I began to engage in fitness and gained weight for some reason. Why do they get better after training? If the calorie content exceeds the diet

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Photo: Dzmitri Mikhaltsow / Rusmediabank.ru

Fitness enthusiasts looking to lose weight faster and not showing any results for a month should reconsider their diet and activity level.

To lose weight, you need to eat less and move more - this is the mantra we hear everywhere. The two pillars of weight loss are diet and exercise. But, as both practice and the latest research show, training often leads to completely opposite results. If training is wrong, then for most people this does not lead to loss, but, on the contrary, to weight gain.
Interestingly, according to studies, after stopping training, people who gained weight continued to gain weight by inertia for the next month. Those who lost weight during training weighed even less even after three months.

Why does someone lose weight and someone gains?

It turns out that so-called compensatory behavior plays a big role in this. Those who gain weight during exercise will either lower their normal physical activity or eat more the rest of the time. And who does not know that sometimes, after heavy physical exertion, you want to either relax on the sofa, or eat properly! Neither one nor the other can be done categorically, so as not to nullify the slimming effect of training. Don't let exercise fatigue interfere with your routine. Do not cancel a walk with your child or a shopping trip because of her. And in general, after proper training, you should not feel a decline, but, on the contrary, a surge of strength and a good mood.

For what other reasons may training not bring the desired result?

Too slow and too long. When it comes to losing weight, long monotonous workouts may not give the desired result. Instead of giving your best for an hour, give yourself a 100% intense 30 minute workout. Move quickly from one set of exercises to the next, taking breaks of no more than 15-30 seconds. Such training will speed up the work of the heart and blood vessels, will allow you to quickly build muscle mass and increase the metabolic rate, which will allow you to burn additional calories.

Wasted time. Every now and then you correct your hair in front of the mirror, drink water or chat with your friends? In this way, you will not achieve anything. You need to start training with a well-thought-out plan and rigidly established time frames. This means not waiting, hanging out in the gym, not answering phone calls. Even to just catch your breath, give yourself a few seconds in advance between sets. Don't be distracted by nonsense, even if you exercise at home and your training time is free. This is the only way to get the full benefit from your workout.

Too much cardio, too little strength training. But cardio burns more calories, you say ... Yes, an hour of brisk walking on a treadmill will burn about 400 calories. But strength training will allow you to exchange fat for muscle, in which these very calories are burned, even when you are not exercising. That is, strength training will give you a chance to lose weight consistently and for a long time.

The same movements. When physical activity falls on the same muscles, the body adapts to it, the load is lightened and energy consumption becomes less. Surprise your body. Periodically introduce new exercises into your workouts, sometimes change the type of activity. Make your body work harder or in a new way every workout. This will allow you to burn more calories and relieve the boredom that can ruin any positive endeavor.

Perhaps you need a like-minded person. It's good to train alone - you focus more on the process. But many women achieve better results when exercising with a friend. Firstly, it allows you not to shirk from classes, and secondly, to study with great diligence. Who else can cheer you up on the treadmill, forcing you to run the last kilometer through force, if not your partner in "misfortune"! And don't forget about the power of competition. Did your friend do 50 squats? Make 51!

Too much salt and ... water. Okay, everything is clear with salt - it retains water in the body, increases the load on the heart and kidneys. If you want to see smaller numbers on the scale, then the salt will have to be severely limited. But water? Isn't a sports drink, or even a bottle of plain water, a must-have for an athletic cover girl? In fact, a little dehydration while exercising is beneficial. Nothing will happen to you if you do not drink during the 30 minutes or hour that you set aside for training. But in order for the fat cells to begin to oxidize, they must feel a certain water deficit. It is then that they will begin to "give away" fats in order to make up for the lack of fluid in the body. So you can drink half an hour before training or half an hour after it, but during physical activity it is better not to drink at all. By the way, this will allow you not to experience lateral colic, which can stop your exercise altogether.

Many people, having not achieved the desired effect from fitness, eventually stop training completely. But the benefits and meaning of training are not limited to weight loss. The majority of physically active people have normalized blood pressure and blood sugar, lower cholesterol levels and, which is important for losing weight, a decrease in waist size. Health and fitness (read volume), not weight, should be a priority in training. And the numbers will sooner or later still decrease, along with the build-up of muscle mass - unless, of course, you quit training.

Many ladies are sure that it is worth doing morning exercises for a week, switching to proper nutrition, and here it is, a wasp waist. With such expectations, disappointment is inevitable.

Excess weight, sometimes accumulated over the years, cannot easily and simply dissolve in a short time without harm to health. Therefore, you should avoid diets that promise to make you a model in a couple of weeks - the case can turn into a hospital bed.

And even if such a deplorable result does not follow, dropped on a low-calorie diet and exhausting workouts weight will return a hundredfold: with such a diet, the plumb lines are explained by the loss of water and muscle mass, and not fat at all. Sooner or later, the diet ends, the woman returns to her usual diet. Weight inevitably begins to grow, despite training., because the body, which has experienced a long-term, seeks to store energy in case of another hunger strike. It's a vicious circle, diets don't work, remember.

Proper nutrition and moderate exercise will definitely help you achieve harmony, but the process can take a long time.

The main task is to create conditions for fat burning and not violate them. Gradually, the body will adopt a new regime, the metabolism will accelerate, the hated fat will finally begin to burn.

The path to perfect figures e will most likely take not one month During this time, proper nutrition will become a healthy habit, and exercise will start to be enjoyable. Patience, only patience.

Plateau effect

The overwhelming majority of those who lose weight are faced with this unpleasant phenomenon, and not so much beginners as “experienced fighters” who have already seen the first result. And everything seems to be as it should: the nutrition is correct, the training is adequate, the reserve of patience and motivation is sufficient. What's the matter?

Do not get upset, let alone quit what you started. is normal and may last from two weeks to several months... The main reason for stopping weight is habituation of the body to training, slowing down the metabolism... Our body simply adapts to stress, being lazy to burn fat.

In this case, it may be enough to change the training program: add new exercises, move the training time from evening to morning or vice versa. Nutritional adjustments may not be required.

Another impetus for fat burning will be going to the bathhouse or sauna immediately after strength training. This method is often used by athletes who want to lose a couple of kilos before the competition. Intense body heating increases the consumption of oxygen and nutrients, stimulating metabolic processes... The method is very effective, but contraindicated for people suffering from heart disease.

Sometimes the weight stop is caused by too strict a diet is a protective response to hunger. Proper nutrition is first and foremost balanced menu and regular meals every 4-5 hours. Lack of food for a long time is perceived as the metabolism slows down.

The best way out is to gradually increase the daily calorie content of the diet, by 100 kcal per day at the maximum at the same level of training, then the body will have time to adapt.

Incorrect calculation of calories

For the correct one, a woman should receive 1300-2000 kcal per day with food, a nutritionist will help to calculate a more accurate figure based on the client's age, lifestyle, the number of extra pounds and health indicators. Moreover, about 30% of the diet should take proteins, 60% complex carbohydrates, 10% fat. Therefore, the decision to completely abandon fat-containing foods, so often taken by those losing weight, is fundamentally wrong and very harmful. We need fats for the synthesis of hormones, the assimilation of vitamins.

Often, wanting to consolidate the effect of training, ladies cut the already modest calorie content, limit themselves to food... This technique will help you lose weight rapidly, but be sure affect health... However, what the danger of a calorie deficit is, we have already described above.

The second most common mistake of losing weight is constant breakdowns from proper nutrition... Noticing the first fruits of training, ladies relax - begin to abuse sweets and buns, hoping for the miraculous power of physical activity. Such errors very quickly become a habit, an excess of calories appears, settling on the sides of the hated fat.

Do not forget about the need for systemic proper nutrition, and on days of breakdowns, be sure to increase the intensity of your workout, otherwise you will not be able to lose weight.

A few words about proper nutrition for burning fat (video)

Muscle enlargement

In the first month after starting training, almost all girls note weight gain instead of the desired decrease. The mood is hopelessly spoiled - is it really all in vain, why didn't you manage to lose weight? Nothing terrible happens, everything is explained very simply.

With active training begins building heavy muscle tissue replacing lighter fat fibers. The body becomes stronger, more resilient, and the body spends much more energy on full maintenance of the muscles than on maintaining the fat layer. Do not forget about good nutrition during this period and you will soon notice a pleasant change in shape in the mirror.

Plus, our body should be able to recover from exercise, relax. Muscle pain- the very first and clear signal that the loads did not go unnoticed, did their job. The muscle recovery process is always accompanied by water retention required by the fibers to carry out all metabolic processes in cells. This explains the sharp weight gain 1-2 kg... After 3-5 weeks, excess fluid will come out on its own - you will immediately see this by reducing the volume.

Proper nutrition and adequate intake of clean water during exercise helps align the work of hormones, accelerate metabolism what will take not one month... But as a result, the body will be completely rebuilt, tissue regeneration will accelerate, and now it will not be difficult to lose weight.

Incorrect workouts

Ideally, it is better to train in the gym under the supervision of an experienced trainer who will select an individual training program. Those who practice on their own should take into account that it is far not every physical activity helps you lose weight. So unhurried walking will not burn a lot of energy, even if it takes a decent amount of time.

Proper training will take nothing not less than an hour, and half of this time the body will consume the calories received from food, and only then it will start for body fat. Be sure to include exercises in your workout. different muscle groups, then the calorie consumption will be much higher. By gradually increasing the intensity of the exercise, you can achieve more noticeable results, but here it is important to listen carefully to your health.

Going to extremes and excessively exhausting yourself with training is categorically not recommended, because with such loads it will be difficult to lose weight. Paradox? Well no. Constant fatigue, lack of proper rest entails the allocation of r oormone - cortisol, which slows down digestion, reduces, negatively affects mood. But this is not yet the most unpleasant thing. Cortisol destroys muscle tissue and provokes fat deposition in the waist area, this is the main danger. Try to time your workouts so that they take up 5-6 hours a week This is enough time in the gym to lose weight if you follow the basic aspects of good nutrition.

I train and lose weight, but the weight grows!

People who are often starting to do fitness for weight loss are faced with one strange phenomenon. They begin to follow the rules of nutrition and exercise vigorously, but the expected weight loss does not occur. Moreover, the arrow on the scale may even begin to crawl upward.

From a letter:

"Hello! I have the following problem - I have been going to fitness for 3 weeks, 3 times a week for an hour, and my weight not only has not decreased by a single gram, but also added 300 grams. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, like doing all the exercises. " Olga

Let's consider this situation point by point.

What kind of fitness to do?

It is not entirely clear from your letter what kind of fitness you are doing. Bodybuilding, for example, is also fitness (designed to increase muscle mass and develop symmetry and definition). And he, of course, is not suitable for losing weight, although outwardly his exercises are very similar to training in fat burning programs.

However, it is clear from the letter that you are planning to lose weight. Therefore, the training option you choose should be at least in the slightest degree suitable for weight loss. Therefore, it should stimulate anabolic hormones well and help accelerate metabolism (the first leads to the second). The characteristic signs of such training are: increased heart rate (not lower than 145-155 per minute), significant short-term muscle efforts, obligatory sweating during the lesson, rather long duration of the lesson - not less than 40 minutes, the frequency of lessons - not less than 4-6 times a week ...

The most suitable training options for you are:

  • Strength training in the gym (2 times a week) + cardio training (3-5 times a week). Cardio can be anything (treadmill, jogging, swimming, group aerobics,) and performed on a separate day from the strength program.
  • (4-6 times a week). In any form.
  • (3-5 times a week). In any form.
  • the program is exercises with your own body weight

Fitness activities such as pilates, yoga, jogging, exercise, and a few others do not by themselves promote rapid weight loss. While they are certainly very beneficial to your health, they do not have a quick weight loss effect.

What does weight gain mean?

Your weight has not only not decreased, but also increased slightly (by 300 g). This is a completely normal body reaction to regular physical activity, whatever it may be. The fact is that the load on the muscles in the first weeks of training leads to a rapid increase in muscle tone (after all, before that, you most likely did not give the muscles the necessary load). And one of the factors of increased tone is an increase in the content of water in the muscles. Consequently, they get heavier. Moreover, this is a healthy weight. After all, these are muscles!

Remember, if you are going to lose weight through training, in the first weeks your weight may increase slightly due to an increase in muscle tone.

But the scales are not the most important indicator in the early stages of weight loss. Much more important is tone and increased energy.

It is important to understand that fluctuations in weight during the week exceeding 1 kg are just fluctuations in the level of water in the body, and no more. The body cannot produce more than 1 kg of fat per week for purely physiological reasons.

The next step will be just a gradual weight loss. Muscles stimulated by exercise become very energy intensive (require a lot of energy). This leads to the fact that the body begins a process of healthy reduction of fat mass, which is spent on obtaining energy for the muscles, even during rest.

But the process of burning fat will largely depend on how you eat, how you continue to exercise and what lifestyle you lead.

If you ignore reasonable dietary requirements (especially avoiding sweets), exercising from time to time (or not intensively enough and often), being under constant stress at work or participating in domestic squabbles, I'm afraid you will not succeed.

So now everything is going well for you. You have no cause for concern. However, be aware of the tips given here.

Hello friends and phyto babies! I've been going to the same gym for about a year now. Therefore, the contingent as a whole has long been known. We have pitching of all stripes, who sweat on simulators and with barbells, and in the next hall women of different ages are jumping to the incendiary music: they jump on platforms, throw some balls and wag their hips invitingly. Both those and others come after training sweaty and tired.

Now, just looking at some, I see that during this year the only thing they have achieved is a slightly firmer body. And the weight as it was elephant - and remained. And for some, on top of that, it even became higher than the initial indicators.

Want to know the answer? Want to know where the raisins are hiding? What was stopping you all this time? The answer is here!

Naturally, this does not add enthusiasm, and these ladies and even men go to the hall simply by inertia: because they are used to it and have found new acquaintances. What's the problem? - you ask. Why do some people, coming to the gym, throw off 20 kilograms and acquire beautiful reliefs, while others seem to puff along with everyone else, but at the same time remain the same hippos and elephants?

Today we will find out with you the answer to the most burning question: "Why am I doing fitness and gaining weight?" In fact, there may be several reasons for such a disaster, so let's take a closer look at each of them.

Eating More Than Necessary

In fact, this is the main reason that can slow down the process of losing weight. Any workout will increase metabolic processes, which is invariably associated with an increased feeling of hunger. That is, the better you work out, the more you will want to eat.

This is often combined with the greatest delusion: since I did a great job, now I can reward myself. The reward in this case is not watching an interesting movie or meeting with friends, but a hearty and more dense dinner than usual.

If earlier, before training, it was just tea with a cookie, now you eat half a packet, remembering that during exercise you burned an unthinkable amount of calories.

In fact, even the most intense strength training will take no more than 500 calories from you. Now look at how many cookies are in 100 grams, even the most dietary one, and evaluate the level of your efforts.

Instead of sweets, you can eat the healthiest food in the world, for example, a huge steak with a side dish of vegetables, but keep in mind that our body makes no difference, and, in fact, only takes into account the total calorie content of food received per day. Fats, sugars, salt and preservatives can do a very poor job for any athlete.

We come to the conclusion that no matter how much and intensively you exercise, you will have to calculate the total calorie content of the daily diet in the same way as any other person who does not want to get fat.

If you intend to lose weight, then to calculate the total costs of your body, add to them work in the gym. From the amount of calories received, you need to subtract 200-500 kcal to ensure an energy deficit.

Do not forget to count all of your even the lightest snacks. Apples, sandwiches, drying, one candy and tea with jam can pull in calories for a solid piece of bacon, so initially it is better to keep a food diary in general, where you will note all your food "exploits".

Also adhere to the recommendations for proper nutrition with the right amount of carbohydrates (50-60%), proteins (up to 30%) and fats. Avoid sweets, including even sweet fruits, especially in the afternoon. We eat all carbohydrates before lunch, and then only proteins and vegetables with a low glycemic index. Before going to bed, it is permissible to eat cottage cheese or drink a protein shake.

I can add the next one to the collection of ideas regarding unhealthy nutrition. This is also typical conversations of women who are stubbornly losing weight, who, with half-green faces, say: “I eat one oatmeal on the water, but the weight is worth it. For dinner - only kefir. I faint, but things are still there. "

Convincing them that they should eat well, talking about a slow metabolism and the body's economy on such diets, as a rule, is useless. They usually have an undeniable argument for this: "If I start eating, I can't stop." And most often they live in a diet-breakdown mode for a long time.

Naturally, the overall result is spoiled digestion, a disturbed metabolism, edema, additional excess weight, depression, self-indulgence and an absolute lack of effect from training. This problem, of course, stems from the eternal female and male impatience.

We have been eating extra pounds on the sides for years, but we want to lose them as quickly as possible. I am ready for a change, I work hard in the gym, I want to see the result after two or three workouts. In the best case, we are ready to wait a couple of weeks. But most often it happens that, apart from shaking hands and feet, wet T-shirts and global fatigue against the background of a desire to die as soon as possible, there is no result.

But I want to remind you once again that the annual fat reserves will not go away instantly. For a real restructuring, your body will take time and it will take more than one day when the body begins to actually part with its fat.

In addition, most often we expect the fat to dissolve locally: twisted the hoop - and the waist became slender, like a girl's. They did it - and the stomach was drawn in. But the chest and butt may remain the same as they were. But the essence of this misconception is that there is no point weight loss. Extra pounds will go all over the body and, as a rule, this is an imperceptible process precisely because of the scale of the process.

Wrong training regimen

If you come to the gym and decide to save money on the instructor, then some other mistakes are not excluded.

  • Violation of the exercise regimen... The thing is that often people who first came to the simulator begin to sweat hard and on a daily basis on the simulators. Naturally, in a week or two you will be overworked and give up this thankless task. As a result, you will go to training, as they say, through a stump-deck, that is, you walk for 3 days, then you rest for 5 days. In general, I'm talking about irregularity.
  • The next error is too small loads... It is especially common among women who are sincerely convinced that weight lifting is the lot of bodybuilders. And girls can only do light aerobics, where a full hall of beauties gallops with elegant hairstyles and terry headbands on their foreheads, graceful pink little dumbbells in their hands, and perfect makeup never flows. All this is pure delusion, and in order to achieve real results, you really have to work hard. And you will not look as good as the girls from the aerobics TV spots.

Failure to comply with the rules of work on simulators... This is another side effect of saving on the instructor. At best, you will get an unevenly pumped body, and at worst, you will earn an injury that will deprive you of the opportunity to improve your body for a long time.

Incorrectly constructed workout. If you have never played sports, then just running through all the simulators is not at all an option. It is no coincidence that programs aimed at developing specific muscles have been invented. Here it is necessary to follow certain rules and work out a large muscle group and a small one during one workout. At the same time, it is important to give them a good rest from one day to three days.

Workouts should not be too short.... Typical recommendations say that you need to exercise three to five times a week. Moreover, three of them will fall on strength training with a break of at least a day, and two or three more times you need to find time for cardio exercises. That is, it turns out that three times you have to work with large weights and on simulators, using also basic exercises, and the rest of the time you can just go to aerobics or fitness or run on the track.

  • Please note that you will have to study a lot and often, otherwise you will not see the result as your own ears. If you completely reject the idea of ​​sweating in the gym with barbells, then in any case, you must follow a very intense and, most importantly, regular training regimen. Of course, doing monotonous loads in fitness is boring, so dilute it with yoga, cycling, swimming, zumba, stretching. It is good that even the most modest gyms now offer very diverse programs.
  • Along the way, I remembered another common mistake. Such gossips come to the hall, walked along the path for 20 minutes and talk on the sofa for another 40 minutes, while restoring their fully spent resources. To the point of such chatting - zero, as it should be assumed.
    Yes friends! You will have to fully engage in an hour or an hour and a half, without relaxing during the half-hour breaks between sets. The maximum that you can afford is a minute during which we do not sit sadly, but walk around the hall or stretch out tense muscles.

Reasons that also prevent you from losing weight

Don't neglect your body type and overall health. There are 3 types of figure: endomorph, mesomorph and ectomorph. Each of them has their own personal characteristics during the training. For everyone, their own recommendations have long been developed regarding the selection of the correct diet. And what works great for one will not work for another at all. People with various health conditions can have the same personal recommendations.

As a result, we have regular conversations that I hear from time to time. Such a sad aunt sits on a bench and says: “I started doing fitness and only got fat even more. Apparently it's not mine. "

I can add one more story of my friend to the box of delusions.

A couple of times at the stage of losing weight, I broke down only because for 2 or even 3 months the weight continued to stubbornly and did not move from the occupied lines under any circumstances. At the same time, I forgot to take into account one very important fact: the volumes were simply leaving rapidly.

On the questions of the curious about how much I lost a kilogram, it was possible to show only a sad zero. Therefore, at the beginning of the journey, be sure to measure all the most strategically important areas: bicep circumference, chest, waist and hip. Repeat these measurements every 3-4 weeks.

Also, do not forget that during training you are replacing adipose tissue with muscle. And these indicators can be measured only with the help of special tests. The main secret will be that muscle tissue with the same volumes will be much heavier than adipose tissue. Therefore, on the total weight, this may not be reflected for the better. The overall result will be the fact that your body fat has decreased, and your weight has increased.

Learn to plan your workloads correctly. Don't put your hardest workout on Friday. That is, when you are literally exhausted after a week of work and all you need is a good rest. Choose a lighter lesson or even go to yoga, and leave the strength class on Saturday or Sunday, when you have slept and are ready for new achievements.

All this, in the end, will lead to the fact that not only will you tell others: “I go to fitness”, but they, in the end, will notice changes in your figure and themselves will start asking: “You have lost so much weight! Have you started to play sports? "

I want to give you a couple more tips. You don't have to get up on the scales every day so that you can rush around the house with terrible screams: "Oh, my God, I put on 200 grams!" It is enough to do this once a week. You should lose no more than 3-4 kilograms per month. This will tell you that everything you are doing is going right. We do not need more significant losses in order not to stress the body.

Tune in to the fact that you will have to work a lot and for a long time, and the first tangible results may appear only after 2 or 3 months. An excellent example is the story of an instructor named Drew Manning. The coach has grown fat on purpose in order to better understand his clients.

Gaining a couple of dozen extra pounds is not so easy. He spent six months on this. And the same amount worked to get back to its original form. Therefore, I repeat once again: do not expect miracles and tune in to serious work.

Allow yourself once every one or two weeks to break away from your soul and eat whatever you want. However, it is better to do everything before lunch. This is a worthy reward for the work invested. Moreover, it will benefit you as it stimulates your metabolism.

But keep in mind: you can really allow yourself such holidays of the soul not more often than the recommended intervals. Although if you feel that you really want to eat this cookie, and this desire does not go away even after you have eaten meat and salad, then sometimes you can go along with your desires. Agree that it is better to eat one cookie than to break loose and lose a whole bag without memory.

And the last tip is the link here to the course " How to pump up abs with a WOW feeling". In it you will find tons of recommendations for a regime and a detailed nutrition plan that will help to finish off the most recalcitrant abdominal muscles. Among other things, here are tons of practical training tips and specific programs for getting the most prominent cubes in the world:

You began to notice that after training you are gaining weight dramatically, do not panic. First of all, you need to understand the main reasons. Extra pounds can appear due to water, fat, muscle. For example, muscles are denser than fat, they do not take up much space, but are reflected in body weight. Sometimes after a workout, a sufficient amount of water accumulates in the body. This happens when the body completely absorbs water, keeps it inside for a long time for proper glycogen production. Also, the body stores a large amount of water for the healing of muscle fibers that are torn. What to do? When is overweight after exercise the norm?

Fat storage after exercise

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, some people, starting to play sports, get very much better. Why? The main reason is non-observance of the correct diet.

After a systematic training, I want to eat strongly. Here you need to know when to stop! If you dream of being slim, despite, you need to consume a certain amount of food, not a little more. In this situation, it is important to keep a food diary so that you know how much calories you are getting. Now such a diary can be kept on your smartphone or laptop. This way you will learn to control yourself and will not overeat.

Misconception! Many people think: now we will eat, and tomorrow in training I will lose all calories. This is not true. Exercising without proper nutrition is ineffective.

Other causes of excess weight

  • Not enough calories. Of course, this sounds strange, but it can be explained from a physiological point of view. If you constantly start to limit yourself in food, your metabolic processes begin to slow down. A strict diet is not a way out of the situation. All sports activities involve increased physical activity, so it is very important to monitor how you eat.
  • The body has not yet responded to your sports activities ... Do not assume that the results will be noticeable after the first workout. The body must get used to the stress. This takes several weeks or months. Everyone individually perceives physical activity.
  • Taking medications ... Some drugs affect weight loss, delay this process. If you are sure that you are eating right, are actively involved in sports and do not drink medicines, then you should already consult a doctor.
  • The muscular system grows faster than you shed excess fat ... In this case, there is no need to rush to give up training. It is best to consult your personal trainer, he will help you create a specific workout program that includes cardio loads. You must complete at least 15 exercises at a time.

Weight gain after cardio workout

Quite often, a person notices that he gains weight after cardio loads. Coaches explain this with the following reasons:

  • You eat more food than you burn during exercise... Quite often, extra pounds are a consequence of the abuse of fast food, sweets. For example, let's say you ran in the gym for about half an hour, then you ate a large hamburger with 300 calories. In this case, you immediately regained the calories lost during the workout.
  • Fluid abuse... If you like something salty, drink a lot of water, you don't even notice how you gain 2 extra pounds.
  • Serious problems with the body... We draw your attention, in case of diseases of the endocrine system, you can diet, burn calories in training, but you will still gain weight. In this case, it is necessary to take medications that will help normalize the level of hormones.
  • Decrease. If you forget to eat after a workout, you may feel very hungry after a while. After overusing food, fat will start to build up on your belly and thighs.
  • Passion for sports biological supplements. You don't even know that isotonic drinks are high in calories. They are recommended for athletes who actively and constantly spend time in the gym. In this case, athletes spend a lot of energy. And for those who constantly work at the computer, and then train for only an hour in the gym, such drinks will only add extra pounds.

What if training doesn't work?

As you begin to notice that classes are ineffective, try these valuable tips:

  • Change your sport. Try replacing the gym with a pool or outdoor jogging. As a rule, new types of loads are active.
  • Don't forget to sleep ... Quite often, getting rid of extra pounds is hampered by overwork. With constant lack of sleep, your body does not have time to recover, so training becomes useless.
  • Relax... If you have not previously been involved in sports, and now you have begun to exhaust yourself with training, this is a serious stress for the body, which cannot have a positive effect on your figure. Skip the gym for a week, while trying to eat right, and you will notice the results.
  • Exercise regularly ... Some people lack endurance and willpower to develop their body daily. Please note that going to the gym two times will not help you get rid of the problem.
  • Give up bad habits ... Some go to the gym, but do not give up smoking, alcohol. You must understand sports and bad habits - incompatible.

So, doing fitness or other sports for weight loss is not enough. Serious and complex work is needed here, including healthy nutrition, constant stress, healthy sleep, and refusal from junk food. Make it a rule to start every new day with exercise. Let it last 20 minutes, but this is enough to keep your body in good shape. Go to your goal and be sure to achieve amazing results!

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