How to write an essay on social studies - the main algorithm. Algorithm for writing an essay on social studies. Criteria for evaluating an essay in social science at the Unified State Examination

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Algorithm for writing an essay on social studies

How to write an essay in social studies

Part C9 - essay on the proposed statement

  1. First paragraph . It should be shown whether the problem referred to in the statement is correctly understood. The first paragraph has 2 elements. The first is the beginning: “This statement says that ...” - an indication of the problem that the statement is talking about. The second element is justification in one or two sentences. relevance statements (his modernity, that this problem is not outdated, why it is important today): 1) this problem has been relevant at all times, since ...; 2) relevance to modern society; 3) relevance for Russia (human rights, state and citizen); 4) relevance for you personally (“This problem is close to me, because ...”).
  2. Second paragraph consists of three elements. The first element is the presentation of the author's point of view on this problem - that is, to retell the statement in his own words: "The famous German philosopher I. Kant believes ...". Here it is highly recommended to show the knowledge of the author: who he was, when he lived, in which country, what he is famous for. It is useful to accumulate information about the authors of aphorisms. The second element is a statement about one's assessment of the statement: agree, disagree, partially agree / disagree. The third element is the formulation of the author's own position of the essay. In case of agreement, the task is to state the same thing, but in your own words. The opinion of the author is declared as the personal opinion of the author (student).
  3. Third paragraph consists of two elements. The first element is the theoretical substantiation of the stated point of view. We must begin with the sentence: "Let's give a theoretical justification for the stated point of view ...". It is necessary to logically maintain the connection of concepts, a logical chain. The second element is to pick up one or two statements of other authors (writers, philosophers) in support of the theoretical substantiation of the stated point of view. Theoretical argumentation - to show theoretical knowledge of the course, subject, confirm or refute the author's approaches from the point of view of the foundations of this science (sociology, philosophy, political science, etc.). It is useful to collide opinions of different authors. If you do not know who the author of the quoted statement is, it is better not to mention him. It is useful to use dictionaries of aphorisms, winged words, in preparation for the exam in social science, to accumulate aphorisms.
  4. Fourth paragraph consists of two or three elements. Examples to support the stated point of view. Not theoretical examples, but from the life of society, history, literature, and personal experience. The first element is the beginning: "Let's give examples to justify our position ...". For human rights (example) - a state where human rights are respected (and what comes out of it) and a state where human rights are not respected (and what comes out of it). Give specific examples - 1) from history - give carefully - not sure - do not mention. Give an example from history if you know exactly what you are talking about; 2) from modern public life - it is better not to illustrate political problems with examples from Russian political reality - it is too confused and unstable; it is better to give examples from the political life of stable democracies.
  5. Fifth paragraph consists of one or two elements. This is an argument with reference to personal social experience. Beginning: "I can confirm from my own experience ...". Here you can also dream up - what could be at school, in the family, in the classroom, passing it off as already implemented, real. Examples from their own social practice, from personal impressions are not vulgar everyday cases (“My neighbor Uncle Vasya does not go to the polls because ...”), but evidence-based examples - for example, from the activities of school government.
  6. Sixth paragraph consists of two or three small sentences. Return to the stated problem (its repetition, repetition of one’s point of view) and - summary, conclusion: “Thus, having considered the stated problem ..., we come to the conclusion ...”.Confirm or refute the author's statement at the achieved high level of understanding.
  1. How to choose an aphorism. You should choose a topic that is most familiar to you. If you are best oriented in economics, choose an “economic” aphorism, the same with sociology, political science, philosophy, etc. Do not be deceived by the first impression of the ease and brevity of the aphorism - carefully read all the aphorisms.What not to choose: 1) incomprehensible phrases (for example, "The world is a hieroglyph of truth." S. Bulgakov). 2) do not take very long phrases that explain themselves, that is, they themselves already have mini-essays, they have already been proven, and there is nothing to say about them (if more than 3 lines - a maximum of 4). 3) do not take topics formulated publicistically - where the biased point of view of the author is clearly expressed (a banal case: “Man - this sounds proud!” M. Gorky. Well, yes, so what of this?). a journalistic topic is very difficult to substantiate scientifically, and an essay on social science is still a small scientific work. You can take: statements about human rights, the relationship between the state and the person, the influence of society on a person, statements on moral topics, statements on social topics. There is something to say about the statements of I. Kant.
  2. Here the essay is not a literary essay (an essay on a free topic). An essay on social studies is a small research work (like an essay, term paper). There is no need for any "literature", literary, poetic "beauties". A clear order - thesis, argumentation, conclusion.
  3. There is no need for unnecessary "smart" terms. Write only about what you understand, use words and terms that you firmly know and can explain.
  4. Do not write in long sentences. Write briefly, simply, concisely, clearly. Write legibly, clearly - the work is checked by real people! (The expert checking the work may simply not read it if the handwriting is illegible - accordingly, part C will not be credited to you). The volume of work is one A4 page (without turnover).

How to write a social science essay?

An essay (from the French essai “an attempt, a test, an essay”, from the Latin exagium “weighing”) is a prose essay of small volume and free composition, in which the author expresses his individual position, reflections on any issue. main role in the essay is not a description of the facts, but the expression of impressions, thoughts, associations. The style of the essay is manifested in a special syntax - a lot of incomplete sentences, interrogative and exclamatory constructions.

The topic of an essay in social science is usually formulated as a statement by a famous author. You need to explain how you understand the meaning of the statement, express your attitude towards it, identify different aspects of the meaning and contradictions in the statement, argue your position using the theoretical provisions of the social science course and examples from personal experience and public life.

1. Determine the meaning of the statement by answering the question: what did the author want to say?

2. Identify the main aspects of the problem by answering the questions: What can be opposed to the author's position in the historical, cultural, moral and ethical sense? Are other positions, approaches to the problem, interpretations of concepts and images, exceptions from general rule? Select the aspect of the problem that you will consider in detail.

3. Formulate your attitude to the statement by answering the questions: Do I agree with the author? Why? What is my own position on this issue? How relevant is the statement?

4. Define the social science terms, generalizations, patterns you need to express and justify your position at the theoretical level. Answer the questions: What concepts and terms known to you from the course of social science should you use? What theoretical generalizations should you consider?

5. Select facts, examples from history, modern social life and personal social experience that confirm your position by answering the question: What specific facts can you support your opinion with?

6. Make a draft plan for your essay. Write the text of the essay. Re-read it.

Social science essay writing technology

An essay is a prose work of small volume and free composition, expressing individual impressions and thoughts on a specific occasion or issue and obviously does not claim to have a definite or exhaustive interpretation of the subject. How rulethe essay suggests a new, subjectively colored word about something.

Essay requirements: The essay should be perceived as a whole, the idea should be clear and understandable; The essay should not contain too much, should include only the information that is necessary to disclose the position, idea; The essay should be logical, clear in structure; The essay should show that the author knows and meaningfully uses theoretical concepts, terms, generalizations, worldview ideas; The essay should contain a convincing argument on the stated problem, position.Essay structure

Thesis- A statement that needs to be proven.Output- an opinion based on the analysis of facts.Value judgments- opinions based on convictions, beliefs, views.

To put forward arguments in the main part of the essay, you can use the so-called POPS formula:P- Position (statement) - I believe that ...; O - Explanation - Because…; P - Example, illustration - For example, ...; C - Judgment (final) - So arr azom, ... As one of the possible options for preparing students for writing an essay, we can offer collecting clichés that are most often used in reasoning essays. For ease of accumulation and subsequent use, you can use the following table:


Main part


For me, this phrase is the key to understanding ...

Firstly Secondly Thirdly, …

In this way, …

The choice of this topic is dictated by the following considerations ...

Consider several approaches… For example,…

Let's sum up the discussion...

A striking scope for thought opens up this short statement ...

Let's illustrate this with the following example...

I never thought that I would be touched by the idea that...

For a polemical essay: On the one hand on the other hand, …

Essay writing algorithm:carefully read all the topics (statements) proposed for writing an essay;choose the one that will meet the following requirements: a) is of interest to you;b)Do you understand the meaning of this statement; c) on this topic you have something to say (youyou know the terms, you can give examples, you have personal experience, etc.);think about what the relevance of the stated topic may be; determine the main idea of ​​the statement (what is it about?), for this, use the periphrase technique (say the same thing, but in your own words); outline the arguments for and / or against this statement (if you type arguments both for and against the aphorism taken as a topic, your essay may be polemical in nature); for each argument, select examples, facts, situations from life, personal experience, etc.; look at the selected illustrations (examples): did you use your knowledge of the subject in them (terms, facts of social life, knowledge of legislation, etc.); think over what literary techniques you will use to make the language of your essay more interesting, lively (comparisons, analogies, epithets, etc.); come up with an introduction to the argument (in it you can write why you chose this statement, immediately determine your position, ask your question to the author, etc.); state your point of view, formulate the general conclusion of the work.

Editing involves checking work in the following areas: structure (check if there is a logical connection between parts of the essay); sincerity of tone (avoid too emotional, expressive definitions); unity of style (in the work one should not jump from the scientific style to the journalistic, colloquial and vice versa); the volume of the essay (the work should be short, reduce everything superfluous); the attractiveness of the work, its individuality (is there something special in the work).

essay on social studies.

7 fatal mistakes that will prevent you from writing a social studies essay for the maximum score.

Changes in KIM USE 2013 in history

The general direction of improving KIM is to strengthen the block of tasks that test the analytical and information and communication skills of graduates.

Part 2 increased from 12 to 13 tasks. Added blocks of tasks for working with a historical map (B8–B11) and illustrative material (B12–B13). In order to optimize the verification of the formation of a set of skills related to the analysis of a historical source, the structure of task B9 (numbered in 2012) was changed to work with a historical source.

When completing task B10 (according to the numbering of 2012) for the systematization of historical information (choosing an extra term from the proposed series), it is required to indicate the number that indicates the correct answer, and not write out the term itself.

In part 3, the structure of task C5 has been changed. The new task involves bringing arguments both in support and in refutation of the assessment of a certain historical phenomenon, process. The maximum score for the correct completion of task C5 has been increased from 3 to 4.

Task C6 presents not three, but four historical figures, one of which is studied in the course of World History. Task C6 has also been improved in the direction of more formalization in the evaluation of works. According to a separate criterion (K3), the indication of the main results of the activity of a historical person is evaluated. The maximum score that can be earned for correctly completing mission C6 has been increased from 5 to 6.

Changes in KIM USE 2013 in social studies

Task B5 is more difficult. The total number of judgments given in the task condition increases from four to five. Examinees must distribute them into three, instead of the previous two, groups: judgments-facts, judgments-evaluations, judgments-theoretical statements. This change will make it possible to identify the ability to distinguish in texts of a social orientation an important and widely represented component in them - the provisions of the theory on which modern scientific social science is based. 2. The topics proposed for writing an essay are grouped into five blocks instead of the previous six. Topics covered in terms of the provisions of sociology and social psychology are now included in one general direction. When writing an essay, the examinee gets the opportunity to use the provisions and the conceptual apparatus of each of these social sciences. 3. Adjusted the requirements of task C9. 4. The criteria for assessing tasks C5, C8, C9 have been improved.

Anniversariesyear 2013

1150 years since its inception Slavic writing(863 - Equal-to-the-Apostles brothers Cyril and Methodius created the Slavic alphabet)

1025 years of the Baptism of Russia (988)

960 years since the birth of Vladimir Monomakh (1053-1125), Grand Duke of Kiev

900 years of the original version of the chronicle "The Tale of Bygone Years" (compiled around 1113)

900 years of the "Ustav" of Vladimir Monomakh (published in 1113)

790 years of the battle on the river. Kalka betweenMongolianand Russian troops (1223)

450 years of the first Russian printing house of Ivan Fedorov and PeterMstislavetsin Moscow (1563)

MBOUSergachskayaSecondary School No. 4

Regional competition of innovative projects

"Information and Communication Technologies

in professional creativity of educators”

nomination number 2

"School years are wonderful"

1 competition group:

didactic materials,


using ICT

Lesson to consolidate the material in grade 5

in game form"Life of Primitives"

The form: presentation

Kolesnik T.N.,

teacher of history and social studies

Sergach - 2013


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institutionhigher

vocational education





Test No. 1



Kolesnik D.O.

wifr: 1260-p/sds-7093

checked :

Kataeva L.Yu.

In front of me is an illustration for the painting by E. Shirokov "Friends". The main characters in this picture are a boy and a dog.

The boy is wearing a blue T-shirt, gray pants and sandals. He gently strokes his friend's soft fur, as if asking for help.

The dog looks at him with understanding eyes, but, unfortunately, cannot answer anything.

The dog is black, only the tips of the paws are white. One ear is pressed to her head, the other is raised, as if she wants to delve into the problem of the owner. She is also sad, probably because her owner is sad.

The relationship between the boy and the dog is very warm, tender. No wonder this picture is called friends. After all, friends have joys and sorrows one for two. The dog knows how to listen to all the problems of the owner from the deuce at school to problems in the house. Well, she knows how to rejoice with him.

Probably, the boy is now thinking about how bad he is, and hopes that the dog will help him with his attention and ability to listen.

The dog, most likely, thinks about how bad its owner is and that he needs help, listen to his problem. I also think that she is worried because she cannot help him in another way, but I think that the ability to listen is also a big help.

This picture has very dark colors. Probably due to the fact that the boy and the dog are sad. The sofa they are sitting on is red. He's dented. The wall in this picture is dull. It speaks of the sadness of those in this room.

I really liked this picture because it shows the relationship between a boy and a dog.

Friends are the closest beings who are united by the kinship of souls. They understand each other without words, without the slightest gesture. Often people cannot get along with each other - and then they begin to look for friends among our smaller brothers.

Shirokov's painting "Friends" shows a boy sitting on a rug next to his friend. His friend was an ordinary dog ​​who understands his master - and will never betray. He will always be there - and will protect this boy even at the cost of his own life.

All the contours in the picture are drawn extremely clearly, and the colors used are cold. This combination of colors helps to convey the warm relationship that has been established between the boy and his pet.

Shirokov's painting "Friends" is a symbol of true friendship. A boy in a simple shirt needs someone to understand and appreciate him. And everyone should understand that there are no boundaries for true friendship. When a person begins to justify himself with various obstacles, it means that he cannot be considered a true friend. I hope that in the life of every person there is a true friend who will never betray - and will certainly come to the rescue in difficult times.

In front of me is a reproduction of one very famous painting "Friends". Its author is a wonderful Russian artist Yevgeny Vadimovich Shirokov. This work of art was written by him in the prime of his life. creative activity, in 1976.

The main characters depicted in the picture are an ordinary boy and his faithful dog. The owner sits on a small red rug and right hand strokes his pet, which lies nearby. Both characters are sad. They are very bad.

The boy is dressed quite interestingly, although at first glance it does not seem so: an ordinary T-shirt, simple pants, socks and sandals. But if you look closely, you can see that the colors in his clothes alternate: first dark blue, then gray, then dark blue again and finally gray again. Probably, the author wants to show that his life corresponds to the colors of his clothes. After all, we all have different moments: good and bad, joyful and sad, pleasant and not very. The boy, unfortunately, can have very few such bright moments. Basically, he experiences sadness, grief, sadness, disappointment ... Or is it still not so bad?

Yes, the characters definitely have some kind of grief. Perhaps the dog is sick with something, or maybe the boy has problems at school or in the family. It is not easy to define this exactly. But they are friends! And true friends always support each other in everything. They rejoice together, they grieve together, they are always ready to help their comrade, they never leave him in trouble. That's what the boy and the dog do. They are together in difficult times, ready to listen to the problem of a friend, knowing full well that they will understand him, even without owning his speech. And therefore, the heroes of the picture will undoubtedly overcome all the hardships that stand in their way, clearly realizing that together they are a great force.

That is why Shirokov called his work "Friends". He wanted to draw our attention to the fact that true friendship will help to overcome everything, and it must be valued above all else.

I liked this picture very much, and it was very pleasant to write an essay on it. She is very beautiful, carries a deep inner meaning and makes the viewer think about their value system, and most importantly, it perfectly shows the relationship between two best friends: a dog and a man.

Our eyes are presented to the picture of Yevgeny Shirokov "Friends". The picture of the folk artist impresses with its hidden artistic plot. After all, if you look closely at this reproduction, you can immediately think about many questions: Why are they sad? What happened to the man and his faithful friend? Why such a situation? And many, many others.

In the foreground are two faithful friends: a boy and a dog. The boy is wearing a short-sleeved blue T-shirt, black pants, blue socks and dark-colored sandals. He sits leaning on his left hand, with his right hand he strokes his black big dog, which has only white paws. The dog faithfully lies at the feet of his master and fully experiences sadness, which is why the boy is also sad. The sad eyes of the dog, very clearly tell that something happened, they convey all the anxiety, all the devotion and all the friendship that arose between such real friends. The dog fully shares the boy's sadness, which, thanks to him, has now become common. The boy, in gratitude for this, gently strokes his black friend, looks at him and thanks him silently. They do not need extra words to understand each other. Just a touch, a glance is enough to understand and try to help each other.

Our friends are on the red rug, probably the dog's bedding, where he sleeps and spends most of his time. Although the boy may have laid it on purpose so that, together with his friend, to stay in the territory that belongs only to them, where there are no extra people, no bad weather and problems. And the dog does not feel sorry for anything, especially such a trifle for his master.

I really liked the picture, it is imbued with some special meaning, some kind of sensitivity. Everyone is familiar with this bitter topic - friendship. Any person has ever lost his friends, his true childhood friends. Of course, I have no doubt that there were many reasons for this: someone had a tragedy, someone changed friendship for a wife, a girlfriend, someone left and did not return, someone betrayed. Everyone will have something to tell about this, a lot of bitter will have to be drunk in order to forget, and is it possible? One way or another, but the picture is really touching, because it awakens our memory, makes us think about many important things related to this topic.

We begin to appreciate and take care of our friends, because only they will be able to understand and support us in a difficult moment and situation, no one except them will be able to stop in time, tell the truth, no matter how bitter it is, step aside if something happens that love one. Appreciate your friends, because a true friend is given only once in a lifetime and is given from God!

Social Studies

Primary score

Test score

Passing the Unified State Exam is a test that all graduates go through. Different exams require different assignments. Speaking about the exam in social studies, it is important to note that one of the most difficult tasks for the examiner is writing an essay.

An essay is one type of writing. However, the essay is characterized by slightly different features:

  • specific topic or question.
  • Personal character.
  • The need to understand this topic.
  • Small volume.
  • Free composition.
  • Ease of storytelling.
  • Paradoxical.
  • Internal semantic unity.
  • Openness.

Speaking about the assessment of this part of the social studies exam, it must be said that many students do not take up writing an essay. Writing this part is optional, but it is through writing that you can get a high score. But you can’t write a good essay the first time, which will be highly appreciated by the commission. Each student needs preparation, good knowledge and a lot of practice in drawing up the structure.

But, despite all the difficulties, each applicant is invited to independently choose one of the topics of his essay. Usually students are given several statements. famous people. Each quote refers to a specific branch of social science: psychology, sociology, economics, jurisprudence, philosophy, etc.

In order to choose the right topic that the student can fully disclose, it is necessary to take into account several important points:

  1. Full understanding main theme statements.
  2. Accounting for all the knowledge that the examiner has in this science.
  3. The ability to express one's opinion.
  4. Possession of social science terms that will be necessary for the correct disclosure of the problem.
  5. Ability to give examples, both from science and from personal experience.

How to write an essay in social studies?

In principle, if you understand the whole process of writing, then writing an essay does not cause any particular difficulties, because the entire essay is written according to a certain template. The structure of an essay on social science consists of only three parts, each of which, in turn, is divided into several more subparagraphs.

First part:

  • Description of the problem, disclosure of the main topic.
  • Expressing your opinion and justifying it.
  • Argumentation of your opinion.

The second part:

  • Formulation of the main problem.
  • Topical topic for today.
  • Paraphrasing the selected quote.
  • Personal opinion on this issue, the rationale for your opinion.

The third part:

  • 2-3 arguments from theory.
  • 1 argument from personal experience.
  • General conclusion throughout the essay.

There are many cliché phrases that can be used to make an essay look literate.

  1. For example, for the first part, expressions such as “In this quote, the author raises the problem ...”, “The author claims that ...”, “The author is of the opinion that ...”, etc., are perfect.
  2. To describe the problem, clichés such as “ This problem relevant in the conditions of…”, “This problem is irrelevant in our time, because…”.
  3. Next, you need to describe your opinion about whether the examiner agrees with the author or not “I support the author’s opinion, because ...”, “I absolutely disagree with the author, because ...”, etc.

To successfully write an essay, you need to further theoretically substantiate your point of view. Citations of other well-known historical figures are also very welcome. Already here you can give a few examples from public life to support your opinion in the essay.

The next step will be to bring concrete arguments that will fully support the point of view of the dealers. There should be at least two arguments from the theoretical part and one from personal experience. Speaking of arguments from theory, it must be said that one can give examples from different sciences. Students often use arguments from history, literature, social studies. Elements of the biography of some famous and significant person are often used. Cliche phrases that can be used should give the reader confidence that the author of the essay firmly adheres to his opinion: “As an argument, let's look at ...”, “From personal experience, we can note ...”, etc.

In this article, you will learn how to write an essay on social studies. Examples are attached.

First of all, it is necessary to understand that in order to learn how to write an essay on social studies, it takes quite a long time. It is impossible to write an essay without preliminary preparation, which would be rated by experts for a high score. Sustainable skills, good results appear after 2-3 months of work (about 15-20 written essays). It is systematic studies, purposefulness that bring high performance. You need to hone your skills in practice with the direct help and careful supervision of a teacher.

Video - how to write an essay on social studies

If you have not yet encountered writing an essay, watch the video.

Unlike an essay on literature or the Russian language, where the minimum amount of work is clearly stipulated and general reflection (“philosophizing” without specification is allowed), in an essay on social science the volume is not limited, but its structure and content are fundamentally different. An essay on social science is actually the answer to the question: “Do I agree with this statement and why?”. That is why a strict argumentation, scientific character and concretization must be present in an essay on social science. At the same time, it should be noted that very paradoxical, unusual statements are often used as the topic of an essay, requiring figurative thinking, a non-standard approach to disclosing the problem. This inevitably leaves its mark on the style of the essay, requires maximum concentration of effort and attention.

I would also like to add that the exam essays are evaluated by specific people. In order for an expert who checks from 50 to 80 works a day to mark some essay as worthy of attention, this essay must not only meet all the requirements below, but also be distinguished by a certain originality, originality and originality - this is implied by the essay genre itself. Therefore, it is necessary not only to present scientific and factual material on the topic, but also to pleasantly surprise with the originality and flexibility of one's thinking.

Algorithm for writing an essay during the exam

  1. First of all, during the exam it is necessary to correctly allocate time. Practice shows that to write an essay, it is necessary to allocate at least 1-1.5 hours out of 3.5 hours allotted for the exam in social studies. It is best to start writing an essay after all the other tasks of KIM have been solved, because. this type of work requires maximum concentration of the graduate's efforts.
  2. Carefully read all the proposed topics to choose from.
  3. Choose those topics that are understandable, i.e. - the student must clearly understand what this statement is about, what the author wanted to say with this phrase. In order to remove doubts about whether he understands the topic correctly, the graduate must reformulate the phrase in his own words, defining the main idea. The student can do this orally or on a draft.
  4. From the selected understandable statements, it is necessary to choose one topic - the one that the student knows best. It should be noted that often examinees choose topics that are easy, in their opinion, but which turn out to be difficult when revealing the topic due to the limited scientific and factual material on this issue (in other words, everything is said in the phrase itself, nothing can be added). In such cases, the essay is reduced to a simple statement of the meaning of the statement in different versions and is assessed by experts because of the poor evidence base low. Therefore, you need to choose the topic of the essay so that the student, when writing it, can fully show the completeness of his knowledge and the depth of his thoughts (i.e., the topic should be winning).
  5. When choosing an essay topic, it is necessary to pay attention to which social science this statement is related to. Practice shows that a number of phrases can refer to several sciences at once. For example, I. Goethe's statement “Man is determined not only natural qualities but also acquired” can belong to philosophy, social psychology, and sociology. Accordingly, the content of the essay should differ depending on this, i.e. must be in accordance with the specified basic science.
  6. The essay does not need to be completely written on a draft. Firstly, because of the limited time, and secondly, because at the time of writing an essay, some thoughts come, and at the time of rewriting, others, and it is much more difficult to remake a finished text than to create a new one. On the draft, the graduate makes only a plan of his essay, approximate brief outlines of the meaning of the phrase, his argumentation, points of view of scientists, concepts and theoretical positions that he is going to cite in his work, as well as the approximate order of their arrangement one after another, taking into account the semantic logic of the essay.
  7. Without fail, the student must express his personal attitude to the chosen topic in a clearly expressed formulation (“I agree”, “I disagree”, “I do not completely agree”, “I agree, but partially” or similar in meaning and meaning of the phrase) . The presence of a personal relationship is one of the criteria on the basis of which the essay is evaluated by experts.
  8. Without fail, the graduate must state his understanding of the meaning of the statement. Those. the high school student explains in his own words what the author wanted to say with this phrase. It is more expedient to do this at the very beginning of the essay. And if we combine the requirements of this paragraph with the provisions of the previous one, then this is how, for example, the beginning of an essay on philosophy will look like “Before talking about the good of satisfying needs, you need to decide what needs are good”: “I fully agree with the statement of the great Russian writer of the second halfXIX- earlyXXcenturies L.N. Tolstoy, in which he speaks of real and imaginary needs.
  9. You need to be very careful when choosing arguments to support your point of view. Arguments must be convincing and substantiated. As arguments, data from relevant sciences, historical facts, and facts from public life are used. Arguments of a personal nature (examples from personal life) are rated the lowest, so their use as an evidence base is undesirable. It should be remembered that any personal example can be easily “turned” into an example from public life, from social practice, if you write about it in a third person (for example, not “The saleswoman in the store got nasty to me, thereby violating my consumer rights”, but “Let's assume that the saleswoman was rude to citizen S.. Thus, she violated his rights as a consumer.” The number of arguments in an essay is not limited, but 3-5 arguments are the most optimal for revealing the topic. It should also be remembered that examples from history are most appropriate in political science, partly in legal and sociological topics, as well as in philosophical topics related to the theory of social progress. Examples from social practice (public life) - in sociological, economic, legal topics. The data of the relevant sciences must be necessarily used when choosing any of the topics.
  10. The use of terms, concepts, definitions in the essay must be competent, appropriate, in relation to the chosen topic and science. The essay should not be overloaded with terminology, especially if these concepts are not related to the chosen problem. Unfortunately, some graduates try to insert as many terms as possible into their work, violating the principle of expediency and reasonable sufficiency. Thus, they show that they have not learned how to correctly use scientific terminology. The term should be mentioned to the place, such a mention should indicate its correct understanding.
  11. It is very welcome if the graduate in his essay indicates the points of view of other researchers on the issues under consideration, gives a link to various interpretations problems and various ways to solve it (if possible). Indication of other points of view can be direct (for example: "Lenin thought so: ..., and Trotsky - otherwise: ..., and Stalin - did not agree with both of them: ... "), but can be indirect, non-specified, non-personalized: "A number of researchers think this way: ..., others - differently: ..., and some - offer a completely different: ... ".
  12. It is very welcome if the essay indicates who the author of this statement was. The indication should be short but precise (see the example in paragraph 8). If it is appropriate to mention the views of the author of the phrase when arguing one's position on this issue, this must be done.
  13. Arguments must be presented in strict sequence, the internal logic of the presentation in the essay must be clearly traced. The student should not jump from one to another and again return to the first without explanation and internal connection, docking of individual provisions of his work.
  14. It is necessary to complete the essay with a conclusion, which briefly summarizes the reflections and reasoning: "Thus, on the basis of all of the above, it can be argued that the author was right in his statement."

Essay examples on the topic:

Philosophy "Revolution is a barbaric way of progress" (J. Jaurès)

For the highest score

I fully agree with the statement of the famous French socialist, historian and politician of the first half of the 20th century, Jean Jaurès, in which he speaks about the peculiarities of the revolutionary path of social progress, about the distinctive features of the revolution. Indeed, revolution is one of the ways of progress, moving forward towards better and more complex forms of social organization. But since a revolution is a radical breakdown of the entire existing system, a transformation of all or most aspects of social life that takes place in a short period of time, this form of progress is always accompanied by a large number of victims and violence.

If we remember the revolutionary year of 1917 in Russia, we will see that both revolutions led to the most severe confrontation in society and the country, which resulted in a terrible Civil War, accompanied by unprecedented bitterness, millions of dead and injured, unprecedented devastation in the national economy until then.

If we remember the Great French Revolution, we will also see the rampant Jacobin terror, the guillotine "working" seven days a week and a series of incessant revolutionary wars.

If we remember the English bourgeois revolution, we also see civil war, repression against dissidents.

And when we look at the history of the United States, we will see that both bourgeois revolutions that took place in this country took the form of war: first - the war for independence, and then - the Civil War.

The list of examples from history can go on and on, but wherever there is a revolution - in China, in Iran, in the Netherlands, etc. - everywhere it was accompanied by violence, i.e. barbarism from the standpoint of a civilized person.

And even if other thinkers exalted the revolution (as, for example, Karl Marx, who argued that revolutions are the locomotives of history), even if reactionaries and conservatives denied the role of revolutions in social progress, the point of view of J. Jaurès is closer to me: yes, revolution is a way of progress, a movement for the better, but carried out by barbaric methods, that is, with the use of cruelty, blood and violence. Violence cannot create happiness!

For a small score

In his quote, the author speaks of revolution and progress. Revolution is a way of transforming reality in a short time, and progress is a movement forward. Revolution is not progress. After all, progress is reform. It cannot be said that the revolution does not give positive results - for example, the Russian revolution allowed the workers and peasants to get rid of a difficult situation. But by definition, revolution is not progress, because progress is all good, and revolution is all bad. I do not agree with the author who classifies revolution as progress.

Essay plan

1) A clear indication of the problem of utterance:
“The statement I have chosen concerns the problem….”
“The problem with this statement is….”
2) Explanation of the choice of topic (what is the significance or relevance of this topic)
“Everyone is concerned about…”
3) Reveal the meaning of the statement from the point of view of social science, 1-2 sentences
4) Introduction of the author and his point of view
“The author argued (spoke, thought) from this point of view ...”
5) Your interpretation of this phrase, YOUR POINT OF VIEW (DO YOU AGREE OR NOT)
“I think…” “I agree with the author of the statement…”
6) Statement of one's position, transition to the main part of the essay

P.S. it will be a plus if in the introduction you give information about the author of the statement and insert a definition of the chosen field of the essay (philosophy, politics, economics, jurisprudence, etc.)

1) Theoretical argumentation of the problem. At least 3 aspects of the theoretical disclosure of the topic should be presented.
For example: to reveal the concept itself, give examples, analyze features, functions, classifications, properties.
2) Practical argumentation or an example from public life

Here is a small plan according to which an essay is written

1) Determine on what problem this aphorism is


Beginning example: "This statement is related to the problem of politics" (authorities, ..etc.) "This

the problem is important (relevant today) for me (for my country, for youth,

for all mankind), which is why I chose her as the subject of my reasoning"

economist, etc. - that would be an added bonus

3) Express your attitude

Rossi (modern society ... the situation prevailing in society .... one of the problems


4) Argumentation at three levels:

5) Problem output

For example: (So I (we) came to the conclusion ..

Summing up, I would like to note that ....)

Social Studies Essay Writing Rules

The purpose of this article is to explain the rules for writing an essay to everyone who may be interested.

An essay is a kind of writing in prose, which has signs of brevity and freedom in choosing a topic, as well as freedom in presenting the material. The French thinker Michel Montaigne was the pioneer of this genre. His famous "Experiments" are written in the form of an essay.

The purpose of the essay is to convey information about something and explain the phenomenon described. Achieving the goal is carried out with the help of direct author's speech. The essay has no storyline or characters.

As a rule, the point of view of the author stated in the essay is innovative and purely personal. His opinion, in accordance with the tradition of the genre, can relate to the areas of criticism, journalism, philosophy, and also touch on popular science topics.

Modern schoolchildren write compulsory essays in accordance with the requirements of the Unified State Exam (USE). Examples are essays in the fields of social science, Russian and foreign languages, and literature. The student must:

Express your thoughts in writing (competently and clearly);

Demonstrate independent creative thinking.

This article provides universal rules for writing an essay, regardless of its subject, as well as the rules for writing an essay on social studies. Universal recommendations explain how to choose a topic and form an essay structure.

Essay writing rules

Subject Requirements

The purpose of the topic is a persuasive invitation to the reader for reflection and debate. It is recommended that you select a controversial statement or problematic issue and turn it into a topic. For example: "Who benefits from the Pussy Riot case?", "Why don't I want to participate in rallies", etc.

Structural features

A title page is desirable. (Required in student work).

Introductory part. The meaning and foundations of the thematic formulation. Statement of the main question on the topic, which will receive its answer in the main part (in the "body of the text"). The current state of the topic (it is necessary to substantiate and prove it). Terminology with explanations.

"The body of the text" (main part). Extended answer to the main question. It is necessary to analyze the data at the disposal of the author and defend his point of view with arguments. It is recommended to use categorical philosophical pairs and describe relationships: cause-and-effect, formal-substantial, relationships between the whole and parts, etc. Rule of paragraphs: one paragraph - one thought.

Final part. Consolidation of conclusions. Overview of results. Repetition of the main statements to which it is desirable to choose a quote.

These are the rules for writing an essay on any subject. Let's move on to social science.

Social Studies Essay

Each rule for writing an essay in this area requires knowledge of the problems of seven social sciences:

philosophy, social Psychology, economics, sociology, political science, jurisprudence.

The writing must be creative. The author comprehends the problematic situations outlined in the assignment and expresses his point of view on them. It is necessary to present serious arguments, to operate with social science concepts and terms, to show mastery of theoretical provisions. It is highly desirable to use facts based on the student's personal or social experience.

Criteria for evaluating an essay in social science:

Proper use and excellent knowledge of basic social science terms.

The ability to characterize, explain and compare many social processes and objects.

Reliance on own illustrations to the provisions of the theory.

The ability to personally assess social facts.

Requirements for getting the highest grade:

The problems of the essay are revealed at the level of theory.

Essay on social studies - the only one part of the exam, which allows you to select a theme from six available ones. In order for this choice to be conscious, the student must be prepared to write an essay in accordance with the above requirements.

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