Guess what he represents. Guess what kind of person. The scheme and meaning of the cards of the esoteric layout of the Tarot "Sun"

Bituminous materials 29.11.2020
Bituminous materials

In Tarot divination, the layout for a person will help to compile an accurate and most complete description of his personality. The cards will tell absolutely everything - what he dreams of, what he strives for, what he feels, what positive and negative traits are present in the character. Anyone can tell fortunes - no special knowledge and skills are required.

You must mentally ask the questions below, in turn - the dropped card will give the answer:

  1. home life goal a mysterious person? This is his most global intention, small goals are not considered. For example, he dreams of inventing a cure for cancer or flying into space, building a huge house or traveling around the world.
  2. Interference on the way to the goal? The map will point out the most important obstacles that need to be removed. If you ignore them, your plan will never come true. This applies to obstacles and circumstances precisely external, coming from the outside world.
  3. Internal barriers? These are also obstacles, but a person builds them around himself. These may be negative attitudes, stereotypes imposed by society. For example, the statement: "You can only get rich in a dishonest way." Knowing this will help to work out negative attitudes and get rid of them, to form more positive thinking.
  4. The most important character traits? These are the most clearly manifesting qualities that are clearly visible to others, even if the person himself denies them.
  5. How do others perceive his appearance? He may not be very handsome, but for some reason people around him think otherwise. Or, on the contrary, a girl with regular facial features will be considered ugly. Most often, this card has a double meaning - it also indicates self-esteem.
  6. What events from the past have affected the present? I mean positive consequences. For example, in the past a person worked hard, so today he has an excellent level of income.
  7. The negative impact of past actions - what events are reflected in the present? Same as in the previous paragraph, but with negative value. For example, in the past a person lied a lot, as a result - in the present he lost the trust of loved ones
  8. What does he dream about, what does he hope for? This card will tell about the most intimate, tell about dreams and desires that a person could never share with anyone.
  9. What is hiding? This card will indicate events from the past, thoughts or desires that the person himself will never admit to. You will probably find out about something embarrassing
  10. What are his plans for the future? What are you waiting for, what goals and objectives does it set? Real picture of events
  11. What to expect in the future from a relationship with this person? Regardless of what kind of relationship you are in - family, love, business or friendship, the card will tell you about the likely development of events.

Watch a video about divination by Tarot cards for a specific person:

The layout of the "Mysterious mask"

This method of fortune-telling is suitable if you and the person are involved in the same situation, the outcome of which is extremely important to you.

  • What does this person think of me?
  • Is he truthful when he states his intentions towards me?
  • What are its real goals and intentions, plans and tasks?
  • What can I get good from a relationship with him?
  • What can I get bad that can upset me?
  • Is he capable of vile, treacherous actions, or is it not worth waiting for a dirty trick?
  • Is our relationship dangerous for me? Is it worth giving up on them?
  • How best to behave in this situation in order to get out of it with the least loss and maximum benefit?
  • What will be the outcome of the case if nothing is done and events are allowed to unfold naturally?
  • With the help of these simple layouts, you can find out everything about any person.

    The layouts on the Tarot cards for personality, the characteristics of a person's character are the most popular. When there is a need to analyze relationships, a person's behavior in business and in communication with others, you need, first of all, to know what is inside him.

    That is why in the piggy bank of each tarologist there is one or more layouts, simple and complex, in order to tell fortunes for a specific person.

    Such layouts, as a rule, include questions about the general emotional state of a person, his deep feelings, emotions, feelings. A separate block highlights questions about the essence of man, what lies at its basis.

    You can also tell fortunes on a person, the only question is whether the alignment in this case will be sufficiently informative. You can use any layout you like, depending on the goals you are pursuing and the need to study the person in detail.

    We offer you several layouts on Tarot cards that you can apply in your work.

    The layout of the Tarot cards "Personality"

    “Personality” is perhaps one of the simplest layouts. He touches on the main points without going into the details. Consists of a spread of six cards. Shuffle the deck and draw cards one at a time, asking each one a question.

    1. What is the essence of personality?
    2. What is this person's image?
    3. What qualities of a person are basic for him?
    4. What are the main goals of a person in life?
    5. What negative qualities prevent a person from achieving his goal?
    6. What kind positive traits help achieve the goal?

    You can also draw the seventh card, which will be the final one for the spread. The seventh card will show the big picture, name the person, perform a kind. However, it is not necessary to do so.

    In such a scenario, as nowhere else, additional cards may be required in order to expand the information. If initially the meaning of the card in a particular question is not clear to you, pull out an additional one, it will explain.

    The layout of the Tarot cards per person "Portrait"

    Another alignment, more complex in terms of the number of cards and the questions asked, we will call "Portrait". It is quite popular among tarologists among Tarot layouts for a specific person.

    So, the layout consists of eleven cards. Randomly draw cards from the deck by asking them questions.

    1. What is the main purpose of a person in life?
    2. External obstacles that hinder its achievement?
    3. What are the inner obstacles and weaknesses of a person?
    4. What is the inner personality of a person, its characteristic features?
    5. What impression does the person make on the outside?
    6. What are the positive, pleasant events of the past that affect the situation today?
    7. What are the negative events of the past that are not reflected in the current situation in the best way?
    8. What are the hopes and dreams of man today?
    9. What is a person accustomed to keeping deep inside himself?
    10. Plans and expectations for the future regarding this situation.
    11. Map of the future, what should we expect from a person in the near future?

    This version of the alignment is good to use not just for analyzing a person, but for studying his behavior in a particular situation. Suppose you are using, and you need to study in more detail the behavior of one of the partners in this situation. In this case, such a detailed analysis of a person is the best fit.

    The layout of the Tarot cards per person "Mysterious mask"

    Another alignment that we offer considers the behavior of a person in a specific situation related to you. There are many examples of such situations: these are situations at work with colleagues and superiors, and relationships with business partners, friends, and relatives.

    The alignment helps to understand what exactly a person is going to do in a given situation, and what will remain behind the scenes. "Mask" can also be used as a layout in complex analysis love relationship, for example, with layouts and .

    So, the layout consists of ten cards. Draw cards from the deck, asking them questions one by one:

    1. What is this person?
    2. What does he think of me?
    3. How does he convey his intentions to me?
    4. What are the true intentions of a person?
    5. What positive can bring me a relationship with this person?
    6. What negative can bring a relationship with this person?
    7. Is this person capable of committing meanness towards me?
    8. Does the person pose a serious danger to me?
    9. How can I best deal with this person?
    10. How will my relationship with this person most likely end?

    Each of the described layouts, as well as any other layout, you can order from our tarologist in the section.

    To start free online divination click on the deck of cards at the bottom of the page. Hold down the deck until you feel like it's time to end the shuffle.

    Divination online for free What kind of person. This fortune-telling will directly tell you about the prospects for communicating with a mysterious person, what you can expect and what you should be afraid of. You can guess both on a loved one and just on a familiar person in order to find out what is happening to him or what kind of relationship is possible between you.

    Divination technique online for free

    Take an unplayed deck of cards that contains all the cards from sixes to aces, for a total of 36 pieces. Shuffle the cards very carefully, slide part of the deck towards you with your left hand. Start laying out the cards face up in four rows of nine cards each, each last card of the row will be one of the sides of the hidden person. So lay out all 36 cards, after that you can begin to interpret fortune-telling. Below is a description of each card for independent divination> Description >

    Description of maps

    Ace of hearts Favorite home.
    King of hearts Any man, sometimes a father.
    Lady of hearts A woman is sometimes a mistress, often points to her mother.
    Jack of Hearts Complications on the love front.
    10 hearts Love dreams.
    9 hearts Love, see adjacent cards to determine what kind of love it is.
    8 hearts Love date.
    7 hearts Love adventure.
    6 hearts Joint path, or identical thoughts.
    Ace of clubs There may be a relationship, a hint.
    King of clubs Chief, senior colleague, father.
    Queen of clubs Advisor, old friend.
    Jack of clubs Problem notifications.
    10 clubs Selfish interests.
    9 clubs A strong love feeling, most likely one-sided, or with some kind of trick.
    8 clubs Joint pastime.
    7 clubs Business conversation.
    6 clubs Business interests or a late road.
    Ace of diamonds letter or money.
    king of tambourine Young bachelor.
    lady tambourine A friend is sometimes a lover.
    Jack of tambourine Conversations are not always pleasant.
    10 tambourine Your hopes should come true, a favorable financial component is also possible.
    9 tambourine Love with some subtext.
    8 tambourine Common interests, most likely financial, but possibly not only.
    7 tambourine Excellent interlocutor.
    6 tambourines Reliable and true way.
    Ace of Spades Strike of fate
    king of spades Interference from an influential figure.
    Queen of Spades An unpleasant person, someone's anger.
    Jack of Spades Empty news.
    10 spades Expect trouble.
    9 spades Disorder, illness, unhappy love.
    8 peak Communication sadness.
    7 spades There will be tears.
    6 spades Windiness, inconstancy.

    Fortune telling, which was a favorite of Empress Catherine II, according to legend, was quite simple. On 40 cards, 40 symbols were depicted, which had a classic decoding, but for a specific situation they could have direct meaning and indicate exactly what is depicted on them. Out of 40 cards turned upside down, three were selected and, depending on the question of interest, the result was interpreted. try this fortune-telling to predict fate or clarify a question that interests you.

    The Lenormand "Two" card layout is one of the most popular when divining for love and relationships between a woman and a man. This divination shows the conscious and unconscious relationship between two close people, what thoughts and feelings they have for each other, what actions they take and what their relationship will be in the future.

    The layout of the cards on the oracle Simbolon "Step by Step" is necessary for predicting the development of the situation, the state of things in the future. With the help of this alignment, you can find out how events will develop, what hinders, and what will help you, and how the matter will end. Focus and ask your question to the cards.

    Lenormand's "Separation" card layout Suitable for those who disagree with a partner or are on the verge of such a break. This fortune-telling will help you find out what your partner’s attitude is towards parting, how your life will change if you decide to leave or maintain a relationship, and most importantly, is there a chance for your relationship. Focus and imagine the situation, ask the cards a question, choose 6 cards from the deck.

    Love divination on the Tarot cards "Venus in Scorpio" gives an understanding of how partners relate to each other, what feelings they experience, hidden influence, and also what important events in a relationship should be expected in the near future. This alignment is valid for about 3 months, if you change the tactics of behavior, we advise you to conduct this alignment again, since the prediction of the future is always based on the preservation of the principles and tactics of human behavior. The advice that the cards give you will help you in your question (maintaining or improving relationships) and does not always relate to the realm of feelings. Concentrate and ask your question to the cards.

    Love divination on gypsy cards Tarot will tell you how it treats you and what the hidden person thinks about you. This alignment also shows what feelings the person you are interested in has towards you, what attitude he demonstrates and what he hides, what goals he sets in your relationship, what he plans for you in the future tense and what is the result of communication with this person. Think of your question and choose cards from the deck.

    In astrology, the Sun symbolizes individuality, personality, consciousness and will, the level of energy and creativity. All planets revolve around the Sun, and each person is the center of his own World.

    The possibility of self-expression and manifestation of one's personality is very important. However, sometimes the will, creative impulses or other conscious manifestations of the personality are suppressed or blocked by some circumstances.

    If you are having difficulty expressing yourself or feel that your Vital energy suppressed, use the esoteric Tarot layout “The Sun”.

    The five cards of this spread will show different aspects of the current energy state of your personality and will help you to better understand and understand your interaction with the World and the Universe.

    The alignment is performed by the Major Arcana. If before fortune-telling you experience a feeling of excitement or anxiety, we recommend.

    The scheme and meaning of the cards of the esoteric layout of the Tarot "Sun"

    Card 1 - How do you consciously perceive yourself at the moment
    Card 2 - The true image of your Self, your soul
    Card 3 - How the World and the Universe perceives you at the moment
    Card 4 - What energies strengthen and harmonize the manifestations of your personality
    Card 5 - What energies weaken or block manifestations of your personality

    MAP 1
    How do you consciously perceive yourself at the moment?

    You got "Lovers", which always means Decision, Choice (even if it's not about love). This Choice carries implicitness and irreversibility to the rejected option. “A medal has two sides” - The Real Truth can be seen only by examining all possible sides of the issue. The need to rely on intuition and inspiration. Deep emotional connection, equality in relationships, the ability to understand the importance of another opinion and appreciate it.

    MAP 2
    The true image of your higher self, your soul

    The card "The Hermit", which fell out to you, means leaving the world, escaping from life, isolation, immersion in oneself, the search for peace and loneliness in order to deal with one's own thoughts and feelings. "The Hermit" speaks of caution and discretion in words and actions. He is too wise and detached from the bustle of life to act hastily and impulsively. Its goal is inner harmony, its means is knowledge.

    MAP 3
    How the World and the Universe perceives you at the moment

    Here is your card - "Wheel of Fortune". This is Chance, Fate, turning point, unforeseen. The need to accept your Destiny in order to gain power over it. The uncertainty of the situation, futile attempts to grab hold of the elusive order of things, to stabilize. Immersion in the question, dedication to solving a life problem. Ability to cope with the demands of the circumstances.

    MAP 4
    What energies enhance manifestations of your personality

    The "Judgment" karate that fell to you here - a symbol of deliverance, liberation, healing - speaks of the imminent end of suffering and the coming into life of something really valuable. This is a spiritual rebirth, repentance, forgiveness, redemption of the past. Return of what was lost. A successful outcome of old cases and new beginnings, positive changes in life, provided that fearlessness and activity are maintained. Restless nature, search for novelty, recuperation.

    MAP 5
    What energies weaken, suppress or block manifestations of your personality

    Here is a map in front of you. High Priestess". It implies deep, subconscious forces: intuition, inner voice, forebodings, giving firm confidence without logical arguments; as well as patience, indulgence, the ability to wait for the right moment for active action. This is a connection with the Cosmos that encourages you to know the truth within yourself. The card also means a wise, mysterious woman, the ability for deep self-development, for the transmission of esoteric knowledge.

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