The duration of the exam in English

Pipes 06.08.2020

English can rightly be called the most popular of the list of languages ​​that can be taken in the category of selective exams. A foreign language is an indispensable exam for those who wish to enter the linguist, translator or plan to make a career in the diplomatic field. It is worth noting that this exam cannot be called simple, especially after speaking was added to the written part of the exam.

Not surprisingly, the exam in English will require many hours of laborious preparation and, quite possibly, additional classes in courses or with a tutor. Another important point concerns the structure of the ticket and changes in it. We offer you to take a closer look at this issue so as not to encounter unpleasant surprises during the 2017 exam.

Written part of the exam-2017 by English will pass June 15, and oral - June 16-17

Demo version of the USE-2017

USE dates in English

The National English Examination will be held on the following dates:

  • Early period. An early exam can be taken on 03/18/2017 and 03/22/2017, and the days of 05/03/2017 and 05/05/2017 are defined as reserve;
  • Main stage. The main exam will be held on 06/15/2017 (written part), the oral part is reserved on 06/16-17/2017.
  • Backup date. The reserve date for the written part will be 06/21/2017, and for the oral part - 06/22/2017.

Please note that only certain categories of students can take the exam ahead of schedule. For example, they include:

  • graduates of previous years;
  • evening school students;
  • schoolchildren who go to serve in;
  • athletes who will be absent due to national or international competitions or training camps;
  • participants of olympiads or competitions of federal or international importance;
  • eleventh-graders who go to live or study abroad;
  • students who were ordered by the medical board to undergo treatment, rehabilitation or prevention, which coincide with the dates of the main exam.

You need to write a statement that you want to take the exam ahead of schedule in advance - before 03/01/2017.

Statistical information

The popularity of this exam is confirmed by statistics. English as a selective Unified State Examination is annually passed by about 9% of students in grade 11. On average, graduates manage to score about 64.8 points in this exam, which is a good result. At the same time, the percentage of those who could not pass English even with a satisfactory grade has fluctuated in recent years in the range from 1.8 to 3.3% - a very benign figure in comparison with other USE.

96.7% of schoolchildren can type at least in English

Changes in the USE-2017 in English

Experts did not announce significant changes in the procedure or scheme for conducting the exam. The only thing that can be mentioned is the clarification of the wording in task No. 3 in the oral part: the word “imagine” was removed from the wording.

KIM structure in English

The exam consists of two parts:

  • written, which takes 180 minutes;
  • oral, which passes within 15 minutes.

What is included in the written part of the exam?

There are several main sections in the ticket structure.

  • Listening. This part of the exam takes 30 minutes and consists of the following questions:
    • No. 1, in which the student is asked to identify the correspondence between sounding statements and statements. You need to evaluate 6 statements and bring them into line with 7 answers (one of them is incorrect). The correct answer is worth 1 point, in total for the exercise you can score 6 points. The listening technique assumes that the student has 20 seconds to read the answer options, then listens to the recording 2 times and fills in the answers on the form;
    • No. 2 - listening to a small dialogue. Next, you should familiarize yourself with the judgments and evaluate their fidelity with the words correct - true, incorrect - false, did not sound - not stated. The ticket contains seven judgments, each of which can bring 1 point, the maximum score for this exercise is 7;
    • No. 3-9 - a high school student must listen to a short interview and choose one correct answer from the three offered on the ticket. This is usually a question that needs to be answered, or a sentence that needs to be completed. A correct answer earns 1 point, for a total of 7 points.
  • Assessment of reading skills. To complete the tasks, the student receives half an hour, during which he needs to have time to do the following exercises:
    • #10 to read 7 short texts and identify their correspondence with the 8 proposed headings (one of the options will be incorrect). For the correct answer, 1 point is awarded, the maximum points for this exercise is 7;
    • No. 11 - the student will have to work with a text with six missing parts. There are 7 fragments to choose the answer option. A correct answer adds 1 point. Thus, here you can earn 6 points;
    • No. 12-18 - you need to familiarize yourself with a fragment of an artistic or journalistic text and work with it. Questions are asked for each of the texts or unfinished sentences are given, to which it is necessary to choose answers from four offered to choose from. Each of the tasks can bring 1 point, which in total gives 7 maximum points.
  • Lexis and grammar. This part is considered the most difficult, so it is here that graduates make the maximum number of mistakes in comparison with other parts of KIM in English. You have 40 minutes to complete the work. The section includes the following tasks:
    • No. 19-25 - the student needs to familiarize himself with small texts with missing parts. Words should not just be inserted, but subjected to the correct transformation and the correct answer written down. In total, you can earn 1 point per answer, which gives a maximum of 7 points in total;
    • No. 26-31 - tasks related to the problems of word formation. They need to familiarize themselves with the text in which omissions were made, and identify which parts of speech were omitted. Students must convert one part of speech to another - for example, a noun to an adjective - and write the changed word on the form. The principle of evaluation is the same as in the previous exercises - 1 point per answer, total score - 6;
    • No. 32-38 - tasks that test knowledge of vocabulary. Here again you have to work with the texts in which the gaps are made. Usually it is a word or a preposition. The correct answer can be selected from the options provided. A correct answer earns you 1 point, for a total of 7 points.
  • Assessment of writing skills. You have 80 minutes to complete the tasks. In this part, you need to do the following exercises:
    • No. 39 is writing a personal letter from 100 to 140 words. You will have to meet about 20 minutes (the time is recommended, but, as practice shows, it depends on the competent distribution of the time resource whether you have time to cope with all the tasks from the ticket). In total, you can get 6 points for a letter;
    • No. 40 - task in which you need to write an essay from 200 to 250 words according to the proposed plan and topic. The essay plan is standard and includes an introductory part, a statement of one's own opinion, supported by arguments, a counter-opinion and counterarguments, and a final part. It is proposed to cope with this task in an hour. You can get 14 points for it.

When passing English, not only tests and essays await you, but also speaking!

What is included in the oral part of the exam?

Remember that a separate day and time is allotted for the delivery of the oral part. The oral exam takes only 15 minutes, but until you get to the audience, you will have to stand in line. The oral part includes the following tasks:

  1. The student is asked to read a short text aloud. You will be given one and a half minutes to familiarize yourself with the passage, and the same amount to voice it. For this you can get 1 point;
  2. The student needs to read a short text (usually of an advertising nature) for one and a half minutes, and then formulate 5 questions on it. The question is given no more than 20 seconds. The task is estimated at 5 maximum points;
  3. The senior student is offered three photographs, from which he chooses one. The task is to describe the photo according to the proposed plan. Rhinestones make a reservation: you should not think that here you can turn on your imagination and weave whatever your heart desires. Members of the commission do not welcome when something that is not indicated in the figure is described, and they really do not like assumptions. One and a half minutes are allotted for preparation, two more are given for the story. Here you can earn 7 points;
  4. The student is offered to compare two photos, describing their similar features and pointing out the differences, as well as expressing his own opinion. Preparation takes the standard one and a half minutes, and the answer - no more than 2 minutes. The maximum you can get is 7 points.

EGE assessment in English

The latest news suggests that the exam score is going to be transferred to the usual five-point system, and the results will be taken into account when setting a mark in the final certificate. Thus, it will be possible to pull up your school mark. According to the reference system for transferring points, in past years they were distributed as follows.

Possibly in 2017 USE results affect your high school diploma
  • 0-21 points mean unsatisfactory knowledge, that is, a mark of "2";
  • 22-58 points are translated into the mark "3" - you speak English satisfactorily;
  • 59-83 points mean that your level of a foreign language is not bad, and the score is "4";
  • from 84 points and above earn those who know English perfectly (score "5").

To pass the exam, you need to try to score 22 points or more. You can get 100 points in total. Recall also that the procedure for conducting an exam in a foreign language does not provide for the presence of any additional materials– dictionaries, audio equipment, smartphones and other items that may cause you to be removed from the audience.

Preparation for the exam in English

For high-quality preparation for the exam, it is worth working through demo versions of tickets for 2017 (they can be downloaded directly on our website - see the beginning of the article). This will help to better understand the structure and content of real KIMs, as well as prepare mentally for the exam, so as not to waste precious time in the classroom. Almost all the wording that is contained in the description of the task is given in English, so it is worth translating in advance in order to prevent fatal errors in the exam itself.

To come to the exam fully equipped, check the demo versions in advance

Remember to spend enough time listening. Not all schools teach students the ability to perceive information by ear. Regularly listening to audiobooks read by native speakers will help you cope with this difficult task. It is also good practice to watch movies or TV shows in their original voice acting.

Another problem is speaking. Among graduates, there are often those who do an excellent job with grammar, but gain little points for the oral part. To practice this skill, experts recommend describing everything that you see on the way to school, as well as collecting a large number of various pictures and describing one a day.

English is the most popular of those foreign languages ​​that graduates take as part of the Unified State Exam. From the past testing of the current year, the next exam in this subject will not differ much in 2017, with the exception of some minor changes. Before we talk about what news awaits students in 2017, we will introduce you to the history, norms and USE structure on English language.

A bit of history

In 2017, the concept of conducting the exam in English will absolutely not differ from other subjects in foreign languages.

The test part is divided into 2 days, on the first day of the examination, the graduate submits everything in writing, the specified part consists of:

  • test audition;
  • test reading;
  • vocabulary and grammar tasks will also take place in the form of a test;
  • a letter consisting of two stages.

The written part of the exam in 2017 includes 40 tasks, for which students are allocated 3 hours. If the student wants, he can come on the second day to take an oral exam, here the future graduate will be tested for speaking skills. The oral part consists of only 4 tasks, and 15 minutes of time are allotted for it.

It is worth saying that the first part of the English exam is given a maximum of 80 points, if the student needs to increase the score, then he must come on the second day to pass the oral part.

There are no special changes in the conditions of testing in the Unified State Examination in 2017, we will study general information about the exam.

In 2017 the structure passing the exam remains unchanged from the current year. So, in order to pass the exam, you need to solve 17 tasks from the 3rd or 2nd sections. The minimum threshold for passing the specified exam is 22 points, this is the amount the student receives, with the correct answer to 17 tasks.

Everyone knows that this year the written part consisted of 4 sections, which included:

  1. Test-auditing, the answers to these tasks are the digital designation of the correct item. This 30-minute marathon demonstrates listening comprehension of the language. This part includes three sections. With the help of listening, the future student must understand spoken words and phrases by ear. Many consider this stage the most difficult in this exam.
  2. Test reading, the answers are also numbers. Meaning given task speed is not, the main thing is to understand the essence of what you read and compare the contents of the text. Half an hour is also allotted for this part, if the graduate has a sufficient vocabulary, then he will quickly cope with the section. But you should not rely on intuition. Answer points are words or phrases that are written with spaces and without any punctuation marks. This section consists of two stages: an oral stage and a test.
  3. The final letter includes two sections: a personal letter and a statement with elements of reasoning.

As you know, on the second day, the student can pass the speaking part of the exam. It is possible to get the required number of points thanks to this stage. It is worth remembering that it is in this section that the main criterion is the ability to speak beautifully and understand the speech of another.

In the conversational part, the future student is invited to enter into a dialogue and read his own monologue. In the process of dialogue, the graduate can fully demonstrate mastery of a foreign language.

How to prepare?

The process of preparing for the USE in a foreign language must begin long before the main exam. A future student needs to understand a whole layer of information and learn how to apply their knowledge in practice. The exam is conducted at three levels of complexity: basic, complex and advanced complexity. The news is disappointing, you need to know what to enter in 2017 good university with base level passing the English language exam is unlikely to succeed. Yes, and exam tasks have changed, now they include not only the school curriculum, but several sections from the first year of the university. Therefore, it is so important to prepare in advance for the upcoming Unified State Exam.

To prepare for the upcoming test, you need to carefully solve similar tasks. There are a huge number of different online services on the Internet, with the help of which any future graduate can test their knowledge of the English language.

Also, demo versions in all subjects are posted annually on the official website of FIPI. Of course, the tasks that are presented here are unlikely to be caught on the exam, but the demo version is not replaceable when preparing for the test.

Now let's talk about what changes in the USE await students in 2017? What news should we expect?

What to expect?

Everyone knows that the Minister of Education has changed in our country, now large-scale changes are coming in the field of education, and the Unified State Examination will not be an exception.

From the very beginning it is worth saying that the first news was that another mandatory exam will be introduced in 2017, some experts say that perhaps this will become history. Unfortunately, the level of knowledge of the past of our country has dropped to an unprecedented level. According to polls by sociologists, a quarter of young people do not know in what year the Second World War began and ended. World War, and also they absolutely do not know against whom the Soviet soldiers fought.

Not to mention the one who generally participated in the world military conflict.

Also, legislators want to remove the test part in order to exclude simple guessing of the correct answers, in addition, they want to expand the number of tasks in the Russian language, they will be supplemented with an oral block. Legislators thus want to exert their influence on the communication skills of young people.

For mathematics, the basic and profile levels in next year will remain unchanged. So, those wishing to enter a technical university choose profile level subject, and the humanities leave the basic.

Among other things, starting from 2017, the points scored in the Unified State Exam will affect the final grades in the final certificate.

What is the future of a foreign language?

Many schoolchildren who graduate from school next year are especially concerned about the question: will changes be introduced, and a foreign language will become compulsory already in 2017? The Ministry of Education has not yet given an exact answer.

However latest news are such that from 2020 English, like the other three languages, will definitely become mandatory when passing the Unified State Exam. On the this moment want to conduct an experiment and test all ninth graders for knowledge of a given foreign language. Now 9th grade graduates, like 11th graders, take only two mandatory exams: Russian language and mathematics, and they take two more subjects at will. The Ministry of Education reports that it is considering introducing 6 exams for 9th grade students.

Let's draw some conclusions. The USE 2017 is still very far away, and, perhaps, future graduates will have a lot of news regarding changes in exams. First of all, is it worth waiting for the introduction of the third mandatory as early as next year? And which of the many items will take its place in the top three?

However, regardless of those innovations that happen sooner or later, it is necessary to prepare for the Unified State Exam now. Each future graduate must solve tasks as many times as possible, use all possible resources for this, not rely solely on the gadget, but try to solve tests in the old written format. The final results and future admission to a prestigious university depend only on careful preparation.

In this article, we will talk about how to avoid unnecessary hassle when looking for answers to the Unified State Exam 2017 in social studies. Exam already June 5, on Monday, which means that there is already very little time left for preparation. The only salvation is ready-made answers. And you can be sure that they are. After all, people made tests. And where there are people, there is a human factor, many schoolchildren think.

About sad

And this is also what many scammers are counting on: that poor graduates from overexertion will not be able to critically perceive information on social networks and will pay for any nonsense that is more or less similar to the answers, just to save themselves from torment.

But really The best way to pass and not suffer is to "score" on ready-made answers, and here's why:

  1. For none of the exams that have already passed, the supposedly “answers” ​​did not work. The absence of leaks was declared not only by Rosobrnadzor, but also by the graduates themselves. If, after the well-known scandal in 2013, at every second forum where graduates communicated, one could come across the phrase “and everything came together with me,” then this year nothing like this is observed.
  2. Ready-made answers obtained from friends in the Far East a few hours before the start of the exam almost never coincide with KIMs in the western regions. Of course, individual questions may be repeated, since various options for KIMs are formed from a common base of tasks, but such a game is clearly not worth the candle. It is worth understanding once and for all: the USE is different in different parts of the country.
  3. And, finally, the main trump card of the swindlers is “we have connections with people who have connections with other people, who have connections with people from the Ministry of Education and Science.” It is this source that is indicated by those who offer ready-made answers to USE assignments, and not even a few hours before the exams, but immediately upon request or a few days before the exam. I.e we are talking of a serious corruption offence. And one must think that such a “service” should be very expensive.

One group of the VKontakte network (it is periodically banned, but it reappears like a zombie under other names) offers such a legend to naive schoolchildren. Like, the whole class of us chipped in to buy answers to the exam, it cost fabulous money and in order to somehow recapture them, we are now selling them for a more moderate fee to everyone. This seems to be too smooth to be true. And the first paragraph confirms this remarkably.

About joyful

But these were sad reflections, and now about a more life-affirming one: social science is not mathematics. No, we do not claim that this item is somehow defective, but the facts speak for themselves.

In mathematics, a person either knows the way to the answer, or does not know. For example: "Find the root of the equation log 2x-3 = 6." To solve, you need to at least understand what a logarithm is and what a root is.

And in social science, you can answer correctly for any scale of ignorance. For example: “Find in the list two definitions that do not apply to the forms of political participation of citizens: 1) elections; 2) registration legal entity; 3) payment of taxes; 4) appeal to the authorities state power; 5) referendum; 6) membership in a political party”.

Note that it is enough to try to attach the word “political” to each of the answer options, as soon everything becomes clear. Political elections? It seems that the hearing does not cut, everything is fine. We leave. Political registration of a legal entity? No, something is wrong, it doesn't happen, they don't say that. Political taxation? Ridiculous. Here is the answer.

And once again about the joyful

You will have almost four hours left, and there are only 29 tasks, and many of them are the same as the one we just analyzed, so do not be afraid, listen to your intuition, believe in yourself and your strengths and do not succumb to the general panic around ready-made answers to the exam.

USE 2017 changes associated with this final exam is one of the most relevant for many topics. After all, you must admit that every year graduates of grades 9 and 11 are waiting for some innovations and changes, and sometimes not in better side. At present, it is officially known that various reforms await the country, which will be connected not only with the political and economic industry, but also with the education system, and, to be more precise, with the Unified State Examination.

What to expect?

It is no secret to anyone that in the very near future the country is expected to undergo major changes and transformations related to the education system.

First of all, it will touch and affect the issue of passing the exam.

It is these changes and innovations that we should expect in the very near future. But you must admit, as elsewhere, any transformation has its pros and cons. Let's look at the promising pluses, as there are already enough minuses and shortcomings in this direction.

Advantages of new reforms.

    1. All presented changes and innovations will not be introduced into the school system immediately, but gradually.
    2. Based on the results of the reform, the system of vocational education will have good prospects for its further existence and development.
    3. The certificate will completely depend on the points scored by the student on the exam.
    4. In the near future, it is expected to increase compulsory subjects to 6, and, therefore, this gives students a greater opportunity for further admission and the implementation of their plans.
    5. Examinations at each level of education, that is, after grades 4, 9 and 11, contribute to the development of such qualities in students as responsibility, discipline and order.

The duration of the exam in subjects in 2017.

According to the regulations established and prescribed by law, for each individual item, its own specific time limit is prescribed and set. It is worth saying that in some cases, the amount of time allotted for the delivery of items may differ by only 5-10 minutes. Although, each subject should be given at least 180 minutes, but everything directly depends on the structure of the subject. For example, such oral exams as foreign languages, chemistry, biology, geography - no more than 3 hours are allotted and assigned for their delivery, but for mathematics, Russian, physics, computer science, literature - at least 4 hours. To date, there is no information yet regarding how long the exam will last, so there is a fairly high probability that the amount of time allotted will remain the same as it was last year. Namely:

    1. Mathematics - 235 minutes.
    2. Russian language - 210 minutes.
    3. Social science - 210 minutes.
    4. Physics - 235 minutes.
    5.History - 210 minutes.
    6. Biology - 180 minutes.
    7. Chemistry - 180 minutes.
    8.Computer science - 235 minutes.
    9. Literature - 235 minutes.
    10. Geography - 180 minutes.
    11. Foreign languages ​​- 180 minutes.

As can be seen from the presented table, the difference is actually not quite significant.

Passing scores for subjects.

As well as the time allotted for the subject, each of the declared disciplines has its own passing score, the minimum threshold. It is worth saying that this item of the USE undergoes various changes every year. What should we expect in the new year in terms of the main and most popular and frequently rented subjects?

  • First, the Russian language. Here the minimum threshold is 36 points.
  • Secondly, mathematics. Regarding the profile course, the passing level is 27 points, but the basic one is 36.
  • Thirdly, social science - 42 points.
  • Fourth, English - 22 points.
  • Fifth, history. Here, the minimum passing threshold is and totals 32 points.

I would like to believe that the changes in the USE 2017 will only benefit and have a positive effect on the entire exam, because the exam is always a big responsibility, and constant innovations sometimes lead to confusion, and sometimes even distract graduates from more thorough preparation, since they do not know what to expect.

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