Short texts in English for children and beginners. "Days of the week". Short texts in English for children and beginners How to do English in English

Wooden windows 18.07.2020

USUALLY - usually

EVERYDAY - every day

TWICE A WEEK - twice a week

4 TIMES A MONTH - 4 times a month

ON SUNDAYS - on Sundays

ON WEEKENDS - at week-ends, on one "s free days

ON WEEKDAYS - on week-days

IN THE MORNING - in the morning (s)

IN THE EVENINGS - in the evening (s)

OFTEN - often

RARELY - seldom

SOMETIMES - sometimes

ALWAYS - always

ALMOST NEVER - hardly ever

RARELY - hardly ever

OFTEN - quite often

Rather rare - rather seldom

OFTEN - very often

NEVER - never

EVERY SATURDAY - every Saturday

IN WINTER - in winter

IN SUMMER - in summer

SPRING - in spring

AUTUMN - in autumn

These LPFs require English grammar tense PRESENT SIMPLE... THE SPIRIT OF TIME - USUALITY AND REPEATABILITY. FORMULA OF TIME - V(verb without particle to)

The question is asked using an auxiliary verb DO, in the third person singular - auxiliary DOES.

Do you sing often? - Do you often sing?

Do they always arrive on time? - Do they always come on time?

Does it get dark early in winter? - Does it get dark early in winter?

How often does it rain in Moscow? - How often does it rain in Moscow?

Does this usually help you? - Does it usually help you?

Negation - a negative particle is added to the auxiliary verb NOT

I don't always drink coffee in the morning.

I don "t (do not) always drink coffee in the morning.

This usually doesn't help me.

It doesn "t (does not) usually help me.

You don't wash your car every day.

You don "t wash your car every day.

Grammar nuance 1.

Words denoting the frequency of action should be placed before the verb that denotes this action. The frequency of action is indicated by the words:






I rarely drink coffee. - I seldom drink coffee.

I read books a lot. - I often read books.

We never play tennis. - We never play tennis.

They always come on time. - They always come on time.

You usually watch TV in the evenings. - You usually watch TV in the evening.

Grammar nuance 2.

Expressions "VERY FREQUENTLY", "VERY RARE", "PRETTY OFTEN", "PRETTYRARE "in english language put in end of sentence.

We go to work very often. - We go to work very often.

We go to work quite often. - We go to work quite often.

Grammar nuance 3.

The letter is added to the verb in the 3rd person singular - S-.

He sings often. - He often drinks.

She rarely drinks coffee. - She seldom drinks coffee.

Mom cooks deliciously. - Mammy cooks tasty.

Dad reads a lot. - Daddy reads a lot.

It gets dark early in winter. - It gets dark early in winter.

It bothers me a lot. - It bothers me a lot.

Grammar nuance 4.

The English language does not tolerate double negation! In the sentence “He never drinks coffee” in the Russian version there are 2 negations: “never” and “not”. In the English version of this phrase, only one negation is required - "never."

He never drinks coffee.


Example: I dance a lot.

I often dance. Do I often dance? I don "t often dance.

I always read newspapers in the morning.

You rarely play tennis.

He often watches TV on weekends.

She sometimes cooks dinner.

She often cooks meals for the whole family.

We rarely go to the movies.

It rains seldom in winter.

I go to work every day.

You often bother me in the evenings.

On weekends, he usually arrives on time.


to be fooling around - to play the fool

see a way out - to see daylight

lose my temper (lose patience) - to lose temper

get up on the wrong foot - to get out of bed on the wrong side

bend your back - to break one "s back


He often plays the fool.

Does he always play the fool in the evenings?

How often does he lose his temper?

He never loses his temper.

He usually gets up on the wrong foot and often loses his temper on Mondays.

Why do you always see a way out?

He never strains at work and usually plays the fool.

My husband almost never loses his temper.

I often get up on the wrong foot.

When do you usually lose your temper?

Do you usually sleep for a long time?

I wake up every day at 7 am.

What time do you usually get up?

They never wash!

He takes a shower every day.

I always take a bath in the evening

We sometimes cook breakfast on Sundays.

When do they eat breakfast?

She rarely dines and never dines.

I sometimes have lunch at work, but not very often.

He always does the dishes after breakfast.

Why don't you ever wash the dishes after dinner?

She cleans her room every Saturday.

Do you always play the fool at work?

They don't do their dishes in the evenings, because they often dine in a restaurant.


delicious - tasty

time - time

stand up - to get up

get up - to get out of bed

newspaper - a newspaper

prepare - to cook

make a breakfast - to make breakfast

pretty - quite, rather

"Rain" - to rain

have breakfast - to have breakfast

play - to play

movie - cinema

coffee - coffee

disturb (disturb) - to bother

to disturb husband - a husband

put on makeup - to make up, to beautify oneself

lunch - to have dinner

get dressed - to get dressed, to dress

have a snack - to have a snack

change clothes - to change, to get changed

sing - to sing

drink - to drink

on weekdays - on week-days

to help - to help

to wash the dishes - to wash (to do) the dishes

make a bed - to make the bed

make a breakfast - to make dinner

to take a bath - to take (to have) a bath

take a shower - to take (to have) a shower

to come - to come

arrive on time - to come on time

comb your hair - to do smb "s hair

get hungry - to get hungry

wake up - to wake up

job - work, a job

early - early

a restaurant - a restaurant

a family - a family

watch TV - to watch TV

sleep - to sleep darken - to get dark

tennis - tennis

to clean the room - to tide up (to clean) the room

have supper - to have supper

wash - to wash

Good day to all! As well as without greeting phrases, words of courtesy, numbers and time of day, you cannot do without the names of the days of the week. We work from Monday to Friday, and rest on Saturday and Sunday, regularly check the calendar, plan vacations, etc. Every day in our conversations we mention one or several days of the week, so in this audio lesson of conversational English for beginners, we will learn these are the words.

As you know, there are seven days in a week, but in some countries, in particular Israel, Canada and the United States, the first day of the week is not Monday, but Sunday. At the same time, the work week traditionally begins on Monday, as in all other countries. In this online audio lesson, you will learn not only what the days of the week are called in English, but also examples of phrases in English that use a particular day of the week.

The days of the week in English got their name from the ancient Roman and Old Scandinavian gods. In addition, the name of each of them has the word "day" - day. Make sure of this right now by listening to the online audio recording of the lesson with the translation of all phrases and words into Russian /wp-content/uploads/2014/07/RUEN009.mp3 Thanks to this lesson, you will not only learn the days of the week in English, but also repeat the topic of the lesson before last is English numbers. Try to repeat the phrases after the native speaker, the original pronunciation.

Days of the week in English

Having listened to and memorized the lesson in audio format, you can start studying its text material. A table with the text designation of all phrases and words will clearly demonstrate how to write expressions correctly, and how it can be translated into Russian. Since you learned ordinal numbers in the audio lesson before last, today you will need to learn a lot fewer new words.

Days of the week
English Russian
the weeka week
from Monday to SundayMonday to Sunday
The first day is MondayThe first day is Monday
The second day is TuesdayThe second day is Tuesday
The third day is WednesdayThe third day is Wednesday
The fourth day is ThursdayThe fourth day is Thursday
The fifth day is FridayThe fifth day is Friday
The sixth day is SaturdayThe sixth day is Saturday
The seventh day is SundayThe seventh day is Sunday
The week has seven daysThe week consists of seven days
We only work for five daysWe only work for five days

Knowing these few simple phrases in English is necessary and sufficient so that you can keep up a conversation on everyday topics with an English-speaking interlocutor.

Listen online and explore everything audio english lessons

What's your favorite day of the week? Which one do you not like? Write your answer in the comments and in English! Good luck!

We offer you short and interesting story texts in English for children. Stories with translation into Russian - this way it will be easier for you to learn English. If you want to practice more in English, moreover, not only online, but also via skype, then knock on my skype - markandvika (Canada). I will help you.

Also, you will be interested and useful other texts in English in the section. When copying text, translation or audio and posting on a supporter resources, a link to this site is required.

Days of the week (My plans)

My name is Oleg. I am 11 years old and I live with my parents in a small town. Today I will tell you about my plans for a week.

As I’m in the fifth grade, from Mondays to Friday I have to go to school. Monday is the most difficult day for me, I am so lazy and tired on Monday.

On Tuesday I am very busy. After school I have to play music, after that I walk back home, have dinner and sit at my desk to do homework. It takes me 2 hours to finish my homework. After it I go to bed at 09 pm.

On Wednesday I'm not as busy as on Tuesday. I don’t have many lessons at school. I can do everything I want. On this day I often play football with my friends, help my Mother at home or go to the cinema.

Thursday is my favorite day of the week because I have two lessons of English at school. After school I also take extra English lessons with my tutor.

Friday is almost the same as Tuesday. Everything goes the same way but on Friday I can put off my homework till tomorrow.

Don "t you think that Saturdays and Sundays are the best days of the week? I prefer to spend them with my family and friends. And what about you?

My plans for the week / Days of the week

My name is Oleg. I am 11 years old, I live with my parents in a small town. Today I will tell you about my plans for the week.

Since I'm in the fifth grade, I have to go to school from Monday to Friday. Monday is the hardest day for me, I feel lazy and tired on Monday.

I'm very busy on Tuesday. After school I have to go to music lessons, after that I go home, have dinner and sit at the table to do my homework. It takes me 2 hours to finish homeworkafter which I go to bed at 9 o'clock.

I'm not as busy on Wednesday as on Tuesday. I don't have much to do at school. I can do whatever I want. On this day, I often play football with friends, help my mother around the house, or go to the movies.

Thursday is my favorite day of the week because I have two English lessons at school. After school, I also take additional English lessons with my tutor (tutor).

Friday is almost the same day as Tuesday. But on Friday I can postpone homework for tomorrow.

Don't you think Saturday and Sunday are the best days of the week? I prefer to spend them with family and friends. And what do you think?

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