Why dream of a hyena in a dream book. If the Hyena is dreaming? In the Male dream book. What is the dream of a hyena according to Vanga

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If you see a hyena in a dream, troubles and failures await you. If lovers see this dream, it promises them frequent quarrels. Sharp disagreements with friends are possible. If a hyena rushes at you in a dream, then in real life some...

Hyena - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A person who dreamed of a hyena in a dream, in the present expects unpleasant news that will bring confusion and chaos into his life. The most serious troubles or terrible events are predicted by a dream in which a hyena eats carrion. The hyena attacking you dreams of serious trials. …

Hyena is dreaming - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

To see a hyena in a dream is to be afraid of the enemy. If a hyena runs towards you, you will develop a bad relationship with some person, who will also bring bad luck. Kill a hyena - expose the slanderer and gossip. For lovers, a dream in which a hyena acts is ...

Dream Interpretation: what is the Hyena dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A very rare guest of dreams. In ancient times, the hyena was considered almost a fiend. No wonder one of the seven heads of the apocalyptic beast mentioned in the revelation of John the theologian, which symbolize the seven vices, one head - hyenas. It was also believed that hyenas are able to hypnotize with their ...

Dream about hygiene

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Hygiene - to be at dinner with a chic kitchen.

Deciphering and interpretation of sleep Hyena

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

To see a hyena in a dream is to be afraid of the enemy. If a hyena runs towards you, you will develop a bad relationship with some person, who also brings bad luck. Kill a hyena - expose the slanderer and gossip. For lovers, a dream in which a hyena acts ...

If a Hyena is dreaming, what is it for?

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Failure, trouble. For lovers - frequent quarrels. It rushes at you - a person will appear in your environment who wants to denigrate you.

Hyena (See in a dream)

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

If in a dream you see a hyena, then in real life you will not avoid trouble. Such a dream warns of possible diseases that lie in wait for you or your loved ones. It is especially bad if the hyena tries to attack you. A favorable dream in which you enter ...

Hyena - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

It is a symbol of inappropriate noise and fun. Does anyone you know act like a hyena? In life, hyenas are very furious and have powerful jaws. Is it time for you to activate your own rage and power?

Dream Interpretation: what is the Hyena dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Hatching ideas or projects. Home comfort and family happiness. Retire to your inner nest to recuperate.

Hyena - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Reflection of inappropriate noise or fun. The need to increase one's pressure on something is also a reflection of the desire to "pressure".

What the dream portends: Hyena

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

You are being discussed behind your back in a very impartial way. There is a secret enemy.

Interpretation of dreams in Islam: Hyena in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Seeing a hyena is an acquaintance with a stupid and vicious elderly woman. You should beware of her. Because she might be a witch. If you throw a stone at a hyena or beat with a stick, then in reality you prefer such a woman.

Dream Interpretation: what is the Hyena dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

If you dream about this animal, unexpected unpleasant news awaits you, which can unsettle you for a long time. Especially bad is the dream in which the hyena tears carrion. You are in grave danger. If you run away from a hyena, then soon before you ...

Description of the page: "What the hyena dreams of" from professionals for people.

Seeing a hyena in a dream is a warning of impending danger. A dream means that there are people nearby who can betray, take away something valuable, impose something unnecessary. Dream Interpretations suggest that to kill a predator for a man means to outwit companions and businessmen who want to deceive, for a woman it means to defeat a rival. What the “scavenger” is dreaming of can be found out by recalling a number of details.

Meanings in Miller's dream book

To meet a flock of hyenas in a dream, to see their grin means to step on an obstacle course to learn about the illness of loved ones, to become a victim of secret enemies. For a woman, Miller's dream book promises an unpleasant conversation with a rival. It is especially bad if you dreamed that the animal bites, growls and attacks.

What the hyena dreams of, psychologists explain as follows:

  • at first glance, peaceful, wagging its tail - to the appearance of an obsessive person;
  • aggressive - to unpleasant proceedings within the family, among colleagues;
  • to engage in a duel and kill - to a worthy way out of a difficult situation;
  • to be bitten - to betrayal, deception, the immense cunning of others.

Think about a healthy lifestyle

Interpretation of a dream with a hyena leading role in Wangi's dream book comes down to a health warning. The healer recommends in the coming days not to burden yourself with laborious work, change activities more often so that nothing has time to get bored and put pressure on you morally.

Nervous overload, physical fatigue, sudden ailments - this is exactly what a predator dreams about, circling around you in a dream and making you tense up. Health problems will pile up sharply if you dreamed that the animal was pursuing and did not want to lag behind.

Do not reveal your secrets to anyone

The famous psychoanalyst Freud in his dream book focuses on betrayal by a partner. He especially warns the beautiful half to become more vigilant if he dreamed that there was a hyena nearby. A woman will have to face gossip, slander against her husband.

What the guy, the male predator, dreams of, he explains quite simply - secret enemies will begin to conduct violent activities in order to take away the business or secure the right to a successful project created by the dreamer. To see a hyena in a dream means not to notice a person next to you who is ready for meanness and forgery.

Only one step left to win

Seeing a defeated hyena in a dream, killing it yourself - to overcome difficulties without loss. A dream means that ill-wishers will be defeated, deceit will be revealed, those who tried to denigrate you will be punished by providence itself.

The dream book of Nostradamus portends positive changes to everyone who dreamed of a running or hiding hyena. Even if at the same time the animal bared its teeth. The dream clearly shows that competitors are afraid of you and will not dare to attack even in extreme cases.

Many dreamers think that the hyena enters the dream book as an unkind sign, but this is a big mistake. This predatory animal is most often a prediction of the occurrence in your life important issues, the answers to which, by the way, you can find in the symbolism of sleep. In order to unravel it and give an interpretation, remember the details of the vision.

predictor of the future

Seeing a hyena in a dream is the beginning of an important period in your life. Everything that you have long dreamed of will soon come true. However, in order to achieve the goal, a lot of time will have to be devoted to work and solving important issues. The dream interpretation recommends showing responsibility and diligence in the near future. It is these two qualities that will allow you to quickly complete tasks and achieve success.

In order to find out more exactly what the hyena is dreaming of, it is important to remember your behavior. If you were running from a predator, then this is a sign that you are trying to avoid some kind of situation. It seems to you that it will turn out to be a failure for you, but rest assured that it is not. You are waiting for success and good luck in this event.

An interesting interpretation of dreams in which you fought with a hyena. If you managed to win, then this indicates that in life you will find great success and a splash in an important matter for you. Is the predator stronger than you? An influential person will appear in your environment, who will become an authority for you. It will allow you to develop your potential and achieve many goals.

Usually you have dreams in which you stroked a hyena without fear of being bitten, in the event that you soon overcome yourself and solve the old problem. The push will come from your personal development and the support of loved ones. In the eyes of others, you will establish yourself as a wise person, competent in this topic, many will turn to you for help or advice.

The meaning of dreams in which there were jackals differs, also depending on the dreamer's gender:

  • To dream of a woman - to increased attention from the stronger sex, which will cause envy of other girls.
  • A jackal in a man's dream is a harbinger of upcoming tough negotiations in which he will win.

It is important to find out why the dreamer dreams of a jackal in a relationship. This is a warning - be attentive to your partner, it is likely that you will quarrel over a mere trifle. Although reconciliation will come quickly, the negative aftertaste will remain for many years. Remember that the foundation of a successful marriage is the ability to compromise.

I dreamed of a jackal eating carrion - detractors will spread rumors about you. However, this will not give any results. You are lucky - the people around you believe and trust you, so gossip about you will not interest them. Envious people will quickly realize this and stop trying to ruin your reputation.

If in a dream jackals were hunting for animals, then this is a sign that you will have difficult choices ahead. Most likely, this will concern a serious purchase (car, apartment, land plot, ticket, etc.). In order to choose the ideal option, the dream book recommends seeking advice from close friends.

Seeing the corpse of a hyena in a dream is to eliminate a long-standing fear. An event will happen in your life that will force you to step out of your comfort zone and take a step towards your fear. Despite the fact that emotions will go off scale, you will be able to overcome yourself and get rid of the old phobia.

The jackal that you killed enters the dream book as a harbinger of the fact that you will soon learn a secret that has been hidden from you for a long time. Interestingly, the information will not have much meaning for you. You will accept the truth for granted and continue to live as before, without resentment for hiding information.

Why is the Hyena dreaming (according to the dream book of O. Adaskina)

Hyena - If you dream of this animal, unexpected unpleasant news awaits you, which can unsettle you for a long time. Especially bad is the dream in which the hyena tears carrion. You are in grave danger. If you run away from a hyena, then soon an obstacle will appear in front of you, to overcome which you will have to expend a lot of effort. If you fight a hyena and win, then you can temporarily take a break from rivals in your personal life and from competition in the service.

A hyena with cubs, dreamed on the night of Thursday to Friday, you can win the favor of your superiors. Such a dream that occurred on the night of Monday to Tuesday - unforeseen expenses await you. What does it mean to see a hyena in a dream - to be afraid of the enemy. It can also be a variety of diseases that affect both you and your loved ones. If a hyena runs towards you, you will develop a bad relationship with some person, who will also bring bad luck. A dream in which a hyena wants to attack you is very unfavorable. Why dream of Killing a hyena - exposing the slanderer and gossip. For lovers, a dream with a hyena is an omen of a break due to the intervention of a third party.

The meaning of the dream about the Gray Beast (Jewish dream book)

You dreamed of a Hyena - Seeing a hyena A dream in the spring means a threat that should be taken seriously; in the summer, this is a danger of damage coming from your new acquaintance; in the fall - to a bad mood; in winter - to despondency. Hearing the howl of a hyena A dream in the spring warns that you are going to commit a rash act that can have bad consequences; in the summer - to get to know a person who needs to beware; in the fall - to unpleasant obsessive memories; in winter - to unpleasant news from afar.

Hyena - Hyenas are scavengers that feed on the corpses of prey of other predators. Why dream: Dreams about hyenas, especially if you have never seen them in real life, mean that someone or something makes you feel helpless, that you are surrounded by people who are just waiting to snatch you have a piece. You dreamed of a Hyena - personifies uncleanliness, instability, insincerity.

Why does the Hyena dream in a dream (according to A. Mindell's dream book)

You dreamed of a Hyena - you see a hyena in a dream - get ready for failure. A hyena is dreamed of by one of the lovers - love enters a period of trials; sincerely and deeply loving friend friend, they will quarrel: love - lyrics, full of charm, will turn into love - drama, full of emotions, it remains to be hoped that the grinding period will not be very long and will not lead to a break in relations. She dreams that a hyena rushes at you - in the company of your friends there will be a person of not the best personal qualities - too curious, tactless and intrusive; this person will not understand your role in the company, will not see the respectful attitude of your friends towards you and will allow himself jokes that will humiliate you; you have to put it in its place. Hyena - complications and failures; slander.

Whether the night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and what time of day the dream occurred.


Noise; inappropriate fun beyond measure.

It is a symbol of inappropriate noise and fun. Does anyone you know act like a hyena?

In life, hyenas are very furious and have powerful jaws. Is it time for you to activate your own rage and power?

Hyena - cowardly, but insidious enemy/ show weakness / potential meanness inherent in you, a tendency to betrayal, etc.

If you dream about this animal, unexpected unpleasant news awaits you, which can unsettle you for a long time. Especially bad is the dream in which the hyena tears carrion. You are in grave danger. If you run away from a hyena, then soon an obstacle will appear in front of you, to overcome which you will have to expend a lot of effort. If you fight with a hyena and win, then you can temporarily take a break from rivals in your personal life and from competition in the service. A hyena with cubs, dreamed on the night of Thursday to Friday, you can win the favor of your superiors. Such a dream that occurred on the night of Monday to Tuesday - you are waiting for unforeseen expenses.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Men

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Dream Interpretation - Bite

If in a dream you bit someone, this speaks of a dream that lives in the depths of your soul to subjugate some person.

The obsession with this idea is such that for the sake of its implementation, you can literally go to any lengths.

It is not yet known whether you will be able to achieve your goal or not, but even now we can say that even for good purposes, enslaving someone else's will is a bad step that will lead to suffering for both the enslaved and the enslaver.

In a dream, they bit you - in this case, you already run the risk of being completely dependent on the will of another person.

The bites were not too painful and did not even attract special attention to themselves - such a dream suggests that making you turn off the right path is a rather difficult undertaking.

Most likely, you will remain in your positions.

If the bites greatly annoyed you and caused unbearable pain, all your encroachments to weaken someone else's influence will be useless.

So you will have to obey this state of affairs for some time, waiting for a favorable moment for liberation from captivity (perhaps love).

Some kind of passion can push you to recklessness and unnecessary sacrifices, but later, having assessed the object of your feelings impartially, you will be very disappointed in him and in your behavior.

Interpretation of dreams from

The Greek scientist Artemidorus, in the first century AD, coined the term "oneiromancy", which means the interpretation of dreams or divination from dreams. He also compiled the world's first dream book, recording more than three thousand dreams.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

What is Vanga's dream book? Why did the collection of interpretations of the Bulgarian seer of the last century become one of the most books read new century and even modern world does not lose its relevance? The article will talk about the features and benefits of the dream book of the famous fortune teller.

The probability of fulfilling dreams by day of the week

Do you want to know if your dream will come true? And how soon will that happen? Pay attention to the day of the week and always be ready to meet a joyful omen in reality.

Signs and beliefs associated with dreams

Do you want to always get enough sleep and have good dreams? Get acquainted with the folk wisdom regarding dreams and passed down from generation to generation.

Why is Hyena dreaming

Hyena in a modern dream book

To see in a dream such an animal as a hyena is to experience serious trouble in reality. They will knock you out of the normal rhythm of life. Moreover, you will not be able to prevent these troubles, no matter how much effort you make for this. Also, a hyena in a dream predicts diseases that threaten either you personally or your relatives. Particular attention should be paid to a dream in which a hyena attacks you. If you had such a dream, then try to attract all the resources to resolve the issues that you are facing. At the same time, if you start fighting with a hyena and you manage to defeat it, then in reality you will be able to overcome any difficulties. A bad dream is in which you saw a hyena eating carrion. If on Friday night you saw a hyena with cubs in a dream, then in real life you can count on the location of your leadership. But if you have the same dream on Tuesday night, then you may experience unexpected financial losses.

Hyena in Miller's dream book

To meet a hyena in a dream - soon you will experience an unpleasant surprise. If you dream that you are running away from a hyena, then in the near future you will face serious obstacles that you will have to overcome. If you dreamed that you shot a hyena, then in a difficult situation you can count on help from an unexpected quarter. Most likely, in difficult times it will help you completely stranger. If you have to fight this animal in a dream, then in reality you will have a victory over your competitors. The dream in which you feed the hyena is unfavorable. It means that in reality your health may be shaken. Also, such a dream portends a complication of relations with your other half.

Collection of dream books

Why does the Hyena dream in a dream according to 5 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the Hyena symbol from 5 online dream books. If you did not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all the dream books of our site. Also you can order personal interpretation sleep expert.

feed the hyena- means the appearance of difficulties in relations with the opposite sex, health problems.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Hyena is a reflection of inappropriate noise or fun. The need to increase one's pressure on something (also a reflection of the desire to "press").

Dream Interpretation Grishina

Hyena is a cowardly but insidious enemy / show weakness / potential meanness inherent in you, a tendency to betrayal, etc.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

If you dream about this animal- unexpected unpleasant news awaits you, which can unsettle you for a long time.

Especially bad is the dream in which the hyena tears carrion- You are in grave danger.

If you run from a hyena- soon an obstacle will appear in front of you, to overcome which you will have to expend a lot of effort.

If you fight the hyena and win- it means that you can temporarily take a break from rivals in your personal life and from competition in the service.

Hyena with cubs, dreamed on the night from Thursday to Friday- You will be able to win the favor of the authorities. Such a dream that occurred on the night of Monday to Tuesday - unforeseen expenses await you.

Video: Why Hyena is dreaming

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The Hyena dreamed, but there is no necessary interpretation of the dream in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what the Hyena is dreaming of in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    I am with my grandmother, she has a private house, wooden one-story, garden, and there are many guests in the house, I don’t see faces., I just know that all the people I know well. Suddenly my grandmother calls me from the kitchen, says that a young man came to me, I look out the window, I see MCH at the gate who is very nice to me, I run out into the street, we talk, invite him into the house, everything is ready, the table is set, people are seated . And among other things, I hear jokes addressed to me, saying that the girl is married, but she brought such a nice guest, I suddenly throw myself into a cold sweat, my head is spinning, and I quickly go out onto the porch to get some fresh air. And I am sure that the MCH will come out for me. Suddenly, in the garden, I see a large bird, the size of a good flamingo, but ... with the face of a hyena! I am surprised, and I want to invite guests to look at such a miracle, but suddenly the bird's appearance disappears, and I see a real hyena in front of me. She looks at me and comes closer and closer. then I became very scared, I went into the corridor and try to close the door, it does not close, the hyena growls, clatters its teeth and tries to bite me, in the struggle I tore out a piece of wool from it. Realizing that I can’t cope on my own, I call for help. The same MCH flies out of the house, and rushes at her, I'm in a panic fear for him, I grab his hands, I shout, no, please, let's just leave. Then I see something completely different - there is no hyena anywhere, and we are standing next to him and hugging.

    I dreamed this. I was standing outside and setting the table, and suddenly a hyena appeared. I started to run away, ran into the house, and with the hyena, dad went to “sort it out” and he took a stick and pierced the hyena’s throat. but she did not die, but only growled. and the father said to the hyena: - you will die for a long time !!!. on this dream ended.

    From Thursday to Friday, I dreamed of a hyena and a cat, I tried to get the cat out of the box, but the hyena interfered with me, then it bit me on the shoulder, it hurt, but then she lay down on my knees, curled up and went to bed, I began to stroke her, it was warm and cozy but somehow scary ...

    I dreamed that I was walking on the street with a monkey. I was walking on the grass, and suddenly hyenas appeared from somewhere, the monkey ran away, and they drove me to the mesh fence. growled, but then a monkey appeared and drove them away. In the end, they didn't attack me.

    I dreamed that outside the window there are hyenas that are sleeping, but suddenly I notice that they wake up and rush at my relatives with a sad outcome ... .. I hide at this time and look for a gun ... .. later when I kill them I see how my dog ​​dies and so as not to suffer I shoot at her ... in the future I hide from another group of hyenas and run away at the same time looking for ammo and suddenly I wake up

    My regards! About 5 days ago, I had a dream in which I was walking along a snowy mountain and a hyena was coming to meet me, which then attacked me, I began to fight it, at that time another hyena attacked me. Together they began to bite me. I began to scream, at that time I heard a shot, after which I saw how a man of full build killed one hyena with a pistol, and wounded another. I thanked this man and the dream ended. Today, from Sunday to Monday, I had a dream that I was in a closed room with bars, most likely it was a prison, but it seemed to me that the owner of the prison was my friend and treated me well. I tried to go behind bars and two small hyenas, puppies, began to attack me, but this owner of the "prison" pulled them by the chains and the hyenas could not get to me. In addition, another hyena, a puppy, wanted to get to me, but I also grabbed her chain, pulled her back so the hyena couldn't get to me. Next, I climbed to the top. I never dreamed of this before.

    i dreamed that I was driving a car into the forest with one person and there were a couple more in the trunk, I don’t know how, but I wanted to let them out, I open the car door and see a hyena, I wanted to drive her away like a dog to scare and then woke up

    Good afternoon Tatyana, my name is Sergey, 46 years old, I very rarely dream, but this one that I had a dream two nights ago does not give me peace in a sense, I fought off a medium-sized red dog, but with a hyena's muzzle I try to understand what it was

    I was in some kind of fairy tale, as if I was going through some kind of test, there was some kind of fire in front of me and a hyena and two snakes wanted to devour me. They sat like statues by this fire, and then came to life and wanted to devour me, the hyena tried to attack.

    Standing hyenas were chasing me, but out of nowhere a big black wolf ran up and ran beside me, we ran together to the edge of the ravine, I managed to get down and the hyenas began to gnaw at the wolf, but I returned after the wolf and dragged me towards the sea, I thought that in the water the hyenas won't get us. We began to descend together and I woke up.

    I dreamed of 2 hyenas, but in addition to hyenas there were 2 tigers and 2 wolves. I was in a room with my children, but the room is not in our house. It was already twilight and these hyenas wanted to attack us, but the tigers and wolves protected us. Tigers with wolves surrounded our bed. But at the end, I saw my husband with a weapon and that he was shooting, but I don’t remember, but it seemed like they were hyenas. Please interpret this dream.

    I dreamed that I was in a wasteland, next to some man and a child. A hyena is approaching us. I start to panic, the man is in a daze. I understand that there is nowhere to run. The hyena slowly approaches us. She spits and gets on my arm. There is a burn on the hand. She then approaches the man and the boy. They froze. And at that moment she attacks the child, bites his head, the boy is crying, he is covered in blood. I feel that the number is a prophetic dream, but I don’t know yet where to expect trouble.

    i dreamed of hyenas i live in a village hyenas walked only around my house and only where i go i am afraid to leave the house because the house is surrounded by hyenas but when i left they didn’t touch me but only growled and drooled i went to the store everything around was in gray black and white monophonic colors, hyenas wandered from me somewhere at a distance of 3 meters and this is where my dream always breaks and ends with what it dreamed climbed all the dream books I can’t find decided to apply here help me

    Hello, Tatyana! Dream - I am in the forest two hyenas attack me, first a small one, then a huge one, I don’t run away and brush them off with some kind of long object. The animals resign themselves and transform into two girls whom I begin to treat with bread

    I dreamed that I was at my sister's house, despite the fact that she left earlier than me (and in fact my sister does not live there, but in a dream I knew for sure that this was her apartment). And somehow (I don’t remember how) a huge (came like she was home) hyena appeared in the apartment in a box, in front of which there was a TV and fenced me off from her. I started teasing her by taking pictures with her than her first a little angry, but at first it seemed to me that this was how it should be, that this hyena was intended to do this (take pictures and be so angry in the pictures). After all, she seemed to be posing in the pictures, her poses were clear, sharp. At first it was clear that she was posing, because she was angry and approached me very close, and with the next frame she moved away. But then the hyena stopped liking all this and she started to lunge at me, but the TV protected me from her for a while. I tried to hold the TV with my hands, but the hyena was stronger and escaped from the box. I ran and tried to collect my things. I managed to run out of the apartment, closed it, but the strange thing was that I was not worried about the terrible huge hyena outside the door, but that I did not turn off the light in the hallway. I thought about how to return to the apartment and check whether I turned off everything or call my sister and somehow explain the situation.

    This is not the beginning of a dream, but I remember it very vaguely, so I did not write about it.

    A hyena ran towards me trying to bite, but I stroked her and she fell asleep next to me, or rather on my back, then they took her from me so that I could get up (I could myself, but I was afraid to knock her over), I knew that it was a hyena, but she became a sooo beautiful little girl

    I don't know where I am. Like near the forest. Near me at a short distance is a well-fed, fluffy animal of light gray color. The front part of the body is large, strong, and the back is smaller, about like a hyena. Stands and looks at me. She has several babies. Everyone fled, but one, the same color as this animal, remained. Small, playful. Wanted to play with me. This animal stood and silently watched. But I was not afraid of him. Didn't run, just looked at each other

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