The best exercises for flattering your belly. How to remove the stomach quickly and effectively - the secrets that you did not know about. We train in the gym

Country house 11.08.2020
Country house

At proper training You can get rid of the stomach in 4 to 12 weeks. The effectiveness of training will increase markedly if you combine them with appropriate diets. In pursuit of a beautiful figure, you need to not only choose which exercises to remove the stomach, but also remember about health, so in case of diseases of the spine or cardiovascular system, you need to consult a specialist doctor before starting training. Having good physical fitness, you can perform up to 6 exercises at once with two to three sets of up to 15 repetitions in each, but the rest need 2-5 exercises with one set.

Before each workout, you need to warm up different muscle groups, for this you can perform jumps, tilts, turns. After training, stretching is mandatory.

Exercises to lose belly fat in 2 weeks

Sitting on the floor, pull your legs up to your chest without touching the forward toes of the floor. At the same time, the arms are bent at the elbows, and the palms lie along the body. As you exhale, fold the body back, resting on the elbows, and straighten the legs slightly forward so that the lower leg remains parallel to the floor.

  1. Strengthening the upper press

Lying on your back with your knees bent, put your hands under your head. As you exhale, lift up, straining your abs and stretch your chin forward. In this case, the elbows should be spread apart, and the feet should be pressed to the floor. On the inhale, relax and return the body to its original position.

  1. Strengthening the lower and upper press

Raise your legs bent at the knees, lying on your back, so that the lower leg remains parallel to the floor. Relaxed arms lie along the body with palms down. As you exhale, lower your legs bent at the knees down, without touching the floor with your feet. On inspiration, return the body to its original position.

  1. Strengthen oblique abdominal muscles

Lying on your right side, lean on your forearm and bend your knees. Squeezing the press, raise the hips until a straight line is formed from the top of the head to the very heels. Repeat the exercise for the left side.

  1. Strengthen oblique abdominal muscles and upper abs

Lying on the right side, focus on the forearm. The body is located perpendicular to the legs. Now we bend our knees. Squeezing the press, raise the hips until a straight line is formed. The left hand must be raised up. Then lower it and reach for right side chest, head also stretches after the hand. The pelvis is immobile.

Return to the starting position, lie on the other side and do the exercise for the right hand.

  1. We strengthen the upper and lower press, as well as the oblique muscles of the abdomen

Lying on your back, put your hands under your head, raise your legs and bend them at the knees, maintaining an angle of 90 degrees. As you exhale, straighten one leg, but do not put it on the floor. Raise the body and reach with the opposite elbow to the bent leg. Do the exercise for each side.

  1. We strengthen the upper press and oblique abdominal muscles

Lying on your back, put your hands under your head and raise your legs bent at the knees at 90 degrees. As you exhale, lift the body (head and shoulder blades), while with outstretched arms you need to reach first to the outside of one thigh, and then the second.

  1. Strengthen oblique abdominal muscles

Lying on the right side, stretch the right arm forward perpendicular to the whole body, palm down. Rest with your free hand, that is, your left, on the floor. As you exhale, raise the body (shoulders and legs), trying to connect the shoulders and straight legs. Repeat for the left side.

  1. We strengthen the muscles of the press (oblique, upper and lower)

Lying on your side, rest on the lower hand (the hand lies palm down perpendicular to the body), and put the upper one under the head. As you exhale, raise the body and at the same time pull the legs to the chest. Perform as many times as possible and repeat for the second side.

  1. Strengthen oblique muscles and upper abs

Lying on your back, put your hands under your head, bend your legs at the knees and turn to the right side. On the exhale, tighten the press, and lift the body (head and shoulder blades), while the chin stretches forward. On an inhale, lower your body to the starting position.

  1. Strengthening the lower press

Lying on your back, put your hands under your head and bend your knees, slightly touching the floor with your toes. On the exhale, tighten the press, and straighten the legs only at the knees, maintaining an angle of 45 degrees.

  1. Strengthen oblique abdominal muscles

Lying on your back, rest on the floor with your legs bent at the knees, clasp your hands with a lock and stretch forward. As you exhale, raise the body and stretch your hands to the outside of the thigh. Relax the press, but do not touch the floor with the body, then tighten the press again, and stretch. Perform a “spring” by stretching your palms between your knees. Perform a “spring” by pulling your arms to the left.

  1. Strengthening the upper and lower press

Lying on your stomach, lean on bent arms. The location of the hands is above the shoulder joints, the socks rest on the floor, the legs are straight. On the exhale, raise the body from the floor, while resting on the elbows and socks.

This is the ideal in a sports figure. To give it shape, you need to work on yourself. Consider exercises for removing the abdomen.

There are many pitfalls in store for us here. First of all, you need to remember that in the stomach there is not one muscle, but a whole complex. And this muscular frame is not only in front, but also from the sides. And even behind. And all these muscles should be worked out proportionally.

Also, don't forget that the abs are muscles. And our task is not to build muscle, but to remove excess fat! And these are slightly different tasks, and are performed in different ways.

The first thing you should do if you want to lose weight in the waist and sides is to adjust proper nutrition. And here we are talking not only about the rejection of harmful, sweet, bakery and some other products, but also about the correct diet, portion sizes, and proper food processing. All this must be taken into account if you set yourself a goal - to remove the sides and stomach in a week.

If you are determined to fight with the sides and stomach, then you should pay attention to a full breakfast. Namely, breakfast should be full and better. useful products. Eliminate coffee and sugary products. For breakfast, it is better to eat porridge on the water and fruits to remove the stomach and sides in a week.

If you do not get a balanced meal in the morning, then you can feel hungry, bouts of nervousness and irritability within a few hours. Do not pay attention to the calorie content of food in the morning, so you can avoid snacking. And they, as everyone knows, cause the appearance of fat.

It is better to eat fractionally, that is, 5-6 times a day, with breaks of about three and a half to four hours between meals. It is much more useful to eat several times a little, than to eat to satiety once, and then suffer from the stomach.

Dinner should be approached responsibly and choose the right products. It is better to focus on dairy products and vegetables. Lean meat is also allowed. vegetable salads can be seasoned with healthy olive or linseed oils.

Each serving of products should not exceed two hundred and fifty grams for women and three hundred grams for men.

But the most important thing in nutrition, if you want to remove fat from the abdomen and sides, is the exclusion of harmful foods from the diet. These include any carbonated drinks, alcohol, fatty foods, various pickles and marinades, sauces, spices, ketchup, mayonnaise, which only increase appetite.

You have to have dinner before seven in the evening. Later, it is no longer allowed to eat any food except green apples, fat-free kefir or yogurt without additives, green or herbal tea without sugar.

Make sure fiber is included in your diet. You need to eat 25 grams per day.

The above are the most basic nutritional recommendations that will help you get closer to a flat stomach. But it is better to observe them constantly, that is, all your life. As soon as you return to your old habits of overeating, eating fast food and unhealthy foods, your tummy will increase again, and your sides will stick out from under your clothes.

If you feel that with this method in a week you will not be able to shape your tummy, then you can resort to the help of strict and strict diets, which have already proven their effectiveness in practice. Of course, it is sometimes very difficult to withstand them, but it's worth it.

When you ever see the admiring glances of men and the envious glances of women on the beach, it will be easier for you to lose weight next time.

Probably, everyone understands that without physical exertion, with the help of only a nutritional adjustment, it will not work to remove the sides and a big belly. Physical exercises must be present in your life. And not only for weight loss, but also for health.

Stretching muscles before exercise

Before exercising for the abdomen, try not to eat for an hour before and after exercising. In addition, it is necessary to stretch the muscles as follows:

  • To stretch the abdominal muscles, try to round the stomach as much as possible when inhaling and pull it in when exhaling. In extreme positions, fix the position for just a few minutes. Do 10 repetitions.
  • Another stretch involves bending back while lying on your back. Do at least 8 repetitions.

Rules for training in order to remove the stomach

First, the number of exercises per week should be at least five. If you practice every other day or two days later, or whenever you feel like it, then you will not get the desired effect. And after a week, your sides will still hang, and your stomach will not become smaller.

Be sure to follow the diet between workouts. You can’t exercise if you ate a heavy meal two hours before training. If the food was light, for example, yogurt or an apple, then you can start exercising in an hour. After training, it is not recommended to eat for two hours.

One more thing important rule, which must be observed so as not to harm your health, during training, to remove the sides and stomach in a week. This is a mandatory warm-up before training. If you do not warm up your muscles before exercising, then you may get injured. As a warm-up, you can run, twist the hoop, jump rope.

Consider some exercises for the sides and abdomen that will help you get closer to your dream - to get a slim body, a flat tummy in a week. Not universal complex exercises that are suitable for any person. It is better to select exercises based on a specific problem. A trainer will help you assess the condition of your abdomen and sides. But you yourself at home can choose the most effective complex abdominal slimming exercises.

Flat stomach in 2 weeks video

Abdominal Exercises

Stand up straight, feet hip-width apart. Pull in your stomach and with the strength of the muscles of the lower press pull your left knee to the waist.
Do 15 squats on your right leg, then stop, switch legs, and repeat with your right leg.

It is very important to pull the knee to the waist with the force of the press, to do this, twist a little at the waist and move the pelvis slightly forward.

  • Pendulum

Stand up straight with your hands on your waist or upper thighs. Pull in your stomach and slightly stretch your lower ribs to the pelvic bones. In this “light twist” state, shift your weight onto your right leg and extend your left leg to the side. Jump to change legs so that they move in the same plane, parallel to the wall.

Continue driving for 2 minutes. It would seem that everything is simple. But it will not be easy for an unprepared person to jump for 2 minutes and do such an exercise to lose weight in the abdomen.

  • Squat twist

It is very important to draw in the stomach and not relax it until the end of the exercise. Take the main stance - feet on the width of the pelvic bones, the stomach in itself, the back is straight. Lower into a squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor, now tilt your body to parallel with the floor, and stretch right hand to the left leg, twisting and straining the press. Pull in your stomach even more, straighten up.

Perform 15 movements on each side.

  • Hand to foot

Stand up straight, catch your balance, lift your right foot off the floor, take it back. Stretch up your left arm, and stretch your right knee to the elbow of your left hand. Straighten up.

Perform as quickly as possible, 60 repetitions on each side. Here it is important to correctly catch the landmark, this is sometimes the whole difficulty of this exercise for losing weight in the abdomen.

  • jump-off

Stand up straight, the principle of work is the same as in the first exercise. First, we twist the lower ribs to the pelvis, then transfer the weight of the body from one leg to the other, jumping over, do not forget that it is necessary to pull the knee to the stomach with the strength of the abdominal muscles.

We work for 2 minutes, the pace should be comfortable, so that it is possible to complete the approach without rest.

  • Mill on one leg

Shift your body weight to your right leg, bend your left, and with the force of the press bring your knee to your stomach. Perform Easy lean forward, stretch your right hand up and your left down. Pull in your stomach. Within 30 seconds, change hands, twisting in the body - bring your left hand up as far as possible, remaining on one leg. The goal is not to fall out of an unstable position. Mills can be slow.

Repeat with the other leg. Again, we remind you of orientation in space. Although this part of the complex can be classified as “simple exercises for losing weight in the abdomen”.

  • Squat jump

From a straight stance, lower yourself into a squat, jump up so that your legs do not change the width of the stance.

Do as many as you can, at least 10 times.

  • Standing on one leg

Stand up straight, transfer your body weight to your right leg, draw in your stomach. Stretch your straight body forward so that your fingers are at the level of the middle of the lower leg.

Repeat 15 times very slowly, change legs.

Solid abs, coveted by many cubes ... A dream? If a dream, it is quite achievable for both men and women. Although it will take a lot of work to bring it to life. Exercises for the abdominal muscles require serious energy costs, but a worthy reward awaits: a perfectly flat stomach. How can this be achieved?

Our press is supported by two types of muscles: straight and oblique. The developed rectus muscle gives a beautiful even stomach, the oblique ones are designed to strengthen the sides. Each of the types requires individual study - to remove the stomach, only, for example, lifting from a prone position alone will not work.

By themselves, during the day, these muscles do not pump up, like, for example, the legs or arms that we constantly use: in order to strengthen them, we will have to purposefully allocate time for training. Be prepared for the fact that even the most effective exercises will not bring immediate results: removing excess fat and forming a beautiful silhouette is not a task of one month.

If the upper part of the rectus muscle can be pumped relatively quickly, then the lower part is in no hurry to strengthen. Yes, and pulling the sides is not so easy. It is also noteworthy that for men this task is much more feasible than for women.

No discrimination, just a wise mechanism laid down by nature: women in this part of the rectus muscle have much fewer nerve endings so that they do not experience too much severe pain during menses and during childbirth. In addition, a wider fat layer is needed for mechanical protection of the baby that is forming in the tummy of a pregnant mother. A man, of course, does not need to protect and protect anything.

Diet for perfect abs

Exercise is great, and yet, in order to remove the stomach and sides, you will have to follow a diet, whatever one may say.

If your goal is to drive off excess fat, and not build up muscle mass, like professional athletes or bodybuilders, try to follow a few simple rules:

  • down with fatty foods, smoked meats, canned and semi-finished products, mayonnaise and fast food;
  • give up any pastries, bread made from refined and bleached flour, sugar, sweets. Dark chocolate, honey, but in small quantities, can serve as a consolation in such a restriction;
  • replace fast carbohydrates in the diet with slow ones (cereals, fruits);
  • put a taboo on alcoholic drinks(their use leads to dehydration), any carbonated water, salt (it retains unnecessary fluid in the body);
  • a separate item, which is more relevant, of course, to men - no beer! Fans of drinking a liter or two of foamy drink per evening run the risk of acquiring not hard cubes, but a very soft beer belly;
  • make sure that you consume at least 30 ml of ordinary drinking water per 1 kg of your weight per day.

We swing by the rules

It is possible to remove the stomach and sides only if all the exercises are performed correctly. What kind effective methods no matter what you take as an ally, it is the abdominal muscles that you need to strain, and not the back, legs or, for example, arms, as is often the case with beginners, outright lazy people and those who distribute the load incorrectly.

To avoid this, follow a few rules:

  • warm-up is a prerequisite: neck turns, arm swings, tilts, lunges, which you will spend 10 minutes in addition to the main workout, will help warm up the muscles, prepare them for the upcoming load and protect them from possible sprains and injuries;
  • too active strength exercises are more suitable for men. Women prefer muscle stretching, which also brings excellent results;
  • the back in most cases should be rounded. Stretching into a string is unacceptable: the load on the back and lower back is prohibited;
    each exercise must be repeated at least 20 times at a fairly fast pace, gradually increasing the number of repetitions;
  • do the exercises as soon as possible. And do not worry if your speed is very small at first: over time, the most difficult exercises performed at a fast pace will obey you;
  • you can’t spread your knees to the sides, they should always be in line with your toes;
  • strive to ensure that the abdominal muscles are constantly tense;
  • do not neglect stretching (this rule is also true for men): after doing the exercise, lie on your stomach, rest your hands on the floor, raise your torso on outstretched arms and bend in your back. The abdominal muscles should stretch slightly. So you provide the body with an additional flow of oxygen, fix the achieved result and prepare the muscles for the next lesson.

10 best exercises

These exercises, designed for both men and women, will help you to reduce the stomach and sides in just a few weeks. The starting position in all cases is on the back.

  1. Legs raised and bent at the knees, hands behind the head. Slightly tighten your abdominal muscles, tear your shoulders off the floor, using the rectus abdominis. After holding this position for 2-3 seconds, lower yourself back to the floor.
  2. Raise your legs up so that they are perpendicular to the floor. Tighten your abs and use your abdominal muscles to lift your hips off the floor. The back should remain motionless.
  3. Legs are shoulder-width apart, put your hands behind your head. Stretch your shoulder to the opposite knee, while the second elbow should be securely fixed on the floor. Lowering to the floor, stretch the second shoulder in the opposite direction. The sides must be involved.
  4. Legs raised and bent at the knees, hands behind the head. Tighten your abdominal muscles, gently lift your shoulders, then pull one knee to your chest, straighten your leg and lift it to its original position. Change your leg.
  5. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. Lifting your shoulders and shoulder blades off the floor, lift your upper body. After holding this position for a few seconds, lower yourself to the floor.
  6. Legs are straight, arms are extended along the body. With the efforts of the abdominal muscles, slowly raise your legs until they form 90 degrees with the floor, stay in this position for 2-3 seconds, gently lower them to the floor.
  7. Hands are divorced. Straight legs should be closed and raised perpendicular to the floor. Gently lower one leg to the side, making sure that it forms a 90-degree angle with the body. With your foot almost touching the floor, return it to its original position. Do the same for the other leg. Thus, you strengthen the sides and help the body remove excess fat from problem areas.
  8. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise, but this time lower your legs down not alternately, but both at once - in one direction and the other.
  9. The legs are closed and raised perpendicular to the floor. Place your hands on top of each other. Lifting your shoulders off the floor, try to reach your toes with your hands.
  10. Hands along the body. Raise your legs perpendicularly up, bend them at the knees so that the shins are parallel to the floor. Gently lower your bent knees alternately to the right and left.

These simple, but very effective exercises for both men and women will help you remove excess fat, form a beautiful belly and slender sides in the shortest possible time. The main thing is not to be lazy. Dare!

The abdomen is a problem area for most women. What if the beach season is very soon, and fat folds still on the belly? Do not despair, there are special exercises that help to remove the stomach in just a week. The effectiveness of a specially designed complex will be even higher if, along with training, you adhere to certain nutritional rules and lead a truly active lifestyle.

Of course, exercises to remove the stomach in seven days cannot bring an ideal result in such a short time. After all, losing weight in the abdomen is a complex and time-consuming process, you can’t do it with exercises alone. But after a week of training, you will get the first positive results - the stomach will become more toned and flat.

How to quickly remove the stomach?

First of all, you need to create proper diet nutrition. It happens that you constantly perform exercises that help to reduce the stomach, and it still seems full. Bloating may be the cause. To reduce bloating, you should reduce your salt intake, as it prevents the timely release of fluid from the body.

Another reason is the lack of water. It may seem that the more you drink, the more you swell. This is a misconception, because with temporary dehydration, the tissues store the available fluid, which is why bloating occurs. Therefore, you need to drink often, even if you do not feel thirsty. But, you should not drink soda, it helps to increase the volume of the abdomen, due to the large amount of carbon dioxide, the waist will appear wider.

To reduce the stomach, exercise is not enough. Training is aimed more at developing muscles than at getting rid of adipose tissue. Therefore, in the fight for a flat stomach, it is necessary to remember about the balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Excess fat in the body leads to inhibition of digestive processes, too much protein - to bloating, and carbohydrates and does contribute to an increase in adipose tissue. In addition, you need to eat not 3, but at least 5 times a day, but in small portions.

If you regularly perform exercises to reduce the stomach and follow the rules of nutrition, and the waist still looks wide, the following remedies will help you from bloating:

  1. Hot water with lemon.
  2. Chamomile tea.
  3. Parsley decoction.
  4. Ginger drink.
  5. Dairy products with probiotics to aid the digestive process.
  6. In the very difficult case, with a serious slagging of the intestines, an enema will help you.

How to reduce the stomach with exercise?

Training is primarily aimed at tightening the muscles, which also contributes to the formation of a beautiful and, most importantly, flat stomach. Therefore, you can remove the stomach with the help of exercises if your problem is not excess fat in the waist area, but muscle sagging. Otherwise, the exercises should become part of the overall complex for the fight for a beautiful press.

An excellent tool for the waist is a regular hoop. It is better to twist it before the start of the workout, as it warms up the muscles. The hoop is not only able to shape the waist, but also helps to train all the muscles of the press.

It is quite possible to remove the stomach in a week with exercises, namely simple twists. We lie down on the floor, the lower back is pressed to the floor, the knees are bent, and the hands are behind the head. Raise the shoulder blades as you inhale and lower as you exhale. Perform quickly, with a small amplitude.

Now we take the starting position and change the technique. On the inhale we raise the shoulder blades and the pelvis, on the exhale we lower. This exercise perfectly works out the rectus abdominis muscles, and also makes the legs work.

For the rectus abdominis, this exercise is great to flatten the stomach. Starting position - lie down on the floor, legs straight, wide apart, arms above your head. We completely raise the body, first we go down to one leg, return to the starting position and go down to the second leg. We lie down, raise straight legs and, tearing off only the shoulder blades, reach for the socks. This exercise must be done at a fast pace.

For the oblique muscles of the press - lie down on your side, hands behind your head. On inspiration, we raise the body as much as possible, relying only on the hips, knees and feet, on the exhale we lower ourselves.

Regular leg raises help train the lower press. It is better to put your hands under the buttocks so that the legs rise due to the press, and not the back.

An excellent exercise to remove the stomach and pump the whole body is a corner. We lie down on the floor, at the same time we raise straight legs and the body, relying only on the buttocks. Raise your arms out to the sides for balance. We linger in this position for as long as possible.

How to do exercises that help to reduce the stomach?

To benefit from training, you should know the rules for performing exercises.

To remove the stomach with the help of the exercises above is quite simple if you perform them correctly. You must make your workouts varied, as the muscles get used to the loads very quickly and begin to grow, which we do not need at all.

You can do exercises to remove the stomach in a week if you do it daily, but the duration of the workout should not exceed 30 minutes.

Before class, you can not drink and eat for an hour, during class also refrain from drinking. It is better not to drink water and at the end of the workout do not drink for at least an hour.

Each exercise is performed in 2-3 sets, in each of them - 15 repetitions. The corner is performed 3 - 5 times within 40 seconds - minutes. There is a small break between sets - no more than 2 minutes, during which you can not lie or sit, it is better to walk and move.

To avoid injuries, be sure to warm up, and so that the exercises work more for burning fat, and not for pumping, at the end of the workout, stretch the abdominal muscles well. Guided by the above recommendations, you can get a very good result when it will not be scary to look in the mirror, and a toned tummy will take on more beautiful, inconspicuous forms.

3.8 out of 5 (11 Votes)

Fat deposits in various places are a problem for every person. Most often, people are interested in what exercises to do to remove the stomach and sides, since fighting them is really not so easy without regular workouts. It is these areas that become problematic due to the fact that a wide variety of food products containing harmful additives that disrupt metabolism and lead to obesity are sold in stores.

The article will talk about what exercises to do, how to remove the stomach, photos of people's achievements and highlights in training will also be demonstrated. Thanks to this information, both women and men will be able to get rid of body fat.

Exercise for everyone

Understanding how to remove the lower abdomen and what exercises to do for this is not at all difficult. The main problem in the process of getting rid of body fat is that physical activity alone will not be enough. At the same time, it is necessary to exclude high-calorie and harmful foods from the diet (flour products, pastries, sweets, fried foods and so on). It is also required to drink about two liters of clean water without gas daily. In fact, setting yourself up for a new diet is not so difficult, it is only important to want to achieve the goal and go to it to the end.

Experts have developed several exercises that can be performed without problems both separately and combined into one complex. They are easy to perform, so they are suitable even for people who have not previously been involved in sports.

The first effective exercise is the press on the lateral abdominal muscles. It must be done in the following sequence:

  • lie on your side;
  • stretch the lower arm in front of you, and bring the upper arm behind the head, bending at the elbow;
  • smoothly and simultaneously raise both legs and torso up 45 degrees, and then lower to the starting position.

While raising the torso and legs and engaging the muscles, it is necessary to inhale, and when lowering, exhale smoothly. A total of 3 sets are required, each with 10 repetitions.

The next exercise is the classic press, aimed at working out the rectus abdominis muscles. It is also performed lying down, but not on the side, but on the back:

  • put your hands behind your head and bend your knees, placing your feet completely on the floor;
  • while inhaling, raise the torso, tensing the press as much as possible and slightly rounding the back, and as you exhale, return to the starting position.

You need to pump the press in this way at least 3 sets of 10 times. If too much effort is not applied for this, then the number of repetitions can be increased to 15.

The third exercise known to all people is the windmill. It is done in a standing position:

  • position your legs clearly shoulder-width apart and align your back;
  • lean forward, touch the toe of the opposite leg with the right hand, and take the other hand clearly up;
  • the same actions must be done with the other arm and leg.

The exercise needs to be done at a fast pace. At each touch of the hand to the leg, an exhalation is made. In total, it is recommended to perform 3-4 sets of 20 repetitions.

Bodyflex is considered quite an interesting and effective exercise. Despite its simple execution technique, the results are simply magnificent. It is done like this:

  • sit on the floor, straighten your back and bend your knees under you;
  • while inhaling, raise the left hand up and take it to the right, slightly tilting the body behind it;
  • linger in this position for 5-7 seconds and exhale to return to the starting position;
  • repeat the same steps with the other hand.

When performing the exercise, you should definitely feel how the sides stretch. The main advantage of this pose is that, along with getting rid of fat deposits on the sides, the legs are also trained and the flexibility of the spine develops. Each side requires up to 2 sets of 6-8 reps.

An effective, but not for everyone, favorite exercise is the regular and side plank. The first one is done like this:

  • lie on your stomach, bend your arms and rest them on the floor, lifting your body into the air;
  • the head must be located in line with the spine;
  • in a position with emphasis only on the toes and elbows, it is necessary to hold out as long as possible;
  • if the back begins to sag, then it is time to stop the exercise.

For the second, you must follow the following instructions:

  • lie on your side, rest on the floor with the elbow of your lower hand, and put your other hand behind your head or put it on your thigh;
  • while inhaling, tear the pelvis off the floor and raise it as high as possible;
  • as you exhale, lower yourself to the starting position;
  • This exercise is performed 20 times for each side.

Equipment training

People are often interested in what exercises to do to remove the stomach and sides if there is no time to visit the gym. In fact, this is not difficult, since you can train at home with additional equipment. To complete the complex, you will need the following inventory:

  • dumbbells;
  • neck from the bar;
  • hoop;
  • fitness disc.

The main exercises that are included in an effective complex for home workouts:

  1. Rolls on the ball. Putting your palms on the floor and throwing both bent legs on the projectile, you need to carefully roll the ball to the sides. You need to repeat 15 times for each side.
  2. Tilts with dumbbells. Pick up one dumbbell each (more than 2 kg) and position your legs slightly narrower than shoulder width. Taking a deep breath and exhaling, you need to lower yourself to the sides alternately. In total, there should be about 20 repetitions on each side.
  3. Body twists with bar. Taking the projectile in your hands and placing it on your shoulders behind your head, you need to sit on a bench and turn your body first in one direction, then in the other. This exercise is done in 2 sets of 10 repetitions.
  4. Hoop twist. It is familiar to all people, as they encountered it back in school days in physical education classes. The effect directly depends on the severity of the device. You need to start twisting the hoop from 10 minutes, but gradually this time should be increased.
  5. Turns of the body on the disk. Standing on the disk next to a chair or other support, in order to avoid falling, you need to hold on to it with your hands and turn your torso to the sides. In this case, it should be remembered that the body should be directed in one direction, and the legs in the opposite direction. It doesn't have to be done very quickly. It is best to perform the exercise for a minute.

When people ask about what exercises to do to reduce the stomach, they are often intimidated by such workouts, because at first glance they seem too difficult for them. In fact, even the person who before that had nothing to do with sports at all can perform this whole complex without any problems.

In addition to such exercises to get rid of fat deposits on the abdomen and sides, you can do light morning jogs, swim and stretch your muscles daily. Regular classes will certainly lead to good results, with which you can surprise not only yourself, but also those around you.

Basic complex

The answers to the question of what exercises to do in order to quickly remove the stomach can be completely different, since today there are many complexes aimed specifically at eliminating body fat in the most problematic places.

In addition to those listed above, there are many more interesting and effective exercises. Like the previous ones, they can be performed both individually and in combination. All of them are listed below. Both women and men can remove extra centimeters with their help.

Warm up

Before you know what exercises to do at home to remove the stomach, you should learn one rule - no workout can begin without a warm-up. It takes only 5 minutes to warm up the muscles and prepare them for the main loads. As a warm-up, you can do:

  • swing legs and arms (to the sides, forward and backward);
  • slopes;
  • body rotations.

After the warm-up, the main complex begins. All exercises in it will need to be performed in two sets of 10 times. Between sets, stretch and relax for 15 seconds.


Speaking about what exercises to do to remove the stomach, it is worth noting the basis of the whole complex for a flat stomach. It is simple twisting that you need to do every day.

Starting position - lying on your back, pulling your legs bent at the knees towards you, placing your hands behind your head and straining your abs. The first step is to smoothly tear off the shoulders with the head and arms from the floor, tensing the abdominal muscles as much as possible, and slightly turn the body to the side. At the top point, you need to linger for a couple of seconds, and then return to the starting position.

When performing the exercise, you need to carefully monitor your elbows so that they do not stretch forward. You should also keep your chin in the air, not pressed against your chest, and try not to strain your buttocks. When you exhale, you need to lift, and when you inhale, go down.

Leg raise

Recently, the question of what exercises should be done to remove the stomach, or rather its lower part, has been especially relevant. The answer is simple - it can be done quickly and effectively with leg raises.

The starting position in this case is as follows: lying on your back, legs bent at a right angle and raised up so that the hips are perpendicular to the floor. In this case, the hands must be spread apart and turn the palms down.

Straining the press, you should slowly tear your hips off the floor by about a couple of centimeters, without changing the angle of inclination of the legs. At the top point, you need to linger for a couple of seconds without relaxing the press, and then return to the starting position. Inhalation is required to be carried out at the bottom point, exhalation - at the top.

Twisting and lifting legs

Not only a professional trainer, but also athletes who have been practicing for at least more than one year can answer the question of what exercises to do to remove the stomach. These people recommend that beginners do the leg raise crunch, which combines the previous two exercises.

From the initial position (lying with legs raised, ankles parallel to the floor and hands behind the head), tighten the press and at the same time pull the chest with knees to each other (you can pull the legs alternately and reach for them with opposite elbows). In this case, it is necessary to smoothly tear off both the shoulders and the hips from the floor surface. It is better to stay in this position for no more than 5 seconds, then go back down and repeat the rise again.

This option is really an excellent answer to the question of what exercises can be done to reduce the stomach. With its help, you can quickly forget about the hated folds, but only if it is systematically performed.

Lateral twist

What exercises should be done to reduce the stomach? This is a topical issue at all times. They are interested not only in girls who are prone to accumulating fat in these places, but also in men who have a "beer tummy", which certainly does not decorate them.

An exercise for working out the oblique muscles of the abdomen is performed from the starting position - lying on a special mat on your back with your arms bent behind your head and legs with your feet resting on the floor. Alternately, it is necessary to perform twisting in different directions, stretching your shoulder to the opposite knee. In this case, the elbows must be kept at shoulder level so that the load is more on the press. After a couple of seconds of delay, you need to return to the starting position and repeat all over again.

After learning what exercises to do to reduce the stomach, many people immediately try to perform as many repetitions as possible in order to quickly get the desired result. In fact, beginners who have not previously played sports, who try to exhaust themselves with training on the very first day, risk worsening their health and the next time they go to class not soon. Therefore, do not be zealous and do more than experienced specialists recommend.


When people ask what exercises to do to remove the stomach, they completely forget about physical education, which was carried out back in primary school. But there were also exercises aimed at losing weight. One of them is "bicycle". It is liked by all people without exception, as it is easy to perform, and the result is stunning.

Starting position - lie on your back with straight legs raised, hands behind your head. The shoulders come off the floor and remain in this state throughout the exercise. Then the legs are alternately bent in a circular motion, simulating cycling. Movements should not be too fast, as the press should be well felt during the exercise. It takes 1-2 minutes to complete.

Being interested in what exercises need to be done to remove the stomach, it is necessary to take into account the condition own health. Among the complexes listed above, there are those that are not recommended to be performed in several approaches without consulting a doctor if there are serious heart problems. Therefore, before you find out what exercises to do to remove the stomach, you need to seek help from a doctor. Perhaps he will recommend another complex, based on the results of the tests, which will be effective for this particular patient.

sock toe swing

A fairly simple exercise that gives a serious load on the press - swaying your socks from a prone position. It helps to eliminate fat both on the abdomen and on the sides, even though only the press is felt during execution.

The first step is to take the starting position - lying with your hands behind your head and with bent legs, the ankles of which are parallel to the floor, and the knees are brought together. Then it is required to tear off the shoulders from the floor surface and at the same time gently touch the floor with the toe of one foot, and then return to the starting position. You can lower your legs alternately or use only one of them per approach. During execution, you should monitor the press so that it is he who is tensed, and not the neck and legs.

Raising the legs from the supporting position

The complex concludes by lifting the legs from the position of the usual bar, which was described above. This exercise must be performed last to consolidate the result.

Standing on the bar and forming a clear straight line of the body, you should raise one of the legs to about hip height and fix it there for a couple of counts. Then you need to return to the starting position and repeat all the same steps with the other leg. Inhalation must be carried out when lifting, exhalation - when lowering the limbs.


Now it’s certainly clear how you can get rid of the hated kilograms and what exercises to do. Removing belly fat with their help is quite easy. But at the same time, do not forget about the hitch. It is considered to be just as important an element of a workout as the warm-up.

Within 5 minutes, you will need to perform traditional stretching of various muscle groups. Particular attention should be paid to the press and back, for which stretching forward, backward and to the side, as well as backbends, are suitable.

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