Zodiac horoscope for the week. Personal astrological forecast for the week

For welding 31.01.2021

Today, the stars of the horoscope will generously fill you with active energy, dedication and self-confidence. All this is definitely very positive. One has only to want, and you will be able to cope with any achievements! However, this is where the catch lies, because if you don't want to, then it will be much more difficult than usual to push yourself to do something today. Neither persuasion, nor promises, nor even threats today can awaken any kind of enthusiasm. So if you're up to a big deal, try to find real interest in it. If you succeed, you are guaranteed success!

Today, horoscope stars can unexpectedly remind you of old grievances or unpleasant moments. Also, other reasons for the disorder are not excluded. There is nothing to be done, the day tends to dwell on any little things, including unpleasant ones. What you would have passed by at another time without even noticing, today can evoke a whole range of feelings in your soul. However, the peculiarity of the day - the desire to make an elephant out of every fly - can turn out to be the other side, bringing a lot of benefits. So, today the exact sciences will be easier than usual, brainwork and any other work requiring increased concentration of attention.

Today main theme the horoscope promises to be money and everything connected with it. The stars warn: on this day, any trip to the store can turn into unpredictable expenses that can punch an impressive hole in your wallet. In general, any games with finances are not welcome today, especially when it comes to trading on the stock exchange and other risky operations - the risk of losses and fatal mistakes is extremely high. At the same time, the day is good for vigorously implementing long-thought plans that do not involve risk. Do things like study, home improvement, creativity - all of which bode well for you.

Today's horoscope portends a very emotionally unstable day, which can bring you many surprises and surprises. During the day, periods of calm can suddenly be replaced by violent activity. Sudden mood swings and even strange feelings and desires are possible. But today is a great day for love and romance. Feelings promise to be especially strong and bright, and not logic will come to the fore, but intuition, which you can safely trust.

Today, horoscope stars call for maximum conservatism - people around will not appreciate new projects and initiatives. It is better to conduct business in the "slowly but surely" mode, calmly dealing with old rubble. Negotiations can be successful only if you do not need to achieve something in them, but firmly stand your ground. The day also does not incline to flirting and fleeting romances, but it is ideal to spend it with your loved one - in this case, the stars promise to fill your relationship with warm feelings.

Today, the stars of the horoscope strongly advise you to communicate with others as actively as possible, but at the same time listen more than talk. In business, this tactic promises to bring unexpected results, up to new offers, good deals, or even a promotion. Negotiating money can do more than you expect. Listen to other people's statements and advice - today they may be useful. During the day, new acquaintances, including romantic ones, are possible.

Today the stars of the horoscope suggest that in most cases a simple path is better than a difficult one, and a tit in the hands is not so bad. However, if you think that your boss underestimates you at work, do not hesitate to tell them directly about this - the main thing is that your requirements are specific, clear and reasonable. Believe me, in a couple of days it will be useless to talk about it. In general, the day is good for business and active people, the main thing is to avoid harshness in communication, which can nullify all your undertakings, turning into a conflict. This conflict is unlikely to be protracted, nevertheless, it can pretty much fray your nerves.


Astrological event of the week:

From February 2017 to April 2021, with a peak this week, there is a favorable interaction of two higher planets: Neptune and Proserpine. There will be several peak situations during 2019 and 2020. The planet Proserpine (trans-Plutonian planet) was discovered by the Americans in 1983, then again "lost" it; the orbit is still unknown, but the ancients wrote about it 2000 years ago, indicating its epochal cycle around the Sun - 555 years.

In the mythology of the ancient Romans, Proserpine is the goddess of vegetation. She helps some heroes of myths (for example, Orpheus and Theseus) to return to Earth (Proserpine - Persephone).

The previous times, the favorable aspects of Proserpine and Neptune were in 1806-1813 and in 1877-1882. During such periods, there is an increase in the national-patriotic spirit, new scientific discoveries, the rebirth of the national spirit, there is a leap in the birth of great people who in the future become the "engines of all mankind": military, doctors, discoverers, teachers, esotericists, architects, musicians and composers, since Neptune is responsible for music, and Proserpine for the transformation system the world.

In the chart of the average person, this aspect has an imperceptible influence, but it can induce to search for new horizons. If someday our civilization meets with representatives of other worlds, then this meeting will take place under the conjunction or favorable interaction of Proserpine and Neptune.

This aspect increases the craving for the beautiful, increases the tendency to associate current events with mystical experiences, another dimension, the third eye, can open up. It is not for nothing that this aspect is considered a connecting link between our world and the afterlife. Under it, the ability to see prophetic dreams, to talk with the souls of ancestors, to discover, train and cultivate extraordinary qualities in oneself, to train one's body and soul in a single harmonious way, like the fictional character of Boris Akunin's books Erast Petrovich Fandorin, can wake up.

The trigon of Neptune and Proserpine had in their horoscopes Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol (mystic writer - April 1, 1809); Franz Liszt (outstanding composer - October 22, 1811); Natalya Nikolaevna Goncharova (wife of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin - August 27, 1812); Alexander Fleming (microbiologist who discovered penicillin - August 6, 1881); Albert Einstein (genius - March 14, 1879), and will also have children born to:

from May 5 to August 15, 2015;
from March 21 to October 8, 2016;
from February 9, 2017 to April 24, 2021;
from September 15, 2021 to March 19, 2022;
from November 8, 2022 to February 2, 2023.

Many print publications publish both daily horoscopes and a weekly horoscope on their pages. I must say that newspapers and magazines containing astrological forecasts are in much greater demand than others - this is due to the continuing interest of people in the opportunity to read about their near future. A horoscope for a week is not just a tribute to fashion, or a desire to increase the rating of horoscopes. A week, as a rather capacious unit of time, makes up a cycle, which in everyday life is called a work week, or seven days. This period of time has a beginning and an end, it is most convenient to plan things for a week, and as time passes, to analyze the results. In addition, the events planned for the week are easy to remember, just as it is convenient to trace their general pattern. Knowing about the events in the coming week means gaining time to think over your actions and maneuver, to act not blindly, but precisely checking your steps.

Life in a harsh reality drives a person into a corner, forcing him to look for a way out of a difficult situation alone. The stone metropolis does not provide options for solving problems, does not leave a person time to reflect, reflect, analyze his actions and relationships with people around him. The world is full of signs that people have forgotten how to read, and in our century - the century of space technologies - we suddenly started talking about loneliness in a crowd, when each of us is left alone with our problems and experiences.

An ardent interest in astrological forecasts has developed a very long time ago, and at all times there have been attempts to introduce astrology into the circle of other sciences, to make it equal to them. Currently, the functions of astrology are so extensive that the data provided by it are taken into account in almost all areas of human life, including science and education.

A weekly horoscope can now be read not only in a newspaper or magazine, but also on the Internet, and how true these predictions are - life shows, as well as a high constant demand for a wide variety of astrological forecasts. Person modern world needs a travel companion and friend who will tactfully give advice and make comments that are not focused on his mood or personal preferences. The horoscope for the week has become such a dispassionate, but delicate adviser, which comes out at regular intervals at the beginning of each seven-day period, and can become for almost each of us an individual diary of the near future. Weekly astrological forecast contains a description of the general features of the upcoming seven days, as well as information about the peak events of this period, which should be paid close attention to. A horoscope for a week may contain advice from a professional astrologer that will help you get out of especially difficult situations, and not fall into new traps of fate. An astrological weekly forecast is more than information: a horoscope speaks to a person, convinces, advises, listens. The psychotherapeutic properties of this unique prediction are effectively used by many people on the path to achieving their own success.

People who do not believe horoscopes, just like people who are fond of astrological predictions, periodically look at the astrological prediction page to see information about their zodiac sign and find out at least a little about their future. As a rule, people who do not believe in horoscopes read them only in order to refute them, but after they find that most of the predictions come true, they soften the harsh categorical nature of their opinions and become regular readers of horoscopes. A horoscope for a week can be common for all signs of the zodiac - it reveals the main aspects of the upcoming seven days and general trends development of the week. A weekly horoscope for each representative of the zodiacal circle complements and clarifies the general astrological forecast, and is most preferable for a person who wants to know more about himself and his life.

The general horoscope for the week will tell you what awaits us in the period from March 16 to 22, 2020

Monday, 16 March 2020- today in the horoscope, Mercury returns to Pisces already in direct motion. This means that the week begins when all the secrets, intrigues, gossip and confusion that arose in February-March under the influence of retro-Mercury in Pisces will begin to be cleared up and revealed. The horoscope recommends to listen carefully to everything that you (or n you, and next to you) are told.

Tuesday, 17 March 2020- despite the business atmosphere of the day, the horoscope invites you to experiment. For example, to do something at work differently from what you are used to, but in a new way. You are generally not recommended to be distracted by something from your work - it is in the business sphere that you can be unexpectedly lucky today.

Wednesday, 18 March 2020- the height of the working week will be truly business-like, energetic and productive. Astrological influences will be present in the horoscope, patronizing big business, big projects, business success and room for action. But do not try to circumvent the authorities or the laws - everything should be strictly within the official framework and for the good of the cause.

Thursday, 19 March 2020- be careful, astrological influences are included in the horoscope today, which will make your week very happy and productive. Do not miss your chance. The first influence favors large-scale actions in business life, large projects, successful work. The second will add patience and responsibility to you, and will help you to focus on the main task.

Friday, 20 March 2020- Today in the horoscope the tendencies of yesterday are preserved. And the transition of the Sun into Aries is added to them. This is astrological New Year, a new round of life, a point, starting from which, you will accomplish a lot in a year. Initiative and courage are now more valuable than ever.

Saturday, 21 March 2020- the main tendencies of the week remain today. The horoscope continues to patronize the brave and strong individualists who are busy with something global. And besides, today will bring an unexpected meeting or news. It is possible that you will have to go somewhere unplanned.

Sunday, 22 March 2020- Today, the horoscope harmoniously combines the most contradictory aspects of life: frantic energy with the ability to relax and enjoy some everyday little things, practicality with romance, focus on business victories and being busy with serious things - with the opportunity to chat with friends or take a walk. You can do all of the above at once or choose what you want more by the end of the week.

  • Lucky Zodiac Signs of the Week: the horoscope portends luck to almost all signs. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces will be lucky. What sign is missing? This, and also why this sign was not included in the number of lucky ones, see below.
  • Neutral zodiac signs of the week: Crayfish. And only due to the fact that the moon is waning, and this puts Cancers in a bad mood. If they don't take a pessimistic view of life, they will be fine too.
  • Unlucky Zodiac Signs of the Week: no.

It is worth getting ready for a rather difficult and stressful week. Not all tasks will succeed on the first try, so be patient and don't lose faith in yourself. If you feel that your energy is running out - do not hesitate to ask like-minded people for help, because it will be much easier to achieve results by joint efforts.

Love horoscope

Be tolerant in your relationships with loved ones. It will be difficult for them to adjust to your mood swings and bouts of irritability. The situation is made worse by the difficulty in finding the necessary words of support and expression of feelings. At times, this kind of reassurance will sound more like reproach than motivation.

Financial horoscope

It is highly undesirable to make promises and bind yourself with financial obligations, since it will be very problematic to fulfill your part of the deal. In addition, if you do not meet the expectations of your partners, it makes no sense to talk about further cooperation, because there is a risk of losing the respect and support of those people you are used to counting on in difficult moments of life.

Health horoscope

It is worth reflecting on the environment where you are most of all. You might want to clear away debris from your desk and shelves, or add new curtains to your bedroom. You can even think of a major renovation. The main task is to make the room comfortable and not averse to rejection. Then you will immediately feel an improvement in your inner state, which will positively affect your mental health.

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