Protective symbols of ancestors: Slavic amulets and their meaning. Slavic amulets and their significance in culture Women's amulets and amulets

Overlappings 21.01.2021

Good day to all. My readers are so interested in amulets that I will continue to collect new information about them. This time we will touch on the protective forces of our ancestors, learn a little about Slavic amulets and their meaning. This knowledge will help someone choose their amulet.

Amulets from antiquity

To protect the house, give themselves courage, fearlessness, the ancient Slavs used various magical symbols. They were placed on clothes, weapons, household items.

The Slavs used 16 signs of the zodiac, each zodiac had its own symbol. A nominal amulet was made. Before putting on an amulet to which it was intended, it was loaded on oneself or on a person.

A charged thing endowed a person with those qualities that could help him in life. Name amulets protected a person throughout his life, endowing him with those qualities that he lacked.

How to choose a charm

Today, your favorite hand-made thing can become a talisman, or you can look at a ready-made symbol.

When choosing ready-made jewelry, you should pay attention to important nuances:

  • Immediately decide who the amulet is chosen for - a woman, a man, young or old.
  • For daily wear, it is necessary to take into account the purpose of the amulet.
  • What form should it be in?
  • Carefully study the interpretation of the sign you have chosen.

The most revered Slavic amulets and their meaning

There are many variants of symbols that were revered by the Slavic peoples, but all of them are defenders from all evil. It is possible to single out a special group of signs that were used in the manufacture of jewelry, embroideries, even for buildings, premises, and interior items.

The oldest woman in the family was usually engaged in the manufacture of amulets. When creating strong amulets, thoughts should be kind, clear, so complete silence was established in the house. Traditionally, a man was allowed to wear one amulet, and a woman several.

Among the large group of defenders, one can name Makosh. This is a female talisman. He keeps the warmest qualities necessary for good family relations. It was worn by mature women who maintained traditions, family ties, respected their family.

Makosh- a symbol of happiness, prosperity, abundance in the house. This sign is considered the protector of the family from dark forces, capable of endowing the health of all family members, bringing peace and abundance to the house.

Ladinets is an 8-pointed star with curved ends. It is believed that for a woman it is very useful, as it relieves pain, protects against female diseases, and helps to lose weight.

Our forefathers wore it as protection from damage, the evil eye, curses, evil thoughts.

The Slavs wore Molvinets to protect them from evil thoughts, words, and slander. They believed that he would protect the whole family. It is worth noting that Molvinets often showed off on clothes for children. Also, this sign was found on the bodies of the Magi in the form of tattoos.

And in our time, the Molvinets tattoo is becoming more and more popular. It is worth noting that any mistake in a tattoo can completely turn your life around, and it is not known in what direction.

Valkyrie is a male sign. He endowed a man with strength, wisdom, especially in resolving conflicts. Usually it was presented to warriors.

A universal amulet that has the power of the Sun itself. For those who honor their kind, this sign brought wisdom, understanding, warmth to the hearth. To charge this talisman, you need to put it under the rays of the sun and hold it for at least three hours.

The Lada Star or Lada Mother of God is a symbol of love. He is considered the protector of the house from dark otherworldly forces, and the family - from various kinds of adversity. The star was often applied to the wall of the dwelling so that the Goddess would take the whole family under her protection.

In order for the amulet to help, the wearer must have pure thoughts, sincerity, an open soul to his family, relatives and friends.

Silver amulets

Slavic amulets for the strong half kept health, gave protection during the hunt, brought good luck in everything. Most often male talismans cast from silver, sometimes from copper. Men did not wear them as pendants, wives and mothers embroidered their image on their shirts.

The most popular male silver sign is the Hammer of Svarog. It can be presented to relatives and close men. He will become a real assistant in the development of a new profession, a defender from various life hardships. It will help you gain peace of mind and self-confidence. For family people will help create strong family, warm family hearth.

The description of the next amulet suggests that the representative of the stronger sex, who will get the Znich symbol, will feel nourished from the Cosmos, have protection in dangerous or difficult situations.

The wearer of this amulet will strive for knowledge, will be able to find true love, also Znich will help to flare up old feelings. In a difficult situation, it will help to strengthen the strength of the spirit, to become an energy accumulator. The main thing is to ask him for help!

The ax of Perun will give the male half of physical and spiritual strength, help protect the main human values ​​\u200b\u200b- faith, family, love. God Perun is ready to punish enemies, and to support the bearer of this amulet in battle, to give him strength.

There is also the Shield of Perun, which will protect against the evil eye, cleanse the thoughts of a person, give strength to cope with difficult life problems.

The seal of Veles Bear Paw is the patron and protector of a man, but on condition that he should not part with this sign all his life. God Veles will help to achieve great success in work, bestow wealth, diligence, but one must sincerely believe in this.

For the house, to protect it from fire, applied to the walls.

General charms for men and women

The main part of the amulets was cast, since the ancient Slavs believed that this metal was endowed with magical powers. Often there were amulets made of gold, as you like. Among the talismans especially revered by the ancestors was Kolard.

Symbol Kolrad helps everyone who wears it. On modern jewelry, you can often see this particular symbol, which can be done after charging.

An ideal gift can be bracelets, pendants with this sign. So that the symbol does not negatively affect fate, girls and boys who have not married do not need to wear such jewelry.

The main amulet of the Slavs

Slavic amulet Cross does not apply to Christianity. This one of the main symbols of the Slavs denotes the four cardinal directions, that is, its owner is protected from adversity and misfortune from all four sides. It is believed that its owner has a powerful support of the ancestors.

The cross has several varieties that have their own power:

  • Perunov sign- a strong male amulet. He endows its owner with wealth, courage, courage, and his kind with power, a large number of children.

  • amulet star of the cross used by merchants. He gave good luck, movement in business.

  • Heavenly- personifies spiritual power.
  • Cross of Svarog gives a star with 8 rays - a symbol of infinity.

Crosses were made of gold, silver, copper, bone, leather, stone, wood. It was often embroidered on clothes.

Sun symbol

Kolovrat is a sign of the sun, on which everything in this life depends. He brought people

  • the power of solar fire, fertility;
  • victory over enemies, the forces of darkness;
  • fortitude, health;
  • faith in the future;
  • protection from the evil eye, damage.

Do not be surprised if a person who has this amulet suddenly starts to get lucky in everything! This solar energy gives the power of creation in good deeds. But in evil deeds, the opposite can happen.

Any amulet should be cleaned and charged. Kolovrat also needs it. Hold it in running water for two hours, you can in the water of the stream. After cleansing, pass the wax over the flame three times. After that, carry Kolovrat with you for 3 days so that it is recharged with your energy. Just remember to clean it every six months.

Alatyr - a charm with miraculous power

People firmly believed in the power Alatyr- heavenly stone. It was worn as a charm, embroidered on shirts, painted on household items. The powerful Alatyr gave protection to everyone. Even small children wore it.

The talisman drove away evil evil spirits from the threshold, sheltered from diseases.

Magic Talismans

amulet Fern flower our ancestors attributed magical properties, believing that he was endowed with unprecedented healing capabilities even from deadly diseases. In order for the amulet not to lose its magical qualities, it must be regularly carried over the flame of a candle.

About what brings happiness, protect from evil people, help on long journeys, we already wrote. Many of my readers have already learned how to make such amulets.

It is not bad to learn how to embroider ancient Slavic symbols. Embroidery is also a protector from various troubles. No wonder ancient women embroidered shirts for warriors when they sent them on a campaign.

It turns out that in order to protect themselves from the evil eye, the house from unkind people, evil spirits, they embroidered "Chur" - the god of protection. This is a very reliable protection for the home. Even in childhood, everyone said: “Chur, me!”, Protecting himself from an attack. Here is an effective zachuralochka from the negative.

Svarog circle

The ancient Slavs did not use a horoscope, but a circle called Svarozhy. It includes 16 halls, which are given their own name, have their patrons and talismans. Often, the characteristics of a person converge with the characteristics of the Zodiac.

Many people are interested is it possible to wear a charm with a cross. Christianity is against having another symbol next to an Orthodox cross.

Dear readers, the amulets of the Slavic peoples are not decoration, but a return to their origins, observance of traditions, knowledge of their culture. This must be remembered and understood!

From ancient times, the Slavs tried to protect themselves and their families by all available means. A woman is associated with a fragile and defenseless creature. Women's Slavic amulets were created to protect the owners from various misfortunes and troubles.

Women's amulets, their role and meaning

Since ancient times, a woman has been an object of admiration for men, the keeper of the hearth and the continuer of the family. The Slavic peoples lived with a sense of unity with the Gods.

The symbol of the feminine principle lies in fertility, which in those days was identified with a sown field or land rich in harvest.

The married couple represented Heaven and Earth. Admiration for Mother Earth was also expressed in relation to a woman. In this regard, the woman was protected from the evil eye and troubles, so as not to anger the Gods.

Each type of amulet has unique powers. But there are also general possibilities, such as:

  • Luck attraction.
  • Possibility of simultaneous protection of both mother and child.
  • Help in finding femininity.
  • Strengthening the family union.
  • Acceleration of conception.
  • Patronage in search of the second half.
  • Uncovering talents and channeling them in the right direction.
  • Help in finding peace of mind.

For pregnant

Among the Slavs, a woman personifies the goddess of fertility, the creator of life. During pregnancy, a woman blooms. She is already starting to take care of her unborn child, causing the respect of others. Although among the Slavic peoples there was a belief that a pregnant woman, a child in the womb and all members of her family are between two worlds - Reveal and Navi.

A woman bears another life coming from the world of Navi to our world of Reveal. That is why it was considered dangerous to be near a pregnant and giving birth, but it was impossible to leave them alone. Protective amulets were created to protect the expectant mother and those around her.

Important! Reveal represents the world of the living, Navi is the world of the dead.

Thus, during this crucial period, energy support and protection should be taken care of. And not just a child. It is important to protect both the pregnant woman and all family members. Amulets for their protection are:

  1. Red threads, shreds and any products made of red fabric.
  2. Colts.
  3. Ochelya.
  4. Coastal dolls.
  5. Temporary rings.


A woman is a fragile and sublime creature. The female aura is stronger than the male one and more often it needs energy replenishment. She gives her energy to her family and household. Women's amulets help preserve strength, give protection and develop in a girl:

  • homeliness;
  • wisdom;
  • attractiveness;
  • harmony.

Important! You cannot give or give your amulet, otherwise you can convey happiness with it.


Lunnitsa is a charm that came today from ancient culture. The name says a lot about the appearance - the shape of the moon or sickle. In ancient times, it was believed that the Moon is a symbol of fertility, which is patronized by the Goddess of fertility and female health Makosh.

It is customary to give the amulet to the following people:

  • For the girl's first birthday. With his help, the girl will grow up wise and economic.
  • Bride before the wedding.
  • A couple who can't have children. The goddess will help to conceive and bear a child.
  • mother of a sick child.
  • Pregnant woman. The amulet will improve well-being, protect from worries and help to endure and give birth to a healthy baby.

The main capabilities of the amulet are considered:

  • Preservation of harmony in the family.
  • Successful conception and safe delivery.
  • Evil eye protection.
  • Protecting the owner's children from negativity and illness.
  • Recovery nervous system and restful sleep.
  • Increased attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex.

Reference! Lunnitsa combines solar and lunar energy, therefore, the talisman protects the owner both day and night.

Rules for wearing the talisman Lunnitsa:

  1. The best option for wearing is a pendant around the neck. If you add a pair of moon-shaped earrings to the pendant, this will help to reveal the creative potential of the owner.
  2. Before childbirth, you should limit yourself to 1-2 symbols of the moon at one time.
  3. Women who are planning a child or have gynecological diseases wear an amulet in the abdomen.
  4. It is not recommended to fasten the amulet to clothes with a pin. It should be sewn or tied with threads.
  5. Do not hide under clothing, put in your pocket, purse or bag.
  6. The old Lunnitsa is not thrown away, but, having thanked, they are buried in the forest. You can also put it in a box and use it as a family amulet.
  7. The talisman is buried along with the hostess.


Yarovik-Fireman is a powerful protective talisman for mothers. The amulet combines two symbols - the Sun and the Fireman. The sun takes care of the well-being of children and helps the woman to continue the race, and the Fireman provides strength to deal with life's difficulties.

Additional properties of the amulet:

  • Attracts good luck and wealth.
  • Protects from damage and the evil eye.
  • Facilitates pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Fills with vitality.
  • Protects the home and family from destructive forces.

The Yarovik-Fireman amulet is forbidden to be worn by young girls and children, as it was created to help women and mothers. For young women who are not planning children in the near future, it can disrupt energy.

How to use the talisman:

  • Wear around your neck.
  • Embroider on clothes.
  • Apply to roof slopes, shutters, ceilings and dark places in the house where they do not reach Sun rays. It is believed that the powerful power of fire signs will not let hunger and poverty into the house.

Star of Lada

A popular Slavic amulet is the star of Lada. Goddess Lada helps girls, girls and women, does not tolerate their tears.

The Lada star looks like an eight-pointed star, created from a square and two ellipses intertwined with it. It is easy to see the hearth on the symbol, from which four tongues of flame erupt:

  • Faith.
  • Freedom.
  • Justice.
  • Honesty.

Amulet functions:

  • Protects health.
  • Protects a woman and her child. It is especially important for babies who do not have their own energy. To protect them, you need to put a star under the crib.
  • Develops kindness and prudence in a girl.
  • Brings harmony to the family.
  • Helps during pregnancy and accelerates conception.

Reference! A star is made of silver when a girl turns 7 years old. She will protect and support her all her life.

Manufacturing and purchase rules:

  1. The talisman should not be a mass-produced product.
  2. You cannot make an amulet on your own. It is desirable that it be made by a sister, mother, grandmother, granddaughter or daughter.
  3. Cannot be purchased by hand. Alien energy, located in the talisman, can change life in an unpleasant way.
  4. If the star was made by the master, and not by a relative, then a purification ritual should be performed before use.
  5. Any natural light-colored material is suitable for manufacturing.

Tips for wearing a talisman:

  1. The symbol is applied to walls, windows or door jambs. He will protect the house and the family in it.
  2. For the best protection, the talisman is worn constantly.
  3. The Lada star can be embroidered on things, create a pendant, pendant, belt buckle or signet ring with it.

The following people are prohibited from using the Lada Star:

  • Male gender. The Goddess only helps women.
  • Christians. Church against pagan paraphernalia.
  • Women who have an abortion for non-medical reasons. Depriving another person of life is forbidden by the goddess.
  • Women who dream of building a career. The talisman calls for the classic destiny of a woman - family and children.

Varieties of talismans

Women's Slavic amulets are divided into:

  • protective jewelry;
  • embroidery;
  • tattoos.

The first two options are considered the most powerful.


The Slavs were distinguished by skill in making jewelry, so amulets were often made in this form.

Created to protect women:

  • Pendants, necklaces.
  • Headwear, colts.
  • Combs.
  • Earrings.
  • Bracelets.
  • Rings.

Jewelry was made by hand from soft metals. Alternative materials were fabrics and leather. Bones and stones were used for decoration.

AT modern world craftsmen create amulets of silver and gold.


Slavic amulet embroidery is not only a beautiful ornament, but also a good protective amulet. The ancient Slavs decorated clothes and household items with embroidery:

  • towels;
  • tablecloth;
  • curtains.

All this was done as a request from the Gods to protect and assist in undertakings.

Basic rules for embroidering a talisman:

  1. The embroidery made by a female blood relative has the greatest power.
  2. Before manufacturing, it is important to correctly choose not only the talisman, but also the material from which it will be made, as well as the color.

Color selection:

  • Red and orange- protection from betrayal, protection of pregnant women.
  • Red Black- a charm for a small child.
  • Blue, purple- for older children.
  • Green- improvement of wealth.
  • dark threads- for successful conception.

Over time, the amulet accumulates negative energy and needs to be washed carefully. If the amulet faded, the threads began to come out, the pattern expanded, therefore, it fulfilled its functions and protected the owner. Relatives-creators give such an amulet to the river or forest, thanking for the protection of the woman.

On the photo amulet-embroidery:


Drawings on the body have a sacred meaning, each symbol affects a person and changes his life. Modern youth get tattoos, wanting to stand out. But each Slavic symbol is a powerful energy message calling for help or protection. Therefore, his choice should be approached with knowledge of the matter.

The meaning of tattoos is the same as the meaning of the symbols of amulets. You should choose a drawing, like a talisman - based on the desires and existing problems. So, those who dream of having a child put the “Star of Lada” amulet on the body, which will help to conceive and subsequently protect the woman’s child. You can choose another protective symbol with a similar meaning.

Selection of amulets by date of birth

In the ancient Slavic calendar, the year was divided into halls, united in the circle of Svarog. Knowing the chamber in which she was born, a woman can choose a special amulet for herself.

You can create an amulet by date of birth from any natural materials:

  • wood;
  • metal;
  • threads;
  • stone.

If the amulet was purchased, then a purification ceremony is performed before use.

To determine the hall, you only need to know the date of birth:

Date of Birth Hall How the amulet will help
August 27 - September 20 Virgo Save the beauty
September 20 - October 11 boar Will give vitality and opportunities to fulfill their duties
October 11 - November 3 Pike Create comfort in the house and save the family hearth
November 3 - November 24 Swan Prevent unwanted consequences
November 24 - December 16 Snake Become more secure
December 16 - January 7 Crow become wiser
January 7 - January 31 Bear Prove yourself in politics, management activities
January 31 - February 25 Stork Gives confidence and faith
February 25 - March 22 Wolf Stimulates creativity
March 22 - April 14 Fox Successfully complete what you started
April 14 - May 6 Tour Overcome life's difficulties
May 6 - May 29 Elk Find, save and strengthen a family
May 29 – June 20 Finist Protects from failure
June 20 - July 13 Horse Become great parents and gain material well-being
June 13 - August 4 Eagle Avoid danger
August 4 - April 24 Ras Become self-confident

At birth at the junction of halls, one should listen to the inner voice, which will tell you the right hall.

A female amulet is a stream of goodness and strength. Powerful energy is able to restore strength, give health and protect the owner. It is important not to forget that a good heart and good thoughts increase and nourish the power of the amulet. Find your amulet that will help fulfill all desires.

Recently, there has been a sharp increase in attention to ancient beliefs, including the culture of the ancient Slavs. Particular attention is drawn to the use of amulets of those times. This interest can be fully explained by the desire to protect yourself and loved ones from all kinds of external negativity. This interest arises at a subconscious level, and manifests itself outwardly by studying the Slavic way of life and the use of amulets.

A charm is a sign, symbol or any thing endowed with magical properties. Most often, such a thing is purely personal, not shown to others. Amulets made by hand were considered the most powerful, since when creating this item, they put their whole soul into this item.

Charms of the ancient Slavs

In ancient times, amulets, talismans and amulets were integral companions of a person throughout his life. Symbols of magical artifacts could be seen everywhere. Everyone had several magical gizmos at the same time. by the most in a simple way always have a charm with you was embroidery on clothes. Embroidery patterns in all variants had their specific meaning. Also, the fabric from which the clothes were sewn had its own meaning, because it was made on machines with magical symbols applied.

For the manufacture of amulets in the family, as a rule, the woman was responsible

Amulets made by relatives (necessarily by blood) had no less power than those made by one's own hands. The presence of such things in the family was almost always the responsibility of the woman, who performed them in complete solitude. Making a charm, a woman focused her thoughts on the person for whom the magic item was intended. Moreover, it was necessary to choose a time when health, both physical and spiritual, was good, and intentions were absolutely pure and disinterested.

Varieties of Slavic amulets

Each of the amulets had its own function and was made for a specific person in order to solve a specific existing problem. Thus, the purpose of creating a talisman was determined. Amulets can be roughly classified as follows:

  • for family and home;
  • women's;
  • men's;
  • children's;
  • from a specific threat.

Slavic amulets are ready to tell us a lot of interesting things about how our ancestors perceived their existence. Our ancestors, the Slavs, worshiped the inexorable power and strength of nature, fearing the destructive influence of dark forces. In order to protect oneself from the influence of entities from the dark side, special charms were created, which also protected from the evil eye, envy and malevolent energy messages of a magical nature.

"Belobog and Chernobog" painting by artist Vsevolod Ivanov. The Slavs equally revered both deities.

The meaning of some Russian folk amulets was lost over time, but most of them have come down to us in the form in which our ancestors used them. This rich heritage of Slavic symbolism allows not only to satisfy curiosity, but also to better understand our ancestors, finding a connection with them through the depths of centuries.

The meaning of Slavic symbols cannot be reduced to one thing. Some of the signs combine others or personify the entire Slavic people and the knowledge they have accumulated. Nevertheless, each of the ancient symbols has its own interpretation.

Some are worn only by men, others are designed for women, there are also universal ones. It is important to take into account not only this feature, but also the age of the one who will use them. For example, or other warlike gods should not be worn by children. And some women's amulets, such as Makosh, are not very suitable for young inexperienced girls.

“Arrival of Perun to Earth”, artist Vsevolod Ivanov. Our forefathers believed that it was possible to get the patronage of the god of thunder and thunder by using one of his symbols as a talisman.

The history of Slavic amulets is multifaceted and interesting, it is very closely intertwined with the culture of our ancestors. The cult of paganism, which flourished in those days, led to the appearance of symbols dedicated to certain deities and even holidays. The most popular were considered solar symbols, most often worn in the form of body jewelry.

Amulets were not always decorations - protective signs were also applied to household items and even to livestock.

What were amulets made of in Russia

One of the most FAQ associated with ancient Russian amulets is the material for their manufacture.

Used to create:

  • various metals (gold, silver, copper or bronze);
  • wood;
  • bones and teeth of animals or their horns;
  • clay;
  • threads (linen, cotton and even silk);

The choice of material is important, but not of paramount importance. Some deceitfully believe that Slavic amulets made of gold have greater magical potential than a similar thing made from simple raw materials. It's a delusion. The correct selection of a talisman, its activation and faith in success will bring a much more fruitful result than an emphasis on demonstrating status.

When choosing a type of wood for making a talisman, the gender of the person to whom it was intended was taken into account.

In the old days there was not such an abundance of materials as now. The Slavs made items with protective properties from what was at hand. This can be considered a minus, but this limitation has also brought some benefits.

The most common raw material was silver. Silver amulets are universal - this metal rarely causes rejection on the physical or energy level. In addition, according to Slavic beliefs, silver scared away evil spirits. This is what contributed to such a spread of protective objects from this metal in antiquity.

Talismans made of copper often came across, but this metal is considered to be feminine. As for amulets made of wood, here the choice of breed depended on who it was intended for. Like ancient symbols, the Slavs similarly divided all trees into female and male. The type of tree was chosen based on this.

The purpose of the amulet should also be taken into account. The material for an individual amulet was selected taking into account the gender. And family ones could also be made from tree species with male character. Charms found in everyday life or on clothes were very often made of thread. The needle in this case was not approved - it could "pierce" the protective field. Sometimes a needlewoman could not do without such a tool, but it was not allowed to leave the needle in embroidery during the process or when it was interrupted.

The craftswoman performing the thread talisman must be in good health and in good spirits. She must not be distracted from work, so as not to interfere with concentration, otherwise she will not be able to put her energy into the amulet, thereby charging it.

Charms for men and women

Slavic amulets were rarely universal, which once again confirms the need to follow the main rule - to approach the choice of amulets seriously. Most often they belonged to male or female and were used only by a representative of a certain sex.

However, the meaning of amulets among the Slavs had the property of changing. The essence of the ancient sign did not change completely, but could show new properties. This mainly happened when women wore male signs. Some life situations may demand from the representatives of the weaker sex male strength, which is not characteristic of them. In this case, the amulets helped to endure the trials of fate and protect their family, if there was no man nearby who could fulfill this mission.

But Slavic men practically did not use women's amulets. This is due to the fact that most of them are aimed at the development of femininity, assistance in family matters and motherhood. While men needed to gain strength, courage, determination and the ability to negotiate.

The primordially masculine signs include:

  • Shield of Perun;
  • Hammer of Svarog;
  • Doukhobor;
  • Vseslavets.

The above are only the most common types of ancient Russian amulets for men. AT Slavic culture the man was the head of the family, the protector - it is precisely on the successful fulfillment of these functions that the action of most male symbols is directed. In addition, such amulets can make a man physically stronger.

Women's Slavic amulets are aimed at preserving the family hearth. They help maintain youth and beauty, bear a baby, protect family members from evil people and dark forces.

Another traditional protector of the house is considered to be the Slavic symbol Alatyr. Applied to household items, this sign acted as a shield, protecting the house from negative energy, helping residents gain wisdom.

Various types of amulets among the Slavs

Charms and amulets ancient Russia used to achieve several goals. The Slavs revered their family very much. They tried their best to help and protect other family members. This was expressed not only in actions, but also in the manufacture of special protective things for sisters, brothers, daughters, sons, wives or husbands.

There was also another type of amulets - protective. Such objects were designed to protect against visible evil in the face of unfriendly neighbors and various entities that took the side of Chernobog - water, mermaids, ghouls and other evil spirits.

Many materials have been used to create these protective artifacts. The forms that they are able to take are also plenty:

  • body jewelry;
  • knots on clothes and jewelry or as the last (nauzes);
  • amulet dolls;
  • tattoos;
  • embroidery on interior items, clothes and hats;
  • dish painting;
  • collections of herbs suspended in bundles in the dwelling;
  • the image of ancient symbols on the houses;

Below we will consider the main ones.

Another popular type of Slavic amulets nauzes. Slavic women were famous not only for their love for weaving braids, but also for knots. This special magic required special skills. Knots had to be braided strictly in a certain order. These ancient Russian amulets symbolized different things. Some were for good luck, others from the evil eye, others to attract love.

Weaving nauzes - one of the techniques Slavic magic. Our forefathers believed that woven knots could help in various aspects of life.

One of the classic domestic Slavic amulets that help protect the family and everyone living in it is considered a doll. Our ancestors believed that unclean spirits could inhabit the faces of dolls - that is why all rag dolls made as talismans and amulets do not have a face. They can be individual or general.

Newborns and their mothers were given a Nurse doll. Children also received as the first toy amulet of Kuvadok dolls. They were made several, always an odd number, and then hooked over the cradle. There was also a doll to protect against diseases - the Fever doll, as well as the one that helped the already sick to recover - the Herbalist. For married couples, the amulet of the Lovebird doll was made, which helps protect personal happiness.

Lovebirds dolls are a family amulet.

Slavic tattoos

Little is known about Russian amulets worn directly on the skin. Only the fact that the common motif used in the tattoos of our forefathers was the scene of victory in the battle between the Thunderer Perun and the Serpent remains authentic.

Now, almost everything that is in any way connected with the ancient Slavs is used as a quality - images of gods or all sorts of mythical creatures, battle scenes, solar symbols, and even Slavic runes. The meaning of tattoos often even remains a mystery to its wearer, which in no case should be allowed if you do not want to ruin your life with the wrong intervention in fate.

Wearable jewelry

Slavic jewelry with amulets were and remain the most convenient way to wear a talisman. Jewelry, unlike tattoos, can be easily removed or replaced if there is a need to interact with another symbol. It is also easy to clean and recharge. Especially if it is made of metal.

Most often, the Slavs made amulets in the form of a pendant. This method was considered equally suitable for men and women. The latter preferred a lighter material - wood, while men usually chose metal. Such an amulet was not easy to lose or spoil in battle.

Less common, but still in demand, were bracelets and rings. It was difficult to put Slavic signs on small elegant women's rings. They were only suitable for applying runic symbols. Therefore, rings were often worn by males.

Runic symbols

Many Old Slavonic amulets, in addition to sacred symbols, carried the image of runic symbols. It would be wrong to consider Slavic runes as an ordinary alphabet, despite the fact that they were often used to write the names of Slavic gods. These signs carried a special meaning, which can be interpreted both individually and together, combining runes into words or whole spells from words.

Almost every rune, like other Slavic symbols, had a double meaning - it depended on the position of the sign, direct or inverted.

A fairly common use of Slavic runic symbols was the application of signs on weapons as a talisman, as well as their similar use in embroidery.

Embroidery as a talisman

Previously, needlework was one of the few entertainments available to women. Based on this, the amulets of the Slavs were embodied in embroidery. In those days, people wore clothes made from simple, natural fabrics, so embroidery was easier to decorate than on modern materials.

Embroidery on Slavic clothes was not purely decorative. Usually hidden in patterns secret meaning. It could be a wish for happiness and health, an appeal to the gods with a request for protection, or protective spells against everything dashing. Some household items were also decorated with special embroidery - pillows and blankets, towels and small decorative pillows, and even whole paintings, which were then framed and hung on the wall.

Slavic amulets in the form of embroidery are popular in our time, giving the outfits of modern fashionistas a special charm.

How to choose and wear an ancient Slavic amulet

The pagan amulets of the ancient Slavs require care in everything. It was important not only to make and select them correctly, but also to load them. In choosing symbols, our ancestors relied on several factors. They took into account the time of birth of a person - that is, they selected the amulet according to the patron god.

Not everyone knows that the Slavs also had a special Slavic calendar - Kolyada gift and even their own zodiac - the Svarog circle. It contains 16 halls-signs. The principle of such a zodiac is the same as that of the one familiar to us, there is even an opinion that it was borrowed from the ancient Slavs, and the number of constellations was reduced to twelve.

The status and age of the person who needs the support of higher powers was also important. After all, some of the Slavic symbols are universal and can be used by everyone, while others were intended for a specific gender. All this has already been said above.

The paramount, decisive factor in choosing a talisman is spiritual kinship with him. Many are interested in whether it is possible to wear a symbol that they liked without studying its features. No, you shouldn't do this. Ancient signs are saturated with the energy of many generations and have a powerful influence on human life. Without understanding, this action may be undesirable.

It happens that a certain sign exudes a certain magnetism and seems to ask for a hand. But even in this case, it is recommended to study the meaning of the symbol and reflect on how its use will affect your life.

To understand which Slavic amulet to wear, determine what you are missing and choose the right amulet that can attract it. Or think about what or who can harm you, in which case choose the right protective symbol.

You should also take care of the activation of the amulet. Traditionally, one of the four natural elements is used for these purposes. Sometimes it is possible to combine them, and in some cases it is impossible to do without it. You can learn more about this procedure on our website from an article about a specific amulet.

By choosing the right amulet, you will bring harmony and good luck to your life, become healthier and happier and be able to move to a new stage of spiritual development.

The fair sex was revered by the Slavs as mothers and keepers of the family hearth. Women's Slavic amulets were intended to enhance positive qualities and to help them protect the house from unclean forces. Many ancient amulets have not lost their relevance even now.

The value of amulets for women

In ancient times, families were large. During pregnancy and childbirth, a woman was easily exposed to negative influence from the outside. Then her children and loved ones became vulnerable. For this reason, a magical power was required that could protect the mother and her entire family. This role was played by female amulets.

Amulets were used for such purposes:

  • preservation of beauty and youth;
  • attracting good luck;
  • repulsion of negativity;
  • search for a betrothed;
  • support sparks in love;
  • removal of dangerous situations.

The talismans were distinguished by their bright appearance. They were stone, clay, bone and coral. The metals chosen were gold, copper and silver. Such amulets were found in grave burials during archaeological excavations.

Types of talismans

Some of the traditional female talismans of the Slavs are little known today, but many are still used today.


Luxury items served not only for beauty, but also as talismans. For this purpose, women used:

  1. Pendants - their ringing frightened off evil forces. They wore bells on belts, hats and other wardrobe items. The duck-horse talisman was popular. The duck is a sign of the Family, the horse symbolized goodness and happiness. The decoration was also worn around the neck.
  2. Combs - used for rituals. They should have 7 teeth each, because this number is endowed with a magical meaning. Such a charm protected from diseases and a dashing eye. To recover, the patient was combed his hair and threw a comb on a pear - a sacred tree. Filmed after 7 days.
  3. Colts - temporal rings. They looked like a spiral or a circle. The amulets depicted the sun, a cockscomb, a griffin, the elements of which were associated with the number 7.
  4. Lunnitsy is a female amulet, because the Moon is the patroness of the weaker sex. Protected from evil. They made a silver amulet round or horned. Decorated with ornaments. Often worn by pregnant women, providing the baby with a strong generic beginning.
  5. Monista - a necklace made of coins. Also, such jewelry was made from glass beads and natural minerals. They had different lengths and several tiers.
  6. Bracelets - women fastened their sleeves with them, which created a barrier to the penetration of impure forces. Solar signs were depicted on accessories.
  7. Rings - were made independently from soft metals of yellow tones. Protective signs were applied to them.
  8. Ochelya - decorations that were tied through the forehead around the head. They depicted Slavic symbols.

Often a gold or silver net was hung from the headdress. She protected from the evil eye.

Ornaments on clothes acted as women's amulets. Embroidery had a sacred meaning. Even the fabric had a protective effect, because it was made on machines with protective symbols.

Of the traditional ancient ornaments on clothes, the following are distinguished:

  1. Cross - closes the path to the penetration of evil.
  2. Square - means fertility, productivity. Performed with light and dark threads, enhancing the effect of the sign.
  3. Circle - symbolizes the feminine, motherhood.
  4. Star - personifies heavenly fire.
  5. The triangle is a sign of the human principle.
  6. The spiral is a symbol of prudence and the sixth sense.
  7. The wavy line represents water. It means the birth of life, adaptation to circumstances.
  8. The tree is a symbol of longevity and good health. Indicates the interconnection of everything in the world.
  9. The flower is the personification of beauty and youth. Execution with red threads means love.

Bright hues were also considered strong protectors. This explains the fact that red and green colors predominate in Slavic national clothes. White elements are also present, as it is a sacred color.

Security symbols

Female Slavic amulets and their meaning are a source of powerful power that carries care and goodness.

The sign of the goddess of youth, beauty and health Lada has the ability to protect the family hearth from evil. Symbol used young girls to find happiness.

Suitable as an amulet for women aged who adhere to traditions, the sign of the goddess Makosh. He will protect the house and all its residents from adversity. Attract prosperity and happiness.

The wedding talisman was given to a girl when she got married. He helped his young wife protect family values ​​in the future, maintain harmony in relationships, and ensure well-being in the house. During the wedding ceremony, it was a powerful amulet from the evil eye, attracted flows of positive energy.

Slavic amulet for a woman Odolen-grass meant a plant that has the ability to protect against demons. Preserves the health of its owner.

For the successful bearing of a child, pregnant women used Molvinets. The amulet protected the newborn from the evil eye. Its owners were under the auspices of Rod - the creator of the world, therefore they wore a talisman all their lives.

The Rozhanitsa symbol was used by women who wanted a child. Also suitable for pregnant women to protect against the evil eye. The amulet helps to prepare for childbirth, protects the born baby from adversity.

Coastal dolls

Female amulets of the Slavs in the form of dolls were intended to protect the family, home from diseases, unclean forces and various misfortunes. They were made independently according to certain rules:

  • were taken to work in a good mood;
  • before the process, women dressed up;
  • scissors and needles were not used;
  • the face of the doll was not made so that an evil spirit would not enter through the eyes.

The mother made the Nurse for her pregnant daughter. The amulet symbolized prosperity, fertility and health. After the birth of the baby, the talisman was placed in the crib. He increased the lactation of a young mother, provided the child with good development.

The Zdravnitsa doll was made for treatment. It was stuffed with various herbs with a strong aroma - mint, lemon balm, dill, etc. They were placed at the head of the patient. The talisman gave strength to fight the disease.


They made a female amulet called the Cross on the Trinity. It symbolized the unity of the birch, the cross and the girl. Decorated with ribbons. Put in a conspicuous place in the house.


For the motanka Kuvadka, bright shreds of fabric were chosen. Its meaning is the protection of the child. They hung the talisman over the bed. Often they made not one, but several dolls - an odd number. The amulet served as the first toy for kids.


They made a Zernovushka doll after harvesting. Filled with different grains. They put it in a conspicuous place near the icons. In this way they called for a good harvest for the next year.

Other amulets

Among the Slavic amulets for women there are also utilitarian items:

  • shirt, comb or belt of the husband;
  • embroidered bags filled with herbs;
  • needlework tools.

Some women stuffed tattoos on their bodies in the form of totem animals, signs of gods, spiral whirlwinds, etc.

How to choose the right women's amulet

You need to purchase a talisman from a trusted manufacturer. Otherwise, you can buy an amulet with distorted symbols, which will not only not be beneficial, but will also harm its owner. First you need to decide on the action that the amulet should have, and then study the information about the proposed instances and determine whether they meet the requirements.

The choice of a Slavic amulet for a woman is also carried out by date of birth. It is worth considering that among the Slavs the year was divided into 16 halls, which were united in the Svarog circle. It is necessary to find out which sign the woman belongs to, and find out its characteristics.

With this information, choose a talisman that enhances positive traits personality and minimizing manifestations of negative traits. Also, each chamber has its own symbol, which will serve as a personal amulet.

How to use correctly

The talisman remains effective if handled correctly. Immediately after the purchase, a woman should put her desires into the amulet. The amulet requires purification, especially if it is factory-made. When it was made by a familiar master, these manipulations are omitted. For cleaning, you can throw the talisman into salt water for several hours.

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