How to Tame a Man: Preparatory Steps for Taming a Man. How to get a husband to do great deeds How to get a man to act in a relationship

Electricity 01.09.2021


Love yourself. Starting with this simple task, you will put a lot into place. Do not sacrifice yourself for his sake, do not neglect your interests. Entrust a few things to a man, and you will have free time to take care of yourself. A beautiful, well-groomed woman who likes herself is much more attractive to a man than a driven horse.

Do not exhaust yourself with work and household chores. Returning from work, do not rush to grab onto everything in a row. Get a man to help - you are just as tired this day as he is. If you are unable to assign him permanent responsibilities, make different requests every night. It is unlikely that your man will refuse you.

Be unavailable sometimes. All men are hunters by nature, and with your independence and feigned indifference, you will only stir up interest in yourself. Show coldness and then suddenly get playful in a crowded place. Flirt with him while you are in sight - let him count the minutes until he is alone with you.

Make him a little jealous from time to time. "Accidentally" miss a call from him, or during a conversation with him say that you have a call on the second line. After partying with friends or visiting, tell us how much fun it was there, especially during contests and pair games. But don't overdo it by making you jealous. Remember, your job is to strengthen the relationship, not ruin it.

Take compliments right. Don't say that the dress is old and that you have nothing to wear if your partner has approved you in it! By doing this, you lower your self-esteem and question your attractiveness in his eyes. Just smile and thank your man, even if you don't share his enthusiasm.

Finally, always remember that you are a woman. Do not carry heavy bags with him, even if it is not at all difficult for you. Stop screwing in light bulbs, opening beer bottles, unclogging a clogged sink, or hammering in nails. Especially if your man is at home! You should seem to him a weak, defenseless creature that you want to love and protect. And be a feminist in those moments when you are no one.

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The wedding died down, the honeymoon flew by - and now the family life has come into its own. And now the young family should work daily to ensure that their family boat does not crash, passing through the household reefs. Oddly enough, love is not at all a prerequisite for a family to be happy. The main thing is common goals, the presence of common interests and mutual respect of partners. How can a newly made wife win the respect of her husband?

You will need

  • - a pen;
  • - paper.


To begin with, you must learn to respect your own. Respect and notice his merits, skills, achievements, wisdom, intelligence and more. Anything worthy of praise should be celebrated and praised. For mutual respect to reign - leave all conflicts, squabbles, criticism and abuse behind the threshold of the marital nest. Women are emotional people, but you still have to learn how to choose words and intonations.

As they say, in spite of everything. But for respect you need some kind of base. Make a list of your virtues that you think you should be respected for. Appreciate yourself - and your spouse will appreciate you.

Keep your spouse confident that you are the best purchase. Take care of yourself, be seductive and adorable.

Let your culinary masterpieces, impeccable appearance be appreciated by friends of your family, friends of your husband who have come to visit you. Their compliments will double your value in the eyes of your spouse.

Helpful advice

Don't try to demand respect for yourself. The minimum you get is condescension, the maximum is annoyance.


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Every woman wants to leave a significant mark in a man's life. She wants to become the one he will always remember with special trepidation and excitement. In fact, this task is not as difficult as it might seem. And the secret is not at all to look somehow extravagant.


When you first meet, you need to interest him. The usual cute behavior is unlikely to hold his attention for long. Try to approach this issue with humor. While talking about yourself, come up with an original and funny joke that is directly related to yours. But don't go overboard. Try to be as confident as possible. Surely he will be able to appreciate your sense of humor and subsequently start looking for a meeting with you.

If you're in a group, you should have a few fun stories to spare. Many people experience it when they begin to tell something in public. It is quite possible to cope with this. To get started, practice on your friends and family. Then use that as your bargaining chip. With the help of a sense of humor, you can not only charm a man, but also make him adore you. And if you made an impression on his friends - consider that he is yours.

To stay in the memory of a man for life, use the following method. Spray your perfume on the bed you share with your man. Only this must be done very carefully. The smell should not be too noticeable. On the contrary, it should be subtle. Slightly scented pillows are best. Over time, a man will get used to this smell. Further, if he meets this smell somewhere else, your image will appear in his memory first. Smell is a powerful memory stimulant. You can also use this technique on other things. It all depends on your imagination.

Once the hallmark of almost any young lady was modesty, which was considered worthy of respect. Now everything has changed. To be shy, constrained in communication, taciturn means to become a “black sheep”. And, it would seem, a modern woman, who does not know embarrassment, should succeed in everything. But sometimes, despite all its advantages, she cannot achieve that she is respected. And not just as a person, as a person, but as a girl.


Look at yourself from the outside. Rate your appearance. If it is difficult to do it yourself, ask for help from a very close person (mother, etc.). It is possible that the reason why you cannot arouse respect for yourself, as for, lies in you. For example, when a representative of the fairer sex prefers revealing outfits (very short skirts, transparent tops and blouses, etc.), then it seems to her that she is fashionable, relaxed. It would never even occur to her that her outfit is tasteless and even vulgar. The same goes for makeup and hair. Brightness is not always a sign. If you are faced with similar problems, then they are not that difficult to fix. Change your wardrobe, hairstyle, makeup. When you are unsure of your own taste, seek advice from a trusted person. Your new style may well help change the attitude of those around you.

The situation is complicated if the lack of respect is not due to appearance, but due to behavior. You may be intrusive, rude, overly outspoken, or curious. Such qualities are unattractive. In this case, you will have to work hard on yourself. Learn to notice the reaction of people to your words and actions, take into account their opinion, master the talent of the listener. Also, improve your vocabulary, books can become an ally in this. Over time, you will notice that you are perceived differently, as an interesting conversationalist.

Show femininity. This quality is given to girls by nature. But someone skillfully uses it, and someone does not even suspect about its existence. In modern society, young people become careerists, business women, scientists, etc. In general, they are in no way inferior to men. And everything would be fine if they did not lose the ability to smile sweetly, flirt, flirt and just be beautiful. But it is these little tricks that make the fair sex so attractive. By changing your image, becoming attractive, interesting and feminine, you will definitely be a girl worthy of respect.

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Harmony in relationships between young people is not always the case. Often a girl is madly in love and is ready for any sacrifice, and a young man simply allows her to be near and does not appreciate her at all.


Hearing the phrase: “He does not appreciate her at all!”, Many people immediately begin to feel sorry for the unfortunate woman and condemn the cruel and ungrateful young man. But the situation is often not so straightforward. To understand the cause of this problem, analyze the behavior of each partner.

If you put your love above all else and forget about self-esteem, the guy stops appreciating you. The words of the author of popular psychological courses Ekaterina Prokhorova: "Love yourself and others will love you" in this case are very relevant. Don't let anyone disrespect or disrespect you. If a guy joked at you in an inappropriate way, responded about your views, and you are afraid or cannot adequately, just defiantly leave the room. Do not put up with humiliation in any way.

If an inner voice is in a hurry to reason with you: “And if he doesn't come again, won't he apologize? You can't live without him! You can forgive once, ”do not give in to your emotions. There is a type of men who initially picks up a darling with low self-esteem and asserts themselves by bullying her. You don't want to become whipping.

Another case is also possible. Your partner treated you perfectly, fulfilled your every desire, but as soon as you began to live together, the situation. He became rude, callous and cynical, no trace of his old feelings remained. The fact is that men are very afraid of losing their beloved. Therefore, as long as she is free from all obligations, she can leave at any time, refuse him, the young man behaves perfectly. But as soon as he realizes that the girl cannot just leave him, he becomes unceremonious and despotic.

To avoid a similar fate and force boyfriend appreciate you, always remain somewhat independent, even if you live with your boyfriend or married him. Be in moderation in everything. Take an interest in his business, but don't be annoying. Chat with his friends, but don't go to all of their meetings. Give your boyfriend the opportunity to enjoy being in a male company.

Always try to look good, keep yourself dignified and confident. Your young man should see that he has got a real treasure that needs to be valued and protected.


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Tip 6: How to make a guy afraid of losing you

In our cruel world, it is difficult to find a truly close person, especially for girls. This is all because girls are obliged to lead a more moderate and calm life, and they simply have nowhere to meet a good young man.

I don’t know, I’m confused ... I apologize right away for the too long text .. We met more than a year ago in social networks (at that time I was married). We immediately found a common language. We talked almost 24 hours a day. After a while, they began to call each other. Fell in love with him head over heels ... He either jokingly or so says that he also loves me (joking or not - I don’t know, because he asks me a lot about girls, how to behave with them). The first time we quarreled with him was when he asked me a question of an intimate plan and my answer did not satisfy him. Two weeks of calm - and we talk again. Then his computer broke down - he was out of the network for 2 months. I was about to make new acquaintances and then, like a bolt from the blue, he appeared again and was the first to write to me. everything started spinning again. The conversations became warmer, sometimes they confessed their love to each other. The second time we quarreled when my husband accidentally came across our correspondence with him, he was rude to him - and my love thought that I was playing him. We didn't communicate for two weeks. Now I have already gone to reconciliation, wrote to him, asked him to explain to me the reason why he disappeared - he swore at me, but the next day it became warmer, said that he was leaving soon for two months and did not want our communication to end. I was waiting for him. he arrived - again he wrote to me first. In real life, my family fell apart, divorced my husband. He supported me in every possible way. By the way, he lives 50 km from my city and I more than once hinted at just a friendly meeting, he always excused himself by the fact that when he met, he would be shy and not know how to behave with me. I also know that a girl with whom he has known for a very long time lives in my city, her grandmother lives in the same village as him. in September, he left for Russia again, but I found an opportunity to call him cheaply and kept in touch every day (he shouted so that I did not call him, did not spend money - to which I replied that he was dearer to me than any money) when he arrived he replenished my bill, in general, everything that I spent he returned to me. Everything seems to be good, they gave each other access to their VK pages. and one fine day he tells me that he needs to come to my city to make a foreign passport. I was delighted, thought he would come to my work and say hello .. well, or finally ask me to help him find the passport office. BUT .... he did not come, he asked about it in the one with which he is more familiar than me. and spent the whole day with her. When he was leaving, he called me - I could not bear it - I told him everything that was waiting for him, shouted to him that I knew that he was with her, but I could just come up to say hello. I don’t know who was more offended by whom, but his number becomes inaccessible, my page goes to the black list ... I know he celebrated the New Year in our city with her. I began to try to live life without him ... BUT .. he wrote to me again, we made up again. Wait he calls again. just for the given moment when I type this text, I know he is with her, but he called me three times. that is, he sits with her or near her and calls me, asks what I am doing and how my mood is. Yesterday I had another chance to say so that I love, or at least loved him. to which he said "This is not news to me, I could have said something smarter." In general, he does not believe in my love, he says that we are just friends ... I don’t know how to perceive him .. from your side - do I mean anything to him ??? The first one I never write to him or call him ... I know that he sleeps with that girl, and not only with her ... the guy is walking, so to speak .. but when he already opens his eyes and admits to himself that he is something really feels to me .. how to lead me in this situation? how to make him act already? here on Sunday he again leaves to earn money for two months .. I don’t know .. what should I do?

But here the same pitfall comes out, which we have already mentioned - you start to "sit down" on it, constantly think about it, sucking the further strategy of behavior in your head, and as a result - you make mistakes, betray yourself and your feelings - and all the efforts made go to the tar-tarars.

This, of course, should not be allowed in any case.

Therefore, we kill two birds with one stone. In order not to fall in love with a man even more, and we need to be with him in terms of love at about the same level, and you are already ahead of him, and the further construction of our "insidious plan" only aggravates the situation, we need to switch to someone yet...

This is definitely a necessary action, since firstly, you distract your thoughts from him with another action, secondly, you hone your skills, and thirdly, you bring yourself closer to the cherished goal of getting him yourself.

Of course, at the same time, one of the men falls under the distribution, but if you surround yourself with at least 2-3 more men and at the same time, of course, you will not give any of them high hopes with your behavior, then everything will go smoothly. Moreover, we have a goal, and we are not going to abandon it.

I'll say it again about the result - I seriously approached the choice of my husband, my friend did the same, she and I chose the men for ourselves and "hugged" them, only my friend with great difficulties, I with less, came to a positive result.

In these articles I will try to bring our experience together with her, the result was worth it. Now we have happy families, and we did it absolutely everything ourselves, and our men think that they did everything. Of course, we are proud of our results, looking at our sleek, imposing business husbands.

Okay, this is all the lyrics, now the strategy ... Let's get down to active taming. I broke everything down about what we need and what my friend and I did for this. Of course, as in any love affair, an individual approach is needed, but this will have to be dealt with in the process. Go...

First trick. Begins to be afraid of losing you

With your behavior and actual situation, you make it clear to the man that you have many potential fans (for this, in addition to distracting thoughts about him, these 2-3 boyfriends were needed). It is very desirable to have 2-3 admirers for yourself, because then they will provide us with invaluable assistance in the process of enslaving our man. He must understand that you have someone to choose from and many would like to receive you.

Here you can slightly, as if by chance, warm up the situation with phrases, such as "today at the university two classmates quarreled because of me, well, what do they all want from me, I never gave any of them any reason", naturally, emphasizing on the fact that it all boiled in your soul and accidentally splashed out, a kind of "cry from the heart."

And then, already with the further joint happy life, there will always be an opportunity to once again poke our dear "so many men ran after me, and I, a fool, married you", and for him himself the fact that you had a lot fans is very important.

Another good trick - in response to his behavior, which you did not like, you can transparently hint that your attitude towards him becomes worse from this ... After this, a man may have fears that he will not lose you for a long time, and that you will opt for someone else from among your many fans, you let him know that he is losing you ... Well, further according to the situation, fantasize, tame, think, introduce your other chips, but the main thing is not to overdo it.

Second feature. We make him constantly think about you.

He must constantly think about you, strive for even more communication with you, call, write SMS, showing all this in his behavior, in general, to be bored.

Here we include other chips. I think the main one is smells (we have already talked about their huge role in relationships above). In general, this is a most powerful psychological move, even unconscious associative thinking is based on the smells of a person. Meaning - everything around should remind him of you and evoke associations associated with you. To do this, you need to pick up and constantly use the same perfume, the smell of which, accordingly, your man should like.

Perfume, of course, should be of very high quality and not tart, but so that their weak smell lasts as long as possible. You just have to sprinkle them a little on the things that surround him. The ideal option, of course, is to apply them, if possible, in his home, for example, the upholstery of a sofa, mattress, carpet, will retain the smell of perfume for a very long time, and accordingly, this smell, which should be almost imperceptible, but present, will remind a man about you.

Paper keeps smells best and longest, it can keep them for months, and you need to use this chip on it, a paper calendar, but a diary is generally ideal.

Give him for any holidays some little things that your man constantly uses in everyday life. They, too, will constantly remind him of you. If a little flirting is already permissible in your relationship, I propose to include such, as it were, with humor, a gift that I made to my future husband.

For no reason I gave him a washcloth with the words that I was jealous of his old washcloth because it touches him. Then she added that I would probably be jealous of this one too, because she would be allowed to touch him, but I would not be allowed before the wedding. But our relationship at that time allowed me to make such a hint, as if as a joke, and a reason to think.

Constantly create some kind of intrigue. A man should always have some kind of mystery associated with you. Tame, fantasize further.

Third piece. How to get a man to take care of you

A man should want to look after you, think about you, give you gifts, do something for you.

Everything is simple here. My man figured it out himself, but my friend had to come up with a legend that she needed to make her ex jealous, and she directly asked him to take care of her for show.

He decided to help, began to look after ... and got. In the process of performing this theatrical role, he had to do everything under her dictation, his behavior at that time was completely controlled by my friend and she told him about it directly - and hug, and gently hug him, and sweetly gently communicate, and walk under a pen ... well, in the epilogue, to arouse even greater jealousy, she also suggested kissing in the presence of her ex, and this she is sooooo good at doing.

This circus lasted for about 2-3 months, the game from both sides was very realistic, their behavior did not raise any doubts among outside spectators, and in the end, everything, fuck it, he got ...

Her man completely, with all his brains, fell in love with her, she started in him, awakened love for herself. And all this happened only due to the fact that she stood firm, did not show her feelings and her emotions in a relationship. After all, any mistake in this game could be fatal for her ... If she really showed feelings for him with her behavior, nothing would have happened.

Here she was saved by full concentration on the goal, although this game cost her a lot of effort. How many times she literally howled - "How I want a real relationship, really hug him, snuggle, and suck with him at home for hours, not minutes and in public" But she endured everything and eventually won. He really wanted to get it and achieve it.

I already drove my man with might and main, because. my man by his breed is much softer, he was led to the game much faster, and I already felt some kind of response from him in the relationship. But she didn't let me get close either. I have already cut in the word "ME" in the lexicon - I am pleased with the gifts, I am pleased when they do something for me, I love it, but all these "me", "for me". "I" were pronounced not in the voice of a snapped bitch, but in the gentle voice of an angelic, innocent cherub, with childish naivety and inexperience in his eyes. And it all worked!

And what is most interesting, the man liked to carry out all these little whims! Well, I impressed with my behavior, playing childish naivety, childishly making happy eyes in response to his actions or gifts, portraying naive simplicity. And our men were generally unaware that we were 2 psychology students, armed with the knowledge of psychology and female deceit, just luring them into our networks and constructing the scenario of our relations and communication ourselves, because WE DECIDED SO. We decided to tame them.

The fourth feature. Take offense at him

Take offense at him, make him apologize to you, if possible, bring the situation to a confession.

When you already feel that the man has already fallen on the hook, then you can already include this method of domination over him. Therefore, find a good reason to be offended, well, make him apologize. Here you can already connect your close friends to help yourself, who will also morally add to their behavior and communication with him. We need a result - for a man to come and start apologizing.

This is also a very powerful psychological move, with the help of which you can start an already full-fledged relationship. After all, a man prepares for this apology in advance, works out in his head the structure of the conversation and communication with you, the possible options for its development. In general, psychologically, on a subconscious level, this is a very strong action, on an emotional level it is equivalent to those emotions that occur in a person when a woman first confesses his love.

The main thing is that communication takes place looking eye to eye with a friend. Here all the laws of psychology are included - after all, everything starts with negative emotions, the man is wound up, and does not know what your reaction will be - positive or negative. I repeat once again that a man who confesses his love experiences exactly the same emotional outburst as when he apologizes.

And here a huge plus is that the plot swings according to your scenario from negative to positive, your behavior decides everything, well, only that he does not know your scenario and is very worried. First, we pump up and wind up events, we bring the emotional intensity of communication to the limit, and then we forgive it. If all this is done correctly, then at the same stage, after an emotional shake-up or in its process, you can bring the situation and, accordingly, the man to a declaration of love.

Fifth feature. We squeeze it and keep the intrigue

Now all the trump cards are already in your hands and, naturally, focusing on the situation and behavior of a man, we further squeeze him. For example, we push such a topic that he will not be able to make you fall in love with him, or simply express doubts about it when communicating, such as "you probably could not" Well, and so on. a bunch of options for the development of events, everything is in the hands of a woman.

Something I can throw in and more.

As stated, keep intrigue at all times. For example, “There is one quality that I am very afraid of in you,” or something similar, but of course we don’t say the answer, and the man begins to think what this quality is. And according to the script, this quality may not exist at all, but he will think and look for it, and this is very important. Also, it will not be superfluous to sometimes express doubts about some of his qualities - for example, "You probably do not know how to really love, be sincere and faithful, build real relationships" This is a test for lice-), and psychology turns on again - he, of course , will try to show you the opposite by his behavior, that you are mistaken and do not understand people at all.

The man will try with all his might by his behavior to prove to you that this is not so. Here you can also run all the men in one pile - like, they are not romantic, they do not know how to feel, appreciate, love, be faithful and faithful, they all need only one thing, I do not believe in them, well, and drive the same heresy further into the same spirit. Again, by his behavior, he will try to convince you of your mistake and prove that he is not at all like everyone else.

Always play on such contradictions, this is a very strong argument. And when a man successfully proves that you are wrong, not all men are the same and he is not like everyone else, your eyes gradually open, you begin to realize that you were wrong, that he is special and was right about himself, and you are silly , and he enlightened you and opened your eyes to the truth.

Yesterday a former classmate came to me, so to speak, "pour out her heart" and ask for professional advice. Her relationship with her common-law husband completely went wrong, she only plays the role of a housewife, there is no question of love, gifts and confessions. It is suspected that he is dating another woman (or women). They live together for almost three years.

When I asked about how their relationship began, how he courted, how he behaved, she replied that he had not courted her! We met, then it quickly came to bed, and then (also very quickly) she moved in with him and they began to live together. Moreover, the man does not live alone, but with a 10-year-old son. In fact, he needed a housewife who would clean up the house, look after his son and look after them (this is to be honest).

He just brought her to his house, he does not intend to marry (he is satisfied with everything, as he says), he has more women on the side, and my girlfriend is just convenient for him. Unfortunately, this is the truth of life. This man could not fall in love with her, since he did not seek her, did not invest anything in her, did not try her. She herself presented everything to him on a silver platter, and quickly and immediately. The hunter had not even had time to load his gun, but the prey had already come running and lay under his feet. And at the moment it is very difficult to fix the situation, it would be easier to initially behave differently. Understanding the rules of the romantic game is the most important thing in relationships with men.

How to get a man to run after you

It is important that a man pursues a woman. And so it was from time immemorial - in order to achieve the location of a woman, a man had to make an effort. Women portrayed "an impregnable fortress", and men had to take this fortress by storm, showing courage, ingenuity and perseverance. The problem is that in our time this subtle science is almost forgotten. And that is why there are so many divorces and unhappy couples, as men and women do not have the opportunity to play and enjoy their natural role. A very small part of women today "play by the rules", enjoy relationships with men and enjoy their attention. The other, much larger part, are at a loss and do not understand what, after all, these peasants need and why their personal life will not work out in any way.

Emancipation has fundamentally changed the outer side of the relationship between a man and a woman. Many women do not understand at all why they should move away from a man and make him seek her if she is madly in love with him and he is the man of her dreams. But these rules are created by nature itself and are recorded in our genetic code, while the rules of sexual revolution and emancipation were invented by people and recorded only in books, newspapers and magazines.

A man likes to pursue a woman!

Even if at the same time they say that they do not like games and they are not at all interested in achieving a woman, when it comes down to it, they instantly join the game and they like it. And they, like women, also enjoy this game. Such a game gives them the opportunity to amuse their pride, and also to understand whether this woman really likes him that much.

And, most importantly, this gives him the opportunity to follow his masculine nature - to be active. A man begins his hunt, plans, acts and gets the desired result. An easy victory is quickly forgotten, as it gives little pleasure. And what he walked for a long time and stubbornly sought, will bring him a feeling of his own power and great joy.

Imagine that you decide to feast on some delicious dish. Even without touching it, you are already in anticipation of pleasure, and then you get pleasure, savoring each bite. Imagine that I will offer you this dish, but only encapsulated, like a medicine. No need to waste time eating it, just swallow the capsule and that's it, the dish is already in your stomach. You do not want? And why? And because if you swallow it instantly, you will not be able to feel its taste. Also with relationships. A man can feel their taste only with a gradual rapprochement.

A man is biologically irresistibly attracted to a woman, slowing down his progress towards the goal, a woman gives time to transform what happens between two biological units into a Relationship between two People. Playing inaccessibility is a must, of course, if you want make a man run after you... This will help the man invest more in the relationship and appreciate you. When he has to work hard for the relationship, they will become valuable to him, and he will value them.

Playing impregnable does not mean showing coldness and complete indifference. When you mistreat and ignore a man, this is not a game of inaccessibility. This is stupidity that will not bring the desired result. With you there will be only those men who do not value themselves at all. It is necessary to demonstrate not coldness and "cleverness", but the joy of communication and lightness. Respect the man and treat him well. Thank him sincerely for what he does for you, and then he will love you even more.

It is important not to rush and not devote yourself only to this man after three dates or after the first intimacy. You do not need to quickly confess your love to him, say that you are crazy about him and are just waiting for his call, around the clock on duty at the phone. Always remember that as soon as a man realizes that you are completely in his hands, he will begin to get used to you as to his usual environment and the process of conquest and courtship will end there.

He should like the process of conquering your heart, so give him portions of tenderness and grace unexpectedly, thereby inspiring him to even greater deeds. Flirt with him, play, you can read about this in detail in the article. When he suddenly weakens his attention to you, do not start chasing and catching up with him. If a man is really interested in you, he will be there and think about how to win your heart.

The main, one might say, the most important principle of the game of inaccessibility is "light fasting". Always leave your man a little hungry. Do not let him "overeat" you. Do not overfeed him with your care and love, keep a small distance and keep room for him to maneuver.

Spend quality time with a man, investing in communication with him all your charm and inner warmth. Do not hide from him that you need him and that you are good with him. However, always leave him a little hungry. End the conversation on time and leave on time. That is, when he is at the peak of joy and pleasure, and not when the peak has already passed and he involuntarily begins to think about when you will finally leave so that he can relax and think.

Relationships that have had a long courtship period are stronger and more durable than a fast-paced relationship. It is important to go through all the stages, and not only to merge with each other physically. And do not try to please a man and do what you absolutely do not like. Grace will not lead you to love and happiness. Take a step towards the man only when he took two steps towards you. That is, take only reciprocal steps, and do not step on it actively and aggressively.

And always remember that if you run after a man, he will definitely run from you. As soon as you turn around and run away from him, he too will turn around and run after you. Of course, if he needs you and if he has sympathy and feelings for you. And if it doesn’t run, then it’s not necessary. This means that all your life you would only do what you ran after him and tried to hold. And in the end, he would still run away, and you would have wasted your health and years of life.

Love lightly and be loved! And let men conquer you and perform feats for you! And in order to get to know their psychology better, I advise you to read the book by R. Rezepov "The truth about men, which most women do not know." You can download the book Here .

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Men are hunters who love the chase.

Over the years, I've spent more time than I can admit, chasing men, trying to convince a man that he likes me. And this is awful. With each refusal, I felt worse.

I didn't understand what I was doing wrong when I was the first to call the men, offer to meet and show interest.

Whenever I immediately took matters into my own hands with guys, it didn't end well. And this continued until I realized a few things about how differently men are arranged in contrast to us women.

People are pissed off when I say that men are hunters who love being chased. And I understand why.

At first glance, this sounds somehow humiliating. One word "chase" gives the impression that men are not worthy of women, not good enough not to chase them.

Or that they are masochists who like it when a woman is cold and contemptuous of them. Or that a woman is like a silly deer driven by a hunter. Or that a woman cannot attract a man, so he has to chase after her.

But all this is far from the truth!

Men swear that they like it when a woman they like shows their interest. And they don't lie.

But there is a big difference between how men show their interest and how women do it. Male attraction consists of two factors: sex drive and effort.

And that's where the "chase" is.

If a man does not feel physically attracted to you, then he will not fight for your attention. Although at the same time he can have sex with you and chat for hours. But he will not want to go beyond "friends with privilege."

The second very important and obscure part of this equation is that a man is happy when he achieves something.

In a relationship, achievement for a man is: to make his woman happy, to marry her, to provide for her and her children.

In the early stages of a relationship, achievement for a man is to get the girl to agree on some little things - and this will show her interest. Even something as simple as taking her number, making her reply to his message, persuading her to go out on a date.

And all these little accomplishments make up the "chase." Why isn't this method suitable for women?

This is where the problem is. In most areas of our life, this approach is ideal. Do you want a job? Go and build yourself a career. Do you want an apartment? Save money and buy. Do you want a man? Nuuu ... uh ...

It is a mistake to think that in relationships we should act the same way as in other areas of life.- that is, to make titanic efforts.

Because too much effort in a relationship sabotages them. First, because the energy of achievements and aspirations is masculine, not feminine.

He can't get you if you hang yourself on him, say that he is sexy and that you want to meet him next Friday at 8 pm. There is no mystery. You take on the entire male role.

Secondly, when a woman achieves a man, it completely deprives her of all strength, and creates the feeling that she is just desperately trying to find at least someone.

Yes, I also thought that showing my interest in a man was a sign of confidence, not despair. But when I dug deeper, I realized that the reason for this behavior is really desperation, because I really wanted the guy to be interested in me. And if he refused, then the day was ruined.

Well, you know the feeling when someone begs for a compliment or your approval - you automatically resist.

A man's feelings cannot develop if you stand over him, hands on his belt, and ask if he is in love with you or not.

When I stopped chasing men, they seemed to have lost their drug. And I noticed that the quality of the men who started caring for me increased dramatically. The best part was that I no longer felt like I was begging someone to pay attention to me.

This is good compensation for changing my tactics.

So how do you get him to pursue you?

Using your natural feminine magnetism to show him your interest without doing anything. In practice, this means being happy, playful, flirtatious, and receptive to his advances. He should seek your time and attention, and you should allow it and enjoy his attention.

When a man wants you, do not give up everything for him. Do not stop moving towards your goals and dreams, giving up your hobby and making it the center of your universe.

And also believe that the right man will get you. Believe that if a man gives up, it means that he is simply not for you or it is not yet time. Let him go.

Stop proving your worth or explaining why you should be together. The right person will be so fascinated by you that they won't want to let you go.

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