The meaning of the Party Control Committee in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, BSE. Central Control Commission of the CPSU Committee for Control of Conscience

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Party Control Committee

Central control commission (abbreviated Central Control Commission) RCP(b), All-Union Communist Party (b), CPSU - the highest control body of the Communist Party Soviet Union in 1920-1934 and in 1990-1991. In 1920-1921. there was a single simply “Control Commission”, which in 1921 was divided into the Central Central Committee (responsible for financial control) and the Central Control Commission (responsible for monitoring party discipline). According to the Charter, the composition of the Central Control Commission was elected by the Party Congress; members of the Central Control Commission could not simultaneously be members of the Central Committee.

In 1934-1952 instead of the Central Control Commission there was Party Control Commission under the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, in 1952-1990. - Party Control Committee under the CPSU Central Committee. Unlike the previous Central Control Commission, the composition of the CPC was not elected at the congress, but was approved by the CPSU Central Committee (in fact, by the Secretariat of the CPSU Central Committee).

Until 1934, one of the authoritative members of the Politburo was appointed to the post of Chairman of the Central Control Commission for a period of 2-3 years (since membership in the Central Control Commission could not be combined with membership in the Central Committee). In 1934-1946. The Chairman of the CPC was concurrently the Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and a member of the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks.

At the XXVIII Congress of the CPSU in 1990, the CPC under the CPSU Central Committee and the CPSU Central Committee were united into a single body - the CPSU Central Control Commission.


In 1920-1923, the position of the head of the Central Control Commission did not exist; its activities at the all-Russian level were supervised by the People's Commissar of the RKI (I.V. Stalin).

Chairman of the Central Control Commission of the RCP (b) - CPSU (b):

  • Kuibyshev, Valerian Vladimirovich (1923-1926)
  • Ordzhonikidze, Grigory Konstantinovich (1926-1930)
  • Andreev, Andrey Andreevich (1930-1931)
  • Rudzutak, Jan Ernestovich (1931-1934)

Chairman of the Party Control Commission under the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks:

  • Kaganovich, Lazar Moiseevich (1934-1935)
  • Yezhov, Nikolai Ivanovich (1935-1939) (actually until 1938)
  • Andreev, Andrey Andreevich (1939-1952)

Chairman of the Party Control Committee under the CPSU Central Committee:

  • Shkiryatov, Matvey Fedorovich (1952-1954)
  • position vacant (1954-1956)
  • Shvernik, Nikolai Mikhailovich (1956-1966)
  • Pelshe, Arvid Yanovich (1966-1983)
  • Solomentsev, Mikhail Sergeevich (1983-1988)
  • Pugo, Boris Karlovich (1988-1990)

Chairman of the Central Control Commission of the CPSU:

  • Pugo, Boris Karlovich (1990-1991)
  • Makhov, Evgeny Nikolaevich (1991)
  • A record-breaking number of members (about 120 members) were elected to the XV Congress of the All-Union Communist Party(b) in 1927. Plenums of the Central Control Commission elected the Presidium of the Central Control Commission.
  • On October 10, 1990, the Bureau of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Control Commission was elected. It included G. G. Veselkov, A. I. Grienko, E. A. Eliseev, M. I. Kodin, N. I. Korablev, E. N. Makhov, B. K. Pugo, A. L. Radugin , P. P. Todorov.



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    Under the Central Committee of the CPSU (CPC), created in accordance with the Charter adopted by the 19th Congress of the CPSU in 1952, to replace the Party Control Commission (See Party Control Commission) under the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. The Central Committee of the party is organized. The CPC “a) will verify compliance by members and candidates...

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Party Control Committee under the Central Committee of the CPSU (CPC), created in accordance with the Charter adopted by the 19th Congress of the CPSU in 1952, to replace Party control commissions under the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. The Central Committee of the party is organized. The CCP “a) will check the compliance of members and candidates for membership of the CPSU with party discipline, bring to justice communists guilty of violating the Party Program and Charter, party and state discipline, as well as violators of party morality (deception of the party, dishonesty and insincerity towards the party, slander, bureaucracy, everyday promiscuity, etc.); b) considers appeals against decisions of the Central Committee of the Communist Parties of the Union Republics, regional and regional party committees on expulsion from the party and party penalties” (CPSU Charter, 1972, paragraph 34).

The November Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee (1962) reorganized the entire control system in the USSR. Was created Committee of Party and State Control The Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Party Commission under the Central Committee of the CPSU. The December plenum of the CPSU Central Committee (1965) transformed the bodies of party-state control into bodies of people's control, and the CPC was restored.

The CPC, strictly following the precepts of V.I. Lenin about the purity of party ranks, analyzes issues related to strengthening party discipline and increasing the responsibility of communists for implementing party policy. In its work, the CPC observes the highest principle of party leadership - collectivity, which creates reliable guarantees for making correct, comprehensively considered, well-founded decisions. The most important resolutions of the CPC on bringing to justice communists guilty of violating the Program and Charter of the CPSU, party and state discipline, are published in the central organs of the party press. The CPC is headed by a chairman; The committee consists of vice-chairmen and members of the CPC. Since April 1966, the chairman of the CPC has been member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee A. Ya. Pelshe.

L. K. Vinogradov.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia M.: "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1969-1978

under the Central Committee of the CPSU (CPC), created in accordance with the Charter adopted by the 19th Congress of the CPSU in 1952, to replace the Party Control Commission (See Party Control Commission) under the Central Committee of the CPSU (b). The Central Committee of the party is organized. The CCP “a) will check the compliance of members and candidates for membership of the CPSU with party discipline, bring to justice communists guilty of violating the Party Program and Charter, party and state discipline, as well as violators of party morality (deception of the party, dishonesty and insincerity towards the party, slander, bureaucracy, everyday promiscuity, etc.); b) considers appeals against decisions of the Central Committee of the Communist Parties of the Union Republics, regional and regional party committees on expulsion from the party and party penalties” (CPSU Charter, 1972, paragraph 34).

The November Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee (1962) reorganized the entire control system in the USSR. The Committee of Party and State Control of the CPSU Central Committee and the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Party Commission under the CPSU Central Committee were created. The December plenum of the CPSU Central Committee (1965) transformed the bodies of party-state control into bodies of people's control, and the CPC was restored.

The CPC, strictly following the precepts of V.I. Lenin about the purity of party ranks, analyzes issues related to strengthening party discipline and increasing the responsibility of communists for implementing party policy. In its work, the CPC observes the highest principle of party leadership - collectivity, which creates reliable guarantees for making correct, comprehensively considered, well-founded decisions. The most important resolutions of the CPC on bringing to justice communists guilty of violating the Program and Charter of the CPSU, party and state discipline, are published in the central organs of the party press. The CPC is headed by a chairman; The committee consists of vice-chairmen and members of the CPC. Since April 1966, the chairman of the CPC has been member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee A. Ya. Pelshe.

L. K. Vinogradov.

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Party Control Commission


Party Control Committee

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In May-July 1952, the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR considered the case of a group of people associated with the work of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee. 15 people were involved in this case:

1. Lozovsky Solomon Abramovich, born in 1878, member of the CPSU since 1901, previously worked as deputy head and head of the Sovinformburo, before his arrest - head of the department of international relations of the Higher Party School under the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks;

2. Fefer Isaac Solomonovich, born in 1900, member of the CPSU since 1919, poet, secretary of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee;

3. Yuzefovich Joseph Sigismundovich, born in 1890, member of the CPSU since 1917, junior researcher at the Institute of History of the USSR Academy of Sciences;

4. Shimeliovich Boris Abramovich, born in 1892, member of the CPSU since 1920, chief physician of the Central Clinical Hospital named after. Botkin;

5. Kvitko Leiba Moiseevich, born in 1890, member of the CPSU since 1941, poet;

6. Markish Perets Davidovich, born in 1895, member of the CPSU since 1942, poet, secretary of the audit commission of the Union of Writers of the USSR;

7. Bergelson David Rafailovich, born in 1884, poet;

8. Gofstein David Naumovich, born in 1889, member of the CPSU since 1940, poet;

9. Zuskin Veniamin Lvovich, born in 1889, artistic director of the Moscow State Jewish Theater;

10.Talmi Leon Yakovlevich, born in 1893, journalist-translator of the Sovinformburo;

11.Watenberg Ilya Semenovich, born in 1887, senior control editor of the State Publishing House of Fiction in Foreign Languages;

12.Theumin Emilia Isaakovna, born in 1905, member of the CPSU since 1927 i., editor of the international department of the Sovinformburo;

13.Vatenberg-Ostrovskaya Chaika Semyonovna, born in 1901, translator of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee;

14.Stern Lina Solomonovna, born in 1878, member of the CPSU since 1938, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, director of the Institute

physiology of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences and head of the department of physiology of the 2nd Moscow Medical Institute;

15.Bregman Solomon Leontievich, born in 1895, member of the CPSU since 1912, Deputy Minister of State Control of the RSFSR.

The Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee was created during the Great Patriotic War in order to mobilize the Soviet and world public opinion against the atrocities of fascism. The beginning of the activities of the JAC dates back to February-April 1942.

The chairman of the JAC was People's Artist of the USSR S. M. Mikhoels, the executive secretary was Sh. Epstein, and then I. S. Fefer. The Committee had its own printed organ - the newspaper "Einikait", which was distributed both in the USSR and abroad.

On October 12, 1946, the USSR Ministry of State Security sent a note “On the nationalistic manifestations of some workers of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee” to the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Department foreign policy At the same time, the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks organized an audit of the activities of the JAC. The note on the results of the inspection, addressed to the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, said that members of the JAC, forgetting about the class approach, carry out international contacts with bourgeois figures and organizations on a nationalist basis, and when talking about the life of Soviet Jews in bourgeois publications, they exaggerate their contribution to the achievements of the USSR, which should be regarded as a manifestation of nationalism. It was emphasized that the committee was actively developing its activities within the country, assuming the functions of the chief commissioner for the affairs of the Jewish population and an intermediary between this population and the party-Soviet bodies. As a result, it was concluded that the committee’s activities had gone beyond its competence, acquired functions unusual for it, and was therefore politically harmful and intolerable. In this regard, a proposal was made to liquidate the JAC. A note of similar content was sent by M. A. Suslov on November 26, 1946 to I. V. Stalin.

The immediate pretext for initiating a criminal case against the leaders of the JAC was, as it was later established, the falsified testimony of a senior officer obtained as a result of illegal investigative methods. research fellow Institute of Economics of the USSR Academy of Sciences I. I. Goldshtein, arrested on December 19, 1947, and senior researcher at the Institute of World Literature of the USSR Academy of Sciences Z. G. Grinberg, arrested on December 28, 1947. In their testimony, they alleged that S.A. Lozovsky, I.S. Fefer and other members of the JAC of anti-Soviet nationalist activities. The interrogation protocols of I. I. Goldstein and Z. G. Grinberg, exposing these persons, on January 10 and March 1, 1948 were sent by the Minister of State Security V. S. Abakumov to the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks.

On March 26, 1948, the USSR MGB sent another note “On the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee” to the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of Ministers of the USSR, which indicated that the leaders of the JAC

are active nationalists and carry out anti-Soviet nationalist work, especially evident after the trip of S. M. Mikhoels and I. S. Fefer in 1943 to the USA, where they came into contact with persons allegedly associated with American intelligence.

“To approve the following decision of the Bureau of the Council of Ministers of the USSR:

The Bureau of the Council of Ministers of the USSR instructs the Ministry of State Security of the USSR to immediately dissolve the “Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee”, since, as facts show, this committee is the center anti-Soviet propaganda and regularly supplies anti-Soviet information to foreign intelligence agencies.

In accordance with this, the press organs of this committee are closed and the committee’s affairs are taken away. Don't arrest anyone yet."

It has been established that G. M. Malenkov, who was directly related to the investigation and trial, bears direct responsibility for the illegal repression of persons involved in the “case of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee”. On January 13, 1949, he summoned S. A. Lozovsky and, during a long conversation, which was attended by the Chairman of the CPC under the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, M. F. Shkiryatov, sought from S. A. Lozovsky a confession of his criminal activities. . For these purposes, G. M. Malenkov used what was sent to I. V. Stalin 5 years ago - February 15, 1944 - signed by S. M. Mikhoels, Sh. Epstein, I. S. Fefer (members of the JAC) and edited by S. A letter to A. Lozovsky with a proposal to create a Jewish Socialist Republic on the territory of Crimea.

After the conversation, G. M. Malenkov and M. F. Shkiryatov wrote a note addressed to I. V. Stalin with a proposal to remove S. A. Lozovsky from the membership of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks with the following wording: “for politically unreliable connections and unworthy of a member of the Central Committee behavior".

By the decision of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks of January 18, 1949 (by poll), S. A. Lozovsky was removed from the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and expelled from the party, and on January 26, 1949 he was arrested. In January, members of the JAC B. A. Shimeliovich, I. S. Yuzefovich, L. M. Kvitko, P. D. Markish, D. R. Bergelson, I. S. Vatenberg, Ch. S. Vatenberg-Ostrovskaya were also arrested , E.I. Teumin. Earlier, in 1948, I. S. Fefer, V. L. Zuskin and D. N. Gofshtein, who were involved in this case, had already been arrested.

Using the fact of the dissolution of the JAC, as well as the political accusations and falsified interrogation materials contained in the above notes, V. S. Abakumov and his entourage accused the committee members of state, counter-revolutionary crimes.

It was established that the investigation was conducted with gross violations of the law and the use of unauthorized methods to obtain “privilege”

significant testimony." Despite this, during the first interrogations S. A. Lozovsky, I. S. Fefer and others denied their hostile activities. Then everyone, except B. A. Shimeliovich, was forced to “admit” themselves guilty and testify about espionage and anti-Soviet activities carried out by members of the JAC.

S. D. Ignatiev, appointed Minister of State Security of the USSR, after familiarizing himself with the materials of the investigation, in a letter dated August 24, 1951 addressed to G. M. Malenkov and L. P. Beria, reported that “there are almost completely no documents confirming the testimony of those arrested about the investigation carried out by them.” espionage and nationalist activities under the guise of the JAC,” and also informed about the planned expansion of activities in the case.

On April 3, 1952, S. D. Ignatiev sent an indictment to I. V. Stalin, copies of which were sent to G. M. Malenkov and L. P. Beria. The accompanying letter suggested a punishment - execution for all the accused, with the exception of L. S. Stern.

The case was sent on April 7, 1952 to the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR, where it was considered from May 8 to July 18, 1952 under the chairmanship of the Chairman of the Military Collegium A. A. Cheptsov, without the participation of representatives of the state prosecution and defense. The Military Collegium sentenced S. A. Lozovsky, I. S. Fefer and others - a total of 13 people - to death, and L. S. Stern - to imprisonment for 3 and a half years and subsequent exile for 5 years.

There are explanations from A. A. Cheptsov about the circumstances surrounding this verdict. Their essence boils down to the fact that the accusation of innocent people and the signing of an unjust verdict for them was predetermined in advance by the higher management.

As A. A. Cheptsov states in an explanation sent on August 15, 1957 to member of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee G. K. Zhukov and - in a copy - to other members of the Presidium of the Central Committee: N. S. Khrushchev, N. A. Bulganin, M. A Suslov, L. I. Brezhnev, K. E. Voroshilov, N. M. Shvernik and A. I. Mikoyan - even before the start of the trial, S. D. Ignatiev and his deputy M. D. Ryumin informed him that according to Their report to the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks made a decision to shoot all the accused except L. S. Stern.

In this and subsequent explanations to the CPC under the Central Committee of the CPSU, A. A. Cheptsov indicates that the court had doubts about the completeness and objectivity of the investigation of the case, and therefore it was subject to referral for further investigation, but this was not done.

According to the explanations of A. A. Cheptsov, he reported on the need for an additional investigation to the Prosecutor General of the USSR G. N. Safonov, Chairman of the Supreme Court of the USSR A. A. Volin, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR N. M. Shvernik, Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks ) P.K. Ponomarenko, Chairman of the CPC under the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) M.F. Shkiryatov,

however, I did not receive any support from them. They all recommended that he contact G.M. Malenkov on this issue.

As A. A. Cheptsov further points out, in the presence of S. D. Ignatiev and M. D. Ryumin, he was received by G. M. Malenkov and expressed thoughts about the need to send the case for additional investigation. However, G.M. Malenkov replied: “The Politburo of the Central Committee has dealt with this matter 3 times, follow the decision of the PB.”

A. A. Cheptsov’s explanations are confirmed. Thus, on July 24, 1953, M. D. Ryumin, who took part in the investigation of the case of S. A. Lozovsky and others, being interrogated as an accused, admitted: “When the court tried to return this case for further investigation, I insisted that a verdict was made based on the materials available in the case.”

The former assistant of M.D. Ryumin, I.I. Grishaev, testified during interrogation in the case of M.D. Ryumin: “From the words of Ryumin, I know that during the investigation of the JAC case, Comrade Cheptsov appealed to the authority, where he spoke about shortcomings and violations admitted in the case, however, as Ryumin told me, Comrade Cheptsov criticized this case not because it was generally doubtful, but because those arrested were not exposed and the roots of the crimes were not revealed.”

In 1948-1952, in connection with the so-called “case of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee,” many other people of Jewish nationality, including party and Soviet workers, scientists, writers, poets, journalists, artists, government officials and industrial enterprises- only 110 people. Of those repressed, 10 people were sentenced to capital punishment, 20 to 25 years in forced labor camps, 3 to 20 years, 11 to 15 years, 50 to 10 years, 2 to 8 years, 7 years -1, to 5 years - 2, to 10 years of exile - 1, died during the investigation - 5, cases against 5 people were closed after arrest. All of them have now been rehabilitated.

In 1955, an additional audit of the criminal case of S. A. Lozovsky, I. S. Fefer and others was organized. During it, documentary materials stored in party and state archives were studied, many people involved in the events of those years were interviewed, and criminal cases against former investigators who investigated this criminal case and convicted in 1952-1954 were studied. for falsifying investigative materials.

As a result of an additional investigation, it was established that the case against S. A. Lozovsky, I. S. Fefer and others was fabricated, and the confessions of the accused during the investigation were obtained illegally.

By the decision of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR on November 22, 1955, the verdict against S. A. Lozovsky, I. S. Fefer and others, convicted on July 18, 1952 in the so-called “case

Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee”, due to newly discovered circumstances, was canceled and the criminal case was dismissed for lack of corpus delicti.

By decisions of the CPC under the Central Committee of the CPSU in 1955, S. A. Lozovsky, I. S. Fefer, I. S. Yuzefovich, L. M. Kvitko, P. D. Markish, E. I. Teumin, S. L. Bregman, L. S. Stern, and in 1988 - B. A. Shimeliovich and D. N. Gofshtein.

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