Conspiracy for the guy to call for a walk. Powerful conspiracies for a love meeting are magic at home. Divination by runes

Ceramics, fireclay 17.09.2020
Ceramics, fireclay

You can fall in love with a guy using simple magic. There are many proven spells that will provide a quick effect. He can't take his eyes off you. Each conspiracy will require a ritual, which must be performed in its entirety as indicated in the manual. Only a combination of all the elements of the ritual will give the correct and quick effect - the love of the one you dream of. Do not think that such a conspiracy can only be pronounced by a young girl. There is no age limit for magic. At any age, you need to strive for love, look for it and be happy. You can do this, because the forces are on your side. A man, boyfriend, friend or even your own husband will be crazy about you.

Bewitch by all the rules

What do you need to be happy? Love, of course. Sometimes it is not easy to find her. And it happens even worse - you found your love, but only without reciprocity. It is easy, fast and forever to fall in love with you whoever you want. To do this, you need to carry out the ritual according to all the rules. There is no need to use strong love spells that will ruin a man. In order for your connection to be safe for both, and joy in the family, you need to put protection against side effects.

This is the method used by advanced practitioners. A queue of people wishing to receive help is lined up for them. You can do everything at home. To fall in love with any man, you need to perform a ritual, to learn the conspiracy by heart. This is called "bewitching by all the rules." Practitioners advise to update the result, but not more often than once every 10 years. The desired love will come to your home.

Protection against side effects

It is very important to protect your loved one from side effect any conspiracy for love. It's about pumping it out vital energy... In the old days, sorceresses used this method - they tied a man to themselves, and they themselves took his strength for their rituals and practices. He thought he was in love, but quickly faded away. Such a love fever led to the death of a man, and the witch was looking for a new victim for herself. They were all young, healthy and strong. Today, few people practice a love spell from this point of view. But out of ignorance, you can harm your beloved. The guy will love you, but his health will deteriorate, the will to live may disappear, there is a craving for alcohol and drugs. To prevent all this from happening, and he fell in love with you, be sure to put protection directly before the ritual. To do this, you will need:

  • the most recent photo of a person, where he is alone;
  • black thread;
  • Holy water.

Tie the photo with a cross-to-cross thread, say:

“Hethro, the unstoppable hurricane sent to refute the present in the name of the future! I invoke your Great Power by the law of eternal Unity. Turn into a fiery wind for those who harm (name) - sweep away and destroy - all evil, black - will, desire and actions that are directed to (name) - Return to the source! Burn - without leaving life! By the power of Abraz - so be it !!! "

Repeat three times, and on the third, pour the holy water over the cross of the threads. So the energy will not leave your loved one. After that, you can safely fall in love with any man.

The most powerful conspiracies for love

Any guy or man can be yours. In order for it to work, you must consider:

  • Fall in love with yourself completely a stranger will not work.
  • You need to do exactly as the ritual suggests.
  • Learn the conspiracy by heart. Just reading a plot from a piece of paper is not an option for magical work. Make an effort to learn.
  • Do not perform the ritual if you feel unwell or sick.

For the rest, a whole world of possibilities opens up before you. To fall in love and fall in love with a man is within the power of everyone.

There must be a channel between you and the object of the love spell.

Conspiracy on candles

For this ritual, you will need one black candle, the other white. You can buy them in an esoteric store, where they always sell tapers of different colors. On the white one you need to scribble your name with a knife, and on the black one - the name of your beloved. Hold the candles in your hand until they are soft. Then they need to be twisted in a spiral so that two wicks can be lit at the same time.

  • Light the matches, holding in your left hand.
  • As soon as they light up, pronounce the conspiracy:

“In the heart of (the guy's name) I call on love, I kindle fire and strong passions in his soul! Go love in the heart of (guy's name) and settle there forever and ever! With a hot flame, his feelings for me (his name) will flare up, he will reach out and strive for me, wish to unite his life with me! With all your gut, heart and soul! As I wish, so be it. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

  • Repeat three times.
  • The candles should burn out, and collect all the wax.
  • Keep the wax in a red pouch where no one will find it.

So you will always be together. The guy will love you quickly, this is effective remedy will attract love into your life.

Holy water conspiracy

You need holy water from the church. You need to go for it yourself. Cross yourself before starting the holy water ritual. To make everything work out, do it on the growing moon - with it, the guy's love grows. Kneel down, looking out the window, say:

“I, the servant of God, (name), will go out into the canopy, then into a clear field and pray to the Most Holy Theotokos and look in all four directions, and pray to the Lord himself: Lord, Lord! Lord and Mother Holy Mother of God! And I will ask: pull the violent winds, and spread my melancholy-kruchina from a white body, from a zealous heart and clear eyes. Apply my melancholy-twisted sweet (name of the chosen one) in his clear eyes, black eyebrows and white face, on a zealous heart. So that for the day's sadness and for the night long, and so that he could neither eat nor sleep, and keep thinking about the servant of God, (his name), and so that everyone walks and fangs like a white swan and thinks about me, about the servant of God, (your name). Be, my words, strong as iron, and roads as gold. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

This conspiracy is pronounced only once. At the end, whisper the name of your loved one and imagine him. Say mentally kind sweet words... You will soon realize that the guy is showing interest. This means that it worked.

The needle is a very small but very working tool in rituals

Igloo conspiracy

Buy a new needle. You will need to pay with a change from your wallet, and if you get change, take it to the intersection.

This needle must be new, it cannot sew anything. In order to make a conspiracy, you need to have access to the man's personal belongings. A great option if this is your husband. He may distance himself from you, but this conspiracy will bring him back, and you will give all his love.

Prick the index finger of your left hand until it bleeds. Say on the needle:

“I will get up at dawn and go out into the clear field and look into the clear sky - and a sharp arrow flies across the sky. So fly you a sharp arrow into a zealous heart, into hot blood, into the eyes of the clear servants of God (name of the beloved). So that she dries up for me as a servant of God (her name) and yearns always and everywhere. My will is firm, my word will be fulfilled. "

Now, hide this needle in his personal belongings. If this is your boyfriend and you come to his house - too a good option... The needle should lie there imperceptibly so that it is not thrown away for the first 13 days. If it lies in this place, then everything worked out. Now the man is yours. This good way fall in love with a person.

Photo love ritual

It is believed that the most powerful rituals are carried out from the photo. This is a clear image that has absorbed a small part of a person's soul. You will need a single photo. It must be new, no more than one year old. Such a photograph best of all preserves the memory of the energy of the one who is captured in it. The guy must be without dark glasses, his eyes are visible.

  • Take a photo in your left hand, and a church candle in your right.
  • Drip wax on the guy's face, repeating to yourself:

“I conjure that (the name of the object) becomes one with (your name), just as Fire, Air and Water are with the Earth, so that the thoughts of (the name of the object) are only about (your name), as the rays of the sun rule the Light of the world and its virtues. And may the high spirit (your name) circle over the spirit (name of the object), like water above the earth. Make it so that (name of the object) cannot eat, drink, enjoy life without (your name). "

No more than 9 drops per photo. This is a strong love spell that will last for 7 years. If you want to update, then exactly 7 years later, perform this ritual again. Signs of attention from the guy, interest on his part will follow very soon.

This is a stronger option, it will require energy from you.

Bewitch by photo

There is another option for a love spell from a photo. Cannot be carried out if you are not alone at home. Taken at night for a single photo.

  • Pierce the photo with a needle in the area of ​​the heart. The needle must be new, not used for its intended purpose.
  • Say three times:

“I call love in my heart (name), I will kindle the fire of passion in my soul! Go love in your heart (name) and stay there forever! Let your beloved eyes flash with a hot fire, to me (name), to reach out to me and strive to unite with me, with all your heart, with all your soul. I want it so and he will be with me. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

  • Now, use the same needle to prick the nameless palm of your left hand. The needle is still inserted in the photo.
  • When a drop of blood appears at the end of the needle, quickly drag it through the photo so that all the blood is smeared from the tip.

The needle must be taken to the intersection and left there. Very soon, your beloved will come or call you.

To return love

The worst love is unrequited. She haunts, eats up the heart and soul from the inside. In order not to torment yourself with this love pain, just achieve reciprocal feelings. This conspiracy will help you in this way: all your feelings will be reflected and transferred to your beloved. He will feel the same. This is how your love becomes mutual. It is done on a photo or personal item.

The candle must definitely burn out completely

You need to put a thing or photo on the table, a black candle is placed on it. On the candle you need to carve the name of your beloved with a knife. When the candle is lit, start saying:

“I ask the Lord, by a miracle, to let my feelings and thoughts come in contact with the heavenly cloud so that it accepts my aspirations, and my heart will show the way for him to meet with the one for whom I suffer. With feelings and words, I call upon the power of the Lord to pour rain from a cloud on my beloved (name) so that the water, touching him, would give him desire and a way, a desire to meet me and a way to me. Let the heavenly cloud find the way, led by the power of the Lord, to where (name) is now, and the drops of heavenly moisture revive his heart, and his soul will receive the call of my soul. I know that the Lord heard me, and I thank Him for His help. Amen"

The text is repeated until the candle burns out. You may see strange, frightening things. The wick turns, the candle flares up, then almost goes out. It can go out and then catch fire again. There is no need to be afraid, nothing threatens you, it only means that dense energy is concentrated around you. It is she who makes the candle behave so unusual.

When you finish repetitions, then take everything that took part in the ritual to the intersection of 4 roads. There it must be left and gone. Do not look back, you may be frightened by what you see.

Think well before plotting

You need to think seriously. It's not just fun for those with nothing to do. Such magic creates a bond that is stronger than that of other couples. You will be energetically connected. Falling in love with a person and being with him always is what a magic contract will require of you. To leave it later, after a year or 5 years, 10 years is a serious mistake. This kind of magic is created to keep people together all their lives. It is suitable for those who wish it. To avoid disappointment later, take a closer look at your beloved.

  • Is he the one?
  • Are you ready to spend your whole life with him?
  • Join his family, make her yours?
  • Will you give up this decision in a month?

If you answered yes to all the questions, then go ahead. You have the perfect opportunity to fall in love with a man who will be yours forever. If in doubt, wait. A person may show himself from a not very good side, you will be disappointed and want to leave him. What should he do? He will love you with that very mystical love, will be firmly attached. His life will be empty without you. Do not condemn a person to suffering if you are not ready to be with him.

Love magic has many forms. With its help, you can not only attract the attention of a man, but also push him to more active action... Perform a white dating ritual and build a strong relationship with your partner.

Using conspiracies, you can get a man to ask a girl out on a date.

How to prepare for the ceremony

Love magic is a type of white magic that does not bind a man's energy and do not drain him. To strengthen the conspiracy, spend it on certain lunar cycles or holidays. But for the first time, a simple ritual will do, which is "fueled" by your belief in success and works on the power of thought.

The main thing that is needed is to believe in the power of the rite and to have pure thoughts. A date conspiracy will be more effective if you genuinely have feelings of sympathy for your boyfriend. Remember that the ritual will only push the man to spend time together, and how the relationship will develop further is your responsibility.

Conspiracies for a man to ask out on a date

It happens that communication with a man online or at the level of friends is delayed. Then will come to the rescue white magic.

A ritual with soap and a needle

For a man to call out on a date, perform a ritual with soap and a needle. It's very simple:

  1. Scribble the guy's name onto the bar of soap with a needle.
  2. Conspiracy on him:

    “I (your name) call you (say the name of the chosen one) to my house. I will open my heart for you to live in it forever. I long for your thoughts to be only about me, to come dreamed of other women never knew. Whether you want it or not, you will come, you will enter through the threshold and you will remain forever. May it be so."

Carry the charmed object with you (in your bag or wallet) until your chosen one calls you out on a date.

Strong ritual to meet

For a guy to ask on a date, you can lead a strong one. But it takes a lot of preparation. What can not be done before the ceremony for three days:

  1. You cannot drink, smoke, swear.
  2. You can not have sexual intercourse.
  3. Do not eat fatty meat foods, prefer plant foods.
  4. do not discuss anyone, try to do good deeds.

Now you can start the ceremony. Do the following:

  1. Light a candle in the room at sunset. The ceremony is performed in complete solitude, with curtained windows and in absolute silence.
  2. Imagine the desired man in front of you. Visualize the image well, imagine its appearance, voice. Concentrate on your feelings for him.
  3. Begin to whisper the words into the candle:

“May the Lord Himself help me along the way. May he bless me to meet with the servant of God (name), may he give me strength and confidence. Let him save me from unnecessary meetings, from envious glances, from an anxious heart and from fear in my thoughts. Let love happen to me, the servant of God (name) with the servant of God (name) and may it be strong and strong. I will pray to the Lord that everything will happen with my beloved. Let everything be as I said. Amen. Amen. Amen".

This conspiracy has a powerful effect. The man on whom you are doing the ceremony will soon call you on a date or meeting. Prepare well for it in order to further entice the desired guy.

Features of Sexual Magic

Love rites have a number of benefits. They are easy to carry out at home, on their own without additional magical attributes. Features of love magic:

  • it causes a person to be attracted to the performer of the rite;
  • these feelings may be short-lived;
  • conspiracies If the rite is not performed correctly, they can If the object of the rite or has a weak will, sexual desire can develop into an obsession with constant contact. There is a high likelihood of this outcome when using

In case of complications, it is necessary to carry out a lapel ceremony and protect oneself from magical influences from the outside.

Sexual conspiracies on the first date

If you want to have a relationship with a man on the first date, read the conspiracy with salt in front of him. It's easy to do it yourself at home. Keep in mind that if the guy does not have enough strong emotions for you, the conspiracy will not work.

You will need:

  • a photo of a guy;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 7 drops of water.

Place water on a small plate. Throw in a pinch of salt. Cast the spell 3 times:

“As salt is saturated with water, as water gives itself up without a trace, so my beloved, God's servant (name) will desire me, God's servant (name), may he not rest until he takes all of me. Amen!"

Sprinkle salt evenly over the image. Keep the photo in this form until the desired comes true.

“As your leg stumbles over your leg, so your zealous heart will beat. So that you, the servant of God (name), suffer about me, think day and night, about bed with me and dream. He wanted to be with me, God's servant (name), hugged, kissed, and pressed me to his chest. And without me he missed and suffered. Day and night he was in trouble, but he did not know rest. May it be so."

Do not tell anyone about the performance of the rituals. Keep them secret, even from the closest people. After the conspiracy, the man will wake up sexual desires in your direction, and you will achieve your goal.

Strong date plot

Powerful rite on fire

A powerful ritual is performed on the flame. It is ideal to read a campfire or fireplace plot, but multiple candles can be used. The flame symbolizes the passion within the person. The rite applies to both the guy and the girl. You need to read the following words into the flame:

“I want to kindle passion and lust inside the abdomen, let the attraction intoxicate him (name), and take over his body. Let a strong sexual desire awaken in my servant of God, which only I can extinguish. Let the desire for me in my servant of God darken in the eyes and give way to legs. Let him be attracted to me. Amen".

Sexual relations between partners are permissible only by mutual consent. It is possible to force a person into a connection only by rituals of black magic, but they can turn against the one who conducts them.

Long ritual love spell

This rite of passage. You will need a red ribbon and a box for it. There should be no other items in the box, especially jewelry.

Take the ribbon in your hands and tie knots on it. During the process, pronounce the words:

“I bind for a long time and firmly to the servant of God (name), let no one separate us. I want that the servant of God (name) constantly thought about me and only wanted me. I want his strength only with me. Amen".

Tie seven knots on the ribbon and read the words seven times.

Hide the ribbon in the empty box. Take her away from prying eyes. As soon as you hide it, the action of the ceremony begins and ends when you untie the knots.

You will need a red ribbon for the ritual.


Use dating rituals to nudge your partner into action. These rituals are white magic and do not harm the performer or subject. However, how the meeting goes is up to you. The strength of the ceremony depends directly on your belief in success.

There are various They spend goodbye or even during: just read the conspiracy in the man's back or use the rituals with salt and red ribbon. A strong sexual conspiracy is carried out by reading words on fire.

Sometimes you get to know a man, you want to start dating, but you don't know how to make an appointment faster. And then white magic comes to the rescue of love. Our ancestors have long practiced conspiracies for a meeting - a myriad of such spells have accumulated. If desired, even a meeting with a friend or business partner can be conjured up.

Do you want to organize an effective love spell at home? The love ritual has nuances that must be taken into account. Saying "I want a boyfriend" before bed will not be enough - get ready to buy artifacts and choose the right time. To make it work, follow our recommendations.

What is the most popular love spell among girls and why? A conspiracy to meet with a loved one is considered universal if it does not require the extraction of magical items. The main condition for such effective conspiracies is concentration. Close your eyes, imagine the image of the guy that you remember when you met, and pronounce the conspiracy:

“Lord, gather me on a distant journey, give me permission to meet with a guy (name is said). Reveal to me the mysterious depths of acquaintance, make it so that we meet. Save me from disappointments, give me confidence, protect me from a waste of energy. Help to realize the prospects of love, make sympathy intensify, teach to act correctly. Let me calm down and take this chance. Amen".

Photo ritual

It happens that a girl meets a suitable guy who lives far away and cannot come. Then you need to read the conspiracy to meet with a person from a photograph. An ambulance summons can be made within two days. Procedure:

  1. Get a photo of your chosen one.
  2. Find a secluded place (it is better not to meet people during the ritual).
  3. Start going there twice a day (sunset and sunrise), reciting a love spell.
  4. The photograph must be placed vertically on a table.
  5. Each time, light a candle in front of you and pronounce a quick meeting conspiracy.
  6. Photo magic works when the spell is repeated regularly (ideally 9 times).
  7. In the morning after reading the conspiracy for a meeting, extinguish the candle with your finger.
  8. Allow the candle to burn out on its own in the evening.

The voice during the recitation of the prayer should be imperious, the candles should be changed after each ceremony. On the first magical day, you stand facing east. On the second day, face the setting sun. Spell text:

“The day and night are over. I waited for the first day, and I will wait for the second. In the light of the moon, I conjure you, beloved (name), I want to call you on an early date. The night will come, the day will pass, and you will meet me. Amen".

Proven conspiracies

Among the rituals "with a guarantee" is the conspiracy before the date on the shoes. The ceremony is done on the doorstep of your home using a piece of footwear (shoes, slippers, boots). A readable spell is effective if your chosen one will soon come to visit, having crossed the charmed threshold. The text is like this:

“The threshold will not leave the place, but God's servant (name the name) will want me to meet with him. With the strongest word, I conjure you, the threshold, I call the dear to my house. With friends and girlfriends, he will not get away from me. Amen".

Call candle

It's easy to get to know a guy, but how do you force him to continue communicating? A conspiracy for the chosen one to invite you on a date can be strengthened with an ordinary candle. This is a slow witchcraft - you will have to wait three to four weeks to achieve the result. To invite your chosen one, do this:

  1. Buy a candle (there are wax and paraffin options, any will do).
  2. Stock up on scissors.
  3. Light a candle.
  4. Start cutting the flames with scissors and at the same time uttering a date conspiracy.
  5. Repeat the spell three times.
  6. Remember to be baptized when you say “Amen”.

After completing the ritual, extinguish the candle. This should be done with a special cap or with your fingers (blowing is prohibited). To make the effects of witchcraft pleasant, clean up after yourself. Conspiracy text:

“The waxed candle melts from the unbearable heat, and my dear hurries to meet me. I pronounce a successful spell so that the servant of God (called the name) invited the servant of God (your name) to a date. A clear falcon will rush, it will appear before my eyes. Son with a father and the Holy Spirit, help. Amen".

Rite of passage with a bar of soap

The ritual is performed in the bathroom and is considered ideal for a guy to show up on a date quickly. You don't need a man's phone number or photo. Pay attention to important points:

  • in addition to soap, you will need a needle (the name of your beloved is drawn with it);
  • The “marked” soap is placed on the bottom of the bath;
  • water does not turn on;
  • after pulling out the soap after reading the conspiracy, carry the resulting artifact with you.

After the meeting conspiracies are triggered, the amulets cease to work. If the date is successful, remove the soap from your wallet and throw it away at the nearest intersection. Scrape off your boyfriend's name beforehand, otherwise magic can be used evil people... Spell text:

“Lie in the void, don't wait for rain and wind. You won't hear thunder here, you won't see trees breaking from the storm. Everything will go smoothly and calmly, I will be happy. Amen".

Full moon rite

Full moon conspiracies are considered very effective, but you need to prepare for them ahead of time. First of all, you need to go on a tough three-day diet, cleanse your body and mind. Some healers prefer nine days of fasting with concomitant sexual abstinence. Avoid conflicts, negative emotions, any negativity. The further process looks like this:

  1. Wait for the sunset and the full moon to appear in the sky.
  2. Cover the windows with curtains.
  3. Light a candle.
  4. Imagine a date with your loved one.
  5. Read the conspiracy.

The more detailed you can draw the upcoming event in your imagination, the better. Let go of any doubts and hesitation. Prayer text:

“The Lord will give me his strength and confidence, he will gather on the way, he will cross with the beloved (name is called). Protect me, Lord, from evil eyes, vain hopes and fears. Take away fear, cleanse your heart of anxiety. Amen".

A very strong conspiracy

For a strong meeting conspiracy to work, you need to be clearly aware of the consequences of your actions. The ritual will lead to an "accidental" crossing of destinies in an unexpected place. Magic will be powerless only in those cases when the object is sick or died.

First you have to get scissors, a photo of your chosen one and a red candle. Set the shot vertically behind the candle. Light a candle and proceed to "cutting" the flame (the diagram is described above). Pronounce the words:

“I cut off a clear fire, let God's servant (name) always be with me. He will not want to sleep and eat, but will come running to my house and drop by. Appear alive in front of me. Amen".

How to meet a business partner

If you are looking for a profitable meeting with a potential partner, magical intervention will come in handy. Find out where your partner often visits (cafe, restaurant, club). Try to get into this place and cast a spell there:

“God's servant (name is called), dear friend, you meet me all of a sudden. Let's sit together and talk about business. Soon you will come here, and here you will find me. Amen".

You have seen that everyday magic can influence world events. Higher powers help the lovers to meet, if it is really necessary. Such actions at a stretch can be called love spells, because sympathy between people has already flared up. Good luck with your personal life!

Women often wait for the first step from a lover - be it a call, letter or SMS. You can speed up this process and improve relationships with the help of conspiracies, love spells and prayers, even at home. The main rule is to do everything with good intentions, from the heart, and not because of a woman's whim. There are complex magic rituals held on certain days and having special power. It is possible to correct the consequences of an ordinary quarrel and disagreement with a simple conspiracy. You should not treat rituals with irony: if there is no faith in the result, you should not start.

The conspiracy uses the energy forces of the bewitching due to the visualization of thoughts to achieve a result. Correctly chosen words help to achieve the desired better and faster.

The fortuneteller should understand that it is not worth carrying out ceremonies for the sake of a joke - this will anger the higher powers and change the future fate. Conspiracies and magic rituals are interference with fate, and if there is no love, then the rite cannot be performed. It is worth understanding the difference between natural and magical sympathy. The bewitched does not see the changes that have taken place and thinks that he sincerely fell in love, the changed reality seems to him a natural course of events.

What rituals can be performed:

  • Rite of passage to receive an SMS message from a loved one.
  • Rite of passage for a call from a man.

Conspiracies for a loved one to call

If you need a representative of the opposite sex to call himself, you should not use conspiracies that allow you to change the fate of a person. There are safer ones, aimed at one-time intervention and not imposing strong feelings. You should not perform rituals if there are no sincere feelings for a man.

There are several options for the ritual:

  • The conspiracy is reinforced by the power of thought and the belief that a man is about to call... It is worth visually presenting the image of a sweetheart and saying the words: “My beloved (name of beloved), why don’t you call me and talk to me? After all, I'm a prominent, beautiful girl, good for everyone and everything, but for you - desirable. Take the phone, dial me as soon as possible. My voice will echo, your heart will beat faster with happiness. Amen".
  • A conspiracy with a photograph of a loved one, a sheet of paper and the phone number of the bewitching person. A sheet of paper is placed on the photo so that the phone number is opposite the guy's head. The spell is pronounced three times: “My sun, my desired, my wonderful! As we liked it, remember, open my heart, soul. Dial my number quickly, make an appointment quickly. " All magical attributes after the ritual remain for the night, in the morning a sheet of paper is burned and flutters in the wind. During the ceremony, imagine a person, think about him.
  • If there is no photograph, but you want your loved one to call, the following slander will help: “There is a city in the Russian land, in that city there is a beautiful house. My beloved lives in the house (name of the beloved), he calls himself. One (name of a loved one) is bored, does not see joy and fun. He takes the phone in his hand, let him dial my number. He will invite me on a date, he will find bliss with me alone ”. The ritual does not impose attachment, but the man will call and invite you on a date.
  • If you need a man to call immediately, you should take the thing that your beloved was holding in your hands, bring it to your heart and say the following: “My beloved, my dear! My betrothed mummer! Follow me, like the sky behind the sun, like the wind behind the sea, like a mother after a child. Satisfy your melancholy with a call, a gentle word. " Will call you quickly, almost immediately after reading (within an hour).

What conspiracies and rituals will help a loved one dream

The most important thing after the rituals is to think, visualize established relationships, mentally be close to the chosen one. And then everything will definitely work out.

Rituals for a loved one to write

Rituals with photography are especially powerful because they carry the "imprint" of a person's energy:

  • A conspiracy for the guy to write after the first date. It will work if there is sympathy on his part. Read 3.6 times (multiple of 3). An object is taken that the young man took in his left hand and mentally appears to be his beloved. Say: “Dear (name of a loved one), a man desired by the heart. Why don't you remember our meeting, write and call us on a date? I am young, I am beautiful, I am your love, I am the best, I am the only one. Pick up your phone and write an SMS (on social networks, on Vkontakte). Key, lock, tongue. Amen".
  • If there is a photograph of the chosen one, then such a ritual can be carried out: a photograph of a loved one is taken, you need to peer carefully, noting any small detail about yourself (scars, age spots, "laugh" in the eyes). Having memorized the image, close your eyes and create a visual image of the man in detail. If it doesn't work, study the photo again. Imagine mentally that a person is nearby, express all grievances, all desires and thank for all the good that happened. Look in the eyes and say: “My dear, God's servant (name of the chosen one). Why don't you write to me, servant of God (your name), why don't you talk? I'm kind, wonderful, everyone around me loves me and loving you, I want to be next to you, I want a message, I want a message from you. Take your phone and write to me soon. I will wait, and you will desire to see me. Let what was said come true. Amen". The conspiracy words are pronounced nine times. This prayer works if you strongly believe and think about it. The guy will write an SMS or on a social network (VK). A conspiracy helps when there is already a warm relationship between people, but for some reason they quarreled and the guy needs to write first.
  • There is also a ceremony with photography. Additionally, you need to take a sheet of paper on which the name, surname and patronymic of the chosen one, date of birth are written. The sheet is turned over and the phone number of the bewitching is written on the blank side. A sheet with a phone number is placed next to the photo of the man on whom the plot will be read. The following words are pronounced: “My beloved (name of the beloved), my betrothed-mummer, my desired one. You are smart and desirable, warm my heart and soul, dial my number. Write to me, (name of the bewitching), remember me, desire to see me, think of me. My words will resonate in your heart, may the hand write a message. Everything will be as it is said. Amen". After the ritual, the sheet and photo remain on the table overnight. In the morning, a piece of paper is burned and flutters in the wind.
  • There is also a strong conspiracy, read with a strongly bitten tongue at the window in the evening: “I bite myself, I attach a slave (the name of my beloved) to myself. So that the slave (the name of the beloved) was bored, from the melancholy of rest he did not know either on a bright day or on a dark night. Everything to think about me. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

All about religion and faith - "prayer to invite you on a date" with detailed description and photographs.

Probably, there is not a single girl, girl or woman who, having watched TV series like “All women are witches” or “Margosha”, would not dream of taking revenge on the person who betrayed her, would not answer or disappoint her feelings. However, there are even more representatives of the fair sex who would like to bewitch their favorite individual of the opposite sex. And you know, there is such a way, and like all good things - it starts small. It's a date conspiracy: to be invited by a guy.

Date plot

Do not be alarmed! There is nothing to worry about here. No call of otherworldly power is required, as well as selling your soul. The conspiracy of the guy of your dreams for a good date is safe and simple. There are many options, but we will consider the most effective ones that really helped people like us find their soul mate and "talk" to her to invite him out on a date.

We perform elementary actions

This is love magic, the so-called love spell. You do not make a person fall in love with yourself, you just push him to a meeting, an invitation to a date, and, perhaps, in general - to the first acquaintance, if the conspiracy is made on the first date. Further - everything already depends on you. The ceremony affects the subconscious of the chosen object, instilling in him love for the initiator of the conspiracy on a date.

The beginning of the ceremony is elementary, from the category - "thoughts are real." You have to concentrate and visualize (materialize) your desire. Feel your other half, be one with him at this moment. You have to let him know from a distance that you need him, just like you need him, that both of you are eager to meet or just see. And your desire will become reality. You must understand that this person is already your beloved, now, in order for him to want to meet with you, you must become the same beloved for him.

The time of day doesn't matter, nor does the day lunar calendar... The conspiracy to make the date happen is simple and not dangerous - neither for you, nor for your future boyfriend.

There are other options besides the conspiracy:

This is already stronger if suddenly a simple conspiracy was powerless. These ceremonies are already being carried out, both by visualizing a particular man and by photograph. It already has its own texts that need to be pronounced without mistakes and thoughtfully, clearly pronouncing the guy's name. If you are not confident in your abilities, then try a strong ritual.

In the listed rituals, you already visualize your possible meeting, your behavior and, as it were, invite your loved one to come in. In these cases, think over the clothes of this person, his facial expressions. And also a prerequisite - closed hands on the chest in the lock while pronouncing the text.

Here is one of the common texts:

“I (your name) call you (say the name of the chosen one) to my house. I will open my heart for you to live in it forever. I long for your thoughts to be only about me, to come dreamed of other women never knew. Whether you want it or not, you will come, you will enter through the threshold and you will remain forever. May it be so.".

They say that meetings take place in 2-3 days. The man realizes that he longs to meet you. Check it out?

Method number 2, or what is more effective

This method is also considered by many who have tried to be effective, especially in cases where a meeting or a date is almost impossible. Although the object is all that is required to call for a meeting, conversation, date - call what you want, in other words, any contact of opposite sexes. Its implementation already requires slightly different preparation rules. Curtained windows, if the plot is done during the day, and a dim candle flame. If you are impatient, and no longer have the strength to wait, then a conspiracy for an early successful date that will lead the cherished guy to your door, even if it is completely incompatible with his plans, will suit you.

When giving a speech, do not think of anything else as the text of the conspiracy, which should be spoken out slowly.

Soap and a needle. Something new

Take a needle, a piece of soap - and all so that a person is on the doorstep of your house or just in front of you urgently! On a piece of soap, write the name of the dream man with a needle. Conspiracy in the bathroom, as you need to put a piece on the bottom of the bathroom without filling it with water. And it is necessary to pronounce a text in which there is nothing criminal, it simply charges you to the fact that "everything will go smoothly, go smoothly and without trouble." After that, take out the soap, put it in your wallet and carry it until the moment you make a meeting or to be invited by a guy.

Do not be ironic, do not check the effectiveness of the presented conspiracies, they will only work if you really believe in them, hope for the fulfillment of your envisioned, be confident in your strengths and the powers of the conspiracy text.

How many people, so many opinions

However, not all psychics, magicians, and even those who test themselves believe that a conspiracy is not only simple, but also serious, since it affects both your energy and the energy of the desired man. And this is not always the outcome, such intervention can be beneficial.

Think, perhaps, your meeting can happen without any conspiracies. Common acquaintances, casual intersection of views - and "trick is in the bag." As they say, there would be a desire, because sometimes there is simply not enough determination for a simple step, which can occur without any magic.

If it doesn't work out in an amicable way, then the conspiracy is what you need.

There are universal options, when the hope of meeting even with an unfamiliar, but already loved one, with the help of a conspiracy, becomes real. They are simple.

If a person is close to you, you know him, then read conspiracies, looking at passing clouds. It is very symbolic, as the professionals say. As they run fast, the man will rush to meet you.

Stronger conspiracies are already being made at certain times of the day, several times, not reading, but from memory, in special conditions. True, the action, as the "experimental" say, is more effective and efficient, especially the achieved result is fixed. Pronunciation stops not at the moment of meeting, but before the feeling that your call was heard by your loved ones, when he, as it were, called you back.

Ecumenical conspiracy (2016). Detective, melodrama, Ustinov

Eternal Date (2016). Detective, melodrama, Ustinov. ❤

Conspiracy for a successful date Do not be afraid of failure�

Adding a candle to the plot is also symbolic. This is not only magic as such, but also has its own contribution - the candle is not blown out or extinguished, but burns out by itself or goes out when time or occasion requires it.

Not one candle is used, but several. The side of the world influences, where the words of the conspiracy are pronounced, and even the tone - first we order, then we convince, and then we appeal almost with entreaty.

There are options that are completely out of date, but their effectiveness has already been proven for centuries. For example, in order to achieve the set goal, weave a broom with our own hands for soaring in a bath, or smelt a certain number of candles.

Before a conspiracy, you should cleanse yourself: both internally (keep a fast, take a steam bath) and externally (take baths). It is also advised to visit the temple, as if obtaining consent to conduct a conspiracy.


Whichever version of the conspiracy you choose, the main thing is to sincerely believe in its positive outcome, and to really imagine and hope to see you soon so that the guy will invite you on a date. And everything will be, do not hesitate!

Conspiracy for a man to call on a date, 2 strong conspiracies

Take your time to perform a love spell. Wait for at least the first date. If the man does not call you, provoke him with a magical conspiracy.

And again, strict laws of all types of magic come into force.

If your beloved man is indifferent and cold, and also belongs to another woman on karmic grounds, nothing will work for you.

Dear ones, you will be able to get an invitation to a date. But this meeting may be the last.

You can't escape fate anyway. It can only be “pushed back” for a while.

This is perhaps the simplest occult ritual, when almost no manipulation is required.

No candles, no icons, no photograph of the desired man.

Exactly at midnight, retire in a locked room.

Turn on dim lights.

Holding a leaflet with a conspiracy in your hands, imagine a date with your beloved man, as if calling him to you.

The stronger your own hesitation, the higher the result of occult training.

Begin repeatedly and confidently whispering a special magical conspiracy to provoke your cozy date.

As in love I suffer sleeplessly, so I wish a date in my heart. It will be chilly for a man and sweet, as he sees me, he will become greedy. He will ask for a date, he will not leave me anywhere. May it be so fulfilled! Amen! Amen! Amen!

To enhance the occult effect, immediately perform the second magical conspiracy.

So that the man called on a date, I send him a punishment. Let him disperse with his girl, as soon as he sees me, he will start. In him, a love fire will flare up, in anticipation it will languish. This conspiracy is correct, because I love a man. May it be so fulfilled! Amen! Amen! Amen!

In the next 13 days, the ritual must justify itself.

If this does not happen, perform all the activities again, patiently waiting for the calendar full moon.

Have a boring date!

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... This ritual should be performed for the first time in what phase of the moon?

For the first time, the phase of the moon doesn't matter.

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Powerful conspiracies for a love meeting - magic at home

Sometimes you get to know a man, you want to start dating, but you don't know how to make an appointment faster. And then white magic comes to the rescue of love. Our ancestors have long practiced conspiracies for a meeting - a myriad of such spells have accumulated. If desired, even a meeting with a friend or business partner can be conjured up.

Do you want to organize an effective love spell at home? The love ritual has nuances that must be taken into account. Saying "I want a boyfriend" before bed will not be enough - get ready to buy artifacts and choose the right time. To make it work, follow our recommendations.

Most popular solutions

What is the most popular love spell among girls and why? A conspiracy to meet with a loved one is considered universal if it does not require the extraction of magical items. The main condition for such effective conspiracies is concentration. Close your eyes, imagine the image of the guy that you remember when you met, and pronounce the conspiracy:

“Lord, gather me on a distant journey, give me permission to meet with a guy (name is said). Reveal to me the mysterious depths of acquaintance, make it so that we meet. Save me from disappointments, give me confidence, protect me from a waste of energy. Help to realize the prospects of love, make sympathy intensify, teach to act correctly. Let me calm down and take this chance. Amen".

Photo ritual

It happens that a girl meets a suitable guy who lives far away and cannot come. Then you need to read the conspiracy to meet with a person from a photograph. An ambulance summons can be made within two days. Procedure:

  1. Get a photo of your chosen one.
  2. Find a secluded place (it is better not to meet people during the ritual).
  3. Start going there twice a day (sunset and sunrise), reciting a love spell.
  4. The photograph must be placed vertically on a table.
  5. Each time, light a candle in front of you and pronounce a quick meeting conspiracy.
  6. Photo magic works when the spell is repeated regularly (ideally 9 times).
  7. In the morning after reading the conspiracy for a meeting, extinguish the candle with your finger.
  8. Allow the candle to burn out on its own in the evening.

The voice during the recitation of the prayer should be imperious, the candles should be changed after each ceremony. On the first magical day, you stand facing east. On the second day, face the setting sun. Spell text:

“The day and night are over. I waited for the first day, and I will wait for the second. In the light of the moon, I conjure you, beloved (name), I want to call you on an early date. The night will come, the day will pass, and you will meet me. Amen".

Proven conspiracies

Among the rituals "with a guarantee" is the conspiracy before the date on the shoes. The ceremony is done on the doorstep of your home using a piece of footwear (shoes, slippers, boots). A readable spell is effective if your chosen one will soon come to visit, having crossed the charmed threshold. The text is like this:

“The threshold will not leave the place, but God's servant (name the name) will want me to meet with him. With the strongest word, I conjure you, the threshold, I call the dear to my house. With friends and girlfriends, he will not get away from me. Amen".

Call candle

It's easy to get to know a guy, but how do you force him to continue communicating? A conspiracy for the chosen one to invite you on a date can be strengthened with an ordinary candle. This is a slow witchcraft - you will have to wait three to four weeks to achieve the result. To invite your chosen one, do this:

  1. Buy a candle (there are wax and paraffin options, any will do).
  2. Stock up on scissors.
  3. Light a candle.
  4. Start cutting the flames with scissors and at the same time uttering a date conspiracy.
  5. Repeat the spell three times.
  6. Remember to be baptized when you say “Amen”.

After completing the ritual, extinguish the candle. This should be done with a special cap or with your fingers (blowing is prohibited). To make the effects of witchcraft pleasant, clean up after yourself. Conspiracy text:

“The waxed candle melts from the unbearable heat, and my dear hurries to meet me. I pronounce a successful spell so that the servant of God (called the name) invited the servant of God (your name) to a date. A clear falcon will rush, it will appear before my eyes. Son with a father and the Holy Spirit, help. Amen".

Rite of passage with a bar of soap

The ritual is performed in the bathroom and is considered ideal for a guy to show up on a date quickly. You don't need a man's phone number or photo. Pay attention to important points:

  • in addition to soap, you will need a needle (the name of your beloved is drawn with it);
  • The “marked” soap is placed on the bottom of the bath;
  • water does not turn on;
  • after pulling out the soap after reading the conspiracy, carry the resulting artifact with you.

After the meeting conspiracies are triggered, the amulets cease to work. If the date is successful, remove the soap from your wallet and throw it away at the nearest intersection. Scrape off your boyfriend's name beforehand, otherwise evil people can use magic. Spell text:

“Lie in the void, don't wait for rain and wind. You won't hear thunder here, you won't see trees breaking from the storm. Everything will go smoothly and calmly, I will be happy. Amen".

Full moon rite

Full moon conspiracies are considered very effective, but you need to prepare for them ahead of time. First of all, you need to go on a tough three-day diet, cleanse your body and mind. Some healers prefer nine days of fasting with concomitant sexual abstinence. Avoid conflicts, negative emotions, any negativity. The further process looks like this:

  1. Wait for the sunset and the full moon to appear in the sky.
  2. Cover the windows with curtains.
  3. Light a candle.
  4. Imagine a date with your loved one.
  5. Read the conspiracy.

The more detailed you can draw the upcoming event in your imagination, the better. Let go of any doubts and hesitation. Prayer text:

“The Lord will give me his strength and confidence, he will gather on the way, he will cross with the beloved (name is called). Protect me, Lord, from evil eyes, vain hopes and fears. Take away fear, cleanse your heart of anxiety. Amen".

A very strong conspiracy

For a strong meeting conspiracy to work, you need to be clearly aware of the consequences of your actions. The ritual will lead to an "accidental" crossing of destinies in an unexpected place. Magic will be powerless only in those cases when the object is sick or died.

First you have to get scissors, a photo of your chosen one and a red candle. Set the shot vertically behind the candle. Light a candle and proceed to "cutting" the flame (the diagram is described above). Pronounce the words:

“I cut off a clear fire, let God's servant (name) always be with me. He will not want to sleep and eat, but will come running to my house and drop by. Appear alive in front of me. Amen".

How to meet a business partner

If you are looking for a profitable meeting with a potential partner, magical intervention will come in handy. Find out where your partner often visits (cafe, restaurant, club). Try to get into this place and cast a spell there:

“God's servant (name is called), dear friend, you meet me all of a sudden. Let's sit together and talk about business. Soon you will come here, and here you will find me. Amen".

You have seen that everyday magic can influence world events. Higher powers help the lovers to meet, if it is really necessary. Such actions at a stretch can be called love spells, because sympathy between people has already flared up. Good luck with your personal life!

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