Poor appetite in a cat thinness activity. What to do if the cat has become malnourished? The reasons for this may be

Hand tools 28.02.2021
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When a pet is eating steadily but not gaining weight, pet owners sound the alarm. Many people believe that if a cat eats, then weight gain is a natural process. This is not entirely true. Animals, like people, are active and dynamic, which burns extra calories and helps the pet lose weight. When a cat is losing weight, but eating well, this is normal. With active life, weight loss is ensured by a normal metabolism. Another thing is with sedentary cats.

You should not expect an active set of fat from a kitten. For the first 9-11 months, the skeleton and posture are formed in kittens, the baby gets fat and loses weight. Soft and plump young cats and cats become 1-2 years after birth.

Why weight is dropped

If a cat eats a lot, but loses weight, there are a number of reasons:

  1. Worms. Helminths or worms destroy the animal's body from the inside. Even if the cat eats a lot, the pet loses weight. Helminths get inside the animal from dirty shoes, unwashed hands, dirty tray. Cleanliness and hygiene will protect the cat. To combat worms, special products are sold, taken on average for about six months.
  2. Defeat internal organs . To answer the question of why the cat is losing weight, analysis in the veterinary clinic will help. Violation in the digestive system is also visible externally. These are impurities in the urine and stool consistency, an unusual color. During the period of illness, the pet's appetite decreases, he eats little.
  3. Stress. The problem may be the appearance of a new pet. The health of the cat is under serious stress due to the nervous experience. Therefore, a once fat cat can begin to lose weight in a couple of months. Any change for a pet is a long addiction.
  4. summer heat. If a cat loses weight in the summer with a good appetite, this is normal. In the summer season, the fluffy animal sheds its hair, and due to temperature loads, it eats less than in frosty winters.
  5. Age. An old cat eats less than a young one. This is due to low mobility. A losing weight old cat should still be checked out by a veterinarian, but for animals that sleep most of the time, weight loss is a common occurrence.
  6. Tumors. Neoplasms on the body, and even more so in the body, are not easy to detect. At benign tumors a cat should not lose weight.
  7. Feed. The quality of food determines the weight of the animal, how quickly it loses weight, how much it eats, and affects the processes in the body. You can not abruptly change the cat's diet from dry to liquid or to homemade food. Even a dog that is less picky about food will not start to recover from this. Changing the menu for a pet is a consistent and long process, in which he loses weight in any case.

What is the optimal weight for an adult cat?

Depending on the breed, the weight of the pet varies from 3 to 7 kg. Mature animals are usually fit and lean, especially if it is a male who is constantly losing weight and gaining weight. The lifestyle of a healthy cat is active and dynamic. After the "games" the pet wants to drink a lot, the animal eats plentifully, which has a positive effect on the digestive processes.

Dangerous symptoms of weight loss include:

  • Lethargy, apathy. Sudden mood swings are evidence of anxiety. The cat feels bad and she cannot find a place for herself, does not play and refuses food.
  • Blood, frequent diarrhea. If the cat has lost weight and at the same time foreign inclusions are observed in the urine and diarrhea, you need to go to the clinic and do tests.
  • Bloating. Don't confuse being overweight with a bloated belly. The cat can get worse and worse due to internal swelling, infection, infection, which is why he does not eat.

When should you not panic?

The activity of an animal is the best evidence of a state of health. A cat that constantly plays, runs, sleeps little and constantly asks for food is not at risk and periodically loses weight. The morning volume of food is burned in a matter of hours and therefore, in the afternoon, the pet will ask for more. But you shouldn't overfeed your cat.

Old cats are already getting cold to play, losing weight and it's not about diseases. With age, the cat moves and studies less and more often observes and evaluates. The fewer movements, the less energy is burned, and, accordingly, food will need a minimum.

Light poisoning for cats is a common situation, especially if the pet eats the same food as the owner. Diarrhea for two or three days does not indicate a serious illness. If the problem persists for more than a week, it is wise to contact a specialist.

Animals experience stressful situations more difficult than humans, but faster. The arrival of a kitten, a puppy, a baby, a scary plush toy or a new person in the house can completely destroy the appetite and cause the animal to lose weight. You should not panic: in a couple of days the cat will return to the usual feeding schedule.

How to properly feed a cat?

If the cat has lost a lot of weight, the owner may have incorrectly compiled the daily diet and menu for the pet. There are a number of rules by which you can maintain a stable weight of the animal and protect the family pet from threats:

It is important to choose only one food option, otherwise the cat will not only lose weight, but may also get sick. Is it a branded industrial food or natural food. You can find branded food by labeling holistic, premium and supreme. These are the classes confirming the observance of high production standards.

Do not mix natural food and industrial feed. The cat develops one type of digestion, aimed at "artificial" or natural food. To digest crackers, the cat will need more moisture. With a constant change in diet, the digestive system cannot adapt in a timely manner, which causes the stomach and intestines to suffer.

Do not trust advertising. The names of the brands Whiskas and Kitiket, which have already become household names, do not become a quality mark. These are available feeds, where attractives are mixed. These are components that act like a drug and addictive. For the digestive tract of a pet, this is a serious burden. A cat will live a long time if you feed him food that is sold in specialized stores, and not in supermarket windows.

How to feed a cat with natural food?

The menu consists of two types of dishes. These are meat and dairy products.

The basis of the meat diet is lean beef, cut into small pieces. Next, you need to supply the dish with vitamins. You can do this with the help of vegetables or special additives.. Vet stores sell vitamin powders, which contain everything that is needed for the pet's body. The compositions are not cheap, but it saves the time of the hostess.

The sour-milk set consists of low-fat cottage cheese and 1% kefir. On average, cottage cheese is served "on the table" to the cat 1-2 times a week.

Why do cats need weed?

Constant monitoring of weight, that the cat is losing weight or getting fat is the right decision. This is an indicator of the development of the body, the appearance of symptoms of diseases and other problems. A well-designed diet will help protect an adult cat and secure a kitten.

Fattening a cat if she is losing weight is purposefully dangerous. A fat and fluffy animal looks cute and even charming, but for an animal this is an extra load, a decrease in activity and the risk of various diseases that occur in a passive form and may not be noticeable at the initial stage.


Many cats are picky eaters. This is a common problem, especially if the owner is on the cat's whims. The cat chooses in food, she eats only the most delicious pieces. Sometimes cat tastes are amazing. Some cats are content to eat only fried potatoes, others like pickles and even potato peels. Such a “diet” will sooner or later lead to health problems. Overweight or obese cats are a common reason for seeking veterinary care. But the opposite condition - weight loss, often goes unnoticed until the cat begins to experience serious health problems.

How to determine the fatness of a cat?

KKI 1: exhaustion. The ribs are well palpable, there is no layer of fat on them. The base of the tail is a raised, bony structure with no tissue between the bones and skin. In cats older than 6 months, when viewed from the side, the abdomen is strongly retracted; when viewed from above, the silhouette has a clear hourglass shape

KKI 2: underweight. The ribs are well palpable, they have a slight layer of fat. The protruding bones are well palpable, tk. they have only a small amount of fat. In cats older than 6 months, when viewed from the side, the stomach is retracted; when viewed from above, an hourglass shape is recognized in the silhouette.

KKI 3: ideal weight. The ribs are palpable, covered with a thin layer of fat. The structure of the bones under the thin layer of fat is palpable. In cats older than 6 months, when viewed from the side, the abdomen is tucked up, when viewed from above, a proportional waist is visible.

KKI 4: overweight. The ribs are palpable with difficulty under a large layer of fat. The bone structure is still palpable. The protruding bones are covered with a large layer of fat. In cats older than 6 months, when viewed from the side, the abdomen is only slightly tucked up or not at all. When viewed from above, the back looks extended in breadth. There is a large supply of belly fat.

KKI 5: obesity. The ribs are palpable with great difficulty through a thick layer of fat. In cats older than 6 months, when viewed from the side, the abdomen is lowered, due to the large amount of fat, the waist is absent. Seen from above, the back is very broad. Severe fat deposits in the abdomen. Fat deposits can also be in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe limbs and the front of the head.

Why does a cat lose weight?

There are a lot of reasons for weight loss, from the most banal to serious, requiring urgent treatment. A cat may lose weight due to the fact that she simply does not like the taste of food and she refuses it, or a dangerous viral disease can become the reason for losing weight. In any case, weight loss is a reason to seek help from a veterinarian. If your cat's condition index is 1 and 2, then this is an occasion to think about the reasons. There may be several.


cat stress

Cats are big conservatives. Any change in their usual environment and daily routine can cause stress. Home renovations, the arrival of guests, a change in diet, the arrival of a new pet in the apartment (a puppy, for example), or the birth of a child can lead to nervousness, as a result of which the cat will eat less and lose weight.

Old age

Older cats need less energy, move less and sleep a lot. Often they just don't eat enough. Exhaustion in an older cat can be associated with health problems, so a losing weight older cat should be taken to the veterinarian as soon as possible.


Tartar, inflamed gums, periodontal disease, a foreign body in the mouth lead to the fact that it is simply painful for a cat to eat. She may feel hungry, but not eat and still lose weight. You should carefully examine the cat's mouth. Unpleasant smell, increased salivation, bleeding gums - the cat needs the help of a veterinarian.


Malignant tumors of the internal organs are a common cause of malnutrition and cachexia. If the cat began to lose weight, to exclude a neoplasm, she needs to do an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

Internal illnesses

It is important not only to determine the fatness of a cat, but also the inexplicable fact of weight loss. If the appetite is reduced, then this is the reason for losing weight, and a decrease in appetite occurs in a variety of pathological conditions (kidney and liver diseases, chronic pain, diseases gastrointestinal tract). If the appetite is normal or even increased, then in most cases it is necessary to look for the cause in violations of the digestion and absorption of food. You should pay special attention to the amount and consistency of the stool (diarrhea or constipation, the presence of mucus, blood, etc. in the stool, volume).

Sometimes the cat begins to eat little, loses weight, his behavior, mood and habits change. Even in the absence obvious signs the unhealthy situation worries the owner. The reasons are different. Appetite and appearance are influenced by the age and stages of puberty of the animal, hormonal changes in its body, eating behavior and other factors.

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    Causes of Poor Appetite in Cats

    It is difficult to determine immediately why a cat is not eating well and is losing weight. The owner should take a closer look at the behavior of the animal, perhaps some signs will indicate a probable cause. Not always the refusal of food and the unhealthy appearance of the pet indicate the presence of the disease, although this possibility cannot be ruled out. Simultaneously with the unwillingness of the cat to eat should alert:

    • lack of interest in games;
    • unkempt appearance;
    • unnatural behavior;
    • lack of stool or diarrhea;
    • refusal of water;
    • dry nose (high body temperature).

    These are only general symptoms, they are superficial, can be observed partially, but in this case there is reason for unrest.

    Thinness index: how to know when to sound the alarm

    It happens that a pet refuses to eat for a while or eats less, but its weight, taking into account age and other characteristics, remains normal. It is considered natural for a cat to refuse food for several days, provided that he drinks water well. This will not harm the health of the pet and is associated with the ability of cats to correct metabolic processes in the body on their own.

    The so-called condition index will help determine the degree of thinness. There are three indexes:

    1. 1. Exhaustion. This is the first index and you can determine it by appearance. If you look at the animal from above, then its silhouette resembles hourglass. The ribs are clearly visible and palpable. There is no fat layer between bones and ribs. The abdomen is strongly drawn in.
    2. 2. Underweight. This is the second index and it is assigned if the ribs and bones of the animal are well palpable and have practically no fat layer, the silhouette of the cat resembles an hourglass.
    3. 3. Normal weight. The third index corresponds to the state of the cat, when the ribs are well palpable and covered with a thin layer of fat. If you look at the cat from the side, then the stomach should be tucked up, when viewed from above, a proportional waist is indicated.

    Sometimes the owner only thinks that the cat is thin, especially with poor appetite. If an animal can be assigned the first or second condition index during an external examination, this is cause for alarm.

    Causes of weight loss and refusal of food, not related to diseases

    Healthy adult animals may lose interest in food throughout their lives for a variety of reasons. If the cat does not have a temperature or other obvious signs of illness, a decrease in appetite is associated with some behavioral or physiological characteristics.

    There may be several such situations.


    Cats reach puberty at the age of about a year and this period is accompanied by a hormonal surge. The consequence is often a change in the pet's behavior: it becomes more aggressive, agitated, its inviting meow ceases to be gentle and rather resembles a howl. He begins to mark the territory, the games are sexually charged. Decreased appetite during this period is the norm. Cats become uninterested in food - they relegate it to the background, putting breeding instincts at the forefront.

    Cats sometimes do not show such obvious signs. But their instinct is incredibly developed, and even being in an apartment, they are able to smell an estrus cat at a distance of several kilometers through an open window. The animal loses its rest and with it the appetite.

    If you do not take action, then the pet will lose weight and look unhealthy. If the breeder does not have plans for breeding, the animal must be castrated. This will greatly improve the quality of the relationship between the owner and his pet. After a while, the cat will calm down, return to a normal lifestyle, and here it will already be necessary to monitor not that he has lost weight, but then so that he does not get better. If a we are talking about the village way of life and the owner is not inclined to castrate the pet, then the cat can be released into the street, where he himself will solve his physiological problems.

    Spitting up hairballs

    Every owner has come across this physiological feature in cats. This is a normal phenomenon, a consequence of hair care, when an excess of it accumulates in the cat's body. In medical practice, there are situations when the owner complains of loss of appetite in a cat, thinness, untidy appearance and stool retention.

    An experienced veterinarian will always ask if a cat is spitting up hairballs. If this does not happen, measures must be taken, because the wool clogs the intestines and its obstruction becomes the result. The problem is solved quite simply - the cat is given vaseline oil. Another doctor will recommend a special cat grass or veterinary paste.


    There are situations when a pet has a wet nose and normal behavior, but he eats little, or even refuses to eat at all. Most likely something is bothering him. Cats are very sensitive creatures and stressful situations can affect their feeding behavior.

    Some reasons might be:

    • the appearance in the house of another animal or the birth of a child;
    • relocation, repair;
    • situation with increased level noise: quarrels between people, the frequent presence of loud companies;
    • punishment.

    The response to stressful situations is a loss of interest in food. You need to solve the problem that caused the negative reaction. If this is not possible, you should be patient and pay more attention to the cat, calm it down.

    Diet changes and malnutrition

    A common reason for a decrease in appetite and even refusal to eat is illiterate feeding of a pet. The owner believes that the cat is just acting up and not eating the offered food, but a sudden change in diet or eating foods that are unusual for feeding cats is considered a significant reason for refusing food. Experienced owners introduce new products gradually, carefully adding new ingredients to the usual diet.

    Important: owners often forget important rule when feeding cats: the presence of fresh water in a bowl! The lack of water not only provokes a refusal to eat, but also causes serious illness in the animal.

    Food storage rules must be observed: open wet food is kept only in the refrigerator. Cats, with their keen sense of smell, easily recognize spoiled food and refuse to eat it. In addition, cats are selective in terms of taste preferences and they often do not like the food offered: some prefer fish to meat or liver chicken, others hate the smell of turkey or rabbit.

    Pet age and related problems

    The old cat loses interest in food and loses weight. This is due to the age-related restructuring of the body, when it needs easily digestible foods, a different composition of food and a balance of trace elements. In animals after 6 years, the organs function differently, the process of assimilation of food changes. In addition, older cats and cats begin to have problems with their teeth: they wear down, break down, and gum disease occurs. This is often a painful process that affects the appetite and health of the animal. It is worth taking the pet to the veterinarian: treatment may be required. A decrease in the functions of smell and touch also leads to a change in eating behavior.

    It is worth thinking about changing food. Older animals prefer more moist foods: spiders or canned food. Often cats in old age are transferred to natural feeding.

    High temperature

    Cats are sensitive to heat. It is natural for cats to lose their appetite when it is a hot summer outside and there is no air conditioning in the apartment. This also happens in winter, with excessively hot batteries and dry air in the house. If the cat drinks well and feels fine, there is no reason to worry, even if he has lost some weight. So the pet controls its heat transfer.

    In hot weather, the animal can be helped by cooling the room. It is necessary to regularly change the cat's water, wash the bowl. Rooms should be ventilated; if the air is excessively dry, it can be humidified by hanging wet towels. On sale there are cooling pads filled with a special gel.

    Foreign body in the mouth

    There are situations when a cat or a cat refuses to eat due to the ingress of some object into the mouth. They willingly run to the bowl, but they cannot eat and eventually stop even trying to swallow even a piece. If the owner did not pay attention to this moment in time, the situation worsens, the animal loses weight and after a while completely loses interest in life. It is sluggish, does not play, plaintively meows.

    Do not discount the possibility of a foreign object entering the oral cavity. Sometimes it can be a very thin bone from a fish that is stuck in the throat and causes pain to the cat when swallowing. The owner is unlikely to see it on his own, although you can try, armed with a magnifying glass and, fixing the mouth open, look inside.

    If you can’t get the item yourself, you need to contact your veterinarian as soon as possible!

    As soon as the foreign object is removed, the cat will recover.

    Signs that may tell the owner that the cat has worms:

    1. 1. Parerexia (transformation of the taste of food caused by intoxication of the body) - the animal eats inedible food.
    2. 2. Alternating constipation and diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.
    3. 3. Bloating.
    4. 4. Refusal to eat, significant weight loss.
    5. 5. Itching in the area anus(the animal "crawls" on the floor).
    6. 6. Blood or mucus in the feces.
    7. 7. Dull, disheveled coat.
    8. 8. Discharge from the eyes.
    9. 9. Unpleasant smell from the mouth.

    This situation will never arise if the owner of the animal regularly (once a quarter) conducts the prevention of worms to his pet.

    The presence of fleas in a cat is not difficult to recognize: they can be seen with the naked eye. In addition, the animal itches and tries to catch them with its teeth. Flea drugs (tablets, drops, collars) are sold at any veterinary store.

    When the loss of interest in food is associated with a disease

    You can not ignore the fact of loss of appetite in a cat. Often refusal of food and thinness are provoked by the disease of the animal. And if the list of symptoms includes fever, it is all the more impossible to delay.

    Conscientious breeders, bringing a kitten into the house, in addition to treating the animal from helminths, vaccinate their pet! It is advisable to enter data on vaccinations in the veterinary passport in order to further exclude the fact of diseases associated with viral infections.

    If the animal has not been vaccinated, a viral disease can become the reason for refusing to eat and lose weight:

    The main types of feline infections Manifestation
    RabiesDepression, profuse salivation, paralysis of the limbs, corneal clouding and strabismus, emaciation, vomiting, bloody diarrhea
    distemperRefusal to eat, exhaustion, heat body, the cat does not drink water, vomiting, diarrhea alternates with constipation, reddish spots appear on the skin, eventually turning into bubbles, pus in the eyes
    RhinotracheitisLoss of appetite, weight loss, runny nose, cough, lethargy, purulent discharge from the nose and eyes, photophobia, salivation, fever
    CalcivirusRefusal of food, exhaustion, high fever, ulcers on the mucous membranes, runny nose, conjunctivitis
    ChlamydiaRefusal to eat, weight loss, lethargy, sneezing, cough, shortness of breath, conjunctivitis, rhinitis
    cat fluDecreased appetite, up to refusal to eat, high body temperature, sneezing, coughing, purulent discharge from the nose
    Coronavirus enteritisDecreased appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, runny nose, lacrimation, lethargy, drowsiness, changes in body temperature
    feline leukemiaLoss of food interest, weight loss, nausea, gingivitis, stomatitis, gastrointestinal disturbances, fever, depression, swollen lymph nodes, cough, discharge from the eyes and nose

    It should be understood that the signs of these dangerous diseases may not be fully manifested in the animal, but this will not speak of the pet's illness. Do not guess and self-medicate. In cases of viral and infectious diseases procrastination is like death - a veterinarian examination is required!

    In addition to the diseases against which vaccination and revaccination of animals is carried out, there is a considerable list of diseases accompanied by weight loss and a decrease in appetite in cats. Knowing the symptoms of major diseases will help to make a preliminary diagnosis and provide timely assistance to the pet.

    Diseases of the internal organs and the gastrointestinal tract Possible symptoms What caused
    ColitisLoss of appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, sharp pains in the abdomen, mucus and blood in the fecesMixed feeding: dry food and food from the table, bacterial and fungal infections, injuries of the gastric mucosa with foreign objects, worms
    cat constipationLoss of appetite, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, lethargy, hard and dry stools, abdominal painIntestinal obstruction (anatomical feature or ingress of foreign objects)
    GastritisPicky eating, weight loss, lethargy, abdominal pain, alternating diarrhea and constipation, dull coat, foul mouth odor, white coating in the languageImproper diet, too hot or too cold food, abrupt change in diet, worms, wool in the stomach
    Food poisoningRefusal to eat, lethargy, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, blood in fecesPoisoning by plants, poisons, household chemicals, low-quality food
    MalabsorptionLoss of interest in food (sometimes increasing), significant weight loss despite good appetite, diarrheaPancreatic insufficiency, improper absorption (absorption) nutrients due to poor functioning of the small intestine
    Idiopathic inflammatory bowel diseaseDecreased appetite, weight loss, lethargy, diarrheaReaction to medications, helminthic invasion, illiterate feeding
    DiabetesLoss of appetite, weight loss, increased thirst, diarrhea, vomiting, weakness, frequent urination, cat smell of acetone.Errors in nutrition, diseases digestive system, viral infections, long-term use of hormonal drugs.
    Kidney disease and ICD (urolithiasis)Decreased food interest, weight loss, thirst, lethargy, increased (or difficult) urination, vomiting, blood in the urine, feverViolation of the diet, unhealthy lifestyle, anatomical and breed features
    Hepatic lipidosisLoss of appetite, weight loss, lethargy, drowsiness, shortness of breath, poor skin and coat conditionObesity, stress, feeding errors, lack of protein in the diet

    It is easy to avoid many diseases by developing a cat proper diet and organizing her an active lifestyle from early childhood. But even when faced with a problem, knowing the symptoms and possible cause the fact that the cat eats poorly and loses weight, it will be easier to provide him with treatment and adequate care. It is necessary to adjust the power and load in order to avoid similar problems in the future. hard to give general recommendations on the introduction of the correct diet, because they are individual depending on each case. If there is a reason for serious concerns, it is more correct to contact a specialist and relieve yourself of the burden of responsibility for an incorrect diagnosis.

Poor appetite in a cat is not always a symptom of a serious illness, due to which the animal urgently needs to be carried to the veterinarian. If other pronounced signs of the disease ( elevated temperature, lethargy or loss of strength) was not found during the initial examination, you need to give the pet a couple of days - perhaps the reason is not so terrible, and you do not need to contact the veterinarian. All this time, the condition of the animals is monitored so that the doctor has a complete history.

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    New food or unusual environment

    If the food is unfamiliar to the cat, she will eat it with caution. Most likely, the bowl will stand untouched for a couple of days, and if nothing more familiar appears nearby, the animal will have no choice but to try an unknown delicacy. The quality of the feed does not affect the attitude of the animal towards it, so even elite varieties of feed can suffer a similar fate.

    To avoid such incidents, it is enough not to transfer to a new type of food too abruptly. A small amount is periodically mixed into the food familiar to the animal, the proportions are constantly shifting towards the new food - and after a while the cat will eat a new variety.

    A similar situation is often found in families where a cat is transferred from industrial feed to natural food. Sour cream, meat and soups after dry food will be perceived with hostility - at least for the first few weeks. For a correct translation, it is enough to use the advice from this paragraph and periodically monitor the condition of the animal. If nausea, vomiting, copious discharge from the nose and mouth, it is necessary to stop introducing new food and reconsider the diet of the animal.

    Sometimes a cat refuses to eat, even if the food remains the same. In this case, the owner should remember if he changed the interior or the items associated with the process of feeding the pet. Some animals refuse to eat because they are intimidated by new kitchen rugs or an unfamiliar bowl. Over time, the fear goes away and the cat begins to eat normally.


    Not only people have stressful situations in life. A kitten may well refuse to eat due to a change of home, an adult cat - due to the death of the owner or a bad atmosphere in the family. Refusal of food in this case will be accompanied by depression, apathy, unwillingness to contact and play with other animals.

    To improve the condition of the pet, you need to find the cause of stress and, if possible, eliminate it. If this is not possible, you just need to wait and try to participate in the cat's life so that she does not feel abandoned. You can consult a veterinarian and get a prescription for sedatives- but only if the stress was too strong and it is not possible to solve the problem without medication.


    If the street is more than thirty degrees, the cat will lie in the shade and not move - very little energy is spent on this, so the animal will not constantly eat.

    Trying to force feed your pet or worry about his health is not worth it - when the cat gets hungry, she will eat herself. It is best to periodically check the bowl of water - if it gets too hot, it makes sense to change the contents so that the cat can cool the body with clean drinking water.

    Dirty bowl

    Cats themselves are quite clean animals, so they will not eat from dirty dishes. Experienced breeders advise cleaning the bowls after each feeding so that they do not have any leftover dried food from the previous feeding, but if the owners do not have time to constantly wash cat food, it is enough to rinse the bowls every evening.

    This rule should be followed, even if the cat normally tolerates the smell of sour food and crowds of ants. Dirty bowls are a breeding ground for bacteria and germs that can make your pet seriously ill. Diseases that start because of a dirty bowl may go unnoticed in the initial stages, but over time, new symptoms will add to the reluctance to eat, and the pet will have to be shown to the veterinarian.


    Hormonal changes in the body of an animal occur in the following cases:

    • puberty;
    • estrus;
    • pregnancy.

    During these periods, the animal may completely refuse food, and this is absolutely normal. Some cats in estrus do not eat for a week, and this does not affect their health in any way. Appetite normalizes immediately after the end of the corresponding period. If, after such sprees, the cat looks exhausted and thinner, you can talk to the veterinarian - he will prescribe vitamins to maintain the shape of the animal.

    • vomit;
    • diarrhea;
    • cough;
    • bad dream.

    tufts of wool in the stomach

    If a cat has a woolen lump in its stomach, there is simply no room left for food. This problem is typical for any cats with long and medium hair, whose owners periodically forgot about combing.

    With the accumulation of woolen lumps in the stomach, the cat begins to vomit and upset the stool. To solve the problem, you need to periodically comb your cat, buy special products, thanks to which lumps do not form, and at the first manifestations, take him to the veterinarian for advice.

Stress and adaptation to new living conditions can cause poor appetite. In particular, in the first couple of days in a new home, a kitten may eat little or nothing at all. It's not scary, the main thing is that the hunger should not be longer than 2 days. If you suspect that it was stress that caused the loss of appetite, it makes sense to give your pet cat sedatives.

unknown reasons

Sometimes it happens that a cat has a terrible appetite for a couple of days, it can hardly be forced to eat even your favorite treats. If at the same time the cat has no other symptoms feeling unwell, you should not sound the alarm: in a couple of days everything should return to normal. If not, this is an occasion to watch for other symptoms and go to the vet.

Preparing for death

This sign refers to severely ill, debilitated and old animals. A few days before death, the cat may stop eating, as it fades away. Vital energy, and cats, unlike people, do not tend to clutch at life when they feel the end is approaching.

If you know that your cat has already outlived its usefulness, then loss of appetite becomes a sign that the time is near. Try these days to provide maximum comfort to your pet and affordable drinking. If she does not want your caresses, then give her the opportunity to retire. If, on the contrary, she needs increased attention, give it to her.

Poor appetite after sterilization

About a month after sterilization, cats and cats begin to eat better, and sometimes overeat: castrates are prone to this due to changes in the hormonal background. However, there is also the opposite situation, when the cat, after sterilization, began to eat poorly. If you observe such a problem within the next 3-5 days after sterilization, you should not worry: at first the cat recovered from anesthesia, then her stitches are pulled and hurt, plus the temperature still persists. In this state, and you would not want to eat.

However, it is worth worrying in two cases: when the cat not only does not eat, but also does not drink after the operation, and also if a week has passed and the pet is still on a diet.

Water must be given to the cat after she regains consciousness. If she herself refuses to drink, you will help her. A syringe with water without a needle is best suited for this purpose, the spout of which must be inserted between the side teeth and lightly injected with liquid. It is not necessary to inject a lot at once or under pressure, just a couple of sips will suffice. But you will have to water the cat in this way often so that dehydration does not occur. If the cat spits out water or is sick after that, you need to go to the veterinary clinic, where she will be given a dropper against dehydration.

Now about food. If a cat refuses to eat after sterilization, then it is possible that she tolerates postoperative period worse than you think. The first 5 days you should not worry, but then you have to go for an examination to the veterinarian.

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