What needs to be prepared for the new year. Hot dishes for the new year. Pineapple cocktail

Aviary 24.11.2020

My friends, every year we celebrate this worldwide merry family holiday - New Year. And every year we are tormented by the question:? Someone looks at Feng Shui, someone prepares a New Year's menu according to the Eastern calendar.

This time the Cockerel will come to us, but not a simple one, but a fiery one. This bird is a vegetarian by nature, but more than one celebration is not complete without meat dishes. Meat can be added to it with vegetables and fruits.

In addition to choosing gifts and presents for her family and friends, the hostess will have to "break her head" - What to wear for the New Year 2017, What should be on the table, What interesting and delicious recipes pick up.

Every family has its own traditional dishes for every holiday, especially for the New Year. But light snacks and festive salads will always remain unchanged on the New Year's table. No one can imagine the January holidays without the salad "Olivier" and "Herring under a fur coat." What salad recipes can you add to the menu?

What to cook for the New Year 2017 - Salads: recipes with photos

Nowadays, many tend to find ideas by horoscope. Even those who do not really believe in them, still look at them and borrow good advice. And on the threshold from 2016 to 2017, the year of the Rooster is in a hurry to us. And so let's prepare the Cockerel salad.

Cockerel salad for the New Year 2017 - 5 interesting and simple recipes

  1. Cocktail salad

    You will need the main ingredients:

    • chicken fillet (200 grams),
    • 100 grams of pickled mushrooms,
    • fresh cucumber and carrot,
    • a couple of chicken eggs,
    • greens, sour cream and salt to taste.

    The whole cooking process takes no more than 1 hour:

    • cut the boiled and cooled chicken fillet into small cubes;
    • then finely chop the pickled mushrooms and cucumber;
    • boil the eggs and cut into equal 4 slices (the yolk will be needed to sprinkle on top of the salad - as if creating a background);
    • boil the carrots and divide in half (chop one part, leave the other to decorate the cockerel);
    • mix chicken, mushrooms, cucumber, carrots, sour cream in a separate bowl and salt to taste;
    • put it on a plate with a slide as in the photo, create the head of a cockerel and small chickens;
    • cut the beak, scallop and beard from the second half of the carrot (according to your imagination);
    • pour on top with grated yolk and decorate with herbs (you can make the eyes yourself from olives or, if available, from black caviar).
  2. The second recipe for a New Year's rooster

    (this time the New Year's salad will be flaky):

    • boil a whole chicken in water with onions and peppers (you can also add spices for a wonderful meat aroma);
    • need to cut 1 fresh tomato and canned pineapple (5 rings are enough) in small pieces;
    • take a large, shallow plate and lay out the chicken meat in the first layer, and generously brush with mayonnaise (do not forget that the shape of the salad resembles the shape of our New Year's bird - the Rooster);
    • salt the second layer of chopped tomatoes and pineapples and also a thin layer of mayonnaise;
    • the next third layer and the final one will be canned corn (half a can is enough) and again mayonnaise;
    • there is little left to do - to decorate our prepared salad with herbs, from bell peppers and cucumbers, you can cut the wings and tail for the cockerel.
  3. Rooster salad with fried chicken and mushrooms

    • take chicken and fry it until golden brown;
    • then wash the mushrooms and fry them with onions just like chicken;
    • cook peeled walnuts, canned peas;
    • salt, grease with mayonnaise and mix all the ingredients;
    • place in a rooster-shaped plate; decorate with herbs and vegetables.
  4. Chicken puff salad with fish

    You will need

    • 4 eggs,
    • 1 can of sardines (saury is also possible),
    • hard cheese (150 grams),
    • carrots - 1 piece
    • and a bow - 1 medium head.

    And now the cooking process:

    • in the first layer (the shape is arbitrary, although now in the coming year of the rooster - the chicken will do better) lay out the boiled chicken egg white, separated from the yolk and grated on a medium grater (you can grease it with mayonnaise or sour cream), salt;
    • grate the cheese and lay out in a second layer;
    • open the fish jar and mash the sardines with a fork and put on top of the cheese - the third layer;
    • sprinkle finely chopped onion with the fourth layer;
    • then a layer of grated carrots;
    • the final layer - the sixth, will be the egg yolk crumbled throughout the mass;
    • at the end of the preparation of the salad, before serving on the New Year's table, decorate with herbs, make eyes from squirrel and olives, a beard from small tomatoes, a tuft of carrots or bell peppers.
  5. New Year's Cocktail salad with crab sticks

    To prepare such a delicious New Year's salad, you will need

    • chicken eggs (3 pieces are enough),
    • a small package of crab sticks,
    • half a can of corn,
    • one onion,
    • tomatoes (preferably small ones),
    • French fries (only 8-10 pieces),
    • olives, mayonnaise and salt to taste.

    How to cook:

    • After boiling the eggs, separate the white from the yolk and finely chop them;
    • drain the liquid from the can with canned corn;
    • finely chop the onion and crab sticks;
    • mix all the ingredients with mayonnaise, except for protein;
    • we take a plate and spread the shape of a rooster from the resulting mass;
    • sprinkle with chopped protein on top - our bird gets plumage;
    • cut the olives into strips and lay out the wings, tail and eyes from it;
    • we form the beak and legs from french fries;
    • from tomato - scallop and beard;
    • serve to the table, decorating with herbs;
    • and our salad is ready - isn't it a simple recipe?

What salads to cook for the New Year 2017 yet - a new selection of the 7 most delicious

To surprise guests, relatives and friends with the taste and sophistication of the table for the New Year, we have selected the most delicious and simple recipes salads.

  1. Orange Slice Salad

    What to cook for the New Year 2017 - Orange Slice Salad

    For the salad you need

    • chicken fillet (300-400 grams),
    • hard cheese (150 grams),
    • pickled mushrooms (200 grams),
    • eggs (4-5 pieces),
    • two carrots, two onions,
    • vegetable oil, garlic (2-3 heads),
    • mayonnaise or sour cream.

    Cooking salad:

    • boil meat and carrots and cut into small strips;
    • boil the eggs and separate the yolks from the whites and grate;
    • fry finely chopped onions and mix with one third of carrots;
    • grate cheese finely;
    • finely chop the mushrooms;
    • then on a flat plate we lay out layer by layer in the shape of an orange slice (each layer is poured abundantly with mayonnaise or sour cream, or both are possible together);
    • the first layer is mixed onions and carrots; the second is meat;
    • the third is mushrooms, the next layer is egg whites;
    • spread mayonnaise on top of all layers where the slices should be located and sprinkle with grated carrots.
  2. New Year's salad "Jealous" with croutons and chicken

    You will need:

    • chicken meat (200 g),
    • Chinese cabbage,
    • bell pepper,
    • canned corn,
    • mozzarella cheese, white croutons,
    • sesame seeds, tangerine and mayonnaise to taste.

    How to make a salad:

    • cook meat and cut into cubes;
    • finely chop pepper and cabbage;
    • add corn, cheese and crackers, pour the juice of three slices of tangerine;
    • sprinkle with sesame seeds;
    • mix everything and add mayonnaise.

  3. Well, what about celebrating the New Year without the traditional dish - "Olevye" - in every family this salad takes the main place on the festive table. But we decided to cook it in the shape of the owner of the next year - the Rooster.
    You will need, as always:

    • boiled sausage (200 grams),
    • potatoes, carrots, eggs,
    • canned green peas, cucumbers (mono fresh or pickled),
    • mayonnaise and salt to taste,
    • for decoration - greens (parsley and dill), bell peppers (red and green).

    How to make a rooster salad "Olivier":

    • boil potatoes and carrots in their uniforms;
    • cool, clean and cut into cubes, put in a separate bowl;
    • add cucumbers and sausage cut into the same cubes;
    • boil the eggs and separate the yolks from the whites, chop the whites;
    • add peas, salt and mix all the ingredients obtained with mayonnaise;
    • put a salad in the shape of a cockerel on a suitable dish and crumble eggs with yolk on top;
    • it remains only to decorate the significant parts of the bird's body with chopped thin strips of pepper;
    • that's all - salad "Olivier" in the form of a symbol of the new year of the Rooster is ready.

  4. Everyone, obviously, knows about the salad "Herring under a fur coat", and this time we will prepare an original dish - under a fur coat we will have another fish - salted mackerel and also in the form of a roll.
    The main ingredients, as well as with herring:

    • beets (3 medium tubers),
    • potatoes (5 small),
    • carrots (2 things),
    • eggs (2 pieces),
    • onion, lightly salted mackerel (1 medium fish),
    • mayonnaise, salt and parsley for garnish.

    We are preparing a roll "Fur coat with mackerel" (by the way, you can take any other fish instead of mackerel):

    • all vegetables, except for onions, are cooked in their uniforms, cooled, cleaned and put in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours;
    • also boil eggs and rub on a fine grater;
    • we cut the fish and separate the fillet from the bones;
    • like eggs - grate beets, carrots, potatoes;
    • finely chop the onion and mackerel fillet and mix;
    • lay out on cling film in layers - the first layer of beets, then carrots (a little narrower than beets), smear with mayonnaise, potatoes and again mayonnaise, eggs and mayonnaise, spread the fish and onions in the middle and roll into a roll;
    • wrap the roll with foil and hide in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours;
    • then remove the film and cut off the edges of the roll; decorate at our discretion.
    • boil 200-300 grams of chicken fillet in salted water, cool and cut into arbitrary pieces;
    • potatoes boiled in their uniforms (4 pieces), peel and rub on a medium grater;
    • boiled eggs (4 pieces) grind on a coarse grater;
    • cut champignon mushrooms into slices (800-900 grams, you can use other mushrooms) and fry them in a pan until the liquid evaporates, add vegetable oil and onion (1 onion), cut into half rings - fry until tender (do not forget to salt and pepper to taste) ;
    • take 1 cucumber and cut it into slices in half;
    • put potatoes on a flat plate and make a mayonnaise mesh - the first layer;
    • the second layer is a half of a sliced ​​cucumber;
    • the third layer is chicken meat and again a mesh of mayonnaise;
    • the next layer - fried mushrooms with onions, mayonnaise mesh;
    • lay out the remaining cucumbers and a net of mayonnaise;
    • before the final layer - eggs and mayonnaise;
    • the very last - we decorate with pineapple slices and pomegranate seeds (you can add greens for a change);
    • and voila, the salad for the New Year from chicken, mushrooms and pineapple is ready.
  5. Herringbone salad

    Well, what about without the attribute of a universal holiday - the New Year tree? What to cook for the New Year 2017 - of course, a Christmas tree salad. This salad will be mixed, and you can also make it flaky - decide for yourself.
    What you need:

    • chicken fillet (200 grams),
    • chicken egg - 3 pieces,
    • champignon mushrooms - 400 grams,
    • onions - 300 grams,
    • canned corn - half a can,
    • mayonnaise - 1 can 230 grams,
    • hard cheese - 100 grams is enough
    • salt and ground pepper to taste
    • parsley and dill for decoration, a handful of pomegranate seeds.

    Well, now, how to prepare the Herringbone salad for the New Year:

    • cook everything that is cooked - chicken fillet, eggs;
    • fry mushrooms with onions, pepper and salt them;
    • chop meat, eggs, cheese and mix with mushrooms;
    • put on a herringbone plate;
    • finely chop the dill and sprinkle the trees on top, decorate with corn and pomegranate (it looks like Christmas balls on a tree);
    • cut a star out of bell pepper and put it on top - the herringbone salad is ready.

  6. If you still have not decided what to cook for the New Year 2017 from salads, then the salad " Garnet bracelet" Your choice. It's simple, tasty, and easy to prepare.
    Cooking process:

    • boil chicken fillets, eggs, carrots and potatoes, let cool and peel;
    • Grate potatoes and carrots on a coarse grater;
    • cut or fiber the chicken;
    • finely chop one onion;
    • fry peeled walnuts (200 grams) and chop;
    • also grind boiled eggs and cook pomegranate seeds;
    • take a plate and put a glass in the center (it is better with even walls, so that you can easily pull it out later);
    • now lay out the cooked foods layer by layer - chicken, onions, potatoes, carrots, nuts, eggs (grease each layer with mayonnaise);
    • sprinkle the salad with pomegranate seeds on top;
    • put in the refrigerator for soaking for 2-3 hours and you're done.

What interesting snacks for the New Year 2017 can you cook for the festive table?

No holiday is complete without original snacks, especially as great as the New Year. New Year's snacks on the festive table not only decorate, but also whet the appetite before the main dishes.

What to cook from New Year's snacks for this Year of the Rooster 2017? You can limit yourself only to cold appetizers, and serve hot as the main one. And you can put both cold and hot snacks on the table throughout the holiday.

We have selected for you the simplest, most interesting and original snacks - so to speak, new snacks for 2017.

What to cook for the New Year: Recipes for the 5 most delicious New Year's snacks

All snacks can be prepared based on your imagination, not only for the New Year, but also for any other holiday or birthday.

  1. Peacock Tail appetizer

    This one is simple but original recipe cold appetizers surprised us with a beautiful, healthy and tasty set of products. For spicy lovers.
    What ingredients do you need:

    • eggplants, cucumbers and tomatoes (2 pieces each),
    • olives, cheese, mayonnaise, garlic and salt.

    How to make a peacock snack snack:

    • so that the eggplants do not taste too bitter, they should be cut, salt a lot and soak in water for half an hour, and then rinse thoroughly;
    • fry the eggplants on both sides and put on a paper towel - remove excess oil;
    • cut cucumbers and tomatoes into slices, and also cut tomatoes into half slices;
    • add chopped garlic to the grated cheese and mix with mayonnaise;
    • put eggplants on a flat plate in the form of a peacock's tail, on top layer by layer - tomato, cheese with garlic, cucumber; on top of an olive cucumber, cut in half; semi-circles of tomatoes complement the overall picture.

  2. This appetizer will add spice and originality to your table. At first glance, this appetizer can be confused with real tangerines.

    • Boil and clean carrots and eggs (2 pieces each);
    • grate processed cheese (2 pieces), add grated boiled eggs to it;
    • chop the garlic and add to the resulting mass;
    • then finely chop one bunch of dill and mix everything with mayonnaise;
    • we form balls from this mixture; finely grate the carrots and cover our cheese balls;
    • decorate on a plate to your liking.

  3. Prepare with fried mushrooms and cheese.

    • First of all, you need to lightly fry the onions (4-5 onions);
    • add chopped mushrooms to it (champignons 500 grams), salt, pepper and fry over high heat until mushrooms are cooked;
    • then pass the resulting mass through a meat grinder - grind;
    • put the first sheet of pita bread cut into 4 parts on the foil (you need 2 pita bread, that is, you should get 8 sheets);
    • and then a layer of mushroom mass, and on top another sheet of pita bread;
    • and so on layer by layer - a layer cake is obtained;
    • grease the top and sides with sour cream;
    • grate cheese and coat the cake with an appetizer;
    • preheat the oven to 180 degrees and put it on for a short time - so that only the cheese melts;
    • take out and cut into small portions;
    • decorate with greens as you wish.
    • Take the beets and rub on a fine grater.
    • Then we spread it on cheesecloth and press it to make beetroot juice.
    • Boil potatoes in their skins, cool, peel and grate on a fine grater.
    • Cut the onion and herring fillets into small cubes.
    • Make small pancakes from potatoes and put herring and onions in the center.
    • We fold the edges of the potato pancake and sculpt the berry.
    • Dip in beet juice for a short time and place on a plate.
    • Garnish with sesame seeds and parsley.
    • Such a delicious New Year's snack will decorate your festive table and the guests will sweep it away "for one and two."

  4. A savory ham roll-up appetizer will add to your New Year's assortment of dishes.

    • Cut the ham into thin slices.
    • Boil the eggs and chop. Grate the cheese.
    • To make the mass shaped, add cottage cheese and cover with plain yogurt.
    • Add a crushed clove of garlic and finely chopped herbs (dill, parsley, onion feathers).
    • Stir everything slightly with salt and put it on a piece of ham.
    • We fold it into a roll and fasten it so that it does not fall apart with a toothpick.
    • Put on a dish and decorate with herbs as desired.

What to cook for the New Year 2017 - you know the recipes for New Year's salads and snacks. In any case, show your imagination - create an original festive New Year's table. Add zest, and words of praise will sprinkle in your address from all sides.

Happy New Year of the Rooster 2017!

A new and interesting New Year's menu is an issue that deserves special attention. The festive table should be beautiful, varied and in line with the requirements of the future patron of the year.

2017 will be held under the sign of the Red Fire Rooster. It is believed that the menu and table setting for the celebration should please not only households and guests, but also a wayward, cheerful bird, which, according to eastern horoscope, will turn out to be a symbol of 2017. So, what to cook for the New Year 2017, what delicious and original menu to make for the Year of the Rooster?

When choosing and forming a list of New Year's table dishes, it is worth considering the habits and desires of the bird. The rooster cannot be called greedy, however, it is economical. This is why a sumptuous and sophisticated menu definitely shouldn't be.

Whatever menu you make: corporate, banquet, for celebration in a restaurant or for home, the main priorities for him this time are light, simple and inexpensive. Dishes should be offered in sufficient quantities, but at the same time, the Rooster will be happy with rather simple and satisfying dishes.

How to compose an approximate budget menu for 2017

To appease the Fire Rooster, you need to put fruit slices on the table.

Since the bird loves grain, when choosing recipes for the festive table, you need to cook something with cereals. It can be, such as in the photo,.

Also, the symbol of the coming year is very fond of sweets. That is why a ready-made festive menu should contain sweets, cakes or other New Year's. Remember that a delicious dessert is one of the mandatory requirements for this New Year's table. Your guests will surely like such delicious ones as in the photo.

To please the Rooster, it is worth offering households and guests such as compote, jelly, fruit drink or natural juices.

What other dishes can you cook for the Year of the Rooster? For obvious reasons, it is necessary to discard recipes that include chicken and eggs. All dishes on the 2017 New Year's Eve menu must be carefully selected and brightly colored. Of course, it is recommended to include in this year's holiday menu, meat and vegetable cuts.

All dishes should be beautiful, colorful and pleasing to the eye. Delicious will do a great job with this role.

When composing a menu of hot dishes, this time, one should be very careful. Remember that chicken meat should not be on the table. An excellent alternative to poultry can be dishes prepared from other types of meat, for example.

Fish or seafood delicacies will be simply irreplaceable for the year of the Rooster. Very tasty can be baked in the oven

Pink salmon can be replaced with simple silver carp and cooked ... Ordinary fish dishes take on a unique, festive-looking aroma after adding spicy notes of aromatic spices to them.

The 2017 New Year's menu will be tasty and interesting if you include something from stewed or oven-baked vegetables and / or mushrooms. We offer to prepare such an original dish as.

By the way, you can please the Rooster by preparing a new and interesting, but at the same time simple, light and budget dish made of potatoes loved by everyone. For example, delicious.

The selection of New Year's salads for the 2017 New Year is quite wide. The only limitation is all the same - the presence of chicken meat in the recipe and the minimum use of eggs. It will be just perfect if you manage to create a menu without eggs at all. For some, this, of course, is not easy, but if it succeeds, then the New Year's menu for the Year of the Rooster can turn out to be light, simple, unusual and interesting.

Try to include in your New Year's menu 2017 original salad recipe, but with garlic and carrots.

Or delicious with smoked sausage and fresh cucumber.

To make the festive table truly New Year's, bright and colorful, you can prepare a simple budget one by decorating it in the form of a Christmas tree or a rooster. How you can arrange and decorate salads in the form of a rooster, see the photo.

Since the Rooster lives in the village, when setting the table for the New Year 2017, you can choose dishes and utensils made in a rural style. In any case, the serving should be extraordinary and bright. This will make a pleasant impression on the guests and appease the Rooster himself.

Now you know what you can't cook, and what you need to cook and include in the festive New Year's menu 2017. Just by following the links in the text, try yourself to easily and simply create your own delicious, simple and original menu for the Year of the Rooster.

Birthdays, 23 February, 8 March. May 1, New Year, family holidays - a reason to set the table. All self-respecting housewives try to please relatives and friends with a variety of dishes. Of course, every culinary specialist has his own signature recipes. But sometimes you want to cook something new, unusual. In this article, I publish a sample holiday menu of 14 simple yet delicious and original dishes, which can give you ideas of your own. And for dessert you can bake an extraordinary one.

Salads and appetizers without eggs

Puff salad with pineapples

- 6 pieces of boiled potatoes;
- a can of pineapples about 560 grams;
- 3-4 cloves of garlic;
- hard cheese about 300 grams;
- mayonnaise.

Mix the mayonnaise with the garlic squeezed through a press. Grate boiled potatoes on a coarse grater, add salt. Place the layer on a flat dish. Spread with mayonnaise-garlic sauce. Top with sliced ​​pineapples. Brush with sauce too. Sprinkle with grated cheese on top. Simple but very delicious salad ready. You can arrange it as in the picture.

For a simple salad that even a beginner in cooking can handle, see.

Croutons of black bread with herring mousse.

The mousse itself can be prepared in advance, and croutons (croutons) will have to be made just before serving.

Products for 4 slices of Borodino bread:
- 1 fillet of herring or half of a whole herring:
- 2-3 pieces of green onions;
- processed cheese;
- 2 boiled carrots;
- ground black pepper;
- 4 slices of black bread.

Cut off the crusts from the bread and send to the oven preheated to 180 degrees to dry. It will take 5-7 minutes.

Cut herring and onion into small pieces. Grate carrots and cream cheese on a coarse grater. Put everything in a blender, pepper and mix well. Don't have a blender? Use a meat grinder, just insert a fine mesh. Is the mousse a little dry? It depends on the herring. Add a tablespoon of mayonnaise or vegetable oil and mix well.

Using two spoons, gently shape the mousse and place on the croutons. You can decorate with dill and leeks or at your discretion.

Pancakes with salmon.

For pancakes.

- flour 400 gr;
- eggs 2 pcs.;
- milk 1 liter;
- vegetable oil 2 tablespoons;
- a pinch of salt;
- vanillin.

For filling.
- lightly salted salmon about 100 gr.;
- hard cheese is also about 100 gr.;
- pickled cucumbers 2 pieces;
- mayonnaise 2 tbsp. spoons;
- ground black pepper;
- green onion feathers.

If you know how to bake pancakes, then you can make them according to your recipe. For the rest, I will continue. If you have a blender, add all the ingredients to the bowl and mix thoroughly. If not, use a whisk or fork. Stir the eggs first, then add milk and all other foods except flour, mix well. Then add a little flour, mixing the dough thoroughly so that no lumps form.

Remember to warm the pan well and grease it with oil.

I think it's better to bake fancy pancakes in the form of snowflakes for a holiday. This is done quite simply. Pour the bulk of the pancake into the middle of the pan, and, slightly turning it, let the dough spread a little.

Then put some dough in a spoon and draw patterns around. You can put the dough into a small plastic bottle and draw from it. This is somewhat more convenient, but more test is consumed.

When all the pancakes are done, cover them with a plate or cling film to soften them.

In the meantime, let's get down to stuffing. Cut the salmon into small squares. Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Finely chop the pickles too. Pepper, add mayonnaise and mix everything.

Divide the onion into feathers and steam with boiling water to make them more elastic.

Put a tablespoon of the filling in the middle of each pancake, form a bag and carefully tie it with onion feathers. During this procedure, it is better to involve children or a husband, let them also take part in the preparations for the holiday.

These bags are served cold to the table, but if you make them on the eve of the holiday, it is better to heat them up in the microwave for a few seconds so that the pancakes are not harsh.

Meat rolls with cucumber and mustard.

- pork 400 grams;
- pickled cucumbers 2 pcs.;
- red onion 1 pc .;
- mustard beans 2 tbsp. spoons;
- salt pepper;
- flour for breading.

Cut the meat into thin plates, cover with foil and beat well, season with salt and pepper. Cut the cucumbers and red onion into strips. On each piece of meat, put grain mustard, pieces of cucumber and onion.

Twist into rolls and fasten with toothpicks so that they do not unwind. Roll gently in flour. Place first seam side down in a well-heated skillet with vegetable oil. Fry on all sides until golden brown.

Cut the finished rolls in half at an angle of 45 degrees. Drizzle with Lazy Tartar sauce.

Sauce "Lazy tartar"

- pickled cucumbers 2-3 pcs.;
- the head of a red onion;
- garlic 2-3 cloves;
- half a bunch of parsley;
- salt pepper;
- mayonnaise 2 tablespoons;
- granular mustard.

This sauce is very easy to prepare, and most importantly, quickly, but you need a blender for this. Chop all the ingredients, put everything except the mustard in a blender and beat until smooth. Now add the mustard to taste and stir with a spoon. You can, of course, cut everything into small pieces, but it will take time, and during the New Year's troubles, it is just not enough.

Herring under a fur coat in a roll


- herring - 1 pc .;
- potatoes - 4 pcs.;
- carrots - 1 pc.;
- beets - 1 pc.;
- mayonnaise - 200 g;
- onion - 1 pc.;
- vinegar for pickling onions.

Pre-cut the onion at random and marinate in vinegar for 2-3 hours. But you can put it raw, at your discretion.

Boil potatoes, carrots and beets, cool, peel and grate or cut into small cubes.

Peel the herring, separate from the bones, cut into small pieces.

It is better to squeeze the beets through cheesecloth to remove excess moisture. If your carrots are also juicy, then it is better to squeeze them out.

To make a roll, we spread cling film, a cut plastic bag or foil on the table, whoever has what. Mix the beets with mayonnaise and spread evenly on a film. Cover with foil again and tamp the layer well. We remove this top film. You can add a little salt to the beets. Try to make each subsequent layer a little narrower in width than the previous one. We do the same with carrots, only we smear it now on beets. The third layer is potatoes with mayonnaise, smeared on the carrots, respectively. Do not forget to salt it. Next, put the onion, if you marinated it, then you need to let it drain so that it is not too wet. And the last layer is herring. It is better to lay it not over the entire surface of the roll, but with a long log in the middle. We compact all layers in the same way using cling film.

Gently roll the roll around the herring log. We tamp the edges well. We wrap it in the same film. We put the appetizer in the refrigerator until the guests arrive. Before serving, remove the film and cut into portions.

Calla appetizer

- 100-200 gr. ham or any cooked sausage;
- 100 gr. any cheese or fatty cottage cheese, it must be salted;
- 1 carrot;
- 2 cloves of garlic;

Grate cheese and carrots. Squeeze the garlic through a press. Mix everything and season with mayonnaise. If you use cottage cheese, the taste will be different. I usually do half with curd and half with cheese.
Cut the sausage or ham into thin slices. Roll up in a bag and secure with toothpicks so that they do not unfold. Fill with salad. Decorate with herbs, pieces of red bell pepper, olives or just ketchup.

Stuffed peaches

The appetizer tastes interesting due to sweet peaches and salty filling.
- small, 200 grams, a piece of turkey meat;
- a jar of canned peaches in halves;
- a can of canned corn;
- any spicy cheese, 200 grams;
- mayonnaise or homemade sauce;
- salt, pepper to taste.

For the sauce:
- a jar of yogurt;
- lemon;
- mustard.

Boil the meat in salted water, cool.

Let's make the sauce for now. Add a teaspoon of mustard, a tablespoon of lemon juice to the yogurt and add a little salt. We mix all the ingredients well.

We take out the peaches from the jar, lay them on a towel. Dry them well. To do this, you can put them upside down to drain excess juice, or blot each piece with a napkin.

Then the bottoms must be cut off for stability, but be careful not to make a hole.

Now we cut the turkey into small pieces, three cheese on a coarse grater and add 3-4 tablespoons of corn without juice. Place the sauce or prepared mayonnaise carefully. The salad should not come out wet. Soyce or mayonnaise is used here simply to bundle foods. Season with salt and pepper, if necessary.
Fill the peach halves and lay them out on a flat platter.

Also look in another article.

Salads and appetizers with eggs.

Stuffed crab sticks.

I want to warn you right away, the snack is very popular, so do more.
Food for 10 chilled (do not take frozen) crab sticks:

Grate the cheese on a fine grater, set aside the third part for sprinkling. Leave the yolk of one egg too. Grate or crush eggs with a fork. Squeeze the garlic through a press. Finely chop the greens. Add sour cream and mayonnaise. To mix everything. If you like pepper, you can add it too.

Gently unfold the crab sticks and put the filling on the edge. Now the sticks must be folded just as neatly. Put 4 sticks on a plate, 3 on top, then two and put the last on the very top. We got a kind of hut. Sprinkle it with “snow” - cheese and egg yolk or protein, whichever you prefer. The appetizer is ready.

Cheese balls


  • boiled potatoes 4 pcs.;
  • boiled eggs 4 pcs.;
  • crab sticks 10 pcs.;
  • hard cheese 200 gr.;
  • mayonnaise 2 tbsp spoons;
  • pepper.

Grate the cheese on a fine grater and set aside for now. Cut potatoes, eggs, crab sticks as small as possible, season with mayonnaise and pepper. Salting, in principle, is not necessary, but if you really want to, then you can. Mix everything well. Roll up balls slightly smaller than a chicken egg with clean hands. Dip them in cheese. Insert skewers or toothpicks.

Method number 2


  • processed cheese curds 2 pcs .;
  • hard cheese 100 gr.;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • paprika;
  • mayonnaise.

Wash the dill in advance and dry well.
We rub the eggs and curds on a fine grater, squeeze the garlic through a press and add a little mayonnaise so that the mass is not too wet. Mix everything thoroughly.
Finely chop dry dill. We set aside. Three also finely grated cheese. And we set it aside too. Pour paprika into a plate. As in the previous recipe, form balls and roll them one by one in seasonings. We have got funny colorful balls.

Method number 3


  • a large package of crab sticks;
  • 150-200 grams of cheese;
  • 5-6 cloves of garlic;
  • 4 boiled eggs;
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of mayonnaise.

We rub the crab sticks on a fine grater and set aside - this is our sprinkling. Cheese and eggs are also three on a fine grater, we pass the garlic through a press. Add mayonnaise, mix everything well. We sculpt balls, as in the previous recipes. Roll each ball in crab stick shavings.

As a decoration for all three methods of preparing cheese "Rafaelok", you can use pickled champignons, pinned with skewers or toothpicks.

Hot holiday recipes

Pork meat and potatoes in the sleeve.


  • pork meat, better neck, 1 kg.;
  • pitted prunes 200 gr. It can be replaced with dried apricots, cherries, any berries or mushrooms.
  • one and a half teaspoon wig:
  • mustard beans 2 teaspoons;
  • regular mustard one and a half teaspoon;
  • garlic 3-5 cloves;
  • vegetable oil 4 tablespoons;
  • honey is not bitter 1 teaspoon;
  • salt 1 teaspoon;
  • ground black pepper to taste.

For potatoes.

  • medium-sized potatoes 1 kg.;
  • vegetable or olive oil 3-4 tablespoons;
  • salt about half a teaspoon;
  • any dry half teaspoon of your choice.


Steam the prunes with boiling water. Dry.

Wash and dry the meat with a napkin. Make deep cuts not completely at a distance of 1-1.5 cm.

Mix all the ingredients for the marinade well, squeeze the garlic through a press.

It is good to grease the meat with marinade, not forgetting about the pockets.

Put all the prunes in each pocket. Gently place the meat in a roasting sleeve. The sleeve should be 2 times longer than the piece. Fasten the sleeve on both sides and put it in the refrigerator for a day or a little less.

When it is already necessary to cook, we take the potatoes, cut off the bottom on one side.

Stir the oil, salt and seasoning well and pour the potatoes on top, not forgetting to fall into the holes. Now we put the finished potatoes together with the form into the baking sleeve and fix it on both sides.

Remove the wire rack from the oven so that it is cold. Preheat the oven itself to 200 degrees. Now put a dish with potatoes and a dish with meat on the wire rack. Bake for an hour.

When they have cooled down a little, put the finished potatoes and meat on a dish, after tearing off the sleeve and cutting the meat into portions.

Cut the meat into large pieces, season with salt, pepper and fry in a hot pan on both sides until golden brown. Fold into a saucepan.

Cut the onion into half rings and fry until golden brown in the oil that remains after frying the meat. Place the cooked onion on top of the meat in a saucepan.

Top up hot water so that it does not lightly cover the meat. Simmer for an hour over low heat.

Fry the walnuts in a pan or in the oven for about 3 minutes.

Add tomato paste diluted in a glass to the stew warm water, seasoned with salt - a tablespoon without a slide and sugar - a tablespoon with a slide, and pepper to taste. We put lavrushka, prunes and nuts. We close the lid and bring the meat to readiness, this is about half an hour. Do not forget to try the dressing in order to correct the taste in time if something does not suit you. Serve with any side dish.

Bon Appetit! Wish you have a lot of fun for the holiday!

Oh, you will find 5 simple diets with a menu for every day .

Tell VK

In the pre-holiday bustle, they devote a lot of time to choosing gifts, decorating their homes, they begin to plan an outfit for the celebration in advance, and they do all this, taking into account the features and requirements of the symbol of the coming New Year.

This is not to say that the table gets little attention, but when purchasing expensive products, housewives are more often guided by the preferences of their family, from year to year they cook the same dishes, albeit loved ones. This is a big mistake. Special attention should be paid to treats when celebrating the New Year.

What to put on our beautiful table?

When deciding what to cook for the Year of the Rooster and which menu to choose for the New Year, we will take into account the preferences of the future symbol - elegance, simplicity, naturalness. To appease the Fire Rooster, remember that this is a bird that can not be called greedy in any way. That's why the main wish for the New Year's table is wealth, not excess... Do not try to be sophisticated in culinary delights - dishes should be understandable, not too pretentious, but suggest a choice for a variety of tastes.

The traditional set - appetizers, salads, cuts, sandwiches, hot dishes and desserts - will provide a tasty and plentiful feast worthy of a fiery representative of birds.

Why does not belong on the table

In order not to upset the proud bird, think about which dishes on your menu the Rooster would not be delighted with. The answer will come immediately - prepared from his relatives!

  1. Rule number 1 for the 2017 New Year's table: no chicken! If you are very fond of roast poultry, it is better to cook some kind of competitor in the poultry yard: duck, goose or turkey.
  2. A rooster who is responsible for his offspring can be alerted by too openly served egg dishes: stuffed, jellied or used entirely in a salad, for example, in the form of mushrooms or snowmen. At the same time, eggs may well be part of other dishes: it is no secret that chickens readily feast on them.

Preferred foods for New Year's meals

When thinking about making a menu, choose products that suit the taste of your family and guests, while not contradicting the symbolism of this year.

  1. A maximum of vegetables, the most diverse, better than multi-colored, especially "fiery" shades.
  2. Fish and other seafood: a representative of oriental culture (the calendar is Chinese!) Will surely please.
  3. Side dishes are always to the taste of the feathered symbol. Of course, cereal dishes may seem rustic for a New Year's table, but the same rice can be cooked in a very unusual and festive way.
  4. Salads shouldn't be too complicated, with a lot of ingredients: Rooster loves “clear”, simple, traditionally favorite flavors. Prepare the family's favorite holiday salads.
  5. For dessert, take care of the baking, because the grains from which the flour is made are the first delicacy for the Rooster, and then such delicious crumbs will remain! It is better that the dishes were prepared by hand, and not bought ready-made: poultry will appreciate the family energy invested and multiply it. Highly a good option- painted gingerbread, hung on the tree. Country poultry will also be delighted with cheesecake-type cottage cheese desserts.
  6. Do not skimp on greens: what could be better for a rooster than fresh grass? Use it in salads, as well as decorating dishes.
  7. When choosing between homemade and store-bought, opt for more natural foods. For example, mayonnaise for home-made salads is much tastier than purchased mayonnaise, and milk for custard should certainly not be powdered. You need to put your hands on this New Year's table: believe me, the result will be worth it!

Chicken meat can always be replaced with turkey, or any other, and chicken eggs - with indoutine, or quail.

The Rooster does not make any special demands on drinks, but nevertheless, as a male representative, he will like stronger options, although you should not refuse traditional champagne to the chimes either.

Hot dish. What is the main dish to choose for the Year of the Rooster

There are two options: either a traditional chicken, or quails cooked in the same way, duck, or goose. They will be inferior in terms of taste to chicken, and maybe the guests will like them more.

You can also make a beef roll as the main dish, or a home-style roast with pork. It will not hurt to bring the dish to a crispy crust during cooking, and decorate it brighter when serving.

We offer a few more New Year's hot dishes to choose from.

Salmon baked in the oven in its own juice

The good thing about baked salmon is that it can be cooked both high-calorie and light, dietary (for this we put the fish in foil).

The fish can be baked whole or cut into steaks.


  • salmon steak,
  • salt,
  • ground pepper
  • dry basil.


  1. Coat the steaks with salt and put them in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
  2. At the same time, turn on the oven so that it heats up to a temperature of 180 degrees.
  3. If baking in a mold, fill it with a quarter of water and close the fish with a lid.
    For a lighter, less nutritious meal, wrap the salmon in foil.
  4. Sprinkle with basil on top.
  5. Bake for 25 minutes. If you want a golden crust effect, open the lid and simmer for another 10 minutes.

Pork schnitzel for a festive table

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • 4 slices (150 - g) loin,
  • 1 cup flour
  • 2 eggs,
  • 2 cups bread crumbs
  • salt pepper,
  • butter and vegetable oil for frying.

You will need meat clamps.


  1. Salt 1.5 cm pieces of pork and place in the freezer for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Take out the chilled meat, pepper.
  3. Dip in flour and lightly beaten eggs.
  4. Place the meat in the roasting clips.
  5. Heat a skillet and add sunflower oil and a tablespoon of butter.
  6. Fry the meat directly in the clamps on both sides for about 2-3 minutes.

Serve the dish immediately hot.

What New Year's snacks will the Rooster like on the eve of 2017

If hot is called the main decoration of the table, then snacks are its decoration.

They are present on every table from the beginning of the meal to the very end.

Let's calm down the housewives right away, everyone's favorite sandwiches with red caviar may be present on the table. The Rooster likes her for her bright color and shape, which resembles seeds. Red caviar can also be used to decorate the dishes served.

You can also use rolls as a safe snack. If you do not want to order in a store or on New Year's Eve to try a previously unfamiliar dish for the first time, then you can prepare the snack yourself.

Use one of the original and beautiful recipes.

Avocado and shrimp (or crab) appetizer

You can make a kind of tartlets, the baskets of which will not be made of dough, but directly from avocado slices.

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • 4 ripe avocados
  • 200 g frozen shrimp (or crabs),
  • 1 shallots (can be substituted with common, but not bitter onions),
  • half a cucumber,
  • half a red chili,
  • juice of 1 lime,
  • 1-2 tablespoons of sunflower or olive oil
  • a quarter teaspoon of salt
  • 2 tablespoons fresh cilantro


  1. If you have frozen shrimp (crabs), thaw them at room temperature or place in a colander with water.
  2. Then cut into small pieces.
  3. Peel and finely chop the onion.
  4. Cut the cucumber and chop it into slices or small cubes.
  5. Remove the seeds from the chili and chop finely.
  6. We mix all the ingredients, adding lemon juice, oil, salt and finely chopped cilantro to them.
  7. Cut the avocado in half and remove the pits.
  8. Place the filling in the avocado.
  9. Top with cilantro.

Serve as a snack or as part of other meals.

Cucumber rolls with bacon (or cheese)

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • bacon (or cheese) - 170 g,
  • cucumber - 1 pc,
  • fresh parsley.

For this recipe, you will need skewers with which you will need to secure the finished rolls. They can be wooden or plastic, in the form of a simple stick and with a textured tip: the main thing is that they are long enough!


  1. Cut the bacon into thin slices if you bought it in bulk.
  2. Fry the bacon on both sides until crisp.
  3. Chop the cucumber into thin strips that will curl without breaking. Long-fruited varieties are best suited for this.
  4. Place the fried bacon on top of the cucumber, roll up tightly and secure with a skewer.
  5. Garnish with fresh parsley and boldly decorate the festive table with this appetizer!

When deciding on the choice of snacks when meeting the Year of the Rooster, remember the rule - everything is bright and crispy!

Ideally, if you can use cereals and flour products to decorate snacks (and other dishes).

Therefore, the Rooster will definitely like pies and cakes on the New Year's table! True, one "but" arises here: then you will have to go on a diet ...

So decide for yourself)))

But berries, fruits and vegetables of different colors, when meeting in 2017, should be considered not only from the side of taste, but primarily taking into account their appearance and color.

Orange citrus fruits, red apples, green grapes and red quince can create whole masterpieces on the table.

And now New Year's salads!

What is a table without salads ?!

Vegetable, meat, mushroom and fish variations are welcome guests on the 2017 New Year's table.

There are no rules for those who stubbornly do not want to tease the Rooster, except for the unwanted use of chicken eggs and chicken meat. But please note it comes only about the obvious presence of such eggs. But they can be disguised in a dish))).

You shouldn't give up traditional Olivier either!

In it, one of the main ingredients can be replaced with quail or Indo-duck eggs. To taste, they practically do not differ from such familiar chicken.


  • 200 g boiled chicken
  • 2 medium boiled carrots,
  • 2 boiled potatoes
  • 3 boiled eggs
  • 2-3 pickled cucumbers,
  • 100 g canned peas
  • aioli sauce for dressing (or the usual mayonnaise).

Traditional cooking method: cut into small cubes and stir. But the design can be different. Can be placed in a large salad bowl. Or you can serve it separately for each guest in a bowl or glass.

Light salad with tuna and mozzarella

In addition to traditional salads, it will not hurt to try to cook something new for the New Year's table! We offer new recipe salad with fish and cheese.

Ingredients for 6 servings:

  • 1 head of iceberg lettuce (about 200-300 g), or any other,
  • 200-250 g mozzarella,
  • 1-2 ripe medium sized tomatoes (or cherry tomatoes),
  • 130 g canned tuna (in its own juice or oil - it doesn't matter).

To fill:

  • 4 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
  • 2 tablespoons white wine or apple cider vinegar
  • a large clove of garlic (or two small ones),
  • salt and pepper.


  1. In a bowl, mix the grated garlic with the filling products until smooth.
  2. Chop the salad into large pieces.
  3. Add chopped tomatoes, mozzarella and tuna (be sure to drain the juice!).
  4. Mix everything and serve.

Bon Appetit)))

If you are choosing between recipes, then pay attention to the peasant options, which contain a lot of vegetables, meat and herbs.

So, the basic rules of the New Year's table:

  • The festive table should be as bright and colorful as possible.
  • The more plant foods on the table, the better.
  • A crisp crust or use of croutons and chips to garnish ready-made meals is highly recommended.
  • The festive table should not only be rich in treats and dishes, it must be beautifully decorated and decorated.
  • Don't be stingy with real dishes - no disposable plates or cups!
  • Let the whole decoration of the festive table be as bright as possible.

To make the New Year holidays a success, follow these simple rules, and then the contented Rooster will not leave you without his patronage!


Just a little bit is left before that long-awaited day when gifts unfold, the air is filled with the aromas of tangerines and pine needles, the refrigerator bursts with goodies, and champagne pours like a river.

In order not to have to think feverishly on the last day, how to please the household for the holiday, we decide this issue in advance. True - taking into account the preferences of the symbol of the next year - the Fire Rooster.

Dishes for the New Year 2017 - what to cook for the New Year's table for the Year of the Rooster 2017?

The tradition of cooking dishes, according to the "wishes" of the patron of the year, appeared not so long ago. It represents a selection of foods and dishes, meeting the taste preferences of this or that animal from the eastern calendar , according to which it is necessary to take into account characteristics not only the symbol of the year, but also its elements.

So, what dishes will the Red Fire Rooster like?

  • On chicken and poultry - a tough taboo.
  • Eggplants, beets, red onions, berries and juices from them, grapes, plums, carrots we take it out of the "bins" and put it on the festive table.
  • The rooster is a follower simple and healthy food ... Therefore, fruits with vegetables and grains should be mandatory. Colors - red and orange, pink, purple and burgundy - are preferred on the table and in decor.
  • Will not scare off the Rooster zucchini and peas, spinach, bell pepper salad, cucumbers, avocado with kiwi .
  • On hot: meat dishes from beef, rabbit, lamb, pork, as well as a wide variety of cereals, casseroles and pastries .
  • As for table setting, this year there should be metal ... For example, metal dishes, trays with hand-painted gold painting, etc. We decorate dishes herbs and spices , placing them in an original way in vases and on plates.

A variant of the New Year's menu for the Year of the Rooster 2017 - what to cook for the festive table?

  • Stuffed eggplant
    Required products:
    • Eggplant - 3 pcs.
    • Sweet pepper - 1 pc.
    • Onions - 2 heads.
    • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
    • 1 carrot.
    • Cheese (hard) - 70 g.
    • Salt, pepper, oil, mayonnaise.

    Cooking method:

    • Soak washed, cut lengthwise and salted eggplants in salted water to remove the bitterness for 30 minutes, rinse again and cut out the flesh.
    • Chop onions, carrots, peppers and eggplant pulp, fry, add tomatoes, simmer until the excess liquid evaporates.
    • Season with salt / pepper / garlic.
    • Put the cooled "minced meat" in eggplant halves, grease with mayonnaise, sprinkle with cheese and bake for 35 minutes.
  • Root vegetable salads
    It all depends only on the scope of imagination. We take potatoes and carrots, beets, celery root, a wide variety of herbs, fragrant spices and spices, and prepare something original, which will delight and Fire Rooster, and household members.

  • Canapes
    Well, where without them - without these delicious tiny sandwiches on skewers. They will decorate the table, and are suitable as a snack. To decorate sandwiches for "one tooth", you can use grapes, mushrooms, small cucumbers and olives.

  • Salad - a fireworks of taste for the Rooster
    Required products:
    • Potatoes, carrots and beets - 300 g each.
    • Cabbage - 200 g.
    • Pork fillet - 250 g.
    • Salt, mayonnaise, oil.
    • Greens (more) and 1 pomegranate.

    Salad preparation method:

    • Cut (in the form of strips), fry the pork.
    • Cut (also), fry the potatoes.
    • Grate beets with carrots and chop the cabbage.
    • Separate the pomegranate seeds from the skin and chop the herbs.
    • Cut the fried potatoes with pork into cubes and place in slides on a plate with the vegetables. Pomegranate - in the very middle. Mix before use.
  • Beef under the "fur coat".
    Required Ingredients:
    • Beef - 700 g.
    • Onion - 1 head.
    • Salt pepper.
    • Vinegar - 50 ml.
    • Butter 100 g (butter).
    • Ground coffee - 2 tbsp / l.

    Cooking method:

    • Mix vinegar with coffee and spices, grate the meat with the resulting mixture and hide in a container in the refrigerator for 5 hours.
    • Next, fry the meat until golden brown, place it on a baking sheet on top of the onion cut into rings, bake for half an hour.
    • Grind the baked onions in a blender, mix with a couple of tablespoons of flour (diluted in water) and with meat juice - for the sauce.
  • Cold cuts
    Required products:
    • Beef - 300 g (jerky).
    • Pork brisket - 300 g (boiled and smoked).
    • Boiled beef tongue - 1 pc.
    • Lettuce, greens (on a bunch - all traditional).
    • Spices, mustard.

    Whatever dishes you put on the festive table, remember that the main component is attention to loved ones!

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