The meaning of the combinations of Lenormand cards. Lenormand cards, their meaning and combination in love layouts. Star card combinations

Ceramics, fireclay 29.11.2020
Ceramics, fireclay

The interpretation of the meaning of each card separately can be found in the reference book on our website. Simple ones can be viewed all at once on a separate page.

On the Internet, you can find the interpretation of the combination of Lenormand cards. The most famous interpretations are given according to the classic books describing Sylvia Stenbach's "The Secret of the Lenormand Oracle" and AA Kotelnikova's "Lessons in Divination with Maria Lenormand". On our site, interpretations of the combination of Lenormand cards are given in accordance with these books. Interpretations are interesting, although any alignment needs to be interpreted, listening to the subconscious, capturing the general energy, based on personal experience that will come in time.

In the book by AA Kotelnikova "Lessons in Prediction with Maria Lenormand" the first card serves as a kind of soil on which the action of the second card develops. When interpreting the alignment, it really plays a role which card goes first and which second. So if the Horseman goes first, and then the House, then this is an arrival. If the House goes first, and the Horseman follows, then this is, on the contrary, removal. Despite the seeming favorableness of the House and Horseman cards for a relationship, it can mean parting. Sign that someone is leaving the house.

The interpretation also includes some values ​​of paired cards based on personal experience. So, in combination with a strongly negative Serpent card with the Horseman card, it is possible to interpret it as a sudden and strong blow from a previously unforeseen enemy. In the layout of the health of the Snake and the Rider, there are minor health problems, problems with internal organs, intestinal and stomach problems. A strongly negative Scythe card with the Horseman card also predicts a blow, a dangerous and rapidly developing situation. In a combination of other cards with a negative scythe card, everything is also bad, nothing good can be, it is a scythe. When a negative Spit card is present in a combination of cards, you need to remember the words of the poet Omar Khayyam: Be careful - the villainous fate is near! The sword of time is sharp - do not be a peephole! When Fate puts halva in your mouth, beware - do not eat: sugar is mixed with poison in it! Improve such bad cards as the Scythe, the Cross, the Coffin can only be the Sun, rarely even the Bouquet.

The Fox card is also considered negative, according to the position in which it is, they look at the negativity of the card. It is believed that the Fox, in combination with the Stars and next to the Anchor, says that the work of a loved one is associated with creative activity... If the Fox is in combination with the Horseman card, then there is a meeting where you need to hold everything in your hands and be more quirky, and the Fox points to this. The fox in combination with the Moon indicates deception, a lie. It is noticed that the Fox, together with the Tree, often means a bad, unknown disease or not diagnosed. Interesting combinations, time-tested.

There are opposite interpretations and opinions. So there is an opinion that the Clover card is neutral, it can add a positive moment only in combination with positive cards, it means a good period. It is believed that Clover is not given to influence bad cards, especially the Cross. But there is an opinion that the combination of Clover and Cross is unpleasant, the end of hope, and says that it is better for a person to abandon his intentions, everything is in vain, nothing good awaits him on this path.

There are layouts when the triad consists of positive cards, and the result is the Cross. What can this alignment mean? For example, 16 Stars, 25 Ring, 31 Sun fall out. As a result, 36 Cross. How, in this case, to answer the question: "What events are expected?" Does this mean that the Cross card has some kind of neutral meaning? Or, then, should all cards in the triad be considered negative? Experienced connoisseurs disagreed on interpretation. According to one opinion, this may mean that these events will have significant, fateful significance. And in another opinion, this may indicate that events will come in trials, not quite smoothly, with a creak, hard. The third opinion is a marriage in which it is destined, predetermined to be karmically happy.

Listen to the subconscious, your intuition in each specific situation will help you draw the right conclusion, look into the future and, possibly, soften the troubles and blows of fate.

Given in combination of cards with each other in accordance with the books: Sylvia Stenbach "Secret of the oracle Lenormand" (translated from Italian) and A. A. Kotelnikova "Lessons of prediction with Maria Lenormand".

The first values ​​of the combinations came to us from Lenormand herself. These triple combinations, or as they are called, triads, which help to take a deeper look at the alignment. Please note that only cards in a row can be considered a combination and nothing else. The card is designated by its serial number (see card meanings).

The value of a combination of cards in triads

1 + 18 + 27 = Thoughts of a soul mate about you. Good news from him. Arrival is possible or at least a phone call.

1 + 25 + 20 = Willpower leads to happiness.

2 + 23 + 10 = Allowing losses and conflicts due to spiritual simplicity and own naivety.

2 + 33 + 20 = Happiness as a result of finding the Truly Wise path in your life. Simplicity and love will open doors to special achievement.

3 + 30 + 20 = Striving and diligence in terms of spiritual self-improvement. Nobility and honor. Intelligence and sagacity. Good consequences. Beautiful Karma.

4 + 15 + 19 = Between Heaven and Earth. A test for the true titans of the spirit.

6 + 25 + 32 = Constant indecision, doubts of the spirit, darkness of consciousness. Stagnation and ignorance.

6 + 32 + 33 = Looming disturbing events. The dangers will apparently be overcome.

7 + 5 + 31 = Development of mental centers. Kundalini energy awakening. Consciousness growth and its stabilization.

7 + 27 + 16 = Wise advice from the invisible world.

8 + 24 + 31 = To rise from the ashes, to perk up, to awaken from the long slumber of consciousness, to understand the essence of what is happening.

8 + 32 + 31 = Bursting with a tragic past. A way out of spiritual slumber. Resurrection through the struggle of the spirit.

8 + 36 + 31 = End of the black bar. Spiritual revival. Aspirations and inspired hopes.

9 +10 + 23 = Gifts of fate that do not promise happiness.

11 + 12 + 35 = Hard memories, deep thoughts.

11 + 13 + 21 = Infantile contradictions and, as a result, karmic tests.

11 + 23 + 35 = Quarrels and conflicts that aggravate karma and bind the spirit to the Earth.

11 + 24 + 36 = Remorse, self-flagellation, remorse.

11 + 32 + 21 = Internal aggressive blocks.

12 + 33 + 31 = Clairvoyance, insight, wisdom and foresight. Intelligence leading to a clear goal.

12 + 34 +15 = Deep thoughts of the Sublime. Thinking about your future and your Teacher.

13 + 36 + 15 = Karmic connection with the Esoteric Teacher.

14 + 17 + 12 = Think about the duplicity and hypocrisy of the employee.

14 + 19 + 21 = False goals and aspirations. Meeting obstacles.

14 + 34 + 6 = Disingenuous and proudly lying. Weakness of spirit.

15 + 21 + 19 = Hermitage, loneliness of spirit, withdrawal from the world, denial of the social sphere of society.

15 + 27 + 36 = Warning of invisible forces. Sign of the Teacher.

17 + 21 + 16 = Transcendental, romantic-lofty naive dreams and aspirations through mountains of obstacles. Changing plans in accordance with new spiritual projects.

18 + 24 +5 = Constant benefit from a faithful friend, co-religionist or kind helper.

20 + 5 + 31 = A wise path to abundance, joy, happiness, prosperity. Success in creativity.

20 + 8 +13 = Leaving the physical plane. Fast reincarnation.

20 + 32 + 35 = Refinement of feelings and manners, light sadness, love of the past, the attraction of the past, the call of karma.

21 + 5 + 7 = Not an easy awakening of the psychic centers (chakras).

21 + 33 + 20 = Courageously overcoming all obstacles and getting on the right path in life. Everything was good.

22 + 20 + 31 = The road to fame, honor, recognition of merit.

22 + 26 + 31 = Path of Spiritual growth, spiritual evolution of consciousness. Powerful positive change through a wise lifestyle and continuous self-improvement.

23 + 24 + 14 = Hidden vices, dark flaws in the soul, which should be eliminated immediately!

24 + 8 +18 = Depression, melancholy, nostalgia, the influence of thoughts about the past, stagnation in the sensory sphere.

24 + 19 + 15 = Teacher's love and care. High Spiritual Protection.

25 + 3 + 8 = Fast completion life path... End of married life.

25 + 26 + 20 = Karmic merits that take the soul away from the Wheel of Samsara (the wheel of reincarnation). Knowledge leading to Truth.

25 + 30 + 36 = Positive events in family matters as an Act of Help from the Higher Powers.

26 + 5 + 3 = The Teaching of Light will lead you to prospects and victories.

26 + 5 + 20 = Evolutionary growth of consciousness. Dreams come true.

26 + 9 + 20 = Art, poetry, music classes. Reading religious or spiritual literature.

26 + 16 + 19 = Know your Cosmic Nature! Your True Home is in heaven.

26 +16 + 31 = Telepathy, clairvoyance, prophecy, prediction, intuition, forebodings, which have a solid foundation.

26 + 21 + 31 = Passing the Path of Trials and exit to the Light. The victory of spirit over matter.

26 + 36 + 19 = Preaching, advocacy, missionary work.

26 + 36 + 21 = Karmic obstacles are inevitable.

27 + 22 + 19 = New karmic opportunities and prospects.

27 + 36 + 21 = Unexpected Karmic obstacles.

28 + 19 + 29 = Highly moral relationship with a lady, rather spiritual than sexual.

28 + 25 + 29 = Deep karmic connections. Unity of kindred souls.

29 + 4 + 28 = Finding solid support in yourself.

29 + 24 +20 = Narcissism, rainbow feelings and dreams. The victory of feelings over reason. Erotic aspirations and hopes.

29 + 31 + 1 = Reaching the inner harmony of the heart. Esoteric androgenicity (spiritual combination of yang and yin in consciousness).

29 + 35 + 20 = Sexual addiction contrary to the spiritual path.

30 + 13 + 2 = A clear conscience, purity of deeds, words and thoughts.

30 + 24 + 31 = Sincere faith in God. Following the Ideal.

32 + 26 + 31 = Spiritual revival, the path of discipleship in esotericism.

33 + 13 + 31 = "Be like children and enter the kingdom of God."

33 + 16 + 19 = Correct knowledge of esoteric doctrines. The road to the Temple of Truth. Higher World- Home of the incarnating soul.

33 + 22 + 8 = Missed opportunities.

33 + 26 + 36 = Correct understanding of the scriptures, esoteric books.

35 + 8 + 4 = To be burdened by your own home. Shackles on the sails of the soul. Hard life. Living on weekdays. Soul emptiness.

36 + 32 + 35 = Prejudice, superstition, dogma, atavism, persistence on false paths.

Frenchwoman Maria Lenormand is one of the most famous fortune tellers in history. She lived in the troubled times of the French Revolution. Her clients were Napoleon and Josephine, Marat and Robespierre. And what she guessed to each of them later came true.

To foresee the future, she used a deck of 36 cards, but she had her own card meanings for all occasions. The fortune teller did not leave information about her system to the descendants, but today we can use Lenormand's cards, which have been recreated on the basis of numerous memories.

  • Rider. Card number 1. Nine of Hearts. New information, message. Adjacent cards will determine the theme.
  • Clover. Card number 2. Six of tambourines. Symbolizes your plans. With positive, light cards next to it speaks of profit.
  • Ship. Card number 3. Ten of spades. Movement, action, change, travel. With bad cards close - changes for the worse.
  • House. Card number 4. King of Hearts. A successful, thriving business. A happy home is a full bowl.
  • Wood. Card number 5. Seven of hearts. A flowering tree speaks of good health. The further it is located from the fortuneteller's card, the better the state of health.
  • Clouds. Card number 6. King of clubs. Threats, problems. The clouds are gathering over you. Troubles are possible in some areas of life.
  • Snake. Card number 7. The lady of the club. In any position, he speaks of betrayal. Look for an ill-wisher in your environment.
  • Coffin. Card number 8. Diamonds nine. The name speaks for itself. Difficulties. Problems. Disease.
  • Bouquet. Card number 9. Queen of Spades. A beautiful bouquet is a great card in any position. V love hands mutual feelings, understanding.
  • Spit. Card number 10. Jack of Diamonds. Difficult map, signals a conflict. May show bad luck, accident.
  • Broom. Card number 11. Jack of clubs. The broom is a symbol of change, conflict.
  • Owls. Card number 12. Seven of diamonds. Gloomy owl birds are a symbol of anxiety. Bad thoughts.
  • Child. Card number 13. Jack of spades. Freshness and harmony in relationships, profit. New friends, the birth of a child.
  • Fox. Card number 14. Nine of clubs. The appearance of the fox speaks of betrayal.
  • Bear. Card number 15. Ten clubs. A powerful sign. Energy, the ability to create.
  • Stars. Card number 16. Six of hearts. Stars are events. Their theme and coloring is determined by other cards.
  • Stork. Card number 17. Lady of Hearts. The stork is a sweet, calm sign. Talking about happy changes.

  • Dog. Card number 18. A dozen of hearts. Indicates a faithful friend who is ready to help.
  • Tower. Card number 19. The six of spades. A slender tower is the result of long work. Symbolizes the result.
  • Garden. Card number 20. The eight of spades. Festive, light sign. Pleasure.
  • Mountain. Card number 21. Clubs eight. A mountain peak is always overcoming. Predicts serious difficulties.
  • Fork. Card number 22. The Queen of Diamonds. The intersection indicates that you will need to choose your own path.
  • Rat. Card number 23. Seven of clubs. Gray rats spoil property - such is the map. She talks about loss, damage.
  • Heart. Card number 24. Jack of Hearts. One of the nicest cards. Indicates a period of unselfish love.
  • Ring. Card number 25. Ace of clubs. Indicates marriage. Wedding is possible. Meeting with a person who is useful to you.
  • Book. Card number 26. Ten of Diamonds. It makes sense that the book talks about experience, learning.
  • Letter. Card number 27. Seven of spades. News. Important document, contract. The surrounding maps will tell about its theme.
  • Man. Card number 28. Ace of hearts. Means a man (fortuneteller). Also symbolizes father, brother, husband.
  • Female. Card number 29. Ace of spades. Means a woman (fortuneteller). Mother, sister, wife. In divination for love - the feminine principle.
  • Lilies. Card number 30. The king of spades. Power symbol. Talking about patronage. In a love story - a high relationship.
  • The sun. Card number 31. Ace of diamonds. Speaks of great success. This is a card of wealth, winning, luck.
  • Moon. Card number 32. Eight of hearts. Symbolizes public recognition. If the card lies far from your card, then it says that all your efforts to create a strong position may be in vain.
  • Key. Card number 33. The eight of diamonds. Idea, solution, happy key to the situation. When placed away from the fortuneteller's card, it indicates that the solution to the problem will not be revealed immediately.
  • Fishes. Card number 34. King of Diamonds. Great card! Says that your wishes will soon come true.
  • Anchor. Card number 35. Peak nine. Consistency, help, support. Next to the fortuneteller's card speaks of his reliability, loyalty.
  • Cross. Card number 36. Clubs six. Talking about suffering. The fortuneteller will face a serious problem. If the card is next to "your" card, the solution is near.
  • With a Ship, House, Tree, Bouquet, Baby, Stars, Stork, Heart, Pisces - new opportunities.

    With Clouds, Snake, Coffin, Scythe, Broom, Owls, Fox, Cross - negative news.

    With a Ship, Rider, House, Tree, Bouquet, Baby, Stars, Stork, Heart, Pisces, Tower - the fulfillment of hopes.

    With Clouds, Snake, Coffin, Scythe, Broom, Owls, Fox, Cross, Mountain, Rats, Anchor - unfavorable situations.

    With positive cards - a pleasant trip. With negative ones - a worsening of the situation. If the Serpent is nearby - danger from afar. The dog is the arrival of a friend. Mountain, Fork, Rats means a bad trip.

    The card adds a positive value to each card. Softens bad cards. Strengthens the positive. In combination with the Clouds - troubles at home. The snake is a home tyrant.

    In combination with other cards, it speaks of the sphere of health, bodily well-being of a person. For example: with Clover - about life in nature. With the Ship - about a trip to nature. Spit, Coffin - talk about a possible operation.

    With some positive cards, the clouds simply indicate that the period of trouble is over. For example: Rider, Clover, Sun, Key.

    Other positive cards simply indicate the location of the trouble: for example: Ship - trouble on the way. Home - problems in the home.

    Degrades the values ​​of all cards. Speaks about danger, envy in any scenario.

    Exceptions: Stars - this combination speaks of knowledge. Stork - victory over the enemy. Book, Lily - Ancient Knowledge. The sun is health.

    Degrades all values. It has total value: assurances, total, loss.

    Exceptions: Snake - Rebirth. The bouquet is an inheritance. Bear, Sun - help will come at the most difficult moment. Stork is the end of a streak of problems. The dog is a friend's help.

    Brightens and brightens each card.

    Exception: Snake (trick gift). Scythe is a refusal of joy. The mountain is a rejection of the holiday. Cross: a spoiled holiday.

    He talks about the danger in a particular area of ​​life. For example: in combination with the Ship - danger during the trip. The house is a section of inheritance. The dog is breaking up with a friend. The heart is a divorce, in the context of a relationship. Exception - Mountain: defeating enemies.

    The broom speaks of minor troubles, misunderstandings, minor problems. For example: Rider - gossip, House - quarrels.

    There are exceptions: the combination with the Ship is positive: problems will remain in the past. The bouquet is a truce.

    Owls talk about bad thoughts, forebodings, minor troubles. Deteriorate positive cards. In combination with negative ones, they speak of depression.

    It speaks of freshness, clarity of perception. May simply indicate a small size. But it can also indicate infantilism (in combination with Clover, Fork, Man, Woman, Anchor).

    With a tree: talent. With negative cards: concern for the child. Problems associated with it.

    He always talks about deception. Other cards indicate the area where the deception awaits. For example: Home is a deception in the family. The tree is a deception of the doctor. The heart is a deception from a loved one. A good combination: with the Coffin, the Scythe - the end of lies.

    Talking about protection. Sometimes indicates size. For example: A bouquet is a generous, great gift. A dog is a great, influential friend. The tower is a stable position in society. Heart - very bright, strong feelings.

    Not a bad card. He talks about the order of the universe and the fulfillment of desires in combination with positive cards. In combination with negative, it speaks of trouble, the impossibility of fulfilling your dreams, loss.

    A symbol of happiness and homeland. Even the meaning of negative cards often changes. It talks about the beginning of a good period combined with good cards (House, Ship, Garden, Mountain).

    Perhaps about the birth of a child (House, Child, Man, Woman, Moon) or a new relationship (Heart, Ring).

    As a rule, the combinations are favorable. Talk about a friend's help. Clouds, Serpent, Scythe, Fox, Fork, Rats speak about the likelihood of deception, Coffin, Cross speak about the end of friendship.

    He often talks about success, stability, friends. About the deterioration of the situation - in combination with the Clouds, the Serpent, the Coffin, the Fox. Illness - Broom, Owl, Cross.

    Heart combination meaning

    A wonderful card, many combinations are good, they speak of happiness, joyful events, deep feelings. Shows hatred, negative feelings in combination with Clouds, Snake, Coffin, Scythe.

    Ring combination value

    Most of the meanings are good, pleasant union, useful contact. Warns of caution: in combination with Clouds, Serpent, Coffin, Scythe, Rats, Cross.

    The meaning of the combination of the Book

    He talks about obtaining information, revealing secrets in a particular area or by me. For example: in combination with the House, the Moon: family secrets. Owls, Clouds - dubious, dangerous information. Coffin, Tower - the inability to reveal the secret. Child, Stork - the beginning of training.

    The value of the combination with the card Letter

    Talking about the message. Good cards add meaning: getting important, good information. In combination with bad news, it speaks of bad news. Snake, Fox: you will receive false data.

    The value of the combination with the Lily card

    Speaks about virtue. Sometimes - about spiritual development (Rider, Ship). Indicates abilities (House, Tree, Child, Dog, Tower, Book, Man, Woman, Moon).

    In combination with negative cards, it can have the meaning of slander, danger: Clouds, Snake, Broom. Scythe, Owls, Rats.

    The value of the combination of cards Sun

    It speaks of stability, takeoff, luck, prosperity in almost any combination.

    Exceptions: Clouds, Snake, Scythe, Cross. In this case, it warns of possible unexpected troubles.

    The meaning of the combination of the Key card

    The key points to ideas, solutions, especially when combined with good cards. For example: with Clover, Tree, House, Rider, Snake, Scythe, Child, Bear, Tower, Moon.

    Fish is a symbol of water. Its meaning is not always clear. Sometimes he speaks of the fluidity of the situation, its fragility. He often talks about the financial sector. Combinations with the Horseman speak of profit. Clover, House, Tree, Bouquet, Bear, Stars, Stork, Tower, Heart, Ring, Sun. Losses Money: Clouds, Snake, Coffin, Broom, Owls, Mountain.

    The meaning of the combination of the Anchor card

    Sometimes the card can speak simply about the conservative views of the fortuneteller: for example, cards Man, Woman, Clover, House, Tree, Tower. Indicates stagnation, stagnation: Coffin, Clouds, Mountain.

    There are good values: in combination with the Bouquet - good gift... The bear is a great help. A dog is a very strong friendship. The heart is calm. Ring - the strength of feelings, relationships.

    With some positive cards, it can speak of the end of the testing period. For example: Rider, Clover, Ship, Key. Has the idea of ​​retribution for sins: House, Tree, Bouquet, Child, Stork, Sun. Strengthens the value of negative cards.

    Fortune telling on the cards of Maria Lenormand allows you to open the veil of secrecy and look into the future. In an effort to understand the intention of Fate, in the layout it is necessary to carefully study the combination of Lenormand cards. Correct interpretation will make it possible not only to predict turning events, but also to choose the best scenario for their development, to determine the point of application of one's efforts. So, to emerge victorious from difficult life situations.

    Interpreting card combinations

    The interpretation is based on a simple and intuitive image of each card. In the Lenormand deck, the combination of symbols has an associative meaning. In order to bring the images of individual cards together and understand the information that the layout as a whole carries, you need to use three principles of constructing integral values:

    Madame Lenormand's deck contains positive, negative and neutral symbols. Key words associated with their meaning allow you to read paired combinations and triads of cards.

    Paired values

    A short breakdown of relationships will help you understand the current situation, see the roots and consequences of what is happening in the present. It can be successfully used to reveal character and perspective. love relationship... To do this, you need a correct decoding of the values ​​\ u200b \ u200bof Lenormand cards in love layouts. Combinations are made up of the meanings of two characters.

    Happy event

    Pair combinations that portend a happy event:

    Signs like these are worth listening to.

    Good news

    The appearance of the Horseman or the Letter symbols in the layout paired with an auspicious card predicts the receipt of a joyful message. The rider is a "bearer of information". The letter is associated with mystery and means that the message will come from afar. The content of the news will be revealed by the neighboring map:

    Look carefully and don't mix up the cards.

    Stable relationship

    Paired combinations of cards, denoting the stabilization of harmonious relations:

    • Home + Heart: happiness in the house, great love.
    • Wood + Ring: strong relationships, fulfilled obligations.
    • Heart + Anchor: deep and reliable feelings that may lack variety.
    • Sun + Tower: strong bonds, stable relationships that bring joy.

    Any of these couples portends warmth and comfort in the house.

    Losses, worsening of the situation

    Pair combinations that predict losses, breakdowns, difficult circumstances in which no improvement is yet expected. There are two negative cards or an unfavorable symbol in the second position:

    If during fortune-telling, along with the Heart and the Ring, a Snake, Fox, Fork, Owl falls out, you can expect deception or betrayal. This is a clear warning. If the Cross falls out in the second position, this means that the current situation cannot be influenced. Decryption can be twofold: the relationship will cease to exist, or this relationship cannot be broken off.

    Triple character combinations

    To predict the development of love relationships, it is used big deal... The signifiers of partners are the cards Man and Woman. All other values ​​\ u200b \ u200bof Lenormand cards in the layout for relations are interpreted based on these key cards. The symbols that are between the lovers make up triads. It is necessary to understand and describe the holistic image created by the three cards.

    Diaries with entries have been preserved, in which the most important triple combinations of Lenormand cards are recorded. The meanings and combinations in the layout indicate the feelings of each of the partners, external circumstances, the state and prospects for the development of their relationship.

    A favorable development of events portends triads, which include positive and neutral cards:

    Difficulties foreshadow combinations in which there are one or two negative cards. They are especially unfavorable in the middle or at the end of the triad:

    • Clouds, Ring, Moon: doubts, indecision, lack of dynamics. Union does not bring joy.
    • Bouquet, Scythe, Rats: an auspicious card at the beginning of the triad indicates the gift of Destiny, which will not bring happiness.
    • Broom, Rats, Anchor: constant conflicts and quarrels. The anchor at the end of the triad makes the relationship stable and grounded. No changes are foreseen.
    • Fox, Pisces, Cloud: guile, weakness of spirit. The positive Pisces card is enclosed between the symbols of lies and troubles.
    • Heart, Clouds, Moon: heart experiences, doubts, crisis. The moon next to the Clouds means heavy forebodings, which cannot be gotten rid of.
    • Ring, Ship, Coffin: quick breaking of marital ties or that which binds people.
    • Book, Cross, Mountain: obstacles are predetermined by Fate and inevitable. The triad does not show a way out of this situation.
    • Key, Fork, Coffin: irrecoverable loss. The key in the first position indicates an opportunity that has been missed.
    • Heart, Fork, Snake: love triangle. Foreshadows heartache, insincerity, doubt. Someone else is present in the relationship.

    For love layouts, 36 cards of the Lenormand deck are more often used. Lizzie Black, a popular fortune teller, recommends using a deck of 52 symbols for a detailed study of relationships. This is advantageous when making a forward-looking forecast that shows the fate and nature of the love union.

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