Wedding omens and beliefs. Signs for marriage - wedding secrets of ancestors

Dacha 22.10.2020

Over the centuries, wedding folk rituals have changed. The signs associated with the appointment of the wedding day also changed. So, in the calendar "Ladies' World" for 1912, predictions were published on this subject:

In January it is too early to be widowed,
In February - to live in harmony with her husband,
In March - to live on the wrong side,
In April - enjoy changeable happiness,
In May - see treason in your own home,
In June, the honeymoon will last a lifetime,
In July - keep sweet and sour memories of your life,
In August, the husband will be a lover and a friend,
In September - a quiet, calm life,
In October - life will be hard and hard,
In November - life is rich and happy,
In December, the stars of love will shine brighter every year.

Losing a wedding ring - to divorce, parting.

Give someone your wedding ring to try on - you can give up your fate. If you can't refuse, put the ring on the table first, and let them take it later - from the table, not from your hands.

You sit on the corner of the table - you won't get married for seven years (you won't marry).

Coins put in glasses for the bride and groom at the wedding should be kept at home under a tablecloth - to the prosperity in the family.

Husband and wife eat with one spoon - to be dissatisfied with each other.

The bride needs to cry at the bachelorette party and before the wedding in accordance with the old saying: "If you don't cry at the table, you will cry at the pillar (that is, in marriage)."

Who got married on the day of his angel will be unhappy.

A man who has been best man more than ten times will never marry himself.

Lovers do not give each other their photos - otherwise they will part, disperse.

On the wedding day there is a strong wind - the life of the young will be "windy". Rain, snow - fortunately.

The groom must not see Wedding Dress before the wedding, otherwise expect trouble.

The veil is the time of weddings. Brides wear a wedding dress - a snow-white veil. If snow fell on the Pokrov on the day of the wedding - happiness to the young.

The girl who catches the bouquet thrown by the bride will be the next to marry.

The bride and groom should always be close to each other and not allow anyone to stand between us, otherwise they will disperse.

Young people going to the registry office or to church to get married should stick pins in their dress and shirt so that the newlyweds are not jinxed during the wedding.

If the groom stumbled at the registry office, it means that he is not sure of his choice, so the rumor says. If the bride stumbled - to uncertainty on her part.

When parents bless the young couple, the bride and groom should stand together on the same rug (a towel specially embroidered for this ceremony) so that they live in harmony with relatives and among themselves.

When the newlyweds sit down at the wedding table, it is necessary that they sit on the same bench (not on chairs), then the family will be friendly, otherwise the marriage will be unsuccessful.

If the newlyweds themselves take piece treats, then it is imperative to take two at a time - otherwise they will live apart.

If you donate cutlery (especially with knives), give a coin - otherwise there will be strife.

If you take an unmarried, unmarried (and not divorced) as witnesses - this is a happy family life.

If suddenly the bride's left palm was combed during the wedding, it means she will live richly, and if the right one, the house will always be full of guests and fun.

If at the wedding you tie two bottles of champagne with a ribbon and do not drink them, but leave them, the newlyweds will definitely celebrate their wedding anniversary and the birth of their first child.

If jewelry falls from the bride during the wedding, it is a bad omen.

If on the way to the registry office of the wedding procession there is a funeral, you have to go the other way, otherwise you will bring trouble.

If the bride's dress is torn at the wedding, then the mother-in-law will be angry.

To marry with parental rings is to repeat their family relationship.

If you touch the rings of the bride and groom at a wedding, it means that soon you will be walking at your wedding.

The newlyweds at the table must be put on a fur coat turned upside down in order to live richly.

In order for the bride to have a good married life, a happy married friend puts on her earrings.

For young people at a wedding, wine should not remain in the glasses - it is not wine, but tears remain.

If the bride pricked her finger during the wedding, it means that she will often quarrel with her husband.

When the bed is prepared for the newlyweds, the pillows are laid so that the cuts of the pillowcases touch (where the buttons are sewn) - so that they live together.

If the edges of the sheets are embroidered - to reciprocity, diligence.

When the newlyweds are greeted with bread and salt, whoever nips off a larger piece and eats it will be the master of the house.

It is impossible for the bride and groom to cross the road, so as not to deprive them of their luck in life. If there is a danger that someone might cross the road for the newlyweds on purpose or by accident, then the witness and the witness should go slightly ahead (half a step) of the young.

If any of the relatives or the young themselves sneeze in the morning on the wedding day, the bride will be happy in marriage.

On the morning of the wedding day, the bride should not see the groom, otherwise the marriage will not be successful. V modern world the bride should spend the night before the wedding either in her parents' house or in another room if the young couple already live together.

Old shoes on the bride will bring good luck in family life. That is why it is recommended to walk at least a day before the wedding. new shoes prepared for the wedding. If a heel breaks on your wedding day family life"limp" will be.

When young people from the registry office come to festive table, a respected or senior member of any family, should lead the young around the table three times. According to Slavic traditions, this symbolizes the eternal bond between husband and wife.

It's a bad omen to drop your wedding ring before putting it on your finger. If this nevertheless happened, then a thread is threaded through the ring, which must be prepared in advance by witnesses and which will collect bad omens, and then put on the ring. After the registration is over, you can only burn the thread, saying "burn the fire all my troubles and sorrows." The one who dropped the ring burns the thread.

In order not to quarrel in marriage, the young break a plate and step over the pieces together.

The bride should not cross the threshold of a new home alone. The husband must carry her in his arms. Then the young in the new house will be "carried in their arms" all their lives. The omen does not work in the event that it is not fulfilled if the young already live together in the house, which they come to after the wedding.

The bride should not allow her friend to stand in front of the mirror in front of her - she will take the groom away. The same applies to the groom - do not let your friend come in front of you.

If the bride lost her glove or broke a mirror before the wedding - a bad omen.

Failure awaits the bride if, before the wedding day, she sees herself in the mirror in full wedding dress. To avoid this, you can try on a wedding dress, for example, without one glove.

On the wedding day, the mother of the bride gives her daughter a family heirloom. The bride needs to keep this item with her to ensure her well-being.

On the way to the wedding procession, the bride and groom are showered with "rain" from:
* rice, millet, buckwheat, so that there are many children in the family, like in a spikelet of grains;
* from sweets or pills to make life sweet;
* from small coins, so that there is prosperity in the family;
* from flower petals or confetti, so that the life of the young is beautiful and romantic.

If in front of the registry office the bride and groom stealthily eat one chocolate bar for two, life will be sweet.

After the groom has put the wedding ring on the bride, she cannot pick up an empty box from under the rings. Usually she is taken by the bride's friend, who wants to get married as soon as possible, since there is a belief that the girl who takes the box from under the wedding rings will marry next.

After the wedding (wedding), young people need to look in one mirror - this should bring good luck.

The newlyweds break the first glass of champagne for good luck.

Meeting the young from the registry office, the mother-in-law and father-in-law bring them bread and salt, each of the newlyweds must bite off a piece of the pie without touching it with their hands. Whoever bites off a large piece will be the head of the family.

After the wedding ceremony, the groom removes the satin garter from his young wife's leg and, without looking, throws it into the crowd of single guests, whoever catches her will soon marry.

The superstitious attitude of the people towards certain days of the week and numbers is reflected in wedding traditions. For example, it was believed that on Wednesdays and Fridays one should not start any wedding business, since these days are unfavorable for marriage. They also followed that the wedding day did not fall on the 13th. At the same time, the odd numbers 3, 5, 7, 9 in the wedding played a certain ritual role and were considered happy.

There are a lot of signs associated with the wedding, and let everyone decide for himself to believe in them or not. The most important thing for your marriage to be successful ... get married to your loved one!

They believe in omens and do not believe, but they live, because they have evolved over the centuries, were born from the observations of ancestors and, in addition, they quite often come true. They say that signs are signs of fate that she sends to a person, warning of upcoming events. In order for the wedding and life after the wedding to be joyful and happy, it is useful to know some signs, but useful tips to follow.

Unmarried, in order to get married, you cannot sweep the floor from table to door. In this case, you need to take revenge from the doorway to the table. Married people, in order to live in joy and happiness, must take revenge from table to doorstep.

The girl will hurt her elbow - the single guy remembers.

Never pour water into a glass with your left hand - otherwise you will not get married. Also, unmarried people cannot pour water into a glass by weight - be sure to put it on the table.

To choose a good bride, invite her to eat cheese. If a girl eats cheese without removing the paraffin layer from it, she is greedy. If she cut off the protective layer with a large piece of cheese, she is wasteful and frivolous. The girl who skillfully peeled off the crust deserves respect, she - good bride.

If a lot of jackdaws and crows gather on the roof of the house, then there will be a wedding in it.

To marry for mutual love, on the eve of the feast of the holy Great Martyr Catherine (November 7), observe strict fasting (bread and water) all day and every hour read the prayers "Our Father", "Theotokos, Virgin, rejoice", "The Maiden's Prayer for Marriage" ... Then you must attend the service in the church on November 7.

If a person is ticklish, then he is jealous.

Moles. Moles can be used to determine the fate of a person. The meaning of moles for women and men is different. First, let's find out the meaning of moles in women.

If the bride has moles on her body, especially those that she cannot see, for example, on the back, then she is destined to be happy.

If the mole is at the point of the "third eye" - the eyes of Shiva, then the woman has endless intuition and thirst for knowledge with a bias towards mysticism.

If the mole is near the right corner of your eye, you are passionate, jealous, and easily irritable.

A mole above the right eyelid is a poetic nature, a penchant for intellectual professions.

A mole under the right eye is evidence of deep love and marital fidelity, as well as sensuality and generosity.

A mole to the right of the bridge of the nose is a changeable, confused temperament and short-term romances.

Mole on the bridge of the nose - wanderlust, imagination and creativity.

A mole to the left of the bridge of the nose is unreasonable jealousy, the predominance of egocentricity in the character.

A mole under the left eye - boundless sensuality; married life is rich in experiences.

Mole in the left corner of the eye - in relation to love, a predisposition to unreasonable feelings of guilt and a tendency to quarrel

Mole above the left eyelid - excellent memory, diplomacy, down-to-earthness.

A mole on the tip of the nose - a taste for complication love relationship and everything forbidden.

On the right cheekbone - a very passionate nature, a tangled sentimental relationship.

A mole on the right cheek means frequent quarrels and quick reconciliation. Carnal love prevails over platonic love.

A mole on the right wing of the nose is a sublime and mystical mindset, a feeling of universal love and a completely extraordinary fate.

Mole above upper lip- independence, love of pleasure and travel. On the left above the upper lip - the thirst for motherhood (fatherhood), generosity, loyalty.

A mole on the left side of the nose is an amazing seducer, a tendency to shocking behavior and scandalous events. Love for diversity, but takes marriage seriously.

Mole on the right above the upper lip. The victory of sensuality over all other qualities. Fantasy and originality.

A mole on the right under the lower lip is a tendency to jealousy, a thirst for the only and great love. Under the lower lip in the middle there is a fragile psyche and health, insecurity is not the most pleasant meaning of moles.

A mole on the left cheekbone is a difficult character, a tendency to depression.

On the left cheek there is a taste for changeability both in the intellectual and in the love sphere. And of course the tangled connections.

A mole on the left in the corner of the lips is an emphasized eroticism, sexuality and infidelity.

A mole on the left on the chin is a clear mind, orderliness, the will to grow both spiritually and materially.

The chin is the desire for a traditional, solid family. In communication, a sweet and sociable person. Love for a quiet life and a penchant for conservative views.

On the chest - with right side- often rushes from one extreme to another; life is made up of ups and downs. On the left side is a generous and slightly frivolous character.

A mole on the waist will give you a lot of children. The larger it is, the more numerous your offspring.

On the shoulders - good luck accompanies you. On the left shoulder - financial difficulties.

Dark moles on the wrist - an exciting career, happiness, wealth.

On your hand - you have a gift that will bring you success and happiness.

On the ankle - independence, hard work, energy.

The value of moles in men:

On the forehead on the right side - glory and happiness.

On your ears - you have no worries.

On the side of the neck - a difficult life awaits you, on the front of the neck - a dizzying career.

On the chin - you are respected by others.

On the jaw - a sign of poor health or a hectic lifestyle, especially if the stain is on the left side.

On your shoulders - life is full of difficulties, but you work like an ox.

On the ribs on the right side - indecision; you are often tactless. On the left side - these qualities are compensated by a sense of humor.

On the back - an open and honest person, prone to grumble.

On the legs - indecision.

On the buttocks - a tendency to idleness and compliance.

On the feet. Both have a love of travel. On the right - your dreams of seeing the light, perhaps, will not come true. On the left, you are witty and dreamy.

If a girl pricks her finger about sewing, then she is in love.

You cannot marry or get married in May. If you get married in May, you will suffer all your life.

If a girl at a wedding gets a piece of cheese before she leaves the table, she will be the next bride.

If the groom gives yellow flowers- to separation.

If a bachelor sleeps a lot, he will sleep with his crooked-eyed wife.

Marriages concluded in the afternoon are considered more successful.

The right eye itches to laughter, the left to tears.

If before the registration of marriage the bride and groom eat one chocolate bar for two, then life together will be successful and will be "sweet".

You can't sit on the corner of the table - no one will marry for seven years.

When dishes are broken into many parts during a wedding dinner, it means that the newlyweds will have a happy and prosperous old age.

Losing a bracelet - for an imminent wedding, finding a bracelet - to disappointment in love, your loved one will betray you. To break the bracelet - to a quarrel with a loved one.

Unfavorable days Wednesday and Friday are counted for marriage.

Rain on your wedding day is considered a good omen for newlyweds.

Until the young ones become legal spouses, none of the outsiders should communicate with them, especially straighten their clothes. Close friends and relatives are supposed to closely surround the young in order to prevent "spoilage" or simply unwanted incidents. In the old days, bridesmaids were specially dressed in much the same way as a bride to confuse evil spirits.

If the bride drops her wedding ring from her finger on her wedding day, loses or breaks it, she will also lose her husband.

If the bride gives the bridegroom a handkerchief, they will soon part, and he will never marry her.

If a woman is abandoned by her husband or beloved, then on July 3, on the day of St. John the Long-suffering, order a service for your health in the church so that your next marriage is happy.

In order to have prosperity in the house, and to live well in the family, the groom put money in his boots. Before going to bed, the bride had to take off her boots from her husband, and he had to give her money. This money should be protected and spent only as a last resort.

To be happily married, the bride must cry on her wedding day.

After the wedding, the newlyweds must break the laurel branch in two and keep each of its parts throughout life in order to live it in peace and harmony. It is believed that the one who broke off most of the branch will dominate the house.

Trouble awaits the bride if she sees herself in the mirror in full wedding dress before marriage. However, you can play it safe and try on a wedding suit, for example, without one glove.

The bride and groom (wedding train or motorcade) must not cross the path. In some villages to this day it is believed that only sorcerers "cut the road" to young people, wanting to "spoil" them.

The bride should not allow her friend to stand in front of the mirror in front of her - they can lead her beloved away.

If a girl herself knits a scarf or pullover, a vest and gives him a young man, he will never marry her, but go to another.

Who of the newlyweds is the first to step on the carpet in the registry office or in the church, he will be the head of the family.

A guy who doesn't fill a cup of tea will have a thick-lipped wife.

If some food is too salty, it means that the cook fell in love with someone.

Keys must not be put on the table, otherwise there will be a quarrel in the family.

If a girl spills something on the table while eating, then she will have a drunken husband.

A single man should not sit on the doorstep, no girl will marry him.

On the threshold, they do not greet and do not say goodbye, so as not to quarrel.

A girl should not stand on the doorstep when she is chewing or drinking something - men will turn away.

When parents greet the newlyweds with bread and salt and offer them to taste the bread, they should note: whoever of them bites off the largest piece will be the boss in the house.

The bride should not give her groom a handkerchief, since she will part with him and will never marry.

If someone gives another needle, you need to prick him slightly so as not to quarrel.

Before the wedding, you should not look for fashionable shoes, it is better to marry in old ones.

To catch a flower thrown by the bride is to get married soon.

After the groom has put the wedding ring on the bride, she cannot pick up the empty box from under the rings or the plate on which they were lying. Usually the box is taken by an unmarried girlfriend of the bride, who wants to get married as soon as possible, since there is a belief that the girl who takes the box from under the wedding rings will marry next.

Whoever is the first to cross the threshold of the house will be the master.

On the wedding night (regardless of whether it is the first or not), the conjugal act must be performed. If, for one reason or another, this does not happen, they believe that the newlyweds will not be happy in marriage.

It is considered a bad omen if during the wedding, putting on a wedding ring, one of the spouses drops it.

If the bride's heel breaks during the wedding, she will lose her spouse.

When the bride leaves her home, the parents must immediately sweep the floor so that the bride never returns to them, but lives life in her husband's house. That is, by sweeping the floor, parents wish their daughter a strong and happy marriage.

From whom of the young the crown falls during the wedding, to that one to be a widow.

The marriage bed should not be surrendered to anyone, even if the guests have nowhere to sleep. Otherwise, the husband or wife will commit adultery.

Husband and wife, in order not to be dissatisfied with each other later, cannot eat from one spoon.

Coins put in glasses for the bride and groom on the wedding day must be kept at home - there will be wealth.

Sets of knives and forks are not given for a wedding so that there are no quarrels in the family.

If a girl stains the hem of her lower shirt, this is to unequal marriage, if the shirt is worn inside out - wait for the matchmakers.

It is believed that a wedding ring should not be allowed to be measured or worn by anyone. It is also advisable not to take it off without good reason in order to maintain good relations in the family.

On the eve of your own celebration. It so happened that signs were passed from generation to generation that suggested how to get married successfully and take troubles away from your future family.

Be that as it may, but many signs really help to avoid troubles or minor failures. If you pay attention, then today a whole collection of interpretations of signs has passed from our ancestors. The main thing is to use it correctly and on time.

Modern society is rather skeptical about omens, signs and omens, finding a logical justification for everything. Yes, indeed, now everything can be proved or disproved, but is it worth ignoring what has been taken into account for centuries and many generations of mankind?

Now everything is subjected to logical analysis and supported by facts, and all signs and signs are considered simply the faith of a person. Is it worth rejecting what was not invented by us? After all, many people, not believing in omens, still believe in horoscopes. Consider what wedding signs exist and what interests you most unmarried girls.

Many people believe in signs of marriage ...

Do not confuse the far-fetched desire to get married as soon as possible with omens. After all, it happens that a girl, with a strong desire to become a wife, simply looks for signs around herself. This is all far-fetched and does not make any sense.

If the girl is about to get married soon, then secret signs will be present, regardless of whether the girl pays attention to them or not.

Of course, thanks to the signs, it will not be possible to bring the wedding date closer, but paying attention to the secret symbols and signs, you can understand what awaits a person in the near future. Verified signs or signs include the following phenomena:

  • Sleep with deceased relatives. A person's premonition of changes in the near future can be reflected in his dreams. Prophetic dreams can occur, which, on a subconscious level, warn us of future changes. Therefore, dreams with deceased relatives are quite often an omen of an imminent marriage.
  • flowers. If a girl accidentally found a bouquet of flowers, then this is a sign of imminent marriage. However, it should not be confused with a bouquet of flowers that was intentionally presented to her.
  • Discomfort in the early stages of sleep. They say that when a girl before going to bed feels discomfort and someone's presence in her bed, it is her "brownie strangling." Thus, he drives her out of the house into the arms of his future spouse.
  • Prick / cut your finger on New Year's Eve. it old omen, but, unfortunately, to her interpretation and answer to the question: why does a finger cut on New Year's Eve mark an imminent marriage?
  • Embroider a red peony. According to legends, in order to get married soon, a girl needs to embroider a red peony, because this flower is a symbol of a happy family life.
  • It is necessary to sweep the floor from entrance doors to the windows, and not vice versa.
  • Prayer on the feast of St. Catherine. It is believed that the girls who observe the fast and pray on November 7, St. Catherine's Day, will surely be lucky.
  • Become a godmother. As soon as the little godson learns to walk, the godmother will find family happiness.
  • Sit between 2 brothers or sisters.

Wedding signs

Signs of marriage are passed down from generation to generation

There is such a belief that married woman girlfriends will quickly start getting married. And how soon this will happen, you can find out by visiting a friend's / girlfriend's wedding.

Whether a girl will marry successfully can be determined by the signs associated with someone else's wedding. For example:

  1. You were accidentally doused with champagne or other wine
  2. Catch the bride's wedding bouquet
  3. Get yourself a pin / hairpin from the bride
  4. Dance with the groom (for some reason it is believed that this is a sure way to get a successful marriage soon)

What can you do to avoid delaying your marriage?

If a girl wants to get married as soon as possible, then the following cannot be done for her:

  1. Sit on the corner of the table while eating
  2. Sit on the windowsills
  3. Take part in wedding contests
  4. Trying on the bride's wedding dress until she becomes a wife
  5. Pass water, food, and belongings across the doorstep
  6. Sit and eat on the doorstep
  7. Grow oleander at home

What will be the marriage according to the months of the year?

Family life depends on the month of the wedding

In addition to the above signs, a girl who has already received a marriage proposal should also pay attention to the meaning of the chosen wedding month:

  • January. Marks early widowhood.
  • February. Married life in peace and harmony.
  • March. Life away from home.
  • April. Happiness will not last long.
  • May. You will toil all your life, or you will receive betrayal.
  • June. Married life will be as sweet as a honeymoon.
  • July. This month suggests that a married couple will experience both sorrows and joys.
  • August. The husband will become a reliable support, friend and lover.
  • September. Family life will be calm and quiet.
  • October. This month marks frequent difficulties for the family.
  • November. The family will live in abundance and wealth.
  • December. Each year the love of a married couple will be stronger and stronger.

Definitely, omens should not be taken literally. But you have to listen to them. After all, they have the effect of a magnet. So why not attract success and love for years with the help of folk signs?

In any case, the girl needs to figure out what exactly she wants: to get married quickly or find a faithful and reliable life partner?

11 secrets of successful marriages - the video will acquaint you with them:

In contact with

A wedding is the most important and memorable event in the life of lovers, so you need to approach it with all responsibility. So that the preparation for the wedding, and then the wedding celebration went "without a hitch" and no trifles darken the holiday, and even more so that the fate of the young was happy, all its participants (young people, their parents, relatives and guests) were not bad would listen to folk signs, prohibitions and prescriptions.

Signs for girls who want to get married

To get married and not sit in the girls for a long time, you cannot sweep the floor from the table to the threshold, but you need to in the opposite direction - from the threshold to the table.

Do not braid people in braids - they will not come to woo.

If you are asked to give water, do not pass over the threshold - otherwise you will not get married.

If a girl's apron on her stomach often gets wet during washing or washing dishes, then she should be married to a drunkard.

If a girl carrying a bucket of water from the well to the house throws water out of the bucket, it was said that such a husband would have a fat-lipped or "lip-slap".

When sweeping the floors in the house, do not sweep around yourself with a broom - you will close yourself, fence off the suitors and you may not get married at all. This prohibition is based on an understanding of the symbolism of the circle. Think back to your childhood games, especially catch-up. Feeling that you were about to be overtaken, you abruptly stopped and immediately drew a circle around you, saying at the same time: "Beckon me!". And none of the participants in the game dared to cross the line, to break the ancient rule of ritual behavior.

You can't stand on the doorstep when you eat something - you won't get married for a long time.

To get married well, on the eve of the feast of the holy Great Martyr Catherine (November 7), one should fast and read prayers.

On July 3 (the day of veneration of the Monk John the long-suffering) women who have been abandoned by their husbands send services in the church so that the second marriage will be successful.

Divination for marriage

On Pokrov (October 14) and on Christmastide, the bride let out a chicken or a rooster (or rather) and laid out coins, bread, coal, water and chips in front of the bird. With bated breath, the young women watched what the COCK would approach. Well, if he bites a coin, the marriage will be satisfying and rich. If bread is also good, average income is good. To coal, it's a pity, but what to do, such is fate - to be poor in marriage, the need to know. Comes to the water - ay, the husband will be a drunkard. And if suddenly the rooster chooses a chip, it's very bad, to death.

And they also took a hen from the roost and laid out rings in front of it: copper, silver and gold. It is clear that gold ring- a good husband, silver - a normal life, average income. And copper - life will be unenviable, poor.

On the same Christmastide, the girls went out late at night in the wood shed and, in complete darkness, took the first log they came across from the woodpile. And at home they were attentively examined in the light. The one who has a smooth log, without knots, is a lucky woman, her husband will be kind and friendly. And if there are cracks and knots on the log, then there were already tears - the husband will be angry and bad.

And they also did this: they sculpted swans from wax candles - a swan and a swan, a swan was painted with blush. They poured water into a large cup and let the steam go there, and covered it with a handkerchief on top. Before going to bed, we looked at the swans. If they swim together, the married life will be wonderful, the husband will love and groom his wife, there will be peace and harmony in the house. And if they swim in different directions, alas, there will be quarrels and scandals, enmity in the house.
On Christmastide, and sometimes on the eve of the wedding, the young bride went out into the street to listen to conversations under other people's windows. And the very first window told her about marriage: if there were swearing, scandalous, then married life would be unsuccessful, but if there was fun, laughter, singing, life would be cheerful and happy.

Signs of matchmaking

According to our ancestors, Thursday was considered the best day for matchmaking.

One of the key figures in the events and ceremonies of the pre-wedding period, as well as in the ritual of the wedding itself, is the matchmaker. As a rule, it should be a person over 40 years old, with a family and children, with the appropriate public authority, able to manage the course of events and maintain the necessary rhythm of the festive action.

They do not take a divorced person, a man who has no children, as a matchmaker.

Entering the house of the bride's parents, the matchmaker knocked three times with the heel of his left foot on the threshold and quietly said: "They are silent (meaning the ancestors of the owners of the house) and you are silent, do not say a word against."

When you go to your future daughter-in-law to get married, let your son come in first.

The guests do not take off the hat in front of her parents until they are seated at the table.

If one of the matchmakers manages to take a spoon out of the bride's house, then the son will be the master in the house and his wife will never leave him. Three months after their wedding, the spoon should be thrown into the bride's house.

To refuse the groom, the girl just needs to give him a knife.

If the first groom comes to woo a girl, the socks of his shoes must be washed with water. Then the girl should wash herself with this water, wash her hands, saying: "A hundred suitors will follow your trail." Or cover his tracks to the house with a broom with the same conspiracy.

Signs for the choice of witnesses (matchmakers, best man, boyfriends, bridesmaids)

Misfortune will befall a young couple who announces their upcoming marriage at the end of one quarter of the year, and gets married at the beginning of the next.

Friends, best men or honorary witnesses are chosen from among the closest friends.

Such an honorable role at a wedding can be performed only once in a lifetime in order to create your family in a timely manner, otherwise you can harm yourself - remain best man forever.

When tying towels to matchmakers or pinning flowers to honorary witnesses, remember that clothes for women are fastened on the left side, for men - on the right. Therefore, the towel is tied to the matchmaker over the left shoulder under right hand, and sweater, on the contrary, over the right shoulder under the left hand. Flowers are attached to honorary witnesses in a corresponding way: for a guy on the right side, for a girl on the left.

The most honored guests at the wedding should be the godparents of the bride and groom, as well as grandparents. These people are a kind of security certificate of a wedding celebration. If for some reason (death, live in another city, etc.) they cannot attend the wedding, then the day before they should go to the temple, put candles (for peace or for health) and pray for them.

If one of the parents of the groom or the bride has died, if the parents are divorced, i.e. at the time of the wedding, they are not a married couple, then folk tradition forbids them to participate in the wedding ceremony and as the most important ritual ranks. In their place, planted parents are chosen - a prosperous married couple with their own children. They are chosen from the circle of relatives or close friends. They send the young people down the aisle and meet them after the wedding.

Signs for a bachelorette party

There is an old belief that a bride needs to cry on a bachelorette party and before the wedding - “You don’t cry at the table, you will cry at the pillar,” that is, after the wedding you will shed tears in an unhappy marriage.

At a bachelorette party, the bride is given to wash herself with a slate of beer:

"How pure you are, golden-silver,
Clean and decent
As on you, gold-silver,
Everyone is buried, peering,
Old and young, married and single,
Old old women and young young women,
Beautiful girls and young fellows,
So it would be for you, slave ... (name),
Everyone was buried and peeped in,
It would seem to them gold and silver.
Would look and see
They would not take their eyes off you. "

When the bachelorette party takes place, the bride's brother or some boy in the groom's house puts the groom's gifts and brings them to the bride.

The same boy should put shoes on the bride for the crown.

Before going to the wedding, the bride, who wants her sisters to get married faster, should lightly pull on the tablecloth that covers the table.

The life of a girl that goes without hassle and problems is, of course, very good! However, over time, this course of events can get bored. Many women have a strong desire to try on a wedding dress and put the coveted ring on their finger.

There is folk signs that will help you quickly find your future spouse. Following them, you can meet the person who will definitely become your husband. And a woman will be happy only if she knows the joy of having a baby and all the delights of family life.

Signs that help you quickly find a husband

  1. You will quickly find your future husband if you sweep your dirty linen from the doorway to the window.
  2. Guys won't pay attention to you if you do your hair when strangers see it.
  3. You will never be married if you transfer any things without crossing the threshold of the house. Also, you can not eat while sitting on the doorstep.
  4. A woman will face an unhappy family life with an alcoholic if her apron gets constantly wet during household chores.
  5. Guys will bypass you if you accidentally draw a circle around you with a broom. This is an ancient symbolism that carries deep meaning.
  6. If you pray and fast on November 7, you will soon meet your beloved.
  7. Girls who did not manage to find a life partner are obliged to adhere to Great Lent. Then they will find a faithful spouse and know the happiness of family life.
  8. You will soon be betrothed to the person you really love if you were doused with alcohol at your friends' wedding.
  9. You are less likely to find your betrothed if you tried on someone else's wedding dress at least once. It is worth refraining from this temptation.
  10. A happy family life awaits you if you cleaned the bride's shoes with your own hands or hemmed her dress.
  11. The betrothed will soon find you in the event that you were able to catch a bridal bouquet at a wedding where you were present as a guest.
  12. You will successfully marry if you have been entrusted to play the role of a witness at the wedding of the nearest people.
  13. A happy marriage requires matchmaking on the fourth day of the week. It was Thursday that was considered the most correct day to visit the house of the bridegroom's chosen one.
  14. If during the wedding where you were a guest, you managed to dance with the groom, then you will get married very soon. The omen is most effective if the groom himself comes up to you and invites you to dance.
  15. You will not get married soon if you take an active part in various competitions at your friends' holiday.
  16. You don't have to wear a wedding dress if you are used to sitting on the windowsill.
  17. The girl who eats on the corner of the table will live alone.
  18. Guests don't have to wait for a treat long time... Have them sit down at the table as quickly as possible. Thus, you will get married faster.

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