What's 9 months pregnant. Ninth month of pregnancy: preparation for childbirth and overdue pregnancy. Yellow discharge during gestation

Logs 12.09.2020

The last month of pregnancy is the end of a long journey and a period of painful waiting for childbirth and the birth of a long-awaited baby. A full-term baby is considered to be born at 38-42 weeks of pregnancy, this is just the middle and end of the ninth month, but if the baby is born at 36-37 weeks, he is considered not premature, but prematurely born. Such a baby is quite capable of independent life, although it is somewhat more sensitive to external environmental conditions and requires a little more attention and care. With each week of the last month, he gains weight and grows, you should be ready to give birth at any time.

What happens to the body in the 9th month of pregnancy

The last month of pregnancy has come, it lasts from the 37th to the 42nd week of pregnancy, on average, children are born at 38-40 weeks, and only some a little earlier or later. After 38 weeks of gestation, the fetus is considered full-term, and delivery can begin on any day, only about 5% of babies are born exactly on the expected date.

In this period, a woman is already getting tired of her position and her belly, which has become very heavy, anxious expectation and frequent training fights make her tired and irritable. Now you can no longer be afraid premature birthif there were previously problems during gestation or there were complications. Often, with a planned caesarean section, delivery is planned for a period of 38-40 weeks, so that the fetus is as mature and full-term as possible. The last weeks are especially difficult for those who will give birth for the first time, since the sensations from true contractions are still unfamiliar and often you are ready to go to the hospital with training.

The body is actively preparing for the process and the so-called precursors constantly appear. Two to three weeks before delivery, the abdomen is lowered by inserting the fetal head into the pelvic cavity and gradually relaxing the lower segment of the uterus and cervix. With repeated pregnancies, the abdomen may sink just before or at the beginning of childbirth. The abdominal circumference may slightly decrease due to the relative lack of water, due to changes in hormonal levels, which helps in delivery and reduces the risk of complications (umbilical cord prolapse, incorrect presentation, placental abruption). It will become easier for a woman to breathe, heartburn and discomfort when eating will decrease.

Pain in the lumbar region and small pelvis may be disturbing, the area of \u200b\u200bjoints and ligaments softens, which helps in childbirth, but affects the condition of the back and pelvic region. Particularly unpleasant and severe can be pain when lowering the head into the small pelvis, pressure in the pubic area, sacrum at night, pain in the perineum and vaginal area, it is difficult to find a position in bed and sleep well. Training contractions can become more frequent and stronger, they help the uterus to contract actively in the future. Training contractions are irregular and pass, if you calm down and rest on your side, they look like pulling in the lower abdomen and a feeling that the stomach is stiff.

Before childbirth, special body changes may occur, called precursors of childbirth, along with abdominal prolapse. These signs include a decrease in body weight within 2 kg due to the convergence of edema and hormonal changes in the body, decreased appetite and physiological cleansing of the body. Shortly before the event, appetite decreases or disappears altogether, there may be loose stools and even diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

In a few days or even weeks, the mucous plug may begin to separate - it can come off in parts or in whole, in a lump as the cervix matures and the cervical canal opens. The mucus may be yellowish, colorless, or streaked with blood. You need to completely collect bags and documents and be ready to be sent to the hospital at any time from the beginning or discharge of water, or regular contractions at regular intervals. In the ninth month of pregnancy, a woman should always take an exchange card when leaving the house.

Fetal development: weight, size and gender

In this period, the child is already fully formed and ready for birth and life outside the mother's tummy. The child has all required set reflexes, breathing movements are performed by the lungs, although they are still sleeping and will open only with the first breath. They have developed enough surfactant to breathe on their own. The digestive system is ripe and ready for food intake and its digestion by enzymes; a lot of original feces have accumulated in the intestines, which should only leave after the birth of the child. It was formed from amniotic fluid, epithelial cells, desquamated cells that enter with swallowed waters. Meconium has the appearance of a putty olive-green mass, odorless.

By the ninth month, the baby has a proportional body, the skin is smooth and has a pale pink color, the skin vessels no longer shine through, the fluff (lanugo) almost disappeared from the body, which remained only a little on the shoulders and back, in the area of \u200b\u200bnatural folds along with the original lubricant, which protects the delicate skin of the baby. Now the baby is actively gaining weight and gaining in height, it becomes more and more cramped in the uterine cavity, he takes the uterine and most optimal position for childbirth - head down, pressing his arms and legs tightly to the body. He has no opportunities for active movements, and now it is mainly pushing, tossing and turning and stretching. They are clearly felt by the mother.

Maturation of the nervous system takes place, it becomes more and more perfect, developed and mature. The nervous system regulates the work of all internal organs and glands, which allows the body to function as a single system.

The liver of the fetus this month is actively accumulating iron for its further expenditure on the needs of the child in the first months after birth. Iron is essential for making new blood cells and preventing anemia. The heart has fully formed chambers and valves, except for those holes that are needed for fetal blood flow, therefore, at birth, it will be ready to work in a new way, and the fetal holes will immediately close. Now the oval window and the botallic duct are open, so that the blood goes around the lungs, and the baby "breathes" with the placenta. At the same time, the lungs themselves, due to the penetration of amniotic fluid into them, make "respiratory" movements and develop.

In boys, the final descent of the testicles into the scrotum occurs, in girls, the labia majora cover the small ones, and the process of genital formation is completed. The immune system also matures, although it will still be finally formed after the birth of the baby. Mom actively transmits antibodies to her baby through the placenta from the main dangerous diseases that she herself has had. By the time of delivery, the fetus will reach its final height and weight of 48-56 cm and 2800-4000g. Girls are usually born less than boys, although much depends on the characteristics of the parents and the conditions of the pregnancy.


The main sensations of this month are fatigue and the harbingers of childbirth, now the woman clearly feels all the movements and movements of the fetus, the stomach has reached its maximum and it is extremely difficult to wear it. But a couple of weeks before giving birth, it becomes easier to breathe and eat due to lowering the abdomen, inserting the head into the small pelvis. This will increase the pressure and discomfort in the pelvic area - constipation may increase and the urge may become more frequent in a small way due to the pressure of the head on the bladder. There may be pain in the region of the sacrum, pubis and thighs, due to irritation of the nerve endings.

There may be swelling and the risk of varicose veins, the skin on the abdomen is tightly stretched and itchy, stretch marks may occur. Fainting and dizziness are frequent due to hypoxia and compression of the vessels of the large uterus. Preparation for childbirth occurs and weight loss of 1-2 kg may occur, diarrhea and vomiting, as an option for cleaning the body before childbirth. A woman feels that she is pulling the lower abdomen, abdominal pain may occur, which indicates the onset of regular contractions and labor.


By the end of pregnancy, the discharge intensifies, protecting the baby from infections that can penetrate the vagina. Now it is important for the crane not to develop infection, as it will be dangerous during childbirth. You should immediately consult a doctor if you have cheesy, crumbly or copious milk secretions, and especially yellowish, green, gray, foamy and with an unpleasant odor. They need to be treated immediately, as this discharge reduces the elasticity of the vaginal tissues and leads to complications during childbirth and an increase in the likelihood of postpartum inflammation.

There is also a gradual discharge of the mucous plug - these are transparent or slightly pink-colored lumps of mucus, the plug can move away both gradually and simultaneously, with a lump of mucus. Childbirth will begin soon.

Analyzes and examinations

This month, visits to the doctor will become weekly, it is important to assess the general condition of the woman, her weight and presence of edema, blood pressure and to determine the level of leukocytes, protein and glucose in urine before each visit. The doctor will assess the woman's readiness for childbirth and may schedule hospitalization in the maternity hospital in advance or at the onset of labor.

At the beginning of the month, a study will be carried out on an armchair and a smear will be taken for flora, blood tests may be additionally prescribed. The planned ultrasounds have already been completed, but the doctor, in case of doubts or concerns, may prescribe additional ultrasound or Doppler ultrasound, CTG of the fetus. This will help in choosing tactics in childbirth and deciding whether they will be natural or whether a cesarean section is indicated.

Mom's diet and weight

In this period, the uterus presses as much as possible on internal organs and you need to eat right to avoid nausea and vomiting, constipation and other digestive problems. In many ways, the process of childbirth and the condition of the baby depends on the mother's nutrition in the future. In the last months of pregnancy, it is worth switching to hypoallergenic food with the exclusion of potentially dangerous allergens, abandoning foods that can become a potential source of intestinal infections or poisoning - canned food, raw foods, unboiled milk, poorly fried meat and fish. It is important to pay special attention to products with calcium - dairy products and cottage cheese, yoghurts. Eating enough protein in the form of red meat and iron-containing foods is equally important. The amount of meat and fish in the diet should be slightly reduced in favor of vegetables and fruits, vegetable oils, cereals and light food. It is worth giving up fatty, fried and spicy foods, excess sauces and spices, steaming, baking, stewing or boiling food. It is worth eating often, but in small portions, refusing to use carbonated drinks, fermenting foods, excess sweets and carbohydrates. You can do it once a week fasting days in agreement with the doctor. Before giving birth, appetite may disappear altogether - and this is normal, the body prepares for difficult work and cleans the intestines.

Cold in the ninth month

In the ninth month, it is worth taking care of a cold, otherwise childbirth may be complicated, and you will have to give birth in an isolated box of the observational department. A cold is dangerous due to a violation of labor, the need to use medication and the danger of its influence on the fetus. So, taking paracetamol or its analogues disrupts the process of preparing the cervix for childbirth and further complicates the birth process.


The question of intimacy in the ninth month is controversial - it will be determined by the doctor. But usually the libido of women is reduced, and with such a large belly it is not very convenient to have sex at all. Many doctors recommend abstinence when passing the mucous plug, although orgasm itself does not provoke premature birth. But if there are contraindications, sex will be prohibited - this is leakage of amniotic fluid, placenta previa or low placentation, multiple pregnancy or the presence of isthmic-cervical insufficiency. Difficulties can be with the choice of poses, since you need to completely eliminate pressure on the abdomen. If labor is delayed, intimacy is one of the natural methods of stimulating labor - a man's sperm has a softening effect on the cervix.

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Ninth month of pregnancy

You are already 9 months old. Your whole life now passes under the sign of the birth of a child. What is happening to you and what you need to know about the development of the baby at the 9th obstetric month of pregnancy, about possible childbirth at this time - in all this we will try to help you figure it out.

In the ninth month, you already need to tune in to prepare for the upcoming birth. You need good rest, lack of heavy loads and stress.

9 months pregnant: how many weeks is it? If you count from the beginning of your last menstrual period in obstetric weeks, then this is the period between 33 and 36 obstetric weeks. The midwife month is exactly four weeks (28 days). It is in the obstetric months that the date of birth of your baby is determined. The real age of the fetus at the beginning of the 9th obstetric month is 31 weeks (counting from the moment of conception / ovulation).

9 months pregnant: what happens to the fetus?

From the 29th to the 32nd week, your baby's body systems continue to improve, and he significantly gains weight. What does a baby look like at 9 months of pregnancy, what is the weight and size of the fetus at the end of this period? The main parameters of vital activity are determined using ultrasound. By the end of the 36 obstetric week, the baby weighs about 2700 g. Its height is approximately 43-47 cm.

These characteristics are individual and can vary depending on the genetic predisposition, intrauterine developmental characteristics, etc. Whether everything is normal with the baby can only be said by your doctor, who observed the entire process of your pregnancy.

What are the features of the development of a baby at the 9th month:

  • the baby's head has already sunk into the pelvic area - there is not enough space in the uterus and it is more comfortable for him;
  • about 8% of its total weight is subcutaneous fat;
  • the baby's skin becomes brighter, red pigment and fluff disappear;
  • the child is already learning to breathe through his nose - he makes breathing movements not only with his mouth, but also with his nose;
  • he already distinguishes tastes when swallowing amniotic fluid;
  • he already has a developed memory - he emotionally reacts to melodies and rhymes that he hears not for the first time;
  • organs and systems of the body continue to improve and grow;
  • all systems and organs are fully functional.

The activity of the baby during this period decreases. This is due to the fact that he became cramped, and he cannot turn over freely. The tremors became less frequent, but very noticeable. Nearly 95% of babies are head-down by the end of the 9th month - the best for a successful birth.

If the child is located with the pelvis down, then there are still chances that he will turn around.

There are special exercises for turning the child.

If you notice your baby is very active at 9 months pregnant, consult your doctor. Perhaps this is due to hypoxia ( oxygen starvation) fetus.

What does the stomach look like at 9 months of pregnancy

The belly is already quite large. It prevents you from sleeping and moving freely. From the pubic symphysis to the bottom of the uterus, about 40 cm. It rises above the navel in two palms. By nine months, you could have gained about 12-15 kg. This is normal weight gain. Remember to wear a special bandage that supports your stomach. It helps to redistribute the load on the back and prevents large stretch marks.

9 month pregnancy sensations

You probably notice increased anxiety about the successful outcome of pregnancy and childbirth. In addition, for no apparent reason, mood can disappear. This is normal for this period.

How do you feel at 9 months pregnant?

  • due to the fact that the child took a position upside down, the pressure of the uterus on the diaphragm decreased, so the problems with heartburn and shortness of breath become less;
  • from time to time you feel uterine cramps - these are training contractions;
  • pain in the lower back, in the lower abdomen may increase;
  • slight swelling may remain

Childbirth at 9 months of pregnancy

Labor in the third trimester can begin at any time. Causes of premature birth at 9 months of pregnancy:

  • hormonal disruptions;
  • pathology of the placenta;
  • severe stress;
  • isvico-cervical insufficiency;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • intrauterine infections;
  • blows to the abdomen, strong vibrations.

Why can't you give birth at 9 months of pregnancy, is it dangerous? A baby who was born earlier than 37 obstetric week is considered premature. But the dangerous consequences of a premature birth at 9 months (between 33 and 36 weeks of gestation) are very few. The baby's lungs are fully formed, he can already breathe on his own. All his organs and life support systems are functioning normally. In the first weeks, he will need special care in the neonatal unit.

". For nine months, with doctors and psychologists, we understood the changes that occur in a woman's body, starting from the moment she found out about her "interesting" position, and until the baby was born. This time, we will tell you not only about the sensations in the ninth month of pregnancy, but also about how to behave during childbirth and facilitate contractions. We hope our project has become useful to expectant mothers. Those who have just learned about the project can read about it on our website vesti.ua

Together with you, we have gone through the most exciting days and have come to the most crucial period - the last month of pregnancy, after which you will finally see your baby without the help of ultrasound machines. So what happens in the ninth month of pregnancy?

At the end of the third trimester, the baby is completely ready for an "independent" life: his lungs are already working, the sucking reflex has developed, and the digestive tract is ready to receive breast milk. “At this time, the toddler is already in a prenatal position, as a rule, this is a cephalic presentation - the baby will stay upside down until delivery,” says obstetrician-gynecologist Valery Yakuba. - And do not be alarmed if you have noted the inactivity of the baby. Now he is cramped, because he occupies the entire uterine cavity, so he has practically no opportunity for active movements. "

And mom during this period can be pestered by anxiety. “Indeed, there is a very responsible process ahead, and besides, there is a fear of the first meeting with the baby and the fear of not coping with a new family member alone,” says psychologist Larisa Rossol.

Therefore, the expert recommends paying more attention to the prenatal positive. For example, talk to experienced mothers who have gone smoothly, read the recommendations of doctors regarding behavior during childbirth, as well as attend courses for expectant mothers, where they will teach the correct breathing technique during contractions and tell that everything is not as scary as it seems on first glance.

The fear of "goofing off" will help to overcome the support of loved ones: make an appointment with one of your relatives to insure you in difficult times and come to help with the child, for example, if you need to sleep, take time for yourself, etc. a-tete with a new role and tasks, will lead nervous system back to normal.


"In the last weeks, there may be a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen and a dull pain in the pubic, groin or inner thighs," warns the gynecologist. This is due to the pressure of the baby's head on the nerve endings, so there is no need to be afraid that something is wrong - these are natural sensations.

It's another matter if abdominal pains become expressive. In this case, do not hesitate to visit the doctor and do not argue if you are offered to go to the hospital, as this means that there is a risk of premature birth.


“During this period, the uterus presses on the bladder and stomach with special force, so urination becomes more frequent, and constipation and flatulence can become commonplace,” notes Yakuba.

In addition, due to the severity of the abdomen and pressure on the genitourinary and digestive systems, edema can be disturbing and the risk of developing varicose veins increases. To avoid hurting yourself, try to get more rest. So, after every hour, rest on your feet for at least 15 minutes, and have a siesta during the day.


In the ninth month, the belly not only grows, but also sinks. “Therefore, the skin of the abdomen itches terribly, and the risk of stretch marks increases significantly,” warns dermatologist Olga Ignatieva.

To avoid stretch marks (and they can appear overnight), regularly lubricate your belly with nourishing cream. This should be done three to five times a day, and if the itching persists, then more often. Moreover, do not comb your skin, as this is fraught with microtrauma and infection.


Now from your diet you need to completely eliminate fried, fatty, salty foods, as well as mayonnaise, sweets and pastries - they inflict a crushing blow on the already traumatized squeezing of the stomach and intestines.

“In addition, you need to be careful with meat and fish,” warns nutritionist Galina Kuptsova. "They reduce the elasticity of the perineal tissue, and this can cause painful labor and possible tears."


This month, be prepared for the fact that you will have to go to the gynecologist once a week and before each visit, be sure to take urine tests to control the level of protein and sugar.

“During the visit, the doctor will measure blood pressure, weigh, and also note the degree of preparation future mother and the baby for childbirth: listen to the baby's heart, determine its position and size, the height of the uterus, examine the cervix to assess its maturity, ”warns the gynecologist.

At the maternity hospital, grab pads and a bustik

“In addition to the list given to you by the doctor, you should also take with you other things that you will definitely need,” says experienced mother Natalya Kovorotnaya.

So, pack in your bag:

  • pajamas or nightie;
  • warm and light robes (if it's cool or hot, you can choose the right one);
  • socks and rubber slippers;
  • everything that will help you not to get bored: a tablet, a book, etc. - after all, the child sleeps a lot, and you will be bored;
  • a couple of bottles of still water;
  • several pairs of panties;
  • sanitary pads (two to three packs) and the same number of packs of breast pads;
  • bra for nursing mothers;
  • breast pump;
  • diapers for newborns;
  • dummy;
  • bottle.


In order not to miss the beginning of labor and to get to the hospital on time (especially if there is a possibility of traffic jams along the way), you need to be more attentive to yourself on days close to the deadline.

The fact that an important and crucial moment will soon come can be understood by the signs indicated below.

Abdominal prolapse

Approximately two to four weeks before giving birth, a pregnant woman may notice a drooping of the abdomen. This is a sign that the baby is sinking deeper into the pelvic region in preparation for birth. By the way, this symptom is especially noticeable in those who give birth for the first time, but in experienced mothers, the stomach can sink right before childbirth.

Nesting Syndrome and Mood Swings

One of the first messengers of childbirth (in one or two weeks) will also be an unusual desire to equip your home as comfortably as possible. So, the expectant mother begins to put things in order, iron and shift things prepared for the baby, and even suddenly may start repairing or rearranging furniture.

And you can also note a change in mood: the "swing" will swing from euphoria to complete apathy with changes in laughter, tears, irritability and anxiety.

Frequent urination and urge "big"

Urination by the end of pregnancy becomes more frequent, but before childbirth (in two to three days), their "visits" will become more frequent almost two to three times, moreover, there will be a frequent desire to empty the intestines. Indeed, in addition to the pressure of the fetus on the bladder and rectum before the onset of labor, the level of the labor hormone, prostaglandin, is rapidly increasing in the body, the main property of which is to relax the cervix and help cleanse the intestines.

Back pain

In addition, lower back pain may appear a couple of days before giving birth. This is how the change in the baby's posture affects, the additional load on lumbar backs and playing hormones.

Cork release

A signal that there are only a few days or even hours left before delivery is the discharge of the mucous plug. So, the expectant mother may find light pink discharge mixed with blood on her underwear, or transparent or yellowish.

Leakage of water

The most obvious sign of the onset of labor is considered to be rupture of the amniotic fluid and leakage of water (intense or not). Remember that in this case, childbirth occurs within 24 hours after the rupture of the amniotic fluid.


The appearance of periodic abdominal pains, which are becoming more intense, longer and more frequent, means that the process has begun. So, the breaks between contractions will gradually decrease until they reach three to four minutes. Therefore, having noted those in yourself, go to the hospital.


The fact that most women feel pain before and during childbirth is no secret to anyone. “But it can be made easier if you do certain techniques,” says yoga teacher Galina Arvakhi.

Indulge in complete relaxation

This will help minimize discomfort during labor.

Sit comfortably (if possible) or lie down, take five deep breaths with your mouth and deep exhales with your nose, imagining that you are breathing in positive, and breathing out tension and pain. Then breathe evenly and slowly, gently contracting for 5 seconds and relaxing the main muscles (arms, legs, back, abdomen). Then raise your shoulders to your head, hold for 5 seconds, relax. Clench your hands into fists for 5 seconds, then relax. Tighten your legs for another 5 seconds and also relax. Complete the practice with deep breaths. Repeat this two or three more times.


This helps relieve excess muscle tension. So, while standing or while walking slowly (this, by the way, also helps to relieve pain during contractions), do small swinging of the hips back and forth and left and right. At the same time, breathe deeply enough, but evenly.

Massage your brushes

During the fight, massage the hands alternately: the center of the palm, the hollows between the fingertips. Or, if someone from your family is present with you, ask them to massage your shoulders and feet. These massage techniques stimulate skin receptors. This sends additional intense impulses to the brain that absorb pain.


That I was about to give birth, I myself had no idea. After all, I did not see the fact that the "plug" was gone (apparently, it happened in the shower) and took the water leaking in the morning for profuse discharge - and in my case, theory diverged from practice.

In the evening, talking to my mother on the phone, she told about her “discharge”. She asked if my stomach hurt, I answered, they say, well, it hurts, but not all the time, but it hurts, hurts and stops, then again. Mom shouted to her father, they say, drop everything, let's go after Nastya and take her to the hospital - she has contractions.

When my parents arrived, I was just going to have supper - calmly, measuredly - and was extremely surprised by the panic around: my husband was jumping on one leg, trying to pull on jeans, mom and dad were dripping valerian, my mother-in-law's hands were trembling ... In general, they talked me into going to the hospital ...

And there the doctor said that the uterus had already opened significantly and it was time for the delivery. And so she gave birth - quickly, she didn't even have time to get nervous.

So the last month of pregnancy has come, with which we congratulate you! Very soon you will meet with your baby, but while you and your body are fully preparing for childbirth - every now and then there are training contractions, which are sometimes difficult to distinguish from real ones. The body of the future baby, meanwhile, is already completely ready for birth, now the baby takes a convenient application for childbirth and is gaining strength.

With the onset of 9 months of pregnancy, the fear of premature birth is replaced by anxiety about the upcoming birth. This is especially true for mothers expecting twins, because twins are born already at the beginning of the 9th month - at 36 weeks.

What weeks are included in the 9th month of pregnancy? 9 month includes 36-40 weeks.

In this article, we'll talk about each week, talk about the harbingers of labor and the signs of the onset of labor. At the end of the article, as usual, we will offer recommendations and tips.

Fetal development at 9 months of pregnancy

36 obstetric week of pregnancy

This week, the weight of the fetus averages 2650-2700 grams, and the body length is 47-48 cm.

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Pregnancy is approaching its end day by day. With the onset of the ninth month, all the thoughts of the expectant mother are about the upcoming birth and the well-being of the baby. A new person will be born very soon.

But you need to properly prepare for this event, because the 9th month of pregnancy is the period when it is time to complete all unfinished business, prepare a room for the baby, purchase the necessary things and find out as much information as possible about the upcoming birth.

Calculation of the due date

Fetal condition

By the beginning of the ninth month of pregnancy, the fetal body length usually reaches 46-47 cm, and the body weight is 2600-2700 g. By the end of this month, the baby's height is 50-51 cm, and the weight is 3500 g. Of course, these indicators are averaged. Some children weigh much less than three kilograms by the time of birth, and some sturdy ones have a body weight of up to 4.5 kg or even more.

A child is considered healthy and full-term if he has a body weight of 2600 g or more at birth, and a height of 46-47 cm. At the same time, the baby's respiratory, digestive and other systems should fully function. The weight of the newborn also depends on the hereditary characteristics of the parents, therefore, it may differ significantly from the average indicators.

In the development of the fetus in the ninth month of pregnancy, the following changes occur:

  • The skin takes on a light pink tint, although even at the time of delivery it may remain slightly yellowish or bluish.
  • The length of the hair on the head varies from a few millimeters to 0.5-2 cm.
  • In a male fetus, the testicles descend into the scrotum at 9 months.
  • A dark substance is formed in the intestines - meconium or the so-called original feces.
  • The body of the fetus begins to produce the enzymes necessary to digest breast milk after birth. From the moment the fetus began to make the first swallowing movements (ninth week of pregnancy), digestive system fully formed, and the sucking reflex is activated in the baby immediately after birth.
  • The formation of the respiratory system is completed.
  • Despite the fact that the baby is quite active at 9 months of pregnancy, his movements are not felt by the mother strongly enough, because there is very little free space left in the uterus.
  • The cartilages of the ears and nose become harder, and the bones of the skull remain slightly softened to make it easier for the baby to move forward during childbirth.

Changes in a woman's body

In the body of a pregnant woman in the ninth month of pregnancy, the following changes occur:

  • The woman's body weight does not increase as intensively as before, and on the eve of childbirth, the weight stabilizes. The total weight gain from the time of conception to the moment the baby is born is 10.5-16 kg. When pregnant with twins or triplets, a woman can weigh much more, but in this case, the birth usually occurs before the beginning of the 9th month of pregnancy.
  • Edema may appear or worsen, and very often expectant mothers have swelling of the legs. These symptoms usually disappear after delivery.
  • The contours of the figure are gradually changing: the stomach goes down, and the baby's head is placed in the lower part of the pelvis.
  • Breathing at the 9th month of pregnancy becomes freer and easier, heartburn may also disappear, which is associated with abdominal prolapse.
  • On the eve of childbirth, hemorrhoids may worsen or appear due to increased pressure of the uterus on the vessels near the anus.
  • Often at this time, symptoms of depression and insomnia appear, which is associated with a very strong anxiety of the expectant mother about the upcoming birth. To sleep better, you should regularly ventilate the room and give up the habit of resting on your back.
  • White discharge is normal when the 9th month of pregnancy is in progress, and a change in its color may indicate the approach of labor.
  • The abdomen periodically becomes hard, that is, it turns to stone, and the tone of the uterus increases.
  • It becomes difficult for a woman to bend over, so you should refuse to wash the floors, and use an ottoman or a low chair to change shoes.

Analyzes and examinations

It is advisable for an expectant mother to visit a doctor every week during the ninth month of pregnancy. Ultrasound during this period, as a rule, is not performed, because the third prenatal screening has long been passed, therefore, this examination can be performed only if there are additional indications.


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At each visit to the antenatal clinic, a specialist will measure the woman's body weight, blood pressure, the height of the uterine fundus, will check the position of the fetus by probing the abdomen, assess the condition of the cervix, listen to the baby's heartbeat and perform other manipulations provided for by the examination program.

Also, the pregnant woman will need to do another blood test and a smear for flora in order to prevent infection of the fetus during childbirth and to cure the detected disease in time.

Additionally, the doctor can determine the expected date of birth, based on the results of examinations and the date of the last menstruation. Now any woman knows how many weeks of pregnancy are at 9 months, so she can independently calculate this day, given that childbirth usually occurs at the end of the 40th week.

Possible dangers in the ninth month of pregnancy

During the final month of bearing a baby, the following complications may occur:

  • Fetal hypoxia is acute or chronic. In the first case, the baby's condition may deteriorate sharply due to squeezing of the neck with the umbilical cord, premature discharge of amniotic fluid, or under the influence of other factors. Chronic hypoxia develops due to dysfunction of the placenta, in which the supply of oxygen to the fetus deteriorates. The development of hypoxia can be suspected when the fetal heart rate is disturbed (the pulse may become more rare) or when the frequency of movements increases.
  • Late gestosis is a disease in which the condition of the woman and the fetus in the womb worsens due to disorders of the cardiovascular, urinary and endocrine systems. With gestosis in a pregnant woman, blood pressure increases, edema occurs. In urgent cases, a caesarean section is required.

Harbingers of childbirth

The ninth month of pregnancy differs from the previous ones in that it ends with the birth of a baby. Childbirth can occur as at 40 weeks or a little later, or earlier, at a period of 38-39 weeks, while they are considered timely. Childbirth at 36-37 weeks, although it is a little premature, but practically does not pose a danger to the child, because all his systems and organs are already formed and ready for work, it is only necessary to increase the missing body weight.

That is why, throughout the entire 9 months of pregnancy, a woman should be ready for the possible onset of labor and be aware of what symptoms it is accompanied by.


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Harbingers of childbirth can be distant, that is, evidence that the baby may be born in a week or two or even later, and those that warn of the very imminent onset of labor, after a few hours or for a maximum of one or two days.

The first group of symptoms includes abdominal prolapse, disappearance of signs of heartburn, increased urination, increased back pain. Periodically pulls the lower abdomen, but the pain is not too intense.

The second group of precursors is represented by the following symptoms:

  • discharge of the mucous plug from the cervix, while a woman may notice thick discharge with traces of blood;
  • discharge of amniotic fluid;
  • diarrhea (diarrhea);
  • the appearance of the first contractions, manifested by strong pain in the lower abdomen.

If the above signs occur, you need to hurry to the hospital, especially in the case when the water has receded, because the baby may suffer due to hypoxia.

In the event that the precursors of labor do not appear at the end of nine months of pregnancy, doctors may decide to stimulate labor. Some women try to speed up labor on their own by lifting weights, trying to have sexual intercourse with a partner or masturbating, trying to achieve orgasm through masturbation. Unfortunately, this can not only cause contractions, but also lead to the development of dangerous complications, such as profuse bleeding and heavy bleeding.

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