, shag, tobacco, everyone who has received a parcel or bought goods in a stall makes a voluntary contribution here. And those who have nothing use this common fund.

The common fund is a sacred thing, and those who are greedy do not enjoy the respect of society, and will not help him in difficult times. For example, a newcomer enters the hut: “Hi, lads.” He unties the bag, slowly, takes out a couple of packs of cigarettes, maybe tea, a piece of bacon, a bag of sweets: “This is for a common fund ...” It is immediately obvious: a traveling man, a prisoner, a tramp. Another rolls into a cell with a huge sidor and begins, as they say, to change - to whom it would be more profitable for him to settle down. All the same, he will not save his sidor, he will lose at cards or some kind of laying they will do to him - the prisoners in this respect are cunning people ...

In the zone, a common fund is a general fund of money, food, things, to which convicts voluntarily, as much as they want, make their contributions. It is believed that if there is a common fund in the zone, the zone is correct. All men and thieves can participate in the common fund. Goats, roosters and others - no. But those have their own commons.

They try to keep the common fund in money - it's easier to hide it that way. They choose the person who looks after the common fund - an honest, pure convict in this life. He recruits his own assistants. Each member of the obshchak gives them a share of everything that he receives in addition to rations and official clothes - part of the parcel, part of the goods in the stall, part of the money that they receive for left-handed earnings or from relatives. Funds from the obshchak, in turn, are used both for general needs and to help individuals. A person arrives in a stage, has not yet settled down, has not had time to buy goods, has not been on a date. For the first time, the most necessary things for him will be from the common fund. The same for those who are suddenly sent to the stage, to the “covered”, etc.

ShIZO and PKT, for example, the common fund should heat. It is interesting that there are also small communal funds in ShIZO - there a person donates his ration on the first and on last days releases. It is believed that a person from "freedom" can go hungry for a day - he is still full of yesterday. And the one who is released from the ShIZO is not in danger of starvation - tomorrow he will eat enough. From the obshchak funds they help those who are released with clothes and money.

In the camp, a family is a group of convicts running a common household and having a common income. That is, in addition to the general camp common fund, they have their own small common fund. One family consists of two or more, up to 15-20 people. Family members take care of each other, protect their members in boundless zones. Although such protection, of course, is not considered a normal phenomenon. In the right zones, the prisoner is protected by law. And if he violated this law, the family has no right to intercede for him. On the contrary, family members are bound by mutual responsibility, that is, collective responsibility for the actions of each member of their family. The family must also pay a fine for their family member so that he is not lowered or killed, and punish him properly if he is recognized as a criminal at the showdown. Leaving the family is considered a joint. In general, the family in the zone is the father and his children. Their mother died, now they live alone, as best they can. In the conditions of the zone, this phenomenon is quite normal and good.

There is another word - kentovka. First, it is synonymous with the word "family". But there is also a second meaning of the word. If the family usually comes the most different people- as a rule, only because of personal sympathies or for reasons of the benefits of living together, then kentovka consists mainly of fellow countrymen. The area of ​​"land", the former inhabitants of which can gather in a zone of one kentovka, is practically unlimited. Maybe Siberian kentovka in some Central Asian zone. And in a zone located in a city, there may be a kentovka, consisting only of residents of one street of this city. And, accordingly, other street kents. If the streets of this city (or neighboring districts, or neighboring villages) are at enmity in the wild, then the corresponding Kentovkas are usually at enmity in the zone.

- And what about the zones with the national question?

There are national kents in the zones. Sometimes tensions arise between them - rivalry, distrust, gloating. I have not heard of any inter-ethnic massacres in the zones. The prison law, like its progenitor, the thieves' law, does not recognize nationalities. For the thieves' law, the national question is a fraer question, that is, unworthy of the attention of a normal person.

True, as already mentioned, the thieves' law has undergone many changes in recent years. And the order in the prison has changed. Today, the struggle between different factions can also take on a national character.

The fact is that among the “oranges” there are many Caucasians, they are also called “lavrushniks”. There has long been unemployment and overcrowding in the Caucasus, and there are few brides left. So the men are moving from there to Russia. Sometimes they end up in the underworld. Emigrants around the world are much more active than locals, and in the underworld too. Caucasians, according to their national cultures, have always been shameless to engage in trade and business. They quickly realized what benefits can be derived from the rank of thieves. As a result, today there are fewer and fewer Russians among thieves in law. This is according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which continues to record people on a national basis. According to the same data, today there are about the same number of Georgians among thieves in law as Russians. There are also many immigrants from other Caucasian peoples - Azerbaijanis, Armenians.

Of course, the Caucasian at the head of the group does not mean that his lads consist entirely of fellow tribesmen. There are also Caucasian gangs with a Russian godfather, and Russian gangs with a godfather from the Caucasus. In this sense, the underworld is still international. But when the gangs begin to quarrel, everything comes into play, including the fascist ideology.

Trade relations between convicts. Zeki are people too...

In a prison, unlike in a zone, huckstering (that is, buying and selling) is not welcome, and just like that, in a cell, to say, sell me, for example, for three packs of cigarettes or for such and such a sum, your sweater will not work. It is believed that everyone is in trouble, and fattening or using such a situation for selfish interests is low. Therefore, an offer to buy or sell something can be perceived as unworthy behavior.

Something can only be pushed "to the side" - usually through a balancer, and if the transaction is more or less large - it must be paid from it to the general. They usually push something from clothes, "products" of chamber craftsmen - stamps (painted noses or just pieces of cloth), rosaries, postcards. First of all, tea and cigarettes are bought from balanders. Perhaps something to eat - fried potatoes, for example, or something else.

But, firstly, by purchasing some of the products from the kitchen intended for prisoners, you can get in - after all, the balancer has to steal, and steal what is sacred for the prisoner - rations. If the balander has almost nothing to lose - his status is unlikely to drop lower (although he may also value his place), then for a decent prisoner this is a serious jamb, which, if desired, can be brought under rat-keeping (theft from his own). If even something is purchased and not from the kitchen, then all the same it can be regarded as an act, at least not entirely unworthy, if the acquisition is limited only to food.

Tea and smoking, as I said, are sacred - and if there is a goblin in at least one of the points in the hut, spending money on food in such a situation is like betraying thieves' ideals, even if the person who does it does not smoke or drink chief (then he can be accused also in the absence of prisoner solidarity).

In the zone, "decent" prisoners can only be sold through a huckster - a merchant "approved" by the authorities, who is obliged to pay tax on his activities to the obshchak. Themselves - zapadlo. Of course, it is possible to conduct a one-time deal, and even then for peasants, but to do this regularly is not.

Hucklers in their status are lower than peasants (or, more precisely, this is their lower, non-authoritative part) and do not have the right to vote in showdowns (they are not considered "decent" prisoners).

If a person has something for sale, he informs the huckster about it, and he is already looking for a buyer or buys himself for the purpose of resale. But we will talk about this again when we come to the description of life in the zone, but for now our main topic is the prison.

In prisons, it is considered shameful to have any property that lies in reserve. The thieves' ideology practically declares the rejection of possessiveness. A real thief does not steal in reserve, does not put off for tomorrow. "Stole, drank, jail." He lives only today. Tomorrow will take care of itself. A thief in law - the ideal of the thieves' world - should not have any property at all. Therefore, a real, "correct" thief never ceases to be one and does not give up his craft. "I'll tell, I'll stop, I'm waiting, I'm about to become rich" - this alignment does not roll.

This, of course, is all ideally - in life, as you know and understand, it is somewhat different. But I am telling this in order to make the direction of the tramp thought more understandable.

Idealism is generally characteristic of the thieves' outlook on life. An example of an ideologically correct criminal can, for example, be seen in the magnificent Hollywood film "Fight" - there the main "negative" hero says (I don’t remember verbatim): "You must be ready at any moment to give up everything that you have - values, love... Only then can you be a professional."

A real thief is a Warrior, always ready, if not for death, then for prison, and therefore appreciating life and any of its manifestations, and not postponing it for tomorrow. Full, total consciousness - after all, any moment can bring an unexpected turn. This taste of constant danger attracts, and will always attract more and more fighters to the fronts of invisible and obvious wars - and on both sides of the barricades.

"Always be ready for anything" - this is how meditation is explained in Aikido. A very attractive look for everyone - I won't go wrong if I say so (at least for men). Those who did not play Cossack robbers in childhood did not imagine themselves as a pirate or a great master of martial arts.

That is why the viewer of this film is more sympathetic to the negative hero - the "honest bandit", and not his opponent - the same reckless, but still bound by his status, cop (cop, that is, in their language). Remember "Leon the Killer", and many more films of the same theme.

Now they say that these films from the West "corrupted" our youth and society and provoked the growth of crime, especially organized crime. I dare not agree - this image existed in former times. The entire thieves' ideology is built on this image - and in terms of the depth of study and scope of our thieves' idea, which reached its peak in Soviet times (the era of "correct" films), there is no equal in the world. The Italian Cosa Nostra, the Chinese triads pale before the scope of the Russian soul.

After all, the whole country - its criminal part - lived according to one (never written down or published anywhere, but, nevertheless, practically the same!) rules - concepts. There was a whole country within the country - a single hierarchy, legislative, judicial and executive power, intelligence and counterintelligence. Section on thieves' workshops and professions. Taxes were collected (regularly!) by forming budgets (common funds) of different levels. A system of mutual assistance - social insurance in our opinion (something like "in case of unemployment" - here in case of imprisonment) and even a pension fund. Well-established communication and news reporting system, covering even the most closed prisons and zones (in the absence of mobile phones and other jokes). Its own language of communication - a system of secret signs (tattoos, gestures) and jargon, incomprehensible to the uninitiated.

And all this without a single center and leader for the entire movement. This life lived more than one hundred thousand (if not millions) of people in a space of one sixth of the land - from the Baltic to the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bOkhotsk. Where are the American gangsters and Italian mafiosi (although the topic is good - a little later I will try to analyze the similarities and differences between various criminal communities).

So what united, nourished and kept this system, similar to the whole country, in balance? Just such a romantic image of the Warrior, the image of Freedom ...

And a warrior cannot burden himself with property, comfort, or family... Work and trade are contemptible occupations for him.

From this, the rules of conduct in places of detention arose, which were a continuation of the general thieves' ideology. In particular, the attitude towards property and trade, which I am now talking about.

If you have something extra (although there is no extra in prison), just give it to someone who needs it more. And if you need something, you can ask, of course, but remember the well-known motto "Do not believe, do not be afraid, do not ask." If you ask, then you run the risk of being perceived not as a “correct” kid (Warrior), who can endure any hardships and hardships without complaints, but as a peasant, a potential candidate for snoops, horses (prison servants), or even informers .

(A peasant is not a peasant by conviction, but only temporarily belonging to this category, until circumstances are pressed or proven otherwise. If the ideology of a thieves can be called the ideology of a warrior, then a real peasant can be called the ideology of a layman. Practical, without extreme views and actions, preferring bypass the conflict situation, but at the same time, not letting himself be offended and knowing his own worth.)

And almost certainly, asking, you get addicted. If not always material, then moral. As a thank you, you will have to listen, and maybe more than once, to the whole biography of your benefactor and his views on life. And if a person has chronic verbal diarrhea, then just hang yourself ...

And, in fact, in prison there is nothing that cannot be done without. If you don't receive a transmission, you eat gruel. Nothing to wear - wear what you have. The main thing is to be more or less clean and tidy. Cold - be patient. All this is hard, but... Usually, in normal huts, a person will not be allowed to starve to death or go ragged. If someone has two T-shirts - one, most likely, he will give it away if necessary.

It is difficult to draw a line here - sometimes, however, you can ask for something from clothes or things, and you see that a person has not the last. For example, there is nothing to go to court. But asking for food is generally not accepted - this is unworthy even of a peasant, only pigs and roosters can afford this.

You can’t say “Give” at the same time - this is one of the taboo words in prison. "Your "Give" ruined all the relationship" - they say in this case. "Won't you fit something to me?", "Brother! There is a great need - could you help me with something."

They can’t refuse if you don’t ask for the last (and for yourself not superfluous) - this is one of the basic rules of a chamber hostel. But, anyway, this is an extreme case, already acceptable between more or less familiar people.

And in no case should you offer anything in exchange - you will be accused of huckstering. It will be necessary, they will ask - in response, this is already done easier. You can invite, at the first opportunity, as a thank you, to drink chifirka, or pay attention from a dacha that has come in, without emphasizing, however, that you are doing it for something.

You can exchange only in order to diversify your life - for a sense of novelty, so to speak, equivalent things without commercial interest - sports suits, jackets, for example.

Among family members it is easier, they can establish the rules of their relations themselves - but only what kind of family man is he who does not see his brother's problems. If one has a full trunk, and the other walks in holey socks - a clear bias. Which everyone, of course, sees and very quickly draws conclusions. Families have everything in common.

But, nevertheless, "hidden" huckstering and begging, of course, exists and even flourishes. For this, sophisticated verbal tirades are used, in which you no longer remember where, in fact, you started. Long, multi-way, porches.

Or between the huts, for example, a little one: "We have a kurekha. If there is a need, contact us. If you suddenly have something to cheer up your soul, we will be grateful." This, of course, if they know exactly what tea should be - they saw or heard, for example, that the dacha came in. Otherwise, you can get there - and you won’t get tea, and you will have to share cigarettes ... If the dacha has come in, and there is both smoke and tea, then they won’t ask for cigarettes - it’s silly to ask if you yourself have it, but they share tea - all the more Well, we offered them kureha "for free."

Also, for this, getting into the soul, talking about your problems, pulling out to respond to complaints, offering help is used - and you are already in the order of an exchange of courtesies, sort of voluntarily, giving the person what he wanted to receive from you. Those who have not had time to get comfortable, there are almost no chances to fight off such beggars. Immunity is acquired over time.

Especially if the new one warms up well from freedom - there are countless "friends" and "family members". Get in the ass without soap. Cottages tear mercilessly, taking advantage of confusion and stunnedness, or modesty and natural tact. A person, of course, is looking for people close to him to explain the basic rules of life, not to let him go crazy, to share the pain. For this, the beginner has to pay with transfers that are destroyed by such "families". As a rule, a normal person eventually understands who is xy and gets rid of sticky.

From the book The world is like a supermarket author Welbeck Michel

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People love to unite in groups, parties, circles, clubs. In the end, the family is also a small team with common interests. Places of deprivation of liberty impose a number of restrictions, but even there people gather together and create families, among other things. Sexual overtones are not always embedded in this concept. It's just that they call people who lead a joint household. They are sometimes also called bakers, as they eat together (they break bread). But they consolidate into such groups not only to eat or because of spiritual kinship. There are many more reasons - from material calculation to the struggle for power.

One for all and all for one

Let's start with a normal move. There are, say, two, three or more convicts in captivity. They are interested in talking. Gradually they become friends. In addition to common interests, food becomes common. Not the one that is given in the canteen of the institution, but the one that comes from the outside in parcels and parcels. The supply from the house is approximately equal for everyone, therefore, none of the bakers have dark thoughts, as if they are eating them up.

This is an ideal picture, but it also occurs sometimes. Usually everything is somewhat more complicated and prosaic. We must start with the fact that in places of deprivation of liberty, prisoners are divided into suits. There are thieves, "muzhiks", "goats", "rats", "hoofers", "devils", "offended". Families are created by people of the same status. But the times are long. If now a person is not seen in anything bad, then later he can hit the “jambs”. "Tell me who your friend is and I'll tell you who you are" - this saying is especially applicable to prisoners. In freedom, you can closely communicate with anyone. A separate apartment will hide any vices and sexual perversions. Everything is visible in the zone. Plus, by dropping to a lower suit, you lose certain privileges. The respect and support of the blatcommittee or "watchers" means a lot.

They, for example, distribute sleeping places. It's one thing when you sleep on the first tier, closer to a blank wall. Another is to live on a "palm tree" (the second or third tier of bunks), in a draft, at a constantly slamming door. Having descended, you lose the support of the team and do not have a word. In any dispute and conflict, you are automatically wrong. If you forget and allow yourself too much, they will simply beat your head off. Yes, and it is difficult to endure constant contempt and insults for years. Therefore, if a family member commits an immoral act, then those closest to him most condemn and persecute him. This is especially developed among thieves and "watchers". They, of course, have the most trusted and intimate friends, but the blatota is considered one party. So that the stain does not fall on everyone, the authorities who have sinned are asked very harshly. It is believed that the thieves are the most advanced, and they understand the gravity of what they have done, at the same time, family members stand up for each other like a mountain if one of them is hit on the left. There is a sober calculation here: today they will humiliate him - tomorrow you. And friendship means a lot.

Hey man!

There are families created, so to speak, by calculation. Thieves or decent "muzhiks" are not always prosperous. And in captivity you want something tasty especially strongly. You also need to get dressed, get soapy-ryl accessories, bed linen. In theory, all this should be provided by the state, but in some correctional institutions they only issue a skinny mattress. Pillows - and those deficit. There are no jobs in the colonies either. Or rather, the administration can employ, but only a small percentage of prisoners. If you are still deprived of talents and cannot make something for sale, or you have fallen into it, then it remains to live "hell". Not because you are a schmuck in life, but because without outside support you will turn into a skinny and dirty goner. You have to be smart and adapt.

One of the ways is to pull the one who receives the transfers into your buddies. A wealthy prisoner just won't share good things. Calculation is also important for him. If he is an inexperienced newcomer, or lives in the "muzhiks", but wants to rise, then the offer to join the family of a prisoner with influence will be accepted. When the recipient of the transmission is completely neglected in terms of behavior and does not in any way attract equal communication, there is also the status of a junior family member. In fact - a "snooper", or a servant, but with certain privileges. A real "sneak" just serves the master. He can sleep in another section or barracks. Also eats separately. Simply, either for a fee in the zone's currency (smoke, tea), or "for fear" he carries out all sorts of orders. Nothing else connects such a "snooper" and the one to whom he gears.

The younger family member has a completely different status. Usually they are pulled up by thieves or bribes, who can tie up with the "watchers" or the authorities and settle the unworthy of such honors in their sleeping passage. The younger testis feeds along with the older ones. By the way, he does not always live in the position of "sneak". It happens that he simply shares programs and communicates with his patron. They are served by a single person.

It sounds trite, but people are different. We met very strange families. One cool and rich prisoner pulled up simple youths. They did not receive any transfers, they were not thieves. If it weren't for the patronage of the cool blatar, the guys would hang out with the "damn" men. But the thieves liked the role of a patron. He settled the youths in his passage and shared delicacies with them. He dressed them, forced them to play sports. In short, he raised them as his own children. With age, some are drawn to fatherhood. I also had such a younger family.

Nimble Vovchik

I sat in a boundless colony. I had no conflicts with bandits. Gradually and with superiors mutual language found. Could solve almost any issue. People feel power. As soon as I got up, young, but downtrodden guys of about eighteen years old or a little older began to approach me and began to ask to be "sneaks". At the same time, they directly said that they had not poor relatives who would send us packages. Now these fittings are simply taken away from the boys, sometimes right after they are received. The bandits often clustered around the room for issuing parcels and robbed convicts there for parcels. If I pull up a “snooter” or a younger family member, the cowboy law will apply to him: “He who offended the horse insulted the owner.” Or the law of Ancient Rome: "Only the master can sentence a slave, he also protects him."

But I didn't like these guys. They weigh more than me and cannot stand up for themselves. Yes, and their appearance is naked, they are not trained in etiquette. Their wealth is not needed, if there are such nearby. I pulled up a completely different "passenger". I once gave it to the laundry to wash clothes. The attendant took him under special control. They washed me not by machine, but by hand, in separate water, and not in a common pile.

When everything was dry, the bathhouse worker brought me the bedding. There were permanent workers there, but they also attracted quarantine workers - new ones from. In our colony, of course, there were no convicts under eighteen, but the one who brought clothes from the laundry looked like a child. Small, thin, but the muzzle is smart and not at all sad. He answered questions about himself with humor and laughed himself.

It turned out that they translated it from "". Sitting for the second time. At first, at fourteen, he stole food in the store - there was nothing to eat. He is from an orphanage, but he ran away from the orphanage. Released after two years. There is nowhere to go. To feed himself, he stole again, but with an adult accomplice. They stole the bed from the rest home. Chatted for four years. In quarantine and the bath they often beat him, but he is used to it - he has been beaten since childhood. On the “youngsters” they were generally crippled. And here we are still tolerant. It became a pity for him, and it was somehow fun to communicate with him. He asked him directly: “Will you come to me in the “shnyri”?”

Vovka immediately agreed. I had to put the book down and tear my butt off the bunk. I went with him to the caretaker, put him in the know that I was taking the kid. Then he was looking for the head of the colony. But he was outside the zone. I had to ask the duty officer to connect by phone with the free headquarters. The “owner” gave the go-ahead for the immediate transfer of Vovka from quarantine to my detachment. We dragged ourselves to the contractor to shift the cards, and the score came together in verification. We found a detachment officer who officially issued the transfer. We went to quarantine, took away things - a small bag with an empty soap dish and a toothbrush.

In the barracks, I placed the kid on the next bunk - it was empty anyway. No one was settled there because of my unwillingness. I gave Vovka bedding. The tailors made a normal suit. They bought him panties with socks from the hucksters. He ate with me. As a child in a family, he carried out simple assignments - he took notes, brought food from the dining room, sometimes he cooked himself.

Fraer's greed ruined

Vovka was a smart guy, but he had only two classes of education. At the "youngster" he was forced to attend school, but he never learned to read. I had to work with him myself, force him to look into books. The guy quickly got used to it and began to use my connections in secret from me.

He showed a passion for profit. Soon, in our passage to the nightstand, he dragged home-made musical equipment - a car radio, mounted together with an amplifier and speakers in a case covered with veneer. Then Vovchik began to have good clothes. He brought all sorts of delicacies, homemade knives, souvenirs, some tools. When asked, he explained what they had given. I was too lazy to find out where the firewood came from.

Even in winter, I was too lazy to seal the window, although the cold was shamelessly drawn from there, and right in my ear. When it became completely unbearable, I allowed Vovik to move the bed and close up the window. And so he opens the curtain and I see that unusual objects are lying on the windowsill. I take them in my hands and understand that this is a disassembled revolver. Vovik mumbles that he found him a week ago. The revolvers were sharpened by machine operators at our industrial site. But if this is found during the search, then the article is secured.

Oh, and then I got angry! He began to inquire - where did this expensive junk come from. It turned out that the youngest family man had ripened everywhere. People knew that he was my friend. As well as the fact that I can resolve any issues both with the bandits and with the authorities. But I always keep myself independent, I don’t take bribes and offerings. So all sorts of brigadiers began to tease Vovchik, thinking that they were bribing me. The seamstresses sewed for him for free, the radio mechanics made music.

The hand did not rise to beat him like a man. He gave him a belt on his ass and forced the revolver to be thrown away, and everything “acquired by overwork” was taken back.

In our colony, I was not the only one who brought up such Vovchiks. Many bandyukov had 18-year-old shorts. Some authorities, like, brought them up. Others have been misused.

Secret connections

There is such a thing - "personal". This is when someone gets a secret lover in the zone. "", providing sex services, in any correctional institution has enough, but you can’t command the heart. Concerns like a certain man. It happens that such sympathy is mutual, and then the partners both become "lindens", as they give each other forbidden caresses (such as mutual blowjobs and tucking ass).

More often it happens when dominant males, in particular thieves, suppress morally or simply intimidate the weak in spirit and secretly rape them, acting exclusively in an active role. So they are less at risk in case of exposure.

When the secret becomes clear, the liability, unequivocally, is waiting for the "cock" corner. Those who have it can be treated differently. Previously, such people were killed, but now they give huge appendages for the “mokruha” by the deadline. Plus, the boss will tighten the screws and deprive the blatota of undeserved privileges.

In the right colonies, such issues are considered by the gangway. The thieves can make a decision and send the active to the “offended”. Or he will be sentenced to another punishment - beaten and left in the "muzhiks". Everything here depends on the personality of the accused: how much the blatota needs him, or how much compromising evidence he knows about them.

In a boundless colony, the issues of "lindens" are resolved ambiguously. "Makhnovists" also observe some concepts. If the caught quiet lovers belong to a low suit or to simple "muzhiks", then they will be maimed and transferred to a "bird's" corner.

It is more difficult when it is necessary to determine the status of an influential bandit, especially when he is not just a loner, but belongs to a large and strong family.

Sometimes convicts unite in collectives, which they call families, but in fact they are real gangs. For example, in our colony, in order to survive, it was necessary to have influence on the authorities and instill fear in the prisoners. Strong personalities managed to do it alone. Those that were weaker morally and stupider acted differently. They created large families and firmly defended the interests of any loved one, right or wrong. The authorities artificially pitted the convicts so that they would not express consensus. Each barrack had its own top.

Sometimes the family controlled a couple of units. She set up her supply manager there in order to have two rooms, a supply room and a trunk room, as well as a key to the detachment's office. It was considered a special success to put his friend Eavstolova. Then everyone was provided with excellent food. The positions of a foreman, a production foreman, were also considered prestigious. Sometimes families sort things out in bloody battles. Knives and homemade baseball bats were used.

The clashes became especially fierce when Caucasians claimed leadership. Then all the Slavs forgot about the differences and severely maimed the children of the mountains. As a result of the struggle, intrigues and compromises, one family has risen very much. There were no smart leaders. She took advantage of the large number and training of her fighters. Just listing their sports titles would take a long time. All the guys were no less than a candidate master in boxing, wrestling, hand-to-hand combat, hockey players, weightlifters. In short, athletes. Cruelty and determination they also do not hold.

Boundless execution

They had more than one "lichnyak", and many people around knew about it. But everyone was silent. An illustrative example contributed to this. Chattered these youngster bandits. They scared a little, promised patronage. Then they tritely raped her, but ordered the victim to hide it and continue to live in the “muzhiks”. He agreed. The fate of the "rooster" in a boundless colony is unenviable. Where there is a thieves' move and the rules are respected, the "offended" provide sex services voluntarily, albeit for an agreed fee. You can’t force them to perform a blowjob or give them in the ass, otherwise they will complain to the “watchers” and they will take their side. Violence does not roll in life.

In the "Makhnovist" institutions, "roosters" cannot refuse more or less physically strong or arrogant "muzhiks", and even more so thieves. There were cases when the new "lowered", arrived, had up to several dozen partners all night. The youngsters were fucked to the point of fainting and prolapse of the rectum.

With this in mind, the handsome seduced gave himself only to bandits and kept a secret. They had him in a separate room, but the overzealous convicts are very quick-witted. One recidivist suspected this youth and began to watch him. First of all, one nuance caught my eye. Going to the bandits, the boy brushes his teeth. Will stay with them in the supply room for three hours, and again for the brush. Rinsing his mouth, spitting. It can be seen that he is not used to blowjob and swallowing sperm.

I began to go to the shower often, and just before going to the bandits. After the toilet, the ass washes out of the bottle, and before that he used only paper. The recidivist decided to check the suspicions and ran into the young one. He was already on edge, but here he was so nervous! Cried and broke down. Zasizhenny wanted to "rock the carriage" and declare "private". But where to go - there are no “watchers”, and everyone is afraid of the bandits who seduced the guy.

"Lichnyak" lives among the "muzhiks" and "forshmachit" them. The recidivist knew that this was not the last time he was in jail. According to the concepts, a lawlessness that has not stopped is itself a lawlessness. Thinking about the future, a decent "muzhik" approached the bandits and tried to talk to them. He just picked a very bad moment. The athletes were drinking. Even if they were sober, they would hardly listen to him. They asked the “man” with a threat: “Do you need it the most?” He talked about concepts.

The thugs didn't like it very much. By definition, they are nobody. In the "black" zones they can be slaughtered. But here they are strong. The long-time truth-seeker began to be beaten. The parks were already sadists, and then there was hops in the head wandering. When the victim fell in the toilet with the back of his head on the tiled floor, a homemade baseball bat was broken on her face (they were sharpened from oak and birch at the industrial site). The whole detachment heard the screams of the beaten. Everyone saw who beat him and killed him. But no one stood up for him, and even more so did not speak as a witness before the cops. The bandits did not tell why they tortured the recidivist, but everyone soon became aware of this. There were no other people who wanted to declare them "personal". Gradually, this family wound up a whole harem.

There are a number of other reasons why people in captivity come together. Believers hang out together. Creative people in the club are engaged in amateur performances. Gamblers "chicken" create. But this is not all. The family is a closer team than a circle of interests.

Andrey Suvorin
According to the newspaper
"Behind Bars" (#11 2009)

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