Marilyn Kerro on the full moon. Marilyn Kerro gave advice on how to choose stones to bring good luck. Merlin Kerro - Voodoo mage

Kitchen 31.01.2021

Happiness can be built on your misfortune - either by trial and error, overcoming great difficulties, or light. Marilyn Kerro knows a shortcut that will lead you to well-being.

A harmonious existence with oneself acts as the basis on which the personal happiness of each person is built. In any situation, remember that it is you who are at the helm of your life. The advice of Marilyn Kerro, who knows the path to happiness, will get you back on track. You will gain a landmark that will help you pass all the obstacles, overcome difficulties and finally call yourself a happy person.

The path to happiness

Naturally, everyone has their own path to happiness, like the very concept of happiness. For every person, happiness is something personal, intimate, unique and inimitable. You can’t follow someone else’s success, just as you can’t turn off your path of fate. The path to your well-being begins within you. Therefore, it is so important to hear your inner voice and follow the call of your heart, noticing all the little things and hints of the Universe.

When we talk about happiness, we imagine that we already have everything: all our dreams were taken at once and fulfilled. Yes, personal well-being is unique, but everyone wants to have everything they need to live. It is enough even to remember what we wish each other for the holidays every year: luck, health, love, joy. It is happiness that is the general name for all the blessings that one can only imagine. And the moment we gain everything, we become happy.

You need to listen to yourself. After all, if you remember yourself at ten years old, you can understand: what made us happy then will no longer do now. And this is normal: happiness grows with us, like our needs, attitudes and desires. It is necessary to do what you love, meet every morning with a smile, feel the support of loved ones and be yourself. Do not chase after someone else's happiness - for each person, the Higher Forces have prepared their own way.

Try to compare happiness with a mosaic that is assembled from different parts and becomes complete and beautiful picture... This is how the laws of the Universe work. In order to find the details that will line up in the picture of our happy life, our long-awaited happiness, it is important to accept changes, grow, develop. Remember that the most important victory on the path to happiness is victory over yourself.

Getting rid of problems in life

To follow your guiding star, you need to understand where our problems come from. Usually it is the difficulties and difficulties that tell us that we have gone off the right path. It is important to learn how to correctly understand them, accept and get rid of them. Except you, no one else can put a spoke in your wheels: even ill-wishers and envious people are powerless if you follow the destiny of Above.

1. Keep it simple. Take everything lightly. Happiness is inextricably linked to our perception of the world. If in every situation you see only failure and defeat, you need to supplant all negative emotions. Fear and insecurity will stall your endeavors. Learn to relax, enjoy the little things. As you meet the world, so it will open to you.

2. More joy. Enjoying the little things is an important step on the path to happiness. It is enough to appreciate the present moment, be content with small and dream big. Don't burden yourself with thoughts of past failures and worries about the future. Problems should be solved as they arise, and not created from scratch.

3. Away with doubts. There is nothing scarier than doubting yourself. Be bold, determined and determined to win. Each new day brings new opportunities that you can use in unlimited quantities. Believe in yourself: Until you believe in your success, no one will believe in it. Affirmations will help you become more confident and put away all doubts.

4. Benevolence. What we give to the world, to people, we get back. The law of reciprocity is the guarantee of happiness. Create a good atmosphere around you - this will attract to you a feeling of harmony and unity with the Higher Forces. Be polite, open and cheerful. Cheer up the people who are in touch with you.

5. Avoid conflicts. Learn to maneuver in an argument, seeking victory through diplomacy. Do not impose your opinion on another person, it is useless. Accept and respect the views of other people - this will help you gain a foothold in society and get a capricious fortune to help you.

6. Learn from your mistakes. Oddly enough, but learning from the mistakes of others is a completely empty exercise. Each person has his own path to the Olympus of happiness, and workarounds will not work here. You need to learn from the past, reevaluate the path traveled, understand where is important and where is secondary. Error is your valuable teacher assigned to you by the Universe itself. In moments of defeat, be strong in spirit.

7. Criticize only yourself. Self-criticism is helpful, especially if you are stuck. Don't try to throw responsibility on other people, accident or bad luck. If you are stumped, the answer is hidden within you. Take someone else's constructive criticism calmly - it corrects deviations in you, directing you in the right direction.

8. Humor. Any situation that we perceive with humor becomes less painful. Humor helps us find positiveness where it may not be. Allow yourself the right to laugh, make fun of your failures, and don’t think about what others will think.

9. Weighted decisions. Awkward situations, damaged relationships, lies and slander are all consequences of rash decisions. Don't jump to conclusions based on rumors, gossip, or personal guesswork. Try to be objective and rely only on reliable information.

10. Right to Errors. Remember one important thing: no one is perfect. Do not demand too much of yourself, do not try to jump above your head and do not reproach yourself for mistakes. It will only give you a sense of guilt and inferiority. You have the right to be wrong, it is in our genetic code. Correct the mistake or draw conclusions, try to understand what this situation wanted to teach you, and keep moving on. Do not accumulate negative memories in yourself - they should be replaced by new, pure and positive ones.

11. Learn to forgive. Learning to forgive is important to be happy. But to be able to forgive others, you first need to forgive yourself. Let go of yourself, let go of the past. Everything in our life consists of trial and error, so get rid of fears and doubts, from everything that prevents you from going further. You are unable to control the Higher powers and be responsible for all your mistakes. In this world, we are only guests who must gain a valuable experience - the experience of living a happy life.

Money cannot buy happiness, and you cannot find it in someone else's misfortune. Happiness is, first of all, working on oneself. And there is nothing more difficult than changing yourself. That is why many go out of this path, looking for accessible and imaginary happiness. Marilyn Kerro is sure that personal well-being can be found only through changes that begin inside. We wish you a great mood, success,and don't forget to press the buttons and

Marilyn Kerro

Personal receptions, sale of voodoo dolls and skulls - the Russian portal Starhit found out what generates income for witches and magicians. On next week the winner of the "Battle of the Psychics" will be announced.

There is only a week left until the final of the "Battle of the Psychics". A gift from the finalists of the most mystical project in history Russian television may have already suggested to them who will become the owner of the coveted "blue hand", but viewers are still in the dark.

However, users of social networks already have their own undoubted favorites. For them, their idols are a priori winners. Some rely not only on those tests that were brilliantly performed by the most powerful magicians and witches on the air of the sensational television broadcast, but also on their own experience of communicating with them. On the eve of the upcoming final, "StarHit" made a selection of reviews from people who were fortunate enough to personally communicate with psychics of the 16th season, and also found out what kind of business wizards make their living.


The victory could have been in the hands of the red-haired Estonian two seasons ago, but then the witch shared only the joy of winning with her beloved Alexander Sheps. Now many viewers have already dubbed Kerro the winner in absentia. Official group Vkontakte is literally full of non-fictional stories about how and whom Mary helped not only on the screen, but also during personal receptions.

“Anyone who doubts whether to go to an appointment or not - go” - such slogans can be found in every second message left in the special group.

With personal meetings, the witch pampers those in need infrequently, but with great pleasure she arranges training seminars with Alexander Sheps. By the way, both on the screen and in life, Marilyn and Alexander are practically inseparable. First of all, after meeting with psychics, fans note: the conversation was more like a friendly conversation than a reception. With the help of several workshops, the witch and the magician promise to help open the abilities that dormant in every person.

Marilyn Kerro commented on her pregnancy

In addition, like many other participants in the Battle of Psychics, Kerro offers to purchase unique items that have magical properties - these are voodoo dolls. Such, for example, as "Banshee of lust", "Leprechaun" and "Isis, creating magic." For 200 rubles, you can please yourself with unusual stones from Alexander Sheps. Magician amulets will cost from 4.5 thousand to 12.5 thousand rubles. Also in the assortment there are all kinds of boxes, chests and chests, costing from 700 rubles and candlesticks with candles at a price of 120 rubles and a little higher.

“The room where Marilyn is hosting the reception is very cozy. You can look around and absorb the situation endlessly, until Mary turns to you. Then you just want to look into her eyes and not come off. My downside was just that - I wanted to look at her for an hour, or even an hour and a half, just silently. It was like a trance, and until late in the evening I didn't realize that I had forgotten to ask her about a few things of interest to me. In any case, Marilyn told a lot herself. Every word - everything to the point, "- said one of the visitors of the reception at Kerro.

“Marilyn is a wonderful, honest person. I came to see her, but she refused to take money from me. She said that I need to go to a psychologist, not a psychic, ”writes one of the fans.

On this moment accepting applications for a meeting with the witch has been suspended.


One of the strongest participants in the entire history of the show, to the great regret of her fans, is not yet satisfied with the receptions, which is why the business of fraudsters is flourishing. Victoria Raidos is perhaps the only psychic who had to deal with a huge number of complaints about swindlers. Dozens of pages are created every day with offers to sign up for a personal meeting with the witch. In addition, allegedly on the official website they offer to get an online consultation.

Victoria Raidos: "After what happened in my life, it won't hurt more."

To do this, you just need to answer 36 questions: name, zodiac sign, strong qualities your personality, and also tell, for example, how you will react if your colleague is better than you in some business. Fortune-telling for love and answers to the question: how to remove the vow of celibacy are also offered. True, before you finally know the cherished prediction, you need to send an SMS with a code to a four-digit number. After a decent amount is debited from your mobile account ... of course, you will not receive an answer.

Victoria Raidos is hosting a reception in the center of another participant of the "Battle" - Natalia Banteeva. It is known that the witch does not have a fixed rate. Each situation is individual and the price depends on the nature and severity of the problem being solved.


A specialist in white magic, as indicated on the official website of the widow of crime boss Yaponchik, is most often approached by people suffering from love.

“I have been living for a year with a girl I don’t love”, “I don’t have a good relationship with my husband”, “I don’t seem to attract men at all”, “I’m almost 30, but I still haven’t found my chosen one”, - people write on the page of a red-haired witch. Like other psychics, Nicole negotiates the price of an appointment, depending on each individual case. Some, however, are skeptical about such personal meetings.

“It is discussed with each one individually, it depends on your income level and the degree of your laxity,” one of the men replied to the question: how much would Nicole's advice cost. “She has no psychic abilities"Says a girl named Victoria.

However, there are also opposite opinions: “I am very grateful to God for meeting you! Everything has changed and fell into place: creativity is rushing, the husband does not drink, in as much as in rhyme! ".

Unlike her colleagues, the girl earns not by selling artifacts, but by lessons in her own educational institution... One of the most popular participants in the "Battle of Psychics" believes that a mystical gift can be nurtured by those who have the makings of this. To this end, the red-haired witch plans to soon open her own school of psychics.

The famous Estonian clairvoyant who participated in the whole three seasons of the "Battle of the Psychics" invites you to purchase a love amulet, Marilyn Kerro, with its help, was able to attract Alexander Sheps, an equally powerful magician and participant in the same show, into her life. According to Mary, the amulet attracts love and has incredible power.

Real reviews "amulet Marilyn Kerro"

Natalia, 20 years old: An incredible amulet, as if he attracted love into my life! I watched "The Battle of Psychics", but I was sick, to be honest, for another participant, nevertheless, for the sake of interest, I decided to order this amulet. A month later I met a good guy, whom I have been dating for more than a year at the moment. So it works!

Veronica, 28 years old: I'm just a fan of Marilyn, since the beginning of the 14th season, I have been rooting only for her and asked all my friends to vote only for this participant. I was very worried, as if together with her every test, in general, I remembered the Estonian clairvoyant for a long time). When I came across such a wonderful amulet, I immediately ordered it from the official online store. Moreover, my personal life was not going well at that time, I decided to take a chance. About two months passed and one neighbor boy, whom I also often glanced at, confessed his love to me. Now I have a loved one, thank you Mary for such a pendant, I recommend it for purchase!

Anna, 25 years old: My marriage was bursting at the seams, I went to my parents with a child and thought that only a divorce and there was no way to save our relationship. One fine day my friend threw off the link to the official website with the amulet from the Estonian witch, at first it was scary to order it, but then I watched the episodes with Marilyn and realized that she was a very strong clairvoyant and in any case it would not be worse. What do you think, a week after the purchase, my husband came to my parents' house and began to ask for forgiveness for all the insults, collected my things and took me and my child home. So you can order without hesitation, sometimes even a family can be saved, and not just attract someone.

Marina, 43 years old: I honestly counted on something more, well, I already had a husband at the time when I ordered the pendant, I also wanted a lover.

Tatiana, 20 years old: In my case, the amulet worked, but the package came in a slightly crumpled package.

Price and where to buy

You can buy an amulet from Marilyn Kerr's official online store. Now there is a discount on the site, taking into account which the cost of the goods is only 1075 rubles.

Delivery is carried out in a short time, and payment for the goods occurs upon receipt. The online store complies with the privacy policy.


Do you want to attract love into your life? Then we recommend that you buy an amulet of absolute love Marilyn Kerro, a magic pendant has strong energy and helps in difficult moments of life. The famous Estonian clairvoyant, the finalist of three seasons, thanks to her amulet, attracted the magician Alexander Sheps into her life. You may not believe that the pendant works and is able to make a person's life happier, but satisfied customers and their real reviews characterize the Marilyn Kerro amulet only on the positive side.

With such an amulet, you can very quickly find your soul mate, because solar energy will come from you, which will be filled with love. Accordingly, you will attract people with the same energy and they will love you for who you are.

Principle of operation

The presented amulet Marilyn Kerro will bring its owner not only love, but also good luck. The amulet is made for each client individually, taking into account, first of all, the date of birth. The pendant is made of alloys of rare metals, with the addition of red garnet particles, which is a very powerful love stone.

The pendant relieves complexes and fears, thanks to which a person can easily plunge into new love relationship... You will immediately feel that a warm light is being lit up inside you, which attracts love and creates harmony with the world around you.

The secret of the amulet lies in its very basis - the interweaving of stone and special metals, which have a reflective unity, both physical and spiritual. The power of redstone lies in the effect on energy level, which entails love and passion for the person who wears the pendant. Thus, the most realistic thing is to attract the necessary events into your life. Conspiracy - here main secret amulet, it was created by Marilyn herself, according to her, the pendant helped her more than once to reach the finale and find her love. The clairvoyant makes amulets for the names and signs of the zodiac, for each person individually. This ritual is based on the power of ancient Estonian sorcerers. The ritual is immersed in water with the blood of a clairvoyant and then illuminated by fire from a candle, which passes through a crystal of rock crystal.

How to use

You just need to put on the amulet, and after a while you will notice the following:

  • people will like you even more;
  • you will immediately begin to receive compliments and a lot of attention from the opposite sex;
  • you will immediately have the prospect of getting married or getting married;
  • the person who caused you feelings will immediately pay attention to you;
  • you will notice that they want to meet you more often;
  • you have the opportunity to take possession of the heart of any person.


If negative reviews of the amulet of absolute love of Marilyn Kerro can be found on the network, then more often it happens that a person did not wear this product, but simply expected some kind of miracle from him. Therefore, when purchasing such a wonderful pendant, be sure to carry it with you and preferably closer to your heart. Then you will immediately meet your soul mate and find happiness.

The main advantages of the amulet:

  • works 100%;
  • there is an opportunity to attract love and happiness into your life;
  • an amulet from a famous Estonian witch;
  • life will change for the better;
  • the pendant has incredible strength;
  • you will be filled with love and harmony with the world around you.

Psychic Marilyn Kerro spoke about five ways to fulfill desires with the help magical rituals... This requires only a great desire to fulfill our plans and a few simple attributes that can be found in every home.

The powerful magic of mirrors has been known for a long time. Marilyn Kerro claims that with the help of a mirror you can fulfill your cherished dream. It is necessary to take a mirror that has been in the house for a long time and write your desire on its reflective surface. Do it better than those that erases well. After that, you need to take a glass or plate with clean water and wash off the inscription. Do not pour out the remaining water, it should be sprayed in the place with which the desire is associated. If the plan directly concerns any person, then this water should be given to him to drink. This method can fulfill the enigma in a short time.

To fulfill a desire that is associated with the outcome of a business, you can use the bottle ritual. To do this, you need to take an empty glass bottle, preferably an opaque one. A green bottle is perfect for this ceremony. The neck of the bottle must be leaned against your lips and quietly say what you need to say into it. After that, the glass vessel must be tightly sealed and taken with you to where the dream can come true. At the same place, the bottle must be opened. In this case, the desire can either come true, or simply this ritual will attract good luck and luck.

With the help of candles, you can also fulfill any desire. Marilyn Kerro claims that candle magic has incredible power. Candles can give information about the future, heal and, of course, fulfill a dream. The next ritual must be carried out strictly on the growing moon. You need to take a candle and scribble your desire on it with a needle. After that, light a candle and put it on the windowsill. It should burn down to a small cinder and go out by itself. The remaining piece of the candle must be carried with you until the wish is fulfilled. When everything is done, it must be thrown into the fire.

These three rituals are performed with certain rules that must be followed for the success of the ritual. Desires that are written or pronounced during the ritual must be formulated briefly and clearly. During the ceremony, a person must be alone in the room. All doors and windows should be closed, and no extraneous sounds should confuse thoughts. But the main guarantee of success, according to Marilyn Kerro, is a strong belief that the desire will certainly come true.

Recall that the participant in the "Battle of Psychics" season 14 Marilyn Kerro is engaged in voodoo magic and clairvoyance. In her practice, she uses simple magical attributes: candles, mirrors, knives and other objects. After all, all this, according to her, has a strong energy capable of working miracles. We continue to root for Marilyn at the "Battle of Psychics" and put and

16.11.2013 12:48

Psychic Marilyn Kerro told on her official website about a way to raise money. She shared her secrets ...

There are many rumors around the brightest pair of the "Battle of Psychics" - Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro. Some even ...

One of the most famous participants in the television show "The Battle of Psychics" is Marilyn Kerro. The spectacular witch took part in the 15th, 16th and 17th seasons and always took second place. Having successfully passed all the tests, the Estonian woman lacked a few percent to the coveted prize.

How did Marilyn Kerro become a psychic?

What magic is, the future participant of the famous show, she learned in early childhood thanks to her aunt, who earned her living,. When Marilyn was six years old, she was struck by lightning, and after that her gift was fully revealed. She began to predict the future, see the dead, and so on. The psychic Marilyn Kerro, known to many, found the magic book of her great-grandmother, and her spirit appeared to her, informing her that she should accept the power of her kind and become a witch.

How to get to Marilyn Kerro?

Watching the program "Battle of Psychics", a huge number of people were eager to personally communicate with the witch in order to get advice from her in solving problems. Marilyn takes this into account and conducts private sessions from time to time. Information on how to contact Marilyn Kerro can be found on her website and social media pages. In addition, she periodically conducts massive seminars that are devoted to important topics, for example, love, money, and so on. The appointment with Marilyn Kerro is made by her manager. Recently, the witch announced the opening of the store itself.

A huge number of people are trying to find answers to questions thanks to the help of magicians and witches. After the "Battle of the Psychics" Marilyn Kerro became popular, and she was invited to various interviews, where she was asked the most common questions. More often, an Estonian is asked about how to find love, how to establish a personal life, etc. The witch Marilyn Kerro does not keep secrets and easily shares her knowledge to help others.

If a person wants to win over fortune, then you can perform a ritual with buttons, which have been considered talismans and amulets since ancient times. Estonian Marilyn Kerro recommends everyone to use them in order to attract what they want.

  1. The ritual is very simple, it is necessary early in the morning to sew a small red button on the inside of the garment, which is often worn. The witch recommends the use of outerwear.
  2. During sewing, the conspiracy should be read. A ready-made talisman will not only attract good luck, but it will also be good and other negativity.
  3. If the button comes off, then you need to change it.

“I sew on my luck, tightly. As long as this button is with me, I will not be afraid of any troubles. "

The famous Estonian witch revealed several magical secrets to her fans about how to attract sincere love into her life. Marilyn Kerro's advice on how to find love is based on opening your heart to real feelings. For this purpose, a simple ritual can be performed.

  1. It is recommended to take action after sunset and preferably on Friday.
  2. It is necessary to remove from the room everything that can distract and interfere with the ceremony.
  3. Prepare a candle color pink who personifies love and heart. Light it up and place it in front of you.
  4. Looking at the flame, visualize your happy life filled with love.
  5. For some time, concentrate as much as possible on your desires and the next morning the world can change dramatically.
  6. If nothing happened, then the ritual can be performed daily until the result is obtained.

Many girls have feelings for a particular person, but they are afraid to take a responsible step and confess. Clairvoyant Marilyn Kerro gives some tips on how you can simply fix the situation.

If there was a breakup, but the feelings did not cool down, and you want to return your beloved, then you can conduct a simple ritual using half- or precious stone... When the "Battle of Psychics" took place, Marilyn Kerro received many questions about how to choose the right talisman, so she is recommended to focus on her zodiac sign or on her own feelings upon contact.

  1. Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro advises reading a stone conspiracy on a full moon or new moon, when the energy of the moon is enhanced.
  2. The decoration should be placed in a bowl of water, standing in a circle of seven red candles.
  3. Dip your left hand into the water and whisper a conspiracy.
  4. The jewelry should remain in the water overnight, and in the morning, cover it with a red cloth.
  5. Also, do not remove the extinguished candles until morning.
  6. It is recommended to constantly carry jewelry with a stone with you, which will attract a loved one.

“In the stone is my strength and beauty, my love and luck. May the servant of God (the name of the person) appear to me and give me happiness. Everything that is planned will come true, yes it is said. Amen"

Marilyn Kerro - how to attract money?

Another popular topic with which people turn to the witch is finance. Anyone can get help from Marilyn Kerro by learning simple tricks.

  1. An Estonian woman says that it is necessary to exclude words that repel monetary energy from her vocabulary, for example, "I have no money." To become a wealthy person, it is important to love and respect money.
  2. In the "Battle of Psychics" Marilyn Kerro often talked about the power of talismans, and to attract financial flow, you can use special amulets. It is recommended to saturate the selected item with luck, which can be stolen from a successful person. To do this, you need to make an appropriate acquaintance and rub the amulet in your hands during communication.
  3. Speaking about Marilyn Kerro, it is worth mentioning a few more tricks to increase material wealth: keep money in one place, keep order in your wallet and do not give money from hand to hand so as not to lose luck.

Marilyn Kerro's predictions

Many people often ask an Estonian woman to tell about the future, so she makes a forecast every year. The presented option applies to 2017.

  1. January - the month will be calm in all aspects.
  2. February - business related to personal life will be successful.
  3. March - Marilyn Kerro predicted this month would be perfect to start active action, it's time to turn your plans into reality.
  4. April - there is an increase in business, but problems in the family are possible.
  5. May is the perfect time to travel and work with the land.
  6. June is an ideal month for long journeys.
  7. July is the time to reap the rewards for the work done.
  8. August is a calm month for learning and creativity.
  9. September is a month of health and beauty.
  10. October - devote time to visiting relatives, etc.
  11. November is a good time for self-discovery and relaxation.
  12. December - it's time to spend money, make repairs and communicate with distant relatives.

Marilyn Kerro - unusual facts

There is information that is not widespread, so some of the facts may be surprising. Few people know that for more than 10 years an Estonian woman has been a vegetarian, as she believes that animal food pollutes her energy. For those who are interested in the whole truth about Marilyn Kerro, it is worth offering her one interesting fact - the witch knows her own date of death and this will happen in April 2071. Related to Marilyn Kerro Interesting Facts also concern her tattoos. It is not known how many specific drawings were applied to her body, but many of them managed to see some of the tattoos.

  1. The word "Michael" is written on her wrist. According to rumors, this is the name of her close friend, who passed away.
  2. On the back of the neck, under the hair, there is a word written which means “to believe”. Traditionally, amulets are placed in such places.
  3. On the hands of the Witch is depicted a Phoenix - a mystical bird that is reborn from the ashes.
  4. The Estonian woman has a protective pattern on her belly, which includes runes.
  5. Kerro has an inscription under his chest that means "true love".

Exposing Marilyn Kerro

As soon as the spectacular witch appeared on TV screens, reports began to surface that Marilyn was a liar. You can find various negative reviews of people who allegedly were at her reception and were convinced that she had no gift. It is everyone's business to believe that Marilyn Kerro is a charlatan, since you can only be sure of this by actually meeting with a psychic, and not believing in various rumors.

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