Driving conditions and road situations. Should I drive with low beam during the day? With headlights on Belarus

Aviary 16.08.2020

With the onset of the long-awaited warm days and school summer holidays children will have a lot of free time, and the route of their movement through the streets of our city, due to the lack of classes, will change dramatically. Now they will go for walks in parks and other places of recreation more often. Many will use a bicycle as a means of transportation almost daily.

This is where it comes for parents important point related to the correct "instruction" on their children's compliance with the Rules traffic. Undoubtedly, parents should always remind about this, because the main process of raising a child takes place in the family, although in schools and kindergartens, teachers, together with employees of the State traffic inspectorate, constantly do this. Summer time is associated with a high risk of danger for children, since in many families they are left at home alone while their parents are at work.

For 4 months of 2017, a decrease in the number of traffic accidents with victims by 28.7% was recorded on the territory of Minsk. Child injuries were also reduced by 45.5% compared to the same period in 2016.
With the participation of children under the age of 16 registered 6 traffic accidents; there were no incidents in which children died; 6 children received bodily injuries of varying severity, all 6 of them are pedestrians.

The cause of the accident, as a rule, is the failure of drivers to comply with the rules for passing pedestrian crossings, as well as crossing the carriageway in an unspecified place, an unexpected exit due to vehicle or other obstacle playing on the roadway.

In order to prevent road traffic accidents involving children with May 25 to June 5, 2017 The State traffic inspectorate of the capital holds a set of events in Minsk "Attention - children!", the main task of which is the prevention of child road traffic injuries, instilling skills in young road users safe behavior on the roads, drawing the attention of drivers, parents and teachers to the problem of child road injuries.

Special attention will be paid to the rules for transporting children with the mandatory use of child restraints. The Metropolitan State Traffic Inspectorate also recalls that, in accordance with clause 166.9 of the traffic rules of the Republic of Belarus, during the period when the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the republican special comprehensive measures to ensure road safety, drivers of vehicles are required to move during daylight hours with the dipped headlights or daytime running lights on.

Dear parents, drivers! Strictly follow the rules for pedestrian crossings. Be prepared for the sudden appearance of children on the road, especially near children's institutions, schools, cinemas, parks, public transport stops.

The State traffic inspectorate of the capital also holds a set of events in Minsk "Attention - children!" Don't forget to turn on your headlights!

In connection with the end of the school year and the beginning of the summer holidays, the traffic police will hold a special set of events "Attention - children!" from May 25 to June 5. The main goal is to prevent accidents involving minors.

On these days, drivers must necessarily move with the headlights or daytime running lights on at any time of the day (paragraph 166.9 of the SDA). This was reported to abw.by by the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Failure to comply with the requirement is punishable by a fine of up to two basic units (up to 49 rubles, part 3 of article 18.14 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Belarus.).

This year, professional events will begin with the United Day of Road Safety, which will be held on May 25 under the motto "Let's make summer safe together!".

The State Traffic Inspectorate urges drivers to be extremely careful when driving near children's institutions, passing unregulated pedestrian crossings, public transport stops, and especially in courtyards.

Particular attention will be focused on conducting preventive work with parents. Police officers will visit labor collectives and parent meetings, explain to adults the causes and consequences of road accidents involving children, remind them of the rules for the safe transportation of minors, responsibility for traffic violations, as well as the need for a personal example of correct and safe behavior on the road.

Since the beginning of this year, 6 children have died on the roads of the country, 125 minors have been injured.

An analysis of the accident rate of past years shows that the nature of the distribution of the number of children injured in road accidents by season has a pronounced seasonal character. On average, 70% get injured on the roads during the six warm months of the year, from May to October, most of them in the summer, when children are left unattended by teachers and parents. In June - August 2017, 7 children died in road accidents (in 2016 - 7, in 2014 - 11).

The highest number of incidents involving children in summer period takes place from Friday to Sunday. It is on these days that it is necessary to tightly control the leisure of children and adolescents, to exclude the possibility of access to the keys to cars and motorcycles.

Meanwhile, in Minsk the day before yesterday there was a collision with a child. As reported in the editorial Viber 8 029 689 88 93 reader, "the child was hit in front of school No. 51 on Drozdovicha street, 3. At 18.30, parent meetings for third graders were held at the school, a few minutes after the start, one of the 3rd grade students was hit by a car ...

The student was taken away by the intensive care unit. The traffic police and the Investigative Committee worked on the spot. Apparently, he was seriously injured. I didn’t see the accident itself, as I was already at school, but it looks like he got hit by a car while playing with other children.

The motorist turned to abw.by: "I hope you will highlight the importance of preparing children for the correct behavior on the road before the summer holidays." What we do...

The requirement to have a condom in the first-aid kit in a car was abolished ten years ago, although folklore still remembers a strange duty for drivers. And in driving schools they no longer teach the features of a four-stroke engine. And the notorious road fund went into the archive. Let's remember the cancellation of some important foundations that affected the majority of drivers in Belarus.

Condoms in the first aid kit are no longer needed

In the early 2000s, in the mandatory list that every driver had to have in a car first-aid kit, an item about the presence of a condom suddenly appeared among medicines and bandages. And it's not a joke! Going on a trip, you had to take care of the availability of this contraceptive.

In fact, the logic was: in this way the idea of ​​​​safe sex was popularized. The inclusion of condoms in car kits has become part of the HIV/AIDS prevention campaign. It is not so important that the requirement was not always fulfilled, but many people spoke about it. And joked, by the way, too.

Exactly ten years ago, in 2008, the Ministry of Health approved a new list medicines that should be in the first aid kit. At the same time, condoms were excluded from it.

Recall that usually the contents of the first-aid kit are checked during the inspection. An employee of the diagnostic station has the right to verify the availability of each medication and remedy from the list, up to checking the expiration date. Traffic police officers have similar powers.

And this is just not know-how. In Western European countries, the contents of the first-aid kit are also strictly monitored. The heroine of one of ours, Antje Sommerfeld (a German woman who lived in Belarus for five years), recalled how she was once fined in Germany for having expired medicine in her car.

Power of attorney no longer asked

Many drivers no longer remember when they abolished the need to have a power of attorney when driving a car registered to another person. With the introduction of this norm, in troubled times, it was a vital necessity and reinsurance - the car could be taken away by force or stolen.

Gradually, the wave of traffic crime faded away, and motorists no longer understood why it was necessary to have a piece of paper certified by a notary among the driver's documents.

This made life very difficult if it was necessary to urgently drive someone else's car (without the presence of the owner).

In the end, the formality was canceled, which made life easier for many Belarusians. Now, to drive a car registered to another person, it is enough to have a registration certificate (technical passport), compulsory insurance and a certificate of inspection, as well as a license and a ticket.

Stopped selling "Normal-80"

And five years ago, Belarusian gas stations stopped selling Normal-80 gasoline. The rationale was as follows: this type of fuel is environmentally harmful, does not meet modern standards, and besides, the demand for it has decreased many times over.

At the same time, oil refineries announced the production of high-octane grades of gasoline AI-92 K5, AI-95 K5, AI-92 K5 Euro, AI-95 K5 Euro in large volumes. This, in turn, led to the lack of technical feasibility for the production of Normal-80 gasoline, which has a low added value. New equipment at the factories was brought to design capacity.

However, until now, some experienced motorists are still wondering where the good old Normal-80 (or even AI-76) has gone. “Why is 80th gasoline not sold at gas stations? I have a Moskvich-412, and the other does not suit him, ”- in particular, one of the drivers was interested.

The answer of Belneftekhim specialists was as follows: “According to the data of the main manufacturers of carburetor engines for automotive equipment, all models of currently produced engines can be operated on AI-92 (Regular-92) gasoline, and those produced earlier, including on the Moskvich-412 car, allow the use of high-octane gasolines subject to adjustment of the engine settings.

By the way, at gas stations in Western Europe you will no longer find gasoline with an octane rating lower than AI-95. However, in Belarus, there are no talks about restrictions on sales of the 92nd yet.

No need to turn on the headlights

The obligation to drive with dipped headlights (from November 1 to March 31) was imputed around the clock in 2003. The initiators referred to the European experience, which was considered positive.

A year after the innovation, traffic police officers reported: the number of registered accidents committed during daylight hours decreased by 4%, the number of pedestrian collisions decreased by 3%, head-on collisions by 7%, and accident victims by 25%.

However, in November 2004, Alexander Lukashenko was indignant at the fact that drivers are required to drive with headlights on and during the day. Specifically, he then said: “You go and watch: the sun is burning, the light is better than you can imagine, and the car is driving with the headlights on. And they torment the citizens who are driving cars today. You look who you put behind the car, and smell them well. And who gave you the right to change the rules of the road?”

The tone of the comment by Natalia Petkevich (who was the president's press secretary at the time) was more formal: “Regulations requiring vehicles to travel during daylight hours with their headlights on caused indignation and bewilderment among both drivers and pedestrians. Nevertheless, this did not add traffic safety ... All those absurdities that do not create additional conditions for traffic safety, but simply interfere with both pedestrians and drivers, should be excluded from the rules of the road.”

Soon this paragraph in the SDA was adjusted. Now it sounds different and obliges all drivers to turn on the dipped headlights during daylight hours during special events (usually traffic police actions).

Curriculum adjusted in driving schools

Previously, in driving schools, the design of cars was studied quite deeply. One could see how the cadets were cramming the device of the carburetor engine. In some places, posters and stands have remained from the old days, which now rather serve as decorations.

The development of motorization, the improvement of the quality of service services and the spread of evacuation services have made many requirements obsolete, and curriculum adjusted. Indeed, why does a modern motorist need to know how to change candles or an oil filter if specially trained people do it quickly and efficiently.

As the specialists involved in the training of cadets told us, now five hours of theory and one hour of practice are allotted for studying the car.

However, the cadets themselves say that today they rarely devote time to this topic. And then the service station employees tell anecdotal stories about item 710. Real story one driving school cadet: “In one of the last classes, the teacher asked if everyone knew the principle of the clutch. More precisely, what happens if you press the pedal. Everyone yelled out loud: “Yeah, the disks are shrinking.” I learned the correct answer not at all in a driving school, but from a third-party instructor.

Road Fund and its liquidation

The abolition of the unified road fund backfired first on the quality of roads, and then on the pockets of motorists. Previously, the money came from excise taxes on gasoline and some taxes paid when buying a car. When these fees were canceled, many were quick to rejoice.

Nevertheless, the road workers complained that the abolition of the fund had the most impact on local roads, as a result of which funding for their maintenance was significantly reduced.

And a few years later, it was decided to maintain the condition of the roads at the expense of the state duty, which they began to levy when paying for technical inspection. Then many motorists decided to abandon MOT. According to "Beltekhosmotr", more than half of the registered cars last year were not shown at diagnostic stations.

It was decided to urgently correct the procedure for collecting state duty. Now they want to decouple payment from the passage of maintenance, and make the system of collecting money for the operation of the tracks more flexible.

In order to prevent traffic accidents involving children, the State Traffic Inspectorate will hold a special complex event throughout the republic from May 25 to June 5 "Attention - children!", Victoria Tsaruk, senior inspector for A&P of the Oktyabrsky District Department of Internal Affairs of Minsk, told the portal.

"Officers of the internal affairs bodies, together with teachers, will hold various preventive measures, conversations, actions, round tables in educational institutions, where they will remind the children of the basic rules of the road for them, the impeccable observance of which will allow them to avoid injuries on the roads during the summer holidays," she said. V.Tsaruk.

She added that law enforcement officers will also visit labor collectives and parent meetings, where they will remind adults that a very serious and responsible time is coming for them, when they will have to make every effort so that trouble does not happen to their children.

Particular attention, according to V. Tsaruk, will be paid safe transportation rules young passengers. Also, road patrol units will be brought closer to places of mass gathering of children. Traditionally, police officers will take part in the solemn lines dedicated to the Last Bell holidays.

"An analysis of the situation in the field of road traffic indicates that in May-June, in connection with the end of the school year, the problem of child road traffic injuries may worsen," the senior inspector noted.

In this regard, the State Traffic Inspectorate reminds all drivers of the need to travel during daylight hours. with the vehicle's dipped headlights or daytime running lights on(if any) during the period of a special complex event (clause 166.9 of the Rules of the Road of the Republic of Belarus).

The traffic police also asks parents not to leave their children unattended and constantly keep them under control. "Be sure to repeat with your child the basic rules of safe behavior on the road, how to behave in yard areas where it is safe to play ball, ride a bicycle, rollerblade, scooter, etc. Despite your worries, you must not forget the eternal rush about your children. Repeat with your child the rules of crossing the road again, check whether he understands them correctly, whether he knows how to use this knowledge in real traffic situations, "law enforcement officers urge.

According to the traffic police, for 4 months of the current year, 11 road accidents were registered with the participation of children under the age of 18 in Minsk, in which 6 child pedestrians, 4 child passengers and 1 child cyclist received injuries of varying severity. Of the 11 accidents involving minors, 2 were the fault of children.

Chapter 1

General provisions

2.78. road elements- one or more carriageways roads, tramways, sidewalks, pedestrian and bicycle paths(with the exception of cycle paths located separately from the road), landing pads located on the carriageway of the road and intended for embarkation (disembarkation) of passengers in a route vehicle, safety islands, highlighted structurally or by horizontal road marking lines, median zones, median lanes, level crossing decks and verges;

2.75. advanced coating- road surface from asphalt concrete or cement concrete mixtures, from crushed stone, gravel, slag or other mineral materials treated with organic or mineral binders, as well as from piece materials: paving stone, cobblestone, clinker, mosaic etc.;

paved road

Road without improved pavement

2.50. traffic lane - any of the longitudinal lanes of the carriageway roads, whether or not marked with horizontal road markings and having a width sufficient for the movement of vehicles(with the exception of single-track) in one row;

2.57. separating zone - element highlighted by horizontal road markings road, separating adjacent carriageways and not intended for the movement or stopping of vehicles and pedestrians outside specially designated places;

2.10. lawn- a piece of land with natural or artificially created vegetation, mainly grass, cover;

It is very easy to remember where the lane is, and where the zone is, with the help of a memo: Our zone is without a lawn, the lane is a scythe!

2.72. sidewalk- an element of the road adjacent to the carriageway or separated from it by a lawn, intended for pedestrians and cyclists in accordance with these Rules;

2.17. road traffic- movement of pedestrians and (or) vehicles on the road, including parking and stopping within the road, and related public relations;

2.65. technical means of traffic management- devices, structures and images used on the roads to regulate traffic, ensure its safety and increase capacity roads;

2.45. crossroads - point of intersection, junction or junction of roads on the same level. intersection boundary defined by imaginary lines connecting respectively opposite, the beginnings of curvature of the carriageways furthest from the center of the intersection roads. Are not crossroads intersections with bicycle, pedestrian and horse paths;

2.11. the main road- road, signposted as "Main Road", "Secondary Road Intersection", "Secondary Road Junction", "Motorway" or "Vehicle Road", in relation to the crossed(adjacent), road with an improved pavement in relation to a road without such a pavement, road with gravel in relation to unpaved, any road in relation to exits from adjacent territories or residential areas. The presence of a section with a surface (improved or gravel) on a secondary road immediately before the intersection does not make it equal in value to the crossed one;

2.79. overpass- engineering a structure for raising one road over another at the point of their intersection, as well as for placement at a certain height of a road that does not have ramps to another road;

2.29. locality- the territory, the entrances to which and the exits from which marked with road signs "Start locality” and “End of the settlement” or road signs “Beginning of the border of the settlement” and “End of the border of the settlement”;

2.32. road visibility- objective the ability to see the traffic situation from the driver's seat;

2.7. road visibility - maximum distance in the direction of travel at which road elements can be recognized from the driver's seat and technical means of organizing traffic in front of the vehicle and correctly navigate when driving it;

2.35. limited visibility roads - road visibility, limited by the geometric parameters of the road, roadside engineering structures, plantings and other objects, as well as vehicles;

2.63. Night time - time interval, which starts after the Sunset and ends with the sunrise;


2.77. road user - individual, within the road in (on) the vehicle or outside it, except for the controller and employee who performs in due course on the road repair and other works;

Equivalent to a controller officer of the Military Automobile Inspectorate of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus in uniform (high visibility uniform with elements of retroreflective material, with a disk with a red signal (reflector) and a whistle) while ensuring the movement of organized transport columns which include vehicles belonging to the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Security Committee, the State Border Committee, other troops and military formations of the Republic of Belarus;

2.8. driver- physical a person driving a vehicle, a self-propelled machine, with the exception of a person learning to drive motor vehicle , self-propelled machine(passing a qualifying practical exam for the right to drive a mechanical vehicle , self-propelled machine).

2.74. vehicle control- impact on the controls of the vehicle, which led to a change in its position relative to the original;

2.44. passenger - a natural person who is not involved in driving a vehicle and is in (on) a vehicle, as well as entering (setting) in (to) a vehicle or descending (disembarking) from a vehicle;

2.39. organized pedestrian column - group of pedestrians in accordance with these Rules, having a leader and moving along a certain route;

2.14. children - underage road users, whose age is known or evident from outward signs other road users;


2.69. vehicle- device, intended for road traffic and for the carriage of passengers, cargo or equipment installed on it;

Mechanical Non-mechanical
Cars Mopeds Motorcycles Trolleybuses Trams Wheel tractors Bicycles Horse-drawn vehicles trailers
Cars Freight Buses

2.54. trailer - motor vehicle;

2.26. - vehicle, driven by engine;

2.1. bus - a car with more than nine seats, including the driver's seat;

2.25. route vehicle - motor vehicle(bus, trolleybus, tram, other vehicle moving in regular regular, high-speed traffic, including express), moving along an established route with designated stopping points;

2.60. self-propelled machine - crawler, agricultural, road, construction, other car that without additional measures to ensure road safety provided by the organization (factory)-manufacturer, not intended for road traffic. When participating in road traffic, self-propelled vehicles are equated to vehicles, and their movement on roads must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of these Rules for vehicles, unless these Rules provide otherwise for self-propelled vehicles;

2.28. motorbike - two-wheeled motor vehicle with or without a side trailer, powered by a 50 cc engine. centimeters or more. Equivalent to motorcycles three-wheeled motor vehicles with curb weight not exceeding 400 kilograms, as well as motor vehicles equipped with an engine with a working volume of up to 50 cubic meters. centimeters, having a maximum design speed determined by their technical characteristics, more than 50 km/h;

2.36. single track vehicle- vehicle on wheels that are placed on the same line one after the other;

2.73. heavy and (or) large-sized vehicle - vehicle, maximum weight and (or) dimensions which exceed the allowable parameters established for travel on public roads;

2.70. operational vehicle- vehicle, having a special color graphic coloring and (or) light and sound signaling;

Operational vehicles

2.40. organized transport convoy - vehicle or convoy moving with the dipped headlights constantly on accompanied by a vehicle (vehicles) for operational purposes with included flashing signals (beacons) (hereinafter - beacons) of blue or blue and red colors;

2.12. state technical inspection - a set of organizational and technical measures aimed at preventing vehicles from participating in road traffic that do not meet the requirements international legal documents relating to the safety of wheeled vehicles, items of equipment and parts that can be installed and (or) used on wheeled vehicles, mandatory for compliance with the requirements of technical regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus in this area (hereinafter referred to as technical regulatory legal acts);

2.64. technically permissible total mass - the maximum weight of the vehicle, established by the organization (factory)-manufacturer(with cargo, driver and passengers). The technically permissible total mass of the road train is the sum of the technically permissible total masses of the vehicle (wheeled tractor) and the trailer;

Driving conditions and traffic situations

2.24. maneuver (manoeuvre) - start of movement, rebuilding of a vehicle in motion from one lane to another (hereinafter referred to as rebuilding), as well as its turn to the right or left, U-turn, exit from the carriageway, reversing.

2.51. advantage - the right to priority movement in the intended direction in relation to other road users;

2.76. give way (have no advantage)- a requirement that do not resume movement, reduce the speed of movement until the vehicle stops or do not carry out any maneuver(with the exception of the request to leave the occupied lane, submitted by the traffic controller or the driver of the operational vehicle), if it may force another road user(s) to change direction and/or speed movement;

2.41. vehicle stop for up to 5 minutes, and also for more than 5 minutes, if it is necessary for boarding (disembarking) passengers or loading (unloading) a vehicle;

2.61. vehicle parking- intentionally stopping the movement of the vehicle for more than 5 minutes for reasons not related to boarding (disembarking) passengers or loading (unloading) a vehicle;

Cessation of movement
deliberate unintentional
Stop Parking Forced stop related to the fulfillment of the requirements of the traffic controller or technical means of organizing traffic related to the fulfillment of the requirements of officials who have the right to stop the vehicle related to the fulfillment of the requirement "Give way"
≤5 minutes, >5 minutes for embarkation (disembarkation) or loading (unloading) >5 minutes not related to embarkation (disembarkation) or loading (unloading) due to a technical malfunction or danger posed by road users, the cargo carried, the condition of the driver (passenger), the appearance of an obstacle to traffic

2.4. road safety- traffic condition, providing the least possible risk for traffic and traffic accident;

2.37. traffic hazard - changing conditions traffic or technical condition vehicle, endangering the safety of road users, forcing the driver to slow down or stop;

2.40 1 . leaving the scene of a traffic accident- actions of a participant in a traffic accident, aimed at concealing the fact of such an incident or the circumstances of its commission, resulting in the need for employees of the State Automobile Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (hereinafter referred to as the GAI) to identify (search) this participant and (or) search for a vehicle;

2.43. traffic accident eyewitness- individual, who directly observed the traffic accident, who has the relevant information and can provide it;

GAI carries out coordination of traffic in cases not stipulated by these Rules, as well as when using for experimental purposes technical means of organizing traffic that are not provided for by these Rules and technical regulatory legal acts. Timely delivery in accessible forms to the attention of individuals and legal entities technical normative legal acts in the field of road traffic and ensuring its safety assigned to the republican body government controlled for standardization, metrology and certification.

Violation of these Rules entails liability established by legislative acts.

The program “Rules of the road. Electronic Abstract. Express Method of Study” contains the full version of the abstract.

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