Libra and fish compatibility in love and marriage. Libra and Pisces compatibility in love and marriage Libra and Pisces horoscope compatibility

Finishing 24.11.2020

Pisces and Libra compatibility in love is not the most favorable. These signs have a different parity in the zodiacal table, their elements are not combined. They may fall in love with each other, but the relationship will be far from ideal. Consider the features of such a union from the point of view of astrology.

The main reasons for quarrels and disagreements in the union of Pisces and Libra can be as follows:

  1. On the part of feelings and emotions, mutual understanding is usually completely absent. Libra seems very cold to Pisces. They endlessly beat against the wall of this coldness, trying to share their experiences, but not receiving returns. Fish over and over again will look for an approach to their inaccessible companion, but this is impossible to do.
  2. Due to the skew in the emotional sphere, Pisces can take the position of a "whiner". They can begin to humiliate themselves, literally begging for love from a partner. Of course, Libra will quickly get bored with this, they will become annoyed and lose all respect for their partner.
  3. There are also many conflicts in everyday life. Libra is a very chaotic sign, they never live in order, they don't like homework. Therefore, their companion has to take full responsibility for this part of life, which causes discontent. However, Pisces will rather grumble to themselves, but they will never say out loud about what they do not like. The relationship is as if between the slave owner-Libra and his slave-Pisces, there is no talk of love, rather, codependency.
  4. Libra will long and stubbornly not notice the wonderful qualities of their companion. But they will constantly talk to him about the shortcomings. Therefore, over time, relations can turn for Pisces into a very painful and exhausting union that drains all moral strength.

Watch a video about the compatibility of these two signs:

Pisces woman and Libra man

In the beginning, the relationship between them is pretty good. They can talk for hours, a woman is delighted with her companion, admiring his erudition, colorful stories and outstanding intellect.

At a very early stage, a woman will even think that she has met an ideal companion, because an aura of great sensual attraction has been created between them. But sooner or later, the delight of sociability and erudition will be replaced by disappointment with the coldness and inaccessibility of a partner.

The man will constantly trample the self-esteem of his companion in the mud. He is too indifferent, cold, thinks only of himself and becomes extremely selfish in such a union. He needs a woman with a stronger inner core, more selfish, unpredictable and unapproachable, and Pisces begins to choke him with her eternal delight and constant attention.

A woman needs reciprocity, compassion, a willingness to listen and share her experiences from a partner. But she doesn't get it. Hence - constant mood swings and despondency, which a man does not understand. He gets bored and he will definitely try to break off the relationship.

The breakup initiative almost always rests with Libra. He quickly finds himself a new girlfriend, and his former chosen one will experience the painful collapse of their relationship for a long time.

Pisces man and Libra woman

A man in this pair at the beginning of a relationship will long and stubbornly seek the location of his unapproachable and cold darling. But in his courtship, he can be too intrusive, from which Libra constantly runs away.

The union of Libra and Pisces is, in principle, quite rare, because it is difficult for a man to interest such a girl. She sees her potential chosen one completely different. But he can agree to a relationship if there is no one more suitable in mind.

In a pair, a woman will dominate and dominate, which will quickly bore her, because she wants to see a strong partner next to her, and not to the madness of a guy in love who follows her with a tail.

To summarize: the union of Pisces and Libra has practically no chance of existence. Moreover, it is Pisces who will suffer from the rupture, and their other half will easily go into other relationships.

The compatibility of the zodiacal signs of Libra and Pisces depends on two opposing elements: air and water.

Libra was born under the auspices of the planet of love Venus. She gives them beauty, attractiveness, refined taste. Children of Venus love luxury: expensive jewelry, beautiful outfits, rich furnishings.

This can motivate them to make money. They are not averse to admiring the beautiful: works of art, the beauty of nature. Libras are reluctant to sacrifice themselves for others. But if they understand that it is easier for two to achieve success in life, then this will help them create an alliance with another person.

The zodiac sign, two Pisces swimming in different directions, has the planet Neptune as its patron. The mysterious planet Neptune endows its pets with an unhealthy fantasy, mystical abilities. Pisces suffer from mood swings, depression.

They have a well-developed intuition. More often than not, Pisces are indifferent to luxury living. They love to sacrifice themselves, are endowed with creative abilities for drawing, literature, art.

Both signs live in eternal contradictions and are not always confident in themselves. Air permeates everywhere. Water is capable of spreading and flowing around sharp corners. But as you know, opposites converge. Air-water guys will be able to create a harmonious, interesting union.

Charismatic Libra and mysterious Pisces will be delighted with each other's unusual nature. The connecting link between them will be their natural craving for beauty.

Negative points in the union between Libra and Pisces

  1. Pisces love to help people, and cunning Libra is not averse to hanging his problems on others. But the water sign is good at manipulating other people.
  2. They are both indecisive. Libra, the balancing zodiac sign, expressing their point of view, immediately refutes it. Pisces, ambivalent natures, suffer from mood swings. They are scattered, at times it is difficult for them to concentrate.
  3. Air-water guys completely don't trust each other.
  4. Pisces are usually religious peopleLibra loves to judge everyone.

Compatibility in love, marriage

Air and water are two opposite elements, at the very beginning the love attraction between them is strong. They will dream of a union. When the fever of first love subsides, they will have to seriously think about what their relationship should be based on, whether they have a solid foundation.

If partners are mature, they do not pay attention to each other's minor mistakes. After all, it is better to save vitality for more important matters.

Young Libra and Pisces need to understand for themselves, in order to maintain a relationship longer, they do not need to immediately talk about each other's shortcomings. Better to do it carefully, gradually.

Pisces man, Libra woman

They can meet on guided tours of the paintings exhibition hall. There are few people at such events and the atmosphere is favorable. The lady of Libra will be next to the Pisces man and he will decide that she appeared from the last century.

Libra will notice a mysterious person who does not take her eyes off her. The air-water guys met successfully and went for a walk around the city. The Pisces man will eloquently talk about his plans and ability to make money.

He imagines himself to be a strong, brave, brave knight:

  1. The water sign will be able to charm the airy lady. Sex will further strengthen their union. They have good compatibility in this matter.
  2. A water man easily finds a common language with any woman. He has many girlfriends just friends. But it is difficult to lure him to the registry office, a Pisces man is afraid of marriage bonds. He usually gets married in adulthood. But the Libra woman wants to become a wife, she will be able to achieve her goal.
  3. Sealed by marriage bonds, the water-air guys will finally see their light and understand that their relationship is not so cloudless. An airy woman will see that all the plans of her chosen one are mostly fantasized.
  4. He will not like the love for the freedom of his chosen one and the inability to manage the household. The marriage will fall apart.
  5. But if these two manage to find an approach to each otherthen they will live happily ever after for many years.
  6. Children will strengthen the marriage. Over time, the air lady will settle down, learn how to run a household. She will even do magic by the stove. If the soup turns out to be too salty, and the pie is under-baked, a sensitive husband will not pay attention to insignificant trifles. Father Pisces will be afraid to even breathe on his child once again. He will compromise and learn to let his lady go to see friends for a few hours. Peace and comfort will settle in their family nest.

Libra man, Pisces woman

They will meet in a small company, for example, at a mutual friend's birthday party. Libra guy is a charming handsome man, self-confident conqueror of women, his.

Undoubtedly, a mysterious woman with the appearance of a mermaid, sitting modestly in a corner and completely oblivious to him, will be of interest. A man will be outraged by such an appeal to his bright person.

He will take the initiative himself:

  1. In the face of the Pisces woman, the airy men will receive a sensitive, understanding friend. She will not force him to pursue a career and make a lot of money.
  2. But a water woman can suffer from depression for months and stop taking care of herself. A refined man needs to learn to tolerate the weaknesses of his girlfriend and support her morally in difficult times, and not wrinkle his nose.
  3. In a difficult situation, the air-water union will be confused. They need to make more friends who will not leave them on hard days.
  4. Sex is something that both of them will never get bored. An inventive air sign comes up with new ideas, a faithful friend will gladly support her half.
  5. Children will strengthen their union. Both of them will gladly introduce their grown up offspring to the spiritual and cultural life. The whole family will visit Orthodox churches, museums, and all kinds of exhibitions.

Libra and Pisces in sex

They will find a common language in sex. The air sign loves to fantasize, the water sign will gladly support the partner. They will be happy to role-play, arrange romantic evenings with candles.

Sexual union can be ruined by mood swings in both partners. A relationship based only on carnal pleasures will not keep air-water guys close. Fortunately for both, spiritual closeness is essential.

Libra and Pisces in business

In business, this is a compatible sign:

  1. But they won't reach great heights, since both do not like to take risks and do not have penetrative abilities.
  2. They need to choose predictable projects. The union of air-water guys will do well routine simple work, but they are rarely visited by labor enthusiasm.
  3. Both signs love to learn new things, scientific, monotonous work will not be a burden for them. Natural delicacy will not allow them to clash. They will even be able to make some discovery in this area.

Friendship between Libra and Pisces

The water-air guys are friendly. Both of them will gladly attend various cultural events and travel together. Then they will discuss them among themselves.

Pisces will discourage bad people from the general company. Libra loves flattering, fake friends. Pisces will quickly enchant unwanted acquaintances.

Compatibility in percentage of the zodiac signs of Libra and Pisces

If he is Libra, she is Pisces in:

  • love 90%;
  • sex 90%;
  • marriage 80%;
  • friendship 80%;
  • business 80%.

If he is a Pisces, she is Libra in:

  • love 70%;
  • marriage 50%;
  • friendship 70%;
  • business 70%.

Percentage compatibility is a relative concept and there is no need to attach special importance to arithmetic numbers.

At first glance, it may seem that the representatives of the zodiac signs Libra and Pisces are very similar in their natural characters. But if you look at it, then the satellites are very different from each other, but, nevertheless, they manage to create successful tandems. Both natures are refined, intelligent, but they perceive the world around them in completely different ways:

  • For a representative of the zodiac sign Libra, external beauty and the opinion of others are important.
  • For the representative of the zodiac sign Pisces, the deep component of the events taking place in the surrounding world is important.

Libra man and Pisces woman - compatibility

When they meet, representatives of these zodiac signs will definitely notice each other. At the beginning of their acquaintance, Libra and Pisces easily find a common language. But the longer they communicate, the more contradictions between them are found. And only against the background of strong love, partners manage to build strong tandems.

The compatibility of a Libra man and a Pisces woman in a love relationship is very high. This is due to the fact that the attraction of love arises on a subconscious level. At first, partners do not leave each other, trying to spend as much time as possible together. They walk a lot, talking on a variety of topics, often attend various social events, getting great pleasure from it.

A love tandem can be successful, although over time, partners realize the fact that, despite the fact that they think and act in the same way, life goals are completely different:

  • The Pisces girl always lives with emotions and feelings. She strives to show compassion in life.
  • Libra's chosen one prefers to live based on impartial, cold logic.

The union can only be saved by the fact that partners can find compromises and are very peaceful. The Pisces woman is quite satisfied with the fact that her partner strives to create harmony in tandem. He is always calm and positive-minded, so he helps the chosen one to cope with melancholy, which makes her often close herself off from the outside world and go into an imaginary space. If Libra and Pisces in a love tandem learn to understand each other, then the union can be ideal.

In bed (66% sex compatibility)

The compatibility of a Libra man and a Pisces woman in bed is very good. Both partners strive to get maximum pleasure from sex. Libra man is a skillful lover, he knows how to create a romantic mood. He is a dreamer, so he always strives to bring novelty to his intimate life. In the foreground, he has sensuality, so he arranges long foreplay. He likes to talk about love topics, he is always interested in the wishes of his partner.

The Pisces woman is very emotional and impressionable, so she easily succumbs to her partner's fantasies. In other words, a Libra man with his behavior in bed can quickly turn the head of a melancholic beauty.

But at the same time, the Pisces woman always feels the slightest falsity. Therefore, it is important that the relationship is serious, otherwise disappointment will come and there can be no talk of a successful sexual relationship.

Due to the love ardor of a partner, a favorable background always arises in sex. But the Pisces woman should not become overly attached to her lover. Frustration can be followed by depression, which can seriously affect your health.

Married (compatibility in family life 53%)

The compatibility of Libra and Pisces in marriage is far from ideal. If families are created by young representatives of these zodiac signs, then the likelihood that the marriage will break up quickly is very high. Family tandems are stable, which are concluded by adults with extensive life experience.

In everyday life, the couple has complete mutual understanding, the spouses love the beauty and sophistication of relationships, the atmosphere in the partners' house is always original, since they have an exquisite taste by nature.

The Pisces wife strives to do everything to please her husband. She loves comfort, she does not care about the opinion of the people around her, the main thing for her is that a friendly atmosphere reigns in the family. But it is much more important for a husband that he is appreciated and considered successful by all relatives, friends and acquaintances. On the basis of this, quarrels can arise that threaten the family tandem.

Spouses have different attitudes towards life's difficulties. The spouse cannot count on the support of his other half. She gets away from problems, closing herself in her inner world. This approach is completely incomprehensible to the spouse. Left alone with problems, he quickly finds the right solution, but an unpleasant aftertaste remains in his soul for a long time.

In friendship (compatibility in friendship 74%)

The Libra man and the Pisces woman are often friends. People enjoy spending free time together. Usually friends are united by a love of art. People are happy to go to theaters, attend exhibitions, and then arrange a discussion of what they saw.

It is noteworthy that love never arises against the background of friendship. In addition, spiritual closeness never arises between representatives of these signs of the zodiac, so we can say that friendship is more like friendship. As a result, the second "halves" of the representatives of these signs of the zodiac have nothing to worry about.

But at the same time, friendly relations can persist for many years. People are peaceful and never sort things out, having different opinions on certain issues. Chosen Pisces with a deep inner world is disappointed by the superficiality of a man. And on the part of the partner there is always a misunderstanding of the behavior of a melancholic beauty.

Pisces man and Libra woman - compatibility

Representatives of these zodiac signs are very attractive to each other. People are attracted on a subconscious level. A man really likes the girl's natural sophistication, and she is impressed by the calmness and poise of her partner. As a result, people manage to build very successful tandems.

In a love relationship (compatibility in love 98%)

The compatibility of a Pisces man and a Libra woman in a love relationship is very high, because partners are distinguished by romance and sensuality. People are not in conflict, therefore, there is never any quarrel between them, and any disagreements are resolved peacefully.

In addition, the unifying factor is the desire for beauty. As a result, their free time is filled with interesting communication. Love tandems are filled with mutual understanding, romance, interesting communication. Together, Pisces and Libra are able to create a beautiful and comfortable life. But for this, partners will need to work on themselves a lot.

The high compatibility of Pisces and Libra in love is due to the light character of the woman and her positive outlook on life. Possessing natural diplomacy, the beauty unobtrusively teaches her partner to be more rational about the events taking place in the surrounding world. This will allow the Pisces man to more successfully fight natural melancholy, and therefore become a successful person. In addition, the companion knows how to create a festive mood in tandem, which allows you to fully reveal the creative potential of the chosen one. For his part, the guy teaches his beloved to understand feelings and emotions deeper, thereby developing spiritually.

In bed (82% sex compatibility)

The compatibility of a Libra woman and a Pisces man in bed is almost perfect. But this suggests that lovers must work on themselves in order to learn how to get the most out of sex.

The Pisces man is very happy that he managed to meet a sensual and soft woman on his life path. For a Libra woman, sex plays a huge role, she really likes to get sensual pleasures, she strives for long love preludes. The Pisces man is happy to give affection and tenderness to his partner in bed. In the intimate sphere, he is surprisingly eloquent and romantic.

Together, partners create a sensual and romantic atmosphere in sexual relationships. But at the same time, it is important that the partner understands the depth of her lover's feelings. If a deep connection is not observed on a subconscious level, then the Pisces man will not be able to reveal the full depth of his feelings.

Married (compatibility in family life 60%)

The compatibility of a Pisces man and a Libra woman in marriage is average. This is due to the fact that the first months of marriage are always very difficult. In order to establish relations with the representatives of these signs of the zodiac, it will take a lot of effort. But after that, people will come to understand that they have met their second "halves". The longer the spouses live together, the more they will understand how different they are.

Libra's wife will conclude that her husband is very fond of exaggerating and fantasizing. Therefore, it is often wishful thinking. And this sometimes disrupts the stable life structure and harmony in the family. The woman understands that she needs to take a leading position in the family union, otherwise divorce cannot be avoided.

Of course, the wife would like to see a stronger person next to her, but despite this she appreciates the talents of her husband and always admires him. If she does not make her beloved change, then he can come to terms with her leadership. It is important for him that all disagreements are resolved diplomatically. In other words, the spouse should learn to lead tactfully. If Pisces and Libra are able to understand each other and keep love, then there is a high probability that they will build a strong family.

In friendship (compatibility in friendships 79%)

Friendship between representatives of these signs of the zodiac occurs often. But such friendships are always very interesting. In such a friendly tandem, the Libra woman strives to use the man for her own purposes. It is noteworthy that a smart friend understands this perfectly, but at the same time deliberately allows himself to be manipulated. As a rule, this is due to the fact that he is so sensitive to everything beautiful that he simply cannot resist a charming beauty.

For a Libra friend in such a friendship, it is important that next to her there is a soft and compliant friend who, if necessary, will sympathize and empathize with her, without demanding anything in return. For a man, friendly relations with a diplomatic beauty are also very important. She is an inspiration muse for him and helps him to fully reveal his natural creativity.

As a rule, there are no particular difficulties in winning a Pisces man from a Libra woman. The thing is, a balanced and intelligent beauty will like a man immediately upon meeting.

This will be associated, first of all, with natural attractiveness and the ability to behave in society. The Pisces man is by nature an incorrigible romantic, and beautiful women immediately attract his attention. The chosen one, being a dreamer and a dreamer, sees a fairy princess in a soft and not aggressive Libra lady.

To please your chosen one, Libra needs to be very tactful. It is necessary to maintain peace of mind and a positive attitude. It is important never to touch on financial or business topics in conversation. The thing is that the Pisces man will never sacrifice his inner harmony and peace in order to earn money. But this does not mean that he cannot become a breadwinner if he can successfully find a job.

It is important to make it clear to the chosen one that you, like him, value life comfort. It is important to listen to his fantasy conversations and in no case, by word or deed, destroy his castles in the air, proving their non-viability.

How can a Pisces man win a Libra woman

The representative of the zodiac sign Libra is always a balanced woman, distinguished by the logical thinking of her mind. This is what the Pisces man should take into account, who seeks to win her heart. After the first meeting, the attraction between the representatives of these zodiac signs arises immediately. Therefore, the question of how to keep a charming beauty near you sounds more competent.

First, you need to strive to meet a Libra woman as often as possible. Thanks to this, she will be able to conclude that her companion is taking her seriously. In addition, it should be remembered that the beauty loves to talk about her life interests and requirements. You need to listen to her carefully and draw appropriate conclusions. If a woman asked for something, then you need to respond and fulfill her desire. If ignored, it will alienate her and, most likely, the relationship will not work.

The Libra woman disposes to continue the relationship with the classic approach to the candy-bouquet period. This means that you need to give your chosen one beautiful gifts for any occasion, original bouquets and arrange pleasant surprises, as well as constantly give refined compliments.

Libra and Pisces have a difficult relationship. Partners have different characters and worldviews. It is difficult for a rational Libra to find a common language with emotional Pisces. The union becomes happy only if both partners make efforts to develop relations and do not pay attention to negative moments.

Libra woman and Pisces man compatibility

A difficult union. Both zodiac signs need a reliable and strong partner. In alliance with each other, the Libra woman and the Pisces man do not receive the support they need. Both do not know how to make important life decisions. They used to sit on the sidelines. This can destroy their union. The Pisces man's willingness to take care of internal issues helps to strengthen relationships and improve compatibility. In response to such a step, his significant other becomes a good advisor and helper. Then their family ship finds its captain and remains afloat.

Pisces woman and Libra man compatibility

A difficult union. Partners prefer to be in the clouds and only dream of the future, never moving from words to deeds. Gradually, their fragile world collapses under the pressure of real issues and deeds. Neither the Pisces woman nor the Libra man make claims to each other about this, because they do not want to limit the freedom of a loved one. The voluntary distribution of responsibilities at the very beginning of the relationship helps to save such a union. It prevents everyday life from destroying the warmth of feelings. So that the union does not exhaust itself, partners must actively interact with each other, giving the other half an incentive for further development.

Venus gives Libra attractiveness, beauty and mystery. Neptune makes Pisces an incomprehensible people who mix reality and fantasy. Libra Release - Airoccupying the entire space. The Pisces element is water, outwardly calm, but changeable and capable of sharpening a stone. Libra man and Pisces girl - What is their compatibility in love?

Libra's personal life

Their dream is a strong, calm relationship. They need an intelligent, moderately emotional person. Aggressive, overly anxious people prone to introspection are not their option. Looking for harmony, they may be disappointed in the opposite field, not realizing that this is just a buildup on the path to happiness. Libras are idealists looking for a person who fully matches their standard.

They have their own ethical and moral principles to which Libra is true. If the partner breaks them, then Libra will immediately break off the relationship. If a person meets their ideal and fully satisfies everything, then they will be faithful and sensitive to the end of their lives. They are able to please, to make sacrifices. But they will not tolerate humiliation, restrictions on freedom, desire to subjugate them. Feeling a consumer attitude towards themselves, they are able to break off relations without scandals and showdowns. First of all, they are looking for compatibility, spiritual and emotional contact.

Harmonious, attractive aesthetes andshut partner to match yourself. Venus endowed them with a creative mind, attractiveness, charm, diplomacy. Due to this, Libra will charm anyone. Ownership signs do not suit them, because Libra loves to flirt and communicate.

Each person, no matter what sign of the zodiac he belongs to, has his own shortcomings. And Libra too:

Pisces in love and relationships

This sign is one of the most extraordinary. They have a pronounced imagination, good intuition, because Pisces are impressionable, dreamy, far from reality, hovering in the clouds. Due to increased sensitivity and indecision, they listen more than they speak, are aloof, introverts. Good-natured and sympathetic, they tend to solve problems for others. The mood depends on the phases of the moon: today they can rejoice, and tomorrow they can fall into sadness and despondency.

They are tolerant, calm, have a creatively developed imagination, and thus attract people to themselves. The fish are weird, which makes them mysterious. Pisces seems to go with the flow. In fact, they have a huge intellectual and creative potential, it's just that Pisces often falls into melancholy, they are sensitive, receptive and indecisive. Because of this, they are disorganized. They often live an inert life in the role of contemplators.

They seek attention, support, care in a partner. The emotional component of the relationship is important to them. - sensuality, brightness and richness of emotions. To some extent, they are looking for the rear. Having creative compatibility is a good thing. Their partner should share not only the interests of Pisces, but also help get out of depression and despondency, dispel doubts, constantly prove loyalty and love, be a romantic. Only such daily therapy will help maintain a relationship with Pisces.

What are the disadvantages of Pisces? Here are some of them:

Libra woman traits

Charming by nature, knows how to flirt and be a lovely creature. Looks for beauty and harmony in everything - in himself, in others. With many fans, she cannot choose the right guy because she hesitates. She will make a faithful wife, but she does not like life and restrictions in freedom. Day at the stove is like imprisonment for her.

Pisces man personality traits

The Pisces man believes in love, is looking for it. He is passionate and dreamy. Neptune endowed Pisces with insight, the gift of clairvoyance and good intuition. Women are drawn to him, but not everyone can unravel his soul. He will make a sensitive and attentive husband, but he is slightly mysterious, and because of this he is capable of surprises.

Acquaintance and date

A lover of communication and entertainment, the Libra girl finds it all anywhere and anytime. Pisces are more introverts, they love loneliness, but sometimes they get out into people. Libra guy and girl- Fish can meet while traveling, at the exhibition. She will attract him with her beauty, mysterious appearance, smile, fleeting glance. She can start the conversation first, and he will support. And then he will invite you on a date. They can wander around the city all day, communicate, he will take her home and, having the courage, will invite her to the next date.

Love and relationships

They slowly get used to each other. Both signs fluctuate all the time, so the feeling comes with time. Romantic Pisces knows how to conquer a girl: poetry, walks under the night moon, declarations of love. Libra is delighted. But the men of the water sign are too changeable mood - they are strongly influenced by the Moon. They can be sad for no reason. Libra will begin to annoy this, which can lead to scandals. Moreover, such behavior of the chosen one will scare her away. They will reconcile, but Pisces will beg for forgiveness for a long time.

They will quickly begin to live in a civil marriage, watch TV shows together in the evenings, discuss friends and books. But still, the lady of the air sign will want to be free. Pisces will accept her condition, and she can be free for a couple of hours. She will appreciate this attitude and for the sake of her beloved she will learn how to cook soups.

Marriage and sex

Both are afraid of losing their freedom, so getting married is a serious step for them. They will drag out the wedding for a long time. Very often they get married because of pregnancy. With the advent of the child, Libra will become an economic, good mother. Dad-Pisces will be anxious about his children, worry about them. Such fathers pay a lot of attention to their children.

Pisces man gentle and quivering... The Libra woman is sensual, passionate, loves experiments. In bed, partners will be completely satisfied. Good sexual compatibility.

Friendship and partnership

A calm, positive, friendly Libra girl easily attracts people. A lonely, a little sad, all the time immersed in himself, the boy is always thinking about something. They have something to talk about, she will always amuse him. He senses bad people a mile away and will drive them away from her.

The Venus pet can work anywhere, as long as it is beautiful there, without quarrels and showdowns. The Pisces guy has good intuition, which helps him in everything. Both strive for harmony, their union will be wonderful and complete. Both have an attitude towards money on you, so you have to take the practical Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo into the team.

About Pisces women

The Pisces girl is romantic, mystical, with a complex inner world. She may fall in love with the wrong man, but she does not suffer for long, because she is cheerful. Possessing a lot of advantages, it has the main disadvantage - frequent mood swings. After all, this person depends on the phases of the moon.

Libra man

A cute, elegant, cute, slightly self-confident Libra guy has many fans, owns the secrets of seduction and is able to conquer any girl. It is not necessary for a representative of the air element to take the very first step, because women are already ready to throw themselves on his neck.

The Libra man and the Pisces woman have a very high compatibility in love.

Acquaintance and date

The air sign representative is an extrovert. Even if he is at home, he is surrounded by friends and female fans. The lady of the water element loves loneliness. But they can still meet anywhere, because Libra is everywhere. He will immediately pay attention to the mysterious, charming p watermark representative... It will not be difficult for a Pisces woman to conquer a Libra man. He is drawn to cultured, educated, versatile, emotional, tactful women. It is important that this man wants a serious relationship.

He tends to hesitate all the time, so his relationships with women are usually not serious. But if a lady can interest this man, then the relationship will become bright and strong. Each date will be like a fairy tale: magical, amazing, intriguing. He will surprise her with romance. Their relationship will be stormy and fast-paced.

Love and relationships

Both dream of being together in bed. But the protracted candy-bouquet period continues, and this does not bother any of them. But the Libra guy will be able to make the passion go off scale, and they simply cannot resist. Wherever these people are, they are good together.

Libra will discover in itself such a quality as jealousy. Even a fleeting conversation with a neighbor will cause this guy to stupor. Since he has never been jealous in his life, he may lose self-control. Women-Pisces will often complain to their friends that her man seems to have been replaced: one jealousy and strife, without declarations of love and former romance. Relatives of lovers will throw firewood into the fire. But it is important not to listen to anyone and, if possible, stop in time, take a break from each other, and then start all over again.

Marriage and sex

If the wedding takes place, then everyone will be happy and contented. In family life, they will remember the past, often quarrel over little things and after a minute remember that they adore each other. It is important not to allow the mother-in-law, mother-in-law and other relatives to interfere.

With the birth of a child, passions will go away. Libra will become a good friend and role model for children. Pisces will make the perfect mom. She will react to every baby cry. Astrologers advise these people to give birth to more than one child, which will help cement their family.

The air man is truly a romantic. He is capable of long foreplay, talking about love, creating a romantic mood. He will easily turn the head of a Pisces woman with a developed fantasy and imagination. The desire to give each other tenderness and affection, love for comfort, beautiful surroundings and amenities will only strengthen their relationship.

Friendship and partnership

Libra is a charming optimist, sees pluses in everything, people are drawn to him. He's an incredible cheerleader that everyone adores. The mysterious Fish seems strange and incomprehensible, but the guy will be drawn to such a person. He learns a lot from this girl, will expand their horizons and range of interests. After all, Pisces are drawn to everything unknown, unpredictable. She will be his best friend. They will often quarrel, but over little things.

Libra will fall in love with any boss. Libra's signature feature is diplomacy. They are not only positive, but also know how to speak to any conflicted person, smooth out any sharp angle. For this they are appreciated by the authorities.

If desired, the Fish can earn both money and honor. But sometimes she cannot decide which of this is more important to her. With the intrigues of competitors, Libra will be positive, and Pisces is imperturbable and mysterious. Competitors will not immediately understand what is on her mind.

Simple psychological tricks will help to strengthen Pisces and Libra compatibility in love:

  • Have a common constructive purpose. This will get rid of worries, doubts. For example, some kind of hobby, joint business.
  • Abandon the phrase "Do it quickly."
  • To get your partner into action, you need to simulate vigorous activity.
  • Learn to channel fantasy and creativity in the right direction.
  • All goals should be clearly defined, you should not burden a person with secondary problems.

Libra and Pisces have contradictory compatibility in love relationships. But working together on a relationship can fix it.

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