Gemini common horoscope for July 23

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: who will go on the journey of their dreams, and who will wait for changes

Read the astrological forecast for Monday, July 23rd. We will also tell you under which zodiac constellation those who celebrate their birthday today were born. July 23, 2018 - 11th day of the lunar calendar. First quarter, Moon in Sagittarius. A new lunar day will start at 01:57 and end at 13:10.

Those who celebrate their birthday today, according to the horoscope of Leo. Representatives of this zodiac sign are ambitious and love flattery and luxury. These people work hard to achieve success and popularity. However, Leos are often guided not by common sense, but by emotions and feelings.

Astrologers advise you today to be more attentive to the problems of others and not to ignore requests for help, especially if they come from relatives.

Today the frantic pace of life will engulf you in the morning. You will find yourself in a maelstrom of work affairs, so you won't even notice when evening comes.

Fate today will give you a second chance to change something in your life. Try not to miss it, and make the most of this opportunity.

You will have the opportunity to go on the journey of your dreams. Do not deny yourself the pleasures, you deserve it.

A person from the past will remind you of yourself. This phone call or message will make you plunge into memories, they will be very pleasant.

Scales during the day you will try to solve your own questions, which will be very important to you. Therefore, the day will pass in communication and paperwork.

You will have a chance to solve a difficult life situation. Astrologers claim that today you will find a person who will be able to help you with this.

The stars advise you to devote more time to children today. Arrange a small family party after a working day, visit a cinema or an amusement park. This will be useful not only for children.

Everything happens at once only in fairy tales - do not forget about this and do not be upset if some of your desires have not yet been realized. Work harder, the result will not be long in coming.

Bad news that you learn in the morning will ruin your mood for the whole day. Unfortunately, you can no longer change anything, so there is no need to be nervous in vain.

Conflicts with your loved one await you. The cause of misunderstanding will be the partner's selfishness. The fight will not be significant, but you will have to get nervous.

We will remind, earlier Politeka reported,

Personal astrological forecast for July 23, 2020 for women and men born under the zodiac sign Gemini. The day is not devoid of contradictions and problems, but the good thing is that it opens up new opportunities. He is suitable in order to experiment, try his hand, bring to life the most daring plans. In all this, the stars will support you. But you can't sit back: idleness depresses you, badly affects your mood and well-being. Do not give up on appointments, do not postpone planned things, try to do something useful. This will help you feel better, give you energy that will not be superfluous.

Astrological forecast for today

The day is ambiguous. You successfully implement projects that you did not have high hopes for, but fail in things that seemed simple and completely devoid of pitfalls. It is very difficult to maintain peace of mind - you are impressionable, irritable, react very sharply to any criticism. All this makes it undesirable to conduct business negotiations and any important meetings. Things are much better in the area of \u200b\u200bpersonal relationships. Even if misunderstandings do arise, they can be dealt with quickly and painlessly. Confidence in the feelings of a loved one allows you to remain optimistic and calm even when rumors and gossip spread by ill-wishers reach your ears.

A true horoscope for Gemini

Gemini on this day are so calm and confident that they are ready to close their eyes to any trifles and misunderstandings between them and their partner. Today, their spiritual harmony is so stable that only a natural disaster can infuriate the Gemini. Today is a good day for creative pursuits, as well as for visiting exhibitions of like-minded people, where you can meet interesting people.

Personal horoscope for July 23, 2020

Feel free to take on any business, as everywhere you can achieve success. Life potential is high. People who are lonely or looking for adventure can attract the attention of the opposite sex, but Venus begins a regressive movement - an acquaintance will end in a quarrel or scandal.

Horoscope life zodiac sign Gemini

The horoscope does not recommend Gemini to "swing" their rights too zealously, both at work and at home. Behave more restrained, then you can strengthen your position and prove your worth. Give your teenage children more time and attention. Find out who they are hanging out with, what they are passionate about, and how they learn. The Gemini will spend the evening in thought - where to go to rest on vacation?

Horoscope House for Today July 23, 2020

Your loved ones are not as easy-going as you are, and can remember your antics, because of this, a protracted confrontation in the family is possible. You should focus on your personal life, it is in your best interest. Patience and discipline have not stopped anyone yet.

It is easy to overestimate your capabilities, to make mistakes that will be difficult to correct. You are impatient with others, do not consider it necessary to have long conversations, explain why you are doing this and not otherwise. This upsets and offends many, you risk losing allies, ruining relations with friends.
Try not to criticize anyone: today you have a very sharp tongue, your remarks hurt painfully. This is especially important in communicating with the closest people. You often, unwittingly, say offensive things, are tactless.

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Love horoscope - Gemini

Do not trust casual acquaintances in transport. Try to get to know the person as best as possible before throwing yourself into the pool of feelings.


Today you will be in a somewhat depressed and apathetic frame of mind, especially if recently the events in your personal life have not been quite the way you would like. Try not to dwell on your mistakes and failures and do something that will help you cheer up and have fun.
Today you should remain prudent and calm in your personal life. Even if some unforeseen and strange events take place in it, in no case fall into recklessness and do not make any radical changes.

Your dedication will help nudge your lover, and he will still come out of hibernation. His love talents will also be revealed in your warm arms. The more time you spend together, the more perfect your love will become. The inner fire, which so delights in you, will do its noble work.

Horoscope @ RU

Family horoscope - Gemini

The current Pluto aspect will help you significantly improve your relationships with loved ones. You will easily express your good feelings for them and easily find a common language.

Business horoscope - Gemini

You have a lot of things to do, and you need to deal with them tomorrow, otherwise you can spoil the good impression that has been created about you.


You will be influenced by Mars, which promises a surge of strength. You will be very entrepreneurial and focused, and if a colleague allows himself to relax in the workplace, you will quickly get him back into the labor system.

Health horoscope - Gemini

A hectic lifestyle, irregular meals, and a tendency to stay up late at work can lead to rapid exhaustion. Try to be in the fresh air as often as possible, get enough sleep, then you will keep yourself in a good mood, you will be blooming and full of strength. An important role is played by the inner attitude, try to be optimistic about the future. Smile more often, and ailments will bypass you.


Why “push” when you can let events take their course? It may well be that many confused situations will be resolved by themselves, but you will save your strength and nerves. This is what Venus advises you today in a favorable aspect.

Mobile horoscope - Gemini

You are greatly concerned about the situation in which you find yourself today. You may feel pressured and worried about how to get things done. Be ready to reflect and analyze throughout the day without stopping - this is the only way you will find the right solution. Spend all your energy on reflection, and you will be able to forget about the stress that you experienced at the beginning of the journey. Your mind will cope with a conflict or other unpleasant situation, and then tell you the right solution. First you need to calm down and look at the world with different eyes. Reconsider the situation from different angles, and you will understand how you should proceed.

Beauty horoscope - Gemini

You should pay utmost attention to the small nuances and details of the behavior of the people around you - as a result, they can radically change your opinion about them. Be attentive to the little things - and they will tell you everything you wanted to know.


Horoscope for 23 July 2018 - ARIES

The horoscope for July 23 for Aries says that in the morning you will be puzzled by plans for grandiose purchases. Health problems are possible, there is a risk. Try to avoid strenuous physical work. Also avoid sharp and cutting objects.

Horoscope for 23 July 2018 - Taurus

The stars warn Taurus that on July 23, some of your habits can negatively affect your reputation. You will be active in business and personal affairs. Be careful with your work partners, they don't need to know everything about you. worth the closest people.

Horoscope for July 23, 2018 - Gemini

The horoscope for July 23 for Gemini says that this day will be ambiguous and changeable. You will have to work hard and deal with everyday problems. If you are not familiar with any area of \u200b\u200blife, then involve specialists in help. family members due to the fact that something did not go according to your plan.

Horoscope for 23 July 2018 - CANCER

The stars warn Rakov that on July 23, career success is guaranteed to representatives of the sign, who are involved in sales, marketing and supply, as well as advertising and promotion. In areas where it is necessary to communicate with people, you will be indispensable. Discard.

Horoscope for 23 July 2018 - LEO

The astrological forecast for Lviv on July 23 says that business trips await you on this day. All conflicts will be resolved at the expense of your light character and with your opponent. If you give someone your word, then do what you promised. Don't lie to achieve your goal.

Horoscope for July 23, 2018 - Virgo

The stars on July 23 tell Virgo that financial issues will not give you much trouble. You may have high costs. You will have to borrow your friends, as well as spend on your education and family, but this will make you feel like the master of the situation. ...

Horoscope for July 23, 2018 - Libra

The Libra horoscope for July 23 says that you will have to spend less money than you think. There is a danger, so be careful and judicious and check suspicious information. Do not be afraid to seek help from specialists.

Horoscope for 23 July 2018 - SCORPIO

The moon on July 23 warns Scorpios that you must be careful about your health. Chronic diseases can remind of themselves. It also does not hurt to strengthen. Try not to start important tasks, because then it will be difficult to take on them.

Horoscope for July 23, 2018 - SAGITTARIUS

The zodiac tells Sagittarius that on July 23rd you will want to forget about all your worries and dive headlong into. Be careful what you wish for, because it can damage your reputation. Remember that every action has consequences.

Horoscope for 23 July 2018 - CAPRICORN

The horoscope for Capricorns says that on July 23, you can shift everything onto the shoulders of others, leaving yourself controlling functions. Be careful, because this approach can ruin yours. Remain fair and considerate.

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Horoscope for July 23, 2018. Good luck today accompanies the signs: Aries, Scorpio, Aquarius, Gemini, Sagittarius; but they should be careful: Libra and Taurus. This is what the astrological forecast for July 23 promises. ARIES Aries are becoming more and more sociable and curious. If you are well versed in the topic, then you will be a good coordinator of other people's actions. An unexpected career change may occur, such as being offered a new position or expanding your responsibilities. Your financial circumstances or partnerships may also suddenly change. At the same time, relations with business partners may become complicated, especially if you are currently in the negotiation process with them. Taurus Taurus is better not to be late for work and not be absent for a long time from the workplace: this can lead to disciplinary action. Circumstances may force you to change your profession or place of residence, but nothing will force you to change your image. But you should not suspect evil intent everywhere and prepare for a fight with an imaginary enemy. To feel free and uninhibited in the proposed circumstances, you will need extra courage and complete self-confidence on this day. In the evening, you can visit a restaurant or theater with your loved one, but always in one that you have never been to before. Gemini Gemini may have to work in difficult conditions when freedom of behavior is largely limited. The attempt of the typical Gemini to quickly cope with affairs through the use of technical innovations and information technology can lead to the opposite effect. In business negotiations, it is worth monitoring your behavior and not overly shock the interlocutors - this way you can only lower your rating. It is worth listening to forebodings, taking a closer look at the implicit signs. Also, material issues on this day can have a negative impact on your relationships with friends and family. CANCER If you travel, a kaleidoscope of interesting experiences awaits you. Don't rush today, just do your job consistently and soon you will notice how the to-do list has become smaller, and your mood has improved markedly. It is in your best interest to help your colleagues and friends today, not to criticize in a harsh manner. Maintain an even relationship with them, and if there are minor disagreements, use common sense. Also, be prepared for the fact that your household will react painfully to injustice committed against them. LEO Today, Leo should be more careful, follow the signs of fate and not miss out on lucrative offers. Pay close attention to events: most likely, they will bring you the chances of a better future. But it is recommended to check the incoming information for its reliability, otherwise you risk falling on the wrong path and making many mistakes. In your personal life, a calm awaits you, which some Leos will find long-awaited. VIRGO In the morning, Virgos are better off refraining from making financial decisions. It is undesirable at this time to open bank accounts, place deposits, take and lend money, make bulk purchases of goods for the purpose of resale. Activity is undesirable where guaranteed success is needed. Today, excellent conditions are being formed for the use of natural talents, for the establishment and improvement of personal life. This is the right moment to meet, correspond or walk with the object of your sympathy. LIBRA It takes some effort to stay stable. Success is possible in military affairs, in the medical field, in carrying out any dangerous investigation or test. Purely intellectual work will not bring satisfaction if it is not aimed at some specific result. If you know what you are doing, you will win. But in business partnerships, disputes can arise; however, the relationship between partners will be more transparent. SCORPIO Quite unexpectedly, a former passion will appear in the lives of some Scorpios. You may need to rethink study, social networking, travel, and travel issues. It is best now to adjust to external circumstances, adapt to any changes and not take initiatives. Even if the situation does not suit you, you will willingly put up with it and find positive moments in it. In external contacts, you may face bureaucratic delays and formal obstacles. It is also undesirable today to enter into new alliances and restore old ones. SAGITTARIUS For Sagittarius, this day will be associated with the successful solution of material problems. This is a great time for those who orient themselves towards the search for new business opportunities, are engaged in marketing research of potential markets, and are looking for opportunities to expand the geography of their business. And the problems and thoughts of other people will worry you no less than your own tasks. But be on the lookout, perhaps someone from your environment is already sharpening a grudge on your success. CAPRICORN Today, Capricorns do not want to deal with real estate and make responsible business decisions. One should not count on the loyalty of the authorities and social structures today; prepare carefully before meeting with management. You should be more careful and not overstep the line beyond which the violation of legal norms and other people's rights begins. It is very important at this time to come to a compromise on controversial issues. If you have an influential patron, then today you can fully count on his assistance. But in personal matters, you may doubt your feelings for a permanent partner or suspect him that he himself is not too attached to you. AQUARIUS Probably, Aquarius will have to resort to savings, or temporarily abandon some planned purchases and investments. You should not listen to the advice of friends and strangers, especially when it comes to finance, electronics, computer programs and accessories. You should often listen to your inner voice and intuition, their tips will help you avoid mistakes. Many people will appear in your field of vision, an intensive exchange of opinions and information awaits you. When negotiating at this time, you should consider not only your own interests, but strive to conclude a mutually beneficial deal. PISCES Any rash and drastic changes in Pisces can now negatively affect your life, while planned, gradual and smooth transformations can be the beginning of positive changes in your destiny. You can get many pleasant and interesting experiences in terms of learning. But don't take new friendships too seriously. The stars advise you to pay attention to completing the work you have begun, but they do not recommend starting a new cycle of classes. In your personal life, your significant other may be jealous of you because of any little thing, but demand freedom of action for yourself. Lonely Pisces can start making new acquaintances in clubs and other entertainment venues. Prepared by Sergey Sobolenko, based on materials from and

Good luck today accompanies the signs: Aries, Scorpio, Aquarius, Gemini, Sagittarius; but they should be careful: Libra and Taurus. This is what the astrological forecast for July 23 promises.

Aries are becoming more outgoing and curious. If you are well versed in the topic, then you will be a good coordinator of other people's actions. An unexpected career change may occur, such as being offered a new position or expanding your responsibilities. Your financial circumstances or partnerships may also suddenly change. At the same time, relations with business partners may become complicated, especially if you are currently in the negotiation process with them.

It is better for Taurus not to be late for work and not be absent for a long time from the workplace: this can lead to disciplinary action. Circumstances may force you to change your profession or place of residence, but nothing will force you to change your image. But you should not suspect evil intent everywhere and prepare for a fight with an imaginary enemy. To feel free and uninhibited in the proposed circumstances, you will need extra courage and complete self-confidence on this day. In the evening, you can visit a restaurant or theater with your loved one, but always in one that you have never been to before.

Gemini may have to work in difficult conditions, when freedom of behavior will be largely limited. The typical Gemini's attempt to get things done quickly through the use of technical innovations and information technology can backfire. In business negotiations, it is worth monitoring your behavior and not overly shock the interlocutors - this way you can only lower your rating. It is worth listening to forebodings, taking a closer look at the implicit signs. Also, material issues on this day can have a negative impact on your relationships with friends and family.

If you are traveling, a kaleidoscope of interesting experiences awaits you. Don't rush today, just do your job consistently and soon you will notice how the to-do list has become smaller, and your mood has improved markedly. It is in your best interest to help your colleagues and friends today, not to criticize in a harsh manner. Maintain an even relationship with them, and if there are minor disagreements, use common sense. Also, be prepared for the fact that your household will react painfully to injustice committed against them.

Today Leo should be more careful, follow the signs of fate and not miss out on lucrative offers. Pay close attention to events: most likely, they will bring you the chances of a better future. But it is recommended to check the incoming information for its reliability, otherwise you risk falling on the wrong path and making many mistakes. In your personal life, a calm awaits you, which some Leos will find long-awaited.

In the morning, Virgos are better off refraining from making financial decisions. It is undesirable at this time to open bank accounts, place deposits, take and lend money, make bulk purchases of goods for the purpose of resale. Activity is undesirable where guaranteed success is needed. Today, excellent conditions are being formed for the use of natural talents, for the establishment and improvement of personal life. This is the right moment to meet, correspond or walk with the object of your sympathy.

To maintain stability, you will need to make some effort. Success is possible in military affairs, in the medical field, in carrying out any dangerous investigation or test. Purely intellectual work will not bring satisfaction if it is not aimed at some specific result. If you know what you are doing, you will win. But in business partnerships, disputes can arise; however, the relationship between partners will be more transparent.

Quite unexpectedly, a former passion will appear in the lives of some Scorpios. You may need to rethink study, social networking, travel, and travel issues. It is best now to adjust to external circumstances, adapt to any changes and not take initiatives. Even if the situation does not suit you, you will willingly put up with it and find positive moments in it. In external contacts, you may face bureaucratic delays and formal obstacles. It is also undesirable today to enter into new alliances and restore old ones.

For Sagittarius, this day will be associated with the successful solution of material problems. This is a great time for those who orient themselves towards the search for new business opportunities, are engaged in marketing research of potential markets, and are looking for opportunities to expand the geography of their business. And the problems and thoughts of other people will worry you no less than your own tasks. But be on the lookout, perhaps someone from your environment is already sharpening their teeth on your success.

Capricorns today are undesirable in real estate transactions and making responsible business decisions. You should not count on the loyalty of the authorities and social structures today; prepare carefully before meeting with management. You should be more careful and not overstep the line beyond which the violation of legal norms and other people's rights begins. It is very important at this time to come to a compromise on controversial issues. If you have an influential patron, then today you can fully count on his assistance. But in personal matters, you may doubt your feelings for a permanent partner or suspect him that he himself is not too attached to you.

Probably, Aquarius will have to resort to savings, or temporarily abandon some planned purchases and investments. You should not listen to the advice of friends and strangers, especially when it comes to finance, electronics, computer programs and accessories. You should often listen to your inner voice and intuition, their tips will help you avoid mistakes. Many people will appear in your field of vision, an intensive exchange of opinions and information awaits you. When negotiating at this time, you should consider not only your own interests, but strive to conclude a mutually beneficial deal.

Any rash and drastic changes in Pisces now can negatively affect your life, while planned, gradual and smooth transformations can be the beginning of positive changes in your destiny. You can get many pleasant and cognitively interesting experiences. But don't take new friendships too seriously. The stars advise you to pay attention to completing the work you have begun, but they do not recommend starting a new cycle of classes. In your personal life, your significant other may be jealous of you because of any little thing, but demand freedom of action for yourself. Lonely Pisces can start making new acquaintances in clubs and other entertainment venues.

Prepared by Sergey Sobolenko, based on materials from and

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