What do we attract into our lives when we say swearing and bad words? About the dangers of swearing and foul language Why you can’t use swear words

Blocks 22.10.2020

Russian legislators are closely involved in protecting the population from profanity. On July 1, amendments to the law “On the State Language” came into force, prohibiting obscene language during public speeches, as well as in public works. In addition, from August 1, popular bloggers are practically considered equal to the media, which means that they are subject to a ban on the use of obscenities.

The Village, together with lawyer Daniil Alimov (“Simploer”), figured out where and to whom it is still possible to swear.

On the street

The law does not prohibit a person from swearing on the street. However, there are a number of situations where this may be considered a violation. For example, as petty hooliganism.

If you, by swearing, violate public order and express clear disrespect for society, you may be fined up to a thousand rubles. And if you do not obey when the police officer asks you to stop this rampage, the amount will increase by 2.5 times. An administrative arrest of up to 15 days is also provided.

The use of obscene language can be regarded as an insult, that is, humiliation of honor and dignity, expressed in an indecent form. This can result in a fine of up to three thousand rubles, and if you express your opinion publicly, in a crowd of people, then up to five thousand rubles.

There is also criminal liability for libel, but this applies more to serious businessmen and companies. At this level, swear words are no longer so used.

Subjects of Russia can resolve this issue on their own, but it must be taken into account that priority will always have the federal law. It is unlikely that it will be possible to establish and collect a fine higher than that provided for by the Code of Administrative Offenses (CAO). By the way, neither in Moscow nor in St. Petersburg do regional laws specifically raise this issue.

In blogs

From August 1, popular bloggers will have responsibilities related to the media. In this regard, the expressions are worth keeping an eye on. The law has a sticky wording: bloggers “are obliged to comply with the prohibitions and restrictions provided for by the legislation on the procedure for distributing mass media" It can be interpreted widely to the point of infinity and any limitation or type of liability can be brought in. For example, the law on mass media calls swearing an abuse of freedom of mass information, while according to the Code of Administrative Offences, it is a violation of the procedure for the production or distribution of media products. Liability - up to 200 thousand rubles. However, a specific article dedicated to terrible punishments for bloggers is not yet in the laws.

In order to speak out more strongly, you can use your unpopular blog, the main thing is that you have less than three thousand readers and less than three thousand people visited your post. And in any case, this should not offend anyone.

Mat price


rubles fine

days arrest

rubles fine

days arrest


You viewer/performer/actor
and so on

Expressed clear disrespect for society

rubles fine

days arrest

And in addition, he did not obey the demands of the government representative

rubles fine

days arrest

You organizer events that are nothing
did not express
but he allowed

For the first time


2 000–
2 500

rubles fine

For the company

40 000–
50 000

rubles fine

for an official

4 000–
5 000

rubles fine

I could not resist
and violated again


2 000–
5 000

rubles fine


5 000–
20 000

rubles fine

months disqualification

For the company

50 000–
100 000

rubles fine


5 000–
20 000

rubles fine

day suspension of activities


so far only moral responsibility
and public censure




1 000–
3 000

rubles fine

for an official

10 000–
30 000

rubles fine

For the company

50 000–
100 000

rubles fine



3 000–
5 000

rubles fine


30 000–
50 000

rubles fine

For the company

100 000–
500 000

rubles fine


in public works / in the media

insulter - official

10 000–
30 000

rubles fine

the offender is a legal entity

30 000–
50 000

rubles fine

In the media - only asterisks

The Law on Media and the Code of Administrative Offenses previously contained a ban on Nice words. And from July 1, another rule was added to it. Now the media use Russian “as the state language” (3 laws “On the state language of the Russian Federation”). This wording means that in the media it is prohibited to use words that do not correspond to the norms of the modern Russian literary language, including obscene language. The Ministry of Education and Science has approved a list of dictionaries and reference books containing the norms of the modern Russian literary language.

Roskomnadzor gave a couple of clarifications regarding the masking of obscene words. When using “*” instead of several letters, the law will not be violated if the disguise is used to quote or place works in which swearing is an integral part of the artistic intent. And even in this case, Roskomnadzor will evaluate how clearly an obscene word can be established in the context of the phrase, and decide whether it is worth fining the media.

Beeping in live- this is a responsibility that the media cannot always cope with, and Roskomnadzor is in the position of the editorial staff. The journalist will not bear responsibility for his guests. At least, the government agency thought so before, before the law banning swearing came into force. And although the responsibility under the Code of Administrative Offenses has not changed, the course of the law enforcement officer may change. We will monitor the practice.

The media must be very careful with swearing; liability may even include suspension or revocation of the license, but there has not yet been the practice of using such draconian measures.

What is considered swearing?

There are four main obscene words in the Russian language. Derivatives from them are also considered obscene. We provide definitions from the Russian Mat dictionary.

X**- male penis.

B****- slutty woman; bad, corrupt person; dirty word.

E****- use women, have sex; scold; pester; swear, swear; spit.

P****- vagina, female genital organ; stupid, stupid woman, gape; walking woman.

For artists - within the framework of the plot

From July 1, fines have been introduced for organizers of theatrical, cultural or entertainment events for using obscene language on stage. An artist is unlikely to be held accountable if a strong word was part of the work being performed, but if the swearing was improvised, punishment is possible. The fine for a citizen organizer will be 2.5 thousand rubles, for officials - up to 5 thousand, and for legal entities - up to 50 thousand rubles. If you swear several times in a row, you can run into administrative suspension of your activities.

People often ask whether it is possible to ask visitors to sign a document at the entrance to public events stating that they are not against using swear words from the stage. Even if people don’t mind, this, unfortunately, will not save the organizers from responsibility. The law in this regard is adamant; punishment is provided for the very fact of the presence of obscenities, even when it is heard not by modest schoolgirls, but by trained spectators.

But in theory, spectator consent could help reduce the fine if it is considered a mitigating factor. No one has tested this in practice yet.

Overall in developed countries There are similar prohibitions, but they are more compromised. Often, event organizers are required to provide notice that obscene language may be heard at events or CDs. And the viewer himself decides whether to pay for this disgrace or not.

In a foreign language

Current bans may provide additional incentive to learn new languages, since laws do not prohibit obscene language in foreign languages.

It is not good to swear - this truth has been known to many since childhood, and in some cases it is also reinforced by physical sensations that are forever imprinted in the memory of those from whom their parents heard swear words. However, there is hardly a single adult who would never utter a single swear word in his life. Swearing is unacceptable, ugly, not elegant, etc. And yet, it exists and is extremely popular among all segments of the population. In addition, psychologists partially justify people who swear.

7 reasons used to justify those who swear

Swearing is unacceptable, ugly, not elegant, etc. And yet, it exists and is extremely popular among all segments of the population. In addition, psychologists partially justify people who swear, identifying at least seven reasons for the popularity (or even advantages) of swearing.

Reason 1: Pain relief

Mat activates the body's "fight or flight" response, which is a release of adrenaline followed by a pain-relieving effect. This theory was proven experimentally: people who swore were able to keep their hands in ice water twice as long as those who did not use obscenities during the experiment. Moreover, this effect obtained from swearing is typical only for people who use it in exceptional cases, and do not use it almost always during communication. People who swear constantly are less sensitive to the effects of swear words, and therefore their body does not react to them with a surge of adrenaline.

Reason 2: Power and control

Checkmate gives a person the opportunity to feel greater power and control over a bad situation. Even if a person demonstrates this very power to himself, this is very important, because he no longer feels like a passive victim, but is ready to react and fight the current circumstances. This, in turn, can instantly boost self-esteem and self-confidence in a particular situation, as well as provide an incentive to take corrective action. Mark Twain also said: “If you're angry, count to four; if you’re very angry, swear.”

Reason 3: Nonviolent Retribution

Swear words are a weapon that a person uses to take revenge bad people without resorting to violence. Instead of hitting someone, we vent our anger by swearing. Psychologists also draw a parallel: swearing is the same for a person as growling is for an animal. Thus, he warns the interlocutor that he should be careful, otherwise the consequences could be dire.

Reason 4: Humor

Swearing among friends is sometimes fun. In such circumstances, swearing serves as a way of liberation from normal social restrictions in the same way as a playful fight with a friend. (Debatable)

Reason 5: Social connections

Believe it or not, like any weapon, swearing can be used for good: if used correctly and appropriately, swearing can show others that you belong to a certain group or feel quite comfortable with members of such a group. Swearing can also demonstrate that you are open, honest and sociable.

Reason 6: Self-expression

Swear words can also indicate that the subject of our conversation is of great importance to us. Undoubtedly, a statement supported by obscenities acquires the greatest possible emotional overtones. Thus, a swear word (again, said to the point) helps to emphasize the importance of the word or phrase.

Reason 7: Physical and mental health

Health benefits of matting include increased blood circulation, increased endorphins, and a general sense of calm, control, and well-being. The main precondition for such advantages is the following: you need to swear extremely rarely and try not to get angry.

Estet-portal does not encourage you to swear everywhere and every day. However, as practice shows, sometimes swearing can serve as an excellent tool both for improving one’s well-being and for eliminating an unpleasant or difficult situation. Therefore, use swear words, but only wisely.

Do not use obscene or generally any dirty, abusive words. Passing through your consciousness, your tongue, they pollute you, your mind, your soul. By using dirty words, you yourself become dirtier. F.G.Uglov

The Russian language has always been distinguished from others by its beauty, flexibility and diversity; it is not without reason that it is called great and powerful. But a huge number of Russian-speaking adults and children often insert swear words into their speech and even replace other words with it. If earlier swearing was mainly the specific language of criminals, drunkards, prostitutes and other degenerate persons, now everything has changed radically. Young people swear freely in the presence of girls, and this does not offend them at all. And in purely girlish groups, the use of unprintable words has become commonplace. Small children, hearing their parents scolding, clog their tongues, not even understanding the meaning of the words spoken. Today, swearing has penetrated into literature, cinema and television. The “innocent” habit of using swear words has led to the fact that many people use it to connect words, inserting a swear word through every normal word. What is a mat? Is it part of the national language or is it a sign of a special degradation of our culture, a sign of our spiritual and moral decay?
With a word God created everything: “ And God said: let there be light "/Genesis 1, 3/. With the word, God created our world - the entire Universe, the entire cosmos (translated from Greek - “beauty”), the word is God’s Gift to man, through it we become like our Creator, who created this beauty for them. The word is also a tool of human creativity. We enlighten and are enlightened by the word. And foul language sows darkness. The Apostle teaches: “Let no corrupt word come out of our mouths, but only what is good...” /Eph. 4, 29/. Words should bring you closer to God, and not move you away from Him. The Lord did not give us lips in order to glorify the devil. Our speech must be pure, we must offer praise to the Lord, glorify the Mother of God and the Saints of the Orthodox Faith.

In ancient Judea, the warning against foul language was taken very seriously, so much so that even to this day in the modern Jewish family one can hear our “international” folklore only as an exception: the non-use of foul language has become a national tradition.

Since ancient times, from the first steps of Christianity on Russian soil, Russian people have prayed to the Most Holy Theotokos in a special way; nowhere have they asked and are not asking for Her help as often as here. And there are reasons for this. There is a legend among believers that Russia is the House of the Mother of God, one of Her inheritances on earth.
And She especially prays to God for the salvation of our fatherland and Orthodox people. But when praying for them, the Virgin Mary refuses to mention in her prayers those whose speech is peppered with obscenities, which is why people in former times also called swearers blasphemers. Let us remember that FOLLOWING- the beginning of the path to even greater evil. THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF Apostasy. We should always remember the words of the Lord Jesus Christ: “... For every idle word that people speak, they will give an answer on the day of judgment, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned” (Matthew 12:36-37). Each of us has to Last Judgment to answer not only for all our deeds, but also for every word we said.

The mystical roots of warfare go back to distant pagan antiquity. People of the pre-Christian world were well aware of the existence of spirits, believing that they were all evil: knowing nothing about angels and the heavenly hierarchy, living surrounded by an invisible demonic world, they could not think differently. And in order to protect themselves from demonism, they came into contact with the demonic world.

This contact was twofold: the demon was either appeased by praising him and making sacrifices to him, or they frightened him. So, they frightened with nasty words specially intended for this, demonstrating to the unclean spirit their own, supposedly even greater obscenity...

Similar situations today can be observed before the start of a fight, when opponents, disgustingly grimacing, shout obscenities at each other, intimidating each other, demonstrating a readiness not only to beat but to kill... Not a single tragedy, if it happens in such a situation, without such an “introduction” " is not possible.

Swearing has a clearly expressed cult function in Slavic paganism. It is widely represented in rituals of pagan origin and is of a ritual nature. At the same time, swearing has a pronounced anti-Christian character. In ancient Russian manuscripts, swearing is considered a feature of demonic behavior.

Since certain representatives of evil spirits ascend to the pagan gods, with most likely You can see pagan spells in swearing. For the Slavs, swearing acts as a curse. The connection with paganism is undeniable. For example, one of the swear words starting with the letter “e,” which is of Slavic origin, is translated as “curse.” The person who pronounces it thereby curses himself and those around him. The word starting with the letter “x” in the Old Russian language meant a sorcerer. The combination of this letter and the ending corresponding to the ending of many Russian verbs is a Volkhov action that was associated with deceased ancestors, and with this exclamation the souls of the dead were summoned in pagan rituals.

The remaining swear words are the names of pagan gods, that is, demons. And the person who utters these words automatically calls these demons on himself, his children and his family. Here we are dealing with the mystery of the word. Whoever you call comes. You call a person by name - he responds. If you call on the name of God in prayer, the Lord will answer if it is His will. When the names of devils, the devil, and demonic forces are pronounced, the demons respond, accompanying the swearing person and influencing his mood, health, finances, and relationships with other people.

It is no coincidence that people who are bound by demons by sin hear “voices” and testify that a stream of abusive and blasphemous words sounds in their minds against their will. Or let's take another example. For inveterate swearers, swear words almost completely replace normal speech. They can’t put two words together without swearing. And they don’t think that they can speak differently. Slaves of the mat.

It is not in vain that “foul language” comes from the word “filth”: swearing is a clear and open manifestation of evil in a person. V. Dahl’s dictionary says: “FOIL - abomination, muck, dirty trick, everything vile, disgusting, disgusting, obscene, that disgusts carnally and spiritually; uncleanness, dirt and rot, decay, carrion, eruptions, feces; stench, stench; lewdness, debauchery, moral corruption; everything is ungodly."
This definition is the result of Vladimir Dahl’s deep study of, first of all, folk speech. Those who believe that swearing was used in Rus', especially in villages, at almost all times, are deeply mistaken and do not know their own history. Just in the old days, people were much more clearly aware that foul language was a grave sin before God and before other people; they were punished for addiction to swearing, and really severely. Under Tsars Mikhail Fedorovich and Alexei Mikhailovich, for example, corporal punishment was imposed for foul language: disguised officials with archers walked in the markets and streets, grabbed those who were swearing, and right there, at the scene of the crime, in front of all the honest people, they flogged them with rods for general edification.

The sin of foul language was also condemned at the Council of Carthage (Rule 71): “With obscene words one insults the honor of mothers of families and the chastity of others”... What can one say if one speaks foul language, especially to the address of one’s own child, or just like that, out of pure coquetry, wanting to look “uninhibited” ” and “modern”, the mother herself?.. But perhaps all this is really nothing more than prejudices that have no basis? Let's try to find out whether the abuse has a mystical source and what it is. After all, not every modern person can understand what kind of trouble actually lies behind swear words.

A rotten word from a rotten heart.

A Russian proverb says: “From a rotten heart come rotten words.” When the human heart is corrupted, rotten, nasty words appear as signs of spiritual corruption. Foul language is a sign of excess filth in the heart. If a person’s soul is not cleansed, but is filled with sin and bitterness, then foul language flows out of him in an uncontrollable stream.

The famous lexicographer Vladimir Dal wrote: “You cannot joke with language, with human words, with speech with impunity; a person’s verbal speech is a visible, tangible connection, a connecting link between body and spirit.”

Causing harm to others, a foul-mouthed person may not know that he is causing the greatest harm to himself and his offspring. Human genes “hear” thoughts and words, perceive them and record them in the genetic code, passing the mutation on to the next generation. Bad words negatively affect the genetic code of the foul-mouthed person, are fixed in it, becoming a curse falling on one’s own head and the heads of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The same destructive effect on a person and his genetics is produced by fornication, drunkenness, smoking, drug addiction, theft, lies, envy, violence and cruelty in all forms, including abortion, that is, everything that the Bible calls the word “sin”. And this conclusion of genetic science is also consistent with the Bible: “I am the Lord your God, a jealous God, for the iniquity of the fathers, punishing the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Me” (Deuteronomy 5:9).
In medical practice, there is a phenomenon that is at first glance incomprehensible. Sometimes, with complete paralysis of speech, when a person cannot utter a single word at all, he nevertheless freely pronounces entire phrases consisting of unprintable abuse. The phenomenon is indeed strange, but by no means rare. What does it indicate?

Both doctors and clergy are unanimous on this issue. It turns out that swear words travel from the brain to the speech organs along completely different nerve chains than all the others.

We know that representatives of the devilish world, not to mention Satan himself, are largely proficient in the techniques of influencing matter, including our body, the structure of which is well known to them. It is known which centers of the human brain are responsible for what, and which parts of it, if necessary, can duplicate the “non-functioning” ones affected by the disease. An excellent opportunity to excite redundant centers, demonstrating with the help of this “good deed” your power over half-dead flesh... And this is here, in the material world! But what will happen when the soul, which has been possessed by a demon, finds itself beyond its borders? What will happen to such a person at the time of death? The demon's power over him will become complete and final, as lawyers say, not subject to appeal.

It remains to add that, according to the testimony of the church, the most common punishment from above that befalls foul language is death without repentance, that is, sudden
death. This does not mean that it will happen ahead of time, but that it will happen at the end of the natural life span. For a believer, this is always scary, because among the obligatory Christian prayers there is also a prayer asking for a dignified death, accompanied by repentance. As for non-believers, there is a very simple reasoning, but no less wise than any truth.
Let's say you don't believe in God, but your friend does and, unlike you, is afraid to break the commandments. If she is right, after death you, and not her, will face a terrible, painful eternity. If you are right and nothing awaits people beyond the boundaries of physical existence, a believing friend will not suffer from this in any way. But in life here he will definitely win, because this life itself has already proven hundreds and thousands of times throughout the history of mankind: only people those who consciously strive to be kind, decent, and moral, really end up finding here on earth a fate that, if not flamboyantly happy, is certainly worthy.

When a person speaks swear words, he not only defiles and stains his lips, but also pours dirt into the ears of those around him, corrupts them with the content of swear words, brings bad thoughts to them - sows evil, even when he himself does not realize it. When we hear that a person swears, then we must tell him not to use such words, but if he does not listen to us, it is better to move away from evil so as not to harm his soul. As it is said: " turn away from evil, cling to good"(Rom. 12:9).

Medical evidence of the consequences of obscene language.

At the end of the last century, an employee of the Institute of Control Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, founder of the Institute of Quantum Genetics, biologist Pyotr Garyaev undertook research that made it possible to create a device that translates human words into electromagnetic vibrations, and then traced how these vibrations affect the molecules of heredity - DNA. With the help of this modern technology, it has become possible to check how evil and kind words affect a living organism.

It turned out that some words can be worse than mines: they “explode” in the human genetic apparatus, distorting his hereditary programs and causing mutations, ultimately leading to degeneration. During selective warfare, chromosomes become distorted and torn. Mat has the quality of blocking creative processes in the human body. The impact of abuse is equivalent to radiation exposure of 10-40 thousand (!) roentgens - DNA chains break, chromosomes disintegrate. That is, swear words cause mutations similar to the effects of radiation. Rude, evil words can not only undermine health and cause illness, but also kill a person. And not only words, but also evil thoughts are destructive.

The words “mat” and “mother”, as if by chance, have the same root, but since there are many negative emotions associated with swearing, they are also transferred to the word “mother”. At the same time, it becomes more difficult to form the right attitude towards the mother.

Another interesting observation is connected with swear words. In those countries whose national languages ​​do not contain curse words indicating the reproductive organs, Down's disease and cerebral palsy have not been detected, while in Russia these diseases exist and flourish. It is also curious that animals do not have many diseases only because they do not know how to talk, much less swear. If a person, when releasing negative energy, remembers the genitals, then this has a negative effect on them. Therefore, swearers become impotent early or acquire urological diseases. The trouble is that you don’t have to swear yourself; accidentally overhearing swearing is enough, which is why people living surrounded by those who swear also suffer from illnesses.

Swearing is used to express outright evil, in which there is anger and desecration. They fulfill their purpose, destroying the minds and health of both those who swear and those who hear this swearing. How in visible world There are perishable foodstuffs, and in the memory, foul language spoils and rots. Hence the diseases of old age: sclerosis, general atrophy, heart failure and other diseases.

If anger is destructive, then, on the contrary, a simple kind word spoken with love heals. This is another result of P.P. Garyaev’s research, proven experimentally. Prayer has a particularly beneficial effect on the body: through the power of grace, defects in hereditary material are corrected, DNA molecules damaged by mutations are repaired, and a person is healed. Isn't that what the Bible says? “Some idle talker cuts as with a sword, but the tongue of the wise heals” (Proverbs 12:18). So, genetics has confirmed what the church knows, and many Christians have been practicing for thousands of years. But still, it is one thing to know the commandment, and another thing to discover that evil abuse is truly a sword piercing the human body, destroying it at the cellular level. But if the matter is so serious, then how we all need to take care and spare each other! And how happy are those families in which there is no swearing and quarrels, where peace, love and harmony reign!

Hell awaits everyone who swears.

If anyone has a passion for swearing, then they must repent, and the Lord will help them free themselves from it.

By defiling with obscenities, a person pushes away the Holy Spirit of God. With his lips, a Christian receives the Most Pure Body and Blood of Christ. By desecrating the lips, sanctified by the touch of the Body and Blood of Christ, with swearing, a person becomes angry. Christ the Savior.

Let us remember that with our lips we kiss the Holy Cross, holy icons, relics, holy books, the Gospel. Let us be ashamed to utter shameful, rotten words with lips sanctified by their touch to great shrines!

It is necessary to realize that any of our speech is heard not only by people whom we are accustomed not to be embarrassed by, but also by Angels, and the Mother of God, and the Lord Himself. Shall we not beware of foul language, so as not to offend the Angels and the Mother of God with shameful speech, not to bring joy to the demons and not to anger God by this?!

There are people who think; " I'll make a mistake for now, and then I'll repent" But the Lord may not give the opportunity for repentance to a sinner who did not even intend to fight sin in his life.

Let us sincerely repent of this heinous sin (seemingly insignificant to some). Let us throw away the demonic and accept God. The Apostle Paul says: “ ...for what fellowship has righteousness with iniquity? What does light have in common with darkness?» /Cor. 6, 14/ So, where will the soul of a foul speaker end up after death? Woe to the foul-mouthed: " Their larynx is an open coffin» /Rome. 3, 13/.

“Dear Jesus Christ, forgive me for committing this sin in my life - swearing. I ask You to forgive and set me free. I believe that You are the Son of God. I ask You to become the Lord of my heart, my mouth and my whole life. I believe that You died and rose again for my justification. Change me and make me Your friend. Amen"

Thoughts of the Holy Fathers

Master your tongue so that your sins do not multiply.
(St. Anthony the Great)

The Lord guards your soul as long as you guard your tongue.
(St. Anthony the Great)

If you remember what is said in Scripture: “For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned” (Matthew 12:37), then you will understand that it is better to remain silent than to speak.
(St. Pimen the Great)

Death and life are in the power of the tongue...
He who guards his mouth guards his soul...
(Prov. 13, 3)

Restraint of the tongue shows a wise man.
(St. Abba Isaiah)

It is known that doctors find out whether a person is healthy or sick by examining the tongue; we can say that our words serve sure sign good or bad dispositions of our soul.
(St. Tikhon of Zadonsk)

Some are very picky about food and do not allow certain dishes into their mouths, but they are not so picky and careful about the words that come from their mouths.

The habit of using unsuitable words serves as a certain path to deeds. Therefore, with every precaution, one must guard the soul so that, while finding pleasure in words, one does not unnoticed accept something bad, just as others swallow poison with honey.
(St. Basil the Great)

I said, I will take heed to my ways, lest I sin with my tongue; I will bridle my mouth while the wicked is before me.

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Bible, Proverbs 18:22.

The word is what makes a person human, what distinguishes a person from an animal. That which makes a person the image and likeness of God.

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”

(Prov. 18:22)

Foul language is speech that is filled with indecent expressions, obscene words, and swearing. Swear words destroy the soul, destroy the boundaries of human communication.

“Filth is abomination, disgusting, dirty, everything vile, disgusting, disgusting, obscene, that disgusts carnally and spiritually; uncleanness, dirt and rot, decay, carrion, eruptions, feces; stench, stench; lewdness, debauchery, moral corruption; everything is disgusting...

Natural filth is cleansed by water and fire, spiritual filth is cleansed by repentance.”

From explanatory dictionary V.Dal

Why can't you swear? When we utter swear words, we call the names of demons and call on them.

If you call on the name of God in prayer, the Lord will not leave you. You pronounce the names of demons, they are always with you, influencing your life, health, relationships with other people.

Swearing came from the pagan rituals of the Slavs

Before the baptism of Rus', the ancient Slavs used swear words during pagan rituals. With the help of these special words, the pagans scared away evil spirits and turned to other worlds. They demonstrated their fighting spirit and willingness to fight the demons.

After the adoption of Christianity, they began to explain to people that foul language is a grave sin. Nevertheless, swear words became commonplace, and new derivative swear words appeared.

Profanity is a grave sin.

The tsarist government severely punished foul language. Those who swore were publicly flogged with rods so that others would be discouraged.

In the tsarist army, swearing was severely punished. Suvorov told the soldiers: “Pray to God. Victory comes from him. He is our general."

Swear words cause genetic changes and lead to the degeneration of humanity

Quantum physics confirms the destructive effects of swearing on human health. According to the law of resonance, everything bad that comes from me strikes me.

Scientists Goryaev P.P. and Tertyshny G.G. The Institute of Control Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences invented a device that translates words into electromagnetic waves. Scientists have discovered that when a person swears, his DNA produces unnatural programs.

Swear words cause changes in genes and chromosomes, similar to powerful radioactive radiation. Chromosomes bend, genes change places.

The researchers concluded: DNA molecules perceive human speech.

Some words heal heredity, others traumatize. Swear words destroy wave programs, lead to hormonal disorders, serious illnesses and degeneration of humanity.

Official science, however, is in no hurry to recognize the research of scientists P.P. Goryaev. and Tertyshny G.G. in the field of genetics.

P. Garyaev and G. Tertyshny, scientists from the Institute of Management Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences. According to their research, the mat destroys human DNA and causes a mutagenic effect

No less interesting are the scientific experiments of Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto with water molecules.

He proved experimentally that good words, gratitude and prayer make crystals beautiful.

M. Emoto proves that water has memory and changes its structure depending on the information received

And when water was exposed to curses, the structure of the molecule changed and acquired an ugly shape.

Masaru Emoto has written many books that contain thousands of visual illustrations.

Official science does not yet recognize the results of M. Emoto’s experiments.

Swearing is prohibited in Christianity, because swearing is a sin, the death of the soul

With the advent of Christianity, the church wages a tough fight against obscene language. Why is swearing prohibited in Christianity? In ancient Christian manuscripts, swearing is condemned and considered a feature of demonic behavior.

Mat is a prayer to Satan and an insult to the Mother of God.

From the Orthodox point of view, foul language is a sin, the death of the soul.

Swearing brings joy to demons. Therefore, in Orthodoxy, those who swear are called blasphemers.

Profanity destroys our lives and breaks divine connections. The Apostle Paul says:

“Woe to the foul-mouthed: their throat is an open grave.”

Bishop Mitrofan in the book “The Truth about Russian Mat” writes that if a person swears, then the Guardian Angel, whom the Lord gave him at Baptism, is offended, moves away from the person, and no longer interferes in his life.

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. It was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and without Him nothing came into being that was made.”

( In. 1:1)

The Word is God's gift. And people treat the spoken word carelessly. They utter swear words, and then wonder why illnesses and troubles overtake them.

James in his conciliar letter addresses the believers:

“Do not curse one another, brethren: whoever curses his brother or judges his brother, the law reviles him and the law judges him; and if you judge the law, then you are not a doer of the law, but a judge.”

We read about this in James' letter:

“...none of the people can tame the tongue: it is an uncontrollable evil; it is filled with deadly poison.

With it we bless God and the Father, and with it we curse men, created in the likeness of God.

From the same lips comes blessing and curse: it should not be so, my brethren. Does sweet and bitter water flow from the same hole in the spring?

Jesus Christ warned:

“...For every idle word that people speak, they will give an answer on the day of judgment, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”

Everyone will have to answer for every word we say.

In the icon, the first of the ordeals that the soul goes through after the death of a person is the sin of the tongue. A person gives an account for all the unrepentant sins that he committed with a bad word

Priest Pavel Gumerov in his book “Small Church” , which was published by the Sretensky Monastery in 2008, writes:

“One army rank told Hegumen Savva that for a long time he could not get rid of the passion for foul language.

He eradicated this habit in this way.

As soon as a “rotten word” escaped him, he took note of it, found a convenient place in the barracks and made 10 bows.

And the vice of foul language was completely abandoned by him.

It is very good for young people to follow this example.”

P. Gumerov. Rector of the Church of the Holy Blessed Princes Peter and Fevronia of Murom under construction in Maryino. Notes that foul language has become one of the signs of spiritual catastrophe modern society

Priest Dmitry Smirnov in one of his interviews called foul language “the most harmful thing” that affects the soul, destroys morality, and alienates a person from God.

The archpriest called on people to control their speech and explained that, to our shame, swear words are now common and accessible even to children.

Even intelligent people cultivate and broadcast abuse on TV screens.

D. Smirnov. Archpriest of the Russian Orthodox Church, rector of the Church of St. Mitrophan of Voronezh on Khutorskaya and seven churches in Moscow and the Moscow region

Why are people drawn to foul language?

In any religion, foul language is considered a grave sin and is prohibited.

Orthodoxy Any bad word is a sin that defiles a person himself, deprives him of grace, as the Lord said: “What comes from the mouth - comes from the heart - this defiles a person.” (Gospel of Matthew)
Islam “Let your mother lose you, Muaz! What else plunges people face-first into Gehenna, if not the fruits of their tongue.” (Prophet Muhammad)
Judaism “Because of the sin of profanity, many troubles and new misfortunes come and the young men of Israel die.” (Babylonian Talmud)
Buddhism According to the law of Karma, people who use foul language are scolded by others. If you use foul language, a time will surely come when you will suffer from being scolded. Foul language is based on such manifestations of the soul as hatred, anger, envy... And if you look at the Law of Truth, which says that everything is a manifestation of the soul, then if you use foul language, you turn your world into a world filled with anger, hatred, envy and similar manifestations of the soul. (Logical advice from a friend)

But still, why do they swear everywhere and continue to use swear words in their speech?

There are a number of reasons why people swear:

  • insult an opponent;
  • release anger;
  • color your speech emotionally;
  • as interjections;
  • to relieve psychological or physical stress;
  • for the purpose of adaptation in an environment where swearing is the norm;
  • as a tribute to fashion.

Let's name the main reasons for foul language:

  1. Weak faith.
  2. Spiritual and moral decay of society.
  3. Poor upbringing in the family.
  4. Promiscuity, personal irresponsibility.
  5. Inability to cope with difficulties and negative emotions.

Swearing flourishes against the background of permissiveness, drunkenness and any intemperance. People think: “What will happen if I swear? Nothing bad will happen."

To free yourself from the harmful habit of profanity, you need to cleanse your soul

Why can't you swear? A person who swears defiles his soul and the souls of those who listen to him.

Not only in church, but also in secular laws, foul language is prohibited. Obscene language in Article 20.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation is qualified as a violation of public order and entails an administrative fine in the amount of 500 to 1000 rubles, or administrative arrest for up to fifteen days.

People noticed a long time ago that “an evil word can kill,” and a kind word “is also pleasant for a cat.” But, unfortunately, between knowledge and adherence to known elementary simple rules- the distance is huge. We see and hear this at every step. Even children easily pronounce words that they are not supposed to know. A long time ago, V. Dahl wrote down a saying in his famous dictionary: “The word is not dead, but people die from it.” And we live in a world where swear words are already accepted. They can be heard not only on the street and in public places, but also on the radio... At the same time, many people think that everything is normal and there is nothing special about it.

Where does this attack come from and why is it dangerous?

Ethnopsychologists have discovered that, in terms of the combination of sounds, Russian swearing is in many ways similar to ancient Sumerian shamanisms. That is, Sumerian shamans, during rituals (witchcraft), shouted out certain combinations of sounds to attract evil spirits. There are also geographically closer parallels. For example, a foul name for a woman of known behavior is most likely the name of a demon, whom in time immemorial our pagan ancestors called upon to punish someone for certain misdeeds. And all other words of Russian obscenity may well have demonic origin.

Consciously turning to evil for help, our ancestors, without realizing it themselves, fell from the frying pan into the fire, sometimes from a lesser disaster into a greater one. The only thing that helped them out was that such words were still considered forbidden; they were allowed to be uttered no more than a dozen times a year. And when in our time it is absolutely meaningless - and at every step... The result is: using swear words unnecessarily, a person seems to attract evil spirits to himself, and sooner or later a moment comes when a person loses control over such spirits. In Christianity this is called possession. Or more softly, as it is written in one booklet: “Let us call this Evil on our heads every day, from year to year. As a result, we first get into minor troubles, then more and more major ones: with health, children, loved ones, and finally, we simply find ourselves in a period of chronic bad luck...”

Here a materialistically educated post-Soviet person will certainly think:

“What other demon spirits are there? I haven’t seen it!”... So it’s time to talk about flowers, or more precisely, about scientific experiments on plants.

How it works

Gennady Cheurin, head of the Yekaterinburg Center for Environmental Survival and Safety, once expressed a hypothesis about the detrimental effect of profanity on the psychophysical state of living organisms. He argued that swear words have a very active effect on the human body, over time destroying all living things. This hypothesis was tested by several research institutes. And this is what it turned out... The grains, watered with water, which was scolded with “three-story” abuse, sprouted only 49%. The water, which had heard enough of the “sluggish” swearing, showed a better result - 53% of sprouted wheat. But the water over which prayers were read increased the germination rate of seeds to 96%! The result of the research is amazing, although it only confirmed the folk wisdom known to all summer residents: if you use foul language when planting, there will be no harvest. And when planning to bake pies, the housewife will be careful not to swear, otherwise the dough will not rise...

Doctor of Biological Sciences, academician of two Russian academies- Medical and Technical Sciences and Natural Sciences - Director of the International Center for Wave Genetics Pyotr Goryaev emphasizes: “We must remember that any spoken word is a wave genetic program that affects a living organism.”

And here's what's important to notice. This influence extends both to momentary events and to a very distant future, that is, to unborn children.

Obscene language touches the deep layers of the subconscious and leads to an escalation of violence. Indeed, fights, pogroms, even murders in a state of passion are never accompanied by refined literary speech, but always by the rudest and most selective obscenities. A swearer develops the same dependence on swear words as a heavy smoker develops on nicotine and an alcoholic develops on alcoholic beverages.

The words “mat” and “mother” have a common root. The most frequently uttered obscene expression with the word “mother” first of all desecrates the Mother of God and one’s own mother, who gave life to man. The sin of blasphemy is never forgiven without repentance and inevitably entails punishment. Swear words create a powerful information field, is it any wonder that the Lord turns away from us. Intimate relationships are given to man by God; they are the highest manifestation of love and trust. By denoting them with obscene words, people desecrate the gift given by God.

Speaking at the All-Russian Irinarchov Readings, Academician Pyotr Goryaev said that many years of scientific research conducted by the scientist at the Siberian Academy of Sciences and research centers in Canada made it possible to prove that our genetic apparatus (DNA molecules) is nothing more than a long series of words, a meaningful text, being the speech of our Creator, the Creator of the Universe. Thus, the scientist confirms the truth of the Gospel, that “in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God.”

So it is not surprising that foul language harms not only the spiritual, but also physical health person. With the help of verbal mental images, a person creates or destroys his hereditary apparatus. DNA is capable of perceiving human speech and readable text via electromagnetic channels. Some messages heal genes, others injure, like radiation. And if the kind words of prayer awaken the reserve capabilities of the genetic apparatus, then curses and swearing cause mutations leading to degeneration. Moreover, DNA does not understand whether we are communicating with a living person or with a character on a television screen. Any spoken word is nothing more than a wave genetic program that affects our lives and the lives of our descendants.

Academician Goryaev, considering it a scientist’s duty to tell the truth, stated that the spread prodigal sin, immorality leads to ugliness in the offspring and total degeneration of the nation. From what he said, unfortunately, two sad conclusions can be drawn at once. Firstly, the widespread prevalence of foul language in itself is an indicator of a low level of morality. And secondly, what’s even worse, it is a breeding ground for further spread, expanding the horizons of permissiveness for younger generations.

It is enough to walk along a crowded street or travel a few stops on a bus or trolleybus to feel how far the matter has gone, and God knows whether it will be possible to stop it at all. “I suspect that it will get worse in the future,” the famous musician said in a radio program, “probably soon, profanity will organically come into use. The generation that now uses this vocabulary from the age of thirteen will grow up and this language will become the language of the family. This can't be stopped." We can only add here that if profanity really becomes part of everyday family life, then it will be time to ask the question: what will be left of the family?

What to do?

The only thing that can still change the situation is a sharp change in public opinion and his unconditional recognition of foul language as absolutely unacceptable. Of course, such a change cannot happen overnight. But if everyone, exactly each of us, fully understands what a sword of Damocles hangs over us all, the recovery of society can begin. After all, in essence, swearing is a weapon of mass destruction, and not so much murderous as suicidal.

IN in this case a person must understand with what fire he is joking. He needs to be given information about this. In the end, how do we fight smoking, alcoholism, and drug addiction? We explain very clearly what is happening to the body. Know the danger. Because when a man uses these words in vain, one must understand that there is a danger of decreased health both for himself and for the one to whom it is directed,” said Gennady Cheurin, a man whose author’s hypothesis served as the starting point for scientific research into harmful the influence of profanity on the psychophysical state of living organisms. He quite correctly outlined the differences between the historical and modern use of profanity:

The main purpose is ritual and ritual, which was a thousand years ago, very dangerous, I emphasize, was fundamentally replaced in our culture with the advent of Orthodoxy. A person born in love, baptized, raised by a godfather and married as expected, is free from the need to use these words in a ceremonial and ritual sense. Faith gives him everything...

However, further he still turned out to be inconsistent, and although with reservations and with references to “circumstances,” he recognized the use of swearing in extreme situations, for example, in war, as acceptable. Why swearing there is unacceptable and there can be no exceptions is convincingly proven in one of the religious broadcasts of the Yekaterinburg radio:

When swearing in a fight or battle, a person unconsciously calls on demons for help and receives strength and cruelty from them. But debts have to be paid, and Satan collects a generous tribute from the swearing army in the form of drunkenness, smoking, and sexual immorality. All links of this vicious chain support each other and lead to spiritual and physical death.

In the old Cossack fairy tale “The Death of Ataman Ignat” there is the following episode: “A fierce battle ensued. The cannonballs fly so thickly, as if a bridge had been thrown across the Kuban. And not a single cannonball of the Cossacks strikes because they are in spiritual and carnal purity. But Ignat was inflamed with anger and shouted: “Oh, you...!” The ataman forgot that a Cossack should not swear with black words, and then the cannonball hit him in the chest. There was a gap in the shield of faith - the human enemy wounded it there!”

Swearing is not just swearing, the desire to defeat the enemy in a verbal skirmish. Ultimately, it is directed not against people, but against God, for which it received the name “black swearing.” Swearing means “swearing in black.” Since pre-Christian times, swearing has had a purely magical, sacred character. He is an element of serving Satan that has penetrated into secular life. Every swear word is blasphemy against God and glorification of Satan. Therefore, it is no coincidence that foul language replaces prayers with a swearer. In difficult moments, in hard work, he does not seek help in turning to God, but swears. A burst of energy in a swear word - and things move, although it is pushed by evil, to which the person thereby surrenders himself. Dealing with anger can be effective. As a result, it is brought up conditioned reflex: you feel bad - swear. This is how a person is weaned from God. Therefore, it should be said clearly and clearly that swearing is a service to Satan that a person performs of his own free will and publicly. It is possible that this is scary enough to motivate a person to curb his tongue.

And how can we not remember the words of John Chrysostom: “Let us learn to defeat the evil demon. He usually harms us in all ways, but especially through the tongue and lips... Listen to what he says who said the same thing: death and life are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21). And Christ expresses the same thing when he says: by your words you are justified and by your words you are condemned (Matthew 12:37). The tongue is in the middle between one use and another, and you are its master. So the sword is in the same middle; if you use it against enemies, then it becomes a saving instrument for you; if you strike yourself, then the cause of defeat is not the property of the iron, but your iniquity. Let us talk about language in the same way; he is a sword located in such a middle; sharpen it to expose your sins, and not to strike a blow at your brother. For this reason, God protected him with a double wall, a row of teeth and a fence of lips, so that he would not utter obscene words quickly and imprudently.”

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Your feedback

Hello! I am a schoolgirl, I am 13 years old, I have never sworn, I do not swear and I will not swear. I probably don't have enough words to properly describe what I want to say, but I'll try. I am ABSOLUTELY against swearing! I live in Moscow and constantly hear swear words not only on the street, but also at school. I have a sincere spiritual disgust for this obscene and wretched speech. I wanted to speak out several times at school about this, but I thought it was better not to take risks, because you never know who you will bump into... I promised, or rather, not just promised, but swore once and for all that I would never I won’t swear. If I hear a word that is unfamiliar to me, and, especially so as not to accidentally utter obscenities, I ask my mother what this word means. And if it turns out to be obscene, I apologize a thousand times and never utter this word again. Dear readers of my review, never say these words! I think that many will agree with me that swearing... swearing is like a murderer, poison for your soul... Dear guys, don’t say these words! Don't swear!!! Be HIGHER, HIGHER than those who swear!!! Review written by: Valentina Mordovtseva, 13 years old.

Valentina Mordovtseva, age: 13 years / 07/22/2019

Mat is the corruption of our people! I often used such terrible words as a child! But when I grew up, I realized that this is poison for our soul! It especially irritates me when such obscene words are used in music ("Leningrad", "Gas Sector", "Red Mold"). When a person swears, he thereby calls upon Satan! People, remember this!

Ilya Kirsanov, age: 18 / 08/23/2018

Math is the scourge of our century! How to explain to a person who was raised on swearing that this is a sin and a deviant form of behavior. His (her) parents swore, their parents spoke in it, and so on. Lost generation. It’s easier not to communicate with such people. Try to explain, but if it doesn’t have the desired impact, then don’t waste your time on such ignoramuses! Brutus, where did you get such conclusions from? From lack of education, upbringing and internal self-control?

Tatyana, age: 36 / 12/24/2017

I know of a case where a person died from a swear word spoken over the phone.

Irina, age: 43 / 10.27.2017

What happens to our great, powerful, true and free? Once my grandmother told me the following story: at the market, a Tajik seller swore in full-fledged Russian obscene language. The grandmother reprimanded him and received her share of swearing. Another seller pulled her aside and uttered a phrase that shocked me: “Yes, you are one in a thousand!” This means, if he is right, then out of 146 million people, only 146 thousand in our country speak Russian, the rest speak swear words. On the streets of my hometown, Russian swear words are more often spoken. By the way, guest workers also speak this language, probably out of contempt for us. One day I hear a choice curse word behind me, very loudly, I turn around, and a man is walking behind me and talking to himself. Or this scene: two luxurious gentlemen get out of two luxury cars and joyful obscenities rush from both sides, and very loudly. So this is not abuse, but simply a way of life. I would really like to know if I was unlucky with my hometown or if there are others like them. When the Chelyabinsk meteorite fell, the Americans could not understand what language these Russians were speaking from cars with DVRs. This means Chelyabinsk is the same city. My grandmother told me that this had never happened before and they even put me behind bars for fifteen days in a public place. Is it really true? So the police also spoke Russian? But in the nineties, when the whole country began to “sit down,” then Russia turned into a “large zone.” But it turns out it started even earlier. When our so-called “intelligentsia”, and even those who end up in the “high society”, considered it good form to speak obscenities. Did you want to be closer to the people? Well, they got closer, or was it the people who got closer to them? How are things going in State Duma? Also the ratio is 1:1000? Let's do the math. And among television workers? When Dmitry Maroko uttered obscene language live on RBC, he was not fired. And when Ksenia Sobchak and Pavel Lobkov (they are fluent in Russian swearing) live, they utter very easy swear words, even if not swear words. But why? And when Lobkov says “damn” (probably instead of swearing), it really surprises me. This means that these smart and educated people do not have enough words in our “great free Russian language”. After all, language occupies a central place in culture. This means that our culture is collapsing if the language has been turned into a “garbage dump”. Olesya Ryabtseva and Ksenia Sobchak are, of course, antipodes, but they live in the same obscene garbage dump. And they will raise their children there. And if they swear after a few words, then children will do it more often. What about grandchildren? It's scary to think about. One day I was amazed by a boy about six years old. When he was reprimanded, he did not understand anything. He probably never heard another language. And when the charming Lolita, with her charming voice, utters words that squeak, it becomes disgusting. This is even worse than hearing the same curse words from a dirty homeless person in a garbage dump. On television they often talk about rudeness and vandalism in our society. But this is done by people who do not know normal Russian. This means that here, too, language is the basis of everything. It turns out that Ivan Sergeevich was wrong and our people are not so great if they managed to disfigure the truly magnificent Russian language. The wonderful Dina Rubina could do without swearing when there was censorship. And now she can’t, probably she’s afraid that without this they won’t buy her books. The Russian language has been turned into a trash heap, and where can conscience, honor, dignity, and morality be in a trash heap? And here are two films: “The Teacher” by Alexei Petrukhin and “Playing the Victim” by Kirill Serebryannikov. The topic is the same, but Petrukhin made a wonderful film without nudity and obscenities, but Serebryannikov could not. Probably because Petrukhin is simply a good director, and Serebryannikov is famous, without complexes and internal censorship. But perhaps there is still hope if the defender of the purity of the Russian language, Dmitry Nazarov, won in Vladimir Solovyov’s “Duel” between Dmitry Nazarov and Yuliy Gusman.

Georgy Dykov, age: 32 / 02/06/2017

In my opinion, the main swear words starting with the letters “X” and “P” come from the Mordovian languages, more precisely from Moksha and Erzya, namely from words pronounced in different dialects, like GUY -SNAKE or KUI -SNAKE and PIZA -Norka, Nora or Nest, Hollow! Logically, everything turns out correctly, the Snake “strives” for the Burrow or Nest! Yes, involuntarily, there is a definite connection with the same serpent-tempter. For example, in Moksha two nests or two minks sounds like “kafta PIZYDA”, where kafta is two or two. A swear word starting with the letter “P” even now sounds something between PISA - mink, nest and the actual female organ between the legs, which sounds like PADA. By the way, it’s funny, but the Moksha and Erzya word PAPA means penis! The word Mat comes from the Moksha words: Matt - lie down, Matte - lay down, put out, or from Matym - laying down, extinction! I’m not saying that it’s a fact, but it’s very similar to that, recently, for example, I watched an American comedy called “The Good Old Orgy,” and there was a naked guy running into the pool, shouting: “Make way, a man with a Snake is running!” For your information, there are no genders in the Mordovian languages, i.e. Guy - it can be both a serpent and a serpent. By the way, perhaps by chance, but spermatozoa are also serpentine in shape, small snakes or baby snakes from the Mordovian languages ​​sound like Guinyat or Kuinyat, and baby snake sounds like Guinya or Kuinya, involuntarily consonant with the word X-nya. As a reminder, the Mordovians of the non-Slavic peoples are the closest territorially to the capital of Russia - Moscow.

Soday, age: 47 / 11/06/2016

Since school, I swore, like many of my peers, and it seemed to me that this was the norm. As I grew older, swearing began to disgust me. I forbid all my friends and relatives from swearing, I consider it unworthy. After reading this article, I found the answers to my questions. Thank you author for useful information! People don't dare use foul language. And I advise you not to pay attention to the opinion of Comrade Brutus, since this person is completely incompetent in this matter. His opinion is a material point, the dimensions of which can be neglected.

Mikhail, age: 27 / 03/16/2015

Thank you for such good and most importantly necessary information. I work at a school with teenagers, and it’s just painful to hear them speak. I feel sorry for them, but they don’t understand why I feel sorry for them. Now, thanks to your article, I will give convincing arguments.

Alika, age: 46 / 01/17/2014

Ekaterina, your review cannot leave anyone indifferent. Somehow my heart sank. My son is 16 years old, I have never heard swear words from his lips, because I myself teach him not to express himself in such a way, both in words and by personal example, besides this, our family regularly goes to church, prays, listens to sermons, reads books and that’s why our lives change. Although when I was about 20 years old I could swear myself. I would like to help you somehow, because I can’t imagine if my son behaved like this, I think it would be very painful.

Elena, age: 39 / 08/19/2013

I can say for sure that something dies in a person from swearing. My 18-year-old son has been swearing at me for the last year, films only with swearing. He looks at the translation, but every time my heart skips a beat from these words, I feel as if I’m being beaten, and it’s doubly painful because this is my own son. Reason for insults: I’m an adult, don’t interfere in my life. I “climb” by asking you not to walk at night, because... this is dangerous, and do not drink alcohol, and do not just eat sugar, because... He has type 1 diabetes (insulin deficiency). I entered university this summer and was completely blown away by my own importance. I found a way out - I haven’t been talking at all for the last week, I decided to let go on all 4 sides, this swearing is taking away my last physical strength, silence is better...

Ekaterina, age: 40 / 08/13/2013

Thank you for this article! Hope it helps! How black is my mouth.... Lord forgive me!

Alena, age: 20 / 05/07/2013

Thank you, Dear Author, for such an instructive story! I am sure that this article will help cope with our life problems, to which we can’t find an answer, and we always blame the government, the boss and evil fate for problems. Evil exists, and it will always attack, but the main thing is to understand how to fight it, how to get that very shield that will protect us from the adversity and bad weather of our hectic life. And you literally gave the hand of salvation! God bless you!

Gai Fox, age: 20 / 02/08/2013

Ethnopsychologists. Probably only in collusion with demons could they discover this. For modern science cannot find out what the shaman shouted during the ritual. It is almost impossible to establish the phonetic composition of dead languages, not to mention the fact that the phonetics of ritual was never written down (due to the impossibility of recording). Read the Wikipedia article on Sumerian. As for fighting with stools in the kitchen, I think there is a wrong cause and effect relationship. As you know, according to statistics, a kitchen knife kills more people (in peacetime) than any other object. That is, using your logic, it is the presence of kitchen knives that is a factor of immorality, leading to brawls and murders. As for wartime, more people were killed by completely polite orders than by abuse. So the word is not lost, people die from it.

Brutus, age: 29 / 09/07/2009

See also on this topic:
Mat is a consequence of self-doubt ( Psychologist Alexander Kolmanovsky)
Are we preserving the great Russian word? ( M. M. Dunaev, Doctor of Philology)

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