How many pregnancy tests do you need to do? When to take a pregnancy test: basic rules. When is the best time to do

Mechanized tools 24.11.2020
Mechanized tools

With a regular cycle it is necessary to wait for the onset of the delay in menstruation - it is simply pointless to do the test earlier. But when the delay has already come, the reliability of the test will grow every day. However, you shouldn't wait too long either - 5-6 days will be enough. If the test showed a positive result, it is advisable to visit a gynecologist in a week or two: according to the first tests, the doctor will already be able to assume the presence of certain problems and eliminate them in time.

With an irregular cycle you need to remember - what is the length of the longest cycle that happens in your year. And then wait for that time after your last period. Time has come, but your period has not come? So it's time to buy a test.

When to take a pregnancy test if you you know for sure day of ovulation ? Just count down 14 days from the day of ovulation and take the test. In this case, it is better to purchase a jet-type test: it is reliably capable of showing the fact of conception three days before the arrival of the expected menstruation. The inkjet test is usually marked "10 mIU / ml". But tests marked "25 mIU / ml" will show the fact of conception only with the onset of a delay in menstruation.

When is the best time to do a pregnancy test with hCG blood test

HCG is a test that is carried out on the basis of a urine or blood test (in laboratory conditions): they determine the concentration of the hormone chorionic gonadotropin, which informs about the fact of conception. The analysis for the concentration of hCG in the blood serum is more reliable than the analysis of urine and the results of any pharmacy tests.

If you assume that conception occurred on a specific day, just wait 7 days and get tested for hCG. If there are no such assumptions, then you can wait for the first day of the delay in menstruation and contact the gynecologist with a request to give a referral to hCG. True, it is in the first two days that the results of the analysis may be unclear. Therefore, it is better to conduct the test on the third day of the delay: the concentration of hCG at this time is already high enough to show a clear result.

When can urine be used to do a pregnancy test

It is better to use urine in the morning: it is it that contains the maximum concentration of all hormones necessary for the test. Therefore, any test (pharmacy or laboratory) is best done immediately after you woke up - before you drank something or ate something for breakfast (by the way, water also belongs here).

True, the jet test is an exception to the rule, since it is he who has the greatest sensitivity to the hCG hormone. So it can be used to test using not only morning urine, but also daytime urine, and even evening urine.

When to take a pregnancy test and can it be done at any time of the day?

You can, if your condition shows clear signs of pregnancy:

  • engorgement and pain in the mammary glands;
  • pulling pain in the lower abdomen;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness and general weakness;
  • an unexpected change in taste and a desire to eat a specific product.

Signs like this signal that your hormonal balance is changing, so the test will actively respond to such moments.

Testing rules

Before conducting a test, consider some points that are required for any type of testing:

  • carry out the procedure only with dry and clean hands;
  • purchase the test exclusively at the pharmacy;
  • look at the shelf life of the product;
  • store the test in accordance with the rules that are specified in the instructions;
  • after the test, put it in a clean and dry place to await the results.

How and when to do a pregnancy test and what tests are there

  • Test strips. The simplest and most affordable. Using them is elementary: you need to take a dry, clean container (better - with high walls, but a small volume) and collect morning urine in it. Then dip the strip in urine up to the mark on the test for about 20 seconds. Place the strip on a dry surface and wait for the results - they will appear in a few minutes. One strip will report the absence of pregnancy, two strips will report conception.
  • Tablet test. It is similar in type to a test strip with the only difference that this test comes with a pipette, and the indicator with a line is located in a special hole on the tablet case. How to use it: you need to take a little urine from the container with a pipette and put a few drops of liquid on the indicator. Wait for the result: one strip will report the absence of pregnancy, two strips will report conception.
  • Electronic test. This product, in addition to the fact of conception, will also show the approximate gestational age. It is also easy to use: before use, you first need to remove the protective cap from the test. There is no need to collect urine in a container - you just need to put the test under the stream for a few seconds, but you need to lower the tip down. But you can also place the tip of the test in a container with urine, holding it there for 20 seconds, like a test strip. A message about conception or its absence will appear on the test screen: either "pregnant" ("+", "yes") and the approximate date when the embryo was implanted to the uterine wall, or "not pregnant" ("-", "no") ...
  • Inkjet test. This is perhaps the most accurate and reliable pharmacy version of the test: it responds perfectly to changes in the concentration of hCG in the urine and is more convenient to use than all the tests described above. How to use: remove the tip from the test, tilt it down slightly and place it under the stream of urine for a few seconds. Laying the test on a surface is not necessary, since the result can literally take place before our eyes, after 30 seconds. But to be sure of the result, it is better to wait for five to ten minutes. Results: one strip will report the absence of pregnancy, two strips will report conception.

When to take a pregnancy test after sex?

When sexual contact has already occurred, then within 12 hours the fate of the egg is decided: it will either be fertilized or not. But tests are not able to show the likelihood of conception at such an early stage, because they most often react to the fact of implantation of the embryo to the uterine wall, since it is at this time that the hCG hormone begins to be produced, which confirms the fact of pregnancy. This happens about a week and a half after conception.

After hCG is manifested, its concentration in the body begins to grow sharply, and after three days it reaches the level to which the test reacts. Therefore, after sexual contact, you must wait at least a week before testing.

When to take a pregnancy test after a delay?

A pregnancy test can be applied around the 3rd day of the delay. If there are no results, repeat the test three days later. If you do the test a week after the delay, it usually shows a reliable result (provided the woman is healthy).

How long does it take for the test to show a result?

The maximum waiting time for test results is 20 minutes, for a more accurate answer about the test run time, see the instructions attached to it. As a rule, the maximum reaction speed is possessed by the inkjet test (from 30 seconds to 10 minutes), as well as electronic and tablet. You should wait 10 to 20 minutes for the test strip results. With a longer pregnancy, the test will work more effectively. You should also take into account the sensitivity of the test to urine taken at a certain time of the day: some products may show false negative results when reacting to daytime and evening urine.

Poorly visible second strip on the test: what does it mean and what to do?

With a weak second strip on the test, it can be assumed that the level of hCG in the urine is still low. Therefore, it is worth waiting for about three days when the concentration of the hormone reaches higher results. For higher efficacy, it is best to use a trickle test and test your morning urine. Laboratory tests prescribed in the antenatal clinic by a doctor will be even more reliable.

Almost every woman, at some point in her life, has had doubts about the onset of pregnancy, which could occur with unprotected intercourse. In the case when the probable date of conception is known, there remains only one task - to determine how long it will take to do a pregnancy test.

The principle of determining a pregnancy test

All known pregnancy tests work the same way. A reagent applied to a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe device, acting with a woman's urine, determines the presence of the hormone responsible for pregnancy in it - chorionic gonadotropin (abbreviated designation of hCG). This substance is present only during a woman's pregnancy or, in rare cases, with some organ dysfunctions.

The chorion (placenta) begins to produce hCG only when the ovum is fixed inside the woman's uterus, and in case of an ectopic pregnancy, outside of it. This happens only after a certain number of days after the probable conception. During this period of time, the embryo moves from the ovary through the tube into the uterine cavity. During the period of its movement in the woman's body, no significant changes occur, and the "pregnancy hormone" is also not yet produced.

Based on the foregoing, it makes no sense to conduct a test in the very first 7-10 days of the probable onset of pregnancy. Its result during this period will always be negative.

You also need to be aware that conception does not necessarily occur during intercourse. Sperm cells can remain in a woman's body without dying, for several more days, waiting for ovulation. So, determining how long after conception testing will be indicative, this fact must also be taken into account.

Which test to choose

An important criterion in assessing the likelihood of which day after conception the test will show pregnancy is the choice of the test itself. The difference in this case is the sensitivity of the device to the hCG hormone. This value usually ranges from 10 to 25 mIU / ml and means what the lowest content of hormone in the urine the test can detect.

The lower the sensitivity value, the more accurately the test can determine the presence of pregnancy. If a value of 10 mIU / ml is indicated on the package, this is the most accurate device, since no test shows a lower content of the hormone.

This was not done by chance - a small amount of hCG may be contained in the urine of a non-pregnant woman. If tests could detect any small presence of it, often the result would be positive even without pregnancy.

When choosing a high-precision test, the study can be carried out on the 7-10th day of the course of a possible pregnancy, and with its low sensitivity only after 12-14 days. These times are the minimum for testing.

If the test is negative during the procedure in the first weeks after ovulation, this may not be completely true. In this case, it is necessary to repeat the procedure with another test, having waited 3 - 5 days after the first one.

With a positive test, even in the early stages, there is a 99% probability that there is a pregnancy. If at the same time the first signs of it began to appear, there can be no doubt for sure. Even if the second strip is very light and barely visible, this can also be considered a positive answer, it's just that the period is still short, and the hCG hormone is present in a small amount.

Influence of the menstrual cycle

To more accurately find out the best period for the test, it is also necessary to take into account the characteristics of the organism. For all women, the length of the menstrual cycle is different:

  • Short cycle (duration less than 24 days). In this case, ovulation occurs less than 12 days before the onset of menstruation. And conception also occurs at about the same period. In general, such women should practically not try to determine pregnancy before the delay occurs, because the period will still be too short. And after the delay, you still need to wait 3-4 days, and only then conduct the test.
  • Average cycle (24 to 32 days). This is the average parameter that most women fall under. In this case, it is possible to determine pregnancy from the first days of waiting for menstruation.
  • Long cycle (over 32 days). It would seem that with a long cycle, the gestation period before the delay will already be sufficient. But, in general, ovulation in such women does not occur in the middle of the cycle, as is usually the case, but occurs with a slight delay. Thus, it is also advisable to test the test not earlier than the first day of the expected menstruation.
  • Irregular cycle. Sometimes, the number of days between periods may not be constant. In such a situation, it is difficult to correlate the timing with the delay, since it is not possible to predict menstruation. Here, of course, it is easier to build on the estimated date of conception, and conduct research at least two weeks after it.

In any case, it is advisable to carry out the test as late as possible to avoid incorrect results. It is not necessary to do it in the first days, when it is already possible - the shorter the period, the lower the probability of the reliability of the answer received.

How to do the test correctly

If you do not follow the basic instructions, then, even taking into account all the factors, you can get the wrong result. Basic rules to know:

  1. Most indicative is the urine collected in the morning. Her concentration is usually higher.
  2. Avoid drinking a lot of fluids or taking diuretics before testing to keep the urine from being diluted.
  3. Before using the test, be sure to read the instructions.
  4. It is necessary to make sure that the test liquid gets only on the required part of the test, without affecting its main part.
  5. The device should not expire, if so, its use does not guarantee the correct result.
  6. All tests are designed for one-time use, you cannot reuse the same one.

If these instructions are not followed, the test can be either false positive or false negative. This can be misleading and the interpretation of the response received will be incorrect.


Summing up all of the above, it is worth identifying the main factors affecting how many days after conception the test will show pregnancy. Here is a list of them:

  • After sexual intercourse, conception can occur in the period from several hours to 5 - 7 days.
  • In the first 7 - 8 days after the alleged conception, the tests are not indicative, because the "pregnancy hormone" has not yet appeared in the urine.
  • If you are guided by menstruation and their delay, you need to take into account the length of the menstrual cycle.
  • It is imperative to consider the sensitivity of the selected pregnancy test.
  • If used incorrectly, the device can show an unreliable result at any time.

Based on the average statistical data, it is possible to determine pregnancy with a test already 12 to 15 days after conception. Usually this period occurs in the first days of the menstrual cycle. For greater efficiency, it is not worth testing before the delay begins. In case of negative results in a short period of time, it is recommended to repeat the study after 3 - 5 days.

A pregnancy test is an easy way to determine whether you are pregnant today. With its help, you can find out about the onset of pregnancy even before the delay begins, because today tests with varying degrees of sensitivity are offered. To get a reliable result, you need to understand all the intricacies of home express diagnostics of pregnancy.

What is a pregnancy test?

A few weeks after conception, the body begins to secrete a hormone - chorionic gonadotropin or hCG. This happens after the embryo is attached to the uterus. With each subsequent day, the content of hCG in the blood and urine increases, reaching a maximum by 8-9 weeks.

Sensitivity to this particular hormone is the basis for determining pregnancy using a test. Its occurrence is signaled by two strips impregnated with a special substance. One of them turns bright red after contact with any liquid, and the second only when immersed in urine, which contains a certain level of hCG.

The probability of a correct result

The correctness of the information received when using the pregnancy test is 97.5%. In this case, the result is influenced by compliance with the instructions for its use and adherence to certain rules.

When can I do a pregnancy test?

As a rule, the manufacturers of pregnancy tests recommend that they be performed no earlier than the first day of the delay. This is due to the fact that hCG is not yet detected in the urine before. With a regular menstrual cycle, a mature egg is released in the middle. If the cycle is 30 days, then it will be 15 days. Fertilization occurs only within the next two days. The oocyte, which fused with the sperm, moves to the attachment site in the uterus for another 5 days.

Therefore, hCG will begin to be released at about 22 days of the cycle, and at first in a small amount. At this time, only a blood test can determine its presence. In urine, it will begin to come to light a little later. With an irregular cycle, a woman herself can determine the day of ovulation using special tests and measurements. Another 12 is added to this day, and then you can take a blood test for the level of hCG, and in the urine it will begin to determine approximately 15 days after the expected ovulation.

Types of pregnancy tests

In pharmacies, you can find a wide range of pregnancy tests, differing in price and declared level of sensitivity. Each manufacturer promises the most accurate result, so you need to figure out how they differ from each other:

Strip test or a paper strip known to many, on which there is a layer with antibodies to hCG. They react with a hormone in the urine to produce a second streak. Such tests are the most popular and are distinguished by their low cost. But they make mistakes more often than other types, are not very convenient to use, and also show pregnancy only after a delay. To diagnose pregnancy with a strip test, you need to take a clean container and draw a small amount of urine into it. The tip of the dough is lowered there to the indicated level, kept for 10 seconds. The result becomes noticeable in the interval from 3 to 10 minutes. In this case, the second strip will appear the faster, the higher the concentration of hCG in the urine.

Inkjet pregnancy test Convenient in that you do not need to collect urine in a container to conduct it. It should only be placed under the stream of urine, which is convenient when used outside the home. The tip with the filter is under the stream for 10 seconds, and the result will be noticeable within 1-10 minutes. Such tests are expensive, but they are accurate and easy to use.

Tablet test
is a box with two windows. In principle, it is similar to a strip test, but it is considered more reliable and, accordingly, higher in price. It comes with a pipette and a container for collecting urine. A little urine is dripped into one window from a pipette, and the result is displayed in the second. You can evaluate it within 10 minutes.

Electronic or digital test for pregnancy is by far the most modern. The tip of the filter dough is placed in the urine and you need to wait until it is soaked. The result is evaluated after 3 minutes. In this case, the window will display "+" or the inscription "pregnansy". Electronic tests are considered the most sensitive and also the most expensive. Manufacturers even create reusable models.

Pregnancy test before delay

Today, hypersensitive tests can be found in pharmacies. They show pregnancy even before the delay occurs. They show a sensitivity level of 25 mUI, indicating the corresponding hCG content in urine, at which the second strip appears. Such tests can be done 4 days before the delay. If a lower sensitivity level is specified, it is impractical to conduct it before the delay.

How to do a pregnancy test?

Before using a pregnancy test, you must carefully study the instructions, as it differs depending on its type. For the result to be reliable, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. The tests usually do not indicate the time of its conduct, but gynecologists recommend doing it in the morning after waking up: in the night urine, the highest concentration of the hormone hCG, and in the early stages only at this time of day the result can be noticeable.
  2. The information content can be affected by the intake of diuretics, as well as a large amount of fluid consumed.
  3. If, after a delay, the test does not show pregnancy, and menstruation does not occur, it should be repeated after a few days. This is especially true for women with irregular cycles.
  4. The cheaper the test, the lower the cost of the reagent used in it, therefore, the higher the probability of error.
  5. The most common test strips are those that should be placed in a container of urine. It is important here that the test is placed only up to the specified level, kept for no more than the recommended time, and the result is evaluated after the time allotted in the instructions. This will help reduce the likelihood of an incorrect result.
  6. The test result is described in the instructions for it. One strip is colored in any case, since it is a control, and the second only when pregnancy occurs, that is, for a positive result, 2 bright red stripes should appear.

Why is the second strip on the test weak?

If there is a second strip on the test, but it is weak, this may indicate a low concentration of hCG in the urine. The reasons can be:

  • threat of interruption;
  • short pregnancy;
  • ectopic or undeveloped pregnancy.

Such a result equates to a positive, but it is best to do a control test after a few days.

Sometimes a mild second streak may indicate a false positive result.

False positive pregnancy test - how to understand?

It happens that a woman strictly follows the instructions, but the test shows the wrong result. Reasons for a false positive test:

  1. Ovarian dysfunction.
  2. Taking medicines with hCG prescribed for infertility.
  3. Use within two months after an abortion or miscarriage.
  4. Vesicular moles and chorionic carcinoma, related to hormone-producing tumors.
  5. The expiration date of the test.

Can the test not show pregnancy?

Reasons that home express diagnostics does not show the second strip when pregnancy occurs:

  • too short term;
  • threat of interruption;
  • ectopic or undeveloped pregnancy;
  • endocrine dysfunction;
  • non-compliance with the instructions for using the test;
  • kidney disease;
  • stale or collected urine during the day;
  • a large amount of liquid drunk, leading to a low concentration of hCG.

Can a pregnancy test be done in the evening?

You can carry out a pregnancy test at any time of the day, but the reliability of the result still depends on this: as mentioned above, the highest concentration of hCG in the body of a pregnant woman is observed precisely in the morning after waking up. Therefore, when carrying out diagnostics in the evening, you can get a false negative result.

This is especially often observed up to two weeks after conception, when the hCG level has not yet reached the value required for diagnosis. But at the same time, its concentration in the urine accumulated overnight is such that the test determines its presence. In the future, with an increase in the level of the hormone, it will be detected by the test at any time of the day.

Can the test identify an ectopic pregnancy?

In an ectopic pregnancy, the ovum is attached more often to the fallopian tube instead of the uterus. But at the same time, the hCG hormone is produced. A feature in this case is that it grows very slowly or does not increase at all over time.

The test will show a positive result after the delay, but the second strip is likely to show poorly. Only a gynecologist can diagnose an ectopic pregnancy.

A pregnancy test is one of the most effective methods of self-diagnosis. The state of anxiety during a delay in menstruation is familiar to every woman. It can be fear or happy anticipation.

For those planning to have a baby, two strips of dough is always a joy. In situations where you need to make sure that the pregnancy has really come, tests help out. They are sold in pharmacies, are inexpensive, every woman should be able to use them. The maximum diagnostic accuracy depends on many factors.

Which test to choose, when to take a pregnancy test and how to avoid testing errors? This is what our article is about.

It's all about hCG! How pregnancy tests work

In the body of the expectant mother, the so-called pregnancy hormone is intensively produced, the medical term is hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). By blocking the function of the ovaries, this hormone interferes with the maturation of the next egg. In a healthy woman, in the absence of pregnancy, this hormone is not produced. Its appearance is noticeable on the 7th day after fertilization, at which time the ovum safely reaches the uterus and is introduced into its mucous membrane. The production of the hormone increases in the first weeks after fertilization, the concentration increases every two days, reaching a maximum at 8-11 weeks. The test reacts specifically to hCG, its presence confirms the appearance of the second strip of the test and gives a clear answer to the question after how long can a pregnancy test be done? Timing is of great importance, the accuracy of the result depends on the timeliness.

When is the best time to take a pregnancy test?

The hormone gonadotropin has one characteristic feature. In the female body, after fertilization, it first appears in the blood. Over time, the concentration increases and only after 7 days, hCG can be detected in the urine. Since a pregnancy test determines the level of gonadotropin in the urine, it makes no sense to make a diagnosis ahead of time. Ineffective, often unreliable test results and in the first days of missed periods.

The best option and the only correct answer to the question of when to take a pregnancy test is 6-7 days after the delay. Previously not worth it, inaccuracies are possible.

Types of tests. What are they and how to choose?

Recently, digital developments in the field of diagnostics have attracted great interest. A weekly pregnancy test with accurate timing data is the latest development, but not everyone can afford it. Before choosing the best test, it is important to know what they are, how they differ and what advantages they have. Let's highlight the most famous types:

The interpretation of the indications of almost all tests is very simple, two strips are clear evidence of pregnancy. The exception is electronic tests. They have different designations: "+" and the inscription "pregnant" - pregnancy, "-" and "not pregnant" - a negative result.

Before purchasing a test, decide for what purpose the diagnosis is being made. Which pregnancy test is the best, everyone decides for themselves. If you need to find out about your condition as early as possible, it is better to go to the laboratory and donate blood. When timing doesn't really matter, choose the test that is most convenient for you. Everything here is individual. When it comes to price, the best option is test strips.

How to avoid mistakes when using a pregnancy test?

Nothing, except urine and the test itself, is required to determine the presence of pregnancy, except for a few minutes of free time. For most women, these minutes turn into agonizing anticipation. In any case, the answer will be. “Yes” or “no”, no other options are suggested. The diagnostic procedure itself does not cause difficulties. Every woman knows and has heard about how to make a pregnancy test, but often annoying mistakes happen that can lead to incorrect results. It is advisable to avoid this, the distortion of the results has a negative effect on the psyche, mood and emotional state of a woman. Our tips will help prevent such conditions:
  1. The tests are different, but the instructions are attached to all. Do not forget to study it, there is a lot of important, useful information that will save you from mistakes. Check the expiration date as well. The old test is not good, it is better to get a new one. Don't jump to conclusions. The exact result can be found out only after the time specified in the instructions has passed. On average, this is 5-10 minutes.
  2. Prepare a home pregnancy test in the evening, diagnose yourself in the morning. The time of day does not affect the presence of the hCG hormone in the body of a woman in position. It does not disappear, but since almost all tests are designed to determine early pregnancy, it should be borne in mind that the gonadotropin hormone is maximally concentrated in the morning. It is recommended to carry out diagnostics in the morning, the indicators will be the most accurate. The first batch of urine gives the most reliable results.
  3. Many women do not want to wait long, start testing before the onset of a delay in menstruation. This is wrong, questionable results are likely.
  4. Weak expression and color of the second strip does not mean an error. This is unlikely, but for reliability and more confidence, re-diagnose.

About errors. What affects the effectiveness of a pregnancy test?

Even a high-quality, expensive product can give errors. The reasons are improper use or violation of production technology and storage rules. A pregnancy test can show both a false negative (one bar) and a false positive (two bars) result. What are the reasons for incorrect data?

Consider the main provoking factors:
False negative result

  • Poor urine quality
  • Ovarian dysfunction;
  • The use of diuretics, large amounts of fluids;
  • Broken or expired test;
  • Errors in timing;
  • The likelihood of a problem pregnancy;
  • Kidney pathology;

False positive result

  • The use of fertility drugs containing hCG;
  • The presence of a hormone-producing tumor;
  • The consequences of an abortion;
  • Spontaneous miscarriage;

In any case of an erroneous result, consult a doctor. The specialist will identify the reasons for the absence of menstruation with a false positive result and will advise if it is confirmed.

For the doubters. How to check the veracity of the test?

Almost every second woman who took a pregnancy test, regardless of the result, has doubts about their veracity. The desire to play it safe, to be retested is normal. You can always do this for your own peace of mind.

Almost all known tests have a standard sensitivity, but there are some with much higher sensitivity. They are more expensive, however, having bought such a test, you can count on more reliable data.
Measure the basal temperature, if it is above normal (37 degrees) - this is most likely pregnancy. You can take a blood test for hCG levels or do an ultrasound. So you can find out about the presence and location of the ovum, thereby protecting yourself from the ectopic development of the embryo. See a doctor. An experienced specialist is able to determine the reason for the delay, tell you how to correctly calculate the gestational age and prepare for the appearance of the child.

It is almost impossible to determine pregnancy without a test and medical assistance. You can rely on the general symptoms that characterize this condition. Be attentive to the state of the body. Any changes are signals that need to be responded to in a timely manner. Pregnancy has its own signs of manifestation and recognition. Let's designate the main ones:

  • Basal temperature is above 37 degrees;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Change in taste preferences;
  • Increase in body weight;
  • Pain in the mammary glands, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ovaries and uterus;
  • Discharge from the genitals;
  • Increased sex drive;
  • Drowsiness, mood swings, irritability;
  • Increased urge to urinate.

The reliability of the diagnosis, based on symptoms characteristic of pregnancy and one's own intuition, requires confirmation and rechecking by other methods. Many of the symptoms described are characteristic of a number of dangerous female diseases.

Modern women are more fortunate. Unlike their predecessors, who had to wait weeks and months to find out about a possible conception, today you can do a pregnancy test at home. Previously, such methods were not available, but our grandmothers were distinguished by their ingenuity. They applied their own methods, which are still not forgotten. The most commonly used soda and iodine. A teaspoon of soda was added to the urine and the reaction of the solution was monitored. Active hissing indicated pregnancy; with a positive result, the soda settled on the bottom of the container. The procedure with iodine was also interesting. A few drops were added to the urine and the reaction was monitored. During pregnancy, iodine spots merge, if not, they dissolve.

It is difficult to say how effective these affordable and inexpensive methods are. In the absence of others, there may have been coincidences, and yet it is better not to engage in experiments. If it were that simple, drugstore counters would not be full of such a variety of pregnancy tests. Their effectiveness and reliability have been proven and proven.

Women turn to tests to be sure of a possible pregnancy and, if necessary, to take the situation under control. With the help of express diagnostics, you can only determine the existence of pregnancy, how it proceeds will not be shown by testing. Even the most correct pregnancy test does not negate the examination by a gynecologist. First of all, this is necessary for the safety of the woman herself and the future baby.

You still do not know that you are expecting a baby, you don’t even think about it, and your body has already started producing chorionic gonadotropin (hCG, hCG), a hormone secreted during pregnancy. It begins to be produced not just in the first days - in the first hours of pregnancy, its amount doubles daily, increasing several thousand times by 7-11 weeks, then gradually decreases until the day of birth. It is on the determination of hCG in urine that all home pregnancy tests are based.

What tests are there?

Determination of hCG in urine is less sensitive, especially with ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the test may become positive a little later. If determining pregnancy at a very early stage is very important for you, then you need to contact a medical institution, where they will make a more sensitive and accurate test by analyzing the content of hCG in the blood. For home use, test strips or test cassettes that determine the content of the hormone in the urine are quite suitable. In any case, they can give a very definite answer to the main question: yes or no?

Home pregnancy tests are available from many companies; at the time of publication, the most expensive test that could be found in a pharmacy was offered by the German company "Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare" - for a jet test (you do not need to lower it into a urine collection container, just moisten it) Evitest supreme have to lay out 310 RUB 40 kopecks... At the other end of the scale is a test cassette "Know now optima" from the Canadian company "Saluta" - good news will cost you only RUB 30 50 kopecks.

How to do the analysis correctly?

In pharmacies, you can find two types of tests: jet tests (as the name suggests, they can simply be placed under the stream of urine) and test strips, which must be placed in a container of urine. The rules of use and development time are different for all tests, so carefully follow the instructions on the package.

Note that midstream tests (for use in a stream of urine) can also be used as a normal test (ie dipped in a container of urine). You cannot use test strips in a stream of urine!

The urine should be collected in a clean glass, plastic or waxed container, no preservatives should be added. If the test or urine has been stored in the refrigerator, it should be allowed to warm to room temperature before analysis, and frozen samples should be completely thawed, mixed thoroughly and warmed to room temperature (do not use a stove or microwave for this!)

How long does it take to save urine before a pregnancy test?

The concentration of CG in urine varies throughout the day, depending on how often you urinate and how much fluid you drink. The most concentrated urine is the first morning urine and is best used. But in principle, even if you are testing early, it is enough not to urinate for 4 hours before the test. The higher the level of hCG in the body, the shorter this time. If, for any reason, the test cannot be performed immediately after urine collection, the urine should be stored in the refrigerator (no more than 48 hours) or in the freezer (no more than 2 weeks) before the test. When conducting a test for a very short time, it is important to take into account the volume of water drunk the day before.

Suppose there are already 10-15 mME / ml needed for determination in the urine, when the test would show at least a weak, but a second strip. But if you drink half a liter of water in the morning, then CG in the urine will simply be "lost": its concentration is already 5 mME / ml and, naturally, the test "does not see" it.

And although on some tests they write that they can be done at any time of the day, it is better to do it in the morning and do not drink a lot of liquid.

What mistakes should be avoided when taking a pregnancy test?

  • Do not touch the reaction zone of the dough with your hands.
  • The test must be free of moisture or dirt prior to analysis.
  • The test cannot be used after the expiration date.
  • Of course, no foreign matter should be allowed to enter the urine sample!
  • Strictly follow the instructions included with the test.

Where should the second strip be located? Does its brightness matter?

On test strips of the simplest design, the upper strip is the control one, and the presence of hCG is shown by the lower one. There are tests in which the control strip forms a minus sign "-", and the second, in the presence of hCG, forms a plus sign "+" with it. In more complex test designs, each strip has its own window, and it is impossible to make a mistake.

The brightness of the second strip does not matter, the very fact of its presence is important.

The strip, regardless of the intensity of the color, should be located at some distance from the absorbent pad (or the edge of the window) and have clear edges. If instead of a clear line you see a pink spot, the test is invalid and it is better to repeat it after a few days.

Can the pregnancy test readings change over time, say, an hour after the analysis?

A positive result will not change: both stripes were colored and will remain. A negative result after 10 minutes or more may show a weak second streak as a result of the evaporation of water and the release of the dye (the so-called evaporation line). This, of course, does not mean that hCG suddenly appeared from somewhere. Therefore, results received later than 5-7 minutes later are invalid. A negative result will not become positive either after 10 minutes or after an hour, the second strip should appear within the time indicated on the test package (usually 3-5 minutes). However, if in doubt, it is best to repeat the test a few days later.

Can alcohol, medicine, etc. influence the test results?

Alcohol, drugs, lactation, menopause do not affect test results. The only exception is medications containing hCG. After the last intake of such drugs, you must wait 10-14 days, otherwise the test result will be false positive. You can make two quantitative determinations of hCG in the laboratory with an interval of 2-3 days: a noticeable increase in the level of hCG in the second analysis compared to the first indicates pregnancy, while a decrease in the level indicates that the hCG administered with the drug is excreted from the body.

Increased hCG levels in men and non-pregnant women

A number of diseases also cause an increase in the level of chorionic gonadotropin:

  • chorionic carcinoma, recurrence of chorioncarcinoma;
  • cystic drift, recurrence of cystic drift;
  • seminoma;
  • testicular teratoma;
  • neoplasms of the gastrointestinal tract (including colorectal cancer);
  • neoplasms of the lungs, kidneys, uterus, etc.

As mentioned above, taking medications containing hCG also affects the test result. The result will also be inaccurate.research carried out within 4-5 days after the abortion.

Decreased hCG levels in pregnant women

A pregnant woman may have decreased levels of chorionic gonadotropin if there are problems with bearing a pregnancy. Of course, this cannot be quantified with home tests, but laboratory analysis can showastonishing changes in hCG levels:

  • inconsistency with the gestational age,
  • extremely slow increase or no increase in concentration,
  • a progressive decrease in the level, more than 50% of the norm.

This may be due to the following reasons:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • undeveloped pregnancy;
  • the threat of interruption (the level of the hormone decreases progressively, by more than 50% of the norm);
  • chronic placental insufficiency;
  • true prolonged pregnancy;
  • antenatal fetal death (in II-III trimesters).

Ectopic pregnancy

Attention! A pregnancy test does not differentiate between normal and pathological (eg ectopic) pregnancies!

If a woman has frequent inflammatory processes in the area of \u200b\u200bthe appendages (tubes and ovaries), partial obstruction of the tubes is possible. In this case, the advancing fertilized egg can be implanted in the tube, leading to the development of an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy. Considering that the study of hCG in the blood can be carried out within a few hours, it is possible to determine the presence of pregnancy at the earliest possible date (there is nowhere before!) And further monitoring the condition, to perform surgical treatment of the developing ectopic pregnancy before the development of critical consequences. Sometimes it is even possible to save the fallopian tube.

Important to remember!

Every organism is different. Conception does not always happen during intercourse - it depends on the time of ovulation, the life span of the egg and the activity of the sperm. It is not always possible to detect pregnancy with the test, even if you use it in the manufacturer's recommended manner. If you have any doubts, be sure to contact your gynecologist!

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