Psychological portrait of a man with the moon in the sign of Capricorn. Moon in Capricorn in a Man (What does it mean and How to Conquer) Moon in Capricorn in a Vasilisa woman

Leaks 22.10.2020

Capricorn is not the most favorable zodiac sign for the Moon, because here, instead of the usual cozy, satisfying and comfortable environment, it meets cold, darkness and asceticism. But still, Capricorn is a female sign, and therefore some lunar qualities manifest themselves freely in him: hard work, caution, discretion and politeness.

general characteristics

So, the Moon in the sign of Capricorn is in exile. People with such a moon do not seek to flaunt their experiences and emotions. The movements of the soul seem to be constrained by the will and mind of a person, and therefore it is very difficult to understand what this person is feeling at a given moment.

People with such a position of the moon are rather negative about any changes in life. They find it difficult to adapt to changing conditions and rebuild new way... In this regard, lunar Capricorns do everything to avoid sudden changes: they try to foresee all possible scenarios for the development of the situation, think over an action plan that prevents rush jobs and disruptions in life plans, and also observe numerous precautions in everyday life.

Lunar Capricorn can be identified by the following character traits, features of appearance and behavior:

  • Seriousness, prudence, discipline;
  • Calm demeanor, unhurried, clear, verified movements;
  • Economy, discretion and practicality in everyday life;
  • High level of self-control and endurance, resilience when faced with troubles;
  • Restraint, tact and politeness in dealing with others;
  • Indecision in an unfamiliar situation, a tendency to become dependent on more active and strong-willed people;
  • Sensitivity, the ability to listen to a person with problems, spiritual depth, responsiveness;
  • Tendency to melancholy and depressive states, passivity;
  • Strongly developed sense of duty towards parents, children and loved ones;
  • The tendency to adhere to clear dietary schedules and established work and rest regimes;
  • Inability to take care of yourself and your needs.

Despite the isolation and vigilance, people with the Moon in Capricorn sometimes need to open their souls to their loved ones and talk about painful things. Otherwise, the accumulated resentment, fears and stresses will make themselves felt in the form of depression and psychosomatic illnesses.

Moon in Capricorn for a man

Before finding happiness in his personal life, a man with the Moon in Capricorn, as a rule, is faced with coldness and disappointment in love. It is very difficult for him to establish relationships with women, since he is used to keeping a certain distance with people.

Often, when building a serious relationship, he is based on a model taken from the parental family. Typically, in such unions, parent-child relationships take place, when one family member dominates, makes decisions and takes responsibility, and the second takes care, follows directions and obeys.

Moon in Capricorn woman

The moon in Capricorn in the horoscope of a woman's natal chart will describe her as a nature aimed at social realization and business success. She is very practical and purposeful, and if she decided to build a family in addition to her career, then so be it.

Such a woman does not set herself the task of cooking pickles, pastries and any culinary delights. But her family members do not suffer from overeating, and a piece of bread will never be lost in the house. Rather, she will automate all the cooking and cleaning processes and will correctly allocate her precious time, which will allow her to finish her own work project and prepare homework for the children.

So, the character of the lunar Capricorn is sometimes distinguished by severity and unsociability. How to find an approach to a person with the Moon in Capricorn? You can win over him by creating an atmosphere of stability and confidence in the future for him, organizing a clear daily routine and thereby making it easier to achieve his goals.

It is difficult to confuse our sensations during the period of the Moon's passage through the sign of Capricorn with the period of the Moon's transit through some other sign. And this is not surprising, because Capricorn is the weakest sign of the Moon, where she feels uncomfortable, and all her main qualities are manifested with exactly the opposite: instead of gentleness and caring, we are driven by cold calculation, practicality, and emotions are relegated to the background.

What other days do we come to work not in order to torture us, measured by the law hours 8, but in order to, in the literal sense of the word, do your duty?

In fact, the transit of the moon through the sign of Capricorn sharpens our sense of responsibility in the broadest sense, prompting a demanding attitude not only to their own duties, but also to those of others. It is no coincidence that in this period the bosses are more attentive to the work of their subordinates, and the subordinates are more attentive to the instructions of their bosses. However, with the Moon in Capricorn, the emergence of the ideal tandem "boss-subordinate" is often hampered by the excessive exactingness and conservatism of people in power.

In the days of Capricorn, we are seized by a kind of businesslike enthusiasm, which, however, is quite restrained and laconic. On the one hand, the emotional impact of the moon these days is such that we feel a thirst for action... Moreover, it is backed up by a persistent feeling that we clearly know how exactly to go towards the set goal. On the other hand, from fervor and mistakes we are held back by an unexpectedly heightened sense of responsibility, which, more than ever, allows us to realize the whole essence and usefulness not a very pleasant word "must!"

And against this contradictory background, it becomes possible to separate the grain from the chaff, that is, it becomes possible to decide really necessary and useful questions (sometimes quite global), putting aside all the emotional unnecessaryness of everyday trifles. At the same time, routine problems do not strain, but become a kind of steps that we are quite capable of on the shoulder during the days of the Moon in Capricorn.

Moon in the signs of the Zodiac: Capricorn

Why is it in the days of Capricorn that we become so demanding and responsible? The fact is that during this period the Moon affects our emotionalitylike a cold autumn rain falling on the stony ground of Capricorn.

And, if we continue to use allegories, this very soil would have to absorb the emotional currents of the Moon. However, the "petrified" earthly essence of Capricorn is such that these currents have little effect on our mood and behavior on the days of the Moon in Capricorn.

However, it is possible to feel this influence. Often during this period (mainly when the moon is damaged), along with our restraint and emotional severity, we feel a keen sense of loneliness.

Depending on which planet the Moon has an aspect with, this feeling ranges from depression and a feeling of abandonment, to the harsh realization that you alone have to deal with a whole pile of problems that have fallen on you.

Although the Moon in Capricorn provides most of us with the opportunity to mobilize in solving many problems that arise during this period, they feel most comfortable on the days of the Moon in this sign of the Zodiac. superiors... It is no coincidence that Capricorn favors rulers and dictators. It is noteworthy that these days, even those people who are usually difficult to suspect of an authoritarian mindset show a desire to command!

Capricorn also favors the rule of law, sharpening our vigilance and sense of justice. During the days of the Moon's stay in this sign, one can observe an increasing government activitywho are responsible for compliance with the laws.

However, among the general population, there is an increased interest in crime films and reports, high-profile (and not so) court cases, to the level of crime in general and even to the life of convicts in penitentiary institutions.

Moon signs in everyday life: Capricorn

Despite the fact that during the days of the Moon's stay in Capricorn, our mood can be characterized by a famous phrase that states that business before pleasure, it will be useful to analyze the right and wrong actions in this period. This will help us not only get through these days with the least loss, but also benefit from them.

Correct actions:

Whether we like it or not, our everyday life consists of having to solve a bunch routine and boring questions... However, on the days of the Moon's stay in the sign of Capricorn, astrologers recommend paying main attention and making the main efforts to solve the most global and burning issues. This is a very good time for strategic planning, making serious rational proposals, and participating in complex projects.

The moon in Capricorn also promotes activities such as ra bot over architectural and construction projectsand; solving issues requiring mathematical precision; agricultural and horticultural activities in the broadest sense (planting, weeding, pest control, uprooting, cutting down, purchasing farm equipment, etc.).

Minor repairs in the days of Capricorn are likely to drag on and not bring the desired satisfaction. But major redevelopment and overhaul - this is what you should focus your attention on when the Moon is in Capricorn. It is also recommended to use this period for the purchase of production equipment, real estate, land plots... In general, it's a pretty good time for large purchases and practical gifts.

As for other aspects of our life (personal, social or work life), the days of the Moon in Capricorn can also be used to embody global plans and committing serious deeds... This period, for example, favors marriages (mainly unequal marriage, marriage of convenience or marriage to a widower / widow), or, conversely, divorce.

Good time for joining the party and choosing an appropriate political platform; it is easier to master a new profession, acquire additional professional skills, or change activities altogether (for example, a transition to another job, provided that you are ready for serious loads).

In Capricorn days, it's easier to share responsibilities and delegate authority. This means that this period can be used for conclusion of labor contracts, discussions with household members or neighbors of personal responsibilities at home, for the conclusion of marriage contracts.

Not a bad time for business travel, provided that their goal is to establish long-term cooperation or work with issues requiring a radical solution. In general, the Moon in Capricorn is very conducive to the establishment of long, mutually beneficial and pragmatic business relationships.

In the days of Capricorn, it is recommended to find time and opportunities for hiking trip, trips to the mountains, fishing or hunting (if these activities are not alien to you!). For those who are far from such a pastime, we can recommend intellectual and broadening communication: visiting scientific lectures, planetarium, museums; it will also be useful to talk with wise and experienced people (as a rule, older people). If the latter need help, your participation on these days will be highly appreciated.

It is also the perfect time to debt collection: it makes sense to disturb old acquaintances who, for this very reason, disappeared from your horizon.

Moon in Capricorn helps to get rid of bad habitssuch as smoking. Various breathing exercises and practices, which are recommended to pay attention to during this period.

These days, you should also pay closer attention to treatment gastric diseases , including, if necessary, complex medical procedures and surgical interventions (with the waning moon). Moderate activities to maintain healthy skin and bone tissue will also benefit in Capricorn days (but only in moderation!).

Incorrect actions:

Despite the fact that in the days of Capricorn most of us feel an irresistible desire to rule, command, divide and rule, we should somewhat moderate our ardor. Excessive demands on others, coupled with a strict approach to problem solving, can bring unexpectedly opposite effect: you are starting to be catastrophically unlucky. Things don't go well, people get frustrated, old issues don't get resolved, new problems arise. In this situation, it is not recommended to tighten the nuts further. Try to separate useless stubbornness from rational persistence, and don't take too much on yourself.

Not a good time to devote yourself to a solution small questionsrelated to finance, securities and documentation. On these days, it is not recommended to appeal to the authorities, contact government agencies, or contact financial organizations for obtaining loans.

If you prefer a calm and relaxed work environment, switch to new job in the days of Capricorn can become wrong action, provided that you are not ready to take on the burden of duties and responsibilities that may be placed on you in your new position.

Despite the fact that the Moon in Capricorn favors unequal marriage and marriage with a widow or widower, this is not the most successful period for concluding love unions between peers (or people close in age), for engagement and for holding family celebrations.


Quite a significant danger in the days of Capricorn is overloading of the skeleton and skin... These days it is better not to take risks at all by lifting weights; it is also worth refusing to stay in the sun for a long time, or, moreover, offers to sunbathe or visit a solarium.

In addition, the Moon in Capricorn somewhat weakens our immunity, which can provoke a cold, or cause infectious diseases... Although the danger of these conditions is quite high, it is not so difficult to avoid them: you should dress for the weather, and follow basic rules of personal hygiene.

With its conservatism, Capricorn protects people of the older generation and favors our communication with them. It is extremely dangerous during this period to show disrespect for such people, ignore their opinion or, God forbid, quarrel, as they say, splatter: after this, the probability of restoring normal trusting relations will be extremely small.

Moon in the horoscope of birth for a man and a woman: Moon in Capricorn

A lifelong struggle with human passions and with their own excessive emotionality is the lot of most Lunar Capricorns (both men and women), in whom sober head and cold calculation... The life of such people is very often a path of knowledge, which must necessarily have a practical application to achieve the goals.

By their nature, Lunar Capricorns are experimenters, which is greatly facilitated by their practicality, responsibility and mathematical mindset (however, more often than not, mathematical thinking is successfully replaced by banal prudence).

Extra emotions quite skillfully suppressed, which cannot but affect the lifestyle of people who had the Moon in Capricorn at the time of their birth. Although such people are reliable partners in marriage, their inner self-organization, self-control and, if you like, selflessness often doom them to loneliness, which, however, quite suits many Moon Capricorns.

MEN. Men, in whose horoscope the Moon is in Capricorn, are quite capable of deriving a certain benefit from those characteristics of Lunar Capricorns that were given above. Such representatives of the stronger sex are often considered strong personalities, inflexible natures who know how not to risk in vain and are able to clearly and persistently defend their own interests.

In fact, such better than men retain their creative principle, provided they live more or less calmly and measuredly. If the future is shaky and unpredictable, the external severity and severity of Lunar Capricorns can be supplanted timidity and indecision.

That is why such men prefer to choose women as companions in life, a conscience with whom can protect their lives from unpredictable accidents and chaos.For the fairer sex, who will not be able to organize a rational and well-functioning family life, it will be extremely difficult to get along with the male Lunar Capricorns.

WOMEN. Self-sufficiency and self-control are not alien to women born with the Moon in Capricorn. but natural female responsiveness often softens the souls of such women, disposing others around them. In addition, despite the demonstration of self-sufficiency, the hidden emotionality of such women borders on sentimentality.

That is why internal organization does not allow them to bring perfect order to their home: at home Moon Capricorns-women very often keep a lot of little things, from old faded photographs to some unnecessary, at a third glance, objects that keep a reminder of people dear to their hearts.

Usually a woman with the Moon in Capricorn appreciates your privacy and personal space, although this does not prevent her from becoming a reliable support for her beloved man. A serious obstacle in the way perfect relationship congenital distrust and fear of rejection.

Internal restrictions often leave their mark on well-being, so such ladies should be more careful take care of your health and appearance... Another problem for the family idyll can be a career: women with the Moon in Capricorn devote a lot of time to work, being, in fact, workaholics.

Generally speaking, workaholics are quite common among Lunar Capricorns of both sexes, which fully explains them. tolerance for one's own loneliness... Due to the internal organization, people with the Moon in Capricorn can often be found in leadership positions and even among politicians. Often such people are found among representatives of such professions as architects, builders, managers.

Moon in Capricorn will focus its wards on professional growth and give financial stability. She will bring practicality and the ability to achieve goals for years in an individual horoscope.

The meaning of the moon in the natal chart

A person's natal chart helps to find out his past and future, character traits, and identify favorable and negative days. It is the basis of an individual horoscope, which is compiled taking into account the exact time, date and place of birth.

Make up natal chart in recent years it is possible via the Internet using special programs. Its decoding will indicate in which house and sign the planets were at the time of birth. Their relationship (trigons, squares, nodes) and other nuances will tell about the qualities that a person is endowed with. Indicate critical situations and highlights of future events.

The moon in the horoscope is a symbol of the subconscious. She is responsible for human interaction with the outside world. It talks about the ability to relax and the time it takes for an individual to recover.

A harmonious Moon gives a person the necessary reserve of strength, the ability to contact people and develop his potential, enjoying the happy moments of life. The afflicted is fed by the negative. She forms a distrustful attitude towards the world around her, quarrelsomeness, a desire to cause conflict situations.

The Moon in Capricorn rewards a person with a sense of responsibility and the desire for power. She develops firmness of character, responsiveness (at best) or an eternal struggle with everything and everyone, in the worst case - hatred.

If the satellite of the Earth is in the sign of Capricorn

The moon in the sign of Capricorn will give its ward a stable psyche, restrained emotions, a strong will. In harmonious aspects, it will help to develop hard work, patience, diligence, endurance in the most difficult situation, practicality and sensitivity.

But if in the horoscope the Moon is damaged, then a person is endowed with such qualities as despondency, melancholy, stubbornness, a tendency to lie and dishonest acts, laziness, irritability.

Lunar Capricorns are reserved and serious. Their emotions are under the sensitive control of the mind. They can wait a long time for a favorable moment to achieve their goal. Such people are rude and ruthless. But they also know how to take care of those with whom fate was harsh. They are wonderful organizers and protectors of the weak.

How will the relationship be built in a person whose Moon is in Capricorn? His compatibility will be harmonious with restrained and patient people. Lunar Capricorn does not know how to open up quickly. He looks closely at the person for a long time and checks him. In a partner he does not tolerate talkativeness and fuss. The trust of the lunar Capricorn can be earned with care, calmness, stable attention, emotional balance.

Lunar Capricorn traits

If in individual horoscope Moon in Capricorn - such a person is an example of restraint and punctuality. Risky actions and adventures are alien to him. He tries to calculate his steps and get the maximum benefit from them. He is not indifferent to money and knows how to earn it.

Lunar Capricorn seeks to defend his opinion, he is a principled person. In relationships with people, he tries to maintain some distance, which makes him seem withdrawn and aloof. Likes to manipulate the weaknesses of others and uses them for their own purposes. With enemies, vindictive and cruel.

Since childhood, lunar Capricorn can have a tense relationship with their parents. As he gets older, he will have serious difficulties in family life... Having your own habits and rules will force your partner to follow them. She does not like objections and prefers to part with her spouse than to seek consensus.

For a man

What will the Moon in Capricorn promise male representatives? In a man, she will form such personality traits as firmness of character, balance of sensual manifestations, practicality. He will patiently and methodically go towards his goal through all life's obstacles. Does not build castles in the air and avoids romantic fantasies.

Lunar Capricorn man is stingy with emotions, but very perceptive. It is impossible to deceive him - he sees through the person. Can be withdrawn and even timid. He values \u200b\u200bhis freedom and independence very much. Therefore, he chooses a life partner carefully. It takes a long time to evaluate a suitable candidate. But if he decided on a marriage, he will try to keep it.

An excellent family man will be the person who has the Moon in Capricorn. In a man, she will develop care for household members, a desire to ensure financial stability for her loved ones. He will be strict with children, but he is ready for great sacrifices for the sake of their happiness. He strives for spiritual closeness with his wife. Prefers an intelligent, calm woman with good manners.

For woman

What gift did Luna in Capricorn prepare for Eve's daughters? A woman born during this period will have a beautiful appearance, she is full of charm. Over the years, these ladies become even more attractive and look better than in their youth. They are elegant, tasteful and have a sense of proportion. Such women are practical, calculating, striving to occupy a prominent position in society. They achieve leadership positions with their patience, hard work, consistency.

Lunar Capricorn woman does not tolerate scandals. She will prefer to calmly lead the most unpleasant discussions. Sometimes she is pessimistic and prone to prolonged depression. She is not alien to dreams and fantasies. She loves romantic surroundings, although she tries not to show it to her partner. Her outward coldness leads to unsuccessful romances.

May contribute unhappy marriage Moon in Capricorn. A woman may have the illusion of love at first sight, and she will be ready to endure the most ridiculous antics of her partner. Aware of all the shortcomings of a spouse, a patient person can postpone divorce for a long time. Over the years, she will become more demanding of fans. In the second half of her life she will be able to create a successful union with a strong, reliable man.

Black Moon in Capricorn

The Black Moon (or Lilith) in Capricorn enhances human egocentrism. He strives for power by any means. I am ready to suppress someone else's will and impose my own, acting tough and authoritarian.

Such a person can have a high social status, having achieved it through manipulations and dishonest actions. If the thirst for power is not realized in the profession, he will take out his disappointment on his relatives. Will become despotic and cruel, will not reckon with the opinions of others.

Lilith in Capricorn makes a person a conservative. He does not accept new ideas and trends. He considers only his opinion to be truly correct. Demanding to others and loyal to himself.

Moon and Venus in Capricorn

If in an individual horoscope the Moon and Venus meet together, such a person will be restrained and disciplined. Outwardly, he will be cold, distant, emphatically polite. But, getting to know him better, you can find in him vulnerability, the ability to compassion and worry about others.

A person with the Moon and Venus in Capricorn has high demands on himself and others. He keeps his word, but expects the same from others. Otherwise, it will break off the relationship.

He is a loyal, caring and reliable partner, but he tends to be deceived in people. Disappointments become frequent companions of his youth. Over the years, he clearly divides people into those with whom it is worth maintaining a relationship, and those with whom it is better not to collide.

He knows how to analyze his own and others' experiences. Can achieve career heights (in extreme cases - professional success). He tries to choose a person with a similar social status as a partner.

Sun and moon together

Sun in Capricorn - Moon in Capricorn - such a tandem gives a person secrecy, the desire for loneliness. He is stubborn, but knows how to maneuver on the way to his goal. Carries any idea to the masses. A practitioner by nature, he seeks to direct his energy in a constructive direction.

It is important for him to choose the right spiritual guide. The person with the Moon and the Sun in Capricorn is a practical guide. He finds a lofty idea and follows it for the rest of his life, drawing others along with him.

Such a person - a realist, but doing more work or what you love, he risks being left alone. His first half of his life is filled with search and struggle. Over the years, he becomes stingy, appreciates his financial stability, remembering the difficult years of his youth.

For the element of Fire

The Sun in Aries and the Moon in Capricorn promise explosive temperament. Such people are cautious and practical. They are in dire need of recognition and respect. Authoritarianism coexists with diplomacy. They have managerial qualities, they put their careers first.

Lunar Capricorn-Leo is energetic and ambitious. Power-hungry, possesses the strength of spirit and strives for leadership positions. His desire for luxury is based on the desire for material wealth. He is responsible, knows how to take care of others.

The Sun in Sagittarius will give the lunar Capricorn sophistication and intuition. He is dreamy. Avoids static activities, routine work. Ambitious and reliable, interested in different spheres life.

For the elements of the Earth

Taurus with the Moon in Capricorn is reliable and decisive. He is not afraid of routine and is ready to sacrifice a lot on the way to a career. He often takes risks, soberly assessing his shortcomings and mistakes. Sometimes he is insecure and dependent on the opinions of others.

What qualities will Virgo be awarded? The moon in Capricorn will give her prudence and focus on material wealth. She has organizational skills, strives to be in sight. She will not allow herself to be offended, she is tactful and indifferent in relationships.

Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Capricorn - this union of luminaries will bring his ward a thirst for power and glory. Such a person can be slow and careful. But his slowness in building a career can lead to good results. A cunning strategist, he will achieve his goals.

For the element of Air

Lunar Capricorn-Gemini is businesslike and calculating. Despite his friendliness and seeming openness, he is very cold and careful in relationships. It quickly adapts to new conditions, is loyal and reliable.

Libras are persistent and ambitious. They are creative, but they can also do great administrative work. They often ignore their feelings if they can violate his material stability.

Lunar Capricorn-Aquarius does not scatter his emotions. He is active and intelligent, irritable and nervous. In pursuit of power uses people. Dislikes adventures and experiments.

For the element of Water

Lunar Capricorn-Cancer is straightforward and active. He is restless, often rushes from one extreme to another. Likes to teach, has an interest in spiritual sciences. Disappointed, he worries for a long time. Has a desire for money and a tendency to nervous exhaustion.

Scorpio is shrewd and penetrating. By cunning, prudence, he seeks to gain the recognition of others. He is well versed in people and uses them as a stepping stone on the path to fame.

Pisces with the Moon in Capricorn are stubborn and persistent. But they have more sensitivity than all signs. They are rationalistic but also romantic. They know how to evoke the sympathy of others. Wealth-oriented.

The meaning of the aspect when a woman has the Moon in Capricorn depends on the dark or light side of the Moon. This combination makes a woman as down to earth as possible, brushing aside many spiritual issues from her life. This situation also adds conservatism to a woman.

Capricorn: the dark side of the moon

Capricorn: the bright side of the moon

An excellent representative of this combination has been fond of studying all her life. She is hardworking and loves practice, neglecting theory. "Learning in Action!" is her motto for everything she has to deal with.

Such a woman has a high ambition. She is devoted to her chosen cause. Her ideas are successful. Self-realization comes first.

Responsibility is an important trait of a woman with the Moon in Capricorn. Thanks to her, these women achieve great career heights. Still, such ladies get married late, as work often replaces their personal life.

This combination makes a woman fanatically obsessed with her goal. All current affairs and problems are mentally correlated with the chosen dream and rejected if they do not contribute to its achievement.

A woman with the Moon in Capricorn always shows emotional restraint when communicating with other people. But even with loved ones, those born with this combination are not very emotional, therefore they give the impression of callous and dry personalities.

In a good aspect, the Moon here manifests itself as firmness of character, as well as emotional sobriety. In a bad aspect, a person becomes angry, inclined to fight with others.

People with the Moon in this position do not like to accept help from others. They are used to relying only on themselves. Their independence is sacred and should not be questioned.

But when faced with problems, these women easily fall into depression. They often suffer from melancholy, realizing how difficult it is to "carry the whole world on their shoulders."

When a woman has the Moon in Capricorn, she seeks to strengthen her self-sufficiency in any way. She remains discreet and discreet anyway. Sometimes her prudence begins to border on cruelty.

Benefits of the Moon in Capricorn

High resistance to external influences gives a big bonus to the representatives of this combination. It is difficult for life, people and circumstances to break those who have the Moon in Capricorn. But if a serious shock did damage the psyche of such a woman, then her recovery will be long and difficult.

These women make virtuoso and wonderful leaders who give all their strength to the chosen company. They rule with a firm hand and always calculate many moves ahead. Sometimes these bosses are compared to male leaders. But, unlike men, Capricorn women are endowed with great intuition.

Cons of the Moon in Capricorn

The negative aspects of the combination include excessive persistence in personal relationships. This can also include problems with building long-term relationships. The latent need for love and acceptance is often not realized so much that a person closes in himself and can no longer trust anyone.

The bad aspect of the Moon gives a person little vitality and problems with their replenishment. These women may have skin, bowel, and joint diseases. They are prone to chronic diseases, get sick for a long time and exhaustingly.

In the opposite situation, the stomach becomes the strong point of health in women with the Moon in Capricorn. They can safely attend different tastings, try exotic dishes on trips. The risk of foodborne poisoning and infections is minimal. They can be gourmets, and are also able to indulge themselves with "harmful" food, for example, fast food, without strong consequences.

If a woman is in Capricorn, she will certainly succeed. But on the personal front, she will not work out. But this aspect can be worked out in such a way that it will also become quite successful. Strong-willed, firm, unyielding, purposeful and competent - this is how women with the Moon in this constellation are characterized. They know how to achieve what they want, they get the best deals and orders in business. But they can easily "burn out" if the stress lasts too long. Therefore, they need to find their own quiet haven, which can become a family or an exciting hobby. And then these women will be able to remain at the top of their careers for a long time along with other successful and rich people.

Sun and moon - the two most important planets in your Horoscope. They form the foundations of your character, habits and personality traits.

The sun - daylight, describes the bright features of your personality, Moon - a night luminary that reveals the subconscious processes of your character. The combination of these signs will add interesting characteristics to your Horoscope.

Separately, the characteristics of the Sun in the Signs of the Zodiac, we have already studied with you in the article

If you still do not know your Moon zodiac sign, then read the article -

Today is the turn of the combination of the Sun and the Moon in the Horoscope of each Capricorn.
We have already studied Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Leo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius (according to the solar sign).

Who missed - study:

The sun in Aries is combined with the Moon in the signs of the zodiac.
The Sun in Taurus is combined with the Moon in the signs of the Zodiac.
Sun in Gemini combined with Moon in zodiac signs
The Sun in Cancer is combined with the Moon in the signs of the Zodiac.
Sun in Leo combined with Moon in the signs of the zodiac
Sun in Virgo combined with Moon in the signs of the zodiac ..
The Sun is in Libra combined with the Moon in the Zodiac signs.
Sun in Scorpio combined with Moon in zodiac signs
Sun in Sagittarius combined with Moon in Zod signs

Now let's get down to Capricorn.

If you were born under the sign of Capricorn(according to the Sun), then you are a serious and conservative person who loves planning and clarity in everything. But on your character also influences the Moon sign of the Zodiac.

For example: if the Sun is in Capricorn and the Moon is in Leo, then you are a more active and decisive Capricorn with a creative beginning.

If the Sun is in Capricorn and the Moon is in Cancer, then you are Capricorn sensitive, prone to mood swings, more sincere and homely in the family.

Lunar zodiac sign
corrects the description of your personality.
Let's take a closer look at the combination of the Sun and the Moon in everyone born under the sign of Capricorn.

If you have the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Aries

The combination of earthly calmness and fiery activity forms the qualities of an entrepreneur in such people. You strive to achieve the best in life, are not afraid to take responsibility, demanding, assertive and practical. You have organizational skills, a desire to make a career, willpower, the ability to take the initiative and achieve what you want. You don't like to dig into small things, you act faster than you think.

If you have the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Taurus

The combination of the terrestrial Sun and the terrestrial Moon forms in you a strong will and a desire for victory. You act slowly but surely. Your strengths of character: stubbornness, perseverance, ability to starve, prudence and balanced thinking. You are conservative and constant in your desires, you do not like to change something just like that, you think for a long time, but you live stable. Great sense of possessiveness.

If you have the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Gemini

The conservatism of the sun sign comes into conflict with the moon sign, the lover of change. There is an internal contradiction, anxiety, instability of attention. But this combination has quite a few advantages: sociability and charm, quick decisions and flexibility of actions, ease of learning and practicality. You can achieve a lot in life through sociability and external connections, thanks to the serious approach of Capricorn.

If you have the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Cancer

This combination of planets gives financial intuition and a talent for making money. You are quite thrifty, careful and accurate in financial matters. Lead a more hidden lifestyle, strive for reliability and stability with all your might. You can be called a person "on your own mind", you are not easy to convince of something, because you are very distrustful. That is why you strive for family relations, strive to have your home where you feel safe.

If you have the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Leo

The combination of the practicality of Capricorn and the entrepreneurial spirit of Leo makes you a good entrepreneur, speculator, financial player. Cunning and artistic ability (on the Moon) allows you to win in deals and contracts. You intuitively feel what, where, how much. Authoritarian, judicious, ambitious character. You persistently strive for recognition of your merits, you think for a long time, but you are actively acting. Love to be friends with professionals in your field, with famous personalities and strive to become an authority yourself.

If you have the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Virgo

The combination of two earth signs makes you a practical, serious, analytical person with great professional ambitions. You know how to collect your thoughts, set a goal, analyze all the details, to the smallest detail and methodically achieve what was planned. Nobody will stop you if you have clearly decided something for yourself. You try to be friends with smart and educated people. They tend to criticize what you do not understand. They are a little contact and love communication only on business. Somewhat cold and distant in relationships with people.

If you have the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Libra

You are a social person, strive for public relations, you want to make a career. Always friendly and possibly mannered. You know how to organize people and lead. You can easily feel the weak points of the interlocutor, know how to establish long-term business relationships, are a good performer, the management appreciates you. You have good taste, ability to please people, sociability and the desire to surround yourself with pleasant people.

If you have the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Scorpio

Capricorn's secrecy + Scorpio's secrecy \u003d caution and restraint in communication. Such people can hardly be called the soul of the company; they are very contradictory and complex inside. They consider themselves special, they firmly know what they want and are ready to demolish everything in their path in order to achieve their goal. They are very stubborn and persistent people. They are constant and conservative in their views and plans. Responsible and cunning. Such people can achieve a lot in life.

If you have the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Sagittarius

They are good philosophers, politicians, public figures. They often have eloquence and diplomacy. They know how to speak in front of a large audience, are fair and smart. They love to express themselves in society, to gain respect and authority. In communication, they are flexible and pleasant, but they always keep some distance, taking airs and showing that they can do more. Can become a businessman if he has a strong Mars (in Capricorn, Aries, Scorpio or Taurus).

If you have the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Capricorn

Such "double" Capricorns have a strong desire for a career, for public recognition, for power, for politics, for leadership. These people are obligatory, responsible and careful. Everyone carefully calculates many steps ahead. Possess entrepreneurial cunning and foresight. If such a person is a boss, then he is very demanding and strict. If the subordinate is responsible and disciplined. It is difficult to communicate with such people if there are no planets in the air signs (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra) in the horoscope.

If you have the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Aquarius

They are good public figures, loving collectives, groups and various associations. Such people pay great attention to friendship and friendly relations in their lives. They have high ideals and ambitious impulses. They are interested in everything new, unusual and progressive, ready to keep up with the times. Sincere and humanistic. It's easy and interesting to be friends with such people.

If you have the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Pisces

They are sensitive and soulful Capricorns, sometimes strongly influenced by other people and life situations... Reasonable, serious and sentimental. The mood can change several times a day, from which a lot of anxiety is formed inside. These people are intuitive and pleasant to talk to, diligent and attentive in their work. They do not like to take unnecessary initiative, they are careful and restrained. They would be more active.

To be continued...

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