Creative homework in mathematics as a means of improving the independent activities of students. Creative work Types of creative works

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MBOU "Uglitskaya Sosh"

Creative work

"How my peers say"

Chelyabinsk region

Chesmesky district

p. Uglitsky

MBOU Uglitskaya Sosh

6th grade 12 years

Leader: Golobzapova Galina Alekseevna,

teacher of the highest category

MBOU "Uglitskaya Sosh" Chesme district of the Chelyabinsk region

"The Russian language is extremely rich, flexible and picturesque to express ordinary natural concepts," wrote V.G. Belinsky.

I agree with the statement of famous criticism. How many words can be found to express thoughts, descriptions of nature, and just for communication!

In the lesson of the Russian language, I learned that scientists suggest that in Russian more than 500 thousand words. All of them are "stored" in dictionaries. For example, "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian language" V.I. Daly has 200 thousand words and 30 thousand proverbs, and 4-Tomny dictionary edited by D.N. Ushakov - 85 thousand words.

But, unfortunately, recently my peers are not at all interested in the wealth of our native language, littered with its various foreign words, for example, "Hai", "Bai-Bai", "Helou". Also to the place and not to the place use the incoherent words "type", "shorter", "as it were," which makes speech sometimes meaningless.

If you carefully look at some words of the youth slang, then you can see that some of them are borrowed from Blouth Zhargon ("Ksiva", "Watering"), others are formed by the addition of the roots (Chic Faiter - "Lighter"), third - just from abbreviations (schmo - "Fool", "Upper"). In our school, students use abbreviated words in their speech: "Matika" (mathematics ")," Lit-Ra "(literature"), "Phys-ra" (physical education).

Why does Youth Slang arise? I think to make my speech incomprehensible to others, show that you are yours in the company, or it's just a desire to look like an adult.

It also seems to me that these words are often used by my peers because such expressions are made in the language of a special "fragrance": you will say "buzz", and it becomes clear - it's great, beautiful, interesting, and you say "sucks" means the opposite.

Most recently, I heard a new one from my classmates (at least for me) the word "Nyasha". "He is so nyasha," they say, that is, "dear", "adorable". Having discovered the Dalya dictionary, I read that "Nyasha" is a dirt with a tina, viscous liquid hide. Nothing in common. Apparently, just a beautiful word took as a basis, without even recognizing the lexical meaning.

By the way, the words of the youth slang penetrate into the speech of adults, and in the media. For example, I often hear words like a party (company), Kalash (Kalashnikov automaton), respect (sympathy expression), chip (something interesting, unusual).

What could be more important than well-developed speech? Without her, there are no success in teaching and good communication. In a person's speech, his pupil is visible. Undeveloped speech, small vocabulary, obscene vocabulary are an indicator of human undevelopability. Last time, more and more often in the speech of high school students (and sometimes younger students) sounds like a swiss speech. I believe it is unworthy for a person, in the end, it's just ugly.

The development of speech culture depends on the family, the daily environment. My parents, grandparents have a higher education, they love to read. In the house we have a good library in which there are many reference books. And when something is unclear to me, I open the encyclopedia or dictionary and find the right answer.

Unfortunately, in our small village there are not a lot of families, where there are libraries or at least a shelf of books. Sorry. After all, it is why the vocabulary of many of my peers are scooped.

And I want to finish your work with the words K. Powesta: "There is nothing like that in life and in our consciousness, which could not be conveyed by the Russian language: the sound of music, glitter of paints, the game of light, noise and shadow of the gardens, the ambiguity of sleep, severe rumble , Children's whisper and coast of marine gravel. There are no such sounds, paints, images and thoughts for which there would be no accurate expression in our language "

Creative works are two types: mandatory (they are offered as a task to evaluate) and at will. Maximum reflects the creative potential of the second, but the path to them lies through the first. Many guys do not feel the talent or determination to perform creative tasks - mandatory work can push them to this.

Types of creative tasks


The most common type of children's creativity. Depending on the school subject and the age of the student, it is possible to draw an illustration for a literary product, to your own essay, make cards with foreign words and pictures for younger students, to portray the process of photosynthesis or neutralization reaction in the associative figure.

You can make this work group.

Application, modeling, various types of manual creativity: quilling, paper plastic, origami and other

The essence of the work is the same, only these types of creativity usually require better possession of technique and good spatial thinking.

Creating a book

This is a real creative project (individual or group). Can be performed in different techniques. It can be a handwritten book with own illustrations; You can make a book by appliqué; You can make a book on the computer and print on the printer.

Scientific projects on subjects or integrated

There may be research or practical oriented, but in any case we are talking about scientific creativity. Usually a group form of work is used, but individual projects are also possible.

Examples of research projects:

  • "The dirtiest surface in the biology office."
  • "Features of the behavior of a cat, who is alleged in an alien family."
  • "The most popular names in our school."
  • "Using erroneous forms of the genus of nouns of 5-6 class students."
  • "Application of methods based on inertia, in machinery and construction."

Examples of practical-oriented projects:

  • "Persoying: Time Management Rules for Guys."
  • "The dictionary of the youth slang of our village."
  • "The project of the machine for sprinkling ice reagent."
  • "Development of an interactive test for computer diagnostics of knowledge on the topic" Hydrogen ".
  • "Development of a mixture for feeding birds in winter, taking into account species found in the area of \u200b\u200bour school."


This typical form of literature lessons can be successfully applied on other subjects. After all, we are talking about the form of a consistent presentation of information about anything:

  • What is it (or who)?
  • What are his distinctive signs ("the square is called only such a rectangle ...").
  • What can be informed about it: properties, relationships, theorems, reactions, formulas won battles, open laws, friendship or feud with other heroes ...

Overall comparison

And again, we have a form that can be used on any school subject: it is not necessary to compare Onegin and Pechorin, you can compare the rhombus and square, Mercury and Venus, France and Spain, the Russian-Japanese and the first world wars.

Writing a problem character

Extremely useful form of verbal and scientific creativity. Examples of writing:

  • Is the concept of honor?
  • Was it possible to avoid the revolution in 1917?
  • Nuclear power industry: pros and cons.
  • Is it possible to change the economic situation in Siberia?
  • What would happen if all the flowering plants on Earth disappeared suddenly?

Essay in EGE format

This, of course, work in the Russian language and is very specific. High school students can fulfill it in full, and you can simplify it with younger guys. In elementary school, to offer text with an already formulated problem and suggest expressing an informed opinion on it. In high school, the guys must already learn to determine the author's position, as well as select the arguments.

Burim and other poetic works

Burim is an essay of poem on a given rhyme; You can also come up with second lines to the first, etc.

Compilation of crosswords, Sharad, Rus, Anagrams


The game at which all the names of the names are changing to opposite or just others. For example, "Green Shoe" - "Red Cap", "The Rule of the Brascover" - "Exception of Tube", etc. You can offer children and guess, and invent such flippers.

Drawing up a task or exercise collection

According to any subject, you can offer to make a test, questionnaire, task, and the like collection for classmates or younger guys. You can complicate the task, offering to come up with funny tasks in the style of "task" of Oster or those in which all words begin to the same letter.

"Guess who"

Creative game, which can be carried out constantly or on occasion to the case and in different versions.

Its essence comes down to the fact that the student makes a person (literary hero, a scientist, historical figure) or a phenomenon (industry, chemical element, country), and others guess. Options:

  • the student writes everything that may, about his "hero", starting with little-known facts and ending with well-known;
  • odnoklassniki ask questions about a mandated person or subject, but only those that can be answered "yes" or "no";
  • competed two teams, and the word for riddling is determined by lot (by pulling out one of the cards prepared by the teacher);
  • sometimes the disciples are invited to constantly keep a notebook-Ugadayku and write to it on one riddle about any character or the concept of each paragraph.

"Six Hats"


This reception is borrowed from American teachers. The name happened from the first letters of words:

  • R - Role.
  • A - Audience (audience).
  • F - Format.
  • T - Topic (topic).

The essence of the reception is that the schoolboy creates a statement on behalf of the selected character. And the executor of the role should take into account all the circumstances in which the character is provided. The role and circumstances are offered by the teacher, it is possible by lot.

  • Role: Reporter.
  • Audience: readers of the magazine "Women's Share".
  • Format: Problem article.
  • Topic: Katerina Kabanova's suicide.

We presented only a few of the possible creative tasks that can be used in the lessons, everything is impossible to cover them, because new people appear literally every day. And what creative tasks do you use? Share in the comments to the article.

Creative work on the work of A.S. Pushkin.

Topic: "My opening of your favorite poet"

1. To know with the creative heritage of the poet, with the peculiarities of the artistic plan of his lyrical works.
2. Teach the art of creative reading the lyrical work, the ability to express its own position, give a personal assessment with its artistic impressions.
3. To learn competent speech, the ability to formulate their own statements.
1. Recompret the love of the great classics of the poetic word.
2. Valine respect for the native word, careful attitude towards its beauty and identity.
1. Develop an artistic imagination, analytical thinking, the ability of the artistic recovery.

The inner world of man has always been and is now a mystery, while remaining the face of understanding, maybe even the closest people. After all, the soul is an immense expanse, a whole world, with its problems and endless search for their solutions, joy and aspirations for inner harmony. Each of us, of course, dreams of choosing their life island, berth, trying to find what reflects his spiritual ideas, thoughts, feelings. It is such a magical edge, a poetry is served in a hidden corner. This is the richest treasury of human values. It is so deep and meaningful that you can feel something your own. Pushkin is one of those writers who belong to the inexhaustible caches of Russian culture make up its basis, are indisputable masters in the knowledge of the inner world of people. Perhaps it is difficult to meet a person who, in touching with the work of Alexander Sergeevich, remained indifferent, did not find the reflection of his soul in his lines, thoughts, some life beliefs:

It is Pushkin, our consolation,
Bright light - in the dusk night!
With him, forget grief and too much,
To live and think Syznov Let's start.

Indeed, every time, opening Tomik Pushkin, you are in power of its poetry. Before the eyes of pain, familiar lines that loved me since childhood:

Frost and sun; Wonderful day ...

What kind of vigor and freshness blows from this poems, feeling a tide, the feeling of a new day, carrying me into bright dreams of future future. When I read these lines, I unwittingly want to leave the stuffy room, filled with some everyday difficulties, break out to the will, breathe fresh air. How nice wander through deep winter snowdrifts, enjoy the birth of a new day! And although the author does not describe a picture of the awakening of nature from night sleep, I randomly draw in my imagination morning, with a magnificent glow, where the last sprocket is afraid of the last curtain, and finally see the first sun rays, as it seems to me, personifying the whole charm and the unusualness of the upcoming day.

I read on ... .. It is impossible to break away from these lines. As bright and poetically, Pushkin describes the beautiful landscape of the native nature, comparing yesterday evening, when "the blizzard was angry", "the moon, like a pale spot ... a jewelry" with a morning carrying. Indeed, everything changed everything around, which became simply unrecognizable:

Evening, you remember, the blizzard was angry,
On the muddy sky of the midst,
… … …
And now ... Look out the window:
Under blue skies
Magnificent carpets
Bright in the sun, the snow lies ...

But, despite these opposition, maybe even secret instructions on the superiority of one natural phenomenon over the other, I think every time is beautiful in its own way. Let yesterday's bad weather, the sadness of the Pushkin heroine ask a sad tone of the whole taking place, I feel all the charm of this restless element, energizing even the heavenly shine. So imagine yourself in a small house, where you crack last minute. Their mysterious spell merges with the fighting of the Purgi, the sad memories and meditation visiting their songs. I think the personification in the artistic fabric helps to perceive the phenomenon of nature as a human, close, native: "The blizzard was angry", "Missed". Yes, life is boil behind the lines, with all its passions: stubbornness, authority, meanness, love.

I catch myself thinking that the author, facing the gloomy, oppressive, sought to enrich our soul, pouring good, peace, and beauty into it. "Evening", "muddy sky", "clouds of gloomy" nascent, carrying harmony, cleans the soul feeling from the magnificent picture of the winter morning, filled with freshness and purity, leaving behind all the threats and fears of fierce blizzards. And I finally feel soothery and joy, because the bottomless sky, the carpets of snow, a transparent forest, a green fir - everything acquires its significance, becomes visible after the recent domination of Burana. Nature is again filled with all the life paints, passing my mood.

All Amber Brilliant Room
Ozaren. Merry crash
Flooded oven ...

A similar picture, as it seems to me, is able to warm up not only the body of a person, but also his soul, dishonor the frozen heart, let the bright beginnings with the help of a salago of the poet.
But how do my attention and make my attention, make this Pushkin lines think:
It's nice to think at the Lena.
But you know: Does not be told in Sanki
Do bargain picking?

These lines are permeated with love for life, the awakening of her brightest began. The man, according to the author, does not have moral right to just dream of a pleasant future, without doing anything to exercise his desires. Fast ride can shake the dormant forces, remind about the purpose of man on earth. Through such trifles, it seems to me, the true values \u200b\u200bare familiar. We strive to look in ourselves, revealing the quality unknowns:

Dear friend
An impatient horse

And this expressive epithet. ... why is the horse called "impatient"?
Maybe this word transmits the desire of the lyrical hero to enjoy the winter sensations of the invigorating, pinching frost, reveals his impatience on the way of knowing the unknown, but having his attractiveness.
And here is the last lines of poem:
And visiting empty fields,
Forests, recently so thick,
And the beach, cute for me.

How many feelings are concluded in them! It seems that the author does not speak about his internal experiences, mental state, but, reading these lines, feel nostalgia for a long time to empty native places, unwittingly remember the most pleasant and happy moments of life. Despite the sad notes of the end of the work, the cheerful and joyful tone of the poem brings thoughts on me only about light, no darkened happiness.
For me, Pushkin's poetry includes a whole world filled with various passions, emotions, feelings that love Love:

I remember a wonderful moment:
Before me came,
As a fleeting vision,
As a genius of pure beauty.

It is striking that only one memory of the wonderful moments, the memory of the image of beauty, is able to light a new sincere light, despite all the vital turmoil and problems. I feel the experience of the author from a new meeting, carrying joy returning to youth, saturating the soul with new feelings and passions:
And the heart beats in the jet,
And for him resurrected again
And deity and inspiration
And life, and tears, and love.

Yes, tears, love, inspiration - the lifeful force, designed to revive each desire for harmony.
But beside me and another poem, the theme of which was the unforgettable and majestic love:

I loved you: love still, perhaps
In my soul, I was not quite ...

What contradiction is filled with this work! The author speaks of his love, as the distant past, trying, as it seems to me, only to calm the beloved, save it from annoying courtesies, not causing the shadows of grief:

But let her no longer be disturbed;
I do not want to peel you with anything ...

As instructive and noble thoughts in these lines. I am sure, many are experiencing unhealthy love, its cruel unrequency. But whether everyone is met with this, do not put egoistic desires above all, do not require from loved ones impossible, condemning only themselves to flour and suffering? Probably not. It seems to me that Pushkin wanted to show only one thing: the fact that we love is already a big joy, happiness, which is not given to everyone. It is important to remember that offended feelings, vulnerable pride, indifference does not give us the right to live in harmony with you.

I loved you so sincerely, so gentle
How God God for your beloved to be different.

Here is a lesson who is trying to teach us a poet. Reading these lines, I am surprised at the paradox: the wish of your favorite happiness with another person, when he himself so unless he loves?! Is it really so simple and disinterested? Maybe only one humility says here, accepting his insolent fate without struggle? I think not. After all, in the lines that say that "love is still, perhaps ... It was not quite that" there was some kind of secret hope, an internal protest is felt, the opportunity to even compete for his happiness. This feeling did not bring, unfortunately, the expected desires could not satisfy all the thirst for the heart, but always there is a belief that a person will still find his true love that will give the joy of life. And in this poem, I think it was reflected.
I am writing about Pushkin, but I catch myself thinking that it is impossible to reveal all the verge of his lively verse.
Yes, in my opinion, it is worth agreeing with literary critics, the connoisseurs of his talent that Pushkin has his own. And not one. He changes over the years. He changes several times for our lives, as we change ourselves. But for me, his genius always remains all-knowing, like God, never mistaken in understanding the soul of human.

According to new federal standards, creative work on technology is a mandatory part of the educational process. Such activities should demonstrate those skills, skills that were purchased by students in technology lessons. Thanks to this work, they can show their individuality. In addition, creative work on technology helps a child in practice to take advantage of theoretical knowledge.

Why do I need projects on technology

Technology projects as a learning option

Let's try to figure out what is a creative project on technology. An example of such activities is to create a wooden stool. Before entering the direct assembly of the product, the project participants are studying theoretical issues (product elements, fastening options), pay attention to the safety technique.

Stool with your own hands

The project "Stool" seems simple only at first glance. In reality, the situation is much more complicated, because you need to choose the optimal sizes of the legs, the base parameters of the stool to get not only a beautiful, but also a steady product. The project may present elements of research, abstracts, reports. For example, one can analyze how the form changes, the appearance of the stool, trace the use of the source materials to create it. Creative work of this type is based on the independence of schoolchildren.

Each creative technology project (an example can be given any: embroidery, wood carving) aims to cooperate a student and teacher. Already at an early age, the child formed the initial skills of professional skills, on their basis the child can choose its future profession. In such activities, several types of work are combined in such activities: steam room, individual, group, collective. The teacher is a consultant, partner, coordinator, and the main proportion of work falls on the shoulders of the students themselves. Each creative project on technology (examples will be shown below) encourages the guys to acquire new skills and knowledge. Working on a certain topic, schoolchildren receive a specific result, which positively affects their self-esteem.

Project "Soft toy"

Not all girls love to sew, but all without exception adore soft toys. In order to combine their love for mild toys with conventional technology lessons, you can implement a project for the manufacture of a fluffy bunny. The purpose of the work will be the creation of a soft toy. Source materials for work - pieces of fur, thread, needle, filler for toys, cardboard for pattern. The project implies work in the group. One girl will do the pattern of the future bunny. The pattern can be selected ready or make yourself. The task of the second needlewoman includes a connection of parts. Another member of the project will fill ready-made soft filler details. In the final stage, within which separate details will be interconnected, all girls will take part.

Examples of creative projects for girls

In order to give an original gift on March 8, it is not necessary to spend money, you can make it with your own hands. The creative project "Postcard Mom" \u200b\u200binvolves creating a beautiful postcard in a scapobing technique. At the first stage, girls get acquainted with the peculiarities of technology, consider finished products. Next, together with the teacher, they put a goal: make an unusual and bright postcard. To achieve this goal, materials are selected: color cardboard, satin ribbons, curly holes, halves of pearls. The following action plan is planned, the sequence of work is analyzed, the duties between the project participants are distributed. Creative technology project - an example of using affordable materials to obtain the original result. We offer a sequence of actions:

  1. An ordinary cardboard bend in half by selecting the desired postcard size (10 to 15 cm, 20 by 25 cm).
  2. Next, using a curly hole, give a postcard an unusual shape, cutting the edge. The form can be given and with the help of available ones.
  3. We proceed to the most important point - the design of the outdoor of the postcard. At this stage, the girls will be able to show their creative abilities, come up with a bowl of satin ribbons for the decor, unusual pictures. As an additional stroke, you can consider the fastening of pearls.
  4. While one group is made by the execution of the front part of the postcard, the second group can consider the internal content: text, design. The easiest way will be a printout on the color printer of the finished template, but poems or congratulations to your own essay will be much more pleasant for moms.
  5. On the final you need to stick to the finished card greeting.

Such a project must necessarily solve girls, will help the teacher to solve the mass of the problems associated with interpersonal relations of adolescents.

An example of an individual technology project

As an example of a project, to perform which one student must be crocheted. In order to make a knitted handbag, the girl must first master theoretical knowledge. The teacher introduces a crochet technique, helps to choose the model of the product, choose threads. Place with Mentor Needlewoman Selects the size of the product, the versatility version, its density. The second stage of the project involves the individual work of the schoolgirl. The task of the teacher is periodic quality control of the product obtained, as well as assistance in the appearance of difficulties and difficulties. The final result of this project should be the finished product - an unusual knitted handbag.


A teacher applying project technology in its work corresponds to the requirements that they are presented to it as part of the transition to new standards of education. It is in such joint activities with students that confidence relations are formed, all prerequisites for the comprehensive development of the identity of the child arise. Attempts to find a response to the task set by the teacher contribute to the formation of communicative skills. Schoolchildren who have experience in working on a variety of projects do not have difficulties in training in secondary special and higher educational institutions.

Educational activities in GEF assumes not a simple memorization of theoretical material, but to work it on specific examples. Fruitful cooperation in the course of work between students and teachers leads to the formation of the abilities to set a goal, to look for a rational way to achieve it. Analytical skills acquired in technology lessons will help the guys to make quick and correct decisions in everyday life. The project approach is characterized by humanism, respect for the student of a schoolboy, a positive charge. This activity is aimed primarily on the development of the identity of the child, solving the problem of adaptation in modern society.

    creative work - SYN: Creativity ... Thesaurus Russian business vocabulary

    The creative laboratory "Ptah" (Perm) was founded in early 2008 on the basis of the Perm State University. The organizers of the laboratory were the former students of the university, representatives of active creative youth. Goals ... ... Wikipedia

    work - 1. Human activity; occupation, work. On interesting, selfless, rapid, clear work. Active, selfless, uninterrupted, mad, grateful, cheerful, fast, inspirational, cheerful, excited, inspired, high quality ... Eptetov dictionary

    1. Creative evolution The concept and concept of the Philosophical Bergson system: "Creative evolution" Creative evolution (Bergson) was introduced in the work. Initially, they were developed in order to substantiate the scheme of the ratio of intelligence and intuition ... ... History of Philosophy: Encyclopedia

    Work - Method of mediation and implementation (materialization) of activity as a process of solving the social task, achieving goals. As the subject of a sociological study of R. Specifies a specific form of an expression of the organization of an orientation ... ... Sociological directory

    This term also has other meanings, see thesis (values). Thesis (project) One of the types of graduation qualifying work Independent creative work of students studying on training programs ... ... Wikipedia

    Independent work of students - Individual or collective uch. Activities carried out without direct teacher leadership. From the point of view of the organization S. R. Maybe frontal (general class) students perform the same task, for example. Writing an essay on ... ... Russian pedagogical encyclopedia

    Military Historical Work - targeted creative and organizational activities of commanders, headquarters, research structures, educational work organs, veteran and other public organizations on collecting, learning, generalization, accumulation and ... ... Border Dictionary

    Vladimir Naumov. Creative biography of director - Director, Writer, People's Artist of the USSR Vladimir Naumovich Naumov Born on December 6, 1927 in Leningrad, in the family of the famous film operator Naumova Guardian and actress Agnia Burmistrova. Grown in cinematic family, Vladimir Naumov ... Encyclopedia Newsmakers

    Homework - Form of the organization of the educational process, independent execution of students of tasks outside the class without the direct leadership of the teacher, but under its mediated influence. Types of D. y. R.: P On the nature of cognitive activity reproductive and ... ... Pedagogical Dictionary

    Military scientific work - organizational and creative activities of military personnel, aimed at the development of a knowledge system for the protection and protection of the GG and the use of the results of military scientific research in the border policy, preparation and construction of troops and bodies of the PS ... ... Border Dictionary


  • Creative work in the concertmaster class, Mosin Igor Eduardovich. Educational and methodological manual "Creative work in the concertmaster class" (to help students of colleges of art and culture) is intended for students studying in the specialty 53. ...
  • Creative work in a concert shop class. Educational and methodological manual, Mosin I.E. Educational and methodical manual work in the concertmaster class (to help students of colleges of art and culture) is intended for students studying in the specialty ...

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