How to pass an interview in English examples. Interview in English. Example of dialogue at the beginning of an interview in English

Painting 09.10.2021

Weakness in the body, cold sweat appearing on the skin, hands tremble, and the tongue becomes tongue-tied. Interview for English language can be quite stressful. You need to arrive on time, be confident, well-versed and friendly at the same time, while experiencing unprecedented stress inside. How are you doing? Why would you like to work here? Could you describe your responsibilities?

At an interview, some questions in English are replaced by others, and there is no time to carefully think about the answer. We will help you prepare for this important event.

From this article you will learn how to pass an interview in English, find recommendations and answers to questions that may be asked during the interview. Let's go!

Preparing for an interview in English

Let's start with useful tips. These four life hacks will help you effectively prepare for an interview in English:

  • First, practice answering potential interview questions out loud in English. To start, think about the questions an employer might ask, prepare a list, and think about how you would answer. After you have worked on question-and-answer formulations, practice them in front of a mirror, determining for yourself an acceptable speech rate. To work on various mistakes, you can record your speech on a voice recorder. Pay attention to the pronunciation of words and phrases.
  • Secondly, pay special attention to your strengths, and do not forget to support your statements with clear arguments. If you claim to have a certain skill or experience, then provide a clear example that reflects or confirms this fact.
  • Third, be honest with yourself and identify your Achilles heel, a weakness that you have successfully overcome. Perhaps you were careless and lazy about your assignments, but later, having set your priorities, you finally pulled yourself together and overcame this bad habit. In the eyes of the employer, you will appear as a person who is truly interested in working productively in a new position.
  • And finally, fourthly, salary expectations play an important role. Before going to an interview, make sure you know what salary you would like to earn and the minimum you would accept. You should not unconditionally agree to working conditions that do not meet expectations or do not reflect qualifications.

Top 9 English interview questions

  • How would you describe yourself?- How would you describe yourself?

To my mind,I'm … / I consider myself ... /I reckon that I"m ... /I believe, I'm … / I could say that I"m... - I consider myself …

flexible- able to quickly adapt to circumstances
hard working- hardworking
outgoing- sociable
dependable- reliable
honest- honest
organized- organized
ambitious- purposeful
a team-player- I can work in a team
a seasoned specialist- experienced specialist
a dedicated professional- professional, dedicated to his work

I always prefer paying attention to details.- I always prefer to pay attention to details.
I"m fond of challenging tasks and getting the work done.- I love challenging tasks and seeing work through to completion.

  • What educational background do you have?- What education do you have?

I graduated in(field: IT, Linguistics, Engineering etc.) from(name of educational institution) - I received my education in the specialty ... in ...
To attend(the name of the institution) from(year) to(year) - visit... from... to...
I hold a master's degree / a bachelor's degree in ... from... - I have a master's degree in ... / bachelor's degree in ...
I took a training program at... - I completed a professional program in ...
Unfortunately, I don"t have any formal education for this work, however, I have already worked in similar position.Furthermore,I have 15 years of experience in this sphere. - Unfortunately, I do not have formal education for this job, however, I have already held a similar position. Moreover, I have 15 years of experience in this field.

If you suddenly heard the phrase “ scholastic record", here we mean the diploma certificate, which includes grades for subjects.

NOTA BENE: Keep in mind that education took place in the past, so use Past Tenses. If you are still studying or receiving additional education, use Present Continuous.

  • Could you tell us why you left your last position?- Tell us why you left your last job?

I was: laid off / fired / dismissed / discharged... - I was fired...
I was made redundant... - I was fired without good reason...
Because the firm / the company / the enterprise- because the company / company / enterprise
Had to cut / recolate costs- was forced to cut/revise expenses
Became a bankrupt = was out of business- went bankrupt
I left the previous work/post… - I quit my previous job / left my previous post...
I made a firm decision to find a new job... - I made a firm decision to find new job
That is closer to my home- which is closer to home
That will represent new challenging tasks- where I will be faced with new challenging tasks
Where I could develop my professional skills- where I could develop professional skills
That will help to forge a successful career- to build a successful career

  • Tell us about your negative traits, please. - Please tell us about the negative traits.

Apparently, it might be better for me to learn how to be more understanding, especially, when things aren't going according to the plan. That"s what I"m currently working on right now. - Apparently, I should learn to be more understanding, especially when things don't go according to plan. This is what I'm working on now.
I"m used to spending much time on projects to be absolutely sure that everything is accurate. - I'm used to spending a lot of time on projects to be absolutely sure that everything is correct.

to be a perfectionist- be a perfectionist
to be hard on something / someone- criticize something/someone
  • Tell us about your positive traits, please. - Please tell us about the positive features.

I'm a proactive person, who likes to see results and be responsible for his/her decisions. - I am a person with an active life position who likes to see results and be responsible for decisions made.
I always remain self disciplined and calm in tangled situations. - I always remain collected and calm during difficult situations.

to be broad-minded- have broad views
to be conscientious- be conscientious
to be creative- be creative
to be enthusiastic- be full of enthusiasm
to be innovative- be an innovator
to be personable- be personable
to be focused on- be focused on
to be a problem-solver- easy to solve problems
always take initiative- always take the initiative
to have team building skills- have the skills to form teamwork
to have a good work ethics- have an understanding of work ethics
  • What is the main reason you would like to work here?- Why would you like to work here?

I"m confident that your company will allow me... - I am sure that your company will allow me...

to become a profound specialist- become an outstanding specialist
to put into practice- bring it to life
to make use of the knowledge / the experience- use knowledge/experience
to grow both as a professional and as a human- grow as a professional and person

I’ve always taken an interest in IT and the company excels in the current sphere. - I have always had an interest in IT, and your company is the best in the current field.
The enterprise is considered one of the best is this field- the company is considered one of the best in this area

  • Where do you see yourself in five years from now?- Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

By then, I will have my knowledge enhanced and become more independent in what I do.- By then I will have improved my knowledge and become more free in what I do.
By then, I would have liked to … / I would have preferred to... - By then I would like...

to develop / improve skills- improve skills
to be more productive- be more productive
to create more of a name for the company /myself- work for the benefit of the company / become a famous figure
to achieve a higher position- get a raise
to get more involved in… - be more involved in
to take on interesting projects- engage in interesting projects
to become an innovative thinker- become a creative thinker
to build a career here- build a career here

NOTA BENE: You should not touch on goals related to your personal life, such as starting a family, having a child, etc. Focus on your career aspirations. Be goal-oriented, but not too goal-oriented, otherwise your candidacy will be seen as a threat to the company.

  • What kind of salary do you expect?- What are your expectations about salary?

I suppose, $65,000 per year is typical based on requirements and responsibilities.- I believe that, taking into account the requirements and responsibilities, the salary will be $65,000 per year.
I’m sure, you’ll offer a salary that’s considered competitive in the current field.- I am confident that you will offer a salary that is considered competitive in the field.
I need more information, pertaining to the position, before we could start salary discussion.- I need more information regarding the vacancy before we can begin discussing salary.

Based on the market research / the current salary / past experience- based on market research / current salaries / past experience

to expect something higher- expect higher wages
performance bonuses- bonuses depending on performance results
healthcare- healthcare
future pay raises- future salary increase
free gym membership- free gym membership
extra days off- additional days off
retirement contributions- contribution to the pension fund
flexible work hours- flexible working hours
  • You’re welcome to ask any questions, if you have them.- You can ask any questions if you have any.

Who will I be working closely with?- Who will I work closely with?
How soon may I hear from you?- When should I expect news?
Does the company offer... - Does the company offer...

any benefits for its workers?- any benefits for employees?
in-house training for its employees?- training of specialists?

What will be the next step?- What is the next step?
Could you describe the typical day of the job?- Could you describe a typical working day that this position involves?

This subsection contains videos with interview examples, as well as video lessons on vocabulary and grammar, the study of which will help you correctly construct your answers at the interview. All videos are provided with parallel text translation and thematic glossaries. The link to directly download the video is below the text.

  1. Questions and answers about the reason for leaving your previous job
  2. Answering the questions “Who are you responsible to?” and “What are you responsible for?” (grammatical features)
  3. The answer to the question “What is your education?” (grammatical features)

Interview in English: questions and example answers with translation.

The materials below were selected from popular English-language, mainly American, websites specializing in employment consultations. Here you will find dozens of typical questions and example answers to them. All questions and answers are provided with parallel translation and glossaries. Reading these materials will allow you to master or remember the vocabulary used during the interview, and will also help you prepare your own answers to typical questions.

  1. Questions about professional experience and qualities, and example answers
  2. Questions about the suitability of the vacancy and usefulness for this company, and example answers
  3. Examples of answers to the questions “Tell me about yourself” and “Describe yourself”

Martin Carole. Perfect phrases for the perfect interview. (Martin Carol. Ideal phrases for the ideal interview).
The book is a practical guide in English. Author - Martin Carol - interview specialist and trainer. This guide provides hundreds of example phrases for all questions that may arise in an interview. The phrases are simple enough to be understood and learned by people with “average” English. Unfortunately, the book is not translated, but the accessible style of presentation and PDF format, which allows the use of an electronic dictionary, make reading easy. Familiarization with this manual will be useful for another reason - there is a lot of business office vocabulary, which will be very useful for Russian-speaking specialists who want to get comfortable in the office of a Western company. Volume 177 pages. PDF format. [Link is available only to users with paid access · / ]

Tests in English with translation.

Here you will find typical tests in English used in interviews and in assessing candidates. The tests are taken from English-language specialized sites and are provided with parallel translations and answers. It is better to practice taking the tests in advance so as not to get into a difficult position during the interview.

Interview in English: examples of a story about job responsibilities.

Examples and job titles are taken from American reality. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with several examples, since the vocabulary given in them is universal and complementary.

  1. Responsibilities of a medical sales representative
  2. Responsibilities of an Art Director in an Advertising Firm

Dear site visitors!
Sometimes people ask me to publish an example of an interview for a specialist in a certain profession - accountant, sailor, engineer, etc. Unfortunately, you cannot “embrace the immensity.” There are a lot of professions and I cannot master the professional vocabulary of all branches of human activity. As far as I know from my interview experience (I had to go through this procedure dozens of times), interviews for all professions are conducted using the same methodology and differ only in the description of the experience and job responsibilities of a particular specialist. Therefore, I recommend that you use the “Dictionary of Professions”, the link to which is given below. I also recommend looking at the “Resume” section of this site. Perhaps it contains a resume for your profession with a list of job responsibilities and a glossary of professional vocabulary.
Author of the site.

Online dictionary in English – you can get it here job responsibilities for any position and profession for resume and interview preparation. Contains the names of professions existing in the modern US labor market and their descriptions with detailed list tasks and qualification requirements. The dictionary includes data on professions based on the latest census. Updated periodically.

You can search for the name of a profession and its description in the dictionary in several ways:

    search by profession category - click the “ONET Occupational Information Network” item or the “ONET” menu button - a list of positions (positions) will open - select a position and click - it will open detailed description positions: tasks, qualification requirements, skills, etc.;

    search by profession category - click the “DOT Contents” item or the “Contents” menu button at the top - a list of profession categories will open - select a category and click - a list of positions (positions) will open - select a position and click - a short (half-page) description will open this position;

    alphabetical search (by profession name in English) - click the desired letter in the alphabetical table on the left - an alphabetical list of professions will open;

    site search - click the “Search” item or the “Search” menu button at the top (not to be confused with the “Search” button of the Google search engine), or click the “?” in the sign in the alphabetical table on the left (last button).


I meet a lot of people who learned English well at school, but they get lost in oral speech and don’t know how to express their thoughts beautifully.

Below the cut I have jotted down useful phrases for passing an interview with a foreigner at the Upper intermediate level.

Meeting\At the door
Specify the name of the greeter and introduce yourself. Usually on the way to the meeting room they talk about the road and the place where you have arrived - they praise you :)

"Mr Black? I"m Alexey Ivanov, it"s a pleasure.*"- Mr. Black? I'm Alexey Ivanov, nice to meet you.
*"It's a pleasure to meet you."- Nice to meet you
*"Thank you for inviting me."- Thank you for inviting me
"This location is impressive. Very convenient."- This is a very impressive location, very convenient.
"I found your office right away."- I immediately found your office.
"I"m (terriblу) sorry for being late...I was cought in the traffic.*"- I'm (very) sorry I'm late, I got stuck in a traffic jam.
*I could not find the correct building- I couldn't find the right building
*I"m not familiar with this part of the city- This part of the city is not very familiar to me

Most often, after seating at the table, there will be a short awkward pause. At this point, you can take the initiative and start with the introduction. Don't tell too much, just the key points.

"If you would like, I can introduce myself first."- If you want, I can introduce myself first (tell about myself).
"I"m originally from...."- I am from...
"I"m a graduate of .... masters\magisters program. "- I am a graduate of (University Name) Bachelor's/Master's degree.
"My professional background includes..."- My professional experience includes (listing the areas in which you have worked).
"My professional interests are..."- my professional interests...
"What I value the most in my work is..."- What I value most about my work is...
"I have several hobbies...*"- I have several hobbies...
*"My passion is..."- My passion is...

Interview\Discussion of work
Typically, in the body of the interview you will need to talk about why you are interested in the position, why you are changing your current job, what you hope to develop and where you see yourself in 5 years.

Prof. past
"I"ve just graduated and I"m looking for a good start for my career"- I just graduated from university and am looking for a good start for my career.
"I"m looking to broaden my experienece in professional sphere"- I want to expand my experience in the professional field.
"I have mastered responsibilities on my current position and it"s no longer helping me develop professionally"- My current position no longer develops me professionally.
"I would like to face new challenges and new responsibilities."- I wanted to work on new problems and with a new range of responsibilities.
"It"s important for me to have more autonomy*"- It is important for me to have more autonomy
*Creativity- creativity
*in-depth professional challenges- deeply professional tasks
"I decided to step up for a manager position"- I decided to try myself in a leadership position
"I have been on a maternity leave for several years and I would like to get back to work."- I was on maternity leave for several years and would like to return to work

New job
"I"m interested in working in your company, because...."- I am interested in working in your company because...
"I"ve always been interested in this industry\sphere."- I have always been interested in this industry (sphere).
"I"ve always been a big fan of your brand. It would be a pleasure to join your team"- I have always been a big fan of your brand and would be happy to join the team.
"I believe this position will ..."- I think this is a position...
" my professional aspirations."- will correspond to my professional ambitions/desires.
" me discover my true potential"- will allow me to reveal my potential.
"...give me the opportunity to use all my skills..."
"I would like to work more with..."- I would like to work more with... (listing areas of interest)
"That is why I believe this position is what I need."“That’s why I think this position is what I need.”

In future
"I would like to grow professionally to become a true expert in my field."- I would like to grow professionally and become a real expert in my field.
"In 5 to 7 years I see myself as a manager of the team."- In 5-7 years I see myself as the head of a department.
"I would like to improve my qualifications to the point of becoming a top manager."- I would like to improve my qualifications up to the position of a top manager.
"I haven"t yet decided on my career project, I"m open to all opportunities"- I have not yet decided on my career plans, I am open to all opportunities.

Questions about a new job
Be sure to ask questions. No questions - it means you didn’t understand anything.

"Can you tell me more about my future responsibilities?"- Could you tell me about my future responsibilities?
"What will my day be like?"- What will my day look like?
"Why is this position open at the first place?"- For what reasons did this vacancy appear?
"What are the work hours in the company?"- What are the working hours at the company?
"Is there a possibility to have flexible scheldule?"- Is it possible to have a flexible schedule?
"Who will be my direct\line manager?"- Who will be my immediate supervisor?
"How many people are in my team\department?"- How many people are in my team/department?
"Does the company provide any training?"- Does the company provide training?
"Are there any social bonuses -Insurance? Fitness?"- Are there social compensations? Insurance? Fitness?"

Separately: personal questions in English
Very often, you are asked to answer one or more personal questions in a foreign language.

"How is your English?" - How is your English?
"I studied English at school\university and I have a good enough level to communicate with colleagues and managers."- I studied English at school/university and my level is good enough to communicate with colleagues and management.
"I don"t have much practice currently, but I will quickly regain the skill"- Now I don’t have enough practice, but I will quickly regain my skills.

"What are yout biggest strengths\flaws?" - what are your strengths and weaknesses?
"My biggest strengths are..."- My strengths...
"I"m focused on results"- I am focused on the result
"I'm proactive"- I'm active
"I'm open-minded"- I am open to new ideas
"I'm attentive"- I'm attentive
"I'm serious and responsible"- I am serious and responsible
"I"m always positive and energetic"- I am always positive and energetic
"I"m concentrated on searching for solutions"- I am focused on finding solutions
"I have deep knowledge and competences"- I have deep knowledge and competence
"I'm confident and persuasive"- I am confident and able to convince
"I can always find the right approach"- I can always find the right approach

"My biggest flaw is..."- My biggest flaw...
"I might be too focused on details..."- I'm going into too much detail.
"I"m sometimes taking on too much responsibility..."- I take on too much responsibility...
"I prefer not to interact with clients directly."- I would not like to have direct contact with clients...
"I don't yet have enough experience"- I don’t have enough experience yet
"I"m sometimes too demanding to my colleagues."- Sometimes I am too demanding of my colleagues

When leaving, it is always a good idea to say thank you and express your interest.

"Thank you for this opportunity"- Thank you for the opportunity to come.
"Thank you for your time"- Thank you for your time
"I'm truly interested in this position"- I'm really very interested in this vacancy
"When should I expect to hear back from you*?"- When should I expect an answer?
*"When should I expect your answer?"- When should I expect an answer?
"It was a pleasure meeting you, I really enjoyed this interview."- It was nice to meet you, I really liked this interview.

All international companies conduct interviews in English when recruiting new personnel. And since the use of English is very common (“fashionable”) in our country, then when applying for a job in any serious Russian company, for a good position, you will also be asked to undergo an interview in English. Of course, so that you don’t have any problems passing this simple test, it is advisable to prepare for it in advance, know the possible questions and the answers to them.

We have prepared especially for you:

Interview in English questions and answers

1. Tell me about yourself - Tell me about yourself.
A typical question asked of all candidates at the beginning of an interview. Your answer should be to the point, tell us how you can be useful to the company.

Sample answer:
I’m a seasoned Retail Manager strong in developing training programs and loss prevention techniques that have resulted in revenue savings of over $2.3Million for (employer’s name) during the past 11 years.

2. What Are You Passionate About? - What do you like? This question should be followed by an enthusiastic story about your hobby, which is very interesting and does not take up much of your time.

Sample answer:
I’m an avid skier and I like to spend weekends and vacations on the ski slopes.

3. Why do you want this job? - Why do you want to get this job? Talk about the company you are joining as the company of your dreams, about interesting projects and development.

Sample answer:
The work I find most stimulating allows me to use both my creative and research skills. The buzz on this company is that it rewards people who deliver solutions to substantial problems.

4. Why are you leaving your job? - Why did you leave your last job? The best answer to this question is staff reduction or other reasons beyond your control.

Sample answer:
I am interested in a job with more responsibility, and I am very ready for a new challenge.

5. How do you handle stress/pressure? - How do you overcome stress and anxiety? This question is about stress at work. When answering this question, be sure to provide an example from a previous job where you brilliantly overcame stress and benefited the company.

Sample answer:
I find a past pace to be invigorating, and thrive when the pressure is on.

6. What is your greatest strength? - what are your strengths? You shouldn’t praise yourself too much, but it won’t be right to underestimate your strengths either. Tell everything as it is, but only in relation to the company where you want to get a job.

Sample answer:
When I’m working on a project, I don’t want just to meet deadlines. Rather, I prefer to complete the project well ahead of schedule. I have exceeded my sales goals every quarter and I’ve earned a bonus each year since I started with my current employer. My time management skills are excellent and I’m organized, efficient, and take pride in excelling at my work. I pride myself on my customer service skills and my ability to resolve what could be difficult situations.

7. What is your greatest weakness? - What are your weak sides? When answering this question, choose your weakness, which will relate to your future work only indirectly and be sure to tell us how you combat this weakness.

Sample answer:
When I’m working on a project, I don’t want just to meet deadlines. Rather, I prefer to complete the project well ahead of schedule.

8. How do you evaluate success? - How do you evaluate success? Be sure to tell them that success for you is the success of your business and your company and don’t focus on money.

Sample answer:
I evaluate success in different ways. At work, it is meeting the goals set by my supervisors and my fellow workers. It is my understanding, from talking to other employees, that the GGR company is recognized for not only rewarding success, but giving employees the opportunity to grow as well.

9. What Are Your Goals for the Future? - What are your goals in the future? A very important question and this question lies precisely in the plane of your future work. Talk about a career in this company, that you see great prospects for yourself when working in it.

Sample answer:
Once I gain additional experience, I would like to move on from a technical position to management.

By the way, to be 100% sure that you will pass the interview in English, take English language courses in Chelyabinsk. Qualified teachers will help you significantly improve your level of English.

Example of an interview in English with translation

Example of an interview in English: Translation of the interview into Russian:
- Good afternoon! My name is Olga and I am a human manager. Good afternoon My name is Olga, I am a HR manager.
- Good afternoon! I am Sergey and I"m currently applying for a position of a visa manager with your company. - Good afternoon. My name is Sergey, I am a candidate for the position of visa manager in your company.
- Why do you want to work in our company? - Why do you want to work in our company?
- I have a considerable experience in this area; I have worked so far in several travel agencies on similar positions. So, working for your company won't be challenging. I like my job. - I have significant experience in this field. I worked in several travel agencies in similar positions (areas). Therefore, working in your company will not be difficult. I like my job.
- I see. What was your last work place? - I see. What was your work experience like?
- I worked at Xtur travel agency, which offered tourist voyages over Europe. - I worked at the travel agency Xtur, which sold tours around Europe.
- Why did you leave your job? - Why did you leave your previous job?
- The company cut jobs and finally went bancrupt. - The company cut jobs and then went bankrupt.
- Tell me, please, about your educational background. - Please tell me about your education.
- Well. I graduated from State University in 2011, Faculty of Economics; subsequently I joined a post-graduate course and received a PhD. The thesis was public relations in the sphere of tourism. I also did a management training for the travel agency managers in 2012, for which I"ve got a certificate. - Fine. I finished the state. University in 2011, Faculty of Economics, then completed graduate school and received a doctorate. The topic was: Public attitude in the field of tourism. I also completed training at a management school for tour managers. agencies in 2012 and received a certificate.
- You received good education. But why this position? Wouldn't you like to work as a university teacher? - You received a good education. Why do you want this position? Why don't you want to work as a university teacher?
- Yes, I wanted to try this sphere, but the salary is too low there. Therefore I chose a career in the commercial sector. - Yes, I wanted to try this field, but the salaries are too low. That's why I chose the commercial sector.
- I see. How do you understand your responsibilities? - I see. How do you understand your responsibilities?
- Well. I"m supposed to be in charge of consulting clients on visa regulations in different countries and assisting them in preparing the necessary set of documents. I will also be responsible for visiting embassies, submitting documents and getting visas for the clients or arranging on interview dates for them if needed. - Fine. I should be responsible for advising clients on visa issues in different countries and provide assistance in preparing the necessary documents. I will also be responsible for visiting the embassy, ​​providing documents, obtaining visas for clients or clarifying dates for their receipt.
- All these require good knowledge of English. As I can see, you know the language very well. But where did you learn it? - All this requires good knowledge of English. I see that you know the language well. Where did you teach him?
- I graduated from a specialized language school, I also studied English at the university and subsequently I passed a candidate exam of English, had got an excellent mark and did an English course to raise my language level. - I graduated from a specialized English school, I studied English at the university and took an exam in it, receiving an excellent grade, and took courses to improve my language level.
- Thank you. What can you tell me about your character? Everybody has their strong and weak points, how can you describe yourself? - Thank you. What can you tell me about your character? Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, how would you describe yourself?
- Well. I have excellent communication skills. I have good people skills. I"m very helpful. As fro my weak points, I don’t like to get up early. But it doesn"t mean that I"m not punctual. I"m always on time for work, take my word for that. - Fine. I have excellent communication skills. I communicate well with people. I'm very helpful. What about my weak points - I don’t like to get up early. But that doesn't mean I'm not punctual. I always come to work on time, take my word for it.
- Tell me, please, about your family. - Please tell me about your family.
- Well. I am single, I have no children. I live in my own flat alone. - Okay, I'm not married, I don't have children. I live alone in my apartment.
- So, Sergey, it was very nice talking to you. I"m sure you will make a good candidate for this position. But as you might understand to know English means not only to be able to speak fluently, but to write and to understand English. Therefore I must be sure that you have these skills . I"d like you to take a number of tests. When are ready with those, please, give the papers to the office manager. I’ll check them later today, and if everything is fine, I’ll be in touch soon. - So, Sergey, it was very pleasant to communicate with you. I am confident that you are a good candidate for this position. But as you already understand, knowing English means not only free communication, but also free writing in the English language. I need to make sure you have these skills. I would like you to take a series of tests. When you are finished with them, please give the documents to the office manager. I'll check them later and if everything is okay, I'll contact you.
- Thank you for your time. Hope to hear from you. - Thank you for your time. Hope to hear from you again.
- OK. Have a nice day! Good bye. - OK. Have a good day! Goodbye.
- Good bye. - Goodbye.

An interview with an international company is in a couple of days, and your English practice over the past six months has been limited to the words yes, thank you and OK? Our tips will help you quickly prepare for communication with a future employer and not stumble when answering key questions.

1. Write a story about yourself

It is best to talk about education, professional experience and interests, key knowledge and skills. You can mention hobbies, but don't focus on the personal. Here are some examples of a good introduction for a story:

“I can summarize who I am in three words:...” - “I can describe myself in three words:...”

“The main principle I live my life by is...” - “The main principle that I adhere to in life is...”

“People who know me best say that I’m...” - “Those who know me well say that I...”

2. Emphasize your strengths wisely

Prepare a story about the qualities you possess. At the same time, it is important to mention both advantages and disadvantages - you will probably be asked about them too. So be prepared to frankly highlight a couple of disadvantages. Here are common expressions you should learn before your interview:

learning agility (fast-learner) - fast learning ability

self-motivated and determined - proactive and purposeful

success-oriented and natural leader - focused on success, a born leader

team player - team player

hardworking - hardworking, efficient

intelligence and self confidence - intelligence and self-confidence

possess proactive approach - have an active life position, take initiative

multitasking - able to successfully work with several projects, “multitasking”

have planning skills - I have planning skills

well-organized - organized

versatile - versatile, versatile

with broad experience in… - with extensive experience in…

in-depth knowledge of... - deep knowledge of...

written and verbal communication skills - written and oral communication skills

deductive reasoning - deductive thinking

logical thinking - logical mindset

analytical skills - analytical abilities

3. Repeat linking words

To structure your story, build logical transitions and avoid pauses, learn to use introductory constructions, adverbs and conjunctions correctly.

To sum it up:
In short - briefly
In brief - in short
In summary - in the end
To summarise - summing up
In conclusion - in conclusion
In a nutshell - in a nutshell
To conclude - drawing conclusions

To build a sequence:
The former, … the latter – first… last
Firstly, secondly - firstly, secondly
Finally - in the end
The first point is - firstly
Lastly - finally
The following - next

To indicate the reason for what is happening:
Due to / due to the fact that – according to / according to the fact that
Because – because
Because of – due to the fact that
Since - since
As – since

To indicate cause and effect:
Therefore - therefore
So - in this way
Consequently - consequently
This means that
As a result - as a result

To contrast the two ideas:
But - but
However - however
Although / even though – although / even if
Despite - despite
In spite of - despite
In spite of the fact that - despite the fact that
Nevertheless - despite this, after all
Nevertheless - nevertheless
While – while/despite the fact that
Whereas – because/despite
Unlike - unlike
In theory... in practice... – in theory... in practice...

For addition:
In addition - besides
As well as - just like...
Also - also
Too - too
Besides - besides
Furthermore - besides
Moreover - moreover
Apart from – in addition
In addition to - in addition to

To give an example:
For example
As an example
For instance – for example
Namely - namely

4. Practice before your interview

Practice is essential when learning any language. Try watching TED videos and repeating phrases and sentences after native speakers, watch your articulation. Therefore, when the story about yourself is ready, rehearse the prepared text in front of the mirror, ask a friend to play the role of a recruiter, or practice on an interview simulator:

5. Read information about the company in English

Study the English version of the site and pay attention to the mission, scope of activity, location, management team, check out latest news. This way you will understand what phrases and formulations are accepted in the company, and also show your motivation. Be sure to prepare an answer to the standard question: “Why do you want to work in our company?”

6. Practice professional vocabulary

Make a list of specialized terms, learn their translations and pay attention to the context of use. Watch industry-specific videos to catch all the intricacies of pronunciation. Try not to use words and formulations whose meaning you do not fully understand.

7. Prepare questions for the recruiter

Often at the end of the interview, recruiters invite you to ask questions about the vacancy or work at the company. Prepare in advance. Below you will find examples of wording that you can rely on:

How many employees work for the organization? - How many employees work in the organization?

Please tell me a little bit about the people with whom I’ll be working most closely. - Please tell me a little about the people with whom I will need to work most closely.

Will I work independently or in a team? - Will I work independently or in a team?

Where will I be working? - Where will I work?

How advanced is the hardware and software I will be expected to use? - How complex hardware and software will I need to use?

How did this job become available? - Why is this vacancy available?

Before you’re able to reach a hiring decision, how many more interviews should I expect to go through and with whom? - How many more interviews do I have before you can make a hiring decision? Who will conduct them?

Does this job usually lead to other positions at the company? - Does this job involve career growth?

Will the company be entering any new markets in the next couple of years? - Will the company enter any new markets in the next few years?

If you were to offer me the job, how soon would you want me to start? - If you were going to offer me a job, how soon would I have to start?

When could I expect to hear from you? - When can we expect your answer?

8. Review HR terminology

Not understanding a recruiter's question asked in English is like stumbling on the starting line during a marathon. We have compiled a list of terms that an HR specialist can use in a conversation:

strengths / weaknesses - strengths / weaknesses

supervisor / co-worker - boss / employee

salary requirements - salary expectations

current job - current place of work

to hire, to recruit - to hire

to quit / to resign - resign at your own request

to be fired, to be sacked - to be fired

dismissal, termination - dismissal due to unsatisfactory performance

employment - career

position - vacancy

educational background - education (including additional)

to look for a job / to seek employment - look for work

shortlist - final list of candidates

candidates’ applications - applications from candidates

to promote / to demote - promote / demote (in position)

9. Prepare a couple of idioms

Every company wants to have people on staff who can communicate fluently in English, thus winning over potential partners and clients. If your language has already reached a conversational level, learn to use English idioms carefully. This will definitely add points to you.

Victory lies in preparation - Victory loves preparation

Practice makes perfect - Hard in learning - easy in battle

Cut to the chase - get to the point

Fly by the seat of one’s pants - act without a plan, navigate on the go

To bite the bullet - do not lose heart, “take the blow”, “gather your will into a fist”

To climb the corporate ladder - lit. “climb the career ladder”; advance in career, make a career breakthrough

My gut tells me - lit. “my guts are telling me”; to guess intuitively, to “feel in one’s gut”

Reality check - lit. “reality check”; realistically assess the situation, “face the truth”

10. Relax

Tension can play a bad joke on you - a lump in your throat and a cottony tongue will definitely not help you during an interview. So try to distract yourself: do exercises for articulation and relaxation of the ligaments and watch, for example, this sketch from Monty Python:

Bonus - advice from an experienced HR specialist, former head of the recruitment department at PwC Asya Kolosova:

“In preparation for an interview, I highly recommend the following life hack: prepare a story about yourself and record it on video. This helps to see all the mistakes and remove unnecessary garbage from speech. Analyze the shortcomings that you notice in the recording and make a new version. These actions must be repeated until the text of the self-presentation begins to fly off your teeth. This will allow you to remain at ease and express your thoughts easily. Good luck to you in passing all stages of the selection!”

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