What to expect in a year for calves. Zodiac sign Taurus year of the rooster. Famous people born under the sign of Taurus

Plaster 10.07.2020

Fire Rooster, no doubt, will fill the life of Taurus with bright events. Although the year will not be easy, it will more than compensate for all the costs if the representatives of the sign make an effort.

This horoscope will tell you:

The general horoscope of Taurus for 2017

In the year of the Rooster, Taurus will enter slightly exhausted. After all, a difficult and eccentric monkey took a lot of strength and energy. During this period, you should maximally tune in to engage in self-discipline, to carry out what was planned on time. Only in this case the horoscope promises good results and real gifts of fate.

Particular attention should be paid to social life and teamwork. This will allow you to reduce your own energy costs, as well as avoid unnecessary mistakes.

In the middle of the year, conflicts are very likely, which can have serious consequences. You should restrain yourself in emotional impulses so as not to break off relationships with loved ones or colleagues. The natural stubbornness of the stars is recommended to be forgotten at this time. The ability to listen will be needed more than ever. Moreover, valuable advice can be given not only by representatives of the mature generation, but also by their own children.

The family will generally become the center of Taurus' life. Already at the beginning of the year there will be an opportunity to make sure that she is the support and hope in life.

In the second half of the year, Taurus will feel a surge of energy. Some will even be drawn into areas that were previously far from them. Mastering new frontiers will only benefit. But some representatives of this sign can completely lose track of time, which can adversely affect their personal life.

Updates should definitely be a part of Taurus life in 2017. This can be a radical change in hairstyle or hair color, style of clothing, work, hobbies, etc. This will launch an important cycle of changes in the fate of the representatives of the sign, which will be favored by the location of the stars. Starting a family is also one of these positive changes.

It must be remembered that Taurus should make decisions that can turn the whole life only after consulting with loved ones and relatives. The horoscope indicates the need for efforts to create alliances, family unity and other types of collective action.

2017 is already over, but we have already compiled a new one. Find out what awaits you!

Love horoscope

Big changes await representatives of the spring zodiacal circle on the love front. On the one hand, this year will be very favorable for starting a family. This issue needs special attention. Perhaps the spouse will not be the one who for a long time was near.

You should not waste time on empty arguments and disagreements. Better to learn to compromise, because relationships need to be cherished.

At the beginning of the year, the stars predict all kinds of tests of feelings. But everything will end well. It will be useful for Taurus to gain new experiences. Moreover, the emotional side throughout 2017 prevails over the rational one.

Those who have not yet found their soul mate may meet her very unexpectedly. For example, during a business trip. A purely business communication can turn into a romantic story, because a love horoscope favors this.

It is worth to be afraid of adventures on the side and official connections. Most likely, this will break more than one heart and damage the reputation in general.

Casual affairs, if any, must be hidden from your soulmate. There will be no continuation of these stories, but it will be possible to make sure that your own family is the best without going to the left.

Taurus career and finance in 2017

This is not to say that the year of the Rooster is the financial heyday of Taurus. But there will be no serious problems with material values. Money can be earned with the advice of relatives or financial gurus. It is better not to consider projects that are too risky.

This year will be favorable in order to part with debts. The stars are not advised to take new loans.

If large amounts of money are in your hands, you should be very careful about this. The risk of their loss is high.

Luck is generally on the side of Taurus, but only with their own serious investments. In this case, "you can't pull out a fish without difficulty."

If in the second half of the year Taurus venture to start new projects or acquire useful business contacts, one should expect a significant improvement in well-being. It is also possible to receive an inheritance.

If the career of those born during this period is just beginning, then they need to be on the lookout. The bosses will carefully monitor the behavior of the staff, so there is no margin for error.

Particularly talented individuals after July can discover career prospects for themselves. The rest will have a hard time breaking out from under the wing of higher management.

Those employed in the creative industry should expect great deals and high fees in the spring.

Taurus businessmen need to carefully monitor their own records so as not to incur a tax audit. Additional attention can also be expected from supervisory authorities. It is not recommended to go to negotiations alone due to the possible distortion of information.

Health Orb in the Year of the Rooster

The Fire Rooster can bring unpleasant surprises in the field of health. Exacerbation of existing chronic diseases, as well as deterioration of well-being in general, are not excluded. To prevent this, it is necessary to start prevention at the beginning of the year. Professional examinations, dietary nutrition and adequate physical activity are useful. Taurus's health will depend on how intrinsic the instinct of self-preservation is in its representatives.

  • Do not get involved in extreme sports, because the horoscope signals Taurus about a high risk of injury.
  • The most vulnerable place will be the legs. Athletes should reduce the load on them, everyone else should be attentive even during walking.
  • There should be funds at hand for the treatment of ENT diseases. It is better to carry out ongoing prevention so as not to face a serious problem.
  • Endocrine and digestive system... Both are sensitive to stress, so you need to be able to relieve psychological stress.
  • Alcohol should be limited. Especially if accompanied by plentiful treats. Such a load for the body may be too high.

Taurus woman horoscope

First of all, seductive representatives of this sign should think about getting married. The year is perfect for this step and for the birth of the baby. But you need to give up quick temper and increased demands on your partner in order to find harmony.

Throughout the year, and especially in the second half, ladies will not be deprived of male attention. But you should be careful not to provoke false rumors or jealousy of a loved one.

Career development is also going well. The Taurus woman should think about gaining new knowledge for further advancement.

Harmonious will be family relationships... Many pleasant surprises, discoveries and trips await in this area. It is possible that the representatives of this sign will be involved in solving the issues of relatives or children. You should not impose your opinion, but trying to develop a joint strategy of behavior will be useful for the whole family.

Excessive reproaches to a husband or partner can lead to discord in the relationship. Sometimes lovely ladies just do not notice this, so it is useful for Taurus to listen to an outside opinion about themselves.

Perhaps in the year of the Rooster, the Taurus woman will be lucky to become pregnant. It is worth trying to reduce the workload and enjoy this state as much as possible. In addition, the financial situation will be conducive to this.

Taurus men in the year of the Rooster

Stubborn and obsessed with their own ideas, Taurus must learn to be gentle. This can be seen from your parents or the other half. Otherwise, aggression by spring will lead to the loss of important acquaintances that can lead to profit.

In no case should you risk large sums of money by investing them in other people's projects. The horoscope indicates a safe start for your own projects. You will have to invest a lot of effort in them, but at the end of the year it will bring tangible results.

A Taurus man may want to prove to others how independent he is in decisions. This is fraught with possible losses, because he does not want to listen to his wife or other relatives.

Unlike women of this sign, representatives of the stronger sex are not recommended to change their field of activity.

It is better for married Taurus to refrain from communicating with seductive persons, so as not to provoke a family scandal. It can also damage your business reputation. In the same period, growth prospects may open. It should be remembered that the leader who has his own strong team wins. Its creation could be the goal of 2017.

Horoscope for 2017 for the zodiac sign Taurus

IN 2017 year Pluto passes the Capricorn zodiac sign. This influence of Pluto will allow Taurus engage in self-realization, increase your authority, improve your financial situation. This applies especially to socially active Taurus and those who are in power or have influence over a large number of people. Typical Taurus people are responsible, persistent, stubborn, and Pluto is 2017 year will make them even more resilient and bring good opportunities.

2017 in the Taurus career is a continuation of the line outlined in the previous year. Have Taurus opportunities for business expansion will open. Options are possible to improve and enhance financial success. IN 2017 year many problems for representatives of the sign Taurus will settle, which will lead to a general change in the world outlook. If a calf conceived a large-scale project, then 2017 year the best time to start and implement it. Increased efficiency, enthusiasm, a surge of vitality, a surge of original ideas (which originated back in 2016) will lead to concrete, real positive results. February 2017the most suitable time for Taurus to develop a career: in literally a few days, Taurus will be able to advance as in months of hard work. March and April 2017- favorable time for Taurus financially... Caution Taurus must be observed in june 2017.

It is likely that in 2017 at Taurus relations with the management will not be very stable, so it is possible to search for new options for activities. However, more successful in this regard will be second half of 2017when any actions and projects will help improve the situation Taurus.

IN 2017 Taurus personal life will be connected mainly with home, family, relations with relatives. Taurus you will have to restore relations and reconcile quarreled relatives; probably some alienation in the family, especially in mid-summer 2017, tense relationship with parents. The house is likely to be rearranged, renovated; circumstances will force Taurus to do a lot with his own hands. At the same time, the location of the planets promises Taurus to receive an inheritance, dowry or profits from risky enterprises.

In the first half of 2017 on Taurus so many things and responsibilities are dumped that they can fall into a state of despondency. This one Taurus It is not necessary to admit it in any case - it is better to spend energy on putting your personal space in order and think over a list of things that need to be done first. With the strict observance of these conditions, Taurus will have two excellent opportunities to significantly improve their affairs - on the one hand, to resolve the issue of inheritance, and on the other, make good money on real estate transactions.

In 2017, many Taurus will have the opportunity to change on their personal front.... IN April and November 2017 patroness Venus will bring Taurus good luck in love and a happy accident, which, if properly disposed of, will change personal life in better side. Late July - early August 2017 a profitable marriage is possible, and in december 2017 Taurus It is categorically not recommended to get involved in a secret romance - everything will open up quickly and unsuccessfully for Taurus and result in a loss of money and a tarnished reputation.

The Year of the Rooster promises to be very active and eventful for Taurus. The whirlpool of incidents will spin you literally from the first of January and you will have to quickly make decisions on the issues that have arisen. The quick temper and spontaneity of the Rooster will perfectly balance the natural calmness of Taurus. But even their tolerance will be severely tested next year.

Horoscope for Taurus for 2017

A lot of adjustments will be made to the usual way of life of Taurus, which will require almost lightning-fast analysis and decision-making. promises many surprises throughout the year. You will have to deal with both pleasant encounters and the sudden appearance of old acquaintances. The surprisingly active period will be winter and spring, followed by a slightly quieter summer - a great time for a vacation. But in the fall, it will be necessary to mobilize again and make every effort to stabilize life.

The Year of the Rooster promises many trials and troubles for most signs. In such a difficult situation, Taurus will be able to withstand only thanks to his ability to plan life in advance and be prepared for any unexpected events.

Relationships will take a key place in life: in the family, at work, between friends. You will have to pay a lot of attention to your significant other, but in return you will receive tremendous support when you need it.

In financial terms, the year can be called successful, because you will not expect any big expenses or monetary losses. You know how to count and make money, it is this quality that will save you from meaningless purchases.

Taurus horoscope for men

Taurus men will gain confidence this year. Perhaps it will even border on arrogance, so the stars recommend that you be more careful in expressions and softer in wording. This is especially true for conversations at work and in the family. Be single-minded, just don't expect to get what you want instantly.

With regard to work, the horoscope for men says the following: your diligence will be appreciated and adequately rewarded, but only towards the end of the year. Therefore, you may be tempted to change your occupation or place of work. You should only leave if a real prospect of self-realization awaits you in a new place. It is not recommended to change an awl for soap, even for the sake of a change of scenery.

In a relationship with your family, you need all your patience and your ability to compromise. After all, your significant other and children (if any) will require a lot of your attention throughout the year. Try not to overreact to your spouse's attacks.

Taurus horoscope: women

The year is especially favorable for Taurus women. As a stronghold of stability and strict adherence to the rules, they have proven themselves well at work, thus ensuring a stable income for themselves. This will allow you to pamper yourself with trips to beauty salons and shopping.

You can also devote yourself to planning vacations or short trips for the weekends. Now is a good time to relax and expand your horizons. Go on an excursion, visit the museum. A short period of bohemian life will shake you up a bit and have a beneficial infusion into your mood and overall well-being.

But the relationship of Taurus with representatives of the opposite sex will sparkle and blaze with fire. The patron of the year is distinguished by a rather hot-tempered character and women can succumb to this influence in search of passion and love ardor. The stars warn against hasty decisions. Even the most turbulent romance in 2017 is fleeting, but family life built over the years. Be careful.

Taurus financial horoscope 2017

On the whole, the year will be successful. And his main success lies in a stable financial income. Most likely from a permanent job. No matter what you do, put in due diligence and you will get good results. The bosses will appreciate you and your zeal in the spring. This can cause envy on the part of colleagues, but respect for the opinions of others in time will save you from gossip and gossip behind your back. Be considerate of your employees and try to consult with them when making serious decisions. Your opinion is not the only correct one.

In the year of the Red Rooster, people are usually subject to hasty decisions, including in the field of finance. The horoscope for the Taurus zodiac sign says that they can save themselves from this misfortune only thanks to natural frugality, bordering on stinginess. But Taurus should not be afraid of a period of lack of money: they made sure in advance that the means of subsistence were always there.

  • The financial horoscope for men for 2017 looks promising. The beginning of the year will not only be full of work, but also well paid for it. Financial stability will not only guarantee your peace of mind, but will encourage you to make some kind of investment. Choose your investment object carefully: you may be laying the foundation for your well-being for decades to come. A special inflow of finance - in addition to the main source - should be expected in September-October 2017. Most likely it will be some kind of part-time job. Don't refuse. Money is never superfluous.
  • The financial horoscope for women promises stability and prosperity. And this is not at all a lucky coincidence. This state of affairs will only develop through diligent and monotonous work. You have already managed to enlist the support of colleagues and look like a valuable and reliable employee in the eyes of your superiors. However, you should not count on an increase this year. Your career is stagnant. Dont be upset. Your projects will still be implemented. It's just not the time for them. You can also always devote yourself to creativity - other than your job and make a financial profit from this kind of activity.

2017 Love Horoscope: Taurus

Since you will be absorbed in the topic of relationships most of the time, you should learn to control your emotions and stop in time. Sometimes it is easier to remain silent in a conflict situation and then the quarrel will come to naught by itself. Learn diplomacy, because only thanks to it you can not only find a common language with your family, but also reconcile them with each other.

In marriage, according to the horoscope for 2017, Taurus will experience discomfort and constant anxiety. Therefore, try to strengthen family ties - joint outdoor activities can contribute to this.

Free Taurus will be puzzled by the search for their soul mate. However, for some, this will be an overwhelming task, because the search will require a lot of effort and work on themselves.

Love horoscope for men

You should learn to be loyal and tolerant. Only these qualities will allow you to maintain a harmonious relationship with your spouse. The stars recommend that you talk: boldly and directly talk about everything that you like and dislike in your relationship, what is annoying and what brings joy. Your reproaches will be heard, and the reasons for dissatisfaction will be eliminated if you say this in a conversation, and not a quarrel.

To maintain a long-term relationship, you are advised to take a little initiative: bring something new into your measured life. Stability and calmness make you feel more confident, but recklessness is great at fueling feelings. You should work on yourself, try to become a little more flexible and loyal. Your spouse will appreciate it.

But it is better to refrain from novels on the side. Many people around you are subject to your charm and, perhaps, you have repeatedly received signs of attention from women. Know, this year you should not give in to temptation. Adultery will not lead to anything good.

Love horoscope for women

Almost the whole year will pass for the Taurus woman under the sign of the family. And if your family consists only of you, your husband and children, be prepared for outside interference: your relatives will "help" you with advice on how to resolve family conflicts and avoid them in the future. Fighting with relatives-advisers is pointless. But know that they do it with the best intentions.

What can actually help you maintain a warm relationship with your husband is honesty and loyalty to your partner. Be attentive to his requests and needs, and he will also be attentive to you. The same applies to relationships with children. If you feel that the children are moving away from you or you are losing mutual understanding, try to talk calmly and frankly, share your concerns and the children will hear you.

A single woman expects a lot of proposals from men: from a joint vacation to a marriage proposal. And before making a final decision, you will have to listen not only to your heart and intuition, but also to the voice of reason.

Children's horoscope for Taurus for 2017

Taurus children will strive to become as adult as possible, and therefore will imitate adults in everything. And the main thing is the ability to give instructions. The horoscope for 2017 for the Taurus zodiac sign claims that a real manipulator will settle in your house and you will have to learn how to maneuver between his whims.

Little Taurus will surprise you with their eagerness to organize some kind of process. Most likely they will be the ringleaders in most games. To avoid possible problems, give your child a responsible household task: collect toys, water colors, and pet the cat. And a prerequisite: do not interfere, do not meddle with advice and guidance. Now it will be important for him to cope himself.

The Year of the Red Fire Rooster will be a period of business activity and professional achievements for representatives of the Taurus zodiac sign. From the first months of 2017, Taurus will begin to show decisiveness, determination and other professional qualities. Perhaps there will be situations where the necessary will contradict the desired, so Taurus will have to gather strength, pull themselves together and do what will benefit them, and not what they would like. Self-discipline and self-control will become Taurus' faithful companions throughout the year. At first, freedom-loving representatives of this sign may experience some discomfort from the restrictions and rules set by the Rooster, but very soon they will get involved and even realize all the charm of the new way of life. Taurus are by nature a little frivolous and superficial, so they will have to work hard to become responsible and disciplined. 2017 promises to be exciting and varied. Representatives of this sign will have fabulous prospects and opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Love horoscope for 2017 Taurus

In the year of the Fire Rooster, Taurus will have a difficult time on the love front. Every now and then there will not be enough time, energy or desire for new acquaintances and romantic meetings, thanks to which Taurus would be able to arrange their personal life. Those who are already in a relationship with a loved one may experience a certain cooling of feelings and irritation. Taurus' thoughts will be almost entirely absorbed in career and professional achievements, so they can gradually move away from their chosen one, which will lead to relationship problems. Try not to mix work and personal life and transfer work issues into relationships. Treat your loved one as a source of positive emotions, as the one and only effective way distract from all the business fuss. Abrupt and quick-tempered Taurus will be too emotional, which can also negatively affect the relationship with the lover. In 2017, Taurus should learn self-control, which will allow them to react more calmly and balanced to what is happening around them. The Rooster will reward Taurus for patience with a wonderful harmonious relationship with a loved one, so from the first days of this year, pull yourself together and concentrate on the main thing, ignoring all sorts of little things.

Horoscope for 2017 Taurus (family)

The first half of 2017 under the auspices of the Rooster will be somewhat tense, therefore, family relationships will be appropriate. But Taurus have good adaptive abilities and very quickly adapt to the prevailing circumstances. They will learn to understand their relatives and friends at a glance, guess their thoughts and desires, so it will not be difficult to please each of them. Taurus will react very painfully and sharply to any changes in relations with a spouse, which will confuse him. Try to communicate more with your chosen one, discuss with him your problems, plans, dreams, share experiences and be sincere. This tactic will do you a lot of good and avoid many misunderstandings. Even if you will not have time to meet and sit in a calm atmosphere, take a few minutes to call and ask how he is doing. Such a gesture of attention and care will not go unnoticed, and the guardian of the family hearth and well-being, the Red Rooster, will adequately reward you for all your efforts to balance all aspects of his life.

Horoscope for 2017 Taurus (business)

In the professional field of Taurus, great achievements await. Moreover, the representatives of this sign will not need to strain too hard, inventing a bicycle. Good luck will go into their hands, and enterprising Taurus will only have time to catch her by the tail. From the first months of the year, the Red Rooster will present Taurus with wonderful opportunities, open up wide horizons for them for professional growth and career. But you should not rely only on the luck and favor of the Rooster, because nothing will happen without decisive actions and significant actions. 2017 is a period of great achievements and numerous victories, but success will not be lightning fast and rapid. Therefore, Taurus will have to gather strength and have patience, which is oh so useful to them. Astrologers do not recommend Taurus to shift their powers and obligations to someone in order to avoid double work. Thus, you will significantly save your time and achieve better results. Understanding the seriousness of the matter and taking responsibility for the hopes placed on you will help you realize your plans and ideas.

Horoscope for 2017 Taurus (finance)

The Year of the Rooster will not bring any financial difficulties to Taurus. On the contrary, their financial situation will gradually improve and stabilize. But takeoffs are not expected either. During this period, representatives of this sign should not set themselves the task of earning a fabulous amount of money, since this is fraught not only with disappointment, but also with the likelihood of losing what could have been. This year Taurus can safely participate in various financial transactions, open deposits, invest funds. Such financial activity will lead to increased profits and improved welfare. Astrologers advise not to solve financial difficulties by means of credit obligations, especially on supposedly favorable terms. You run the risk of falling into a financial trap and getting into unrealistic debt. If you have to take credit, then it is better to cooperate with trusted banks and financial institutions. Moreover, 2017 is the perfect time to distribute all debts, close loans and sleep well. Some of the representatives of this sign will still manage to accumulate a decent amount.

Horoscope for 2017 Taurus (health)

Taurus in the year of the Rooster will need to be more attentive and careful about their own health, since the patron of 2017 does not forgive carelessness and frivolity. Therefore, general strengthening procedures should not only enter the usual Taurus lifestyle, but also take root there. If you are a hostage of sedentary work, rarely go out and lead an inactive lifestyle, then it would be nice to change some of your habits. For example, make it a habit to walk to work or skip the elevator. Try not to stay at home on weekends either, meet friends, attend various cultural events, and take part in them. Taurus are true congenital gourmets who love to eat deliciously and plentifully. But not all delicious foods are good for your body. Therefore, try to eliminate fatty, fried and sweet foods from your diet. A pleasant conversation in warm company, a healthy sense of humor and a positive attitude will not only strengthen your immune system, but also contribute to the production of dopamine, which is known to be the hormone of happiness.

Attention, the above horoscope for 2017 of the red Rooster - describes only the general trends inherent in the owners of the Taurus zodiac sign in the new 2017 Due to your uniqueness, general horoscope for 2017 for the sign of Taurus may not reflect real events. An accurate astrological prediction can only be obtained by drawing up a personal horoscope for the upcoming 2017. You can get an accurate personal horoscope by clicking on the link below.

The exact personal horoscope for 2017 of the Rooster for the sign Taurus:

Compatibility horoscope: what awaits the zodiac sign Taurus in 2017 - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

A simple month will definitely not be. It is better to prepare in advance for the fact that you will have to overcome obstacles, defend your interests, and fight rivals. You will have to make a lot of efforts to achieve the goals that you set for yourself earlier. And you can only rely on your own strength. Allies, of course, help - but not quite in the way you would like.

At the beginning of the month, it will hardly be possible to avoid problems and troubles, but in the middle the influence of positive trends will increase. It is at this time that it is better to plan what is important for you and your loved ones. Both from a professional and from a personal point of view, this time looks the most promising.

The end of September is not devoid of difficult moments, but by this time you will be inspired by success and confident in your abilities, so you will not lose your optimism. Important changes in personal relationships can happen because you look at them in a new way.

Taurus horoscope for 2017 Fire Rooster

The Fire Rooster, no doubt, will fill the life of Taurus with bright events. Although the year will not be easy, it will more than compensate for all the costs if the representatives of the sign make an effort.

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This horoscope will tell you:

Common Taurus horoscope for 2017

In the year of the Rooster, Taurus will enter slightly exhausted. After all, a difficult and eccentric monkey took a lot of strength and energy. During this period, you should maximally tune in to engage in self-discipline, to carry out what was planned on time. Only in this case the horoscope promises good results and real gifts of fate.

Particular attention should be paid to social life and teamwork. This will allow you to reduce your own energy costs, as well as avoid unnecessary mistakes.

In the middle of the year, conflicts are very likely, which can have serious consequences. You should restrain yourself in emotional impulses so as not to break off relationships with loved ones or colleagues. The natural stubbornness of the stars is recommended to be forgotten at this time. The ability to listen will be needed more than ever. Moreover, valuable advice can be given not only by representatives of the mature generation, but also by their own children.

The family will generally become the center of Taurus' life. Already at the beginning of the year there will be an opportunity to make sure that she is the support and hope in life.

In the second half of the year, Taurus will feel a surge of energy. Some will even be drawn into areas that were previously far from them. Mastering new frontiers will only benefit. But some representatives of this sign can completely lose track of time, which can adversely affect their personal life.

Updates should definitely be a part of Taurus life in 2017. This can be a radical change in hairstyle or hair color, style of clothing, work, hobbies, etc. This will launch an important cycle of changes in the fate of the representatives of the sign, which will be favored by the location of the stars. Starting a family is also one of these positive changes.

It must be remembered that Taurus should only make decisions that can turn their whole life after consulting with loved ones.

The Taurus horoscope indicates the need for efforts to create alliances, family unity and other types of collective action.

Taurus love horoscope for 2017

Big changes await representatives of the spring zodiacal circle on the love front. On the one hand, this year will be very favorable for starting a family. This issue needs special attention. Perhaps the spouse will not be the one who has been around for a long time.

You should not waste time on empty arguments and disagreements. Better to learn to compromise, because relationships need to be cherished.

At the beginning of the year, the stars predict all kinds of tests of feelings. But everything will end well. It will be useful for Taurus to gain new experiences. Moreover, the emotional side throughout 2017 prevails over the rational one.

Those who have not yet found their soul mate may meet her very unexpectedly. For example, during a business trip. Strictly business communication can turn into a romantic story. The love horoscope favors this.

It is worth to be afraid of adventures on the side and official connections. Most likely, this will break more than one heart and damage the reputation in general.

Casual affairs, if any, must be hidden from your soulmate. There will be no continuation of these stories, but it will be possible to make sure that your own family is the best without going to the left.

Taurus career and finance in 2017

This is not to say that the year of the Rooster is the financial heyday of Taurus. But the horoscope does not note any serious problems with material values. Money can be earned with the advice of relatives or financial gurus. It is better not to consider projects that are too risky.

This year will be favorable in order to part with debts. The stars are not advised to take new loans.

If large amounts of money are in your hands, you should be very careful about this. The risk of their loss is high.

Luck is generally on the side of Taurus, but only with their own serious investments. In this case, "you can't pull out a fish without difficulty."

If in the second half of the year Taurus venture to start new projects or acquire useful business contacts, one should expect a significant improvement in well-being. Money horoscope indicates a possible inheritance.

If the career of those born during this period is just beginning, then they need to be on the lookout. The bosses will carefully monitor the behavior of the staff, so there is no margin for error.

Particularly talented individuals after July can discover career prospects for themselves. The rest will have a hard time breaking out from under the wing of higher management.

Those employed in the creative industry should expect great deals and high fees in the spring.

Taurus businessmen need to carefully monitor their own records so as not to incur a tax audit. Additional attention can also be expected from supervisory authorities. The horoscope does not recommend going to negotiations alone due to the possible distortion of information.

Health Orb in the Year of the Rooster

The Fire Rooster can bring unpleasant surprises in the field of health. Exacerbation of existing chronic diseases, as well as deterioration of well-being in general, are not excluded. To prevent this, it is necessary to start prevention at the beginning of the year. Professional examinations, dietary nutrition and adequate physical activity are useful. Taurus's health will depend on how intrinsic the instinct of self-preservation is in its representatives.

Do not get involved in extreme sports, since the Taurus horoscope signals a high risk of injury.

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The most vulnerable place will be the legs. Athletes should reduce the load on them, everyone else should be attentive even during walking.

There should be funds at hand for the treatment of ENT diseases. It is better to carry out ongoing prevention so as not to face a serious problem.

Endocrine and digestive systems are under threat, according to the stars. Both are sensitive to stress, so you need to be able to relieve psychological stress.

Alcohol should be limited. Especially if accompanied by plentiful treats. Such a load for the body may be too high.

Taurus women and their horoscope in 2017

First of all, seductive representatives of this sign should think about getting married. The year is perfect for this step and for the birth of the baby. But you need to give up quick temper and increased demands on your partner in order to find harmony.

Throughout the year, and especially in the second half, ladies will not be deprived of male attention. But you should be careful not to provoke false rumors or jealousy of a loved one.

Career development is also going well. The Taurus woman should think about gaining new knowledge for further advancement.

Family relationships will be harmonious. Many pleasant surprises, discoveries and trips await in this area. It is possible that the representatives of this sign will be involved in resolving issues of relatives or children. You should not impose your opinion, but trying to develop a joint strategy of behavior will be useful for the whole family.

Excessive reproaches to a husband or partner can lead to discord in the relationship. Sometimes lovely ladies just do not notice this, so it is useful for Taurus to listen to an outside opinion about themselves.

Perhaps in the year of the Rooster, the Taurus woman will be lucky to become pregnant. It is worth trying to reduce the workload and enjoy this state as much as possible. In addition, the financial situation will be conducive to this.

Taurus men and their year of the Rooster

Stubborn and obsessed with their own ideas, Taurus must learn to be gentle. This can be seen from your parents or the other half. Otherwise, aggression by spring will lead to the loss of important acquaintances that can lead to profit.

In no case should you risk large sums of money by investing them in other people's projects. The horoscope indicates a safe start for your own projects. You will have to invest a lot of effort in them, but at the end of the year it will bring tangible results.

A Taurus man may want to prove to others how independent he is in decisions. This is fraught with possible losses, because he does not want to listen to his wife or other relatives.

Unlike women of this sign, representatives of the stronger sex are not recommended to change their field of activity.

It is better for married Taurus to refrain from communicating with seductive persons, so as not to provoke a family scandal. It can also damage your business reputation. In the same period, growth prospects may open. It should be remembered that the leader who has his own strong team wins. Its creation could be the goal of 2017.


In 2017, Taurus can safely claim the title of the luckiest sign of the zodiac, and this is no wonder, because the cheerful Monkey, transferring its rights to the Fiery Cockerel, threw him a note asking him to look after you. The Rooster will show concern from the first days of the new year - you will receive a sea of \u200b\u200bprofitable and seductive job offers, however, climbing the career ladder will be difficult, because there will be many steps. With courage and courage, you will be able to charm the Rooster in the field of personal relationships - in love, the eccentric owner of the year will also decide to throw a few surprises on Taurus.

From about February, the platoon of fans will increase to a division, so please be patient and learn to fight back. It will be difficult to fight with boyfriends, because your charm will be extremely great. In March, your fans will calm down a little, especially since catching Taurus will be problematic - after all, you will spend most of your time in the service. Career success can negatively affect relationships with loved ones, so learn to ignore flattering words from your bosses and run home early.

In the middle of spring, visits from distant relatives are expected, so hurry up to fill the refrigerator with various goodies. By the way, your beloved relatives will help you with the repairs, with which it is better not to delay - a crowd of people will quickly strip off the old wallpaper and make a fabulous palace out of your apartment. In June, Taurus will feel the desire to try their hand at new activities, go for it, because the Rooster has already flapped its wings and conjured good luck to you. Rich and respectable patrons will appear in your life - do not hesitate to take advantage of their location and promote new acquaintances in full.

You will be able to show your talents at the end of the summer - here it is important to contact a competent advertising agent, on whose efforts and abilities your future success will depend. Personal life in August will sparkle with new colors - family Taurus will enjoy communicating with the chosen one, but love awaits the free wards of Venus. Yes, yes, the one that you dreamed of for many years. So you can now bypass all the fashionable wedding salons and choose the most chic and expensive outfit for yourself.

In the fall of 2017, you may feel a little tired, which will help to cope with a vacation. It is a full-fledged vacation, and not a couple of weekends that you are used to filling with household chores. If you leave for a resort, you can believe the horoscope - there will be no flood in the world, and your office will remain intact, the caring Rooster will try to maintain stability in business.

Around mid-October, competitors become more active, but you can not worry, but again turn to your rich patrons for help - they will quickly deal with annoying enemies, and you can work calmly. In November, you will receive a serious offer from foreign partners - do not swing too long, not everyone gets such a chance. Success will depend only on your activity, so enlist the support of the Rooster and agree, at the same time see the world. Cooperation will be long, besides, you have long dreamed of seeing winter in another country.

In December 2017, Taurus will have all the opportunities for this, maybe you don't even want to return, and who will let such a wonderful specialist go. Your success at work will significantly improve your relationships with your loved ones - your loved ones will be happy to have such an advanced and intelligent relative. You will not be bored on business trips - there will be enough work, and the activity will bring you spiritual satisfaction, and the payment will pleasantly please.

2017 love horoscope for Taurus

The Year of the Rooster is good for sorting out your feelings and learning how to build relationships with the chosen one.

You will be lucky in love affairs, and that's putting it mildly. You will simply bathe in love and passion, most importantly, sometimes emerge and look around. For Taurus, every day of 2017 will be like a fairy tale, because half will simply fill you up with gifts and surprises. You, too, will not hurt to try on the mask of a good wizard - a lot will depend on your imagination.

Sentimentality and childishness, oddly enough, this year will help you in love affairs. Your partner will be literally fascinated by your vulnerability and will do everything to make you smile. Do not abuse the sensitivity of the chosen one and sometimes try to be serious - at least you will have to decide what to wear to the party. The Rooster will help you dot past relationships - don't be afraid to utter the final word: No!

In the year of the Red Rooster, you will succeed in love affairs, victory awaits you, which will lead to numerous novels. All this is not bad if there is no marriage mark in your passport, but if you are not free, then beware of flirting - your partner's anger will be great. If you just want to renew your feelings, you don't have to look for adventure on the side - rush with your beloved away from home and enjoy new impressions.

Business horoscope for 2017 for Taurus

Any innovations in the Year of the Rooster are only welcome, so in 2017 it is important not to be afraid and to implement the most fantastic ideas.

Taurus of the 1st decade (04.21-30.04). Your commitment to following the rules this year will help you succeed. Any boss will fight for you to work in his team - after all, there is no longer such a responsible and smart employee like Taurus in the world. There will be a lot of offers, the main thing is to understand what is more important - instant reward, or slow but stable career growth.

Taurus 2 decades (1.05-10.05). In the year of the Rooster, you will be able to attract many useful people to your side. Money will fall on you from all sides, because you inexplicably learn to attract them. Do not get lost and stock up on containers, but it is best to find a more reliable place, for example, keep your capital in gold bars - believe the horoscope, all reputable banks have already begun to fight for such a charming client.

Taurus 3 decades (11.05-20.05). In the Year of the Rooster, you will become geniuses or adventurers, it all depends on your environment. So try to communicate helpful peoplewho will not only help with advice, but also financially support. Your pedantry and tendency to analyze in 2017 will be the best helpers - in any business you will achieve success. Pay attention to your competitors - among them there are a couple of guys who have long dreamed of going over to your side.

Family horoscope for Taurus for 2017

Don't wait for others to decide what you need. Take control of the situation and act - close people expect responsibility from you.

Taurus of the 1st decade (04.21-30.04). Being ideal is boring, agree with this and drop the conventions - the household will only be happy. After all, living by the rules is not interesting, all the more the eccentric owner of the year does not like it. Give your loved ones, and yourself, more freedom, more often arrange family holidays with barbecue and fireworks - and the Year of the Rooster will be gorgeous.

Taurus 2 decades (1.05-10.05). The rooster will help you deal with household chores, and give tips on how to improve living conditions. Everything is very simple - a little money, imagination and the apartment will look like an art gallery. In addition, you will help your family to show their talents, because your cousin is asleep and sees himself as a fashionable abstract artist, and the other half has already written a letter to the "Housing Question".

Taurus 3 decades (11.05-20.05). The Year of the Fire Rooster is good for strengthening relationships with your beloved half. It is important to start with yourself, read the horoscope from the Witch and hurry to the mirror - how long have you sincerely smiled? Remember the day when you just met your chosen one, and try to bring romance back into communication. In 2017, it is useful for two to get out into nature, travel more often - the second honeymoon will drag on for a whole year.

Taurus health horoscope for 2017

In the year of the Rooster, special health problems are not expected, but it is better to listen to the body's signals more often and do not forget to be examined.

Taurus of the 1st decade (04.21-30.04). It's time to start playing sports - the active owner of the year will be happy with such a decision on your part. Just don't strive to get into the Olympic team in 2017 - just set a couple of personal records. Arrange fasting weeks more often - after a while all the models of your city will strive for a personal acquaintance.

Taurus 2 decades (1.05-10.05). The rooster will welcome all the bold ideas that you decide to bring to life this year. All year round we offer exotic fruit masks and unusual beauty treatments. Do not be afraid to experiment, just be careful with diets - let the models rattle with your bones, and you are already in great shape.

Taurus 3 decades (11.05-20.05). Try to find time for outdoor activities more often, because in the previous year you were too relaxed. Rollers or a bike are waiting for you - it doesn't matter what you choose, the main thing is the result. Avoid stress - although the Cockerel and the lover make a row, he will try to save you from any hassle.

Children's horoscope for Taurus for 2017

Little Taurus in the year of the Rooster will behave seriously beyond their years - they will surprise you with solidity. Try to praise your children more often and respect their opinions.

Taurus kids 1 decade (04.21-30.04). Your kids will strive to command everyone who gets in their way - try to be humorous about such manifestations of independence. Give the offspring responsible tasks, because little bosses are just waiting to be entrusted with a difficult task. The main thing is not to stand above the soul and let the young Taurus deal with the problems themselves.

Taurus kids 2 decades (1.05-10.05). Your children in the year of the Rooster will evoke affection - they will become sweet and adorable. You will not notice how you succumb to the influence of small Taurus. On demand, any toys will move from the store to your home, and the goodies from the refrigerator will be eaten by gluttons in one second. Pamper the little ones, but do not forget about strictness, at least sometimes.

Little Taurus 3 decades (11.05-20.05). Your beloved children will become unusually serious - many older children will appear in their environment. Do not resist the desire of children to gain authority - let Taurus show their independence. Do not be surprised if one day you find little Einstein at the computer, when he tries to draw up a family budget.

Horoscope 2017 for Taurus by year of birth

Horoscope for 2017 Taurus - Rat

In the year of the Rooster, you will not be able to sit idly by, and with all the desire, Taurus-Rats will not be able to be lazy. The rooster will throw innovations and a lot of interesting things. Your desire to take a leadership position in 2017 will finally come true - your boss will gladly offer you his chair. It is better to avoid monotonous work - in the year of the Red Rooster this is not at all for you, because your energy requires vigorous and bright activity.

Horoscope for 2017 Taurus - Ox

You will need creative activity - boldly move forward and shout louder about your talents. Literature, music, cinema - try yourself in any business, because the Rooster will ensure you victory. You will also succeed in catching luck in the field of politics - billboards have long been prepared for your photo, and friends have already collected a sufficient number of signatures in your support.

Horoscope for 2017 Taurus - Tiger

In the year of the Rooster, you will surprise yourself - from the very first days of the year you will want something new and unusual. Do not suppress the desire to conquer the world - in any area you will succeed. Some Taurus-Tigers will finally catch the goldfish, just be careful with your wishes. You will achieve popularity thanks to your ability to conduct diplomatic negotiations - all respectable and important people have already taken a queue to see you.

Horoscope for 2017 Taurus - Cat (Rabbit)

In 2017, you will look like bunnies from battery ads - everywhere you will be the first. There will be no indulgences in the year of the Rooster - he will throw you thousands of serious and responsible matters, so you will definitely say goodbye to boredom, by the way, you can also wave your pen about lack of money. Personal relationships will delight you with pleasant changes, the main thing is to make your choice and not retreat in front of obstacles, and the Rooster will try to help you.

Horoscope for 2017 Taurus-Dragon

In the year of the Rooster, you will shine and conquer others. The laurel wreath has long been adjusted to your size, all that remains is to go for a fitting. The Drakosha are especially lucky in business - the deals will be successful, the partners will be accommodating, and you literally redeem in money. In the hustle and bustle of the work, do not forget about relatives who are worried and are preparing a plan for your return to the family. Do not annoy your family and more often arrange for them holidays.

Horoscope for 2017 Taurus-Snake

Your wisdom in the year of the Rooster will be at its best. Even competitors will be happy to receive advice from you, and your honesty and integrity will be legendary. The rooster will throw you several profitable and promising offers, which only the lazy will refuse, and this is certainly not about you. Try to relax sometimes - skillful masseuses are tired of waiting for you in a foreign resort.

Horoscope for 2017 Taurus - Horse

In the year of the Rooster, it is important not to get confused by the abundance of opportunities. Already at the beginning of the year, you will receive several lucrative offers - try to act without impudence and carefully consider each step. Seek advice from your household, in 2017 Horses will have an excellent relationship with all relatives. As for money, the Rooster took care of your financial independence and opened an account in your name long ago.

Horoscope for 2017 Taurus - Goat (Sheep)

Your life will be hectic and eventful, but despite this, learn to find time to relax. The rooster will help you create comfortable living conditions, and there will be more than enough money in 2017. Try to devote more time to education, you will succeed in any new activity, it is only important that you are interested in it. You can try yourself in business - you will have all the opportunities to open, for example, a beauty salon and call it by your name.

Horoscope for 2017 Taurus - Monkey

Your ingenuity in the Year of the Rooster will help you solve problems with amazing speed. The rooster will appreciate the efforts, because he loves speed and helps active individuals. In 2017, you will excel at your career, and your art of being liked by others will be perfected. Everyone from the security guard to the boss will be delighted with your charm, and fans will line up for an autograph.

Horoscope for 2017 Taurus-Rooster

In 2017, you do not have to worry about anything - the Rooster will not see a competitor in you, on the contrary, he will take you under his care like a little chicken. Take advantage of the location of the host of the year and try yourself in new activities. You are lucky in the financial sphere, but it is better to refrain from spending capital - excesses will wait. The Fire Rooster will also support you in matters of personal relationships - everything will be so perfect that you will look for a catch.

Horoscope for 2017 Taurus - Dog

This year you will earn the respect of many people, and all your colleagues will start to listen to you in the service - do not disappoint your colleagues. Any injustice will provoke your protest, but try to act carefully, because it is simply impossible to fight some people according to the rules. The rooster will connect you with influential and necessary personalities who will help you succeed in the business sphere, it is only important to show your leadership qualities and prepare a box for money in advance.

Horoscope for 2017 Taurus - Pig (Boar)

The year promises to be fun, because your sociability will not let you get bored even for a second. Pay attention to the environment - although the Rooster will try to protect you from negative people, discretion will not hurt. Success is expected in finance - a sea of \u200b\u200blucrative contracts and promising deals will help you get rich. Of course, in the year of the Rooster, you will not add to the list of the richest people on the planet, but you will definitely be known as a local Rockefeller.

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