What kind of man is not worth living with. Run away from such men! What girls should you build relationships with?

Putties 01.09.2021

We all want to be happy. But don't just dream about it. To act and seek is what you need if you have not yet found your soul mate. And in order to save your time, not to waste it on meaningless and dead-end romances, you should know which men should be cut off immediately if such types get in your way.

The advice of a professional matchmaker with ten years of experience will help in this. Tatiana Tasueva, whose book "How and where to find a real prince" was published by the EKSMO publishing house. Tatiana is a practicing psychoanalyst, founder and director of an international marriage agency.

So which men should be avoided:

1. A person burdened with bad habits

Unfortunately, in our country, the problem of alcoholism has affected almost every family. Bad inclinations are difficult to hide, you cannot hide an awl in a sack, they are revealed very quickly, almost from the first meeting. Sometimes it never comes to a meeting when the prospective applicant calls and speaks in an obtuse language. When a man at the first meeting does not drink at all or orders himself several glasses of beer in a row, and then "catches up" - this is a bad sign, run away from him at breakneck speed. You do not need to re-educate him and “heal with love”, no matter how good he is, nothing will work out. Let him cope with his problems himself. And you have your own life and your own person ahead, you just have to wait a little.

2. Gigolo (gigolo)

But often men themselves, despite a positive set of circumstances, begin to look for more profitable and promising options that can give them more morally and materially, satisfy an insatiable desire to be prosperous and happy at any cost.

3. Mom's son

Please be on your guard if a man up to 30–35 years old did not have a family and children! A real active guy should already have several. You want to see a real man by your side, right? Perhaps you already have a child, why else?

However, the likelihood that you will simply "give it back" is very small. He has a mother, who, due to life circumstances, lost her husband, more often he simply never was. The son replaces her both her husband (who was supposed to take care of her) and the child (whom she should take care of). It is difficult to wedge a wedge into such a family, and it is not necessary. Subconsciously, he wants to find a woman and is looking for her, but in fact he is already "married to his mother" and the two of them feel good.

Therefore, be careful if the adult has never been married and has no children. And even worse, if there is, but he does not care about them, because "the woman wanted to give birth." Did he not have the time and opportunity to start a family? It is not true. He just doesn't want, he doesn't need to. Mom did not allow, friends dissuaded. He doesn't need it, but why do you need it? Leave it to your mom. He will never look after and seek you, and if he does, he will quickly leave the race and again sit at his mother's skirt, and his friends-friends will console him. This subject is not worth your attention, you should not waste your time on him. It won't work anyway.

4. A married man

How many women have spent years on such men! And do not count! A married man is not your man. It is humiliating to be a mistress, unless you have a "frenzied content" and he picks the stars from the sky literally and figuratively, folding them at your feet. Then you can put up with it and be patient.

A married boyfriend does not live well with his wife or she is "sick". He says that he will definitely get divorced ... then, someday, when the children grow up, when the youngest is 18 years old and he goes to college, when his wife recovers (or vice versa, anything happens that they just don’t think of), etc. Do you believe him? In vain. But how to convince you? We ourselves, as the poet observed observantly, are glad to be deceived. He just uses you, and you let him. Perhaps he really will divorce and marry later, only ... not with you, but you will spend your best years chasing a ghost.

If you are in such a relationship, end it as quickly as possible, the lover should be dumped first. Better not to start. You don't have to do nonsense, even if it's very boring! Well, if you already have an affair with a married man, please do not count on him as a husband. He is already married and does not belong to you, this relationship can be viewed as entertainment, an outlet among the gray everyday life, something serious is unlikely to work out. My advice is to let him go. Let him go. If he comes back, he is yours, if not, he was never yours. It is very difficult, but there is no other way out. Because if you hold it, then she will really want to leave, even if she had only thought about it before. Men do not like to leave their homes, “they live where they live”, they are not so easy to “kick out”, they are so arranged, they are very frightened by the novelty and the beginning of a new, albeit in the long term, and a very happy life.

5. Don Juan, pick-up artist, Casanova

Such men are passionate about ... all pretty women! They lead a dissolute life, gravitating towards carnal pleasures. They are real record holders in winning women's hearts, hundreds, perhaps thousands of ladies have visited the bed of experienced ladies' men and they remember almost every one, sometimes they write it down, keep records.

The meaning and lifestyle of Don Juan: love victory - disappointment - short rest - victory - disappointment - rest - another victory! And so on endlessly. Carried away by a woman, he can seriously fall in love, but after the first intimacy, love quickly disappears somewhere and disappointment, and sometimes disgust, sets in. He will never calm down, will not stop falling in love and falling in love, the source of his strength is unlimited. Men of this kind are incapable of being faithful.

Men of this kind do not want to get married at all, they are not satisfied with a relationship with a single woman. Even if such a man marries, his other half will have to bend under the weight of branchy horns all his life. And nothing can be done about it, they are incorrigible. Therefore, such men have a lot of marriages. Children grow up in families, and the Don Juan continues to look for an object of desire, spreading feathers like a peacock. Such men are usually aesthetes, they are looking for their ideal, and sometimes they just have fun, and more often both.

In general, this is a rather funny and pathetic type, if you do not take it seriously, but use it for its intended purpose. It might be worth trying, but only as entertainment, because they are not suitable for a serious relationship. This type can come in handy during the period of "fishlessness", it can even become your friend, girlfriend, but never a husband!

6. Bad guy

Such a man is able to drive at high speed on a motorcycle, skipping a working day, then get drunk in a bar and fight. They live in all strata of society, from ordinary guys to "golden youth" (they often mimic bohemian, show business, rock). They are accompanied by bad habits, rudeness and foul language. They change their girlfriends like gloves, they can “let go of their hands”. They often get into very unpleasant stories, sometimes with irreversible consequences. In general, they are only troubles.

Never mess with a bad guy, after prolonged communication with such your nervous system will turn into a sieve, you will lose its former attractiveness, and your wallet will become thin and light. In bed, most of them are selfish - they pull the blanket over themselves, literally and figuratively. They don't give a damn about the woman next to them. After a short "race" the bad guy will definitely go "to the left", he is not able to be faithful, he simply does not understand why this is necessary? He has such an environment, such friends and girlfriends. He will never take you seriously and therefore will constantly betray you.

Most bad guys have bad habits: "sex, drugs, rock and roll." You can get hooked on it for the company. My advice: stay away from the bad boy! It's not worth your attention. You will never be happy with the bad guy and will waste your time.

7. Misogynist (misogine)

Such a man rises in his own eyes, humiliating a woman, suppressing, enslaving, depriving his own "I", firmly binding to himself. He is very lonely, it comes from childhood, he is scared, he believes that no one needs him and no one loves him, it seems to him that by tying a partner to himself, depriving her of her will and ability to act independently, he will protect himself and his inner loneliness will end. His behavior applies only to his partner, he is normal, and often quite successfully functions in society. The attention of the misogin is attracted by bright, strong, versatile women or ladies much younger than him. Soon, cheerful, full of life, active and successful persons turn into nervous sick creatures, only memories of their former beauty remain. However, the woman is inspired that she herself is to blame, bad, worthless and will surely disappear without him. Often women who have experience of such communication in the family with their mother, father or other authoritative members fall into the trap of the misogyn. We are often brought up like this: keep your head down, indulge, be patient, bow down and everything will be fine.

You should be alerted: if the romance between you is unfolding too rapidly; your partner is very romantic, attentive, but at the same time, pitfalls are felt; frequent mood swings (one step from love to hate); criticism directed at you (causal and unreasonable); the so-called disappointment (you turned out to be not what he thought at first); wild jealousy (out of the blue), possessiveness, control of actions and even thoughts; constant accusations (of your own and your failures, even in bad weather!); stormy showdown. And the misogynist will sooner or later begin to dismiss his hands, so to speak, goes from "words to deeds."

If you met a man with a set of these characteristics on your way - RUN FROM HIM headlong, because after talking with the misogine you will have to visit a psychotherapist for a long time, or even other doctors. Perhaps he will forever discourage (literally) your desire to get married or just have romances.

8. Player

Now this type of men is spreading with terrible force. The fact is that there are so many pretty successful women who are unlucky in love. Everything seems to be fine, but no luck! Because they are waiting for a handsome prince, like Assol from Scarlet Sails. Everything is designed for them, for their loneliness, bordering on despair. The appearance of a damn attractive man in life literally turns everything upside down. Wait! Finally! It is impossible not to fall in love with him: he is attractive, courageous, athletic, knows how to communicate and look after, he is very different from ordinary, "everyday" men who surround him in everyday life, walk nearby, work, just communicate, look after, want to get closer - but that's all. not that. I want something hotter.

As a result, it turns out that they decided to play with you for fun. Moreover, sex is not the main thing for a player, unlike a Don Juan or a gigolo, for whom sex is the cornerstone of a relationship, and they hold on to this. The player usually has a stable lover and several backup options, he is interested in hurting you in a moral sense, so that you will suffer a lot and your self-esteem will fall. This is difficult for a normal person to understand, but the perverted psyche of the player is programmed to destroy your moral status and raise your image in your own eyes. He gets real pleasure from your suffering like a real sadist.

As a rule, the player is an attractive, self-confident and talkative guy, but his gallantry and sweet talk are equally proportional to deceit and unreliability. With seeming masculinity, he is cowardly and disgusting. When he reveals his true face, you will come to genuine amazement at his rudeness and cynicism. This is a pitiful person who received neither love, nor affection, nor education in childhood. Someone has seriously offended him, and he takes revenge on all women. He calls, and then disappears, and your plans for the evening, and possibly for the rest of your life, collapse, depending on your impressionability.

In love with a player, you can fall into an abyss. These guys do not need a relationship, although they pretend (and perhaps believe themselves) that the relationship is very necessary. He will never calm down and will always take revenge, giving you troubles, small and large. He can even turn your life into a nightmare if you let him.

9. Narcissus

In ancient Greek mythology, Narcissus is the son of a river god and a nymph, beautiful, but cold and proud, cruelly rejected love, for which he was punished. So he goes through life alone and proud, loving only himself. He does not need a partner, he despises women and does not find a match for himself, they are unworthy of him. And if he chooses, then either very beautiful, or eminent, popular, so as not to be ashamed, but he does not notice others, does not consider people and simply despises.

Narcissists are characterized by an increased degree of narcissism, as well as self-confidence and pride. Self-love and belief in oneself among narcissists is in the first place, and a woman who decides to squeeze into this pedestal will have to fight furiously for it. She can achieve her goal, but the narcissist has a bad feature - he cools quickly, and life with him can be compared to being in the freezer. He himself, of course, does not feel discomfort, and it is not clear to him why the other half is indignant and “arises”.

A modern woman who dreams of a harmonious family with equal relationships should forget about the narcissist. The love of an egoist is a game with only one goal, and only he will score, you will be only an application, a frame for this diamond. This type of men is quite effeminate, there is no masculinity in it, there is no “male core”. He is a capricious lover. In short, we don't need a daffodil!

10. Bi

Well, I don't even want to talk about this type of men.

Ladies, real men (Russians or foreigners) are not looking for adventures and one-time meetings. They want to love and be loved, they do not need a houseworker, they do everything perfectly on their own, although in marriage a man wins more than a woman.

Real men need a wife: smart, developed, capable of deep feelings and equal partnership. Serious men do not want to subordinate or obey, they do not need games and material content. THEY WANT A RELATIONSHIP!

Starting a new relationship, women every time hope that here he is, the same hero. However, the young lady is often disappointed. Meanwhile, you can almost immediately recognize a man you shouldn't bet on in a relationship. Elena Kuznetsova, director of the Vladimir dating agency I and You, a consultant on interpersonal relationships, family psychologist, spoke about what types of men women should not build relationships with, since they are still doomed to failure.

1. Rare man

"Rare" in the sense that you see it once every few weeks. , witty, generous,. But there is one nuance: he appears and disappears when he pleases. He can invite you to an expensive restaurant, give a huge bouquet of roses, go on a romantic walk with you, and then suddenly disappear. And then, after a long lull, when he did not even call or write, as if nothing had happened, reappear on your horizon.

An exception for an office romance can be made only if you work in a very large team, where you can really get lost. In such a situation, even. Observing a person every day, there is an opportunity to get to know him better and understand what kind of person he is. Seeing how a man behaves in different situations, you can get a pretty complete picture of him, and be maximally protected from unpleasant surprises.

4. Mama's son

5. I'm getting married urgently

Surprisingly, some men can be every bit as small as individual women. And if in the context of ladies it is not punishable, because for a young lady it is a natural desire, then a man fixated on marriage is not normal. A lady should be wary if a representative of the stronger sex offers her a hand and heart almost.

According to Elena Kuznetsova, usually men begin to have quick conversations about the wedding on three occasions. First, when they want to. All means are good to achieve this goal. Saying beautiful words, swearing an oath of eternal love, a man simply manipulates a woman: "You are so wonderful, I want to live with you, marry me," the gentleman offers almost immediately after meeting, in most cases only to sleep with young ladies.

The second option is a polygamist. For a man who has been a hundred times already, it costs nothing to make the 101st proposal. “If anything, I’ll get divorced,” he says. So there is no point in counting on a serious relationship with this type.

The third option. Desperate man. Ladies so many times denied him reciprocity that out of despair, he immediately makes proposals to all women in a row. But this is a specific pathology, says Kuznetsova.

“There is definitely something wrong with such a man, if with such a tangible lack of a stronger sex, women ignore him. Take your time to accept an offer from a gentleman. Most likely, he is flawed and that later will greatly darken your life, ”the psychologist states.

Kuznetsova emphasizes that in adulthood, a man will never quickly offer a lady to marry him. He will approach the question carefully, he will want to get to know the chosen one better. In adulthood, only women can agree to an early marriage. In the event that they are satisfied with the financial situation of the partner and his appearance, the ladies are ready to immediately associate their fate with him, since "it is high time to give birth."

6. A man from a dating site

Over and over again, experts do not get tired of talking about the fact that often a very specific category of men is sitting. Most of them are married, on the sidelines, womanizers, or insecure representatives of the stronger sex or impotent who cannot normally communicate with women in reality. The percentage of decent men on dating sites is very small. So it's not worth betting on the "guy from the Internet". There is a huge risk that he will not be who he claims to be. Both his appearance and his personality will disappoint you.

Useful information

Elena Kuznetsova, director of the dating agency "Me and you", family psychologist. Phone 8-920-909-62-35.

7. Narcissus

The narcissistic, self-centered man is the diagnosis. The partner in such an alliance will always be on the sidelines. The woman who lives with is his slave. It is not normal for a man to admire his own beauty and make others pay attention to his appearance. This is the prerogative of the woman. Every normal girl, with a normal head and psyche, would like to hear compliments and admiration in her address. But when a man tries to achieve such an attitude towards himself, it is, at the very least, strange.

If you have questions to psychologist Elena Kuznetsova, you can ask them by writing a letter to the address of the editorial office of AiF-Vladimir: [email protected] .

At first it seemed to me that he had all the features that I dreamed of seeing in a partner. I was his first wife, now he is married for the third time. I think this is not his last matrimonial experience, others will be burned just like me. The main trait of people like an ex-husband: a complete lack of compassion and low self-esteem. But they are excellent actors and will do everything to make you believe that your ideal is in front of you. This means that you must follow their example and become ideal, that is, easy to manipulate. They use three techniques for this game.


This was the first, most passionate phase of our relationship. We seemed to be the same at all levels: sensual, spiritual and sexual. On the days when we were not together, I fell asleep and woke up with his gentle messages. He did not skimp on words, was generous and magnanimous not only in relation to me, but also to those who were close to me. I have heard the most enthusiastic responses from everyone I have met him. He maintained affection and constantly reminded:

  • We have common plans and dreams.
  • We've gone so far to finally be together.
  • I am dear to him as no one has ever before.

He read and returned all my fantasies about a loved one. Very soon I agreed to everything, if only our relationship would continue.


Gradually he lost interest in me. When I noticed this, I threw another bait at me: a romantic dinner, a trip or a gift. He put me to sleep with assurances of love, and I continued to deceive myself. It did not last long, I began to hear harsh words addressed to me. By this point, he made me believe: his behavior is justified, I do not deserve him.


The only reason you are interested in such a person is the ability to admire them. This allows him to fuel low self-esteem. Over time, he needs new sacrifices that would confirm his importance. If you ever allow critical assessments of him, as I did, your value to him will immediately be lost. You will become a potential threat to his weak ego. When you disagree with the victim and begin to defend yourself, the person you thought was closest easily turns into an enemy. If you give in, admitting that he is right, he triumphs. And again you find yourself in a vicious circle that begins with his ostentatious interest and attentiveness. Everything ends in the same way as before, you cannot avoid indifference and coldness on his part.

Expert commentary

Natalia Artsybasheva, gestalt therapist:

The indifference, lack of compassion and low self-esteem of the ex-husband listed by the heroine can be inherent in people with both narcissistic and psychopathic traits. Narcissists are closer to idealization and the subsequent devaluation of a partner, while psychopaths are closer to total control. Narcissists often manipulate unconsciously, psychopaths deliberately, but the essence is the same - the destruction of the partner.

The only way to protect yourself is to strengthen realistic self-esteem.

The victims of psychopaths and narcissists more often than others are women who are insecure ("he paid attention to me"), with a desire to save ("he suffered a lot, he needs help"), with vulnerable boundaries and a tendency to become addicted ("I am happy only with him "). The only way to defend yourself is to strengthen your realistic self-esteem, the ability to choose and defend what is important to you, and to fight back anything that does not suit you.

The way the heroine describes the beginning of a relationship speaks of the charisma of the chosen one and her tendency to be fascinated by such people. If you meet a person who has a magical effect on you, think about it, overpower yourself and take a break. An adequate person will understand you. If it will persecute and pressurize, draw your own conclusions. When, after a short correspondence on social networks, you are immediately called out on a date, praised and showered with compliments, it is not only pleasant and seductive. This can also be guessed as aggressive violation of your borders, deprivation of personal space and a hidden threat. If you are already in a relationship like this, it is important to understand how you maintain this vicious circle. Still hoping for warmth, compassion, and something to prove? Then you only fall into dependence on a partner who beckoned you with a promise of bliss together, but does not plan to fulfill this promise. The only way out is to stop waiting for the impossible and take responsibility for your life.

When meeting a young man, any girl looks at him as a potential husband. She "tries on" him on the farm, observes the behavior in the team, hopes for a serious relationship. It is quite possible that they will happen, tender feelings will flare up and love will win both hearts ... And then? And then the most unexpected problems may begin, because there are certain types of men with whom, a priori, a long and serious relationship will not work out due to their characters.

Let's see what kind of characters they are, which are simply not worth wasting your time and harboring meaningless illusions.

Independent macho. At first, these men know how to charm with their brightness, dynamism, bold looks and self-confidence. And in bed they uuuh! It is interesting and fun with them, because such men are energetic and optimistic. It seems that everything is with them, but there is one "but": over time, conflicts begin to be observed. They do not get along with friends, colleagues, considering them consumers and fools. They quarrel with relatives and consider themselves intellectuals.

At first glance, such a position in life seems, if not correct, then active. It may seem that nothing is scary with such a man, they are not afraid to tell the truth in the face and are ready to walk confidently straight, regardless of any circumstances. And then it turns out that they treat everyone like that, and this is not a struggle for justice and independence! Such men are ordinary egoists who, after a year of living together, lose the ability to love a woman, treating her as their own home harvester. Do not even hope to expect any initiative from him. An adult, impudent child.

Jealous Othello. When a relationship is just starting, then some jealousy is even appropriate. A man is worried if a woman is late, he is offended if she asked a neighbor to give her the phone number of a familiar master, he is frankly jealous of her colleagues. At first it makes you laugh and only spurs interest in each other, and then it starts to annoy. Endless bouts of jealousy and scandals tire even the most loving heart. A woman begins to look for an excuse for each of her actions: she was late from work, bought a new dress, a colleague called ...

If a man is jealous, he loves. This is a fact, but there should be a measure in jealousy. Jealousy with scandals and whining humiliates a man, not a woman who supposedly lacks trust. This is how an insecure loser can behave. If love has already happened with such a person, then such a relationship will still have no future. When love dies down, then living together will turn into hell.

Married. Here everything is clear without words. No self-respecting woman will begin to build relationships with a man "with a living wife." First, everyone knows about building their own happiness on someone else's misfortune. If this does not bother you, and your conscience is fast asleep while hormones and love are playing, then you need to think about yourself. If a man is easy to take away from the family, then someone will definitely take him away from you. And good husbands cannot be taken away from a family. Unless you lose time with them, until he has a momentary weakness. It turns out that you can only have fun with married men. Arranges? Then do not be offended when everything is over ...

A keen fanatic. This type includes people who are selflessly loyal to their favorite business, hobby or just hobby. It doesn't matter what they devote their souls to: collecting bottles, repairing motorcycles or archaeological excavations, because they will always have a second role for a woman. They can and will love, but they will never be able to appreciate the delights of family life, because they are fans of their work. This is good for professional qualities and achievements, but not for family life. Not every woman has the strength and wisdom to live life with such a husband.

Male perfectionist. A person who strives for ideals, at first glance, may seem responsible and reliable. He is demanding not only of others, but also of himself, which noticeably raises him in the eyes. But attacks of perfectionism tend to get severe. Already he grumbles that she had not dressed that way, that she looked the wrong way, greeted her in the wrong tone. The wives of such husbands are constantly being "processed" to become better. The dough must be kept in the refrigerator for exactly 40 minutes, and do not rush to take it out after half an hour; dress according to the rules, not how comfortable. Such a man becomes omnipresent and demands perfection in everything. Sooner or later, this behavior will become unbearable. You shouldn't waste time trying to strike up a relationship with such a character.

With greedy men also not worth wasting time. It is only important to distinguish the greedy from the economical and rational type. Although women will immediately see the little baby, who is already able to show his nature on the first dates. Pettiness and greed will not keep you waiting for joint trips to the store, relaxing in a cafe or going to the cinema. If a man is a curmudgeon, then further communication with him will lead to inevitable disappointment, resentment and a very unpleasant aftertaste.

Surely, many women are familiar with men like mamsiki... In addition to being overly attached to their mother, these men are completely unable to decide something on their own. They consult with their mother ten times a day on any little things; they feel very sad if they live separately; they put their mother in charge of their family events and strive to find a woman like their mother. It is very difficult in everyday life and normal relationships are absolutely excluded.

Handsome men- one more moment, which is definitely worth thinking about. These men are simply psychologically incapable of loving anyone but themselves. From childhood they are accustomed to being "licked" by women who love them. At the same time, gratitude is not felt absolutely. They believe that their appearance is the trump card in front of women. If they start relationships with girls, it is only to satisfy their own curiosity and instincts. Having seduced, they lose interest in women and get rid of them pretty quickly.

Finally, it is strongly discouraged to associate your life with male tyrants... Moreover, it is simply dangerous for such men to be liked, because it can be fraught with both. Male tyrants completely subjugate a woman, who is treated like a puppet and nothing more. They can truly love, but make life unbearable. And the worst thing is that sometimes it is simply impossible to leave such a man ...

1. Waiting for an heir. The biggest shit among men. They only need your body to endure and give birth to the heir of his smelly family panties and smelly, standing socks. If the asshole's expectations were not met, and you gave birth to a girl, then all the toxicosis-breaks-hemorrhoids, be good, go through anew. And your daughter will become a nanny for the heir of khumerazi and grow up with an inferiority complex that she is an unsuccessful attempt while you treat your tears, varicose veins and fractures. Do you need it?
2. Sexually active early. Early is a subjective concept. One should be suspicious of those who began their sex life before the age of 17. Of course, this may never be known. But if it became known, or, moreover, he himself does not hesitate to talk about it, then it is also understandable. Bring it down.
3. Assholes who do not know how to create comfort at the household level. If a man invited you to his place, and he has a srach at home, this despite the fact that he invited you - then you have to be either very naive or just idiot in order to assume that by contacting him, you will get something else in your home ... Don't waste time, get out. Someone will croak about a housekeeper, you can hire. Truth? Or maybe bring some assistants to the asshole? So twenty years, well, so that the dust is wiped quicker?
4. Having bad habits - smoking, excessive alcohol. Weird man. I don't even know what can be described here in detail, it is clear without it.
5. Working in the police, court, tax, bailiff and other power structures. Power spoils a man irreversibly. Having received the opportunity to decide the fate of others in his professional activities, a man inevitably extends his behavior to his personal life. He had just raped a detainee with a bottle of champagne at work. Do you seriously believe that when he comes home, he will caress and cherish you? Are you completely stupid? It is naive to expect from such a primordially male function - the support of a Woman in Her endeavors. He seriously sees himself as the ruler of the Universe, although there is a fucking opera, who has his own bosses in all places, or who will become so in the very near future. Why do you need this?
6. A boss in any area. Just a boss, it doesn't matter where. Here is approximately the same as in item 4.
7. Informals of all stripes. Rockers, bikers, metalheads, other gopota. To argue with such moral and ethical principles is like teaching algebra to cockroaches. But if you need emotion-adventure - then this is the very thing. Pre-purchase a subscription to the KVD.
8. Just whistling believers in supernatural things. All men, without exception, believe in this, but some excessively. If, when meeting, the first question from a man is "who are you according to your horoscope?", Answer - "goodbye."
9. The birth of a peasant pit, daddy's sons. As a rule, the latter are always obtained as a product of the former, and sometimes in other cases. Men who did not have the correct model of relations between a woman and a man, who did not receive the correct upbringing, are not suitable for the role of a husband. Upbringing is not studying in educational institutions. It is given by example for a long time. And the same-sex union of dad and grandfather, what can give an example, how can teach a boy the right attitude towards a woman? And the grandfather, who plays the role of a surrogate female head, is unlikely to create a correct idea of ​​how a woman relates to a man. So, if you met the family of your beloved, and saw that your mother is there either a polar astronaut, or has a place in the family hierarchy somewhere between cockroaches and indoor flowers, urgently turn on the vibrator. You don't even have to drink tea.
10. Men are older, the same age, or men are slightly younger. A woman must be much older. 7 years at least. This is nature. Why all his life courting a man who dies just when you need support? Men live less, which means that you need to take a man 7 years younger than you. Otherwise, why bother with this whole vegetable garden, if in old age you will be left alone anyway? And further. Only in this way the male instinct of a man will perceive you as the main one, which is a prerequisite for long-term quality relationships. When the difference is small, expect problems. The instinct will toss him much more often, forcing him to check whether this female with whom he lives is stable and viable enough. Simply put, it will regularly take your brain out to you. And this is bad for you and for himself. And even dangerous. Threatens you with stress, he - cut off x-m. It is strongly discouraged to consider older men for the role of a life partner. Lately, it’s getting sadder and sadder with this. A woman, seemingly adequate, contacts a man 5 or more years older. Well, what do you call it? "Fine"? Truth? Suppose she is 25, he is 30. And everything seems to be fine, he still looks good, like a man can do something, and they look good next to each other. What's next? It will take 5 years. She is 30, he is 35. By this age she is no longer a Girl, perhaps she has achieved public recognition, a position. Young boys look at Her, make eyes. And she looks around, and who does she see next to her? A man whose peers in 5 years or even earlier will roll carriages with grandchildren through the streets. With all the accessories and options in the form of wrinkles and other things. What will happen, given that five years ago, a dumpling pulled over the shoulders has long since tears is understandable. Nature isn’t… eat…. Given that the family's goal is children, it becomes clear that this option is not an option at all. Children should be born from young males.
11. Pending Service. Men under 30 or a little over, piously believing that they are a unique treasure that deserves to be cooked, ironed, washed, cleaned and wiped up the ass. But if you are a lover of extreme sports, and you have six lives, then do not hesitate, grab and hold. Also, such men will be highly appreciated by those who are comfortable with the men described in paragraph 6.
12. RSP. Trailer / trailers scout. Any age. At least 20 years old. These are even worse. However, you should not rush and give up such good. Decide first. If you are going to live with a man to give birth and raise children, your children, this is one thing. And if you decide to devote your life to serving a worthless man who pissed off his family at one time, and keeping someone else's offspring, then it may be worth taking a closer look. After all, you have four lives. Or how many is there? Six? Then if you replay anything, it's a shit question. But there is one exception to this point. If you want someone to give you a glass of water in old age, but do not want to die from childbirth, as happened with the first wife of your prince, then this is your candidate. Feel free to marry him to yourself. And constantly instill in his child / children that without your maternal care, they would have died, therefore, they owe you, your new mother, the coffin of life.
13. Indigenous Muscovites. They are terminally ill with an unknown disease that causes the growth of PSI, corona and conceit. The mentioned qualities-objects begin to cling to the Moon and make it difficult to communicate with others, especially with Women. Or they just make it difficult.
14. Non-indigenous Muscovites. The disease mentioned in the previous paragraph is contagious and there is no way to find salvation for those who have come in large numbers.
15. Mom's sons. From a family where the mother is of a high rank, or an authoritarian type, or all together. The danger is that she will remain a significant female for him for life, and the rest will look very pale against her background. Something like p. 8, but only here the authority of the father makes the comparison not in favor of the lady of the heart. But there is salvation. This is a woman cooler than her mother. Richer, more influential, or just physically stronger, superior mother at least in something. But it's better in everything. It is very good if, when you meet, as if in between times, you call your mother a loser, not out of malice, but purely for the good of your son for the sake of. Then you have a chance that he will be yours forever. Otherwise, not the slightest. But this business is risky and ungrateful, because there is a high probability that the mother will not appreciate the care, and therefore it is suitable only for lovers of p.p. 6, 10, 11 and other extreme sports.
16. Lovers of "travel". Their reality is in a completely different place, and not where yours. These very "journeys" have formed an emotional dependence, from which he will never get rid of. Well, you can probably create some kind of substitute for it. But why? Among them there are a lot of those who travel to hot countries alone, or with people like him, for the sake of "romance and passion." Yes, Thailand is full of such local lovers of affordable meat. During the day, she rolls around in the dust under a palm tree, and by evening she will wash away the mud in the sea, dress up her dress and go to the bar to glue the Russian whores waiting for her. Spending the night in his room is much more pleasant than on a beach lounger, you can understand it. Is it possible to understand our Woman, who is not embarrassed by the kilometers of black 3.14zd, which this sex giant served through himself?
17. Lazy, with no interests other than TV and social networks. The ability to post photos and awareness of the relationship between the characters of a TV show are not at all the skills that a man should have. In itself, this may not be so bad, but when this is all that she can and knows, it is understandable.
18. Businessmen. Why does a man need a family? Maintenance, housing, protection, children. Such people usually have all this without the Woman. And even children. Such a man is in a state of extreme stress, internal contradiction. On the one hand, "successful". On the other hand, you can't bother with nature, you want to give care and affection, but a child is not enough for this. And regular sex with a partner who knows all its features will never replace episodic sex. Whatever they say there about "diversity". Zvizdezh is everything. And not everyone is comfortable being a potassun.
19. Socially unequal. Choose from your meadow. If you are a tough asphalt paver, a college teacher is unlikely to be the right choice for you. If you are of an average income, you will not fit into the environment of a wealthy heir. Your name will be - a hanger. With all that it implies. If you are a wealthy lady, then jacks are not an option either. The main mistake of Women in such cases is they start to tumble into him. Driver's license, mafinka apartments. And after a while they receive a statement that he achieved everything himself, and beautiful branchy processes on his head. What is a rich woman to do? Do nothing. Fuck with everyone as much as you want and forget about the family. It is necessary to create a family with a man whose importance is lower, of course, but not so much. And with her already grow. And then what ... Rogues will not need you, but what you have. Everything has its time, ladies.
20. Eternal student. These are the guys who are excellent students at school, then the first higher, the second, the fifth. And so it is endless. He gets used to raising his self-esteem not at the expense of compliments and women, but at the expense of the position of an intellectual. If his studies are taken away from him, then he simply will not understand why he lives. Well, and therefore what kind of family-children he was there. If she succeeds, then the children will be guaranteed to be fatherless, abandoned to her parents.

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