I dreamed of clouds in the form of animals. Why does a cloud dream about a dream book - "Dream book: a truthful interpreter of dreams L. Moroz". Your personal dream book Clouds

Aviary 19.11.2020
  • A veil is fogging over the sea,
  • It swirls both night and day.
  • In the mountain village, the rain is drizzling, Autumn has already come. Wang Guan Yang (died 1380) Primary elements - earth, metal, water, wood. Elements - moisture, dryness, cold, wind. Emotions - thoughtfulness, sadness, fear, anger. Organs - spleen, pancreas, stomach, lungs , colon, kidneys, bladder, liver, gallbladder. Planets - Saturn, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter. Explanation and interpretation Water, heaven and earth are three of the eight fundamental symbols of birth and movement of life in Chinese philosophy ... A person must maintain the correct balance of energies in himself and around him. If you add a little more yang energy to the water, then it will tend to the sky, like all entities with a predominance of yang energy. Heavenly light, heavenly warmth add yang energy to water. Water turns into steam, fog, aspires to the sky, gathering there in a cloud and raining back to the earth, carries with it a strong charge of Yang energy. Isn't this why rain and snow water are good for drinking? In the oldest Chinese philosophical books it is said that the Great Limit, or wu chi, existed first of all - this is what was before the universe appeared; it is a kind of event that caused the beginning of the movement, a kind of self-valuable existence. The aspiration of water to the sky is natural: if the opposite came from a single root, then the two halves will strive for reunification. The transformation of water into clouds, steam and fog will be an earthly semblance of the moment of transformation of chi into tai chi: life has arisen, there is still no definite shape, but the scope for development is endless. Is it not because people are so fond of contemplating clouds and foggy masses of air that they see in them the prototypes of the birth of the universe? The majestic picture of clouds running across the sky has fascinated people for millennia: people watch and absorb the rhythm of reunification, the rhythm of the eternal circulation of yin and yang - the rhythm of immortality in the mutability of forms. Clouds, steam, fog in a dream to see / be among them (sensation) is a mixture of yin and yang energy. Clouds / steam / fog dream / observe them with pleasure in a dream - the passion to look at the variability of cloudy and foggy masses speaks of the desire for an adequate knowledge of the world and one's place in it. The world exists by itself, man is one of the forms of existence of the world, the observer is the eyes and the mirror of the world; if a person fulfills his function, then his life is durable. Approaching such a worldview bestows peace, strength and self-confidence. Is it possible to be insecure about the forces given by the earth and the sky? A calm and confident person will achieve success in any area. Sleep is good in any season, but especially in autumn. Calm sadness from comparing oneself with the vastness of the universe has a beneficial effect on the lungs and in the future, in winter, on the kidneys. Steam, fog to observe with displeasure / to be frightened in a dream of the diversity and variability of forms / to lose the way in the fog and to be afraid - displeasure and fear when realizing the vastness of the pre-in the eternal movement of the universe is a sign that in the dreamer's life there is little to do with the rhythms of nature and Space. A small artificial world of its own concepts and laws has been put in the place of the Universe, but the latent feeling of the artificiality of such a life, its illusory and unreality, has long given rise to internal depression and complete disbelief in oneself. The purpose of life disappeared in the dangerous primordial fog that became for artificial creation. Unwillingness to admit one's mistakes makes one be afraid of the fog, although one should be afraid of oneself - the fog around the dreamer is an outlet to the outside of his own emotional sphere of the inner unhealthy yin, such a fog can even naturally give rise to images of evil spirits (see the corresponding article), expelled by their own spirit. Sleep is unfavorable, the ambiguity of the purpose of the general movement will give rise, if not an instant collapse, then confusion in business and relationships, which will someday lead to collapse. The depression emaciated the lungs and damaged the kidneys, spleen and liver, too, in a state of extreme exhaustion from fighting hazy ghosts. Clouds to watch with fear (specifically clouds) - clouds are closer to the Sky than just steam and fog. To watch the clouds, you have to throw your head back. Communication with Heaven can be interrupted only through one's own fault, as a result of unethical actions or complete rejection, not thinking about the vastness and endlessness of life. The fear of clouds and the sky in a dream actually coincides with purely material interests in life and hostility to all non-everyday high topics. From a medical point of view, the spleen does not perform well in moving fluids, which causes congestion in the lungs. The lungs and spleen adversely affect the kidneys, resulting in a void of the kidneys. The general symptoms will be: weakness, swelling, shortness of breath, indigestion, malaise of the genitourinary system and a feeling of cold and, as it were, internal emptiness, which are often quenched by the use of alcohol. If sleep and some of the accompanying symptoms appeared in a sluggish paradise, then the disease will manifest itself with very likely in the spring, in the season of renewal and rebirth of life: when the spiritual basis of rebirth is absent, then there can be no physical rebirth, then in the spring diseases of the liver and gallbladder are born. Sleep is unfavorable and requires a global revision of relations with the world.

Clouds are a symbol of our subconsciousness, our deepest desires and hopes, as well as everything unearthly, which simply cannot be reached by hand. Today we will help you find out why clouds are dreaming, because such a dream can tell a lot about your subconscious mind and about the future of your aspirations.

Of great importance in dreams is the color and structure of the clouds, their speed and how you felt when you saw them. Therefore, before we can decipher your dream, try to remember it well.


Clouds, of course, can dream of any color of the rainbow, but usually they are either bright white or gray and rainy. White clouds symbolize some goal in your life, which will definitely come true soon. But there are other meanings of such dreams:

  • Good news - you will soon receive good news or you will discover a new one positive feature, about which they did not know before.
  • Success at Work - Fluffy white clouds indicate that you are doing a great job and it will pay off soon. Such dreams also denote cherished aspirations, over which there is still a little work to be done in order to bring them to life.
  • Good luck in relationships - bright white clouds promise a pleasant meeting or a breakthrough in a love relationship.
  • Clarification in the situation - white clouds high in blue symbolize the acquisition of necessary knowledge, clarification difficult situations and full awareness of useful ideas.

The sky in silver-gray clouds means the end of a dark streak in life, a victory over depression and an improvement in mood. Blue-gray thunderclouds symbolize a desperate desire to understand a situation or an issue that has been haunted lately.

Scarlet clouds are an omen of good luck, and the sky in pink clouds is a symbol of calmness and carelessness. If you dreamed of clouds shining with all the colors of the rainbow, great success and happiness await you.

What did you do in your dream

If you dreamed about how you are climbing a long one leading to the sky, then do not look back and do not turn anywhere. Such a dream means that you are on the right path to understanding your desires and finding a purpose in life that will bring you true happiness.

You see yourself in the arms of a thick one or you wade through a cloud - there are many small worries around you in life, but if you can let go of these worries and focus on the main goal, you can easily bring it to life.

If you dream of a walk on the clouds, it means that you have enough strength and optimism to achieve a joyful and cloudless life. If in a dream you are in the clouds, then in real life you were able to free yourself from any limitation that fetters the body or soul. Such a dream can also talk about spiritual freedom from everything material, or about the desire to live in dreams and dreams.

Fly a race with colorful clouds - soon you will have a pleasant trip, acquaintance or a romantic date. Jumping on white fluffy clouds - to find a readiness for a serious relationship, a desire to start a family or open your feelings to a loved one.

If in a dream you wanted to taste the cloud, then a pleasant financial bonus, an increase in wealth or material support from the outside awaits you... Touching a cloud in a dream is a symbol of achieving a dream so unattainable that you can hardly believe in its fulfillment.

Looking at bizarre figures from the clouds is a harbinger of surprises and good news in your personal life. Romantic confessions, gifts and tenderness from your partner await you. White clouds that change their shapes are a harbinger of well-being in the family, mutual understanding and support from relatives.

If you gaze intently at the sky and try to distinguish familiar shapes in the shapes of clouds, then in life you are preoccupied with a problem from which you have not yet found a way out. Clouds often symbolize knowledge, so such a dream hints that in order to solve the problem, you should get the necessary additional information, thoroughly study the situation. Perhaps you are taking too much on yourself, and now is the time to ask a friend for help.

Movement of clouds in the sky

By the movement of clouds in the sky of the dream world, you can get a forecast much more important than a weather forecast, because such dreams tell us about the upcoming changes and the outcome of affairs. For example, if you see a lot of white clouds in the sky, new opportunities and chances of success await you. Feel free to take advantage of them.

If you dreamed of rain clouds gathering from all sides, then it's time to look into your dream book. Clouds, especially rain clouds, act as a symbol of fertility, generosity and new opportunities.

Breaking through the clouds means that the difficulties are over and it is time to reap the fruits of your efforts. Seeing in a dream the clearing night sky after the rain - to the joys and small pleasant achievements. If the sun and sky are completely covered, you have a keen sense of responsibility. And the clouds, overshadowed by themselves, are a symbol of calmness and patience.

Clouds that sweep with great speed over your head mean your willingness to act decisively in a situation. If they flew quickly, then the situation will be resolved in your favor.

The dreams in which you see the sky are amazing and very positive. Clouds belong to air and water - two of the four natural elements, the elements of change and fertility. Therefore, dreams where you see clouds usually symbolize favorable changes, pleasant surprises, fulfillment of desires and new opportunities.

Light clouds in a dream: symbolize daydreaming and uncertainty. Most likely, your life plans lack specificity.

Nevertheless, if the clouds in your dream are small and beautiful: such a dream can portend positive emotions for you.

Sun behind clouds: a sign of misunderstanding. Perhaps you are confused in some issue or are going to take up a business in which you do not understand much.

Seeing stars behind the clouds: a sign that empty fantasies and inability to concentrate prevent you from achieving some important goal.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the twentieth century

What does Cloud dream mean?

White and red - fortunately.

Wandering in the clouds - the situation will be discharged happily and with benefit for you.

Seeing people floating in the sky is not a success you are doing.

Seeing multi-colored clouds is great happiness and prosperity in everything.

Red and white clouds - happiness.

Clouds are the bliss in commercial operations.

Vapor clouds rise above the burial mound - fortunately.

Clouds suddenly obscure the sun - secret machinations, nefarious deeds.

The clouds dissipate, the sun appears - the unhappy situation will be resolved.

The clouds are blue or black - unfortunately.

Clouds Rising from Four Sides - Success in Business Operations.

Clouds floating across the sky - the work you are doing will not end in success.

Multi-colored clouds - portends great happiness and prosperity in everything.

Black clouds descend on the ground - diseases associated with breathing.

Interpretation of dreams from a Chinese dream book

Dreaming of Clouds

They serve as harbingers of success or recognition, especially if the clouds are light and bright.

Fast-moving clouds - can mean a decline in business, a mistake, rain clouds will bring you well-being.

Suddenly, clouds cover the sun - secret machinations, vile deeds interfere with you.

Multi-colored clouds - great happiness and prosperity awaits you in everything.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the XXI century

What Cloud Dreams Mean

Seeing black heavy clouds in a dream portends failure and inability to cope with work. If it rains, expect trouble and illness.

Seeing brilliant, clear clouds with the rays of the sun shining through them means that soon you will achieve success after you have been accompanied by worries and worries for a long time.

Seeing transparent clouds with stars twinkling through them means fleeting joys and small successes in business.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's dream book

What does Clouds mean in a dream

Dark clouds indicate that you will have to go through a great mountain.

If the clouds move or break, the sadness will pass.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Sivananda

Meaning of Dreams Clouds

Very expressive pointers.

Watching the clouds: This is the fastest way to receive signs.

Clouds instantly convey messages and show us signs beautifully.

Watching the clouds: you can see how their changing shapes and shadows make sense.

The American Indians call the spirits in the clouds "cloud people."

These creatures transmit messages through their movements in the sky.

Clear clouds: indicate spiritual uplift.

This positive, healthy symbol is associated with peace of mind.

Storm clouds: May herald a spiritual quest.

A storm is brewing in my soul.

It can also be a sign of air purification and personal cleansing.

Are you building castles in the air?

Interpretation of dreams from the American dream book

What does Clouds mean in a dream?

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the Canaanite

The Meaning of Sleep Clouds

Black, heavy clouds in a dream portend failure and the inability to do their job. Clouds with rain dream of trouble and illness. Shining, clear clouds with the rays of the sun making their way through them portend success after long worries and worries. Transparent clouds with stars twinkling in them - to fleeting joys and modest success in business.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern dream book

What the Clouds predict in a dream

Clean, white, fluffy for good; with a darkened, leaden tint, cloudy transient, darkened states of the soul.

Interpretation of dreams from the Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

What does it mean to see Clouds in a dream

A cloud or cloud is a merciful and learned king or ruler, doing deeds worthy of the teaching of faith. A cloud with thunder and lightning is an angry and fearsome king. If someone sees in a dream that a cloud has covered the sky, but the storm and thunderstorm do not accompany this cloud, then the one who sees such a dream will receive mercy from the Most High God. Rain, if it is seen everywhere, means the mercy of the Lord, and if it happens only in one area or building, it means illness or unrest.

Interpretation of dreams from the Muslim dream book

What the Cloud's dream predicts

Seeing white light clouds in the blue sky - professional success, honors and awards await you. If you have seen a blue sky that is covered by black clouds, a dream portends failure in your personal life and trouble in your career. If the clouds have completely covered the sky, so that no gap is visible, then a series of dull everyday life begins in your life, full of routine work and joyless worries. If a gap appears in a gray cloudy sky through which it breaks Sunray, this means that your gray life will be illuminated by some kind of joyful event that will give you strength and cheer you up. If the clearance increases and the sky clears of cloudiness - the period of failures ends, soon you will start to be lucky again. Seeing white clouds in the night sky is a good sign. Sleep means quiet family joys (see also Heaven).

Seeing a thundercloud, in which lightning flashes, is a formidable event, after which, however, your life will improve a lot. Seeing cumulus, rain clouds - difficult, but fruitful work awaits you, the result of which you will be satisfied both morally and financially.

If you dreamed of storm clouds, imagine that they scatter, bright rays of the sun break through them - and soon the sky becomes completely clear.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Meaning of Dreaming Clouds

A bad sign.

The wind drives the clouds, and the sky becomes clear - soon things will go smoothly.

Seeing clouds near the sun is fortunately a symbol of the help of a big man and the end of troubles.

Seeing white clouds means a good harvest.

Black clouds are a symbol of the epidemic in your area.

Multicolored clouds are a symbol of struggle, the invasion of enemies into your territory.

Interpretation of dreams from the Feng Shui Dream Interpretation

To see Clouds in a dream

A lone cloud standing in the clear sky of sleep is a waking gift for you or someone's gratitude.

Beautiful, light clouds are a sign of success and recognition.

Heavy, gloomy, running very fast - to anxiety, worries, mistakes.

Rain cloud, rain from a cloud - to illness or well-being (depending on what kind of rain and what kind of cloud: for example, blind rain).

Transparent night clouds with stars twinkling through them are fleeting joys.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Interpretation

Sleep Prediction Clouds

Meditation is shown, at the same time it makes sense to analyze your life and if there are serious sins, sincerely repent of them, perhaps confess and take the sacrament in church according to your faith (the unbeliever mentally repents before those whom he has offended, sincerely asks them for forgiveness).

Cirrus clouds - wait for new love.

Cloud - plans that will come true only with hard work.

Interpretation of dreams from the Newest dream book

Why do Clouds dream

In any case, a journey is foreshadowed. If the clouds are white, then the trip will be pleasant, but if they are dark and thunderstorm, then unforeseen obstacles are possible on the way.

If the sky is completely covered by clouds, then it is better for you not to leave the house at all, as there is a high probability of getting into an accident even when traveling by public transport.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation for women

Dreaming Clouds

Clouds - Cumulus - for rainy weather. Feathery, wavy - to fruitless dreams and the game of imagination. To be, to sit on a cloud - groundless hopes, it's time to return to earth.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric dream book

What Cloud Dreams Mean

"to soar (fly) in the clouds" is fruitless to dream.

"cloudless sky overhead" protection, favor.

"clouds are gathering" trouble comes.

1 Dream interpretation of Cleopatra

Clouds seen in a dream warn that you are slightly carried away by dreams that distract you from real events and prevent you from establishing relationships with a loved one.
Dreaming clouds speak of your frivolity, that you are superficial, not serious about love relationship while you yourself demand too much of them.
If in a dream you are faced with a deception, such a dream warns that in reality someone is actively trying to prevent you from being happy.

2 Dream interpretation of Cleopatra

Seeing clouds in a dream means:

Clouds and clouds overhead - they say that you have to go through some sorrowful events, but you will not have to grieve for long.

3 The ABC of interpretation of dreams

Clouds moving fast - Decline, mistake; clouds with rain - well-being.

4 Dream interpretation for the whole family

Sleeping with clouds means:

Clouds - in any case, herald a journey.
If the clouds are white - the trip will be pleasant, but if they are dark, thunderstorm, then unforeseen obstacles are possible on the way.
If the sky is completely covered by clouds, you better not leave your house at all, as there is a high probability of getting into an accident even when traveling by public transport.

5 Dream interpretation of Catherine the Great

Cloud sleep meaning:

What do Clouds mean in a dream - you see beautiful white clouds in a dream; you, perhaps, see yourself soaring among these clouds - a beautiful social life awaits you; you will have acquaintances with world renown; sleep promises prosperity to your home; you will eat deliciously and sleep sweetly. You dream of dark pre-storm clouds - failures are coming in your life. Rain falls on you from leaden clouds - a dream says that you will be seriously ill. You see that stars are peeping through the clouds - insignificant successes in a difficult matter await you, but they will delight you too. The clouds seem to quickly sweep across the sky - most likely, your business will decline.

6 Dream book of the healer Akulina

You dreamed of Clouds - Clear - to success, stormy - to danger. Imagine that thunderclouds dissipate, the bright rays of the sun break through them, and soon the sky becomes completely clear.

7 Jewish dream book

You dreamed of Clouds - Follow the movement of the clouds. For a woman - A dream in spring means that your intuition will tell you what to do; in the summer - to hazy forebodings; dreamed in the fall, it means that guests will not come and you will have to drink alone; dreamed in winter, he warns that you are going to commit a rash act that may have bad consequences. For a man - A dream in the spring warns that you are too distrustful; dreamed in the summer - to confusion in business and relationships with people; seen in the fall - he is to empty fantasies; a dream in winter says that you should pay more attention to your health.

8 Dream interpretation of a housewife

Clouds in a dream mean:

Clouds are mood. Light - good feelings; cumulus and cirrus - relief from anxiety; dark - depression; transparent clouds through which the stars shine through - fleeting joys in life; rays of the sun make their way through the clouds - improving the mood.

9 Zhou-Gong's Chinese dream book

Clouds - Clouds rise from four sides. - Happiness in commercial transactions. You see colorful clouds. - Foreshadows great happiness and prosperity in everything. If you see red and white clouds. - Fortunately. If the clouds are blue or black. - Unfortunately. You see clouds floating across the sky. - The business that you are doing will not end with success. Wandering in clouds and fogs. - The situation will be resolved happily and profitably for you, If black clouds descend on the ground. - Diseases associated with breathing.

10 Dream Interpretation Maya

Good meaning If you dreamed of a white cloud, you will soon be invited to a housewarming. This event will happen earlier if you burn candles and incense every day.
Bad meaning If you dreamed of a storm cloud, then soon you will die. To avoid this, you need to walk in the rain or take a cold shower.

11 Dream Interpretation Maya

Why do women dream of clouds:

Clear clouds indicate spiritual uplift. This positive, healthy symbol is associated with peace of mind.
Thunderclouds can herald a spiritual crisis and doubt. A storm is brewing in my soul.

12 Dream Interpretation Maya

Seeing clouds in a dream means:

Clouds are vague dreams; "Hovering in the clouds" is unreal. Longing for escape by the shortest route.
Dim, “cloudy - there is a hazy, view of the world; the cloudiness between the individual and the sun is a symbol of conscious intelligence and fertility.
Clouds with rain are an ambivalent symbol, on the one hand, fertility and rebirth, on the other, if the rain is strong, devastation and destruction.

13 Magic dream book

A dream with clouds in the dream book is interpreted as:

What do Clouds mean in a dream - to see fluffy white clouds - in real life, dreams will appear that do not belong to the material sphere. To rush to the clouds is to plan an extraordinary, romantic trip. After a while, you will change these plans. Wandering in the fog of clouds - dreaminess and distraction interfere with career growth. The mountain, the top of which is covered by clouds, - there will be many difficulties in achieving the goal, and the result is doubtful. To see clouds under you (under your feet) - to honor and dignity, to be between passing clouds - to be in the center of interesting events. Silver-colored clouds - life without much difficulty. Curly clouds - for adventurous undertakings.

14 The interpreter of 1829

Sleeping with clouds means:

To see a cloud that has fallen means great surprise; to see him above one portends honor and exaltation.

15 Islamic dream book according to the Qur'an and Suna

Cloud sleep meaning:

Clouds - A cloud or cloud is a king or chief, the merciful and learned, doing deeds worthy of the teachings of faith. A cloud with thunder and lightning is an angry and fearsome king. If you dream that a cloud has covered the sky, but the storm and thunderstorm do not accompany this cloud, then the one who dreamed will receive mercy from the Almighty God. Rain, if it is seen everywhere, means the mercy of the Lord, and if it happens only in one area or building - to illness or unrest.

16 Esoteric dream book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of clouds:

Cumulus clouds - rainy weather.
Feathery, wavy - to fruitless dreams and the game of imagination.
To be, to sit on a cloud of groundless hopes - it's time to return to earth.

17 Dream book of Schiller-Schoolboy

What clouds can dream of:

difficulty in business.

18 Dream interpretation of tarot

Clouds in a dream mean:

Large clouds in the sky (of which hands in Aces are often drawn in the Tarot) symbolize mysticism, the intervention of higher powers. For example, in the Five of Cups, one of the Cups is offered by the hand, and in the Seven of Cups, hands from the clouds surround the bowls. In the lasso World, flying characters are depicted in the corners of the map, with clouds.

19 Dream interpretation of Nina Grishina

If a girl dreams of clouds, then this means:

Beautiful clouds in the sky, their slow motion and play of forms - the harmonious life of the soul.
Seeing one bright cloud in the sky is something good.
And above your head is honor.
Clouds rushing across the sky are a symbol of interference from outside world your spiritual development / unpleasant and rapid change of mood, vanity, everyday troubles and worries.
Cirrus clouds are secret, soul-elevating sorrows.
Being in the clouds - news / new post.

20 Big dream book Phoebe

Why does a woman dream of clouds:

You dreamed of Clouds - to professional success, honors and rewards. Imagine a warm summer day, you are outside the city, in nature, lying on the grass and looking at the sky. The sun is shining, the sky above you is clear and bright blue. Suddenly, a light, warm and pleasant breeze starts to blow, and white clouds come over the sky.

But they do not block the sun, you are still warm. These light clouds do not promise rain, and you can admire them calmly. They take on the most amazing and bizarre forms, as if on purpose to please you. You look at this sight with interest.

21 Russian dream book

What do Clouds mean in a dream - thoughts, meditations, dreams; a rain cloud, especially with a rainbow, is a productive activity.

22 English dream book

If in a dream over your head you see thickening, black ones, you will have to endure a heavy, crushing grief.
If, in a dream, light clouds quickly float above you and through them you see the sun, it means that everything in your life will be fine, sorrows will go away, all bad things will be forgotten, and things will go uphill.

23 Slavic dream book

Clouds - small problems are possible in your business.

24 Dream interpretation 2012

Clouds are a reflection of spiritual uplift, peace in the soul. A reminder that castles in the air have taken too long to materialize.
Those who run fast are a reflection of spiritual search.
Clouds are informative signs not only in dreams. To make out a sign, it is worth observing them, or at least paying attention more often. Naturally, it is necessary to interpret the received signs only intuitively. Usually the first thing that comes to mind without hesitation is a hint.

25 Intimate dream book

Why do Clouds dream:

Cloud - Clouds seen in a dream warn that you are a little carried away by dreams that distract you from real events and prevent you from establishing relationships with a loved one. Dreaming clouds speak of your frivolity, that you are superficial, not serious about love relationships, while you yourself demand too much of them.

26 Dream interpretation of birthdays of September, October, November, December

To dream of a bizarre cloud that looks like something is to some kind of pleasant surprise.

27 Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit

Cloud - Business Difficulty

28 Women's dream book

What does it mean to see Clouds in a dream - Black, heavy clouds in a dream portend failure and the inability to do your job. Clouds with rain dream of trouble and illness. Shining, clear clouds with the rays of the sun making their way through them portend success after long worries and worries. Transparent clouds with stars twinkling in them - to fleeting joys and modest success in business, this is how what you dream in a dream is deciphered.

29 Women's dream book

Clouds are a symbol of unrealizable hopes and expectations. You are worried about breaking up with your partner and hope that he will return. However, you should not amuse yourself with vain expectations, it is better to forget everything that connected you with him, and try to find a new hobby.

30 Dream interpretation of lovers

Why do Clouds dream:

If you dream of light clouds, this portends success in love and reconciliation with your loved one.
Transparent clouds through which the stars shine portend joy, possibly receiving a gift from the chosen one.

31 Psychotherapeutic dream book

Clouds - Vague dreams, hovering in the clouds; unreal. Longing for escape by the shortest route. A dull, cloudy, that is, foggy, view of the world; cloudiness between the individual and the sun; a symbol of conscious mind and fertility. Clouds with rain. An ambivalent symbol, on the one hand, fertility and rebirth, on the other, if the rain is strong - devastation and destruction.

32 Freud's dream book

The dreaming cloud - symbolizes the illusion of your hopes and aspirations for the partner with whom you broke up. Don't make plans to get him back, but get on with a more rewarding affair in your personal life.

33 Dream interpretation of Azar

Clouds are a hindrance in business, new tests.

34 Dream interpretation of winged phrases

CLOUDS - "to soar (fly) in the clouds" - it is fruitless to dream; "Cloudless sky overhead" - protection, favor; "Clouds are gathering" - trouble comes; "Light as a cloud".

35 Muslim dream book

Why do Clouds dream:

A cloud or cloud is a king or chief, a merciful and learned, doing deeds worthy of the teaching of faith. A cloud with thunder and lightning is an angry and fearsome king. If someone sees in a dream that a cloud has covered the sky, but the storm and thunderstorm do not accompany this cloud, then the one who sees such a dream will receive mercy from the Most High God. Rain, if it is seen everywhere, means the mercy of the Lord, and if it happens only in one area or building, it means illness or unrest.

36 New dream book 1918

Fast moving clouds - business decline; rainfall - well-being.

37 Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Clouds in a dream - serve as harbingers of success or recognition, especially if the clouds are light and bright.
Fast moving clouds - can mean a decline in business, a mistake; rain clouds will bring you well-being.
If the clouds unexpectedly cover the sun, it means that secret machinations, vile deeds interfere with you.
Seeing multi-colored clouds in a dream means that great happiness and prosperity awaits you in everything.

38 Dream interpretation for bitches

Clouds - difficulties and failures in work.
Clouds, rain clouds - troubles and grief.
Scattering clouds - after worries and difficult worries, the time for success and prosperity comes.
White, transparent clouds - passing joys and pleasures.

39 Online dream book

According to the dream book, air clouds in the heavenly heights portend changes for the better, you have endured many trials and are now worthy of a whole portion of all kinds of benefits.
If they are gray, lead - you will be haunted by problems and grief.
Stars are peeping behind them - you should be more realistic and set adequate tasks for yourself, without indulging in pink dreams, otherwise you will not achieve success.
You dreamed of clouds of all colors of the rainbow - in reality you will achieve incredible success, you will always and everywhere be lucky.
If they literally hang over the ground and look gloomy, your entrepreneurial endeavors will not be crowned with success, you will incur losses.

40 Small dream book

Why do Clouds dream:

If in a dream you see heavy clouds in the sky, then fate awaits you with various obstacles on the way to your cherished goal. If it suddenly starts to rain from the clouds, then expect serious trouble both in business and in health. The dream in which you see the sun shining through the clouds portends that finally, after so many troubles and disappointments, good luck will come to you. Seeing the light of the stars through the clouds is a fleeting joy.

41 Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Black, heavy clouds in a dream portend failure and the inability to do your job.
Clouds with rain - dream of trouble and illness.
Shining, clear clouds - with the rays of the sun making their way through them, portend success after long worries and worries.
Transparent clouds with stars twinkling in them - to fleeting joys and modest success in business.

42 Chinese dream book

Clouds rise from four sides - happiness in commercial operations.
You see multi-colored clouds - portends great happiness and prosperity in everything.
If you see red and white clouds, luckily.
If the clouds are blue or black, unfortunately.
You see clouds floating across the sky - the work you are doing will not end with success.
Wandering in clouds and fogs - the situation will be resolved happily and with benefit for you.
If black clouds descend to the ground - diseases associated with breathing.

43 Medieval dream book

The approach of light clouds is good news.
If clouds fell to the ground - for good.
To see the clouds - to ill will.

44 Miller's dream book

Seeing black heavy clouds in a dream portends failure and inability to cope with work. If it rains, expect trouble and illness.
Seeing brilliant, clear clouds with the rays of the sun shining through them means that soon you will achieve success after you have been accompanied by worries and worries for a long time.
Seeing transparent clouds with stars twinkling through them means fleeting joys and small successes in business.

45 Miller's dream book

Why do Clouds dream:

Black heavy clouds - failures, inability to cope with work;
it is raining - trouble, illness;
brilliant, clear clouds with the rays of the sun making their way through them - success after a long accompaniment of worries and worries;
transparent clouds with stars twinkling through them - fleeting joys, small successes in business.
Also see Shower, Sun, Stars.

46 Slavic dream book

Fast sailing - the decline of business, rain - well-being.

47 Zhou-Gong's Chinese dream book

The sun is suddenly closed - secret machinations, vile deeds; rise from four sides - success in commercial operations; to see multi-colored clouds - great happiness and prosperity in everything; red and white - happiness; blue or black - misfortune; to see those floating in the sky - the business you are doing will not end with success; wandering in the clouds - the situation will be discharged happily and with benefit for you; black clouds descend to the ground - diseases associated with breathing.

48 The newest dream book

Clouds - meditation is shown, at the same time it makes sense to analyze your life and, if there are serious sins, sincerely repent of them, perhaps confess and take the sacrament in church according to your faith (an unbeliever mentally repents to those whom he has offended, sincerely asks them for forgiveness) ...
Cirrus clouds - wait for new love.
Cloud - plans that will come true only with hard work.

49 Danilova's children's dream book

Cumulus clouds - indicate the emergence of serious obstacles to the achievement of your goals.
Cirrus clouds - the obstacles encountered will not be as serious as they seem at first glance.

50 Family dream book

Black heavy clouds dreamed of in a dream portend failure and inability to cope with work.
If it rains, expect trouble and illness.
Clear clouds with the rays of the sun making their way through them - dream of long-awaited success.
Transparent clouds with stars twinkling through them - mean fleeting joys and small successes in business.

51 Modern dream book

Seeing dark heavy clouds in a dream is a sign of failure and poor business management.
If it rains from the clouds, it portends troubles and illnesses.
To see how the sun shines through bright transparent clouds predicts that after the troubles that have haunted you lately. Good luck will smile at you.
Seeing the light of the stars through the clouds portends fleeting joys and a little progress.

52 Dream interpretation of birthday people in may, june, july, august

A beautiful cloud seen in a dream is to amazement.

53 Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

A cloud is dreaming - to a hindrance, difficulty, but very short-term.

54 Dream interpretation of Nina Grishina

Clouds running swiftly across the sky are a symbol of interference from the outside world to your spiritual development / unpleasant and rapid mood change, vanity, everyday troubles and worries.
Cirrus clouds are secret, soul-elevating sorrows.
Being in the clouds - news / new post.

55 Dream interpretation Denise Lynn

Clouds are very expressive signs.
Keeping an eye on the clouds is the fastest way to receive signs. Clouds instantly convey messages and show us signs beautifully.
Watching the clouds - you can see how their changing shapes and shadows make sense. The American Indians call the cloud-dwelling spirits "Cloud People." These creatures transmit messages through their movements in the sky.
Clear clouds - indicate spiritual uplift. This positive, healthy symbol is associated with peace of mind.
Storm clouds - can herald a spiritual search. A storm is brewing in my soul. It can also be a sign of air purification and personal cleansing. Are you building castles in the air?

59 Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

Clouds are vague dreams; "Hovering in the clouds" is unreal. Longing for escape by the shortest route.
Dim, “cloudy - there is a hazy, view of the world; the cloudiness between the individual and the sun is a symbol of conscious intelligence and fertility.
Clouds with rain are an ambivalent symbol, on the one hand, fertility and rebirth, on the other, if the rain is strong, devastation and destruction.

60 Idiomatic dream book

“To soar (fly) in the clouds” is fruitless to dream; "Cloudless sky overhead" - protection, favor; "Clouds are gathering" - trouble comes; "Light as a cloud" - lightness in reality.

61 Dream interpretation of Martin Zadeki

The cloud is clear - honor, wealth; dark - loss of honor.

62 Imperial dream book

The transformation of water into clouds, steam and fog will be an earthly semblance of the moment of transformation of chi into tai chi: life has arisen, there is still no definite shape, but the scope for development is endless. Is it not because people are so fond of contemplating clouds and foggy masses of air that they see in them the prototypes of the birth of the universe? The majestic picture of clouds running across the sky has fascinated people for millennia: people watch and absorb the rhythm of reunification, the rhythm of the eternal circulation of yin and yang, the rhythm of immortality in the mutability of forms.
Clouds to watch with pleasure in a dream - the passion to look at the variability of cloudy and foggy masses speaks of the desire for an adequate knowledge of the world and one's place in it.
Clouds are closer to Heaven than just steam and fog, in order to observe the clouds, you need to throw your head back - communication with Heaven can be interrupted only through your own fault, due to unethical actions or complete rejection, not thinking about the vastness and endlessness of life.
The fear of clouds and the sky in a dream in reality - coincides with purely material interests in life and hostility to all non-everyday high topics.

63 Dream interpretation for women

In any case, a journey is foreshadowed. If the clouds are white, then the trip will be pleasant, but if they are dark and thunderstorm, then unforeseen obstacles are possible on the way.

If the sky is completely covered by clouds, then it is better for you not to leave the house at all, as there is a high probability of getting into an accident even when traveling by public transport.

64 Dream interpretation alphabetically

Seeing white clouds in a blue sky in a dream portends an honorary invitation to a big celebration. Dark, low clouds mean failure and failure in commerce and business. Gloomy thunderclouds carrying rain - to trouble and illness in the family or relatives.

Light cirrus clouds high in the sky mean the onset of a bright streak in your life after long hardships and hardships. Cumulus clouds running quickly through the sky are a sign of transient sorrows and griefs and fleeting happiness.

To dream of lightning in the sky, flashing between the clouds, is a sign that failures will haunt you for a long time.

A cloud standing in one place predicts a decline in business and erroneous decisions. Seeing yourself flying under the clouds - soon you will receive good news from afar.

65 Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Seeing white light clouds in the blue sky - professional success, honors and awards await you. If you have seen a blue sky that is covered by black clouds, a dream portends failure in your personal life and trouble in your career. If the clouds have completely covered the sky, so that no gap is visible, then a series of dull everyday life begins in your life, full of routine work and joyless worries. If a gap appears in a gray cloudy sky, through which a sunbeam breaks through, this means that your gray life will be illuminated by some joyful event that will give you strength and cheer you up. If the clearance increases and the sky clears of cloudiness - the period of failures ends, soon you will start to be lucky again. Seeing white clouds in the night sky is a good sign. Sleep means quiet family joys (see also Heaven).

Seeing a thundercloud, in which lightning flashes, is a formidable event, after which, however, your life will improve a lot. Seeing cumulus, rain clouds - difficult, but fruitful work awaits you, the result of which you will be satisfied both morally and financially.

If you dreamed of storm clouds, imagine that they scatter, bright rays of the sun break through them - and soon the sky becomes completely clear.

66 Dream interpretation of the 20th century

Light clouds in a dream: symbolize daydreaming and uncertainty. Most likely, your life plans lack specificity.

Nevertheless, if the clouds in your dream are small and beautiful: such a dream can portend positive emotions for you.

Sun behind clouds: a sign of misunderstanding. Perhaps you are confused in some issue or are going to take up a business in which you do not understand much.

Seeing stars behind the clouds: a sign that empty fantasies and inability to concentrate prevent you from achieving some important goal.

70 The newest dream book by G. Ivanov

Cloud - plans that will come true only with hard work.
Clouds - meditation is shown, at the same time it makes sense to analyze your life and, if there are serious sins, sincerely repent of them, perhaps confess and take the sacrament in church according to your faith (an unbeliever mentally repents to those whom he has offended, sincerely asks them for forgiveness) ...
Cirrus clouds - wait for new love.

71 Dream Interpretation Of Steps Veles

Clouds are surprise; red - joy in love; white - profit; dark - loss; rain - well-being; swimming fast - decline; a cloud above oneself - good, rising; to be on the clouds is news.

Dreams in which people see clouds can mean any changes in their lives. And this is not always for the best. For example, gray clouds dragging the sky close to trouble at work or financial problems. The darker these clouds are, the more serious they will be possible problems in reality.

And color matters!

Some people see colored clouds at all. Of course, such dreams should not be confused with colored ones. These are fundamentally different things, since colored dreams in most cases have the same colors and tones as in reality, but colored clouds seen by a person are the "palette" of an invisible artist. In any case, such dreams are very good sign... For example, pink, blue, and gold clouds signify any future romantic encounters.

Mutual love is not excluded, as well as happiness and harmony in personal life. If the dreamer is fascinated by a beautiful colored sky, then in the near future some voluptuous moments and situations are possible. Maybe the dreamer will plunge headlong into the world of sexual bliss and emotions.

Why else do clouds dream?

In principle, some interpreters are sure that clouds in a dream are a symbol of an upcoming long-distance journey. It is believed that dreams in which a person tries in every possible way to reach the clouds with his hand, but suffers an unconditional fiasco, speak of empty attempts to achieve something. In other words, the dreamer's plans have no future. Dreams in which a person for some reason is on the clouds, but falls from them - a good sign. This, according to interpreters, is a sign of the fulfillment of many of the dreamer's hopes.

Particularly unfavorable interpretations of "cloudy" dreams

Black clouds covering the dreamer's head are a sign of some kind of grief. Failures and disappointments are coming. A black streak in life will replace the more recent dizzying success. Dreams in which clouds obscure the sun have the same meaning. Some interpreters are sure that one of the unfavorable dreams is the one in which the clouds press on the dreamer. They promise bitterness from the experienced loss, misfortune.

To go on a long journey with any unpleasant "mission" can make the clouds that raise a person. Flying in a dream on the clouds - to unpleasant changes, shocks and events.

Fiery red clouds predict a national disaster. This can also include national mourning due to certain events taking place in the country, popular unrest, some kind of turmoil, civil war workers' strikes, etc. Dreams with red-fiery clouds are designed to adjust a person's life to the life of his country, which is not very good. Thunderclouds in a dream are a direct source of danger that will come from outside.

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