Wireless Wi-Fi Internet in the village (village) in a private house. How to organize and what is needed for this? Internet from Rostelecom to a private house or cottage Is it possible to install wifi without a home phone

Hand tools 06.09.2020
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Home Internet from MGTS is unlimited Internet access at speeds up to 1 Gbps using the latest GPON technology. A high-bandwidth personal optical channel guarantees stable speed at any time of the day, and advanced technologies ensure the highest quality of communication. With GPON from MGTS, using the Internet becomes as comfortable as possible!

  • High speeds for entertainment, learning and communication
  • Wi-Fi modem at no extra charge

Quick connection

You can connect high-speed Internet even on the day of treatment. Just leave the connection on the website or by phone, and we will connect you to MGTS services as soon as possible.

High speed and stable connection - both for leisure and for work

The Internet plays a huge role in our lives - from access to information to control of "smart" devices. Therefore, we are constantly developing and improving technological capabilities so that the desired page loads on any of your devices in a matter of seconds, and you can receive news, read books, watch TV shows, play online games and broadcast in real time without quality loss, speed, without interruptions and interference. And also upload and download text, photo and video files in a few minutes.

Why do we recommend connecting Home Internet from MGTS in Moscow and the Moscow region?

We work using GPON technology - and lay "fast" fiber optic cables not to the building as a whole, but to the apartment of a specific subscriber. Because of this, you don't experience network congestion and gradual slowdowns.

To connect to the Internet, we install ONT optical modems with a built-in Wi-Fi module. You don't have to lay around the apartment network cable- You can access the Internet from any device using only the name and password of the Wi-Fi network.

Using the ONT modem, we are ready to offer a whole range of services to our subscribers - for example, connecting home telephones, IP-TV with a wide range of channels, as well as installing round-the-clock video surveillance and alarm systems. Payment for all services is formed in a single invoice.

We provide Internet services with a credit method of payment - this guarantees that you will not be left without a connection, even if your payment is delayed by several days. In addition, we quickly restore access to services after payment - within 30 minutes.

Pay the Unified invoice in any convenient way and always stay online

We provide Internet services with a credit method of payment - this guarantees that you will not be left without communication, even if your payment is delayed by several days. In addition, we quickly restore access to services after payment - within 30 minutes. You can deposit money for MGTS Home Internet in your Personal Account on our website, in the mobile application and on the website of your bank, at ATMs and payment terminals, at MGTS and MTS offices.

Which Home Internet to choose and connect?

Pay attention to our service packages - so you can simultaneously connect the Internet, and IP-TV, and services mobile communications with a discount of 20% or more.

We are also ready to take care of the security of Internet access - connect an antivirus, set up the "White Internet" for children to protect them from harmful information. You can also contact the Unified Support Service with a request for maintenance of computers and laptops, and our specialists will help you.

Not so long ago, the owner of an apartment or house without home phone could simply forget about entering the Global Network - and, of course, the problems due to which letters either do not come to email he was not interested. Now everything has changed: providers offer more and more attractive conditions for cooperation - and not only in the ADSL standard. How to connect the Internet without a home phone - let's try to figure it out.

Ethernet cable

The installation process can be conditionally divided into several steps - variations depend on the provider:

  1. The owner of an apartment without a home phone comes to the office of a telecom operator and concludes a contract for the provision of services, including the installation of a satellite dish and related equipment - a router for distributing a wireless signal.
  2. An alternative option - purchasing from a provider and installing a router and a dish on your own - is strictly not recommended to the user. There are two main reasons: the complexity of installation work and, if we are talking about an apartment building, legal difficulties. An apartment owner who wants to connect satellite Internet on his own will have to spend time coordinating the installation of a dish in the housing and communal services or housing associations - and it is far from certain that he will receive approval. Providers, on the other hand, usually take over the legal and technical aspects, offering the user a ready-made connection without unpleasant intermediate steps.
  3. On the appointed day, the owner of the apartment without a home phone receives employees who install a satellite dish on the outer wall of the house, and then connect the device to the router and carry out the initial setup of the home network.

That's all - it remains only to independently set a new Wi-Fi password and use the Internet without a home phone.

Benefits of installing a plate:

  1. Wide coverage area. An Internet signal today can be caught almost throughout the country, and no cable is required for this - which means you can forget about operator failures due to the remoteness of the house from the main highway.
  2. Ease of use. A subscriber who, along with using the Internet, has paid for the installation and connection of the dish, has nothing more to worry about - he gets access to the Global Network "out of the box" at the highest possible speed and with all the privileges offered by the operator.
  3. Possibility of moving. If the plate has already been purchased, it can be removed and installed on another wall of a private house or in another apartment. The user does not have to buy a new device from his provider with each change of address - and in addition, in most cases, it is possible to switch with his plate to a new telecom operator.

Disadvantages of satellite dishes:

  1. The speed of the Internet received "over the air" in most cases is lower than that distributed by wire. This means that the user will have to wait a little longer until a video is downloaded, a music album is downloaded, an email is sent, or a movie is loaded in an online player.
  2. The flow can be "interrupted" and completely interrupted due to adverse weather conditions. The owner of an apartment without a home phone, unable to connect a wired Internet, from time to time will have to remain without a connection - however, fortunately, with the development of information technology, the frequency of failures is rapidly decreasing.
  3. Legal issues. Even if the installation of a satellite dish in an apartment building was previously agreed upon and did not cause any complaints during the process, the new management of the HOA, recently relocated tenants, or another change in legislation may cause a revision earlier decision- and, as a result, the dismantling of the plate or lengthy litigation.
  4. High cost. Connecting the Internet in this way is more expensive than pulling an Ethernet cable. In addition, some providers set inflated tariffs for customers using satellite dishes.

Advice: when purchasing a satellite dish, an owner who wants to connect to the Internet without a home phone needs to choose a bidirectional communication option that provides receiving and sending data packets over a single channel. Modern devices are designed only for this format - however, it does not hurt to clarify in advance.

Mobile data

And, of course, the owner of the apartment without a home phone can use the mobile Internet; the main thing is to choose a profitable one, preferably unlimited tariff. Another important recommendation is to buy a separate SIM card to access the Global Network: it will be easier to track spending and control traffic consumption.

Connecting the house to mobile Internet available in two main versions:

  1. Directly from a smartphone that supports wireless signal distribution. The user will need to activate the SIM card, allow the use of mobile data and turn the phone into an access point using the system option. And, of course, keep an eye on the phone's charge, but it's better to keep it constantly connected to the mains - the Internet will disappear as soon as the battery runs out.
  2. Through the modem. The SIM card is inserted into the appropriate slot. mobile device, which looks like a flash drive, with or without an antenna. In the future, depending on the model, the modem works like a router, distributing the Internet without "intermediaries", connects to the router or directly to the USB connector of the receiving device: computer or laptop. The latter can, in turn, be made an access point - then the mobile data transmission chain will include at least three links.

Advantages of mobile Internet:

  1. Publicity. The signal is distributed by operators cellular communication throughout the country, and connecting to the Global Network, except for particularly hard-to-reach places, is not difficult.
  2. Flexible system of tariffs. The more offers on the market, the more moderate and varied the prices - for the mobile Internet, this rule still works in the Russian economy. There are enough cellular operators in the country, price lines - too; which means that each user will be able to choose the best tariff plan for himself.
  3. Compactness. Unlike a bulky satellite dish that causes difficulties in coordination, installation and re-wiring, a smartphone or modem for distributing mobile Internet fits in the palm of your hand, while providing comparable performance. The user can take the device with him, rearrange it in any room of the apartment or house and, of course, replace it with another whenever he pleases.
  4. Ease of use. In most cases, in order to establish a home wireless network, an apartment owner without a home phone will just need to insert a SIM card into a modem or smartphone and get to work. The initial settings are minimal, and changing them later will not be difficult.

Disadvantages of using mobile data:

  1. Interruptions with the signal due to weather changes are not ruled out. The user must prepare for periodic shutdowns of the home wireless network: providers currently solve problems of this kind quite quickly, but for an hour or two in the event of another outage, you will have to forget about the Internet.
  2. Transceiver instability. Phones and modems that receive and distribute mobile Internet tend to overheat and fail. To at least partially eliminate this possibility, you will have to purchase expensive models or have spare options on hand.
  3. Weak signal. Both modems and smartphones do not differ in the special quality of data transfer. The owner of an apartment without a home phone will be able to receive a signal on a directly connected laptop or computer without any difficulties, as well as within the room - but in order to ensure stable reception throughout the house, you will have to connect repeaters, which greatly complicates and increases the cost of creating a home wireless network.
  4. Insufficient variability. It is virtually impossible to set up mobile Internet distributed from a modem or smartphone; the user is limited by the choice of password, protocol and connection speed. For advanced settings that make connecting to the global network more comfortable, you will need to connect either an expensive modem combined with a router or an additional router. In the second case, a new link appears in the data transmission chain, which negatively affects the stability of the signal.

Advice: when connecting an apartment without a home phone to the mobile Internet, you should choose an unlimited plan - its increased cost will more than pay off in the first month of active traffic use.

Summing up

Connecting to the Internet without a home phone is currently not a problem. The user can extend an Ethernet or fiber optic cable into the apartment by concluding an appropriate agreement with the provider. Other options are installing a satellite dish and using mobile data; in the latter case, you will need to purchase not only a separate SIM card, but also a modem or smartphone to create an access point.

PJSC Rostelecom connects home Wi-Fi Internet and Television in Moscow and territories annexed to Moscow under the Onlime trademark
For Online subscribers, Rostelecom PJSC offers special tariffs and connection conditions.

How is Digital TV Online connected technically?

Digital TV is connected via a common house antenna cable.
Laying additional wires in the apartment is NOT NECESSARY

To watch Digital TV, you need a Rostelecom set-top box (rent - 0 rubles per month)
or TeleCard Rostelecom Online ()

Is it possible to connect a TV to Interactive TV without using a public antenna cable

Yes, it's possible.
But this is a separate service (not included in the free connection kit), you can buy and connect your own Rostelecom TV set-top box with a Wi-Fi module ()

How is the Internet connected technically?

The engineer brings a cable into the apartment and puts a Wi-Fi router at the entrance for wireless Internet access of any devices (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.)

Does the apartment have fiber optic cable?

All providers have a fiber optic cable connected to the house.
A twisted pair cable enters the apartment, which provides Internet access speeds up to 500 Mbps

Is it possible to connect the Internet without running a wire to the apartment?

No. If you need wireless Internet, contact mobile operators (MTS, Beeline, Skylink, etc.)

Is it necessary to drill the walls to bring the cable into the apartment?

Engineers perform Internet connections for free, and if there is an opportunity not to drill anything, then they will gladly not drill anything.

As a rule, each apartment has a technological hole through which the cables of the common house antenna, electrical wiring, etc. enter the apartment. It is this hole that is used to bring the Internet cable into the apartment.

I have already connected the Internet of another provider, do I need to lay new wires?

The cable that goes to the entrance to your apartment belongs to another provider and we will not use it (the engineer will lay a new cable for free and without your participation). And the wires that you have in your apartment belong to you, we can use them (there is no need to lay new ones)

To connect to the Internet, you need to use only a Wi-Fi router Online?

You can use your own Wi-Fi router (any model). We have no special requirements for Wi-Fi routers.
Rent a Wi-Fi router Online - 0 rubles per month

How to connect two or more TVs to Digital TV in Moscow

A separate set-top box is required to connect each TV to Digital Television. If you need to connect two TVs, then you need two TV boxes, if you connect three TVs, then you need three TV boxes.

Renting the first TV set-top box by Rostelecom - 0 rubles per month
rent of the second (and further) set-top boxes - 99 rubles per month
TV set-top boxes Online can be bought - 3,590 rubles

On each connected TV, you can watch any TV channels (as part of the connected package)

How to connect a home phone in Moscow

Applications for connecting a home phone in the Moscow region are not accepted by phone.

To connect a home telephone in the Moscow region, you must contact the nearest sales office of PJSC Rostelecom, write an application for connecting a home telephone, after which a technical feasibility check will be performed (checking the availability of free ports).

The cost of connecting a home phone can be told to you at the sales office after checking the technical feasibility and determining the possible connection technology.

How to find out where the nearest service sales office of PJSC Rostelecom Online is located

The telephone number of the unified reference service of PJSC Rostelecom is 8 800 100 0 800 or 8 800 450 0 150

If I apply today, when will I be connected?

Internet and TV connection on the day of application is NOT performed.

The next day, after submitting the application, an engineer contacts you, with whom you agree on the date and time of connection.

Is it possible to connect Internet and TV on Saturday or Sunday?

The possibility of connection depends on the management company of your house (formerly it was called ZhEK).
If a Management Company provides access to the server room on weekends and holidays, then connection is possible.

As a rule, management companies do not provide access on weekends and holidays.

To connect on a day off, an engineer needs to run a cable from the server room to your apartment on a working day (without your participation and presence), and the connection itself in the apartment should be done on a day off.

So that he has the opportunity to lay a cable to your apartment on a working day - leave applications in advance

How not to pay for the Internet when you leave the city?

Going on vacation and don't want to pay for Internet and TV in your absence?

Then come in Personal Area Online, activate the service "Voluntary blocking" and boldly go on a trip! When you return home, the money in the account will not run out, and the Internet will be activated.

Nowadays it is impossible to imagine life without Wi-Fi. Most of us use several devices to access the Internet, often at the same time. Downloading a movie, choosing something in an online store and at the same time chatting with friends in a messenger is a common thing. How would we manage without WiFi? No way! Connect to the Internet without Wifire wires and forget about all the inconveniences of a wired network connection.

It's no secret that wired Internet is significantly inferior in comfort to connecting via Wi-fi. Let's look at the main advantages of wireless internet.

  • Access to the network within the range of the router (up to 50 meters indoors)
  • Ability to connect multiple devices at the same time (PC, laptop, smartphone)
  • Convenience - Internet without extra wires

Connect the Internet without wires at speeds from 50 to 300 Mbps and get access to the network anywhere in your apartment! We offer high speed and stability of connection, favorable tariffs and technical support 24 hours 7 days a week. To connect to the Internet without wires at home, you can buy or rent a high-speed router. When connecting to the Internet without wires, use, as well as combine tariffs and save with Wifire!

How to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi?

What do you need to connect your home Internet without wires in Moscow? Just choose a tariff, a router and leave a request. We offer two equipment options.

Router "Wifire S1010 NBN" and "Wifire S1500 NBN". Excellent specifications, cloud storage via USB, operation in the 2.4 and 5 GHz bands and affordable price are some of the main advantages of Wifire equipment.

You can buy or rent a router - from only 55 rubles / month. Our experts will conduct the Internet, professionally set up Wi-Fi equipment and advise you on any issues. Internet without wires is fast, inexpensive and convenient!

Connect the Internet without wires in the apartment and enjoy the benefits:

  • Speed ​​from 50 to 300 Mbps
  • Tariffs from 400 rubles / month
  • Powerful routers - you can buy or rent for only 55 rubles / month
  • Attractive Service Packages and Digital TV
  • Antivirus for all devices
  • Top notch technical support

Enjoy the benefits of using the Internet without wires from a reliable provider! Connect all home devices to the same network - the speed and stability of the connection will always remain stable. Add a digital TV package to the Internet and watch your favorite programs in excellent quality without interference! More than 180 channels for children and adults, channels in HD format.

We have already connected more than 944 thousand clients to the Internet and other services. Leave a request and our specialists will contact you as soon as possible.

Question answer

How to connect the Internet via Wi-Fi, and how much will it cost?

Choose a tariff and leave a request on the website or by phone - we will do the rest ourselves. The cost of connection depends on the speed, as well as the availability of additional services.

Why should I choose Internet Wifire?

We offer competitive prices and high connection speed, round-the-clock technical support, and are constantly working to improve the quality of services. In addition, our company has received many prestigious awards in the field of telecommunications.

Tariffs and services of Net By Net Holding LLC may be changed by the operator. Full up-to-date information about tariffs and services - in the "tariffs" section or by phone indicated on the site.

Residents of the private sector know that connecting Internet services to areas where modern opportunities have not yet reached is quite expensive and time consuming. Many providers refuse to consider single applications at all, because the cost of connecting one house is disproportionate to the benefits that the company could receive from the subscriber.

Rostelecom offers similar services, and not in a single version. Read on to find out how to get internet in your home.

PON (optical fiber)

PON fiber optics is an advanced technology that allows you to conduct Internet with a huge bandwidth for a small fee. Up to a hundred subscribers can be connected to one PON distributor without loss of connection quality.

Unfortunately, the laying of this technology is expensive. Rostelecom was allocated funds to equip the private sectors of cities and towns with households, and active work for communication even in the most remote corners.

Accordingly, connecting a house using this technology will depend on whether optical fiber has come to you or not yet.

If PON has already been carried out in the village or cottage town, You can connect in the standard way:

  1. Through the site, having formed an application, your address will be checked for availability, and a technician will be sent.
  2. Through, having created an application for connection and choosing a tariff - 88001000800.
  3. In Rostelecom communication salons - you need a passport.

If the technology has not yet reached you, the connection will be economically unprofitable for the company, so technical support can immediately say that this is impossible.

However, there are cases when people managed to insist on their own, and for quite a lot of money to bring the Internet to a village or a private area.

The main principle here is that the more people are willing to connect (and Rostelecom is practically the only major provider who connects private homes to the Internet at all), the more likely the application will be considered. It is recommended to apply if you have enlisted the support of 10 or more neighbors - then the cost of laying the Internet for one household will be less, and consideration of the application with such a large demand is more likely to end with approval.

But be prepared to wait. In some cases, issuing all permits for cable laying and calculating the payback and cost of connection may take 2-4 months, during which it is advisable to remind the company about yourself.

Important! Rostelecom will use contractors to pull and lay the cable - in some cases they may contact you directly on a phone number and "break down" the price. This is a scam, and the amounts reach 25-90 thousand rubles with such requests. Be vigilant and do not agree to dubious connections - only a technician from Rostelecom itself should communicate with you.

ADSL (telephone line)

Most of the "private traders" not only remember what ADSL is, but also actively use it. For Rostelecom, connecting such an Internet is not a problem if you have a telephone line to a village or the private sector.

You can also apply for a connection in three ways:

  1. Personally in the salons of the company, where the manager will immediately check the possibility of connection. It is recommended to take documents to the telephone line with you, if you have them, and be sure to have a passport. Checking the technical feasibility may take a couple of days, after which the operator will call you back and coordinate the arrival of technical specialists.
  2. On the Internet - on the rt.ru website, select your region and the "Internet" tab, select a tariff plan and leave a request. The operator will contact you by phone.
  3. By phone hotline - 8800 100 0800.

If it is not technically possible to connect you to the network, you will have to use other options, or wait until fiber optic technology comes to your sector.

Mobile Internet

An expensive, but very working option if there is no desire to go through the complicated procedure of agitating neighbors and trying to connect fiber optics.

It is mainly used in dacha cooperatives and remote villages, with 3g or LTE coverage.

The connection principle is as follows:

  1. You purchase a special SIM card from Rostelecom, which can be used in portable modems. The modem can also be purchased from the company, or independently.
  2. One of the tariffs with a limited amount of traffic per month (from 15 to 50 GB) is connected to this SIM card.
  3. In the house, you find a place where signal reception is best, connect an LTE modem to a router (if you want WI-Fi) or directly to a computer / laptop, and start using it.

This type of connection provides you with mobility - you can take the modem, for example, on trips, move around the house with it, etc.

The only negative may be the connection speed - it depends on interference and distance from the Rostelecom mobile tower. Wherein subscription fee always slightly higher than for leased lines.


To have Wi-Fi in your house, you can use the previous option and purchase a Rostelecom modem + SIM card and a special router with support for 4G modems.

If you want to make a dedicated line, the difficulties will be exactly the same as with the GPON gasket.

The main principle of connection will be the availability of technical capabilities - either a line passing near your sector, or, in principle, the presence of an Internet cable in the village. Also, in some cases, a contract can only be concluded if people can be registered in houses (in other words, not for summer cottages).

Connection costs can be high.

If there is a technical possibility, and regular FTTH has already been wired to your village (for example, you have an apartment building and the fiber was laid to it at one terminal), the connection will take place as in an apartment building:

  1. Application through the website or hotline, or in person.
  2. Tariff selection.
  3. Arrival of technicians.
  4. Laying the cable from the distributor-terminal to your home.

If there is no technical possibility, and your area has not been connected, both the cost and terms increase, as well as the complexity of the procedure.

The principle remains the same as with GPON - the more people express their readiness to connect, the faster and more willingly Rostelecom will approve the application.

Of the negative - the price of connection. More about her.

How much does it cost to connect a private house

When technology has already arrived in your sector or village, the connection may not cost anything at all, as it happens in apartment buildings.

However, due to the specifics of homeownership, the prices for stretching optical fiber even just from the Rostelecom "pillar", on which the distribution terminal is hung, can start from 5-6 thousand rubles. Even if the distance from the pole to your house is less than 30-100 meters. According to the feedback of subscribers who provided such services, the price tag can be either 5 or 13, and even 20 thousand for one household. Recently, however, it has been heading down, since Rostelecom is actively building a network to the most “hard-to-reach” settlements using cheap PON technology, and people are willing to connect (there is a demand).

In the future, the subscriber simply pays a monthly fee for the tariff in the standard mode, as in an apartment. Additional network service charges may (but usually do not) apply.

If you need to “pull” the Internet into the village and it is not yet connected, the price tag increases, sometimes many times over. Even 10 kilometers of such a connection can cost the company more than 200-300 thousand, and not all subscribers will agree to "share the burden." We just have to wait until the technology itself knocks on the door.

When connecting ADSL, the cost is, of course, lower, because the company does not have to lay anything additional, everything is connected to an existing telephone line. Here the price can be from 500-1000 rubles and more. Sometimes for free.

Connecting a 4G modem is the easiest, but you will have to spend money on the modem itself and, possibly, a router with the ability to connect such equipment. There is no one-time payment for a SIM card.

How to apply for connection

Application for connection is left through:

  1. Internet - the address, full name, contact phone number and the selected tariff are indicated. This can be done on the official website of Rostelecom in the "Internet" section.
  2. Phone - call the hotline. Do not forget to ask the operator at the end of the conversation for the application number, and write it down. When contacting Rostelecom while waiting for a decision, call this number and it will be easier for you to transfer the results of the consideration.
  3. Salons of the company. If you want to leave a collective application, it is logical to appoint one "responsible" for communication with Rostelecom and act through him. If the application is ordinary, only a passport will be needed.

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