Scenario representation of a potato dish. Potato festival in elementary school. Scenario. Potato exhibition "ah, potato"

Wallpaper 27.07.2020

Teacher: Listen to the riddle:

If the leaves on the trees turn yellow,
If birds flew to a distant land,
If the sky is dark, if it rains
This time of year, what is it called? (In autumn)

All seasons are generous: spring gives us greenery, summer does not spare the sun, and autumn is probably the richest. She generously presents us with ripe fruits. In the fall, people reap the harvest and praise the golden beauty of autumn for her generosity: they sing songs, ditties, and arrange Harvest festivals.

This time the story will go
About the one who has six eyes,
And sometimes seven and five,
Which, however, can be counted.
About the one who slept sweetly in winter,

Climbing into the basement in the fall.
About the one who is in the kitchen with us
In the spring I brought it myself.
About the one whose strange eyes
They grew day by day
About someone who knew me
But he didn't see me.
Think a little -
What is this (potato)

Today our guest is “second bread”.

In some kingdom,
In some state
Not on Mars or on the Moon -
The potato lived in the ground.
The royal property had:
She managed to feed the people.

In a word, our speech is about
How did the potatoes come to the house!
About all properties, about leaving,
About work in the garden.
About crafts, delicious food
Today we will look in books….
There is much to learn

Now it's time to start ...

All: "Potato Festival ”. .

Potato appears

Everyone in the world knows about potatoes
The rich and those who are not rich.
Everyone prepares it in their own way,
Everyone on the table is happy with potatoes.
And who fries and who bets
Who bakes and who pounds
But they eat it everywhere.
Glory and honor to her!

(included) Potatoes

I am not a turnip. I am Potato!
Even a cat knows it.
I am the head of all fruits
It’s clear as two times two:
If there are no potatoes in the soup,
There is no need to pick up a spoon.
In hot oil, look,
I can become French fries!
And for the chips - believe it, no -
I am the main component!

Performance of the poem "Quarrel"

One day a potato comes to a carrot

And he sees: the carrot is in the package

- Carrot, carrot, please tell me:

Where are you dressed like that today?

-Oh, you know, potatoes , I'm leaving:

Today I was invited to the knife.

I was invited to him without you,

I won't take you potatoes with me.

Potato said:

« Just think knife!

Sneeze me that you won't take me!

Two spoons invited me to the cabbage soup.

I will go without you, and you will not seek! "

They also invited me to grade 4,

By the way, they have class hour now.

. Although it is indecent to boast,

But we came to tell you:

Excellent without potatoes

Neither eat nor dance

Even a delicious cucumber

Well done only with potatoes.

2 . Though angry green onions,

And potatoes are the best friend

From potatoes here and there

Make the right product

And not without reason, after all, potatoes

The name is the second bread.

Children perform V. Popov's song "Potato".

I'll tell you guys

We lived in the camp like,

And in the sun like kittens

We warmed ourselves that way, warmed ourselves like that.

Our poor stomachs

Were always hungry

And we counted the minutes

Until lunchtime.

Oh, potatoes, delicious,

Our children are ideal

He does not know pleasure,

Who did not eat potatoes.

And the boys are gluttons

They will eat all the potatoes

And then they will howl in chorus:

Our stomachs hurt! ”

Oh, you, sweet potato,

We beat you low with our forehead

Even the distant track

We do not care with you.

Fire smoke, glow of coals,

Gray ash and ash.

Teases our sense of smell

The spirit of potatoes by the fire.

Hello dear potato!

We beat you with our foreheads low!

Even the distant track

We do not care with you!

Oh, potatoes, delicious,

Our children are ideal!

He does not know pleasure,

Who didn't eat potatoes!

Teacher. It is hard to believe that this amazing vegetable was once appreciated for the delicate purple and pink flowers with which it was fashionable to decorate women's hairstyles. So glory to the one who was the first to pay attention not to the tops, but to the roots.

We know this product well and use it almost every day, but not everyone thinks about what its homeland is and who brought it to Russia? Listen to this story.

1. 500 years ago, no one in Europe knew that there is such a plant - the potato. But from a long voyage, the ships of Christopher Columbus, a brave navigator, returned to Spain. The most valuable cargo they brought to their homeland were seeds, tubers, grains of new plants.

2 ... But in Europe, they did not immediately understand that the main thing for potatoes is tubers. One rich English man decided to treat his guests to an overseas curiosity planted in his garden. Instead of digging tubers out of the ground, the gardener collected green balls from the bushes that hang from the stems after the potatoes have bloomed. These bitter, inedible potatoes were served to the guests. Some of the guests, having tasted the treat, choked, someone had a twisted face, someone ran out from the table.

3. He sent potatoes to Russiafrom Holland at the end of the 17th century Peterl. The peasants did not accept the overseas vegetable for a long time and called it "the devil's apple". They were forced to grow and eat potatoes. But the peasants unknowingly ate the fruits. This led to many poisonings.

4. A wave of "peasant revolts" took place throughout Russia. The riots were suppressed by firing cannons at the peasants. But not cruel reprisals convinced the peasants that it was profitable to plant potatoes. The potato itself convinced.

5. Remember the tale about the turnip? Why did the grandfather need a big - big turnip? To feed the grandmother, granddaughter and the whole family. Earlier, in cold winters, when the crops were frozen, turnips replaced bread for the Russian peasant. Hearty fruitful potatoes replaced turnips. Now, not turnips, but potatoes, have become the second bread for all other peoples of Europe.

6. We are accustomed to the fact that wheat is called "First" bread, and potatoes "Second". Over time, the Europeans became convinced not only that potatoes can replace bread, but also that potatoes themselves cannot be replaced by bread.

7. Perhaps you know that all plants live in families. So here are the potatoes from the nightshade family. Here are his relatives: tomato, eggplant, paprika.

8. The potato is an annual plant, up to 150 cm high, in our climate it is lower. In autumn, fruits are formed on the bushes - green berries with small seeds.They are poisonous!

9. In agriculture, potatoes are planted with tubers, which are used for food. There are about 150 types of potatoes in the wild.

10. Potatoes contain many useful substances and vitamins: starch, sugar, protein. Store potatoes in a cool, dark place. But if the potatoes lie in the sun, then a strong poison is formed in it, which is very harmful to human health. This is solanine.

Teacher: In Russia, they valued potatoes, considered it the second bread and, of course, about itsang ditties.

Put your ears on top of your head

Listen carefully.

We will sing you about potatoes

Very good.

1. I love potatoes -
Just delicious!I ate it all day -What a delusion!

2. Ah, beautiful potatoes!I don't need a sausageI don't want a sausage -Give me a bowl of potatoes!

3. Potatoes bloom in the field -How beautiful!I'll go to the field to workI'm not lazy!

4. We planted potatoes

The Colorado potato beetle has come.

Grandfather went out to dig potatoes,

But I didn't find the potatoes.

5. Mom laughed at me:"How much can you eat ?!"I love potatoesHow can I listen to you ?!

6. I don't go out with my friendsI don't watch TVAnd work yourself -I love to eat potatoes!

7. We harvested potatoes

I'm not sitting around idle:

Daddy digs, mommy wears

Well, I'm in charge.

8. Without a uniform and in a uniform

All potatoes are good.

We eat potatoes all year

I don't have a penny.

9 ... Eh, potatoes are sitting, Pours quicklyAnd in winter in all housesBoiled and fried!

10. In our city peopleLives on potatoesAnd so the peopleAlways cheerful and sings!

11. Once upon a time there were three neighbors:
Rabbit, dog and catTreated every dayEach other is all potatoes.

12. Our potatoes - anywhere: Delicious, vitamin.If you always eatYou will be healthy, strong!

13. Mommy told me: "Walk, son, along the path."I walked in the hope of finding a treasure -I came to the basement with potatoes.

14. I love to watch cartoon

About red-haired Antoshka

And I always take for lunch

Your big spoon.

15. Without bite and bite

All potatoes are good.

I ate half a bucket today -

The soul was warmed up.

16.We ate porridge all summer

Milk, okroshka,

And today we will eat

Baked potatoes.

17. Eh, potatoes, you are potatoes,

You are my love.

I take a spoon, eat potatoes -

I'm not hungry.


Before you now

We sang ditties.

We are very sorry,

Kohl ears are tired.

When potatoes were brought to Europe, each country called it differently.

    British -potato

    Finns -tartu

    Italians -tartufol

    French people -pom de terre

    Germans -potato

But the first name of the potato was "papa", as the Kechu Indians called it in South America, scientist Bolotov - "tartato", people called potatoes.

The task. Come up with a surname, name, patronymic for potatoes and write without mistakes.

Teacher. A game. I will pronounce the phrase, if you agree with my statement, you must say in chorus “We do not argue!”, If you don’t agree, say in chorus “We argue!”.

Autumn rains are pouring (We don't argue!)

Spring awaits us ahead (We bet!)

Blizzard all day long (We bet!)

A leaf falls from the trees (We don't argue!)

White lily of the valley blooms (We bet!)

In the grove, the nightingales began to sing (We bet!)

And in the garden the potatoes are ripe (We do not argue!)

The potato harvest is good! (We don't argue)

Eat with tiny peas (We don't argue)

Is about the size of a suitcase (We bet)

Weeds bloom on the branches (We bet)

It's hard for us without potatoes (We don't argue)

We continue our holiday

We dedicate everything to potatoes (We do not argue)

Teacher. Fun tasks.

1. Hungry Vasya eats 3 raw potatoes in 10 minutes. Well-fed Vasya spends 1 hour on the same amount of boiled potatoes. How many minutes faster does Vasya manage with raw potatoes than with boiled ones? (60 - 10 \u003d 50 minutes)

2. Running away from his friends, Petya pushed his grandfather, who bought 4 identical packages of potatoes, 2 kilograms each. The bags broke and the potatoes scattered. How many kilograms of potatoes flew to Petya if it is known that in his youth grandfather was a sniper? (4 2 \u003d 8 kg)

3. A third-grader Fedya bought a dish of 6 potatoes in the school canteen and went out to wash his hands for 1 minute. At that time, there were 9 first graders in the dining room,

each of which can eat 1 potato per minute. How many potatoes will the returning Fedya see on his plate, and how many first-graders remained hungry? (none 9 - 6 \u003d 3 first graders will go hungry)

And now the quiz "What do you know about potatoes?" 1. What is the homeland of the potato? (Peru and Chile.)2. When, where and by whom were the potatoes brought to Russia? (At the beginning of the 18th century from Holland, by Peter I.)4. What is the name of an insect - a pest that eats potato tops? (Colorado beetle.)5. Are potato berries edible? (No, they are poisonous.)6. How to call the stems and leaves of potatoes in one word? (tops)

7. About boiled or baked potatoes in a peel, they say what is it in? (in uniform)

8. Where did a person cook potatoes for the first time? (on fire)

9. What part of potatoes do we use for food? (tubers)

10. How to call in one word the removal of weeds and loosening the earth (weeding)

Useful Tips ”.

    Potatoes boiled in their skins retain 75% of vitamins; peeled and boiled tubers - 60-70%, and chopped - only 35-50%.

    Peeled potatoes cannot be stored. In extreme cases, it can be left for an hour or two in water and, moreover, with whole tubers.

    After peeling the potatoes, place them under the stream cold water: it will cook faster, will be more crumbly.

    If you need to peel the potatoes in advance, store them before use, not in water, but in a tied plastic bag.

    It is best to salt potatoes during cooking in 5-10 minutes. until it is completely ready.

    Jacket potatoes will not boil over (which makes them unsuitable for subsequent frying) if you add more salt to the water than you would with conventional cooking.

    Jacket potatoes are easy to peel if they are poured with cold water immediately after boiling.

    Baked potatoes with a crispy brown crust are a traditional meal at a halt. And everyone, of course, knows the usual way to bake it, when washed and dried potato tubers are buried in hot ash.

    Young potatoes are peeled like this: mash them, put them in a bag, add salt and roll them on the table.

    Boil the potatoes over moderate heat so that they do not fall apart or burst.

    Peel the potatoes with a thin layer, as there are salts and proteins under the skin.

Song about potatoes (to the tune of the song "A grasshopper sat in the grass")

    How we love potatoes, 2 times
    We can't live without potatoes
    We even live a day.
    Imagine 2 times
    We can't live without potatoes
    Imagine 2 times
    We even live a day.

    We fry it, boil it
    And add it to the supik
    And can we in "uniform"
    Boil the potatoes.
    Imagine 2 times
    And can we in "uniform"
    Imagine 2 times
    Boil the potatoes.

    Do you love potatoes, 2 times
    And all sorts of secrets
    Learn about her.
    Imagine 2 times
    And all sorts of secrets
    Imagine 2 times
    Learn about her.

Teacher It took potatoes only a few 10 years to revolutionize Russian cuisine. He became necessary product... The first, second and even third (dessert) dishes are prepared from potatoes. It is difficult even to list all the "specialties" of potatoes in cooking. All people love potato dishes. A monument to potatoes was erected in the city of Mariinsk, Kemerovskaya Oblast. The author of the sculpture was the artist Yuri Mikhailov

We will collect all the potatoes as soon as possible.
Let's invite all our friends for a treat!
We will steam, we will cook, we will bake -
After all, we do not care about any work!

You can make so many dishes from potatoes
You will find anything for your soul here.
Everyone is happy with our potatoes
I'll put it in the salad.

And for me there is no better in the world
Than a potato in a uniform.
Let's get some fat for Tanya
Ruddy pancakes.
Ready for Zhenya
With potatoes dumplings.
And you, Andryusha, eat a shanezhka!
And you, my friend, a pie with potatoes!
And for our Alyonka with milk pushers!
And for Nadia, look - French fries!
And you, Valyusha, have a fried meal !
For you, Alyoshka, with okroshka potatoes!
And for you, Artyom, we will bake at the stake!
We did not harvest everything for nothing!
Come and choose what you love!
(all) People have known since ancient times,
That there is no tastier potato!

Anyway, potatoes have long been called the second bread in Russia, and we cannot imagine a table without this wonderful vegetable.

The path of potatoes through the countries of Europe was difficult, but, in the end, this culture won universal recognition. The catch phrase "potatoes are the second bread" has become true. Potatoes have and medicinal properties... Freshly prepared potato juice has long been used as a good remedy for heartburn, in the treatment of stomach diseases: gastritis, peptic ulcer. In case of an upper respiratory tract disease, accompanied by a persistent strong cough, use

potato steam inhalation, and freshly grated gruel is used in the treatment of burns and eczema. Starch is widely used in medicine, it is taken in the form of jelly in case of poisoning, used in the form of a powder and dry compresses. Potatoes are used in health food as a valuable dietary product. Due to the presence of potassium salts, it is used for diseases of the kidneys and cardiovascular system.

They write to us, recently took place

General collection of vegetables.

There were both pepper and parsley,

Cucumber, lettuce and leeks.

Chairman - Mr. Potato,

Was terribly pleased and flattered

By the fact that, chosen unanimously,

He opened and led the assembly.

Thanking everyone for their trust,

The chairman began his report.

(Potatoes). Everyone knows about me, everyone in the world:

The rich and those who are not rich.

Everyone prepares me in their own way,

Who cooks, who fries, who bakes.

But they eat me everywhere, and everywhere

Glory and honor for this.

But I must tell you

Excellent without potatoes

Neither eat nor dance.

Even a delicious cucumber

Well done only with potatoes.

Although the green onions are angry,

And potatoes are the best friend.

From potatoes here and there

The right product is made.

And it's not for nothing that potatoes

Everyone calls the second bread.

Spring came. And so at the beginning of summer

The potato tops are covered with a modest color.

On the sidelines, a dandelion was blooming. So he

I was terribly surprised and annoyed:


- Who are you? Where could you come from?

How are you not ashamed to appear before me?

( Potato flower.)

- Who am I? Potato flower.

I do not know how I could prevent you here?


- Potato flower? Well, for the life of me, I don't know.

I have not heard, and I do not want to hear.

Tenderness, beauty are given to me as an inheritance,

And your rough neighborhood does not suit me.

But by the fall, the braggart looked away bashfully.

He became pathetic and bald, quieter, more submissive of all.

And under the tops in the ground a treasure was formed.

It's not all about appearance, but about the root.

Mrs Potato : Thank you, dear children. It turns out that you know a lot about me. And if, when it is difficult for you to look after me, then do not be angry: after all, I will always repay with kindness.

Our holiday is already over
What else can I tell you?
You rightfully have potatoes
Call it “the second bread”

Song from the film "Breakfast on the Grass". (Music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Lvovsky)

How many times at rest
We baked potatoes.
Feasting - feasting
Conversations were conducted.

Ah, potatoes, potatoes,
Coal in the skin
Golden sparks
Blue smoke.

A very delicate matter
Even for a connoisseur-
Brown skillfully
The potatoes have a side.


From palm to palm
Leave her!
And salt the Potatoes-
Don't let it cool down!


With spring water
We'll drink potatoes
And, of course, with you,
Let's sing by the fire


Look to the left,

Find a miracle exhibition.

And on it, and on it

Many different ideas.

There is a hedgehog and a matryoshka

There is a dashing Kopatych,

Who worked, well done!

Oh, yes, the miracle kids, worked hard with a bang!

-Living without potatoes
Very sad children.
Always helps us out
This humble meal:
And in mashed potatoes, and in uniforms,
In the first courses, and in the side dishes,
Both boiled and baked,
Both crispy and crushed.
It's not a sin to say about her,
That potatoes are the best!

-It is impossible to live without potatoes
Even children know this
After all, it is tastier than spaghetti
Lies for a long time in the cellar.
They boil it in the first courses,
On the fire by putting it in the oven.
And stew, fry with salads
They like to bake for fish dishes.
Good in all kinds of dishes
With appetite everything
They devour this miracle
Oh, how delicious, they say.

Even cats love her
Our delicious potatoes.
All the guys and animals
Breakfast is awaited by preparing spoons.
We fry it a lot,
To eat your fill
Eat babies, enough for everyone
I won't eat it myself!

-Potatoes grow in the fields
And in our gardens.
People sow it a lot
This wonderful gift of nature.
He is useful from all sides,
Delicious and nutritious.
In our diet, as you know,
Must be included.

Poem "Potato" (I. Demyanov)

That my palms are black
Nobody scolds me
Potatoes with my grandmother
We were planting by the fence!

Soon here on the soft slopes
Where the shed warmed its sides,
Many green bows
May will tie on the ridge.

After yellow, white, blue
The lights will light up -
They will be so beautiful
Our beds by the river!

May my palms be dirty
I'm already used to work ...
And there is no tastier potato
That you will plant yourself in the ridge!

The Caterpillar appears.

Caterpillar: Finally, I'm at my goal.

I barely crawled.

Tired, lost weight

I haven't eaten for a long time.

So what do I see there?

Wants to eat Potatoes.

The presenter is trying to protect the Potato.

Caterpillar: I won't give you the potatoes. I love her myself. This is my potato.

Now, if you complete my tasks and play with me, then maybe I will share with you ...

The song "Bulba".

    Take potatoes from the bag
    And eat a little.
    You can eat it boiled
    Or in a baked uniform


Tram, there, there, ta-ra-ta-ra-ta-ta-there
It's bad for us without potatoes. 2 times

    We'll cook porridge from potatoes,
    We will feed all our relatives.
    Who gets tired of porridge
    Let him eat the potatoes in the soup.


    Ay, tours and rastours,
    We are not of a noble nature.
    If we don't have potatoes,
    And lunch is not our lunchtime.


Assignment: come up with and write down words that can be formed from the word "potato".

Song about potatoes.

Potatoes in Ireland and England.

So the potatoes began their journey to Spain, then to Italy, to England.

At the end of the 16th century, potatoes were already known in Spain, Italy, the Netherlands and Burgundy. In 1665, the potato was brought to Ireland by the slave trader John Gawkins. Since 1684, according to the testimony of Alexander Humboldt, this vegetable began to be cultivated in large quantities in Lancashire (North-West England). There are many funny stories connected with the consumption of potatoes. Let's fast forward to a late 17th century English estate.

How did you find out about baked potatoes.

Recipe: Rinse medium-sized potatoes thoroughly, dry, cut in half and place on a baking sheet or on a wire rack. Sprinkle with salt, bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes, until you smell a fragrant smell.

Potatoes in France.

At the end of the 16th century, an interesting story happened with potatoes in France. When the Seven Years' War began, a young French pharmacist Parmentier went to the front as an orderly and was captured, where they brought him food from potatoes to prison.

la with salt. She seemed to him delicious, nutritious. Six years have passed, and Parmentier, returning from captivity, is promoting this culture.

I am not a king, not a count, and not a doctor

Not a philosopher, but just a pharmacist,

And, of course, not of a noble family,

But I love helping the people.

So that it was good for him to live,

I want to plant potatoes.

He achieved the allocation of a small plot for him and planted it with potatoes, placing the soldiers in the afternoon to guard. At night, the guards left, and everyone could freely come to the garden and take tubers to plant at home. In the homeland of Parmentier, there is a monument to a scientist holding a bouquet of potato flowers.

In France, the first attention was paid to potatoes as early as 1585. Caspar Bohen described it in his herbalism and prompted some Lyons to cultivate potatoes. The experiment was a success, was not continued because of the rumor that the vegetable is poisonous.

The French gave the potato the name "earthy apple". And he conquered France thanks to the enterprise and quick-wittedness of an ordinary chemist and pharmacist - Antoine Auguste Parmentier. Fast forward to the distant 1585 and observe what was happening at that time.

Recipe: 500 g of potatoes cut into thin slices, mix with 100 g of grated cheese, black pepper (1/4 teaspoon), grated nutmeg (on the tip of a knife) and put in a cast iron pan, grated with garlic and greased with butter ... Pour in 2 cups of milk, sprinkle with 100 g of cheese and top with pieces of butter. Bake everything in the oven for about 30-40 minutes at temperature. 220-250 S.

There are many interesting facts in the biography of the potato. In the 18th century, the Prussian king was at war with Austria. The Prussians sought mainly to destroy the potato fields, which formed the basis of the population's nutrition, so this war was called the potato war.

Potatoes in Russia.

Potatoes were brought to Russia by Peter I at the end of the 17th century. Peter 1, while in Holland, sent B. Sheremetev a bag of potatoes. In 1736, potatoes were already listed in the plant catalog of the St. Petersburg Pharmaceutical Garden. The spread of potatoes was very slow. The hostile attitude towards the new culture was caused not only by prejudices, but also by the fact

that the potatoes imported to Europe were not identical to the modern ones, they had powerful tops and small bitter tubers. The population did not yet know what methods to grow it in, it was sown densely, the plants shaded each other, gave even smaller tubers, less tasty. In 1770, methods of growing this plant were described.

They say that there were even potato riots in Russia. During the reign of Nicholas 1, the peasants of a number of provinces were ordered to plant potatoes without fail. All advanced Europe has been growing potatoes for a hundred years, and in Russia crop failure after harvest failure in 1839 and in 1840 and in previous years.

All this gave rise to government measures to promote potato planting as the main "aid for national food". By order of Nicholas on August 8 and December 3, 1840, as well as on February 15, March 9 and July 6, 1842, you ask, why are there so many orders? Do you think it is easy to swing a Russian person into a new business? It was decided: “... to start public crops of potatoes to supply them to the peasants for future crops, to issue instructions on the cultivation, storage and use of this plant and to encourage them with prizes and

other awards of landowners distinguished by their breeding ”. And then in 1842 in the Perm province, a potato riot broke out.

There is a recollection that in 1782 in the Irkutsk province, in Kamchatka and even in Alaska, which then belonged to Russia, locals practiced potato cultivation.

Presentation of potato dishes.

The caterpillar is about to try the food.

The potato stops her. Who does not work shall not eat.

Caterpillar: That I didn't work?

We've been working all summer

From dusk to dawn

Ate tubers and bushes-Stuffed their bellies.

Leading: Is this work? The guys did a great job. In the spring they planted potatoes, in the summer they huddled, weeded, and in the fall they dug up.

We ate, and we did some crafts.

Look to the left,

Find a miracle exhibition.

And on it, and on it

Many different ideas.

There is a hedgehog and a matryoshka

Teddy bear, horse, cactus, cat.

There is a dashing Kopatych,

Who worked, well done!


Ay, yes, miracle kids,

worked hard with a bang!

Have fun with you for a long time

And to admit, I was tired.

Autumn drives from the yard

It's time for me to winter.

The caterpillar leaves.

In our group, there are many different events with the participation of parents. These are various exhibitions, competitions, KVN, holidays and entertainment.

In October we held an unconventional entertainment called Potato Festival. We have done a lot of preliminary work for this event. We held an exhibition of potato crafts "Potato Fantasies". Almost all families took part in the exhibition. Crafts are all different: "Spider and Deer", "Caterpillar", "Bouquet of Daisies", "Cactus", "Meeting in the Forest", "Koloboks", "Smile", "Cheburashka", "Friendly Family" and others. Parents, together with their children, selected proverbs, poems, riddles about potatoes, which we included in the script of the holiday. For the competition "Potato Master" it was necessary to compose poems, ditties, fairy tales and stories about potatoes. Children, together with their parents, wrote poems and riddles. And that's what we got!

Scenario "Potato Festival"

(preparatory group)

Objectives: Creation of positive emotions in children and adults. Expand children's knowledge of potatoes.

Decoration: Proverbs about potatoes, pedestal (grandfather and woman - potatoes in a kerchief and hat).

Good evening, dear children and dear parents!

We are glad to meet you in our cozy hall.

Listen to the riddle:

If the leaves on the trees turn yellow,
If birds flew to a distant land,
If the sky is dark, if it rains
This time of year, what is it called? (In autumn)

Song: "Oh, what an autumn!"

Ved: What is harvested from the garden in the fall? (Children's answers)

This time the story will go
About the one who has six eyes,
And sometimes seven and five,
Which, however, can be counted.
About the one who slept sweetly in winter,
Climbing into the basement in the fall.
About the one who is in the kitchen with us
In the spring I brought it myself.
About the one whose strange eyes
They grew day by day
About someone who knew me
But he didn't see me.
Think a little -
What is this (potato)

Ah, potatoes are delicious
Children and adults are ideal.
He does not know pleasure,
Who did not eat potatoes.

In some state,
In some state
Not on Mars and not on the Moon -
The potato lived in the ground.

The royal property had:
She managed to feed the people.
In a word, our speech is about
How did the potatoes come to the house!
About all properties, about leaving,
About work in the garden.
About crafts, delicious food,
It will not be superfluous for you to find out.

Veda: 500 years ago, no one in Europe knew that there is such a plant - the potato. But from a long voyage, the ships of Christopher Columbus, a brave navigator, returned to Spain. The most valuable cargo they brought home were seeds, tubers, grains of new plants. But in Europe, they did not immediately understand that the main thing for potatoes is tubers. One rich English man decided to treat his guests with an overseas curiosity planted in his garden. Instead of digging tubers out of the ground, the gardener collected green balls from the bushes that hang from the stems after the potatoes have bloomed. These bitter, inedible potatoes were served to the guests. Some of the guests, having tried the treat, choked, someone had a twisted face, someone ran out from the table

Potatoes were not accepted everywhere. In some places in Russia potato riots even began. Russian peasants believed the rumors that potatoes were a "devil's apple", planting it was a sin. By tsarist order, the rebels were flogged with rods, and the most stubborn were even exiled to Siberia. But not cruel reprisals convinced the peasants that it was profitable to plant potatoes. The potato itself convinced. Remember the tale about the turnip? Why did the grandfather need a big - big turnip? To feed the grandmother, granddaughter and the whole family. Earlier, in cold winters, when the crops were frozen, turnips replaced bread for the Russian peasant. Hearty fruitful potatoes replaced turnips. Now, not turnips, but potatoes, have become the second bread for all other peoples of Europe.

We are accustomed to the fact that wheat is called the "First" bread, and potatoes are called the "Second". Over time, the Europeans became convinced not only that potatoes can replace bread, but also that potatoes themselves cannot be replaced by bread.

A girl grew up underground
But the face is fresh and round.
The dog Antoshka barks loudly:
Woof! Woof! Woof! - hello potatoes!

Song: "Antoshka"

He is in the rain, he is in the heat
Hides tubers underground.
You will pull the tubers into the light -
Here's breakfast and lunch.

I'm the only one in the world
Not just boiled, in a uniform.

Lies between the mountains
Tolstoy Egor.
He is good in his uniform and undressed,
And it will lie in the ashes, there is no tastier it.

What we dug in the ground
Fried, boiled?
What we baked in the ground
Did they eat and praise? (Potatoes)

Something we sat up a little bit
And, it seems, there is no strength to get up,
But potatoes are calling us to the field
Move and play a little.

Relay race

(children stand in two teams, the first player has a bucket of potatoes).

1. "Plant potatoes" (Run forward - put potatoes in a hoop).

2. "Harvesting" (Collect potatoes one by one).

3. "Carry potatoes in a spoon" (Put potatoes in a spoon and run to the hoop and back).


1. "Peel the potatoes with a spiral" (So that the peel is a spiral tape, who is longer)

2. "Potato Designer" (Cut potatoes into circles and put a picture out of the circles)

Veda: The people love potatoes, therefore they compose songs about them and devote whole odes to them. So we also have such creators. A creative competition is announced "Potato master".(Parents with children read poems, fairy tales, sing songs: their own composition).

Presentation of potato dishes "Oh, potatoes, delicious!"

Potatoes can be fried,
Potatoes can be boiled
You can stock wagons with potatoes,
You need to love potatoes !!!

Round dance: "On the mountain, viburnum."

Autumn is harvest time, potato harvest time. Therefore, you can hold a holiday dedicated to this vegetable.


Organize an exhibition of unusual tubers. Children can supplement them with separate details: eyes, handles - match heads, sticks; hair - threads, paper; a headdress - a scarf, a hat, etc. Install plates with the name of the composition and the name of the author of the product. It is good to capture the exhibits together with the author in a photo or video. You can put a blank piece of paper next to each exhibit so that those who wish can name the exhibit themselves. Announce the signatures at the gala dinner.


All dishes are directly related to the "culprit" of the dinner. First, the culinary specialists present their dishes: they give the name, ingredients, creative advertising is possible (slogans, ditties with dancers, couplets, etc.).

The parade of dishes ends with a win-win lottery: the lottery tickets are received by those participants who can tell something about the potato - from history, the recipe for the dish, the valuable properties of potatoes, etc. Prepare tokens with ticket numbers for the drawing. The author shows his dish, the host draws a token from the box, and the owner of the number receives this dish.

Then the tasting takes place - prepare individual plates, forks, spoons in advance.


The game takes place in several rounds. The host announces tours throughout the evening or conducts a game at a time. The winner of each round is awarded a special prize or a lottery ticket to participate in the "Surprise from the bag" venture (gifts with numbers are taken out of the bag).

Sample tasks:

Determine the weight of the bag of potatoes by holding it in your hand for 10 seconds.

How many potatoes are in a clear bag? (There are small tubers in a bag, you can watch for 10 seconds.)

How much does a potato tuber weigh?

How many red and white potatoes are in a transparent bag?

How many centimeters are there between two plates of potatoes?


Prepare knives, dishes for waste, raw potatoes.

The game takes place in 7 stages. Points are awarded for winning at each stage. The one with more points by the end of the competition is declared the winner and the Great Potato Mage. The points are set by a jury consisting of experienced "potato-eaters".

Competition tasks:

1. Peel - Peel the potato so that the peel forms a continuous ribbon. The winner is the one with the longest peel ribbon.

2. Halves - cut the potato so that the halves are equal in weight. The winner is the one with the smallest difference in weight between the halves. *

3. Hole punch - make a through hole in the potato so that the tuber does not fall apart. The winner is the one with the largest hole diameter.

4. Cube - cut the potato to make the correct cube. The winner is the one with the cut polyhedron most similar to the cube.

5. Slice - cut the potato in half and then cut a thin slice from one of the halves. The winner is the one with the thinnest cut plate and, moreover, the largest in area.

6. Straws - cut the potatoes into "strips" so that the length of each "straw" is at least five centimeters. The winner is the one with the most five-centimeter straws.

7. Metamorphosis - by pruning, transform a potato into any other vegetable, fruit or root vegetable, such as a carrot or pineapple. The winner is the one who makes the most original and exact copy.


Write questions on the cards and put them in a special envelope. Quiz participants draw a card and answer a question. If the answer is incorrect, other participants try to give the correct answer. If they also fail, the host will voice the answer. Prize tokens are given for correct answers.

In the final, the participants who have collected the largest number of tokens will receive prizes, the rest will be awarded with incentive prizes for participation.


What is the homeland of the potato? (Peru and Chile)

Where are wild-growing potatoes found in our time? (In Central and South America)

When, where and by whom were potatoes brought to Russia? (Peter the Great from Holland)

How many ways are there to propagate potatoes? (Three: tubers, seeds and eyes)

What is the name of a pest that eats potato tops? (Colorado beetle)

Are potato berries edible? (No, they are poisonous)

What substances are obtained from potatoes? (Starch, molasses, glucose, alcohol, glue, etc.)

What is a potato tuber and is it a root of a plant? (No, tubers are fleshy bumps on the underground parts of the stem)

When and why did the potato riots start in Russia? (In 1834 and 1840-1844 after the decree of Nicholas I on the compulsory planting of potatoes)

What is another name for potatoes? (Second bread)

What was the name of potatoes in Russia before? ("Damn Apple")


The program can be carried out during the day or carried out immediately, by including contests for the youngest, oldest, girls, boys, etc. In the final, present prizes, different and for different reasons: the fastest, dexterous, well-aimed, witty, artistic, friendly, connoisseurs, etc.

Most skillful

Who will peel the potato faster and better.

The most accurate

Who is more accurate to get potatoes into a bucket at a certain distance.

Plant potatoes

Participants are given a bucket of potatoes. The task is to put it in one line, tuber to tuber. Who will "plant" potatoes faster?

Potato pickers

The task is to collect as many potatoes scattered around as possible while blindfolded.

Relay race

Teams are playing. The task is to fill the pot with potatoes. The potatoes are carried by team members in turn on a spoon clamped in their mouths.

Running with potatoes

Competitors clamp a potato between two sticks and run with it to the finish line. If you lose it, you need to pick up the potato with sticks, and then move on.


The winner is the one who makes more holes in the potato tuber in one minute so that it does not fall apart.

Scenario of an extracurricular activity

"Festival of baked potatoes"

Leading. Hello guys! All seasons are generous: spring gives us greenery, summer does not spare the sun, and autumn is probably the richest. She generously endows us with ripe fruits. In the fall, people reap the harvest and praise the golden beauty of autumn for her generosity: they sing songs, ditties, arrange Harvest festivals.

And our holiday today is dedicated to potatoes - the main vegetable on our table ..

Potatoes have become so familiar and irreplaceable that we completely forgot that before getting to our table, he had to travel a lot. How, where and where did the potatoes come from?

It was brought to Russia under Peter I in the 17th century from Holland. Peru and Chile are considered the birthplace of potatoes. There he grew up in a wild state. Later, the Peruvians began to plant it at their homes. The climate in Peru is peculiar: it is hot during the day and cold at night. The Indians would freeze potatoes at night and dry them in the sun during the day. After harvesting potatoes, the Indians organized a holiday.

Potatoes were introduced to Europe by the Spanish and Portuguese in the 16th century. And Peter I, traveling across Holland, sent a sack to Petersburg with an order: "To invite the population to grow potatoes," planting potatoes. Agronomists explained to the population the usefulness of a new plant rich in starch. Gradually, the potato "took root" in Russia, and not only "took root", but fell in love with people, became the second bread.

1 disciple: It grows underground in summer,
Well, it feeds all year round.
Mister potato this.
And he is always honored.

2 student. Everyone in the world knows about potatoes:

The rich and those who are not rich.

Everyone prepares it in their own way,

Everyone on the table is happy with potatoes:

And who fries and who soars,

Who bakes and who pounds

But they eat it everywhere.

Glory and honor to her!

3 student. Hello dear potato,
You feed the honest people.
If there are potatoes in the house,
You will be full all year round.

4 student. Oh, potatoes, delicious,
Better waffles and sweets.
Wow, potatoes, delicious,

There is nothing tastier.
5 disciple We will take buckets,

And on the way.

Friendship will help us

Dig up the potatoes.

6 student. This precocious

That's why it's tastier

What did the guys have to do

Tinker with her.

7 student. Only the autumn sunset

Will light up the windows

We're in hot ash

Let's bake potatoes.

8 student. Potatoes, potatoes -

The harvest is rich!

Delicious potatoes

All the guys love.

Today we have an unusual day - "Holiday of baked potatoes".

All competitions today will be related to potatoes. Three teams participate in competitions at our holiday, which are given the opportunity to show their knowledge, ability to work, and communicate with each other.

Competitions will be judged by a jury: our teachers.

Host: 1st competition: “What do you know about potatoes?”

Each team is asked one question. For each correct answer, the team receives a point. The team that gets the most points wins the competition.

1.- Where is the homeland of potatoes? (In Peru and Chile).

2.- Where and by whom was the potato brought to Russia? (from Holland by Peter I).

3- How many ways of growing potatoes are there? (three: tubers, seeds, eyes).

1- What is the name of an insect - a pest that eats potato tops? (Colorado beetle).

2- Are potato berries edible? (no, poisonous).

1- what substances are extracted from potatoes? (starch, glucose, molasses, alcohol, glue).

3- What is another name for potatoes? (second bread).

2- What was the name of potatoes in Russia? (fucking apple)

3- Is a potato tuber a root? (no, tubers are fleshy bumps on underground stems).

It’s indecent to boast, but I must tell you
Without potatoes, you can neither eat nor dance well.
Even a delicious cucumber with only potatoes done
Although green onions are angry, but potatoes are the best friend.
From here and there, the right product is made.
And it's not for nothing that everyone calls potatoes the second bread.

Host: To collect potatoes, they must be planted.

2 Competition: "Planting potatoes"

For each team: 5 small circles - holes, baskets of potatoes. From a team of 6 people.

The first participant runs up to each hole and puts potatoes there, returns to the team. The second participant collects and returns to the team.

Host: Well done! The potatoes have been planted, now we need to harvest them, because autumn is the time for harvesting potatoes.

Host: holiday “Kupriyan”. On this day, they begin to pull root crops - they dig potatoes.

Host: 3rd competition: “Harvesting”.

Two team members collect potatoes scattered around the classroom in their baskets.

The jury sums up the results of three competitions

Leading. Better songs about potatoes

The world has never been and is not

We will sing you about potatoes,

And you clap back.

"Musical" (ditty)

1. Accordion player, accordion player,

Unfold the accordion

We'll sing tonight

ditties about potatoes.

2. Oh, potatoes, potatoes,

Oh, what an honor you are!

If there were no potatoes

So what would you eat?

3. Eh, potatoes, you are potatoes,

You are my love

I take a spoon, eat potatoes -

I'm not hungry.

4. We harvested potatoes,

I'm not sitting around idle:

Daddy digs, mommy wears

Well, I'm in charge.

5 dad and mom helped

Collect potatoes.

He is a bucket, she is a bucket

Well, I am a little.

6. We planted potatoes

The Colorado potato beetle has come.

Grandfather went out to dig potatoes,

But I didn't find the potatoes.

7We planted potatoes

In the garden, at the gate.

Flowers bloomed on it,

Let the people admire.

8. The cook fried, the cook steamed,

I dozed off on the sofa.

And then instead of potatoes

I collected some coals.

9. Ah, potatoes, you potatoes!

How good she is!

And fry and steam,

And how you eat - the soul sings!

10. We ate porridge all summer,

Milk, okroshka,

And today we will eat

Baked potatoes.

Host: 4th competition: "Boil potatoes".

Baskets, each containing 10 potatoes, 3 pots, 6 spoons.

The participant carries 2 pieces, each holding on a spoon in different hands. Transfer from basket to saucepan.

Host: 5th competition: "Peel the potatoes".

1 person from each team.

The one who cleans faster is the winner.

Host: 6th competition: “Fry potatoes”.

Two people leave the team. One has a deep frying pan in his hands, the other has a basket of potatoes.

Throw the potatoes into the pan so that they stay on it.

Host of "Ballads about Potatoes".

Children recite poems learned at home.

1.Ah, potatoes, delicious
Ready to eat it all day.
Only, it's a pity, the mood,
I don't have it today.
But the potatoes are so delicious
Has raised the mood
I am ready to eat it all day
And, imagine, I'm not lazy!

2. I. Demyanov. Potatoes.

That my palms are black
Nobody scolds me
Potatoes with my grandmother
We were planting by the fence!
Soon here on soft slopes
Where the shed warmed up the sides.
Many green bows
May will tie on the ridge.
After yellow, white, blue
The lights will light up -
They will be so beautiful
Our beds by the river!
May my palms be dirty
I'm already used to work ...
And there is no tastier potato
That you will plant yourself in the ridge!

3.L. Tikhonenko.

We thought a little:
What does “potato” rhyme with?
Cat, baby, midge, bowl,
Brooch, leg and window ...
We will rhyme everything, there is no dispute ... -
But from this set
Nothing succeeded…
How do we feed everyone?
There is salvation - okroshka:
After all, potatoes are appropriate in it!
There is also a plot with peas:
We'll take a big spoon:
Mix the olivier
We invite everyone to taste!
Or bake potatoes
Let's prepare a little fries ...
We will treat all guests -
It's a rocker smoke!
All potato lovers
Take a look at our window!
Come to our holiday,
Appreciate the treat!

Host: 7th Competition: “Compose a proverb”.

Each team receives proverb cards. The cards are cut.

1. Bread was born into a shaft, and potatoes into a wheel.

2. Put potatoes in okroshka and love in business.

3. Potatoes save bread.

4. Ate and birch - why not firewood, salt and potatoes - why not food.

5. Potatoes will never be born without labor.

6. Good ruff in the ear, and potatoes in the pie.

The jury sums up the results of three competitions.

Host: Well done! Coped with the task. It's time to arrange ... 8th competition: “Potato auction”.

The teams take turns naming the potato dishes.

Host: And now, my friends, I invite here one brave pair from each team. 9 “Dance with Potatoes”.

Clutching potatoes between their foreheads, couples dance to the music.

Host: Now is the time to sing the song “About potatoes.

1. Eh, we guys will sing
We lived in the camp like.
And in the sun like kittens
Warmed themselves like this, warmed themselves like this.
2. Our poor stomachs
We were always hungry.
And we counted minutes
Until lunchtime.
3. Smoke of a fire, glow of coals,
Gray ash and ash ...
Teases our sense of smell
The spirit of potatoes by the fire.
4. Hello. cute potatoes,
We bow to you with our forehead, -
Even a distant track
We do not care with you!
5. Ah, potatoes are delicious,
All the guys are ideal!
Who does not know pleasure
He didn't eat potatoes!

Moderator: The jury sums up the results. Rewarding teams.

Host: All good things come to an end someday, and our holiday has come to an end. But we do not part for long, because soon, I hope, we will meet again. Love each other, take care of each other, do not be upset and eat ... POTATO! And now we invite everyone to taste the baked potatoes.

Potato festival

Teacher: All seasons are generous: spring decorates everything with greenery, summer does not spare the sun, and autumn is probably the richest. She generously treats us with ripe fruits. After the end of the autumn work, people arrange a Harvest Festival. Today we have such a holiday. And it is dedicated to the main vegetable on our table.

This time the story will go

About the one who has six eyes,

And sometimes seven or five.

About the one whose strange eyes grew day by day,

About someone who knew me

But he didn't see me.

Think a little-

What is it? (potatoes)

Reader 1.

In some kingdom
In some state
Not on Mars or on the Moon -
The potato lived in the ground.

Reader 2.
The royal property had:
She managed to feed the people.
In a word, our speech is about
How did the potatoes come to the house!

Reader 3.
About all properties, about leaving,
About work in the garden.
About crafts, delicious food
Today we will look in books….
There is much to learn
Now it's time to start ...

All: “Potato Festival”.


So, we go to the potato kingdom. Mrs. Potato herself meets us with the maids of honor ..

(the music includes Potato with a retinue)

Potatoes: Hello guys and dear adults. I am glad to welcome you to the celebration held in my honor. Perhaps you will not find such a place on Earth where potatoes are not eaten.

Lead 1: Our people say: "Potatoes are suckers for bread", "Potatoes are a nurse." Potatoes in Russia are "second bread". It's true?

Potatoes: Sure. One fairy tale tells: once the poor man was late for work and said to the master: "I was late because I ate 20 dishes." - "What are the 20 dishes?" - the master became interested. The man began to list: "Boiled potatoes, baked potatoes, fried potatoes, soaked potatoes, crushed potatoes ...". The nursery potato was sometimes the only food of the poor peasant.

Maid of honor 1: Although it is indecent to boast,

But we came to tell you:

Excellent without potatoes

Neither eat nor dance

Even a delicious cucumber

Well done only with potatoes.

Maid of honor 2: Although the green onions are angry,

And potatoes are the best friend

From potatoes here and there

Make the right product

And not without reason, after all, potatoes

The name is the second bread.

Maid of honor 1: In a word, we will talk about
How did the potatoes come to the house!
About all properties, about leaving,
About work in the garden.
About crafts, delicious food
Today we will look for the answer….
There is much to learn
Now it's time to start ...

All: "Potato Festival".

Lead 1: This vegetable is so familiar to us that we completely forgot that before getting to our table, she had to travel a lot.

Maid of honor 1.

500 years ago, no one in Europe knew that there is such a plant - the potato. And how could anyone know if none of the European sailors had yet reached the homeland of the potato, South America.

Maid of honor 2.

But from a long voyage, the ships of Christopher Columbus, a brave navigator, returned to Spain. The most valuable cargo they brought home were seeds, tubers, grains of new plants unknown to Europe.

Maid of honor 3.

Dad". This is what the Quechua Indians called the potato. A harvest festival was held in honor of the pope. Women dressed up large tubers like dolls, sewed skirts for them from colorful patches, men danced with a bag of tubers on their heads.

Mrs. Potato.

On the ship, along with the booty captured by the sailors, an Indian dad - potatoes - sailed into a foreign land ... Then my travels over land began. At first I drove around in a carriage. A velvet bag with tubers was presented as a jewel to rich nobles. When I ceased to be a rarity, a peasant cart replaced the carriage, and a velvet handbag - a canvas bag.

Maid of honor 1.

But in Europe, they did not immediately understand that the main thing was tubers. One rich English man decided to treat his guests with an overseas curiosity planted in his garden. Instead of digging tubers out of the ground, the gardener collected green balls from the bushes that hang from the stems after the potatoes have bloomed. These bitter, inedible potatoes were served on a silver platter to the guests.

Maid of honor 2.

Some of the guests, having tasted the treat, choked, someone had a twisted face, someone ran out from the table ... After all, they ate potatoes from the wrong end.

Maid of honor 3.

The novelty was not accepted everywhere. In some places in Russia, potato riots have even begun. Russian peasants believed the rumors that I, a potato, were a “devil’s apple,” planting it is a sin, you will burn the earth, and you will be left without bread. By tsarist order, the rebels were flogged with rods, and the most stubborn were even exiled to Siberia. But not cruel reprisals convinced the peasants that it was profitable to plant potatoes.

Mrs. Potato.

The potato itself convinced. Remember the tale about the turnip? Why did Dadka need a big, big turnip? To feed both the grandmother and the granddaughter - the family. Earlier, in cold winters, when the rye crops were frozen, turnip replaced the Russian peasant's bread.

The hearty and fruitful Indian dad supplanted the turnip. Now it is no longer a turnip, but I, a potato, have become the second bread for you and for all other peoples of Europe.


Grandfather and grandmother are sitting at the table eat millet porridge, yes praise.

Suddenly there is a knock at the door. A young soldier brings a sack of potatoes into the hut and reads out the decree:

Herald : Everyone! Everyone! Everyone! Decree of the Emperor of All Russia PeterI! The Emperor commands, there is this product in the morning, afternoon and evening! Whoever disobeys this order, send him to hard labor, with the whole family!

Grandma : Oh, priests are holy, why is this being done.

Grandfather : Shut up, grandma. Eh. There is nothing to do, we need to eat this overseas thing.

Grandma : What are you, old, lost your mind? Throw that bloody apple and don't anger God. So many years we have lived without him and we will still live.

Herald: Who here does not comply with the sovereign's decree? (Grandma groans and runs away) - Well, eat!

Grandfather: - What kind of times have come: they brought brown peas, they are forced to eat.

Tries to the tooth ... - Fu, what disgusting

Grandma wails: Eat, grandfather, eat! I don't want to go to hard labor!

Grandfather: {!LANG-71157baf4415fc81944ce91d510b763a!}

{!LANG-76f18382b803e72daee9f6c43f43ee7c!} :

Grandfather: {!LANG-ec0c9d358ec49aefee01c2fde6ac69c2!}

{!LANG-31f7dd66a0c1518b8f56b644cd994a63!} {!LANG-88d563bfc3a8677da256647d95d5f09c!}



Grandfather: {!LANG-8b0775eb2a4197e0521f364136b1e35b!}

Lead 1: {!LANG-30d36b0f1e6c8576d435714e8da9396f!}{!LANG-b3d0aff97b344ced9829834c516a347a!}

{!LANG-528d49c47ca5ec8dbdde5064283f34f1!} {!LANG-5df6b3691481c08b1a9dbcfc0d8dd099!}

Lead 1:{!LANG-0df78f4d26c7b450b99946f14b295d54!} {!LANG-435fb26d3d006178b550398d2e875846!}


They write to us, recently took place

General collection of vegetables.




Was terribly pleased and flattered

By the fact that, chosen unanimously,

He opened and led the assembly.

Thanking everyone for their trust,



Everyone knows about me, everyone in the world:





Glory and honor for this.




{!LANG-b70d16f7e7154aa3be97a3a5800218bb!} {!LANG-0f854fbdc1a6b1b9d2194d848e0383f8!},














































Excellent without potatoes


Even a delicious cucumber


Although the green onions are angry,

And potatoes are the best friend.

From potatoes here and there


And it's not for nothing that potatoes

Everyone calls the second bread.




Something we sat up a little bit










    {!LANG-0bc779b004fe36af016df231e800064f!}{!LANG-5d9b51f072fbcfff551eac0563338310!} )

    {!LANG-4800e4a6b0e8bbff95f8a37001554318!}{!LANG-f34ec131ea8a10c46ee6604096d6db73!} ).

    {!LANG-5cc739e454c0a6f5b985ded4a644216d!}{!LANG-9c4da7df333f64d2285f00b7360d164c!} ).

    {!LANG-70d4f654b4b863f14eee35785f7b065b!}{!LANG-321cd0c296564d9c81b4a7de5c9d21c8!} ).

    {!LANG-4adfed04e984fef037deafc00d3d6699!}{!LANG-a4cbc1023e5dd762c95896c0cd243548!} ).

{!LANG-d806d30a07936fc9975d409767812c81!} {!LANG-683e05a7adc906185b30a3f4bafba24c!} » {!LANG-c05330079822d255c8091f7bb5e99098!}{!LANG-414ee48eb9ae2ab2f9ebe936c1f46bb6!}

{!LANG-0ec438b3e8d8337d21781ae87ab2eb72!} {!LANG-75a5ceb74548a80b8b7a79517b10556f!},




Grandfather: {!LANG-0aac5db4da309776b5d0b49eb1677075!}


{!LANG-a4cc4d10ca514fb5f0bd0bc5f4047c9a!} {!LANG-72d98fa65e92e34a764766091f4b6b6d!}



{!LANG-f3f0c1d501e3cf73e513c77374cd5600!} {!LANG-8f508aa804096b6504043350b9e0feae!}




{!LANG-19967d0419d0766bc1bff89841fe08ff!} {!LANG-44e57c735fb67b25705b8c4a58f2540e!}

{!LANG-f24e7da7ef7f6cb0adb743180fadad97!} {!LANG-fbe745631c4f0430b1c4ea98201bab8f!}

Grandfather: {!LANG-96135762930dc41b6f3ba95a054fb35b!}


{!LANG-7fb146b686bbc87feceba023df34056a!} {!LANG-b2e269d1b3dd99661ad1bb233101f243!}





{!LANG-0bed509d176596e0e5d1f79824b9c87b!} {!LANG-44a0e228bc85b7f565736e38825739ae!}






{!LANG-d3951d48f30d643d1d7682beb2b8bde8!} {!LANG-5ee9d057913fadd4d781ff4a8017f9de!}










{!LANG-0bed509d176596e0e5d1f79824b9c87b!} {!LANG-ab0050f0bc038b2e966482fb44d1d58a!}

{!LANG-d3951d48f30d643d1d7682beb2b8bde8!} {!LANG-3c16f563de6093f9d7310173f498928c!}{!LANG-d6eda8ef786cb2745561b48ce883186f!} {!LANG-7bf3606441505553914a7d5cab41c355!}





{!LANG-1e9441f2ccd5ce3fb1be6dd47a9414a8!} {!LANG-3003e516c839df06e1c6c8b4d1ea6918!}




















  • {!LANG-7b0af6b4e4549e223c240c6894a29b7c!}








    {!LANG-67b800927e9a8d190feb2e153bcf7b21!}{!LANG-c21c5c4bba5ef2d22a8e491761399525!}{!LANG-9362c1487f34eb715fe9512fdf44aec0!} {!LANG-cbee15534b423a791aaa48e1a3a48702!} .



{!LANG-63fa920950d2d85a29e8a1557e77d5e6!} {!LANG-8c109fca23b6c2bcf1b3eed00172a62c!}{!LANG-b51ebeda9b2971e4e9d8d43dd7348965!}!

{!LANG-229d17c6b786a0b8335fc07884be471f!} {!LANG-a47e7c286fbdf449ce4dca95a8049079!}



Teacher: {!LANG-6ee0bab4946124f5bf99d265801135ad!}

{!LANG-a18d71788302f3364aeac697dae9d004!} {!LANG-58ac15e74e4b5506491100d0b25421f5!}
















{!LANG-528d49c47ca5ec8dbdde5064283f34f1!} {!LANG-524c72b62e011badd7db8759ca6efeba!} {!LANG-67525d004fe509eba77d0baa16c4881d!}{!LANG-feea3ebc4160d834da0c48044f544cb2!}

Potatoes: {!LANG-d827863a0c5b25f5ae079c1df5e36f03!}



{!LANG-89e7d82d085583f08042413466398dd4!} :
















































{!LANG-2143a60655024b6e755ca2e0051aa391!}{!LANG-0d7197c5d60c69865fe0d9adf90607e2!} .








Teacher: {!LANG-56739cf18a480363b9af8c31ada13f18!}


{!LANG-b95761ccce0e86e1c70ece22ee7a3b1a!}{!LANG-0bd5eed7746a8d700d307ba9af69c78d!} {!LANG-18ce4c6aa9364b12b98ce0aee78341f0!}{!LANG-587e4f987760cda62c3fea94e5b80a5c!}




{!LANG-bf1f3b06a1b57a320953f6a66b629bbf!} {!LANG-8e5c1284418979c74970ce13ec976141!}

{!LANG-d45d9a2e5beaa565a9cb2efa4c0b8c05!} - {!LANG-40575070aa8515d82cd1801e6b587477!}

{!LANG-9d2a06bb9b0ef9fc6a2bebfdce257eeb!} - {!LANG-c7f1cd0a88af198b8c5e7f96c023631c!}

{!LANG-fec31de8771f29ed17206f293eeef0f7!} - ({!LANG-34fe9a735d159fbb7b06f9cfc1a80d2a!}


Our holiday is already over

